Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Britische Richter verhindern ein zweites Unabhängigkeitsreferendum – und stürzen die schottischen Nationalisten ins Dilemma

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Gemäss dem britischen Supreme Court darf Schottland ohne Zustimmung Londons kein Unabhängigkeitsreferendum abhalten – selbst wenn dieses nur konsultativ wäre. Nun will Regionalpräsidentin Nicola Sturgeon die nächste Unterhauswahl zu einem «faktischen Referendum» umdeuten.

Rückschlag für die schottischen Nationalisten: Nach dem Entscheid des Supreme Court wird es vorerst kein erneutes schottisches Unabhängigkeitsreferendum geben. | Jeff J Mitchell / Getty

Die schottischen Nationalisten liessen ihrer Enttäuschung am Mittwoch freien Lauf. Demonstranten mit Spruchbändern und Flaggen versammelten sich in mehreren schottischen Städten und zogen in Scharen vor das Regionalparlament in Edinburg. Im Unterhaus in London beklagten die Abgeordneten der Scottish National Party (SNP), Schottland befinde sich in englischer «Geiselhaft». Und Regionalpräsidentin Nicola Sturgeon erklärte, die Idee des Vereinigten Königreichs als einer freiwilligen Partnerschaft von Nationen entspreche definitiv nicht mehr der Realität.

Grund für die Aufregung war ein Urteil des britischen Supreme Court vom Mittwoch. Die höchsten Richter befanden einstimmig, dass das schottische Regionalparlament keine verfassungsmässige Befugnis habe, ohne Zustimmung des britischen Parlaments ein Gesetz zur Abhaltung eines neuen Unabhängigkeitsreferendums zu beschliessen. » | Niklaus Nuspliger, London | Mittwoch, 23. November 2022

Le « snus », ce tabac à sucer addictif et illégal qui circule chez les sportifs

LE MONDE : Dans l’avion qui emmenait les Bleus au Qatar, l’attaquant français Marcus Thuram a été vu avec ce qui avait tout l’air d’une boîte de « snus ». La consommation de cette forme de tabac sans fumée, dont la vente est interdite en France, se répand chez les sportifs.

C’est une photo, publiée le 17 novembre sur les réseaux sociaux (Facebook et Instagram) de Karim Benzema, qui a mis le feu aux poudres. On y voit Marcus Thuram, l’attaquant du Borussia Mönchengladbach, assis à côté du Ballon d’or 2022 dans le vol des Bleus vers le Qatar, une boîte ronde à la main, ressemblant à s’y méprendre à une boîte de « snus », ces sachets de tabac à sucer interdits à la vente en France. Reprise par quelques sites Internet, l’image a d’autant plus éveillé les soupçons que Marcus Thuram a dissimulé la boîte compromettante sous un émoji avion en repartageant la story sur son compte Instagram.

Invités à s’expliquer, l’équipe de France et le footballeur n’ont pas souhaité répondre aux questions du Monde. Vrai ou faux, reste que le monde du ballon rond n’est pas épargné par cette pratique jusque-là surtout associée aux athlètes des sports d’hiver, qui se rendent régulièrement dans les pays scandinaves, où le tabac à chiquer est extrêmement populaire. » | Par Patricia Oudit | mercredi 23 novembre 2022

Article réservé aux abonnés

Response to the Jehovah's Witness Anti-gay Indoctrination Video | Lesson 22: One Man, One Woman

The language used in this video is rather raw at times; however, the video is rather funny. But because of the language used, it is not suitable for children. – Mark

The Federal Trust: Brexit Is the Project of a Ruthless Elite

Nov 19, 2021 | Brendan Donnelly argues in this new Federal Trust video that the economic and political problems generated by Brexit are of little concern to its leading sponsors. Their primary interest lies in rupturing the British connection to the European mainland as quickly and thoroughly as possible. The result is a debasement of British political life, in which sleaze and cronyism have become all too frequent.

Brendan Donnelly is the director of the Federal Trust and former Conservative MEP.

The Federal Trust is a research institute studying the interactions between regional, national, European and global levels of government. Founded in 1945 on the initiative of Sir William Beveridge, it has long made a powerful contribution to the study of federalism and federal systems. It has always had a particular interest in the European Union and Britain’s place in it. The Federal Trust has no allegiance to any political party. It is registered as a charity for the purposes of education and research.

Spain on a Fork: Creamy Mashed, Sweet Potatoes

Nov 23, 2022 | Puré de Batatas Cremosas

Get the full recipe here.

The links for supporting Albert Bevia of ‘Spain on a Fork’ can be found here. Just click on 'show more'.

Hokuspokus Globuli: Das Riesengeschäft mit der Homöopathie | SPIEGEL TV

Dec 19, 2020 | Eigentlich sind die kleinen Kügelchen nichts anderes als verdünnter Zucker. Trotzdem glauben viele Menschen an die heilende Kraft der Homöopathie. Dabei sagen mehrere wissenschaftliche Studien: Globuli bringen nichts.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — November 23, 2022

Scottish Government Loses Indyref2 Court Case

Read the article here.

Related article here.

Marijuana Majority

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Americans support marijuana legalization, but many of their political leaders do not.

A decade ago, no American lived in a state where marijuana was legal to smoke, vape or eat recreationally. Today, nearly half of Americans do or will soon: Voters approved legalization ballot measures this month in Maryland and Missouri, bringing the number of states allowing any adult use to 21.

Legalization may not make major news often anymore, but it’s a big deal. It amounts to America’s largest change to its drug policy in decades. By aligning marijuana with alcohol and tobacco, rather than harder drugs, the policy change is giving birth to a new industry. And, over time, it could reduce the hundreds of thousands of marijuana arrests made in the U.S. every year, freeing up police resources.

The change came about largely because of the support of voters, not politicians or lawmakers. While the public backs legalization, some prominent political leaders do not: President Biden has said he’s opposed. Donald Trump has characterized legalization as an issue for states to decide, but his 2020 presidential campaign said marijuana should remain illegal. » | German Lopez | The Morning | Wednesday, November 23, 2022

How New York City Became a Free-for-All of Unlicensed Weed: Shops selling weed have proliferated since the state legalized cannabis last year, thriving in confusion over their legality and a lack of enforcement. »

Multiple Fatalities in Walmart Shooting in Virginia

Read the story here.

Supreme Court Rules against Scottish Parliament Holding New Independence Referendum

THE GUARDIAN: Judgment likely to anger Scottish nationalists who say country’s future is for Scottish voters to decide

A Scottish saltire flag is flown as pro-Scottish independence campaigners protest outside the supreme court in London. Photograph: Toby Melville/Reuters

The Scottish parliament cannot hold a second independence referendum without Westminster approval the supreme court has ruled, in a unanimous judgment likely to anger Scottish nationalists who say the country’s future is for Scottish voters to decide.

The first minister, Nicola Sturgeon, said immediately after the ruling: “Scottish democracy will not be denied.” She added: “Today’s ruling blocks one route to Scotland’s voice being heard on independence – but in a democracy our voice cannot and will not be silenced.”

Sturgeon said she would be making a full statement at 11.30am.

The decision could lead to Sturgeon following through on her pledge to “put our case for independence to the people in an election”, turning it into a “de facto referendum”. » | Libby Brooks, Scotland correspondent and Ben Quinn | Wednesday, November 23, 2022

L’Ecosse ne peut pas organiser un nouveau référendum sur l’indépendance sans l’accord du Royaume-Uni, juge la Cour suprême britannique : La première ministre écossaise, Nicola Sturgeon, prévoyait d’organiser une nouvelle consultation le 19 octobre 2023. »

Kein Unabhängigkeitsreferendum für Schottland: Das schottische Parlament habe nicht das Recht, einseitig ein Unabhängigkeitsreferendum anzusetzen, entscheidet das höchste britische Gericht. Die schottische Regierungschefin zeigt sich enttäuscht. »

Saudi Execution Spree Continues as Fears Rise for Jordanian on Death Row

THE GUARDIAN: David Davis asks foreign secretary and Saudi ambassador to intervene in reprieve for Hussein Abo al-Kheir

Saudi Arabia on Tuesday executed two more Saudi citizens for drug offences, taking the total number of executions in the past fortnight to 17.

The kingdom had previously given a commitment it would not impose the death penalty for drug offences, but has suddenly gone back on its word, executing seven Saudi and 10 foreign nationals. Saudi Arabia has already executed 130 people this year.

The spate of executions, as the kingdom celebrates its victory over Argentina in the World Cup, has prompted the former Conservative cabinet minister David Davis to write to the UK foreign secretary, James Cleverly, and the Saudi ambassador in the UK to ask them to intervene to reprieve Hussein Abo al-Kheir, a Jordanian man. » | Patrick Wintour, Diplomatic editor | Tuesday, November 22, 2022

German Football Federation to Take Legal Action over Fifa’s OneLove Armband Ban

THE GUARDIAN: Move comes after supermarket chain cuts commercial ties with DFB in protest over row at World Cup

Germany’s football federation has said it plans legal steps against Fifa over its banning of OneLove rainbow armbands at the World Cup as it faced the humiliating decision by one of the country’s largest supermarket chains to cut its commercial ties over the row.

The DFB refused to let players in Qatar wear the armbands promoting diversity and inclusion after threats from the world football governing body to issue yellow cards to team captains, but faced a swift reaction, including from the supermarket chain REWE, which became the first sponsor to take direct action as it said it would drop its advertising campaign in protest at the decision.

The DFB’s spokesperson, Stefan Simon, confirmed to the tabloid Bild that it had lodged a case over legal validity of the decision at the international sport court, CAS, » | Kate Connolly in Berlin | Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

A Sensuous Gay Kiss

Un baiser gay sensuel / Ein sinnlicher schwuler Kuss

With many thanks to Snowflake on Pinterest for this great image.

Buffeted by Economic Woes, U.K. Starts to Look at Brexit with ‘Bregret’

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Stung by inflation and bracing for tax increases, the country is in the midst of its gravest slump in a generation, leading many to wonder how much the split with the European Union is to blame.

Chester, northwestern England, this month. Among the Group of 7 advanced countries, Britain is the only one with an economy that is smaller now than it was before the pandemic started. | Oli Scarff/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

LONDON — Six and a half years after voting to leave the European Union, three years after the formal departure, two years after signing a post-Brexit trade deal with Brussels and one month after installing its fourth prime minister since the 2016 referendum, Britain is caught in — what else? — another debate over Brexit.

Brexit may be in the history books, but “Bregret,” as the British newspapers have called it, is back in the air.

The cause of the remorse is clear: Britain’s economic crisis, which is the gravest in a generation and worse than those of its European neighbors. Not all — or even most — of the problems are because of Brexit, but Britain’s vexed trade relationship with the rest of Europe indisputably plays a role. That makes it a ripe target for an anxious public casting about for something to blame.

The latest eruption of this never-ending drama began last week with an opinion poll that showed support for Brexit had fallen to its lowest level yet. Only 32 percent of those surveyed in the poll, by the firm YouGov, said that they thought leaving the European Union was a good idea; 56 percent said it was a mistake. » | Mark Landler | Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Cachez ce chapeau arc-en-ciel que je ne saurais voir au Qatar

LE MONDE : Il s’agit d’un nouveau signe des tensions au Mondial 2022 autour des symboles LGBT+.

Deux jours après le début du Mondial au Qatar, les polémiques entourant les symboles LGBT+ n’en finissent pas. L’ancienne capitaine de la sélection galloise, Laura McAllister, et une association de supporteurs gallois, ont expliqué qu’ils avaient dû enlever leurs chapeaux arc-en-ciel pour assister au match Etats-Unis-Pays de Galles (1-1) lundi 21 novembre.

« Pendant que nous faisions la queue, nous avons entendu que les gens qui portaient un bob arc-en-ciel », le symbole de l’association galloise de supporteurs LGBT Rainbow Wall, « avaient dû l’enlever », a rapporté à la chaîne ITV News l’ex-joueuse, qui siège, entre autres, au comité exécutif de la fédération galloise. » | Le Monde avec AFP | mardi 22 novembre 2022

Les Qataris sont des Moyen-Orientaux et musulmans. Ils ne vont pas changer de sitôt. En ce qui concerne les gays, ils se comportent selon le type. Leur religion, l'islam, abhorre les homosexuels. La première chose à laquelle un musulman pensera en pensant à une personne homosexuelle est Sodome et Gomorrhe. C'est dire à quel point ces gens sont arriérés. Leur religion les maintient fermement ancrés dans une époque révolue. N'attendez rien de mieux et vous ne serez pas déçu. L'illumination n'a pas encore atteint le Moyen-Orient (si jamais elle le fera). – © Mark Alexander

Eleganz, schlicht und einfach

Élégance pure et simple / Elegance, pure and simple

Für dieses wunderschöne Bild einer eleganten Dame in einem hellblauen Hut möchte ich mich bei Behance auf Pinterest bedanken.

A Really Cute Kiss | Reupload

Ein wirklich süßer Kuss / Un bisou vraiment mignon

Many, many thanks to Pinterest for this absolutely superb photo of two men in love.

Salvation, Shame & Shunning : The Story of Lloyd Evans: Ex-Jehovah's Witness

Sep 5, 2017 | Ex-Jehovah's Witness and activist Lloyd Evans tells his compelling story about his introduction to - and escape from - the JWs.

The bullshit so many people believe! It beggars belief! That goes for Christians, Muslims, and a whole host of adherents of other faiths, too. – © Mark Alexander

Dinu Lipatti Plays Schubert Impromptu in G-Flat Major (with Preluding)

Sep 16, 2017 | A recording of Dinu Lipatti's playing Schubert's Impromptu in G-Flat Major D.899 (Op.90) No.3 at his legendary final recital at the Besançon International Music Festival on September 16, 1950. EMI first issued Lipatti's performance of two Schubert Impromptus from the recital on a 5-LP French Columbia set in 1955 and then the complete recital in 1957, first on French Columbia and Angel Records (in the US) and when the performance received such universal acclaim it was released worldwide. Particularly noted was the fact that Lipatti played warm-up arpeggios (preluding) prior to the Bach and Mozart works in the program - however, for reasons completely unknown, EMI never released Lipatti's preluding prior to the Schubert Impromptus or the Chopin Waltzes, despite these having been recorded and existing on the original Radiodiffusion Française broadcast recording. ...

The Gospel Truth: What Are the Gospels of the New Testament?

Nov 22, 2022 | While our four gospels eventually were named Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, did you know they're actually anonymously written? So, who actually wrote the gospels? And when were they written? Do we know where the writers were when they were writing? And much more!

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — November 22, 2022

A Beret Worn with Style and Panache

Manly and stylish; élégance décontractée

Many thanks to offfflliine on Pinterest for this great photo.

Chris Brown : Forever | Official HD Video | Reupload

Oct 25, 2009 | Views on YouTube: 304,246,070

Iran : l’ONU dénonce un « durcissement » dans la répression des manifestants

LE MONDE : L’organisation internationale, qui dénombre plus de 300 morts depuis septembre, réclame mardi aux autorités un moratoire sur la peine de mort.

Les opposants iraniens font face à une répression toujours plus féroce. L’ONU a dénoncé mardi 22 novembre le « durcissement » de la réponse du régime aux manifestations et réclamé aux autorités d’imposer un moratoire immédiat sur la peine de mort.

« Le chef des droits de l’homme de l’ONU, Volker Türk, déclare que le nombre croissant de décès dus aux manifestations en Iran, dont ceux de deux enfants ce week-end, et le durcissement de la réponse des forces de sécurité soulignent la situation critique dans le pays », a alerté le porte-parole des Nations unies Jeremy Laurence, lors d’un point de presse à Genève. » | Le Monde avec AFP | mardi 22 novembre 2022

Such a Handsome Man; Such a Sad End

Johnn F. Kennedy Jnr. was killed in a plane crash on July 16, 1999. To read more details on this sad story, please click here.

Many thanks to F&O Fabforgottennobility on Pinterest for this lovely photo.

A Camel with a Penchant for Colours …

… I wonder if …

Many thanks to Karen Dearborn for this delightful picture.

Mehr Schatten als Licht: Die Reformen von Saudiarabiens Kronprinz gehen längst nicht weit genug

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Mohammed bin Salman hat sein Land in atemberaubendem Tempo verändert, zugleich aber jede öffentliche Debatte erstickt und die Repression verschärft. Ohne ein Mindestmass an Bürgerbeteiligung wird das Land nicht vorankommen.

Im Königreich geht nichts gegen den Willen des mächtigen jungen Kronprinzen Mohammed bin Salman. | Imago

An Visionen, Ehrgeiz und Rücksichtslosigkeit hat es Mohammed bin Salman nie gefehlt. Im Oktober 2017 liess der junge Kronprinz die Welt aufhorchen, als er eine «Rückkehr Saudiarabiens zum moderaten Islam» ankündigte. Das Königreich habe unter dem Eindruck der iranischen Revolution 1979 einen Irrweg eingeschlagen, sagte der damals neu ernannte Thronfolger. Doch damit werde Schluss sein. Sein Land werde aufräumen mit extremistischem Gedankengut und zu einem Islam zurückkehren, der offen für die Welt und andere Religionen sei, versprach er an einer Investorenkonferenz in Riad.

Ebenso viel Aufsehen erregte an der Future Investment Initiative Conference seine Ankündigung, am Roten Meer eine futuristische neue Metropole namens Neom zu errichten. In ihr würden eigene Gesetze gelten und sie werde streng nach kapitalistischen Prinzipien geführt werden, verkündete der damals 32-jährige Prinz unter dem Applaus der geladenen Unternehmer. Mit dem Projekt werde der Petrostaat einen wichtigen Schritt zur Diversifizierung der Wirtschaft und zur Öffnung für internationale Investoren unternehmen. » | Ulrich von Schwerin | Montag, 21. November 202 in Saudiarabien,

Wo queere und muslimische Menschen einen safe space finden | kulturzeit

Nov 22, 2022 | Queer, kämpferisch, aus der muslimischen Welt: Menschen wie sie sind sehr gefährdet, in Ländern wie dem Iran, Saudi Arabien oder Katar, wo das Thema Homosexualität gerade wegen der Fußball-WM im Focus ist. Bedrohungen gegen sie gibt es aber auch hier in Deutschland, vor allem von islamistisch-fundamentalistischer Seite. Dabei kannte die islamische Welt in früheren Zeiten dieses Ausmaß an Queer-Feindlichkeit und krankhafter Homophobie jedenfalls nicht. In der Berliner Ibn Rushd Moschee finden sie einen safe place, einen sicheren Ort. 3sat „Kulturzeit“ trifft Jakob, der als Dragqueen Kween Gypsy* sehr auf Social Media aktiv ist, Tugay Saraç, einen muslimisch-schwulen Aktivisten, Ozi Ozar, trans non binary Mensch und sehr aktiv auf Tik Tok, und Ali Ghandour, Autor des Buchs „Liebe, Sex und Allah“.

‘Treat People with Decency’: Roy Keane Attacks Staging of World Cup in Qatar

THE GUARDIAN: ‘To dismiss human rights flippantly … it’s not right,’ says Keane / ITV pundit was discussing controversy over OneLove armbands

Roy Keane was outspoken in his condemnation of staging the World Cup in Qatar while appearing on ITV’s coverage. Photograph: ITV

Roy Keane has condemned Fifa’s decision to allow the World Cup to be hosted in Qatar, in view of the country’s human rights record and its treatment of migrant workers and LGBTQ+ people.

Speaking during ITV’s live coverage of Argentina v Saudi Arabia on Tuesday, the former Manchester United and Republic of Ireland midfielder summed up the ethical concerns felt by many regarding the controversial tournament. Same-sex relationships are illegal in Qatar, while thousands of workers are alleged to have died during the construction of the tournament stadiums and infrastructure.

“The World Cup shouldn’t be here. It shouldn’t be here,” Keane said. “The corruption, regarding Fifa, you’ve got a country, the way they treat migrant workers, gay people.” » | Luke McLaughlin | Tuesday, November 22, 2022

British Airways’ Male Crew Members to Be Allowed Piercings and Makeup

THE GUARDIAN: Airline follows Virgin Atlantic in updating its policies with non-gender-specific rules

A British Airways flight crew. Staff are urged to use ‘subtle shades’ of makeup. Photograph: Peter Nicholls/Reuters

British Airways’ male pilots and cabin crew are to be allowed to have piercings and wear makeup for the first time, after the airline updated its guidelines with non-gender-specific rules.

All employees in uniform can wear mascara, false eyelashes and earrings from Monday, as well as carry accessories including handbags, an internal memo told staff.

Staff are urged to use “subtle shades” of makeup and aim for a “natural look”, according to the updated rules. Nail polish is permitted for all, although black and neon nails are still off-limits. “Man buns” will also be permitted under updated hair grooming rules. It follows similar moves by rivals, notably Virgin Atlantic, to update its policies to reflect the diversity of modern society. » | Gwyn Topham, Transport correspondent | Thursday, November 10, 2022

Male pilots and cabin crew with mascara and nail polish? Really? If I didn't know better, I might have concluded that this was a story from April 1st! – Mark

Coming Out as a Gay Man in the World of Rugby | Nigel Owens on Sexuality | London Real

Apr 22, 2017

For more on this, click here.

Nigel Owens - Respect - Part 1/2 | London Real

Apr 23, 2017

Watch the full episode for free here.

WIKIPEDIA: Nigel Owens.

'One Love' Campaign Hit by Threat of FIFA Sanctions | DW News

Nov 21, 2022 | The threat of sanctions have resulted in the seven European nations who had signed up to the One Love campaign, including England and Germany, announcing their decision to abandon plans to wear the rainbow-themed captain’s armbands.

The joint-statement, released just hours before England’s game opening 2022 World Cup group game against Iran was due to kick-off, cited the threat of disciplinary action from world football governing body FIFA as the reason for the decision.

Mustafa Qadri spoke so well, but one major point was missed here. The real problem goes deeper than Qatar. But nobody wants to talk about it. The real problem, at least regarding the LGBTQ+ community, lies in Islam itself and Islam's understanding and take on being gay. The Muslim world has a huge problem with homosexuality. In countries like Saudi Arabia and Iran, gays are put to death. Qatar is no different. The buildings are marvellous and modern, and the country is high-tech and all that; but the mindset is mediæval. That is where the problem lies. – © Mark Alexander

Iran's National Team Stages Protest at Their First Game in Qatar | DW News

Nov 22, 2022 | In Iran, rights groups say security forces have killed a dozen people in the last 24 hours in a crackdown on demonstrators in Kurdish-populated regions. Activists say five people were killed when police opened fire on protesters in the western town of Javanrud.

Kurdish regions have been a focus of anti-government protests since the death of Kurdish-Iranian woman Mahsa Amini in the custody of the morality police in September.

While the national anthem played ahead of the national team's first game against England, the players stood silently, refusing to sing. Their decision was met with raucous cheers from the Iran fans, who tried to drown out the anthem with boos for the music and cheers of support for the players. Some applauded with tears in their eyes.

Monday, November 21, 2022

Schwules Leben: Immer noch ein Kampf? | Auf den Punkt

Jul 1, 2021 | Wie tolerant sind wir wirklich? Noch immer Anfeindungen, Übergriffe und Gewalt gegen LGBTQ - auch im vergleichsweise liberalen Deutschland. Ist das Hissen der Regenbogenfahne nur schöner Schein?

Für gleiche Rechte und Selbstbestimmung gehen weltweit derzeit wieder viele Menschen auf die Straße. Mit bunten 'Pride-Paraden' protestieren sie auch gegen Diskriminierung und Gewalt bis hin zu Mord an Menschen aus der LGBTQ-Community.

Massive Kritik gibt es auch an dem in Ungarn beschlossenen Gesetz gegen Homo- und Transsexualität, sowie an dem Verbot des europäischen Fußballverbandes UEFA, das Stadion in München in Regenbogenfarben leuchten zu lassen.

Schwules Leben: Immer noch ein Kampf? Unsere Gäste: Joseph Hutchinson (US-Journalist), Malte Lehming (Der Tagesspiegel), Bernd Riegert (DW Brüssel).

Kent Carollo | Fulfilling the Measure of My Creation | Episode 142

Premiered Jun 7, 2021 | “I never missed general conference, I held leadership positions, I served a mission, I studied at a church school, I got married. You reach a point where you do all the things you believe are best and true, but when there are no more boxes left to check, and you still feel a certain way, you have to start to ask yourself some really significant and often difficult questions.”

Kent Carollo sits down with Latter Gay Stories to share his journey from the closet, to coming out and navigating a world that to him seemed to be incredibly foreign and inaccessible. His story is a message of hope and love. It is a story of kindness and doing what is right—despite the many voices that encouraged him to “stay true to gospel truths”.

One Love


Many thanks to love for boys on Pinterest for this lovely and expressive photo.

Deutschland verzichtet bei WM in Katar auf "One Love"-Kapitänsbinde | DW Nachrichten

Nov 21, 2022 | Deutschland und sechs weitere WM-Teilnehmer verzichten auf die "One Love"-Kapitänsbinde. Zuvor hatte die FIFA sportliche Sanktionen angedroht, falls die Binden auf dem Platz getragen würden.

Die Armbinden waren Teil einer Kampagne des europäischen Fußballs für Inklusion. Sie galten als Protest gegen die Gesetze des WM-Gastgebers Katar, der unter anderem Homosexualität unter Strafe stellt.

Rishi Sunak Is Registered with Private GP Practice Offering £250 Consultations

THE GUARDIAN: Campaigners say poorest people will suffer most as NHS is ‘neglected and private practice becomes the norm’

Rishi Sunak is registered with a private GP practice that guarantees that all patients with urgent concerns about their health will be seen “on the day”.

The west London clinic used by the prime minister charges £250 for a half-hour consultation and, unlike most NHS GPs across the country, offers appointments in the evenings and at weekends, as well as consultations by email or phone that cost up to £150.

Patients can request home visits from doctors for which they are charged between £400 and £500, depending on the time of day or night. The clinic, which the Guardian has chosen not to name, also charges up to £80 for prescriptions. » | Pippa Crerar, Political editor | Monday, November 21, 2022

The Bitter Truth about Sugar & How It Causes Inflammation | Robert Lustig

March 11, 2022 | The guest on this week’s ‘Feel Better Live More’ podcast is Dr Robert Lustig, Professor of Paediatric Endocrinology at the University of California. He’s a leading public health expert who has long been exposing the myths of modern medicine and the food industry. His passion is communicating how sugar and ultra-processed food is fuelling the chronic disease epidemic that we are all facing today.

Most Britons Now Think Brexit Was a Bad Idea – The Government Just Hasn’t Caught Up Yet

THE GUARDIAN: Under pressure from the fundamentalists, No 10 quickly denied reports of a ‘Swiss-style’ deal with the EU. But the mood music against Brexit is an irreversible trend

A march to rejoin the EU in London in October. Photograph: Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

The head of the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) used his conference speech today to call for a tilt in immigration policy, to reflect the fact that the UK actively needs people to move here if we are ever to see a return to prosperity. There were rumours, meanwhile, of a “Swiss-style” deal between the UK and the EU, in which we would slowly reconverge with the single market, via harmonised regulations around food and agriculture.

The puzzle pieces are cohering into one picture: things are bad. Some people would like to continue arguing about root causes, arranging Brexit, Covid and the sheer fecklessness of modern Conservatism into an infinitely contestable hierarchy, but most people would just prefer things to be better. And the “how can things be better?” phase of the arc comes right before “any mistake that can be undone, let’s try to undo it”. » | Zoe Williams | Monday, November 21, 2022

Sunak tries to pacify Brexiters but keeps door open to closer EU ties: Prime minister stresses ‘enormous benefits and opportunities’ of Brexit before business leaders »

Related video here.


The Guardian view on Brexit heresy in the government: reality begins to bite: Controversial briefings to the press by senior government figures reflect a change in the zeitgeist »

We may not be heading for a Swiss-style Brexit deal, but Sunak must face reality: Most of Britain’s trade is with Europe, and Brexit has crippled it. There is a long way to go to resolve this fallout »

Iran Arrests Actors for Removing Headscarves, in Wider Crackdown on Celebrities

THE GUARDIAN: Prominent Iranians in film and sport have been condemned for expressing solidarity with the protest movement

Hengameh Ghaziani, who in a video removed her headscarf in public, had been arrested for inciting and supporting the ‘riots’. Photograph: Atta Kenare/AFP/Getty Images

Iran has arrested two prominent actors who expressed solidarity with the country’s protest movement and removed their headscarves in public, according to state media.

Hengameh Ghaziani and Katayoun Riahi were both detained after being summoned by prosecutors looking into their “provocative” social media posts, Iran’s state-run IRNA news agency said.

Iran’s clerical leadership has been shaken by more than two months of demonstrations sparked by the death in custody of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old woman of Kurdish origin who had been arrested by the morality police in Tehran.

Authorities in the Islamic republic describe the protests as “riots” and accuse the country’s western foes of fomenting them. » | Agence France-Presse | Monday, November 21, 2022

Ceaucescu, la folie du pouvoir - Roumanie - Union soviétique - Documentaire histoire - CTB

Nov 5, 2022 | Le 25 décembre 1989, le monde entier apprenait la mort du couple Ceausescu, exécuté à l'issue d'un simulacre de procès.

La mort du dictateur et de son épouse était présentée crûment par les dirigeants «révolutionnaires» comme un cadeau de Noël au peuple roumain. Deux jours plus tard, Nicolae et Elena étaient enterrés dans des tombes anonymes d'un cimetière des faubourgs de Bucarest tandis que les images du «procès» et de l'exécution faisaient le tour du monde. A peine un mois plus tôt, Ceausescu avait pourtant été réélu sans la moindre opposition, sans la plus petite nuance de critique, premier secrétaire du Parti communiste roumain.

Un film réalisé par Patrick Chamming’s et commenté par Dominique Bromberger
Une production par la Compagnie des Taxi-Brousse

Der Untergang der Romanows | Doku HD | ARTE

Oct 29, 2022 | Die Ermordung des Zaren Nikolaus II. und seiner Familie im Juli 1918 bedeutete das Ende der Romanow-Dynastie und somit der Zarenherrschaft in Russland. Ein großer Triumph für die bolschewistische Revolution. Pierre Gillard, bis zuletzt Hauslehrer der Zarenkinder, schilderte in seinem Tagebuch, das wenige Jahre später zum Bestseller wurde, die Ereignisse am russischen Hof.

In der Nacht vom 16. auf den 17. Juli 1918 wurde der letzte Zar, Nikolaus II., zusammen mit seiner gesamten Familie im Untergeschoss der Ipatjew-Villa in Jekaterinburg erschossen. Die Ausrottung der Romanow-Dynastie, aus der seit 300 Jahren die russischen Monarchen hervorgingen, beendete die Zarenherrschaft und gehörte zu den Triumphen der bolschewistischen Revolution. Pierre Gilliard, der Sohn von Weinbauern aus dem schweizerischen Waadtland, hat diese geschichtsträchtigen Tage hautnah miterlebt. Ab 1904 bekleidete er die privilegierte Position als Hauslehrer der Zarenkinder. Sein Tagebuch wurde gleich nach seiner Veröffentlichung 1921 ein Bestseller. Gilliard liefert darin eine genaue Schilderung der Ereignisse am russischen Hof zwischen 1905 und 1918. Aber der junge Schweizer beschränkte sich nicht auf schriftliche Aufzeichnungen: Er hatte auch eine Leidenschaft für die brandneue Technologie des Fotografierens. Mit einem kleinen Holzapparat machte der Hobbyfotograf während dieser Zeit Hunderte Fotos vom Privatleben der Zarenfamilie. Anhand des Tagebuchs und der Fotos von Gilliard zeichnet „Der Untergang der Romanows - Testat des Tutors Pierre Gilliard“ den Zeitpunkt der radikalen Schicksalswendung eines Menschen und eines ganzen Volkes nach. Ergänzt wird die Dokumentation durch Kommentare von Historikern, die auf die Russische Revolution spezialisiert sind. Jedes der geschilderten Ereignisse wird in den politischen Kontext eingeordnet. Der Zuschauer erlebt aus erster Hand, wie sich der ideologische Konflikt Tag für Tag zuspitzte und schließlich in den Aufstand des Proletariats mündete, der den Grundstein für die spätere Sowjetunion legte.

Dokumentarfilm von Patrick Cabouat (F 2017, 87 Min)

Diese Dokumentation ist altersbeschränkt und muß aus diesem Grund auf YouTube selbst angesehen werden. Klicken Sie hier, um sie anzusehen.

‘Very Frustrated’: England and Wales Back Down over OneLove Armband

THE GUARDIAN: Seven countries issue joint statement after warning from Fifa / They say players could be booked or forced to leave the pitch

England’s Harry Kane wearing the OneLove armband in September. Photograph: The FA/PA

England, Wales and five other European nations have confirmed they will not wear the OneLove armband at the World Cup in Qatar, saying Fifa made clear they would face sporting sanctions and that their captains could be booked or even forced to leave the pitch.

Belgium, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and Switzerland were the other countries that had planned to wear the rainbow armband in a country where same-sex relationships are illegal. Fifa has ordered all captains to wear armbands that promote other social messages.

A joint statement from the seven football federations said: “Fifa has been very clear that it will impose sporting sanctions if our captains wear the armbands on the field of play. As national federations, we can’t put our players in a position where they could face sporting sanctions including bookings, so we have asked the captains not to attempt to wear the armbands in Fifa World Cup games. » | David Hytner, Nick Ames and Sean Ingle in Doha | Monday, November 21, 2022

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — November 21, 2022

World Cup: Gay Fans 'Will Feel Safe'

Oct 13, 2022 | World Cup chief Nasser Al Khater told Sky News gay fans will be welcome to display affection and rainbow flags.

Brexit: Rishi Sunak Quashes Talk of Swiss-style EU Deal

Nov 21, 2022 | The prime minister has delivered his firmest response yet to a Sunday Times story suggesting that some in his government wanted a Swiss-type deal with the EU. Speaking at the Confederation of British Industry's annual conference in Birmingham, Sunak said that under his leadership the UK would 'not pursue any relationship with Europe that relies on alignment with EU laws' UK politics – live updates

What a load of BS Sunak speaks about the benefits of Brexit. Brexit is an unmitigated disaster. – © Mark Alexander

Trump Family’s Newest Partners: Middle Eastern Governments

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The government of Oman is a partner in a real estate deal signed last week by the former president, intensifying questions about a potential conflict as he seeks the White House again.

The Trump International Golf Club Dubai is one of the properties the Trump family has licensed its name to. | Bryan Denton for The New York Times

WASHINGTON — When former President Donald J. Trump returned briefly last week to his office at Trump Tower in New York, he was joined by his son Eric Trump and the top executive of a Saudi Arabian real estate company to sign a deal that creates new conflict-of-interest questions for his just-launched presidential campaign.

The deal is with a Saudi real estate company, which intends to build a Trump-branded hotel, villas and a golf course as part of a $4 billion real estate project in Oman. The agreement continues a practice that had been popular for the Trump family business until Mr. Trump was elected president — selling branding rights to an overseas project in exchange for a generous licensing fee.

But what makes this project unusual — and is sure to intensify the questions over this newest transaction — is that by teaming up with the Saudi company, Mr. Trump is also becoming part of a project backed by the government of Oman itself.

The deal leaves Mr. Trump, as a former president hoping to win the White House again, effectively with a foreign government partner that has complex relations with the United States, including its role in trying to end the war in Yemen and other important foreign policy agenda items for Washington. » | Eric Lipton and Maggie Haberman | Sunday, November 20, 2022

Was Brexiteers und Impfgegner eint

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: eine Meinung zu ändern ist schwer. Oft hat das wenig mit Argumenten zu tun.

Freude am Austritt: Als die Briten offiziell die EU verließen, war die Stimmung auf der Insel noch eine andere. Bild: REUTERS


Sechs Jahre nach dem Brexit-Referendum in Großbritannien sind 54 Prozent aller erwachsenen Briten der Meinung, der Austritt aus der Europäischen Union sei dem Land nicht gut bekommen. Dies ergab eine Umfrage des Meinungsforschungsinstituts YouGov im Juni dieses Jahres. Fragt man aber die Briten, wie sie heute abstimmen würden, kommt dasse

Das Ergebnis ist verstörend. Warum ändern schlechte Erfahrungen unser Verhalten nicht? Sind gute Argumente nichts wert? » | Rainer Hank, Freier Autor in der Wirtschaft der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Sonntagszeitung. | Montag, 21. November 2022

Saudi Crown Prince Granted Immunity by US over Jamal Khashoggi killing - BBC News

Nov 18, 2022 | Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has been granted immunity by the US in a lawsuit against him over the death of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. The announcement has been condemned by Khashoggi's family and friends. In 2018, Jamal Khashoggi was killed at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul following his public criticisms of its government. The lawsuit was bought against Mohammed bin Salman after a document declassified by the Biden administration in 2021 revealed the crown prince was in some way complicit in the murder of Mr Khashoggi.

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Stanley Tucci's New Taste for Life After Surviving Cancer: "I'm Lucky to Be Alive" | PEOPLE

Mar 9, 2022 | In this exclusive interview with Stanley Tucci, the beloved actor opens up about his Emmy-winning food and travel series, 'Searching For Italy,' his emotional tongue cancer diagnosis, and how the love and support of his wife helped him through his treatment and recovery.

My late American partner also had tongue cancer. He had similar treatment to Stanley Tucci. Unfortunately, he wasn’t as lucky as Stanley Tucci has been. He died in 2016 in hospital in Philadelphia. Naturally, I am very happy for Stanley Tucci and I wish him the best of health going forward. – Mark Alexander

Soulèvement en Iran : les universités à la pointe de la mobilisation

LE MONDE : Chaque jour, des étudiants manifestent contre le régime de Téhéran en tenant des sit-in ou en boycottant les cours, parfois au prix de leur vie.

Avant chaque rassemblement dans son université, Mona (qui s’exprime sous un pseudonyme) traverse trois phases. « Le matin, jusqu’à ce que j’arrive à l’université, je suis partagée entre l’angoisse et la colère », explique cette Iranienne de 19 ans, étudiante à l’université de Noshirvani, à Babol, dans le nord de l’Iran. Une fois arrivée, dès qu’elle se retrouve entourée de ses camarades réunis pour crier « Femme, vie, liberté », le slogan phare de l’actuel soulèvement iranien, « c’est un mélange d’espoir, de confiance et de fierté » qui l’occupe. A la fin du rassemblement, elle est traversée « par la peur d’être arrêtée en sortant dans la rue », explique cette jeune étudiante, contactée sur la messagerie cryptée Telegram. » | Par Ghazal Golshiri | Samedi 19 novembre 2022

World Cup 2022: Growing Up LGBT in the Middle East


BBC: More than a million fans from around the globe will be going to Qatar to watch the World Cup.

But the country has been criticised for its ban on same-sex relationships and its treatment of migrant workers.

For some LGBT football fans, there is a conflict - between the game they love and the life they wish to lead.

It's a dilemma one fan, who fled a neighbouring Middle Eastern country with similar attitudes, understands well.

That person, who asked to remain anonymous, told BBC Asian Network's Luke Wolstenholme what it was like to grow up LGBT in a country where "everyone is scared to talk about it".

'I was trying to change myself'

Living your whole life in fear isn't an experience you would wish on your worst enemy. Fear, consistent lying, pretending - this is the highlight of my life there.

I wasn't happy for long time, to be honest. At that time I was thinking there is something wrong with me for being gay and I didn't accept it.

I was trying to change myself - we are raised like that.

Everything around us says being gay is wrong and God will punish us for being gay. My home country is a religious country and Islam is the religion.

It took me a long time to accept myself. » | BBC | Friday, November 18, 2022

Five People Dead and Many More Injured after Mass Shooting at Gay Nightclub

PINK NEWS: At least five people have been killed in a horrific mass shooting at a gay nightclub in Colorado, US, police have confirmed.

Another 18 people are said to be injured as a result of bloodshed and violence breaking out at Colorado Springs’ Club Q on Saturday (19 November).

Club Q describes itself as an “adult-oriented gay and lesbian nightclub hosting theme nights such as karaoke, drag shows and DJs”.

Police refused to speculate on a possible motive but did say one individual, believe to be the shooter, had been taken into custody.

“We will be here for many, many hours to come,” said Colorado Springs Police lieutenant Pamela Castro. » | Ryan Butcher | Sunday, November 20, 2022

Happy Memories of a Hot Summer.

Schöne Erinnerungen an einen heißen Sommer. / Souvenirs heureux d'un été chaud.

Many thanks to Liz Burnside for this stunning photo.

Iran under the Pahlavi Dynasty: The Heirs of Cyrus the Great | Full Documentary, 1974 | Scanned in 4K

Premiered Nov 10, 2022 | Our newly-scanned documentary in 4K-resolution from 1974 shows the state of Persia in the early 20th Century and rise to power of the Pahlavi Dynasty, the founding of the modern Imperial State of Iran with political and cultural changes to the everyday life, as well as its fate in World War II and the Cold War under the forced outside influence of the global superpowers and further societal modernisation under Shah Mohammad Reza until shortly before the outbreak of the Iranian Revolution.

Major Crackdown in Iran against Ethnic Kurdish Protesters | DW News

Nov 20, 2022 | Rights groups are reporting that Iran is carrying out a major crackdown in the Kurdish town of Mahabad. The town has seen intense anti-regime protests in recent days, with people staging sit-ins and setting up barricades. In video circulated on social media overnight, gunfire and screaming can be heard. Another clip shared by an exiled Kurdish opposition party claims to show plainclothes members of the Revolutionary Guard firing into the sky. Activists say electricity has been cut and there are unconfirmed reports of protesters being killed or wounded.

Update: Theranos Founder Elizabeth Holmes Sentenced to 11 Years in Jail | 60 Minutes Australia

Nov 20, 2022 | The Bloody Lie 2022 | For more than a decade Elizabeth Holmes spun a despicable bloody lie. She told the world she’d invented a medical miracle. It was a machine which, with a tiny drop of blood, could almost instantly diagnose myriad diseases. Holmes promised to revolutionise healthcare, and in doing so fooled many wealthy investors. It led to her becoming a darling of Silicon Valley and an inspirational billionaire. But when whistle-blowers started questioning her claims, Holmes’ fairytale, along with her company Theranos, was destroyed. Earlier this year, Elizabeth Holmes was found guilty of fraud. Now it’s judgement day as she discovers her punishment.

India Expands Digitization amid Worrying Trends | DW News

Nov 1, 2022 | India’s digital footprint has tripled in less than a decade. 60 percent of Indians now have access to the internet. This digital expansion has changed the lives of millions of people across the country. We take a closer look at how that growth clashes with government attempts regulate the internet.

'This Is Not Iran' | Israel's Religious and Far-right Parties Demand Law to Legitimize Gender Segregation

HAARETZ: Religious Zionism and United Torah Judaism parties want to legalize separation of men and women at ultra-Orthodox and Orthodox cultural events, education and public services to prevent what they call 'judicial persecution by the legal system'

In exchange for joining the coalition, the far-right Religious Zionism and United Torah Judaism parties have demanded legislation that gender separation at public events will not be considered discrimination. Likud has not yet decided whether to grant the demand.

Prime Minister Yair Lapid said in response: “While in Iran courageous women are fighting for their rights, in Israel, Smotrich and the ultra-Orthodox nationalists are trying to send women behind barriers and enshrine into law separation between men and women. Where is Likud? Why are they silent? This is not Iran." » | Michael Hauser Tov and Noa Shpigel | Sunday, November 20, 2022

Elon Musk Reinstates Trump’s Twitter Account

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Mr. Musk, who had asked Twitter users about whether to bring back the former president to the service, said, “The people have spoken.”

Former President Donald J. Trump at an event at Mar-a-Lago on Friday. His account returned to Twitter on Saturday. | Rebecca Blackwell/Associated Press

Elon Musk said on Twitter on Saturday that he would reinstate former President Donald J. Trump to the platform as part of a shake-up of the social media service, with Mr. Trump’s account quickly showing up again on the site.

Mr. Musk, who bought Twitter for $44 billion last month, had asked users on the platform starting late Friday afternoon about whether to allow Mr. Trump back onto the service. Twitter had barred Mr. Trump after the riot on Jan. 6, 2021, at the U.S. Capitol, saying his posts had run the risk of inciting violence.

More than 15 million votes were logged in answer to Mr. Musk’s question about whether to reinstate Mr. Trump, according to the results that Mr. Musk included in his tweet, with nearly 52 percent in favor of the former president returning to Twitter. Mr. Trump’s Twitter account went live shortly after, though the former president’s last tweet was from Jan. 8, 2021.

“The people have spoken,” Mr. Musk said on Twitter. “Trump will be reinstated.” He added the Latin phrase “Vox Populi, Vox Dei,” which roughly means that the voice of the people is the voice of God. » | Ryan Mac and Kellen Browning | Saturday, November 19, 2022

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Keir Starmer: I Will Abolish House of Lords to ‘Restore Trust in Politics’

THE GUARDIAN: Exclusive: Labour leader plans a new elected chamber after accusing successive Tory governments of handing peerages to ‘lackeys and donors’

Labour would remove politicians’ powers to make appointments to the Lords in its first term.Photograph: Arthur Edwards/The Sun/PA

Keir Starmer will abolish the House of Lords and replace it with a new elected chamber as part of plans to “restore trust in politics”, the Observer understands.

In a sweeping constitutional overhaul, the Labour leader has told the party’s peers that he wants to strip politicians of the power to make appointments to the Lords as part of the first-term programme of a Labour government. Starmer said that the public’s faith in the political system had been undermined by successive Tory leaders handing peerages to “lackeys and donors”.

It is understood that Labour will hold a consultation on the composition and size of a new chamber as well as immediate reforms to the current appointments process. Final proposals will be included in the party’s next election manifesto.

It comes after a series of rows over peerages. Boris Johnson made a number of controversial appointments, including his friend Evgeny Lebedev, who owns the Evening Standard. He is expected to appoint political allies and junior aides as part of a forthcoming list. » | Michael Savage, Policy editor | Saturday, November 19, 2022

Our French friends and neighbours got it right way back in 1789! What do we need people to lord it over us for anyway? In the eyes of God, we are all born equal. Liberté!. Égalité! Fraternité! – Mark

George Michael : Father Figure | Official Video | Reupload

Views on YouTube: 97,761,438

Schöne Blumen: Wahrscheinlich Anemonen.

Probablement des anémones. / Probably anemones.

Ich bedanke mich bei Anna Draghi für dieses schöne Bild.

Un chapeau élégant avec une différence pour la femme qui souhaite projeter la différence. | Reupload

Un chapeau beau, coloré et extraverti.

Je remercie sur Pinterest pour cette belle image.

US Court Says Saudi Crown Prince 'Immune' from Khashoggi Murder Suit | DW News

Nov 19, 2022 | Jamal Khashoggi was a Saudi dissident who fled to the US. As a Washington Post columnist he harshly criticized the kingdom and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Four years ago Khashoggi was murdered at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, Turkey. US intelligence say the Crown Prince ordered the crime. Khashoggi's fiance sued the crown prince in a US federal court. The prince's attorneys argued a head of government enjoys sovereign immunity, and cannot be sued. Today, the Biden administration agreed. Khashoggi's fiance says the news felt like the man she loved had died yet again, while the man who had him killed escaped justice yet again.

Related links here.

Es wird bald Zeit, Ihr Cape hervorzuholen, um im Winter chic und anziehend zu wirken. | Reupload

Il est presque temps de sortir votre cape pour être chic et séduisante cet hiver. / It's almost time to pull out your cape to look chic and alluring this winter.

Für dieses schöne und ausgezeichnete Foto bedanke ich mich bei Pinterest. Es gibt nichts Schöneres und Eleganteres als ein Cape. Mit einem Cape können Sie sich verkleiden oder Sie können sich lässig mit Jeans kleiden. Auf alle Fälle wird man chic wirken.

It Doesn't Come Much Better Than This! : 'First Kiss' | Reupload

A screenshot taken from the video.

’First Kiss’ is an 84-minute-long video of two handsome Israelis kissing. The kiss is between the artists Idan Bitton and Alfredo Ferran Calle. While the camera is still, the kiss is in motion provoking the viewer to stay and watch. Idan and Alfredo do not interact with the viewer but offer a peek into their intimate moments of commitment. This long lasting, present and unapologetic kiss defines our current gay rights momentum. We are here, we love each other, and this is what it looks like.

By Idan Bitton (
Performed by Idan Bitton & Alfredo Ferran Calle
Video: Runn Shayo

Watch the kissathon here.

I don’t believe that gay kisses come much longer, more beautiful, more sensuous or more sensational than this! This is a wonderful ‘kissathon’ to surpass all ‘kissathons’! A must watch for anyone with an open mind. (An absolute turn-off for the closed-minded, the fossilized and the mummified!)

It is long, so I would recommend a cocktail or two to enjoy the sensual pleasure of viewing. A few snacks might go down well too. (Don’t forget that YouTube allows you to stop viewing at any time and return to where you left off, at your convenience.) Enjoy! – © Mark Alexander

Canada: Naval 'First Kiss' by a Same-sex Couple | Reupload

A Canadian naval vessel made history when one of its master seamen, Francis Legare, shared the traditional ‘first kiss’ with his partner, Corey Vautour.

With many thanks to The Guardian on Pinterest for this super photo.

And the video of that great kiss is here.

Der Zweite Weltkrieg (Teil 1): Überfall auf Polen | SPIEGEL TV

May 1, 2020 | Mit dem Polenfeldzug beginnt am 1. September 1939 der Zweite Weltkrieg. Um 4.45 Uhr eröffnet das Linienschiff "Schleswig-Holstein" das Feuer auf polnische Befestigungen auf der Westerplatte vor der Freien Stadt Danzig.

Nach dem völkerrechtswidrigen Angriffskrieg der deutschen Wehrmacht erklären Frankreich und Großbritannien dem Deutschen Reich zwei Tage später den Krieg. Die letzten polnischen Truppen kapitulierten am 6. Oktober 1939. Das Datum gilt als Ende des Polenfeldzugs. Die polnische Armee hatte den Tod von 120.000 Soldaten zu beklagen. 917.000 mussten den Weg in die Kriegsgefangenschaft antreten.

Teil 2 befindet sich hier; und Teil 3, hier.

Mormon Parents of a Gay Child: When Dogma and Ignorance Collide | Episode 150

Sep 22, 2021| There isn’t a manual or Sunday school lesson that teaches us how to prepare for our LGBTQ+ child’s coming out experience. For parents (especially Mormon ones), you often feel wholly unprepared for the news.

For many parents, we aren’t trying to understand this topic because we believe it isn’t relevant to us—because something like this doesn’t happen to families like ours. Right?

In this powerfully candid and honest episode, Glen and Sandee Traasdahl share their mistakes, their successes, and the beautiful experiences they’ve learned as they navigate their son’s coming out experience.

** This episode is a must watch for all parents.**

Kyle Ashworth, the interviewer and host of these episodes, does such a great job of interviewing his guests. This series is one of the very best I have found on YouTube on LGBTQ+ issues. That is why I upload so many of them even though I am not a member of the Church of Latter-Day Saints. Kyle Ashworth interviews his guests so sensitively too. I hope you enjoy these discussions as much as I do. – Mark

Michael Lambert: Economy Collapsing But Don't Mention Brexit

Nov 19, 2022 | The UK economy is doing very badly. We are the only economy in the G7 that has not yet returned to pre-Covid levels. We are forecast to be the nineteenth slowest growing economy in the G20 just ahead of Russia next year. We are the only country in the G7 now in recession and our standard of living is forecast to diminish by 7% over the next two years.

Despite all of this, politicians both the government and the opposition, continue to pretend that this has nothing to do with Brexit but it is the result of Covid and Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Millions face poverty over the coming two years, whilst the NHS, social services and the police are in meltdown. Unless and until we confront the problems caused by Brexit our decline will continue.

How Norway's Prisons Are Different from America's | NowThis

Aug 6, 2020 | NORWAY'S PRISON SYSTEM: ‘The most important thing is how we treat people’ — Norway has developed a prison system that looks a bit different from that in the U.S., which has the world’s largest incarcerated population.