Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Europe Shuts Out Visitors to Slow Coronavirus

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Even as European countries erect barriers between one another, the E.U. announced a coordinated ban on nearly all travelers from the rest of the world.

BRUSSELS — European leaders agreed on Tuesday to close off their territory to almost all visitors, shutting the door to most travelers for at least 30 days as they struggled to arrest the rapid spread of the coronavirus on the continent.

The leaders, meeting by teleconference, agreed to close off a region encompassing at least 26 countries and more than 400 million people — setting out on a long stretch of isolation unlike almost anything seen in modern European history.

Exceptions will be made for European citizens and residents coming home, although some countries were asking them to self-isolate for two weeks, in some cases away from their families. Medical professionals and scientists will also be exempt.

Britain said it was not planning to participate in the measure, said the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen. » | Matina Stevis-Gridneff | Tuesday, March 17, 2020