Monday, July 26, 2021

Ein sehr schöner, schwuler Kuß, sehr zärtlich und unverhohlen!

Un très beau baiser gay, très tendre et non déguisé ! / A very beautiful gay kiss, very tender and undisguised!

Image thanks to on Pinterest

Frank & Nancy Sinatra – Something Stupid (1967)

This beautiful song, sung by the father and daughter duo "Frank & Nancy Sinatra," was released in 1967, but the song was originally written and recorded in 1966 by "Carson Parks" with his wife "Gaile Foote"... (See here) | Page views on YouTube: 16,017,334 | Enjoy!

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Phil Collins - Can't Stop Loving You | Official Music Video

@Genesis The Last Domino? North American Fall Tour 2021 – tickets now on sale here. | Views on YouTube: 34,317,532

Nana Mouskouri - The White Rose of Athens

Views on YouTube: 3,123,476

Auf Deutsch: Weiße Rosen aus Athen: Klicken Sie, bitte, hier.

Nana Mouskouri - Plaisir d'amour (1971)

Eine letzte Zigarette: Aufstieg und Fall des blauen Dunstes

Aug 25, 2009 • A Final Cigarette (Swiss documentary) - Das war einmal: Schweizer TV-Moderatoren mit der Zigarette in der Hand, Swissair-Piloten, die sich nach dem Start mit einem Glimmstengel belohnen, Nationalräte im Tabakdunst: DOK dokumentiert den Aufstieg und Fall des blauen Dunstes. Ist die zunehmende Reglementierung des Rauchens richtig oder falsch?

Auf der Terrasse des rauchfreien Bundeshauses stehen schlotternde Nationalräte im Schneesturm und rauchen trotz beissender Kälte. DOK-Autor Fritz Muri vergleicht diese Szene mit Fundstücken aus Film- und Fotoarchiven aus einer Zeit, als mehr als 50 Prozent der Erwachsenen in der Schweiz noch rauchten.

Ein besonderes Highlight ist die Szene, in der Dichter Friedrich Dürrenmatt und Literaturpapst Marcel Reich-Ranicki während einer Fernsehdiskussion einen Studiobrand verursachten. Besonders die Eliten aus Kultur, Medien und Politik waren dem blauen Dunst zugetan. Kettenraucher gab es aber auch unter Piloten und Chirurgen. Models hüpften mit der Zigarette in der Hand über den Laufsteg, und die Werbung verbreitete omnipräsent den Duft der grossen weiten Welt.

Die weltweiten Kampagnien der Tabakmultis hatten damals ihre Gesichter. Zwei davon gehörten Schweizern: Der Berner George Herriger zog als Camel-Man durch den Dschungel, und Beat Wyss lächelte als Parisienne-Protagonist von den Plakatwänden der Luzerner wurde damals unfreiwillig zum Vorzeigeraucher und erforschte später als Professor der Kunst- und Mediengeschichte die Kulturgeschichte des Rauchens. Im Dokumentarfilm wird er zum Experten im doppelten Sinne.

Zu Wort kommen auch Präventivmediziner, Manager der Tabakmultis, der ehemalige Tabak-Lobbyist Edgar Oehler und der vormalige Tageschau-Chef Heiner Hug. DOK zeigt, wie in Büros, Fernsehstudios, Spitälern und Polizeistationen die Raucherinnen und Raucher immer mehr an den Rand gedrängt werden, aber auch wie eine Handvoll Genussraucher auf ein Zürichseeschiff flüchtet, um ungestört ihrem Laster zu frönen.

Fritz Muri schildert in seinem Film zudem die Geschichte des Bündner Volksmusikkönigs Peter Zinsli. Nach 60 Jahren als Raucher kann er heute nur noch mit einer Sauerstoffmaske überleben. Kann sein Beispiel seinen Sohn und seine Enkelin vom Rauchen abhalten? DOK gibt die Antwort.

Tobacco Firm Philip Morris Calls for Ban on Cigarettes within Decade

acek Olczak said the company could ‘see the world without cigarettes … and actually, the sooner it happens, the better it is for everyone’. Photograph: AP

THE GUARDIAN: CEO Jacek Olczak says product should be treated like petrol cars, which will be outlawed from 2030

The chief executive of tobacco business Philip Morris International has called on the UK government to ban cigarettes within a decade, in a move that would outlaw its own Marlboro brand.

Jacek Olczak said the company could “see the world without cigarettes … and actually, the sooner it happens, the better it is for everyone.” Cigarettes should be treated like petrol cars, the sale of which is due to be banned from 2030, he said.

Government action would end the confusion felt by smokers, some of whom still thought the “alternatives are worse than cigarettes”, Olczak told the Sunday Telegraph. “Give them a choice of smoke-free alternatives … with the right regulation and information it can happen 10 years from now in some countries. You can solve the problem once and forever.”

Philip Morris International (PMI) recently said it wanted half its turnover to come from non-smoking products as it morphs into a “healthcare and wellness company” with executive pay tied to its new mission to “unsmoke the world” by phasing out cigarettes. » | Zoe Wood | Sunday, July 25, 2021

Marlene Dietrich - Lili Marlene

Views on YouTube: 6,704,079

Barry White - My First My Last My Everything

Views on YouTube: 40,917,539

Frank Sinatra: Strangers In the Night (Remastered 2008)

Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group | Views on YouTube: 8,628,489

Brigitte Bardot on Marilyn Monroe

Views on YouTube: 1,875,686

Visiting the Coldest City in the World (-71°C, -96°F) Yakutsk / Yakutia

May 22, 2021 • I'm in the coldest city on the planet; Yakutsk, which is in Yakutia / Siberia / Russia. The lowest air temperature ever recorded here is -96°F (71°C) (SECOND VIDEO) 8 Crazy Ice Experiments at -55°C, -67°F | Views on YouTube: 1,167,914

1961 : Que pensez-vous des jeunes filles ? | Archive INA

Page de la femme | RTF | 06/11/1961 La journaliste Cécile Ibane, pose une série de questions sur les jeunes filles à huit jeunes garçons issus de milieux sociaux différents. Quelle est leur idéal féminin? Est-ce que les jeunes filles manquent de pudeur? Aiment-ils les filles qui se maquillent ? Quelle est la qualité essentielle chez une femme? | ‘Views’ sur YouTube : 770,836

Magnifique ! Comme les temps changent radicalement ! – Mark

Spain Pledged Citizenship to Sephardic Jews. Now They Feel Betrayed.

The former Jewish quarter of Segovia, Spain. The country was once home to one of Europe’s most thriving Jewish communities, which for centuries produced major poets, historians and philosophers. Credit...Emilio Parra Doiztua for The New York Times

THE NEW YORK TIMES: In 2015, Spain said it would give citizenship to the descendants of Sephardic Jews expelled during the Spanish Inquisition. Then rejections started pouring in this summer.

MADRID — María Sánchez, a retired mental health therapist in Albuquerque, spent the past four decades tracing her Jewish ancestry from Spain. She created a vast genealogical chart going back nearly 1,100 years, which included three ancestors who were tried in the Spanish Inquisition. Her findings even led her to join a synagogue in the 1980s and to become a practicing Jew.

So when Spain’s government said in 2015 that it would grant citizenship to people of Sephardic Jewish descent — a program publicized as reparations for the expulsion of Jews that began in 1492 — Ms. Sánchez applied. She hired an immigration lawyer, obtained a certificate from her synagogue and flew to Spain to present her genealogy chart to a notary.

Then, in May, she received a rejection letter.

“It felt like a punch in the gut,” said Ms. Sánchez, 60, who was told she had not proved that she was a Sephardic Jew. “You kicked my ancestors out, now you’re doing this again.” » | Nicholas Casey | Saturday, July 24, 2021

Facebook Wants You to Connect with God. On Facebook.

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The company is intensifying formal partnerships with faith groups across the United States and shaping the future of religious experience.

Months before the megachurch Hillsong opened its new outpost in Atlanta, its pastor sought advice on how to build a church in a pandemic.

From Facebook.

The social media giant had a proposition, Sam Collier, the pastor, recalled in an interview: to use the church as a case study to explore how churches can “go further farther on Facebook.”

For months Facebook developers met weekly with Hillsong and explored what the church would look like on Facebook and what apps they might create for financial giving, video capability or livestreaming. When it came time for Hillsong’s grand opening in June, the church issued a news release saying it was “partnering with Facebook” and began streaming its services exclusively on the platform.

Beyond that, Mr. Collier could not share many specifics — he had signed a nondisclosure agreement.

“They are teaching us, we are teaching them,” he said. “Together we are discovering what the future of the church could be on Facebook.”

Facebook, which recently passed $1 trillion in market capitalization, may seem like an unusual partner for a church whose primary goal is to share the message of Jesus. But the company has been cultivating partnerships with a wide range of faith communities over the past few years, from individual congregations to large denominations, like the Assemblies of God and the Church of God in Christ. » | Elizabeth Dias | Sunday, July 25, 2021

Phil Collins - One More Night (Official Music Video)

May 11, 2010 • @Genesis The Last Domino? North American Fall Tour 2021 tickets on sale now here | Views on YouTube: 73,966,697

La Belgique de nouveau frappée par des inondations après de violents orages

Un homme nettoie une maison ravagée par les inondations, à Pepinster le 24 juillet. JOHANNA GERON / REUTERS

THE FIGARO : Dix jours après les inondations qui ont fait 36 morts, de fortes pluies ont touché 11 communes de la vallée de la Meuse samedi. D'impressionnantes images de rues transformées en torrent ont circulé sur les réseaux sociaux.

De violents orages ont touché la Belgique samedi 24 juillet au soir, provoquant des dégâts dans la province de Namur (sud), dix jours après des inondations qui ont fait 36 morts dans le pays, ont indiqué les autorités. Aucune victime n'était à déplorer, a déclaré à l'AFP un porte-parole du centre de crise national vers 23 heures (21 heures GMT), précisant que les orages étaient terminés et la situation «stabilisée».

Ces fortes pluies ont touché en début de soirée 11 communes de la vallée de la Meuse, où elles ont provoqué des inondations. D'impressionnantes images de rues transformées en torrent ont circulé sur les réseaux sociaux, rappelant les scènes vécues dix jours auparavant dans la province de Liège. » | Par Le Figaro avec AFP | dimanche 25 juillet 2021

Joe Cocker & Jennifer Warnes - Up Where We Belong

Apr 3, 2012 • Up Where We Belong by Joe Cocker and Jennifer Warnes is the theme song for An Officer and a Gentleman (1982). This music video meshes scenes from the film and Top Gun (1986). Both films were huge success at the box office. Up Where We Belong became the #1 hit song on the Billboard that year. Video made by: fkwk101 (Yukon Audio-visual Workshop). | Views on YouTube: 21,867,762

James Taylor - How Sweet It Is (to Be Loved by You)

Mar 4, 2010 • Siccome trovavo solo versioni live, ho pensato di caricare la canzone originale. Tutti i diritti riservati © | Views on YouTube: 2,936,065

Foreigner - I Don't Want to Live without You (Official Music Video)

Jan 26, 2020 • You're watching the official music video for Foreigner - "I Don't Want to Live Without You" from the album 'Inside Information' (1987) | Views on YouTube: 2,961,943

Fox Is Killing Us

Jul 22, 2021 • It's past time for America to stop watching.

Related: here.

The Most Influential Spreader of Coronavirus Misinformation Online »

Covid-19: Families Struggle with High Hospital Costs in India | DW News

Jul 22, 2021 • The pandemic in India has taken a huge toll on human lives. It also placed a massive burden on people's finances. During the second wave, many people could only find medical treatment in private hospitals. For some, that's where the financial trauma began.

Sydney Police Fine Hundreds of Anti-lockdown Protesters for ‘Filthy, Risky Behaviour’

Protesters marched through central Sydney on Saturday, in breach of coronavirus stay-at-home orders.Photograph: Mick Tsikas/AAP

THE GUARDIAN: Prime minister denounces ‘selfish’ protesters who marched against coronavirus measures as police taskforce traces everyone who broke rules

Hundreds of fines have been issued and dozens charged in Sydney after anti-lockdown protesters marched and clashed with police in what one deputy commissioner called “violent, filthy, risky behaviour”.

The Australian prime minister, Scott Morrison, said on Sunday the previous day’s protests – in which thousands breached the region’s coronavirus measures to protest – were “selfish and self-defeating”, adding: “It achieves no purpose. It won’t end the lockdown sooner.”

The New South Wales premier, Gladys Berejiklian, said was “utterly disgusted” by the scenes, saying: “It just broke my heart that people had such a disregard for their fellow citizens.”

Detectives are now combing social media and footage from CCTV and police-worn body cameras to identify and punish everyone who defied stay-at-home orders, which are now entering their fifth week. » | Matilda Boseley and agencies | Sunday, July 25, 2021

The Observer View on the Unfolding Crisis in Lebanon

Demonstrators spray the shields of riot police during a protest by the families of the Beirut blast victims.Photograph: AFP/Getty

THE OBSERVER: A new failed state in the Middle East would spell chaos for us all

Amid so much trouble around the world, the crisis in Lebanon has received relatively little attention, especially from British politicians and media. This is a serious oversight. It’s not inconceivable Lebanon could soon become a “failed state” on a par with Libya or Yemen. That would be a disaster for its people, but also, as recent history shows, for the region, Europe and the UK.

The crisis has many aspects. The most pressing is the mounting human cost. The chronic devaluation of the Lebanese pound – it has lost about 90% of its value in the past 18 months – is taking a terrible toll on ordinary families. About 30% of Lebanese children go to bed hungry, the UN says. Most households are short of food. At least half the population has slipped into poverty.

Resulting hyperinflation, caused by adverse trading conditions during the pandemic but also by grossly irresponsible financial mismanagement by Lebanon’s politicians and bankers, means subsidies of essential foodstuffs, medicine and fuel no longer cover their true cost. People with deadly diseases such as diabetes or heart conditions cannot get the help they need. » | Observer editorial | Sunday, July 25, 2021

Related links here, here, here and here.

Billionaire tycoon named as Lebanese PM as economic crisis bites: Protesters wanted someone from outside the elite, but parliament went for Najib Miqati, who has led the country twice before »

A Kiss, Tender and Gay

Un bisou, tendre et gay / Ein Kuß, zärtlich und queer

Image thanks to BuzzFeed »

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Thousands Rally for Equality at Budapest Pride March

In Hungary, an Embattled L.G.B.T.Q. Community Takes to the Streets: Thousands of people attended the Budapest Pride march, defying efforts by the government of Prime Minister Viktor Orban to marginalize the country’s L.G.B.T.Q. community. »

Related links here

Chris de Burgh - Missing You

May 13, 2017 • Footage of "Notting Hill" with Julia Roberts along to de Burgh's "Missing You" from 1988. | Views on YouTube: 2,308,141

White Nights • Separate Lives • Phil Collins & Marilyn Martin

Sep 29, 2013 • Soundtrack/theme song from the 1985 Taylor Hackford film "White Nights" with Mikhail Baryshnikov, Gregory Hines, Helen Mirren & Isabella Rossellini. | Views on YouTube: 1,074,034

Thousands March in Budapest Pride to Oppose Anti-LGBTQ Law

People take part in the LGBT Pride parade in Budapest on Saturday. Photograph: Ferenc Isza/AFP/Getty Images

THE GUARDIAN: Demonstrators say law that bans teaching of issue in schools is causing division in Hungary

Thousands of Hungarians have joined the annual Budapest Pride march to support LGBTQ people and protest against a law that limits teaching about homosexuality and transgender issues in schools.

Hungary’s nationalist prime minister, Viktor Orbán, in power since 2010, has introduced social policies that he says aim to safeguard traditional Christian values from western liberalism, stoking tensions with the EU.

The European Commission has launched legal action against Orbán’s government over the law, which came into force this month, saying it is discriminatory and contravenes European values of tolerance and individual freedom.

Demonstrators at the march through the streets of central Budapest on Saturday said the legislation was dividing the former Soviet-bloc nation and now member of the EU. » | Reuters | Saturday, July 24, 2021

Rekord-Teilnehmerzahl bei Pride-Parade in Ungarn: Ministerpräsident Viktor Orbán will „Werbung“ für Homo- und Transsexualität verbieten. Die queere Szene in der ungarischen Hauptstadt hat das auf den Plan gerufen. Mehrere Tausend Menschen demonstrierten am Samstag gegen das Gesetz. »

Who Is to Blame for Lebanon's Latest Political Setback? | Inside Story

July 16, 2021 – It's back to square one for Lebanon's deepening political crisis. The prime Minister-Designate has resigned again after failing to form a new government. And as Saad Hariri and President Michel Aoun trade blame, the country sinks deeper into economic turmoil.

The currency has lost 95 percent of its value since 2019, pushing many Lebanese into poverty. International donors are frustrated at the lack of progress on reforms. So is there a political will to end Lebanon's political deadlock?

Presenter: Mohammed Jamjoom | Guests: Rana Khoury - Political Activist; Bachar El-Halabi - MENA Geopolitical Analyst, ClipperData; Christophe Abi-Nassif - Middle East Institute.

Was Trump Considering a Coup, and War w/ Iran? A Bombshell Article Explains | Amanpour and Company

Jul 21, 2021 • In the waning days of his presidency, how close was Donald Trump to instigating a war with Iran? Fear of this eventuality consumed General Mark Milley, who was – and remains – the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The New Yorker’s Susan Glasser broke the story of this threat and joins the show to discuss what she learned. Originally aired on July 20, 2021.

Anti-lockdown Protests across Australia as Covid Cases Surge to Record Levels in Sydney

THE GUARDIAN: Chaotic scenes in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide and Brisbane as protesters demand end to lockdowns

Anti-lockdown protesters have marched in major Australian cities, as Covid cases spiked to record numbers in Sydney and authorities warned of a “continuing and growing problem”.

Thousands of angry, unmasked people marched through the Sydney central business district on Saturday afternoon demanding an end to the city’s lockdown, which is entering its fifth week. Police made several arrests of protesters who broke through barriers or threw plastic bottles at officers.

Similar scenes unfolded in Melbourne and Adelaide, which are both in lockdown, and Brisbane, which is not.

As demonstrators were gathering in Sydney, the New South Wales health minister, Brad Hazzard, revealed a record number of new coronavirus cases had been detected – 163 in the previous 24 hours – and pleaded with people to stay at home.

“We really need our community, particularly in south-western and western Sydney, to stay at home, to hear the message and stay at home,” Hazzard said. » | Ben Smee | Saturday, July 24, 2021

Au Tibet, Xi Jinping affiche ses ambitions régionales

Le président chinois Xi Jinping lors de la session d'ouverture de l'Assemblée populaire nationale le 5 mars 2021. CARLOS GARCIA RAWLINS / REUTERS

LE FIGARO : La visite surprise du chef de l'État dans cette région autonome est la première depuis 31 ans pour un président chinois en exercice.

Les officiels chinois sont restés discrets et n'ont annoncé sa visite que vendredi. Le président Xi Jinping est arrivé mercredi à Nyingchi, une ville du Tibet, province soumise à l'autorité de Pékin depuis des décennies.

La question tibétaine semble s'évanouir ces dernières années au fur et à mesure que Pékin renforce son emprise sur le «toit du monde» et ses habitants. La multiplication des polémiques soulevées par l'appétit de l'ogre chinois a également eu pour effet de reléguer le Tibet à l'arrière-plan des préoccupations géopolitiques internationales.

Mais cette visite du numéro un chinois - le premier voyage d'un président chinois en 31 ans - est symbolique à plus d'un titre. Xi était déjà venu à la capitale, Lhassa, en tant que vice-président en 2011. Il est cette fois revenu pour célébrer le 70e anniversaire de la signature de l'accord en 17 points qui a marquant la fin de l'indépendance. » | Par Emilien Hertement | jeudi 23 juillet 2021

Abonnez-vous librement ici

"Gay" in Pre-Code Hollywood

Sep 14, 2008 • The "gay" part of a great documentary called, "Thou Shalt Not: Sex, Sin and Censorship in Pre-Code Hollywood" "must see" to anyone interested in movie making in Hollywood's golden age!

Lambda Variant Pushes up Death Toll in Peru | COVID-19 Special

Jul 22, 2021 • Alpha, beta, gamma, delta ... and now lambda. The WHO classes it as a "variant of interest." For Peruvians, it's much worse. The country has the highest death toll per capita in the world. And now the lambda variant accounts for almost all cases.

Kiss of the Day, Hot and Gay

Kuß des Tages, heiß und queer / Bisou du jour, chaud et gay

Image grâce à Pinterest (Épinglé sur Gay Couples and Love).

France Fiasco to Pingdemic U-turn: Boris Johnson’s Week of Chaos

Boris Johnson joins PMQs remotely while self-isolating this week. Photograph: UK parliament/Jessica Taylor/PA

THE GUARDIAN: In the last seven days the UK government has flailed from one controversy or misstep to the next

Often, the political week heading into the Commons summer recess can feel almost soporific, with the thoughts of ministers and MPs geared more towards holiday sunbeds than rows. But the last seven days has been different, and not only because of the ongoing political flux of coronavirus, with the government seeming to flail from one controversy, U-turn or misstep to the next, day after day.

Friday evening: France goes amber-plus

The reports began earlier in the week: France, which in a normal years attracts 10 million-plus UK visitors, was to be put on Britain’s red list, in effect banning almost all travel, because of concern about the spread of the potentially vaccine-resistant Beta variant. Eventually, late on Friday, it was announced that although France would stay on the amber list, double-vaccinated Britons returning from there would still have to quarantine for 10 days, unlike the new, relaxed policy for other amber destinations. Cue: anger from holidaymakers and some Conservative MPs – and polite bafflement from France itself.

Sunday: to self-isolate or not?

On Saturday, the health secretary, Sajid Javid, announced he had tested positive for Covid, a day after being pictured leaving meetings at Downing Street. Sure enough, Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak, the chancellor, were – like hundreds of thousands of Britons this week – “pinged” as close contacts. But on Sunday morning, a No 10 statement announced that Johnson and Sunak would avoid the usual 10 days of self isolation as they were taking part in a pilot scheme allowing them to carry on with “essential government business” while having daily tests. Three hours later, amid growing anger, the decision was reversed. Monday: ‘freedom day’ – and Covid passports » | Peter Walker, Political correspondent | Friday, July 23, 2021

Friday, July 23, 2021

Flutkatastrophe in China: Millionenmetropole unter Wasser | DW Nachrichten

Jul 23, 2021 • In China haben starke Regenfälle zu massiven Überschwemmungen geführt. Über 50 Menschen sind dabei ums Leben gekommen.

Heftige, langanhaltende Regenfälle und daraus resultierende Überschwemmungen haben in der zentralchinesischen Stadt Zhengzhou schwere Schäden angerichtet. In drei Tagen fiel so viel Regen wie normalerweise in einem ganzen Jahr.

Große Teile der 10-Millionen-Einwohner-Stadt liegen unter Wasser. Die Überschwemmungen haben etwa 400.000 Menschen aus ihren Häusern vertrieben.

Die Naturkatastrophe hat zahlreiche Häuser, Straßen und Autos zerstört. Berichten zufolge kann man von einem materiellen Schaden von über acht Milliarden Euro ausgehen. Die Stadt Zhengzhou gilt als eine bedeutsame Industriestadt und als Haupt- Verkehrsknotenpunkt in der dicht besiedelten zentralchinesischen Provinz Henan.

Opinion: NYT Guest Essay: Germany Is in Shock. Its Politicians Are on Autopilot.

Boris Roessler/DPA, via Associated Press

THE NEW YORK TIMES: BERLIN — Germany, unlike the United States, doesn’t really have a history of natural disasters. Blessed with a moderate climate and fortunate geography, the country knows little of hurricanes, strong earthquakes or heavy rain.

That changed last week: Floods, after exceptionally heavy rainfall, devastated parts of the country, affecting Belgium, Switzerland and the Netherlands, too. Villages, roads, bridges and power lines were destroyed. At least 170 people are dead, and many are still missing. Hundreds have been injured and countless livelihoods lost.

The country is in shock. Images of people waiting on rooftops for help, cars tossed around like toys by the water and entire houses turned to rubble are seared into our minds. Nearly 20 years on from our last major flood, the conclusion is inescapable: Climate change is right here, right now, and it hurts. » | Anna Sauerbrey * | Friday, July 23, 2021

* Ms. Sauerbrey is a German journalist who writes regularly about Germany’s politics, society and culture.

The Original Tabbouleh Salad / Tabouli

The Original Tabbouleh Salad, Lebanese All time Favorite . All yours to enjoy! | Views on YouTube: 78,390


3 bunches of Italian parsley, finely chopped
3 green onions, finely chopped
12 fresh mint leaves, chopped
1 cup white onion, diced small
3 cups tomatoes, diced small
1/4 cup brown burgol #1 soaked in 1/4 cup warm water
Note on burgol, also known by other names such as bulgur or burghul: burgol
1 tbsp dried mint
1/3 cup fresh lemon juice
1/4 cup pomegranate juice
1/3 cup olive oil
salt and pepper to taste

FYI : Please note that romaine lettuce is the US name for what has been traditionally known in the UK as cos lettuce. It is exactly the same thing. Check it out here

A Gay Mormon Love Story: Elder | Op-Docs | The New York Times

Jul 7, 2015 • This short documentary tells the story of a gay Mormon’s love affair while he served on a mission in Italy. Produced by: Genéa Gaudet | Views on YouTube: 922,798

Read the New York Times article here

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — July 23, 2021

Australia’s Most Populous State Declares ‘National Emergency’ over Covid Outbreak

THE GUARDIAN: New South Wales announces 136 new local Delta cases with Sydney under the strictest lockdown measures it has experienced

Australia’s most populous state has declared a “national emergency” as it struggles to contain a record-breaking surge of the Delta variant of Covid-19 amid a lockdown affecting half the country.

The state of New South Wales announced 136 new locally-acquired cases of Covid-19 on Friday, with continued community transmission among essential workers, including in supermarkets and pharmacies.

More than a year after the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, NSW has broken records for daily case numbers on consecutive days, and the city of Sydney is under the strictest lockdown measures it has ever experienced.

More than 13 million Australians – approximately half the country’s population – are currently under some form of lockdown or restriction, including the states of Victoria and South Australia.

On Friday, the NSW premier, Gladys Berejiklian, called for an urgent mass vaccination program in parts of Sydney, and warned that the city’s outbreak would endanger the entire country. Despite restrictions that have closed restaurants, pubs and bars, general retail shops, schools, offices, gyms and sport, and limited the reasons that people can leave the house, Covid numbers continue to rise. » | Naaman Zhou | Friday, July 23, 2021

Out of the Closet, Off the Screen: The Life of William Haines | 2001 Documentary

Mar 5, 2016 • What price Hollywood? was the title of an early George Cukor film, but is a question every closeted movie star has probably asked himself. In 1930, the top box office star was a gay man. Billy Haines lived with his lover, Jimmie Shields, and never posed on the red carpet with a beard on his arm. By 1933, he was washed up in show business; and by 1936, he had become hugely successful in an entirely new line of work as an interior decorator. Out of the Closet, Off the Screen: The Life of William Haines, details the extraordinary life of Billy Haines, the only matinee idol who ever decided that Hollywood’s price was too high and walked away from film stardom. | Views on YouTube: 1,894,386

Authors Hugh Nini and Neal Treadwell on Their Book 'Loving: A Photographic History of Men in Love'

Oct 15, 2020 • Hugh Nini and Neal Treadwell join WGN Weekend News to talk about their book

Related: here

The Last BeeGee: Barry Gibb's Emotional First Interview Following Robin's Death | 7NEWS Spotlight

Apr 2, 2021 • The BeeGees were a phenomenon with hit songs and legions of fans. But their success has been tinged with heartache, starting with the death of brother Andy in 1988, Maurice in 2003 and Robin in 2012. Rahni Sadler sat down with Barry in the months following Robin's passing for an emotional interview, which helped him come to terms with the tragedy. This story originally aired on September 23, 2012. | Views on YouTube: 714,378

Brüssel erteilt Johnson eine Abfuhr

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Der britische Premierminister Johnson will das Nordirland-Protokoll neu verhandeln. Kommissionspräsidentin von der Leyen hat ihn jedoch abblitzen lassen und angekündigt, „kreativ und flexibel“ innerhalb des Protokolls zu sein.

„Das Nordirland-Protokoll: der Weg vorwärts“, so hat die britische Regierung ihr „Command Paper“ genannt, das sie am Mittwoch vorlegte. Premierminister Boris Johnson kommt im Vorwort schnell zur Sache. Eigentlich würden die Umstände es schon jetzt rechtfertigen, schreibt er, wesentliche Teile des Protokolls auszusetzen, das die Beziehungen zwischen dem Norden und dem Süden der irischen Insel regelt. Doch gibt er der EU noch eine Chance: Wenn sie ihren „unflexiblen Ansatz“ aufgebe und das Protokoll neu verhandle, könne man ein „neues Gleichgewicht“ finden. Das ist nah an einer Erpressung und aus Brüsseler Sicht das, was man einen „Non-starter“ nennt.

Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen wies Johnsons Ansinnen am Donnerstag schnörkellos zurück. „Die EU wird weiterhin kreativ und flexibel innerhalb des vom Protokoll gesetzten Rahmens sein“, teilte sie auf Twitter mit, nachdem Johnson sie am Mittag angerufen hatte. „Aber wir werden es nicht neu verhandeln.“ Eine Sprecherin fügte spitz hinzu, dass die Präsidentin zugehört habe, wie Johnson seine „jüngste Position“ zu dem Vertragswerk erklärt habe. Etwaige Gesprächstermine zwischen den Unterhändlern seien nicht angesetzt. » | Von Thomas Gutschker, Brüssel | Freitag, 23. Juli 2021

Related article here

Rupert Murdoch’s Disinformation Media Empire | The Mehdi Hasan Show

Jul 23, 2021 • An undervaccinated population in the United States where the government literally can’t give Covid-19 inoculations away; the Donald Trump presidency; and the January 6th insurrection on the United States Capitol. There’s a case to be made that none of these things would have happened without Rupert Murdoch and Fox News. Fellow Australian Malcolm Turnbull, the former prime minister, joins Mehdi to discuss Murdoch, Trump, the spread of disinformation and the rise of authoritarianism.

US in ‘Another Pivotal Moment’ as Delta Variant Drives Surge in Covid Cases

THE GUARDIAN: Hospitals are filling up, especially in areas with low vaccinations / CDC offers no change in guidance on mask wearing

The US is “at another pivotal moment in this pandemic” as rising Covid-19 cases show no signs of abating, driven by the Delta variant, and some hospitals are filling up, especially in areas with low vaccination rates, government officials warned on Thursday.

The US government did not change its guidance on mask wearing, despite debates going on in the White House and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about whether those who have been vaccinated should once again be officially advised to wear masks indoors to prevent the spread. » | Joanna Walters in New York | Friday, July 23, 2021

‘It’s too late’: US doctor says dying patients begging for Covid vaccine »

Why Vaccinated People Are Getting ‘Breakthrough’ Infections »

Des millions de personnes en situation à risque restent à vacciner, alerte l'Assurance maladie »

New Zealand Shuts Australia Travel Bubble as Sydney’s Covid Outbreak Worsens

THE GUARDIAN: Jacinda Ardern pauses flights for eight weeks as her health chief says the spread in NSW was ‘clearly not under control’

New Zealand is shutting down the quarantine-free travel bubble with Australia for two months, as the country grapples with a number of serious outbreaks of Covid-19.

The country had already paused travel with the states of New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia. The new pause applies to all of Australia for the next eight weeks.

At a press briefing on Friday, prime minister Jacinda Ardern said because of the Delta variant there was “greater risk now … than when we opened the travel bubble”.

“Covid has changed and so must we.”

Ardern said that she wanted to “acknowledge the impact it is having very directly on people’s lives. Covid-19 is devastating”. » | Tess McClure in Christchurch | Friday, July 23, 2021

Covid-19 : en Australie, « urgence nationale » autour de Sydney »

Belarus NGOs Condemn Government Crackdown after ‘Black Week’ of Raids

Belarusian human rights advocate Ales Bialiatski was among those arrested last week. Photograph: Dmitry Brushko/AP

THE GUARDIAN: Human rights groups say latest series of arrests and searches are part of ‘a total purge on civil society’

The government of Belarus has launched a broad crackdown on civil society, launching raids and arrests on dozens of organisations in what has been described as a “black week” for the country’s NGOs.

The raids, which began last week, have touched all corners of civil society, from groups that campaign for political prisoners’ rights to those that crowdfund medical care and have helped medics in the fight against coronavirus.

The pressure follow mass arrests of opposition politicians and the closure and harassment of much of the country’s independent media, as longtime leader Alexander Lukashenko seeks to stamp out even apolitical efforts by Belarusians to self-organise.

“It’s a total purge of civil society,” said Marina Vorobei, the founder of, an online platform for public unions and initiatives that helps with self-organisation and provides tools for secure networking and remote work. “NGOs have always been under pressure in Belarus … but these raids, this wave of arrests and seizures have never been seen by the non-profit sector.” » | Andrew Roth in Moscow | Friday, July 23, 2021

Bisou du jour, chaud et gay !

Kuß des Tages, heiß und schwul! / Kiss of the day, hot and gay!

Image grâce à Pinterest. Merci beaucoup !

Thursday, July 22, 2021

Michael Jackson: I Just Can't Stop Loving You [Official Video]

Views on YouTube: 5,120,228

Bee Gees - You Win Again (1987)

Views on YouTube: 50,153,389

Loving: A Short Documentary on Men in Love

Oct 3, 2020 • Signed, numbered, dedicated, special limited editions of LOVING now available here

Manifestations à Cuba : Washington sanctionne le ministre de la défense cubain

LE MONDE : Le président américain Joe Biden a prévenu que ces sanctions financières décidées à la suite de la « répression » des récentes manifestations à Cuba n’étaient « qu’un début ».

Les Etats-Unis ont imposé, jeudi 22 juillet, des sanctions financières au ministre de la défense cubain, Alvaro Lopez Miera, et à une unité spéciale du ministère de l’intérieur, pour la « répression » des récentes « manifestations pacifiques et prodémocratie » à Cuba, tout en menaçant de nouvelles mesures punitives.

« Ce n’est qu’un début. Les Etats-Unis vont continuer à sanctionner les responsables de l’oppression contre le peuple cubain », a prévenu le président Joe Biden dans un communiqué, condamnant « sans ambiguïté les arrestations massives et les simulacres de procès »visant « ceux qui osent parler ». » | Le Monde avec AFP | jeudi 22 juillet 2021

Brexit: Von der Leyen Rejects Boris Johnson Bid to Renegotiate Irish Protocol

Ursula von der Leyen spoke with Boris Johnson at his request for about 30 minutes. Photograph: Christian Hartmann/AP

THE GUARDIAN: EU has already proposed changes to lessen impact on Northern Irish citizens, say officials

The president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, has rejected Boris Johnson’s move to renegotiate the Northern Irish protocol, raising the temperature of a simmering Brexit row.

“The EU will continue to be creative and flexible within the protocol framework. But we will not renegotiate,” she said after a call with the prime minister on Thursday.

EU sources said the call lasted about 30 minutes, and Von der Leyen made clear they spoke at Johnson’s request. » | Jennifer Rankin in Brussels and Aubrey Allegretti | Thursday, July 22, 2021

We Have No Confidence in Priti Patel, Says Police Federation

THE GUARDIAN: Police officers in England and Wales furious at pay freeze after months on frontline of Covid crisis

Rank-and-file police officers have overwhelmingly supported a vote of no confidence in the home secretary, Priti Patel, the first such move in more than a decade.

In a scathing announcement, the Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW), which represents 130,000 officers, said Patel and the government “could not be trusted” and warned “warm words were not enough”.

The move comes after Wednesday’s confirmation that officers earning £24,000 or more would be hit by a pay freeze in 2021-22. » | Jamie Grierson, Home affairs correspondent | Thursday, July 22, 2021

„First Kiss“ in Tel Aviv

Im Falle der Fälle, daß Sie diesen großartigen Kissathon in Tel Aviv verpaßt haben, den ich Ihnen vor ein paar Tagen gebracht habe, bringe ich Ihnen das Ereignis heute noch einmal. Ich glaube Sie werden mit mir einverstanden sein: Dieses Ereignis ist nicht nur ungewöhnlich und sehr genießbar anzuschauen, es ist auch sehr einmalig. Der Kissathon sollte gar nicht verpaßt werden! Klicken Sie doch hier für diesen Hochgenuß. Sie werden auf keinen Fall enttäuscht sein! – © Mark

Lionel Richie : Dancing on the Ceiling

Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group | Views on YouTube: 1,815,178

Billionaires Fight to Privatize & Monopolize Space Infrastructure as Earth Burns & Workers Organize

Jul 22, 2021 • As the world’s richest man flies his Blue Origin rocket into suborbital space, here on Earth calls are growing to tax the rich and let Amazon unionize. Billionaire Jeff Bezos has faced strong criticism after Tuesday’s flight, for which he thanked Amazon workers and customers who “paid for all of this.” Bezos traveled to the edge of space just days after another billionaire, Virgin Group founder Richard Branson, took a similar trip on a Virgin Galactic spacecraft. “The richest and most powerful people in the world are turning their eyes away from the planet and to the stars,” says Paris Marx, a writer and host of the podcast “Tech Won’t Save Us.” “We need to question whether we should be dedicating so much resources to this kind of grand vision of a future that may never arrive,” Marx says. We also speak with journalist Peter Ward, author of the book “The Consequential Frontier: Challenging the Privatization of Space,” who says billionaires who have monopolized large sectors of the economy are seeking to do the same for space infrastructure. “It’s not the worst thing to have the private sector involved. It’s just it can’t be where they have complete control,” Ward says.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — July 22, 2021

How We Got Gay | Discovery Channel HD Documentary

Mercedes-Benz Will Shift Its Focus to Electric Vehicles by 2025

The Mercedes-Benz EQA, part of the automaker’s EQ lineup of fully electric models.Credit...John Macdougall/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Mercedes-Benz will shift its focus entirely to electric vehicles in 2025 and be prepared to sell nothing but electric cars by 2030, the company said Thursday, adding a caveat that the transition depends on “market conditions.”

Mercedes thus joined a growing list of companies including General Motors, Stellantis and Renault that have declared their intention to hasten the demise of internal combustion engines in favor of battery powered vehicles with no tailpipe emissions.

Increasingly, they have little choice. The European Union will effectively ban new cars with internal combustion engines in 2035, while Britain, Norway and other countries have also set expiration dates for vehicles that run on fossil fuels.

Mercedes, the luxury carmaking division of Daimler, also faces pressure from Tesla, which has been stealing well-heeled buyers and is building a factory in Berlin. » | Jack Ewing | Thursday, July 22, 2021

Homosexuelle Väter : Vater, Vater, Kind

Fotograf Bart und Ehemann Rob mit ihren beiden Söhnen Ethan und Noah am Morgen, Antwerpen, Belgien. © Bart Heynen

ZEIT ONLINE | Bart Heynen fotografiert schwule Väter mit ihren Kindern – und gibt einen intimen Einblick in das Familienleben von Menschen, deren Lebensrealität oft nicht gesehen wird.

Bart Heynen erstarrte ein wenig, als er das erste Mal hörte, wie ein Freund seines Sohnes diesen fragte: “Wo ist deine Mami?” Sein Sohn habe geantwortet: “Ich habe keine Mutter. Ich habe einen Papa und einen Daddy.” Eine Antwort, die Heynen so ähnlich selbst oft geben muss: “Ich habe keine Frau, ich habe einen Mann.” In gewisser Weise sei dieser Satz auch für seinen Sohn ein Coming-out gewesen. » | Von Philipp Kienzl | Montag, 12. Juli 2021 »

Meet the Gay Marine Whose Homecoming Kiss Went Viral [2012]

ADVOCATE: A photo of Sgt. Brandon Morgan kissing his boyfriend, Dalan Wells, went viral in February [2012] as a visual symbol of the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell.

On February 22, Marine Sergeant Brandon Morgan was returning from a six-month deployment to Afghanistan by way of a military base in Hawaii. Morgan's boyfriend, Dalan Wells, was at the base to greet his partner as he returned home, along with the spouses and girlfriends receiving their returning soldiers. When Morgan saw Wells, he was so moved that he leapt into his boyfriend's arms, where the two shared a passionate kiss, caught on camera by bystanders. The photo quickly went viral, a visceral, visual reminder of the progress made by repealing "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."

Just in time for the new year, YouTube filmmakers Gay Family Values sat down with Sgt. Morgan, 25, and Wells, 38 to get the full story on the moment that became an iconic symbol of the march toward equality in our nation's military.

"There was a little bit of hesitation on Dalan's part to even be there," explains Sgt. Morgan. "Because, yes, the repeal had happened, DADT was dead, but for the most part there were military spouses or girlfriends there, all dressed up to receive their men, husbands dressed up to receive their wives back from deployment, but we were the only same-sex couple." » | Sunnivie Brydum | Saturday, December 29, 2012

Dimitra’s Dishes : The Best Greek Spanakopita

Print Dimitra’s recipe here

Hongrie : l’Union européenne doit en finir avec la naïveté

LE MONDE : Mis en cause dans la cadre du « Projet Pegasus », le pouvoir hongrois et Viktor Orban créent de nouveaux remous en organisant un référendum stigmatisant la communauté LGBT. L’UE doit se donner les moyens de sanctionner clairement le pays.

Editorial du « Monde ».
Trois jours après avoir été mis en cause dans le scandale mondial de surveillance Pegasus, vingt-quatre heures après avoir été de nouveau pointé du doigt par la Commission européenne pour ses dérives en matière d’Etat de droit, Viktor Orban a annoncé, mercredi 21 juillet, la convocation d’un référendum sur sa très contestée loi sur les contenus LGBT, qui ne cesse de faire scandale depuis son adoption en juin. Accusant « Bruxelles » d’avoir « clairement attaqué la Hongrie », le premier ministre nationaliste a lancé une de ses mises en scène favorites destinées à souder ses électeurs contre une prétendue menace venue « d’Europe de l’Ouest ».

Les questions soumises aux Hongrois, totalement biaisées, sont faites pour tenter d’obtenir un plébiscite face à la procédure de sanction lancée par la Commission contre sa loi interdisant de « montrer l’homosexualité ou le changement de genre » aux mineurs. L’annonce du référendum sert aussi à faire diversion après les révélations, dimanche 18 juillet, du «Projet Pegasus », auquel Le Monde participe.

Ces dernières années, à l’aide d’un logiciel espion israélien, la Hongrie a mis sous surveillance plusieurs journalistes d’investigation, des hommes d’affaires et des opposants, tous réputés critiques de Viktor Orban. » | Editorial du « Monde » | jeudi 22 juillet 2021

Soutenez une rédaction de 500 journalistes ICI

Verwandter Artikel HIER

YouTube retire des vidéos de Jair Bolsonaro pour désinformation

LE MONDE : La plate-forme souligne qu’elle a pris sa décision « après un examen minutieux » et sans tenir compte de l’idéologie politique du président brésilien.

YouTube a déclaré, mercredi 22 juillet, avoir supprimé des vidéos de la chaîne du président brésilien pour avoir diffusé de fausses informations sur l’épidémie de Covid-19. La plate-forme souligne qu’elle a pris sa décision « après un examen minutieux » et sans tenir compte de l’idéologie politique de Jair Bolsonaro. » | Le Monde avec AFP | jeudi 22 juillet 2021

YouTube pulls videos by Bolsonaro for spreading misinformation on the virus. »

Phil Collins - Another Day in Paradise (Official Music Video)

@Genesis , The Last Domino? North American Fall Tour 2021 tickets now on sale now via Genesis Music | Views on YouTube: 387,554,648

Loving: A Photographic History

Oct 3, 2020 • This video is about LOVING: A Photographic History. Views on YouTube: 330,115

Smooch of the Day, Tender and Gay

Bisou du jour, tendre et gay / Knutscher des Tages, zart und schwul

Image thanks to Queerty

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Foreigner - I Want to Know What Love Is (Official Music Video)

Jan 25, 2020 • You're watching the official music video for Foreigner - "I Want to Know What Love Is" from the album 'Agent Provocateur' (1984). "I Want to Know What Love Is" reached No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 and was featured on Rolling Stone's list of the greatest songs of all time. | Views on YouTube: 114,434,211

Gay Amazon Commercial for Kindle (2013)

Views on YouTube: 458,070

Gay Marketing Solutions: Out Now Global »

Heinz Marketing: Gay Kiss

Unfortunately, although Heinz made this great ad several years ago, because of the number of complaints the company received, the commercial was pulled. It seems like a pretty innocent advert to me.

Portugal, le trésor ibère - Documentaire voyage.

Un film réalisé par Eric Bacos

Schweizer Liebesgeschichten aus aller Welt | Best of Hin und weg 2020 mit Mona Vetsch | SRF DOK

Jul 21, 2021 • In «Hin und weg» erzählt Mona Vetsch Liebesgeschichten aus aller Welt. Sie besucht Schweizerinnen und Schweizer, die aus Liebe ans Ende der Welt reisen. In diesem 100 Minuten-Zusammenschnitt erleben die Zuschauerinnen und Zuschauer nochmals die Highlights der Staffel 2020

Die Liebe fragt nicht nach dem Pass – zwei Menschen treffen sich und sind hin und weg. Nicole traf Rachid, als er noch Kriminalpolizist in Marokko war und sie dort ein Hotel führte. Die ehemalige SRF-Moderatorin sehnte sich nach weissem Sandstrand, der Polizist wünschte sich eine Familie und so landeten sie schliesslich zu dritt mit Tochter Lila auf Sansibar.

Florence’ Leben war eigentlich voll: Zwei Töchter und acht Hunde bestimmten ihren Alltag. Als sie aber auf Facebook Niklas begegnete, war es um sie geschehen. Auf einer Tour rund ums Matterhorn entschieden sich die Schweizerin und der Schwede, zu heiraten. Bis das Traumhaus im schwedischen Wald fertig ist, leben die beiden in einer Fernbeziehung.

Martina war mit ihrer Zwillingsschwester Melanie auf Weltreise, als sie im australischen Noosa im Ausgang Cahil kennenlernte. Drei Tage verbrachten die beiden zusammen, bevor die Schweizerinnen wieder abreisten. Genug, um das Leben von Martina völlig auf den Kopf zu stellen: Kurze Zeit später nämlich flog Cahil in die Schweiz, um zu bleiben. Inzwischen verheiratet entschieden sich die beiden, nach zwei Jahren in der Innerschweiz wieder nach Australien zurückzukehren.

Claudia hatte einen Traum: sie wollte Zirkusartistin werden. Dafür zog sie in die USA und machte eine Ausbildung beim Cirque du Soleil. Auch Yakhouba zog es in die Vereinigten Staaten, ins Mekka des Basketballs. Der Franzose mit senegalesischen Wurzeln fasste Fuss in der NBA, der besten Liga der Welt. Auf die quirlige Schweizerin wurde er dank ihrer Musikvideos aufmerksam – der Rest ist Geschichte. Mittlerweile haben die beiden zwei Töchter und leben in Atlanta, wo Claudia als «Private Chef» für Wohlhabende kocht.

© 2021 SRF

Diese exzellente und höchst-interessante Sendung wurde zum grössten Teil in Schweizerdeutsch (Schwyzertüütsch) übertragen.. – Mark

«Hongrexit, Polexit, etc.»

LE FIGARO : L’éditorial du Figaro, par Philippe Gélie.

L’Europe souffre d’un point de côté qui l’empêche d’avancer. C’est à l’Est qu’«une dictature lui pousse à l’intérieur» telle une tumeur, s’enflamme l’eurodéputé belge Guy Verhofstadt à propos de la Hongrie, où Viktor Orban est accusé de traquer des citoyens grâce au logiciel espion Pegasus. Contrôle des juges et des médias, corruption: la commission de Bruxelles, dans son rapport annuel sur l’état de droit dans l’UE, cloue aussi au pilori la Pologne du parti Droit et Justice (PiS). Le dernier méfait de Budapest tient à une loi contre «la promotion de l’homosexualité», celui de Varsovie au rejet par la Cour constitutionnelle de la prééminence du droit européen. Bataille des «valeurs» qui creuse le fossé entre l’Ouest «libéral» du continent et l’Est socialement plus conservateur, voire «illibéral».

Les dix pays auxquels l’Union européenne a ouvert ses portes en 2004 ont signé en connaissance de cause: ils ont rejoint un grand marché doté de règles communes, un espace de droit voué à réduire » | Par Philippe Gélie | mardi 20 juillet 2021

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Trump’s Chaotic Final Year in Office Worse Than Imagined | The Mehdi Hasan Show

Jul 20, 2021 • Michael Bender’s book “Frankly, We Did Win This Election: The Inside Story of How Trump Lost” is making waves with its astonishing details about the former president's final year. The author joins Mehdi to discuss its revelation and the behind-the-scenes details of his interviews with the former president.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — July 21, 2021

Opinion – Guest Essay: England Is ‘Free.’ And in Total Chaos.

People on a dance floor in London shortly after the Freedom Day reopening on Monday.Credit...Alberto Pezzali/Associated Press

THE NEW YORK TIMES: England, we are told, is free. On Monday the government lifted the country’s remaining Covid restrictions — on social distancing, on face masks, on numbers for gatherings, the lot — effectively leaving protection from the coronavirus to vaccinations and, er, the goddess of chance. (Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, the devolved nations, have sensibly chosen to retain some restrictions.)

The timing was immaculate: Over the previous week, 332,170 people tested positive for the coronavirus — the most since January — as the Delta variant courses around the country. New Covid-19 cases are expected to rise, perhaps reaching the dizzying figure of 100,000 a day later in the summer. The number hospitalized, much lower than in previous waves of infections because of the vaccination program, is steadily increasing. Deaths are creeping up.

Details, details. This was Freedom Day, as the government and the right-wing press insistently reminded us. The time when the English, after more than a year of sacrifices, could let it all out — drink in a crowded room, go clubbing, have everyone over. No need for masks. But really, it was Confusion Day, a monument to chaos, anxiety and the unknown. We have no plan. » | Tanya Gold * | Tuesday, July 20, 2021

* Ms. Gold is a British journalist who writes regularly about the country’s politics, culture and everyday life.

Flambée de cas de Covid au Royaume-Uni : la peur du chaos »

A Love Story: James St. James on the Film Out of Iraq w/ Nayyef Hrebid and Btoo Allami

More about this love story here

World of Wonder: More info »

World of Wonder »

Elizabeth Warren schimpft über Jeff Bezos

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: „Jeff Bezos hat Amerikaner vergessen, die Steuern gezahlt haben“

Jeff Bezos‘ Ausflug ins All hat nicht allen gefallen. In sozialen Medien wurde der Amazon-Gründer nach der Rückkehr seiner Raumkapsel New Shepard am Dienstag als betriebsblind verurteilt, weil er sich bei den Angestellten und Kunden des Online-Händlers dafür bedankte, seine Reise in den Weltraum bezahlt zu haben. Während des ersten Corona-Jahres 2020 war Bezos wiederholt wegen der Arbeitsbedingungen bei Amazon kritisiert worden. In den vergangenen Monaten wurde zudem Kritik an Steuerbefreiungen für das Unternehmen laut. „Jeff Bezos hat vergessen, den hart arbeitenden Amerikanern zu danken, die tatsächlich Steuern gezahlt haben, um das Land am Laufen zu halten“, wetterte auch Elizabeth Warren, Senatorin und frühere Präsidentschaftsbewerberin der Demokraten. Weiter lesen / Neues von den Promis » | FAZ Small Talk | Mittwoch, 21. Juli 2021