Sunday, October 22, 2023

Son of Hamas Leader Spies for Israel: The Green Prince [HD] | Saturday Extra, ABC RN

Nov 19, 2014 | Israel’s surveillance relies almost entirely on human intelligence, primarily Palestinians living in the occupied territories, that are recruited by Israel’s secret security service Shin Bet.

One of the most notorious cases involves the son of a Hamas’ founder, 17 year old Mosab Hassan Yousef, who was recruited in the late 1990s to spy on his own people for over a decade.

He was given the code name ‘The Green Prince’. And his relationship with his Israeli handler Gonen Itzhak was unconventional to say the least. The Green Prince is also the title of a documentary which brings Mosab Yousef’s story to the screen for the first time. It was released nationally in Australia on December 4, 2014.

WIKIPEDIA : The Green Prince (film) »

Le journaliste franco-syrien Omar Youssef Souleimane déclare son amour de la France

Oct 22, 2023 | Arrivé en France comme réfugié syrien en 2012, le journaliste Omar Youssef Souleimane a obtenu la nationalité française en 2022. Une fierté qu’il raconte dans son livre «Être Français» (Flammarion), où il témoigne de son parcours mais aussi de son amour pour le pays qui l’a accueilli.

Israel's Top Trauma Surgeon Shares Powerful Message | 7 News Australia

Oct 16, 2023 | Days ago, Hamas launched its attack on its neighbours. They unleashed fury on an unsuspecting Israel. The element of surprise is largely over now, and Israel is prepared. As the war rages on above ground, below ground is where those most affected will fight for their lives. This is Tel Aviv’s Sourasky Medical Centre - the biggest hospital in Israel. Dr Eyal Hashavia is the Vice Chief of Trauma Surgey for the hospital, and took 7NEWS Europe Correspondent Ashlee Mullany behind the scenes of the incredible facilities. It’s a state-of-the-art operation, both above AND below ground. Dr Hashavia has not stopped since Hamas invaded on Saturday, and he has no plans to. Like many Israelis, says he will not rest while his country is under attack.

Israels Luftwaffe greift Moschee im Westjordanland an


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Die israelische Luftwaffe greift eine Moschee im Westjordanland an, dort soll sich ein unterirdischer „Terrorkomplex“ befunden haben. Auch an der Grenze zu Libanon gibt es wieder Zwischenfälle. Der Überblick

Israel will das militärische Vorgehen gegen die islamistische Hamas im Gazastreifen nach zweiwöchigem Bombardement nun ausweiten. „Wir erhöhen die Angriffe und minimieren die Gefahr“, zitierten israelische Medien Armeesprecher Daniel Hagari am Samstag. „Wir müssen unter den besten Bedingungen in die nächste Phase des Krieges eintreten.“ Unklar ist, ob damit die erwartete Bodenoffensive gemeint ist. Auch im besetzten Westjordanland geht Israel verstärkt gegen militante Palästinenser vor. In der Nacht zum Sonntag griff die Armee nach eigenen Angaben kurz vor einem geplanten Anschlag eine „Terrorzelle“ in einer Moschee im Flüchtlingslager Dschenin an. » | Quelle: dpa | Sonntag, 22. Oktober 2023

A Gaza, un premier convoi humanitaire est entré, alors qu’Israël annonce intensifier ses frappes

LE MONDE : Le poste-frontière entre l’Egypte et la bande de Gaza a été brièvement ouvert samedi matin pour laisser passer une vingtaine de camions dans le territoire palestinien assiégé depuis presque deux semaines par l’armée israélienne. Insuffisant pour l’ONU qui décrit une situation « catastrophique ».

L’armée israélienne a annoncé, samedi 21 octobre, intensifier les frappes sur la bande de Gaza dans le cadre des préparations de la prochaine phase de l’opération « Glaives de fer » qui consiste à investir le territoire palestinien contrôlé par le Hamas, afin « d’anéantir » le mouvement islamiste qui a lancé une l’attaque sanglante sur Israël il y a deux semaines.

« Dès aujourd’hui nous allons augmenter les frappes » sur la bande de Gaza, a dit le général Daniel Hagari, porte-parole de l’armée israélienne, le but étant selon lui de « réduire les risques pour nos forces dans les prochaines étapes » du conflit. » | Le Monde avec AFP | dimanche 22 octobre 2023

Netanyahu Told to ‘Quit Now’ as Ex-leaders Pin Blame on Dysfunctional Government

THE OBSERVER: Former military officers and politicians say prime minister bears responsibility for the failures that led to the Hamas incursion

Former Israeli military, political and intelligence officials have expressed doubts over the leadership of prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, as debate rages inside the country about the response to the Hamas attacks on 7 October that killed 1,400 Israelis.

Former prime minister Ehud Barak described the terrorist attack as “the most severe blow Israel has suffered since its establishment to date”. “I don’t believe that the people trust Netanyahu to lead when he is under the burden of such a devastating event that just happened under his term,” he told the Observer.

A former chief of staff of the Israel Defence Forces said that Netanyahu should “resign now”, while a former intelligence official described the government as “dysfunctional”. » | Ruth Michaelson in Jerusalem | Sunday, October 22, 2023

Saturday, October 21, 2023

The Son of Hamas | Full Version

Jun 12, 2018 | ¨Rejecting what i am in this book was a lot more dangerous and challenging than hanging out in a room full of explosives and suicide bombers.¨

Related video about Mosab Hassan Yousef here.

"Der Islam hat kein Problem mit Juden"

Imam Benjamin Idriz

ZEIT ONLINE: Dass in München palästinensische Demos nicht verboten sind, besorgt die jüdische Gemeinde. Imam Idriz sucht nach einem Weg, mit neuen Formen des Protests zu deeskalieren.

Der Imam schließt kurz die Augen und faltet die Hände. Es ist Freitagmittag, kurz nach dem Gebet. In einem lichtdurchfluteten Besprechungszimmer über der Moschee in Penzberg sagt Benjamin Idriz, was er in den vergangenen Tagen immer wieder gesagt hat: Dass er die Angriffe der Hamas auf die Zivilbevölkerung Israels verurteile. Gleich am Tag nach den Anschlägen schrieb er in einer Mitteilung: "Es ist nicht islamisch, Menschen in ihren Häusern zu überfallen, zu töten oder zu verschleppen."

Benjamin Idriz, 51, stammt aus Mazedonien, er hat im Libanon promoviert und ist seit 28 Jahren der Imam von Penzberg. Bekannt ist er über seine idyllische Gemeinde im Süden Münchens hinaus wegen seiner Bücher, in denen er einem breiten Publikum den liberalen Islam aufschlüsselt. Erklären, Orientierung geben, so sieht er seine Rolle. Doch das ist im Moment schwieriger denn je. » | Von Johanna Hintermeier, München | Samstag, 21. Oktober 2023

Michael Lambert : Why Did These BILLIONAIRES Back BREXIT?

Oct 21, 2023 | It was easy for some billionaires to recommend Brexit, the result of which was unlikely to affect them. Many of the national newspapers such as the Sun, The Times, The Telegraph and the Daily Mail all recommended Brexit and yet they are all owned by those who do not pay tax in the UK and whose proprietors live in other countries.

Prominent businessmen such as Jim Ratcliffe of Ineos, Anthony Bamford of JCB fame, James Dyson, the manufacturer of vacuum cleaners and Bernie Ecclestone all recommended Brexit. Such men are extremely rich and were unlikely to be affected by Brexit. In order to reduce his tax bill Ratcliffe moved to Monaco, Bamford is being investigated by HMRC, Dyson moved his business to Singapore and Ecclestone has just received a suspended 17-month prison sentence for attempting to deceive HMRC. He was also ordered to pay them around £530 million pounds.

Excellent analysis. Thank you.

The rich haven't got enough yet; so, Sunak is mulling tax cuts for them. That's to save his own skin, of course, after those disastrous by-election results this week. It's almost certainly curtains for Sunak anyway, whichever way one slices it. But I suppose he will want to go out in a blaze of glory.

I have always been a committed democrat, but I must say that after many years of ordinary folk being dished out crap, I'm really beginning to have second thoughts about it.

I know what Churchill said about democracy as a form of government back in 1947 and, until recently, I bought into the idea. But is democracy really the best form of government? In recent years, it has failed the people miserably. Not so, the super-privileged few; it has served them well. Very well! They've gone from strength to strength, regardless. – © Mark Alexander

Mosab Hassan Yousef : What Is Hamas?

Apr 14, 2010 | Since he was a small boy, Mosab Hassan Yousef has had an inside view of the deadly terrorist group Hamas. The oldest son of Sheikh Hassan Yousef, a founding member of Hamas and its most popular leader, young Mosab assisted his father for years in his political activities while being groomed to assume his legacy, politics, status ... and power. But everything changed when Mosab turned away from terror and violence, and embraced instead the teachings of another famous Middle East leader.

In Son of Hamas, Mosab Yousef — now called Joseph — reveals new information about the world's most dangerous terrorist organization and unveils the truth about his own role, his agonizing separation from family and homeland, the dangerous decision to make his newfound faith public, and his belief that the Christian mandate to love your enemies is the only way to peace in the Middle East.

WIKIPEDIA: Mosab Hassan Yousef »

A Chypre, une bombe artisanale explose près de l’ambassade d’Israël à Nicosie

LE MONDE : La police a annoncé l’arrestation de quatre suspects âgés de 17 à 21 ans. Le matériau explosif utilisé, similaire à celui utilisé dans la confection de feux d’artifice, n’a pas fait de victimes.

Quatre personnes ont été arrêtées après l’explosion d’un engin explosif artisanal près de l’ambassade d’Israël tôt samedi 21 octobre à Nicosie, a annoncé la police chypriote. La détonation a occasionné des dégâts mineurs.

La déflagration s’est produite dans la capitale chypriote à 1 h 37, heure locale (00 h 37 heure de Paris), à environ 30 à 40 mètres de l’ambassade, alors que la guerre entre Israël et le mouvement islamiste palestinien Hamas à Gaza est entrée dans sa troisième semaine. » | Le Monde avec AFP | samedi 21 octobre 2023

Jordan’s King Condemns Gaza War Crimes at Cairo Peace Summit | Al Jazeera Newsfeed

Oct 21, 2023 | World leaders at the Cairo Peace Summit are trying to ‘de-escalate’ the Israel-Gaza war. Jordan’s King Abdullah used his speech to condemn the war crimes of collective punishment and the forced displacement of Palestinians.

Tories Alarmed by Threat from the Right as Reform UK Focuses on Pro-Brexit Seats

GUARDIAN EUROPE: Successor to the Brexit party is gaining support in red wall seats, senior Conservatives warn as they demand more radical policies

Conservative MPs are warning that their party risks being wiped out in the red wall by an emerging threat on its right flank, amid alarm after two disastrous byelection losses.

The right of the party is seizing on the dire results in Mid Bedfordshire and Tamworth – two supposedly safe Tory seats – to demand a harder line on immigration and tax cuts designed to nullify the threat posed by Reform UK, the successor to the Brexit party.

With senior Tories stating a “battle for the soul of the party” is now under way, the right is also targeting chancellor Jeremy Hunt this weekend. They accuse him of being “captured by the Treasury” in his opposition to tax cuts which they blame for loss of loyalty among core supporters. » | Michael Savage, Policy editor | Saturday, October 21, 2023

Steve Schmidt Reacts to Joe Biden's Powerful Speech in Defense of Freedom & Democracy | The Warning

Oct 20, 2023 | Steve Schmidt explains the importance of Joe Biden's speech from the White House rallying support in the United States for countries fighting for freedom and democracy in Israel and Ukraine, much like FDR in World War II. Steve lays out how Biden is continuing the legacy of Franklin Delano Roosevelt in holding America as the shining beacon on the hill. Steve breaks down how if America doesn't support its allies now, it will be forced to send its own soldiers to defend our own freedom in the future.

Powerful Saudi Prince Breaks Ranks to Condemn Hamas

THE TELEGRAPH: Prince Turki al-Faisal, a key power broker in the Middle East, hits out against the murderous tactics adopted by the terror group

Prince Turki al-Faisal: ‘I categorically condemn Hamas’s targeting of civilian targets of any age or gender as it is accused of’ | Leigh Vogel/Getty

An influential Saudi prince has issued a strong condemnation of Hamas in a rare rebuke from one of the Middle East’s main power brokers.

Prince Turki al-Faisal, a former Saudi ambassador to the UK and US, said he preferred “civil insurrection and disobedience” to the murderous tactics adopted by the Palestinian terror group.

“I categorically condemn Hamas’s targeting of civilian targets of any age or gender as it is accused of,” Prince al-Faisal said in a speech at the Baker Institute for Public Policy, a US think tank housed at Rice University in Texas.

“But equally, I condemn Israel’s indiscriminate bombing of Palestinian innocent civilians in Gaza and the attempt to forcibly drive them into Sinai,” he added, citing Israel’s recent bombardment of the enclave and order for its residents to flee south towards Egypt ahead of an expected ground offensive.

Prince al-Faisal’s remarks underline recent comments from Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and indicate Riyadh may still be amenable to a historic normalisation deal with Israel, despite having put on hold talks amid the current war. » | Sophia Yan | Friday, October 20, 2023

Saudi, Israeli officials spar at regional conference: Prince Turki al-Faisal called Israel a 'Western colonising power' »

Why the West can no longer ignore Mohammed bin Salman’s Saudi Arabia: The calculated moves that have returned the pariah prince to the centre of diplomacy »

I concur with Prince Turki al-Faisal’s wise words. His forthrightness is both refreshing and courageous.

Hamas’s crimes were vile and depraved, but peace will never be achieved unless the root causes of the enmities and hatred between the Palestinians and the Israelis are addressed and corrected.

Whilst it is undeniable that Israel has a right to respond to the atrocities committed by Hamas, it is in the Israelis’ own interests to ensure that their responses are measured, appropriate and proportionate. Civilised behaviour demands that the punishment should always befit the crime. If Israel’s reaction turns out not to fit the crimes committed by Hamas, their disproportionate punishments will engender even more anti-Semitism throughout the world – a cancerous phenomenon which in many countries is already at fever pitch.

Decent people naturally want the best for Israel and the Israelis. Please don’t let them down, Mr Netanyahu. The world is watching. – © Mark Alexander

Friday, October 20, 2023

Israel-Hamas War: Two US Hostages Released by Hamas | DW News

Oct 20, 2023 | Hamas said that its armed wing, the Qassam Brigades, had released two American hostages who had been held by the group after the terrorist attacks in Israel on October 7.

The news was initially confirmed by Israel's Channel 13 News and public broadcaster Kan.

The release of the hostages, Judith and Natalie Raanan, was confirmed via statement by the Israeli Prime Minister's Office.

"In response to Qatari efforts, (the Qassam) Brigades released two American citizens (a mother and her daughter) for humanitarian reasons," Hamas said in a statement posted on Telegram.

The Islamist group did not provide any additional information as to where the hostages were released. Israel's government estimates that roughly 200 people are being held by Hamas in Gaza, of which at least 10 are believed to be American nationals.

Hamas is categorized as a terrorist group by the United States, the European Union, Germany and a number of other countries.

Hamas Releases 2 American Hostages: A 59-year-old woman and her teenage daughter, dual citizens from Illinois, were being reunited with family members on an Israeli military base, Israeli officials said. The two were kidnapped on Oct. 7, along with roughly 200 other people. »

Dutch Throne on Display for First Time as Monarchy Tries to Win Back Public

GUARDIAN EUROPE: Seat used during state opening of parliament takes centre stage in exhibition about royal power

The Dutch throne has been moved for the first time from the 13th-century Ridderzaal in The Hague to be displayed in an exhibition, as the Netherlands’ monarchy seeks to further open up to the public amid growing republican sentiment.

De Vries laughed off any suggestion that the new exhibition was an attempt to reignite interest and support for the Dutch monarchy at a difficult time for the king, whose royal house has a €55m annual budget, making it one of the most expensive in Europe.

An increase in republican sentiment in recent years can be tracked to an outpouring of anger at Willem-Alexander’s decision to take his family on holiday to Greece during the Covid pandemic in 2020, despite people being advised to travel as little as possible at the time.

Read the whole article » | Daniel Boffey, Chief reporter | Friday, October 20, 2023

Johannes Brahms - Piano Concerto No. 1 in D minor, Op. 15 - Maurizio Pollini

Feb 20, 2017 | Maurizio Pollini, piano. Christian Thielemann, conductor. Staatskapelle Dresden.

WIKIPEDIA: Maurizio Pollini English, français, Deutsch, español, italiano.

Marianne Délices : Le Far breton aux pruneaux

Oct 20, 2023 | Une recette très facile à réaliser. Voici les ingrédients et les quantités pour 8 personnes et pour un plat à gratin de +ou- 25cm

350g/400g de pruneaux d'Agen dénoyautés / pitted prunes
2 cuil à soupe de rhum / 2tbsp rum
5 oeufs moyens / medium eggs
175g de sucre / sugar
1 gousse de vanille / vanilla pod
200g de farine T45 ou T55 / flour
75cl de lait entier/ whole milk
25g de beurre demi sel / half-salt butter [slightly-salted butter]
un peu de beurre pommade pour graisser le plat / a little softened butter for the dish

« J'espère que cette recette vous plaira. N'hésitez pas à la liker et à vous abonner à ma chaîne [sur YouTube]. C’est gratuit. »

Please note that English subtitles can be selected in the settings of the video.

New York Judge Threatens to Jail Trump for ‘Blatantly’ Violating Gag Order

THE GUARDIAN: Arthur Engoron questions former president’s lawyers after he failed to remove social media post about judge’s clerk

A New York judge threatened to imprison Donald Trump for “blatantly” violating a gag order on Friday after the former president failed to remove a social media post mocking the judge’s clerk.

As proceedings in the civil court began on Friday, the New York judge Arthur Engoron asked Trump’s lawyers why “this blatant violation of the gag order would not result in serious sanctions, including financial sanctions and/or possibly imprisoning him”.

Engoron issued a gag order against Trump on the second day of the trial earlier this month after he attacked the judge’s law clerk, Allison Greenfield, in a social media post. Greenfield has been assisting Engoron throughout the trial, usually sitting next to the judge in the courtroom. » | Lauren Aratani in New York | Friday, October 20, 2023

The Gaza Diplomacy of Biden, Sunak and Co Seems to Be Heading for Failure


GUARDIAN EUROPE: The US president was empathetic, sharp and subtle, but there are signs that his closest Arab allies are losing patience

Two weeks of non-stop western shuttle diplomacy appear to have reached the brink of failure since, as it stands, the west can only point to 20 aid trucks crossing into Gaza as the visible fruit of its labour. At the same time, Israel’s neighbours are taking to the streets and acts of terrorism are returning to the capitals of Europe.

With more than 4,000 Palestinians and 1,400 Israelis already dead, the only certainty is that Gaza’s depleted healthcare system will collapse if Israel launches a lengthy land invasion to wipe out Hamas.

The round of western diplomatic visits to Jerusalem had a dual purpose. They were public acts of solidarity in which the visit was the message, but there was also private questioning of the Israeli war cabinet, and what comes after an invasion.

Prince Turki al-Faisal the former Saudi ambassador to the US, speaking in Washington, said: “I’ve been hearing a repeated phrase in American media: unprovoked attack. What more provocation is required to make it provoked than what Israel has done to the Palestinian people for three-quarters of a century?” » | Patrick Wintour, Diplomatic editor | Friday, October 20, 2023

Palestine 1920: The Other Side of the Palestinian Story | Al Jazeera World Documentary

Feb 22, 2022 | “A land without a people, and a people without a land” is how the relationship between Palestine and the Jewish people was described by Christian writers in the 1800s. And the 20th-century history of the Middle East has largely been written through these eyes.

But this film from Al Jazeera Arabic looks at Palestine from a different angle. It hears from historians and witness accounts, and features archive documents that show Palestine as a thriving province of Greater Syria and the Ottoman Empire at the dawn of the 20th century.

The evidence suggests that its cities had a developing trade and commercial sector, growing infrastructure, and embryonic culture that would enable it to meet the challenges of the decades ahead.

However, the political ramifications of the Balfour Declaration, San Remo Conference and British Mandate set in motion a series of events that profoundly affected this vibrant, fledgeling society and led to the events of 1948 and beyond. This film is the other side of the Palestinian story.

Is Argentina on the Brink of a Radical Economic Overhaul? | DW News

Oct 20, 2023 | This Sunday, people in Argentina will head to the polls to elect a new president. The vote is taking place against the backdrop of a deep economic crisis. Inflation rates of over 100 percent have become the norm - and an increasing share of the population is slipping into poverty. Video features an overview of candidates Sergio Massa, Patricia Bullrich and Javier Milei, as well as expert analysis from Paula Gandara, from Adcap Asset Management.

Javier Milei, a ‘Mini-Trump,’ Could Be Argentina’s Next President: The global far-right movement faces an important test in Argentina’s election on Sunday. »

Israel-Hamas War Sparks Backlash in US

Oct 20, 2023 | The Israel-Hamas War has set off clashes on college campuses with major companies condemning the Hamas attacks and some retracting job offers to students who criticize Israel’s military action. Jeffrey Sonnenfeld joins to discuss why companies have been stepping up and speaking out.

I think this is dark behaviour! So what this professor is saying is this: there is only ONE side to this story. What Hamas did was brutal and inexcusable, about that there is no doubt, but if the world wants this atrocity and massacre never to be repeated, then we have to look at the root-causes of the massacre. What that disgusting Hamas organisation did was a symptom of long-term injustices and the sequestration of land which Palestinians believe belonged to them. Even if this is not believed to be true by Israelis and others, the Palestinians (and Arabs) do believe it to be true; therefore, this subject matter deserves to be discussed and analysed IN FULL, and WITH IMPUNITY. If we don't discuss and analyse this heinous crime, this ongoing conflict between Israelis and Palestinians will NEVER be resolved. Further, that law students should have their careers destroyed for having opinions diametrically opposed to CEOs and Ivy League professors is preposterous. Moreover, to go down this route in a so-called democracy augurs badly for the future of freedom in the USA. – © Mark Alexander

Police Report 65 Officers Injured at Unauthorized Pro-Palestinian Demonstrations | DW News

Oct 20, 2023 | At least 174 people were arrested and 65 police officers injured at unauthorized pro-Palestinian demonstrations in Berlin on Wednesday night, according to a police spokesperson. Authorities had banned such protests, which have been called in response to the conflict between Israel and Hamas, the militant group which killed around 1,400 Israelis in a terrorist attack two weeks ago. Clashes broke out in the district of Neukölln between police and protesters who did not comply with orders to disperse. Some attendees used pyrotechnics, set fire to barricades and pelted police with stones and bottles, law enforcement said.

Israel-Hamas War: Piers Morgan vs Bassem Youssef on Palestine's Treatment | The Full Interview

WARNING: This video contains strong language

Piers Morgan Uncensored is joined by Egyptian comedian Bassem Youssef and later on by co-founder of the Daily Wire, Jeremy Boreing, for a heated and emotive debate on the historical treatment of Palestine during their conflict with Israel and whether Israel's decision to bomb Gaza in an attempt to get rid of Hamas is justified and proportionate after the attacks on October 7th.

Bassem condemns the terrorist organisation Hamas and tries to explain that people have been desensitised to accept that civilians dying is an inevitability of war.

Piers then suggests he doesn't know what the "proportionate response" to a terrorist attack of Hamas's scale would be. Bassem responds by referencing a graph that shows the total amount of deaths in the conflict prior to the attacks and questions the Palestinian killings in the West Bank, which has never been occupied by Hamas fighters.

Bassem then mocks Ben Shapiro for his public stance on Israel defending themselves, questioning how an occupier can be defending themselves. Shapiro's friend and colleague Jeremy is then invited by Piers to debate Bassem's criticisms.

Hillary Clinton on Biden’s Age | #shorts

Hillary Clinton on why she thinks Biden should run for re-election. Like many of us, she doesn’t think much of the alternative!

It’s a no-brainer really, isn’t it? It’s a choice between an old fart who delivers or an old clown who wrecks the joint and sows divisions and discord in society! – © Mark Alexander

Tanks Line Up at Gaza Border as Ground Invasion Appears Imminent

NEW YORK POST: Israel appeared to be readying its expected ground invasion of the Gaza Strip early Friday, with a large border town evacuated and fleets of tanks lining up on the border where hundreds of thousands of soldiers are already camped out.

Israeli officials have been warning for days that it will soon launch its ground invasion, as they amassed at least 300,000 troops along the border in response to Hamas’ surprise attack on Oct. 7, when the terrorist organization killed at least 1,400 people — mostly civilians — and took more than 200 others hostage, the Voice of America reports.

Speaking to those troops on Thursday, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said they would soon see Gaza “from the inside.

“Whoever sees Gaza from afar will soon see it from the inside,” he said. “The order will come.” » | Melissa Koenig | Friday, October 20, 2023

Israel - Story of a Contested Country | DW Documentary

May 13, 2023 | Edit 10.10.23: The attack on Israel by the militant Islamist group Hamas that started on 7 October 2023 adds a new dimension to the Middle East conflict: From the Gaza strip, fighters of the Palestinian terrorist organisation were able to cross into Israeli territory, take Israeli hostages, and kill hundreds of soldiers and civilians. Israel responded by declaring a state of war and retaliating with full force. In the Gaza strip, hundreds of Palestinian Hamas fighters and civilians were killed. The documentary tells the complex story of how the state of Israel was founded – a story that lies at the heart of the violence and conflict in the region to this day.]

On May 14, 1948, the State of Israel announced its independence. For many, this was a long-time dream come true: "Eretz Israel" - a home for all Jewish people and for survivors of the Holocaust. Palestinians call this period the "catastrophe.”

The State of Israel was founded 75 years ago. The effects can still be felt today in the ongoing Middle East conflict. What are the historical roots of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict? This documentary sheds light on the decisive years from 1897 to 1948. Israeli and Palestinian historians and experts share their reflections and contextualize the global political events of those years.

The pivotal turning point came in November 1947 with the United Nations plan to partition British Mandatory Palestine. For some, it was a dream turned reality - an independent state offering Jews protection, refuge, and a homeland. For others, it marked the beginning of a "catastrophe,” what Palestinians call the "Nakba,” defined by the loss of homeland, displacement, and uncertainty. More than 75 years after the historic UN vote, the conflict between Israel and the now occupied Palestinian territories continues. It is a source of unresolved tension in the region with reverberations in and beyond the Middle East.

Handelsgespräche zwischen der EU und den USA geplatzt

Die Spitze der EU mit dem amerikanischen Präsidenten in Elmau im vergangenen Jahr während des G-7-Treffens


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Brüssel und Washington können sich nicht auf ein dauerhaftes Ende der Stahlzölle einigen. Auch ein besserer Zugang zu den Milliardenhilfen des Inflation Reduction Act bleibt der EU verwehrt. Präsident Biden habe zu hohe Forderungen gestellt, klagt Brüssel.

Schlechter hätte der EU-US-Gipfel in Washington aus wirtschaftlicher Sicht kaum laufen können. Die Verhandlungen über die erhoffte dauerhafte Aussetzung der amerikanischen Schutzzölle auf Stahl und Aluminium sind vorerst gescheitert. Ebenso wenig wird die EU nach Informationen der F.A.Z. wahrscheinlich schnell einen breiteren Zugang zu den Milliardensubventionen aus dem US-Förderpaket für grüne Technologien, dem Inflation Reduction Act, bekommen. Die Amerikaner hätten an der angestrebten Einigung offenkundig kein Interesse gehabt, hieß es aus Verhandlungskreisen schon vor dem offiziellen Beginn des Gipfels. Mehr als eine Erklärung, dass beide Seiten eine Einigung anstreben, aber noch mehr Zeit dafür brauchen, sei deshalb „nicht drin“ gewesen. » | Von Hendrick Kafsack | Freitag, 20. Oktober 2023

Le Maroc nomme une ambassadrice en France, prémices d’un réchauffement des relations entre Paris et Rabat

LE MONDE : L’ancienne journaliste et communicante franco-marocaine Samira Sitail a été nommée jeudi 19 octobre par le roi Mohammed VI pour occuper le poste, vacant depuis janvier.

Rarement le choix d’un ambassadeur marocain aura été aussi commenté. A l’issue d’un conseil des ministres, tenu jeudi 19 octobre au palais royal à Rabat, Mohammed VI a nommé Samira Sitail au poste d’ambassadrice du Maroc en France. Annoncée dans un communiqué, la décision du roi a aussitôt créé la surprise. L’ancienne journaliste, qui a effectué la majeure partie de sa carrière au sein de la deuxième chaîne de télévision publique du pays, où elle a dirigé l’information pendant plus de quinze ans, n’a jamais rempli de fonctions politique ou diplomatique. » | Par Alexandre Aublanc (Casablanca, correspondance) | vendredi 20 octobre 2023

U.S. Soldier Who Entered North Korea Is Charged With Desertion

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The Army is also accusing Pvt. Travis T. King of other crimes including assaulting other soldiers and child pornography, according to a charging document.

Pvt. Travis T. King left North Korea last month after officials there said they had found him guilty of “illegally intruding” into their territory. | Ahn Young-Joon/Associated Press

Pvt. Travis T. King, the American soldier who returned to the United States last month after crossing into North Korea in July, has been charged in military court with multiple offenses, including desertion, assaulting other soldiers and child pornography.

Private King, 23, is being held at a civilian jail just outside Fort Bliss, near El Paso, according to a family spokesman. He was moved there from Fort Sam Houston, near San Antonio, where he had been undergoing reintegration procedures.

The charges were filed on Sunday by officials at Fort Bliss. Private King was made aware of them on Wednesday, the family spokesman said.

Private King’s mother, Claudine Gates of Racine, Wis., said in a statement that her son should be presumed innocent and that she was “extremely concerned about his mental health.” » | Dan Simmons and John Ismay | Friday, October 20, 2023

‘Political Earthquake’ as Tories Lose Two Major Seats in By-elections

THE TELEGRAPH: The results mean that the Conservatives have surrendered seven constituencies in the last three years

Labour inflicted two of the heaviest ever by-election losses on the Tories on Friday morning, in what the party claimed was a “political earthquake”.

Sir Keir Starmer said his party was “redrawing the political map” after overturning enormous Conservative majorities in Tamworth and Mid Bedfordshire.

Rishi Sunak was warned the Tories faced being ousted following the dismal results in Nadine Dorries and Chris Pincher’s former seats.

It means that the Conservatives have surrendered seven constituencies in the last three years, a run of losses not seen since Sir John Major was in power. » | Nick Gutteridge, Whitehall Correspondent | Friday, October 20, 2023

‘A Lot of Pain’: Europe’s Jews Fear Rising Antisemitism after Hamas Attack

GUARDIAN EUROPE: Protection of Jewish sites increased in towns and cities across continent after outbreak of war between Israel and Hamas

A French riot police officer guards the Grand Synagogue of Paris, two days after security measures were reinforced near Jewish temples and schools. Photograph: Julien de Rosa/AFP/Getty Images

In the usually bustling “Little Jerusalem” area of Sarcelles, north of Paris, the popular falafel and grill restaurant was eerily quiet. “People are not going out,” said Jérémy, the 33-year-old restaurant owner.

Lunchtime and evening crowds are common in one of the largest Jewish communities on the Paris outskirts. But many thought it wiser to stay home, fearing a growing number of antisemitic incidents in France and across Europe since the Hamas attack on Israel on 7 October and the ensuing bombardment of Gaza.

In France, home to Europe’s largest Jewish community, police recorded more than 320 physical acts of antisemitism, and made more than 180 arrests, in the first 10 days of the war.

Antisemitic acts under investigation include people gathering in front of synagogues shouting threats, incidents of verbal abuse, threatening letters, graffiti such as the words “killing Jews is a duty” sprayed outside a stadium in Carcassonne in the south-west, the education minister’s reports of a Nazi swastika chalked on a blackboard in a school, and a Jewish high-school student whose clothes were ripped and antisemitic comments made to him as he came out of the school toilets. » | Angelique Chrisafis in Sarcelles, Ashifa Kassam, Kate Connolly in Berlin and Angela Giuffrida in Rome | Friday, October 20, 2023

Italian PM Giorgia Meloni Splits from Partner after His Sexist Comments

GUARDIAN EUROPE: TV journalist Andrea Giambruno was recorded making suggestive comments towards a female colleague

Giorgia Meloni said of the split: ‘Our paths have diverged for some time and it is time to acknowledge it.’ Photograph: Ludovic Marin/AFP/Getty Images

Italy’s far-right prime minister, Giorgia Meloni, has split from her partner, Andrea Giambruno, a television journalist who has made several embarrassing, sexist comments.

“My relationship with Andrea Giambruno, which lasted almost 10 years, ends here,” Meloni wrote on social media, two days after two off-air recordings emerged of Giambruno, a presenter on Mediaset’s news talkshow Diario Del Giorno, making foul remarks and suggestive comments towards a female colleague.

The couple have a seven-year-old daughter. “I thank him for the wonderful years we spent together, for the difficulties we went through and for giving me the most important thing in my life, which is our daughter Ginevra,” Meloni wrote. “Our paths have diverged for some time and it is time to acknowledge it.” » | Angela Giuffrida in Rome | Friday, October 20, 2023

Silvio Berlusconi Heirs Weigh Up Fate of His Mostly Worthless Art Collection

GUARDIAN EUROPE: Italian former PM estimated to have spent €20m on artworks, often buying through TV auctions

The heirs of Silvio Berlusconi inherited billions from his empire but now they are faced with a dilemma: what to do with his vast collection of mostly worthless artwork, including paintings of nude women and the Madonna, stored in a warehouse opposite his home near Milan.

The former prime minister, who died in June at the age of 86, reportedly amassed the 25,000 works during the final years of his life, buying the majority from late-night shopping channels in his quest to become a top collector.

Vittorio Sgarbi, an undersecretary at the culture ministry, art critic and close friend of Berlusconi, said the compulsion for buying art sold through TV auctions began in earnest in 2018 as a result of “sleepless nights”. » | Angela Giuffrida in Rome | Thursday, October 19, 2023

European Leaders Seethe over Putin-Orbán Meeting

GUARDIAN EUROPE: Czech president calls on western capitals not to fall for Russian leader’s tactic to break European unity

Viktor Orbán (left) and Vladimir Putin shake hands on Tuesday before their meeting as part of the Chinese belt and road forum in Beijing. Photograph: Grigory Sysoev/Sputnik/Kremlin/EPA

European leaders must not “fall” for the tactics of Vladimir Putin, the Czech president, Petr Pavel, has said, two days after Hungary’s prime minister shook hands with Russia’s leader.

Viktor Orbán, in a rare move for the leader of a country that belongs to the EU and Nato, met Putin in Beijing on Tuesday for what the Hungarian leader’s office described as a discussion on energy cooperation and peace.

Hungary has long been criticised for democratic backsliding at home and its Russia- and China-friendly policies abroad.

Its foreign minister, Péter Szijjártó, routinely visits Moscow. And in a move that has frustrated its allies, Hungary – along with Turkey – has yet to ratify Sweden’s application for Nato membership. » | Lili Bayer in Brussels | Friday, Octoner 20, 2023

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Iran Could Make the Israel Conflict ‘Spin Out of Control’ | Lieutenant General Sir Simon Mayall

Oct 18, 2023 | “If Iran wishes to foment maybe an uprising or to use its proxies in Hezbollah to bombard the northern Israeli territories then this could really spark off.” Iran’s involvement in the Israeli conflict could make it “spin out of control” says Lieutenant General Sir Simon Mayall.

Left-wing Americans 'Changed' Pro-Palestine View When Confronted with 'True Facts'

Aug 21, 2022 | Progressive Americans changed their perception once they were shown the "true facts" of Palestine's treatment of the LGBTQ+ community, filmmaker Ami Horowitz says. Mr Horowitz travelled to the West Bank and interviewed Palestinians to see what they think about gay people and then played that footage back to progressive Americans. He said "every single person" he spoke to "changed" their pro-Palestine position – with one American questioning the accuracy of the left-wing narrative on the issue. "People are less jaded than you think and when confronted with facts and you have them captured in the sense they're now listening to you ... you can change people's perceptions once the facts, the true facts, are given to them," Mr Horowitz said.

Being Palestinian and Gay in Gaza Prior to the Current Conflict: i24NEWS Exclusive Interview: 'When I Was 17, Hamas Caught Me with My Boyfriend'

Aug 10, 2023 | Years of repeated torture at the hands of Hamas. i24NEWS host Natasha Kirtchuk speaks to a Palestinian man who escaped the Gaza Strip after years of being tortured by the terrorist group for being gay.

Times Radio: Lebanon Cannot Stop Hezbollah Mobilising If Israel Do Not De-escalate | Lebanese Ambassador

Oct 19, 2023 | "Hezbollah is part of the Lebanese society. Of course, they have their modus operandi. But until now, they've been exerting self-restraint." The Lebanese ambassador to the UK will not say if Lebanon would stop Hezbollah from becoming involved in the Israel-Gaza Conflict.

LIVE: Israel-Gaza Latest News: US Issues Rare Worldwide Terror Warning

THE TELEGRAPH: The State Department has issued a “worldwide security alert” for US citizens, citing increased potential for extremist attacks and violence against Americans.

The rare caution advised all American nationals abroad “to exercise increased caution”, warning of heightened tensions “in various locations around the world”.

It came amid anti-Israel protests that have taken place across the Middle East and North Africa in recent days, with some demonstrators targeting US diplomatic buildings. » | Verity Bowman ; Arthur Scott-Geddes and Catherine Lough | Thursday, October 19, 2023

UK PM Rishi Sunak Tells Israel 'We Want You to Win' - BBC News

Oct 19, 2023 | UK PM Rishi Sunak has met Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu in Tel Aviv. The leaders met for talks on Thursday during Mr Sunak's two-day visit to Israel. The most serious escalation in the conflict in decades erupted on 7 October, when Hamas launched an attack on Israel, killing more than 1,400 people. Israel is continuing to heavily bomb Gaza, and the health ministry in Gaza has said more than 3,700 people have been killed in Israeli strikes.

A Message from Yanis Varoufakis on Palestine

Oct 19, 2023 | A message from DiEM25's Yanis Varoufakis in support of the people of Palestine, and the Institute for Palestine Studies.

Related: Vanishing Palestine »

Israeli Soldier's Explosive Tell-All: "Palestinians Are Right to Resist"

March 20, 2017 | In a rare, candid conversation, Abby Martin interviews a former Israeli Army combat soldier who served as an occupier in Palestine’s Hebron City. Eran Efrati spent years as a sergeant and combat soldier in the Israeli military, but has since become an outspoken critic of the occupation of Palestine and Israeli apartheid.

Efrati gives explosive testimony on the reality of his service and explains how war crimes are institutionalized, as well as how systematic the oppression against Palestinians really is in a war of conquest…

I should like you all to know that I strive for balance and fairness on this blog. I try very hard not to take sides. I therefore generally post videos and articles which reflect viewpoints from BOTH sides. This particular video, which pre-dates the recent atrocities committed by Hamas by approximately six years, is particularly enlightening, because it gives us a peek into the everyday life of Palestinians, how they suffer, and how they are treated.

My posting of this video should in no way be construed as an endorsement of its content. Like you, I do not have first-hand knowledge of life in Israel. I can only listen, watch and learn.

However, as human beings, none of us is beyond reproach – we all err in one way or another; so, it is valid to question the behaviour not only of Palestinians, but also of Israelis.

I will end here by using a German proverb which I learnt many years ago. It goes like this: Selbsterkenntnis ist der beste Weg zur Besserung. This can be translated into English in this way: Self-knowledge is the best way to improve oneself. In other words, we cannot correct our faults until we know what they are! – © Mark Alexander

Ina Garten's Pumpkin Flan with Maple Caramel | Barefoot Contessa | Food Network

Oct 16, 2023 | Ina Garten shakes up Thanksgiving dessert by making her Pumpkin Flan with Maple Caramel.

For the recipe, please click here and then click on “more”.

Atatürk und Erdogan: Väter der Türken | Doku HD Reupload | ARTE

Oct 18, 2023 | Dieses Jahr besteht der türkische Staat seit hundert Jahren und blickt auf große Herausforderungen. Gerade jetzt lohnt sich die Rückschau auf die turbulente Geschichte der jungen Nation, die insbesondere von zwei Männern geprägt wurde. Sie könnten unterschiedlicher nicht sein: auf der einen Seite der weltliche Republikgründer Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, General und Revolutionär, auf der anderen der reaktionäre Neubegründer und religiöse Aktivist Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Doch der Schein trügt, denn beide teilen den Traum von Macht und das Streben nach Alleinherrschaft.

Wohin entwickelt sich die Türkei? Inwiefern stellt ihre Politik eine Bedrohung dar? Wie kam es dazu, dass die Türkei innerhalb eines Jahrhunderts den Wunsch, Teil Europas zu sein, gegen das Streben nach Vorherrschaft über die islamische Welt eintauschte? Der Dokumentarfilm lässt einhundert Jahre permanenter Unruhen und Krisen des Landes Revue passieren und setzt diese in den Wirkungskontext der beiden „Väter der Türken“, die auf den ersten Blick nicht unterschiedlicher sein könnten: Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, weltlicher Republikgründer, General und Revolutionär auf der einen Seite, und Recep Tayyip Erdogan, reaktionärer Neubegründer und religiöser Aktivist auf der anderen Seite. Durch die Gegenüberstellung der beiden wichtigsten Protagonisten der Republikgeschichte wird das unbekannte Gesicht der Türkei zutage gefördert: von der Nationalisierung des Islam bis zur Islamisierung der Gesellschaft, von der Instrumentalisierung der Frauen bis zur Manipulation der Moderne, vom Unabhängigkeitskrieg bis zum bewaffneten Grenzeinsatz, von der Nato bis zum IS und von der Abschaffung des Kalifats bis zu seiner Wiederauferstehung beim sogenannten Islamischen Staat. Doch auch die Gespenster der Vergangenheit, die unauslöschlich mit den Entstehungsjahren der Türkei verbunden sind, werden nicht ausgespart: der Völkermord an den Armeniern im Jahr 1915, die Vertreibung der Griechen 1923, die Verfolgung von Kurden und Aleviten ab 1928, die systematische Ausmerzung alles Andersartigen. Unveröffentlichte Archivaufnahmen und Berichte von türkischen Dissidenten, die der Freiheit nicht abgeschworen haben, liefern den Schlüssel zum Verständnis der geopolitischen Krise, die heute die ganze Welt erfasst.

Dokumentarfilm von Nicolas Glimois (F 2018, 91 Min)
Video auf Youtube verfügbar bis zum 23/11/2023

We Must Not Deepen the Humanitarian Catastrophe in Gaza and Dramatically Undermine Israel’s Security

Oct 19, 2023

With Putin by His Side, Xi Outlines His Vision of a New World Order

THE NEW YORK TIMES: China’s close ties with Russia in countering American dominance point to a geopolitical rift that could shape the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

The leaders of China and Russia hailed each other as “old” and “dear” friends. They took swipes at the United States and depicted themselves as building a “fairer, multipolar world.” And they marveled at their countries’ “deepening” trust.

China’s top leader, Xi Jinping, used a Beijing-led conference of leaders from mostly developing countries on Wednesday to showcase his ambitions to reshape the global order, as the world grapples with a war in Ukraine and a crisis in Gaza. He cast his country as an alternative to the leadership of the United States. And he gave a prominent role to President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, underscoring how central their relationship is to Mr. Xi’s vision.

The event, the Belt and Road Forum, is centered on China’s signature foreign policy initiative, which aims to expand Beijing’s influence abroad with infrastructure projects. Mr. Putin was treated as the guest of honor and often pictured by Mr. Xi’s side. The two leaders also met for three hours in Beijing on Wednesday.

While Mr. Putin and Mr. Xi huddled, President Biden landed in Israel on a visit aimed at preventing the war between Israel and Hamas from spreading. Though Mr. Xi did not publicly remark on the war, Mr. Putin, at a news briefing, blamed the United States for increasing tensions in the Middle East by sending warships to the region. He said that such regional conflicts were “shared threats that only strengthen Russo-Chinese relations.” (+ video) » | David Pierson, Anatoly Kurmanaev and Tiffany May | Wednesday, October 18, 2023

LIVE COVERAGE: Gaza Strip to Shrink after War, Says Israeli Foreign Minister

THE TELEGRAPH: Israel’s foreign minister said that it will shrink the Gaza Strip, raising fears that parts of the territory will be annexed or reoccupied at the end of the war.

Speaking to Israel’s Army Radio on Wednesday, Eli Cohen vowed to eliminate Hamas from Gaza and then predicted a “decrease” in Gazan territory.

“At the end of this war, not only will Hamas no longer be in Gaza, but the territory of Gaza will also decrease,” he said. » | Alex Barton, Breaking News Reporter; Verity Bowman, Andrea Hamblin and Susie Coen, US Correspondent | Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Israel-Hamas War: Piers Morgan vs Palestinian Ambassador Husam Zomlot over Gaza Hospital Strike

Oct 18, 2023 | Piers Morgan Uncensored is joined by Palestinian Ambassador Husam Zomlot for a passionate debate on the ongoing conflict in Gaza between Israel, Palestine and terrorist organisation Hamas. They also discuss the conflicting reports of the missile that went into a civilian hospital in Gaza.

Piers asks Husam if he will condemn Hamas attacks on October 7th on Israeli citizens. Husam doesn't condemn the attacks, but rejects the notion of killing innocent civilians. Husam adds that if he condemns the attacks, people will cling on to the idea that Hamas are the people who started this conflict and believes it is dangerous because people conflate Hamas with the Palestinian public.

The ambassador then goes on to question Piers on why he did not ask the Israeli Ambassador Tzipi Hotovely to condemn the actions of the Israeli government before asking whether he would accept that by the definition of terrorism, Israel's actions should be defined the same way.

'Down with Israel': Protests Erupt across the Middle East after Gaza Hospital Strike

Oct 18, 2023 | Violent protests have erupted across the Arab world amid a wave of anger after an air strike on a Gaza hospital killed at least 200 Palestinians on Tuesday evening. Demonstrators have stormed the Israeli consulate in Jordan while Western embassies have been targeted in Turkey, Tunisia and Lebanon, with rioting also breaking out in the West Bank.

‘Death to England and France’, protesters shout as Western embassies targeted: US consulate in Lebanon is targeted with fire attack as angry demonstrations spread to Turkey, the West Bank and Tunisia Violent protests have erupted across the Arab world amid a wave of anger after a bombing on a Gaza hospital killed at least 200 Palestinians on Tuesday evening. »

La chercheuse franco-iranienne Fariba Adelkhah, retenue en Iran depuis 2019, est rentrée en France

LE MONDE : La chercheuse à Sciences Po avait été libérée en février, sans avoir le droit de quitter l’Iran. Elle avait été condamnée en 2020 pour atteinte à la sécurité nationale.

Plus de sept mois après sa sortie de prison, la chercheuse franco-iranienne Fariba Adelkhah est rentrée en France mardi, a fait savoir Sciences Po mercredi 18 octobre. L’institut d’études politiques, où elle travaillait, avait annoncé sa libération en février, mais la chercheuse n’était pas autorisée à quitter le territoire iranien. » | Le Monde avec AFP | mercredi 18 octobre 2023

En direct, guerre Israël-Hamas : Joe Biden affirme que l’explosion meurtrière à l’hôpital Al-Alhi a été causée par « une roquette hors de contrôle tirée par un groupe terroriste à Gaza »

LE MONDE : Le président américain appuie ainsi la version d’Israël, qui a imputé le tir à l’organisation palestinienne Jihad islamique, alliée du Hamas, laquelle a démenti. L’hôpital situé dans le centre de la ville de Gaza a été touché mardi soir par un projectile. Le dernier bilan du ministère de la santé gazaoui fait état d’au moins 471 morts. LIVE EN COURS » | mercredi 18 octobre 2023

Die Geschichte Palästinas im 20. Jahrhundert, Teil 2: 1939-1949 und Epilog 1977

An der südöstlichen Küste des Mittelmeeres befindet sich die historische Region Palästina. Heute befinden sich hier Israel, der Gazastreifen, das Westjordanland, Teile Syriens, Jordaniens und Libanons. Bereits seit Jahrzehnten setzen sich die Palästinenser und arabischen Nationen für einen unabhängigen Staat Palästina ein. Palästina ist für viele bis heute Eretz Israel ("Land Israel"), das gelobte Land. Sowohl Juden als auch Muslime erheben Anspruch darauf. Von 1517 bis 1917 wird Palästina in das Osmanische Reich eingegliedert. 600 Jahre besteht dieses als Vielvölkerstaat. Um 1917/18, während des Ersten Weltkriegs, erobern Britische Truppen Palästina und es wird britisches Mandatsgebiet. Allerdings machen die Briten gegensätzliche Versprechen an Juden und Araber, um die Osmanen endgültig zu besiegen, was bis heute den Nahostkonflikt befeuert. Die Spannungen zwischen Juden und Arabern im britischen Mandatsgebiet Palästina nehmen zu der Zeit immer weiter zu und es kommt zu gewalttätigen Auseinandersetzungen. 1937 kommt eine britische Untersuchungskommission zu dem Schluss, dass die Teilung des Landes in einen arabischen und einen jüdischen Staat der einzige mögliche Weg zum Frieden ist...

Der heutige Nahostkonflikt beginnt bereits Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts. In Osteuropa nimmt in dieser Zeit der Antisemitismus erheblich zu und viele Juden ziehen nach Palästina um den Pogromen zu entfliehen. In der jüdischen Kultur wird diese Bewegung als die erste Aliyah - die erste Einwanderungswelle - bezeichnet.

Originaltitel: Ein Kampf um Palästina oder Der Weg zum Judenstaat, Teil 2: 1939-1949

Teil 1 ist hier.

Full: Biden Makes Remarks in Historic Wartime Visit to Israel

Oct 18, 2023 | President Joe Biden reaffirmed his support for Israel during his visit to the country, making him the first U.S. president to do so in a time of conflict. Biden also announced that the U.S. will fund humanitarian aid in Gaza and the West Bank.

Rashid Khalidi on Biden's "Israel-First Approach" & Growing Outrage over Gaza across the Middle East

Oct 18, 2023 | President Biden is in Israel to show more support for its relentless assault on the Gaza Strip, which has reduced much of the territory to rubble, killed at least 3,300 Palestinians and displaced more than a million people. Israel also continues to maintain a complete siege, refusing to let in food, water, fuel, medicines and other necessities. Meanwhile, international outrage is growing over a massive explosion at the Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital that killed hundreds of people on Tuesday. Palestinian authorities say it was an Israeli airstrike, while Israel has claimed a failed rocket launch by Gaza militants caused the blast. "Whoever was responsible, the result will be enormous, enormous anger at the United States for its support of Israel, as well as a further increase in this enormous death toll inside Gaza," says Palestinian American historian Rashid Khalidi, the Edward Said professor of modern Arab studies at Columbia University.

Die Geschichte Palästinas im 20. Jahrhundert, Teil 1: 1896-1939

Oct 11, 2023 | An der südöstlichen Küste des Mittelmeeres befindet sich die historische Region Palästina. Heute befinden sich hier Israel, der Gazastreifen, das Westjordanland, Teile Syriens, Jordaniens und Libanons. Bereits seit Jahrzehnten setzen sich die Palästinenser und arabischen Nationen für einen unabhängigen Staat Palästina ein. Palästina ist für viele bis heute Eretz Israel ("Land Israel"), das gelobte Land. Sowohl Juden als auch Muslime erheben Anspruch darauf. Von 1517 bis 1917 wird Palästina in das Osmanische Reich eingegliedert. 600 Jahre besteht dieses als Vielvölkerstaat. Um 1917/18, während des Ersten Weltkriegs, erobern Britische Truppen Palästina und es wird britisches Mandatsgebiet. Allerdings machen die Briten gegensätzliche Versprechen an Juden und Araber, um die Osmanen endgültig zu besiegen, was bis heute den Nahostkonflikt befeuert. Die Spannungen zwischen Juden und Arabern im britischen Mandatsgebiet Palästina nehmen zu der Zeit immer weiter zu und es kommt zu gewalttätigen Auseinandersetzungen. 1937 kommt eine britische Untersuchungs-kommission zu dem Schluss, dass die Teilung des Landes in einen arabischen und einen jüdischen Staat der einzige mögliche Weg zum Frieden ist...

Der heutige Nahostkonflikt beginnt bereits Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts. In Osteuropa nimmt in dieser Zeit der Antisemitismus erheblich zu und viele Juden ziehen nach Palästina um den Pogromen zu entfliehen. In der jüdischen Kultur wird diese Bewegung als die erste Aliyah - die erste Einwanderungswelle - bezeichnet.

The View from Gaza | Palestinian Ambassador to the UK - Husam Zomlot

Oct 18, 2023 | What's it like to live in Gaza? What are the key differences between the PLO, the PA, Fatah and Hamas? How far away are we from the diplomatic high point of the Oslo Accords? On today's episode of The Rest Is Politics, Rory and Alastair are joined by Husam Zomlot, the Palestinian Ambassador to the UK.

WIKIPEDIA: Husam Zomlot »

Related documentary: Balfour: Seeds of Discord.

The Danger of Muslims Converting to Christianity | #shorts

Your life is in danger.

Israel’s Ultra Nationalist Settlers Who Brought the Far Right to Power

Dec 8, 2022 | Now in Israel, the most far-right government in the country's history is about to take power, at the end of a year marred by soaring levels of deadly violence.

The new government, being brought together by four-time prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, includes ultranationalists who have advocated the annexing of the West Bank and deporting those they deem "traitors".

Israel Has 'No Strategy' to Stop Hamas | Sir Richard Dalton

Oct 13, 2023 | “Clearly, what Hamas has done was an obscene terrorist atrocity. But Israel should not be committing war crimes in response.” Israel’s response to the Hamas attack is “not proportionate” and has “no strategy whatsoever” says former Ambassador to Iran Sir Richard Dalton.

Sir Richard Dalton (diplomat) »

How Same-sex Unions Are Rooted in Indian Tradition

Indian LGBTQ+ activists and couples were hoping for a positive verdict from the Supreme Court | RAHUL BAXI

BBC: On Tuesday, India's Supreme Court refused to legalise same-sex marriage, disappointing millions of LGBTQ+ couples and activists. While these unions may still not have legal sanction in India, they were far from rare even centuries ago, experts say.

When author and activist Ruth Vanita attended and taught at the Delhi University - from the 1970s to 1996 - "same-sex love was almost never mentioned in the academy".

Around the same time, she was active in the women's movement, and found that a "similar silence prevailed then in feminist politics as well, both left-wing and right-wing".

"Many of the leading activists in women's groups were lesbians, but they never mentioned or discussed this in activist forums," Prof Vanita, who now teaches at University of Montana, wrote in a 2004 essay.

Fourteen years later, in a historic decision, India's Supreme Court ruled that gay sex was no longer a criminal offence, overturning a 2013 judgement that upheld a colonial-era law - known as section 377 - under which gay sex was categorised as an "unnatural offence".

While some in India voiced concerns that the repeal of the colonial-era law was driving the country toward the adoption of Western ideals of liberalism, Prof Vanita's argument was that history actually demonstrates the contrary. » | Soutik Biswas, India correspondent | Wednesday, October 18, 2023

India Supreme Court declines to legalise same-sex marriage: India's Supreme Court has declined to legalise same-sex unions, dashing the hopes of millions of LGBTQ+ people seeking marriage equality. »

Israel-Hamas War: Sky Speaks to Veteran Palestinian Politician Hanan Ashrawi

Oct 17, 2023 | Sky's Mark Austin discusses the current crisis between Israel and Hamas with the Palestinian politician and activist Hanan Ashrawi. She told him it would be impossible to wipe out Hamas in Gaza as the group was not solely a military organisation. She was speaking from the Palestinian city of Ramallah in the West Bank.

Wine Definition to Be Watered Down in Post-Brexit Move


BBC: The government plans to change the legal definition of wine following Brexit, to reflect demand for low-alcohol versions of the drink.

Under rules the UK inherited from the EU, wine typically has to contain at least 8.5% alcohol by volume (ABV) to be marketed as such.

It means low and alcohol-free versions have to be sold as a "wine-based drink", or a similar product name.

That rule will now be scrapped in England next year.

The change is part of a wider package of measures designed to boost British winemaking in the wake of the UK's exit from the EU.

The government says Brexit presents a "unique opportunity" to review "overly complex" EU-era regulations governing the sector. » | Paul Seddon, Politics reporter | Tuesday, October 17, 2023

First there was talk of having a ridiculous and undemocratic, incremental ban on smoking for young adults; so, then they will be expected to fight for their country and maybe lose their lives in times of war, but they won’t be able to enjoy a fag after the fight. Now this crap!

But you have to hand it to the Tories! They are very adept at coming up with weird and wonderful ideas. The Tories are now going to turn wine into water! Jesus would surely be envious of the miracles that 'Sunak the Teetotaller' is able to perform! Jesus turned water into wine in a wedding in Cana; now, Sunak, in Westminster, is turning wine back into water!

They’ve taken long enough to come up with a single Brexit benefit; so this must surely be it! Now, people will be able to attend weddings and swig wine to their hearts’ content without getting pi**ed! Who said the Tories can’t perform miracles? And who said there weren’t any benefits to Brexit? – © Mark Alexander

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Xi Jinping Welcomes ‘Dear Friend’ Putin in Beijing

THE TELEGRAPH: The leaders have a shared vision for a new international order to counter the US and other democratic nations

Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping meet at the Belt and Road summit in Beijing | SERGEI SAVOSTYANOV/AFP

Vladimir Putin met with his “dear friend” Xi Jinping as the two smiling leaders shook hands and posed for photos in Beijing to underline their “no limits” friendship.

The Russian president, who is wanted for war crimes, met with the Chinese leader at the Belt and Road summit on Tuesday which is marking the 10-year anniversary of China’s flagship global infrastructure project.

Putin was joined at the conference by a Taliban minister and the Kazakh president along with representatives from 130 other countries.

The Russian president was keen to cast himself as a close ally of China, telling reporters ahead of the trip: “President Xi Jinping calls me his friend, and I call him my friend, too.” » | Nicola Smith, Asia Correspondent and James Crisp, Europe Correspondent | Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Europe Seeks Peace, Not War. But Will It Be Ready If War Comes to Europe?

GUARDIAN EUROPE: To survive Russia’s neo-imperialism, Europe’s democracies must find a balance between their desire for peace and their own defence

In 2003, the philosophers Jürgen Habermas and Jacques Derrida published a joint article in Germany’s and France’s leading newspapers. In it, they criticised the American invasion of Iraq and called on Europeans to “assume a reflexive distance from themselves”, in particular their imperialism and colonialism.

The pair’s criticism of George W Bush’s imperialism was justified; and their suggestion that Europe could lead the world towards a post-imperial future was a nice idea. Today, however, confronted with Russia’s genocidal invasion of Ukraine, the question is whether such a post-imperial world can be achieved through the means that the two philosophers proposed.

The Europe they imagined was a Europe of dialogue, of conversation and the embrace of differences. This is, certainly, a dignified idea. The problem is that it is powerless when one is faced with evil. » | Volodymyr Yermolenko * | Tuesday, October 17, 2023

* Volodymyr Yermolenko is a Ukrainian philosopher, journalist and writer. He is the president of PEN Ukraine.

Palace of Versailles Evacuated after Second Bomb Threat in Four Days

GUARDIAN EUROPE: Hundreds of visitors led out of palace as France remains on high alert for possible terror attack

The Palace of Versailles was briefly evacuated for the second time in days after a bomb threat on Tuesday as France remains on high alert for a possible terror attack.

Hundreds of visitors were led out of the palace as a specialist police explosives unit was dispatched to the site. Hours later the palace, which has about 15,000 visitors a day, was reopened and a security cordon lifted.

On Saturday, the palace was cleared and closed after receiving a message suggesting there was a security risk. This came just hours after the Louvre Museum, which has 30,000 visitors daily, was evacuated after receiving a threatening message. Both warnings were found to be false alarms. » | Kim Willsher in Paris | Tuesday, October 17, 2023

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Italia Squisita: Lasagna in the Oldest Michelin Restaurant in Italy - Arnaldo Clinica Gastronomica

Sep 1, 2023 | Since the 1950s, between Modena and Reggio, a restaurant has been pursuing a concept of Emilian haute cuisine which finds its maximum expression in a truly original mushroom lasagna, spugnolata. Creativity, territory, family traditions, no waste cuisine enclosed in a single dish. The same that has been on the menu for more than sixty years at Arnaldo Clinica Gastronomica, the oldest Michelin restaurant in Italy.

For the full recipe, please click here and then click on “more”.

Piers Morgan vs Mohammed Hijab on Palestine and Israel-Hamas War | The Full Debate

Oct 16, 2023 | Piers Morgan Uncensored is joined by YouTuber and pro-Palestinian Mohammed Hijab for a lively debate on the historic conflict between Israel and Palestine and whether the terrorist attacks committed by Hamas warrant the level of response by Israel and whether the IDF should be labelled as 'terrorists' too for the mass killing of civilians during the bombing of Gaza.

Mohammed makes the point that it is impossible to defend Israel's actions as 'defending themselves' when they are the occupiers of Palestinian territory. Mohammed also adds that 'flattening out' Gaza with carpet bombing is an irrational response to try and get rid of Hamas fighters when he believes they have the capabilities to go into Gaza and surgically remove and target them.