Showing posts with label Tibet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tibet. Show all posts

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Au Tibet, Xi Jinping affiche ses ambitions régionales

Le président chinois Xi Jinping lors de la session d'ouverture de l'Assemblée populaire nationale le 5 mars 2021. CARLOS GARCIA RAWLINS / REUTERS

LE FIGARO : La visite surprise du chef de l'État dans cette région autonome est la première depuis 31 ans pour un président chinois en exercice.

Les officiels chinois sont restés discrets et n'ont annoncé sa visite que vendredi. Le président Xi Jinping est arrivé mercredi à Nyingchi, une ville du Tibet, province soumise à l'autorité de Pékin depuis des décennies.

La question tibétaine semble s'évanouir ces dernières années au fur et à mesure que Pékin renforce son emprise sur le «toit du monde» et ses habitants. La multiplication des polémiques soulevées par l'appétit de l'ogre chinois a également eu pour effet de reléguer le Tibet à l'arrière-plan des préoccupations géopolitiques internationales.

Mais cette visite du numéro un chinois - le premier voyage d'un président chinois en 31 ans - est symbolique à plus d'un titre. Xi était déjà venu à la capitale, Lhassa, en tant que vice-président en 2011. Il est cette fois revenu pour célébrer le 70e anniversaire de la signature de l'accord en 17 points qui a marquant la fin de l'indépendance. » | Par Emilien Hertement | jeudi 23 juillet 2021

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Saturday, May 12, 2012

Dalai Lama Reveals Warning of Chinese Plot to Kill Him

The Dalai Lama has revealed his fears after being warned that Chinese agents have hatched a plot to kill him.

Read the article and comment here | Dean Nelson | New Delhi | Saturday, May 12, 2012

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Tibet Shocked by Increase in Monks Setting Themselves on Fire

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Four Tibetans from a monastery in western China have succumbed to their injuries after setting themselves on fire, the Tibetan government-in-exile has claimed.

A series of self-immolations this year has shocked Tibet, with seven monks, or former monks, now having set themselves on fire.

In the last fortnight alone there have been five cases in the town of Aba, the site of an important monastery.

The Tibetan parliament, based in Dharamsala, blamed the suicide cluster on a "deteriorating situation" in Tibet and said that the victims had found "China's occupation and repression intolerable".

It said four of the seven monks had died, including Kaying, 18, and Choephel, 19, who had left the Kirti monastery and were dressed in laymen's clothes when they set themselves on fire last week. It said the condition of the other three men is "still unknown".

The claim contradicts reports in the official Chinese media, which said that four of the monks are being treated for "light wounds". » | Malcolm Moore, Shanghai | Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

China Threatens Obama Over Dalai Lama Meeting

TIMES ONLINE: Strained ties between the US and China could deteriorate further if President Obama goes ahead with a meeting with the Dalai Lama, Beijing warned today.

China’s anger at the Tibetan spiritual leader's overseas visits and the warm reception he is afforded by foreign leaders spilled over in tough words from officials in Beijing who led the latest round of talks with his representatives last week.

Zhu Weiqun, executive deputy head of the Communist Party’s United Front Work Department, who is in charge of the talks, said that a meeting between Mr Obama and the Dalai Lama would “seriously undermine the political foundation of Sino-US relations”.

An increasingly assertive Beijing even issued a veiled threat that such a meeting would not only fail to serve the interests of diplomacy but could damage the US economic recovery. A view has become widespread that the strength of the economic revival in China, the largest holder of US treasuries, could help to lead the world out of the current downturn.

Mr Zhu said: “If the US leader chooses this time to meet the Dalai Lama, that would damage trust and co-operation between our two countries, and how would that help the United States surmount the current economic crisis?" >>> Jane Macartney in Beijing | Tuesday, February 02, 2010

THE TELEGRAPH: Analysis: the worsening relationship between America and China: A year ago, American hopes were high for a friendly relationship with China. But the White House seems unwisely to have raised expectations – the Chinese have been consistent in their unwillingness to change positions on key issues. >>> Alex Spillius in Washington and Peter Foster in Beijing | Monday, February 01, 2010

Taïwan : Pékin menace les Etats-Unis de sanctions

LE TEMPS: Après l’annonce de ventes d’armes à Taipei, Pékin muscle son discours et parle pour la première fois de rétorsion économique

L’annonce faite vendredi par Washington d’une nouvelle vente d’armes à Taïwan pour un montant de 6,4 milliards de dollars provoque un feu de critiques inédit en Chine. Dès samedi, Pékin avait annoncé plusieurs mesures de rétorsion: suspension des relations militaires avec Washington, interruption du dialogue sur les questions de sécurité stratégique, de contrôle des armes et de prolifération nucléaire et – c’est la nouveauté – menace de sanctions contre les sociétés américaines concernées par cette vente. «Arrogance» des Etats-Unis >>> Frédéric Koller | Mardi 02 Février 2010

Friday, July 03, 2009

Find God, Win a Trip to Mecca (or Jerusalem, or Tibet)

THE GUARDIAN: Turkish gameshow enlists imam, Greek Orthodox priest, rabbi and monk to try to convert atheists, with pilgrimage as reward

Penitents Compete could send someone to Mecca. Photo: The Guardian

It sounds like the beginning of a joke: what do you get when you put a Muslim imam, a Greek Orthodox priest, a rabbi, a Buddhist monk and 10 atheists in the same room?

Viewers of Turkish television will soon get the punchline when a new gameshow begins that offers a prize arguably greater than that offered by Who Wants to be a Millionaire?

Contestants will ponder whether to believe or not to believe when they pit their godless convictions against the possibilities of a new relationship with the almighty on Penitents Compete (Tovbekarlar Yarisiyor in Turkish), to be broadcast by the Kanal T station. Four spiritual guides from the different religions will seek to convert at least one of the 10 atheists in each programme to their faith.

Those persuaded will be rewarded with a pilgrimage to the spiritual home of their newly chosen creed – Mecca for Muslims, Jerusalem for Christians and Jews, and Tibet for Buddhists.

The programme's makers say they want to promote religious belief while educating Turkey's overwhelmingly Muslim population about other faiths. >>> Robert Tait in Istanbul | Thursday, July 02, 2009

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Dalai Lama Warns Tibetans Are 'Near Extinction' at 50th Anniversary of Exile

THE TELEGRAPH: The Dalai Lama, Tibet's spiritual leader, has marked 50 years of his flight from China and exile in India with a defiant speech praising the sacrifices of those killed during last year's uprising, but warning that Tibetan identity was "nearing extinction."

Despite 50 years of international campaigning and fruitless negotiations with Chinese leaders, Tibetans were still treated like criminals in their own country, he said.

"These 50 years have brought untold suffering and destruction to the land and people of Tibet. Even today, Tibetans in Tibet live in constant fear and the Chinese authorities remain constantly suspicious of them," he told followers in Dharamsala, the Indian home of his government in exile.

"Today, the religion, culture, language and identity, which successive generations of Tibetans have considered more precious than their lives, are nearing extinction; in short, the Tibetan people are regarded like criminals deserving to be put to death," he said. >>> By Dean Nelson in New Delhi | Tuesday, March 10, 2009

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: Le dalaï lama dénonce la répression au Tibet. «Mensonges» répond Pékin

CHINE | Les échanges de déclarations fleurissent à l'occasion du 50e anniversaire de la fuite du chef spirituel tibétain.

Les Tibétains en exil ont marqué mardi le 50e anniversaire du soulèvement réprimé par la Chine et de l'exil du dalaï lama. A cette occasion, leur chef spirituel a accusé Pékin d'avoir fait de la province un «enfer» et tué «des centaines de milliers» de ses compatriotes.

Depuis son lieu d'exil de Dharamsala, dans le nord de l'Inde, le dalaï lama a aussi réitéré sa revendication d'une «autonomie significative» pour son pays natal.

«Ces 50 dernières années ont été celles de la souffrance et des destructions pour le territoire et le peuple du Tibet», a dit le lauréat 1989 du prix Nobel de la paix, dans un discours prononcé devant son temple accroché aux contreforts de l'Himalaya.

«Une fois le Tibet occupé, le gouvernement communiste chinois y a mené toute une série de campagnes de violences et de répression (...) Les Tibétains ont littéralement vécu un enfer sur Terre», a accusé le bonze. >>> ATS/AFP/AP/Reuters | Mardi 10 Mars 2009

WELT ONLINE: Jahrestag des Volksaufstands: Dalai Lama beklagt Leben der Tibeter als Hölle

Vor 50 Jahren erhoben sich die Tibeter gegen China. Der Dalai Lama hat aus diesem Anlass eine dramatische Anklage gegen China erhoben. Die Volksrepublik habe den Tibetern die Hölle auf Erden bereitet, sagte er. Tatsächlich riegelte die chinesische Polizei Tibet zum Jahrestag nahezu vollständig ab. >>> AFP/dpa/lk | Dienstag, 10. März 2009

BERLINER ZEITUNG: Tibeter gedenken des Aufstands vor 50 Jahren

Peking - Unter massiven Sicherheitsvorkehrungen haben die Tibeter ihres Volksaufstandes gegen die Chinesen vom 10. März 1959 gedacht. Das Hochland war praktisch abgeriegelt. Der tibetische Regierungschef Qiangba Puncog beschrieb die Lage in Lhasa als «stabil».

Die Truppen befänden sich in normaler Bereitschaft, sagte der Regierungschef laut amtlicher Nachrichtenagentur Xinhua am Rande der Jahrestagung des Volkskongresses in Peking.

Aus Angst vor einem Wiederaufflammen der Proteste wie vor einem Jahr hatte China die Militärpräsenz massiv verstärkt. Es drangen keine unabhängigen Informationen nach außen. Telefonkontakte zu großen tibetischen Klöstern in Tibet und den angrenzenden Provinzen Qinghai, Gansu und Sichuan seien unterbrochen, berichtete das Zentrum für Demokratie und Menschenrechte aus Hongkong. Bei einem kleinen Zwischenfall an der Nationalitäten-Universität in Chengdu in Sichuan habe jemand Bilder des Dalai Lama und Flugblätter ausgehängt. >>> © dpa | Dienstag, 10. März 2009

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback & Hardback) – India >>>

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Treffen in Indien: Tibets junge Mönche wollen Kampf gegen China

Foto dank der Welt

WELT ONLINE: Das Treffen der Exil-Tibeter in Indien legt einen Generationenkonflikt offen. Die Geister scheiden sich am Umgang mit Peking. Noch hat der Dalai Lama die Kontrolle. Er duldet nur friedlichen Widerstand. Doch jüngere Mönche sind das Warten auf ein Einlenken Chinas leid. Sie wollen die Autonomität ihres Landes erkämpfen.

Der alte Mönch in der dunkelroten Kutte hält die Hitzköpfe zurück. Noch. Ohne den Dalai Lama und seinen unerschütterlichen Glauben an eine gewaltfreie Lösung wären die Tibeter womöglich längst zu einer zweiten Palästinenserbewegung oder IRA geworden. Sie hätten ihre verlorene Heimat vielleicht mit Bomben und Terror von den chinesischen Besatzern zurückgefordert. Doch ihr geistiges Oberhaupt hält sie an der Leine und beharrt seit fast 50 Jahren auf dem „mittleren Weg“: Kompromisse, friedlicher Dialog und stoisch sanftes Lächeln. Jetzt aber scheint der Friedensnobelpreisträger mit seinem Latein am Ende. „Mein Vertrauen in die chinesische Regierung schwindet“, hatte er kürzlich resigniert erklärt und offen wie nie zuvor ein mögliches Scheitern seiner Bemühungen zugegeben.

Jetzt sollen Jüngere entscheiden, wie es weitergehen kann. Der Dalai Lama rief im nordindischen Dharamsala zu einer Krisensitzung über den künftigen Kurs der Tibeter gegenüber China – die erste ihrer Art, seit die tibetische Regierung vor fast fünf Jahrzehnten über den Himalaja in die Freiheit floh.

Seine Heiligkeit selbst hält sich heraus, wartet auf die Ergebnisse, die ihm am Sonntag vorgelegt werden. Sechs Tage lang haben rund 600 Delegierte hinter verschlossenen Türen diskutiert. >>> Von Sophie Mühlmann | 22. November 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Taschenbuch) >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Gebundene Ausgabe) >>>

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Sharon Stone Stirs It Up in China

Photo of Sharon Stone courtesy of TimesOnline

TIMESONLINE: Film star Sharon Stone has set off a storm of fury across China after she suggested the deadly earthquake that killed as many as 80,000 people was bad karma for Beijing policy in Tibet.

Several Chinese cinemas have pledged not to screen her movies and the Internet has exploded in a stream of angry comments.
Ms Stone, speaking at the Cannes Film Festival last week, said: “I’m not happy about the way the Chinese are treating the Tibetans because I don’t think anyone should be unkind to anyone else.” China Boycotts Sharon Stone Films after Star Blames Earthquake on Bad Karma for Tibet >>> By Jane Macartney in Beijing | May 28, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback - UK)
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardback - UK)

Saturday, May 03, 2008

China Condemns Dalai Lama Ahead of Planned Talks

REUTERS: BEIJING - Beijing lambasted the Dalai Lama as a criminal on Saturday as representatives of the exiled Buddhist leader headed for a meeting in southern China on the most serious unrest in Tibet for nearly two decades.

The barrage of criticism suggested the government was in no mood to compromise following riots and protests in Tibet, which have shaken China's preparations for the Beijing Olympics and stoked Western criticism of its rule in the mountain region.

"Patriotic people of Tibet strongly condemn and vehemently denounce the litany of crimes committed by the 14th Dalai Lama and his followers," said the official Tibet Daily, according to the region's official news Website (

"They (the aides) should have reached China ... we can't have great expectations (about the talks)," Chhime Chhoekyapa, a senior aide to the Dalai Lama, told Reuters in Dharamsala. China Condemns Dalai Lama Ahead of Planned Talks >>> | May 3, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback – USA)
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardcover – USA)