Thursday, November 05, 2020

Biden Says He's on Course to Win US Election as Trump Threatens to Fight Outcome

Democrat said ‘it’s clear that we’re winning enough states’ while president seeks to fire up supporters for bitter legal battle

Read the article HERE »

Wednesday, November 04, 2020

Chris Wallace: Joe Biden 'in a Much Stronger Position' to Win Election

Chris Wallace and Martha MacCallum join 'Bill Hemmer Reports' to discuss paths to victory for both candidates.

Tuesday, November 03, 2020

Don Winslow Films: Trump-Style Chain Migration

At the same time Donald Trump was ripping families apart at the border, caging children and screaming about chain migration, he was using chain migration and a big $$$ lawyer to get Melania Trump's family into the USA.

La laïcité face au mur d’incompréhension

LE FIGARO: Editorial. En accordant un entretien à Al-Jazira, M. Macron a voulu faire œuvre de pédagogie. L’effort est méritoire, mais surmonter le ressentiment du monde arabo-musulman et le scepticisme des pays anglophones requiert davantage.

Editorial du « Monde ». Six ans, bientôt, après la tuerie de Charlie Hebdo, deux semaines après l’assassinat du professeur d’histoire Samuel Paty, décapité pour avoir montré des caricatures de Mahomet à ses élèves, et quelques jours après le massacre de trois fidèles à la basilique Notre-Dame-de-l’Assomption à Nice, il est clair que la conception française de la laïcité se heurte à un mur d’incompréhension dans le monde arabo-musulman et dans les pays de culture anglophone. Loin de dissiper ces doutes, le discours d’Emmanuel Macron sur le séparatisme, prononcé aux Mureaux le 2 octobre, puis ses propos lors de la cérémonie d’hommage national à Samuel Paty, les ont encore accrus. » | ÉDITORIAL | lundi 2 novembre 2020

Jeh Johnson Reacts to Fences Going Up around White House: It's Unnerving

Former DHS chief Jeh Johnson says he cannot discount the possibility of civil unrest following the election, but hopes that cooler heads will prevail regardless of the outcome.

Fusillades à Vienne : «Nous ne céderons rien», assure Macron

LE FIGARO: RÉACTIONS - L'Union européenne a «condamné avec force» un «acte lâche» après l'attaque perpétrée en Autriche faisant au moins deux morts et plusieurs blessés.

Emmanuel Macron s'est entretenu lundi soir avec le chancelier autrichien Sebastian Kurz, à qui il a «exprimé sa totale solidarité, son soutien et proposé l'aide de la France si nécessaire», après l'attaque perpétrée à Vienne, faisant au moins deux morts dont un assaillant. «Nous, Français, partageons le choc et la peine du peuple autrichien (...). Après la France, c'est un pays ami qui est attaqué. C'est notre Europe. Nos ennemis doivent savoir à qui ils ont affaire. Nous ne céderons rien», a tweeté le chef de l'État en français puis en allemand. » | Par AFP agence | lundi 2 novembre 20

Monday, November 02, 2020

Gunmen on Loose in Vienna after String of Terror Attacks

THE GUARDIAN: Two people dead – including one attacker – after string of incidents in Austrian capital

Police in Vienna were hunting for a group of “heavily armed and dangerous” gunmen on Monday night after a string of shootings described by the Austrian chancellor, Sebastian Kurz, as a “repulsive terror attack”.

Two people were killed and 15 others – including at least one police officer – were seriously injured in exchanges of gunfire in the centre of the Austrian capital.

One of those killed was an attacker who was shot dead by police. But several other gunmen were still on the loose on Monday night, and Karl Nehammer, the interior minister, warned that they were “heavily armed and dangerous”.

“We have brought several special forces units together that are now searching for the presumed terrorists. I am therefore not limiting it to an area of Vienna because these are mobile perpetrators,” Nehammer told broadcaster ORF, urging the public to stay indoors until the all-clear was given.

Shootings occurred in a string of incidents at six locations close to Seitenstettengasse street in the heart of the Austrian capital, a spokesperson for Vienna’s police force told ORF. » | Philip Oltermann in Berlin | Monday, November 2, 2020

How Will the Vote Go? Tension Mounts ahead of US Presidential Election

Trump and Biden have been making the most of the final hours of campaigning. This is arguably the most important US election in living memory. The stakes are high for both the candidates, for both of the political parties and indeed for the United States, in their most disunited state since the civil war. Pennsylvania is considered to be the state where the fate of this election is in the balance. Basically, whoever takes Pennsylvania will most likley end up in the Oval Office. Pennsylvania in Biden's home state: but that's no guarantee of success. In 2016, Pennsylvania, with it's 20 Electoral College votes, backed Trump by 48.2%... How will it go this time?

Will the Final Day of the US Campaign Sway the Vote? | Inside Story

The US presidential race is in the home stretch. On Tuesday, Americans will decide between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, who've been in battleground states to win over undecided voters. A record 91 million people have voted early, many by mail, prompting a judge to order postal service managers to ensure all ballots are delivered on time. Will the last-minute campaign rush change the outcome?

Presenter: Imran Khan | Guests: Richard Goodstein - Democratic Political Consultant; Todd Belt - Professor, George Washington University; Adolfo Franco - Republican Strategist

Attentat in City: Verletzte und Toter

ORF: Mehrere Schüsse sind am Abend in der Innenstadt gefallen. Es dürfte sich um einen Anschlag auf die Synagoge in der Seitenstettengasse handeln. Das Innenministerium sprach von einem Terroranschlag oder Amoklauf.

Derzeit findet rund um den Wiener Schwedenplatz ein Großeinsatz der Polizei statt. Kurz nach 20.00 Uhr waren laut Augenzeugen mehrere Schüsse zu hören. Ein Täter soll tot sein, ein weiterer befand sich möglicherweise mit einem Sprengstoffgürtel auf der Flucht. Die Rede ist von mehreren Verletzten.

Zum Zeitpunkt des Anschlages dürften sich keine Menschen im Stadttempel in der Seitenstettengasse und in den Räumlichkeiten der Israelitischen Kultusgemeinde Wien (IKG) befunden haben. » | red, | Montag, 2. November 2020

Edward Snowden Applies for Russian Citizenship for Sake of Future Son

THE GUARDIAN: US whistleblower says move is to prevent separation from his as-yet unborn son in ‘era of pandemics and closed borders’

The US whistleblower Edward Snowden and his wife are applying for Russian citizenship in order not to be separated from their future son in an era of pandemics and closed borders, he said on Monday.

Snowden’s wife, Lindsay, is expecting a child in late December, the Interfax news agency cited Anatoly Kucherena, his Russian lawyer, as saying.

Snowden, 37, fled the US and was given asylum in Russia after leaking secret files in 2013 that revealed vast domestic and international surveillance operations carried out by the US National Security Agency where he was a contractor.

US authorities have for years wanted Snowden returned to the US to face a criminal trial on espionage charges brought in 2013. » | Andrew Roth in Moscow and agencies | Monday, November 2, 2020

Emmanuel Macron: Free Speech Is Much Broader Than Mere Cartoons | Talk to Al Jazeera

On this edition of Talk to Al Jazeera, President Emmanuel Macron insists he understands and respects the feelings expressed by the Muslim world over the cartoons.

But, he says, he will always defend "the freedom to write, to think and to draw". Even if this does not mean he personally supports everything said, thought or drawn.

Macron says it is his duty to protect these human rights that have been won in France, as well as the sovereignty of the French people.

Sunday, November 01, 2020

Caricatures: un haut responsable de l'Onu appelle «au respect mutuel»

LE FIGARO: «Les caricatures incendiaires ont provoqué des actes de violence contre des civils innocents», a regretté l'Espagnol Miguel Angel Moratinos.

Le haut représentant pour l'Alliance des civilisations des Nations Unies, l'Espagnol Miguel Angel Moratinos, a appelé mercredi 28 octobre dans un communiqué «au respect mutuel de toutes les religions et croyances», sans se prononcer directement sur les propos du président français défendant le droit de caricaturer le prophète Mahomet. » | Par Le Figaro avec AFP | Publié le 28 octobre 2020 à 23:57, mis à jour le 29 octobre 2020

Would You Hire Donald Trump? | NowThis

The election is a job interview. This political ad asks, 'Would you hire Donald Trump?'

The Observer View on the US Election

THE OBSERVER: Another four years of Donald Trump would be a disaster for America. We must hope Biden wins and wins big

The US presidential election on Tuesday is the most momentous in recent modern history. It is a referendum on the personality and leadership of Donald Trump after four extraordinary, disgraceful years. It is a referendum, too, on the future of democracy in America, which appears more imperilled now than at any time since the civil war. Also at issue is America’s future role in the world. Not since 1940 has the US been so isolated and out of step on the key issues of the day.

The very idea that an American election, normally a grand, exemplary expression of the popular will, could be reduced to being about one man is, at some level, obscene. Yet how could it be otherwise? Selfishness, egotism and narcissism are the Trump trademarks. From his first hours in the Oval office, when he lied about the size of his inauguration crowd, Trump has made governing all about him. For this vain, self-obsessed man, the Hail to the Chief presidential anthem should be retitled Hail to Me. » | Observer editorial | Sunday, November 1, 2020

Muslims’ Rage at Macron Threatens to Escalate Tensions across Europe

THE GUARDIAN: In his defence of freedom after the Charlie Hebdo attacks, the French president outraged both radical and moderate Muslims

Maybe he knew what he was doing. Maybe he didn’t. Either way, Emmanuel Macron set France and Europe on a new collision course with the Islamic world last month – all in the name of freedom. Last week’s spate of lethal terror attacks suggests the French president may have started something he cannot finish.

Macron’s impassioned speech on 2 October, vowing to fight “radical Islamism”, eradicate “separatism” and uphold secular values at all costs, foreshadowed this latest crisis. It was seen at the time as a mainly domestic political exercise, intended to spike the guns of France’s far right before his 2022 election campaign.

But Muslim leaders were enraged by Macron’s description of Islam as a faith “in crisis all over the world” that had, in effect, been hijacked by extremists. Then, two weeks later, after the murder of a Paris schoolteacher, Samuel Paty, by a foreign-born Islamist, an undaunted Macron doubled down. His defence of the notorious, recently republished Charlie Hebdo caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad, which Paty had shown to pupils, and a national crackdown on mosques, imams and Islamic groups added fuel to the fire. France itself was “under attack”, Macron dramatically declared, a phrase he repeated on Thursday.

Political and religious leaders from Bangladesh to Jordan and anti-French demonstrators publicly vented their fury, accusing him of doing “Satan’s work”. Much of what he said was misunderstood or purposefully distorted. Truth was a casualty, too. » | Simon Tisdall | Sunday, Novermber 1, 2020

As Europe's Governments Lose Control of Covid, Revolt Is in the Air

THE OBSERVER: Fears of civil unrest grow as people across the continent no longer trust leaders to protect them during the crisis

As the second wave of Covid-19 filled hospital wards across Europe last week, and countries inched reluctantly towards varying degrees of partial lockdown, television schedules were cleared to allow leaders to address weary nations.

Announcing a 6pm curfew for the country’s restaurants and bars the Italian prime minister, Giuseppe Conte, called for national unity. “If we all respect these new rules during the month of November,” he said, “we will succeed in keeping the epidemiological curve under control. That way we will be able to ease the restrictions and move into the Christmas festivities with greater serenity.”

Speaking from the Elysée, a sombre Emmanuel Macron decreed a new national lockdown, lasting until at least 1 December, and warned France the new wave of infections was likely to be “deadlier than the first”. In Belgium, where Covid is spreading faster than in any other European country, the new prime minister, Alexander De Croo, hoped “a team of 11 million Belgians” would pull together to follow tighter regulations.

In tone and spirit, the messages echoed those delivered in March, when shock and fear led populations to rally round leaders and consent to restrictions unknown outside wartime. Eight months on, that kind of trust and goodwill is in short supply. » | Julian Coman | Sunday, November 1, 2020

Who Is Donald J. Trump? Narrated by Julianne Moore | NowThis

Donald Trump is the only presidential candidate on the ballot who has publicly agreed that his own daughter is a 'piece of ass.' The bronze-gilded mogul is as notable for his multiple rape allegations and history of racist renting practices as he is for putting children in cages and shamelessly funding a campaign to execute 5 innocent Black teens. So how did the man who once said he’d choose Oprah as his running mate end up with yet another campaign endorsement from former KKK grand wizard David Duke? Narrated by Julianne Moore.

Nice Mourns Terror Victims as Details Emerge about Suspect | DW News

A third man is now in custody in connection with the terror attack on Thursday in Nice, according to police forces. It follows the arrest of two people were in contact with the assailant. Three people were killed after a knife attack in the city's Notre Dame basilica. It's the third Islamist attack in the country in just two months.

Spain: Anti-Covid Restrictions Rally Descends into Chaos in Madrid

In Spain, protesters have clashed with police in the capital city of Madrid, vandalizing ATMs, as well as breaking and burning trash cans in the city center.

Women Protest New Abortion Restrictions in Poland

Women Converge on Warsaw, Heightening Poland’s Largest Protests in Decades »

Obama Rips into Trump During Drive-in Biden Rally

Macron Criticises Turkey's 'Imperial Inclinations' as Row between Countries Escalates

THE GUARDIAN: In an interview with al-Jazeera, the French president also tried to calm tensions with the Muslims world over caricatures of the prophet Muhammad

The French president Emmanuel Macron has accused Turkey of adopting a “bellicose” stance towards its NATO allies, saying tensions could ease if his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdoğan showed respect and did not tell lies.

In an interview with al-Jazeera broadcast on Saturday, Macron condemned Turkey’s behaviour in Syria, Libya and the Mediterranean and said: “Turkey has a bellicose attitude towards its NATO allies.”

He also sought to calm flaring tensions with Muslims around the world after increasingly heated rhetoric following the murder of French school teacher, Samuel Paty, who showed caricatures of the prophet Muhammad alongside other cartoons as part of a discussion on free speech.

Macron said that France’s wish was that things “calm down” but for this to happen, it was essential that the “Turkish president respects France, respects the European Union, respects its values, does not tell lies and does not utter insults”.

He noted that France had offered its condolences to Turkey following the deadly earthquake in the Aegean and had also offered to send help to the scene. » | Agence France-Presse | Sunday, November 1, 2020

Turkey threatens legal action over Charlie Hebdo's caricature of president »

Un prêtre orthodoxe grièvement blessé par balle devant son église à Lyon

LE MONDE: Employé par le ministère grec de l’éducation et des cultes, la victime, Nikolaos Kakavelakis, est âgée de 52 ans et était en poste à Lyon depuis une dizaine d’années, en tant que recteur de la paroisse grecque orthodoxe de l’Annonciation de la mère de Dieu.

Samedi 31 octobre, vers 16 heures, près de l’Eglise orthodoxe grecque située rue Père Chevrier à Lyon, un archiprêtre orthodoxe, qui était en train de fermer son église, a été pris à partie par un homme seul. Celui-ci a ouvert le feu à deux reprises, avant de prendre la fuite, selon une source policière au Monde. Le prêtre a été blessé, son pronostic vital est engagé.

Employé par le ministère grec de l’éducation et des cultes, la victime, Nikolaos Kakavelakis, est âgée de 52 ans et était en poste à Lyon depuis une dizaine d’années, en tant que recteur de la paroisse grecque orthodoxe de l’Annonciation de la mère de Dieu. » | Par Nicolas Chapuis et Richard Schittly | samedi 31 0ctobre 2020

Nice Attack, France Boycott Protests, Covid-19, 2020 US Presidential Election

It was a Thursday the French would just as soon forget. Bottlenecks at the exits of Paris and city dwellers who could raced to get out before Act II of a national lockdown. And if the second wave of Covid was not enough to dampen an already grey autumn mood, another gruesome terror attack, three killed in a stabbing spree inside Notre Dame Basilica in the heart of Nice, a city already targeted during a 2016 Bastille Day rampage. The suspect, a newly-arrived 21-year old from Tunisia's south. It is the third time in just over three months.

Saturday, October 31, 2020

US Election: Will Voters Turn on Trump after COVID-19 Response Catastrophe? | Conflict Zone

“Americans are looking for hope,” the Trump campaign advisor Mica Mosbacher tells Conflict Zone in the final days before election day.

But with over 200,000 people dead and more than eight million confirmed coronavirus cases in the US, will hopeful voters trust an incumbent president who has played down the threat and been accused of botching the country’s response to the pandemic?

Down the line from Texas, Republican strategist Mica Mosbacher joins host Tim Sebastian on Conflict Zone.

German President Steinmeier: 'This Is a Test for Our Democracy' | DW Interview

In an interview with DW, German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier expressed his sympathy with the relatives of the attack in Nice. He warned that democratic societies must not "commit themselves to a course that makes hatred and exclusion the yardstick for state action." Steinmeier spoke about the challenges posed by the coronavirus crisis and warned of the increasing sharpness of the debate on the measures used to contain it. The German President also talked about the significance of the U.S. elections and the relationship with Russia, as well as what Angela Merkel's successor must prepare for. Steinmeier (a member of the SPD since 1975) was a long-time companion of Chancellor Gerhard Schröder and Foreign Minister in Merkel's cabinet. He has been Federal President since 2017. The interview was conducted by Rosalia Romaniec.

Kommentar zum Terror gegen Frankreich: Angriff der Totalitären

TAGES ANZEIGER: Frankreich ist kein Provokateur, es wird von fanatischen Mördern ins Visier genommen. Dass viele wegsehen, ist irritierend.

Der Horror verdichtet sich: Am 25. September wurden zwei junge Mitarbeiter einer Fernsehproduktionsfirma in Paris auf der Strasse mit einem Metzgerbeil angegriffen. Sie machten eine Pause vor dem Gebäude, in dem früher die Redaktion der Satirezeitschrift «Charlie Hebdo» gearbeitet hatte. Am 16. Oktober wurde dem Geschichtslehrer Samuel Paty in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine auf offener Strasse der Kopf abgetrennt. Paty hatte im Unterricht über Meinungsfreiheit gesprochen und Mohammed-Karikaturen aus «Charlie Hebdo» gezeigt.

An diesem Donnerstag nun wurden in einer Kirche in Nizza drei Menschen mit einem Messer getötet, sechs weitere verletzt. Eine Frau betete, als der Täter ihr die Waffe an den Hals setzte. Diese Morde sind nicht isolierte Taten einzelner Irrer. Sie sind Teil des islamistischen Angriffs auf Frankreich.

Begonnen hat die aktuelle Mordserie mit dem «Charlie Hebdo»-Prozess. Wie in einer grausamen zweiten Auflage wird wiederholt, was schon 2015 passierte. Die Zeichner und alle, die im weitesten Sinn als ihre Unterstützer ausgemacht werden, sollen in der Logik der Fanatiker dafür zahlen, dass sie Witze über den Propheten Mohammed machen. Und die Reaktion nicht weniger Leute besteht darin, darauf hinzuweisen, die Karikaturen seien geschmacklos und verletzend. Ob die Franzosen es nicht ein bisschen weit trieben mit ihrem Recht auf Gotteslästerung, wird gefragt. » | Nadia Pantel aus Paris | Donnerstag, 29. Oktober 2020

'Gigantic Baby': Trump Plummets as His Own Execs Back Biden | The Beat with Ari Melber | MSNBC

In a Beat exclusive, top Trump Organization veterans Michael Cohen, Barbara Res and Jack O’Donnell talk to MSNBC’s Ari Melber about why they are all backing Biden, and why Trump’s re-election poses even greater dangers than his first election. (This interview is from MSNBC’s “The Beat with Ari Melber.

Islamisme : Emmanuel Macron va s'exprimer dans une interview à Al Jazeera

LE FIGARO: Des manifestations hostiles à la France et au chef de l'Etat ont eu lieu vendredi dans plusieurs pays du monde musulman.

La contre-offensive est lancée. Alors que son discours contre le séparatisme islamiste a été «tronqué» voire «manipulé» par certains pays arabo-musulmans, Emmanuel Macron a décidé de répondre lui-même à ses détracteurs. Le président de la République a en effet accordé un entretien de 55 minutes à Al Jazeera, qui doit être diffusé samedi 31 octobre à 17 heures, après avoir été enregistré vendredi à l'Élysée. » | Par Arthur Berdah | Samedi 31 octobre 2020

Friday, October 30, 2020

'A Slap in the Face': Keilar Slams Trump Jr. for False Claim

CNN's Brianna Keilar fact checks Donald Trump Jr. after he falsely claimed on Fox News that coronavirus deaths in the US are "almost nothing."

Marc Anthony

A vote for Joe Biden is a vote for Puerto Rico. We must never forget Donald Trump's inactions led to the loss of over 3000 American lives. Thank you, Marc Anthony for being a voice for the Puerto Rican community and a #LincolnLatino.

Nach Anschlag von Nizza: Frankreichs Innenminister sieht „Krieg“ gegen den Islamismus

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Gérald Darmanin bezeichnet den Islamismus als „Form des Faschismus im 21. Jahrhundert“. Nizzas Bürgermeister sagt, dieser „Krieg“ könne nicht mit „den Gesetzen des Friedens“ gewonnen werden.

Nach dem Anschlag von Nizza mit drei Toten sieht Frankreichs Innenminister Gérald Darmanin das Land im „Krieg gegen die islamistische Ideologie“. „Der Islamismus ist eine Form des Faschismus im 21. Jahrhundert“, sagte der 38 Jahre alte Minister am Freitag dem Sender RTL. Frankreich werde mit allen Mitteln des Rechtsstaats gegen die innere und äußere Bedrohung kämpfen.

Nach Darmanins Angaben war der 21 Jahre alte Tunesier, der als Täter festgenommen wurde, weder der Polizei in Frankreich noch in anderen europäischen Ländern bekannt. Der Innenminister sprach von einer möglichen Veränderung des Täterprofils: „Von den letzten 30 Terroristen, die auf unserem Boden gemordet haben, waren 22 Franzosen“, sagte er. Der mutmaßliche Täter von Nizza war erst im Oktober über Italien nach Frankreich gelangt. Seine Mutter äußerte sich am Freitag in einem Interview des Fernsehsenders Al-Arabija schockiert über die Ereignisse. » | Quelle: AFP/dpa | Freitag, 30. Oktober 2020

US Shatters Daily Coronavirus Record with Nearly 90,000 New Infections Thursday

THE GUARDIAN: Country approaches world-topping 9m cases as experts warn death rates could more than double by mid-January

The US has shattered the daily coronavirus record, with almost 90,000 new infections reported on Thursday and close to 1,000 deaths, as the US approached a world-topping 9m cases and experts warned of death rates more than doubling by mid-January.

The sobering data and scientific outlook show a pandemic veering further out of control in America even as the president and his son hammered a public message dismissing the grim realities.

According to figures from Johns Hopkins University, the US had a total of more than 8.9m cases on Friday, and was expected to soon cross the 9m mark. So far 228,677 people have died, the most in the world by a significant margin.

The US recorded its highest one-day total of new coronavirus infections of the pandemic, with 88,521 new cases reported on Thursday – a rise of 9,540 on the previous day. The death toll for the 24-hour period was 971. » | Miranda Bryant in New York | Friday, October 30, 2020

Why Europe Is Praying for Trump to Lose the US Election | DW Analysis

Almost four years of Donald Trump have left America's European allies in a state of shock. He's walked out of important treaties. He's lashed out against America's friends. He has cozied up to authoritarians. He's abandoned the most important international treaties of our time. And he has even threatened NATO — the bedrock of America's global power. It's diplomatic disruption on an unprecedented scale. But even for America's shell-shocked allies, it may not be all bad. So just how much has Trump disrupted transatlantic relations? DW's Chief International Editor Richard Walker explains why Europe is praying for a Joe Biden win in the 2020 US election.

I’m praying for Trump to lose the US election, too. I’m praying for him to lose and be TOTALLY HUMILIATED! – Mark

Anti-France Protests Draws [sic] Tens of Thousands across Muslim World

THE GUARDIAN: Demonstrations held in Pakistan, Lebanon, Palestinian territories and Afghanistan

Tens of thousands of Muslims in Pakistan, Lebanon, the Palestinian territories and elsewhere joined protests on Friday over the French president Emmanuel Macron’s vow to protect the right to caricature the prophet Muhammad.

Demonstrations in Pakistan’s capital, Islamabad, turned violent as 2,000 people who tried to march towards the French embassy were pushed back by police firing teargas and using batons. Crowds of Islamist activists hanged an effigy of Macron from an overpass after pounding it with their shoes.

Several demonstrators were wounded in clashes with police as authorities pushed to evict activists from the red zone, a security area that houses Pakistan’s diplomatic missions. As night fell, demonstrators staged a sit-in on a main road to protest against authorities’ use of force. » | Associated Press in Dubai | Friday, October 30, 2020

Starkes Erdbeben erschüttert türkische Tourismus-Provinz Izmir

Ein starkes Erdbeben hat am Freitag die türkische Provinz Izmir erschüttert. Mehrere Gebäude in der Küstenregion stürzten ein, teilten die Behörden mit. Das Epizentrum des Bebens lag nach Angaben der türkischen Katastrophenbehörde 17 Kilometer vor der Küste im Ägäischen Meer und hatte eine Stärke von 7,0. © REUTERS, DPA

How America Bungled the Plague | NYT Opinion

A year ago, the United States was regarded as the country best prepared for a pandemic. Our government had spent nearly two decades strategizing for a doomsday scenario. So what went wrong?

How is it that America, which wrote the global playbook for pandemic response, accounts for just 4 percent of the world’s population yet more than 20 percent of the world’s coronavirus deaths?

One of the most important functions of journalism is to provide accountability, so in the video above, Johnny Harris dives deep into an exploration of what went wrong and when, and who’s to blame and why.

'Darkest Part of the Pandemic' Is Approaching, Says Public Health Expert

As the coronavirus surges across much of the United States, infection rates are particularly high in some less-populated Western and Midwestern states, including Montana, North Dakota and South Dakota. Amna Nawaz talks to Dr. Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota about the crisis -- and how to address it.

United States Records Its Worst Week Yet for Virus Cases »

Turkey's Izmir Hit with Magnitude 7.0 Earthquake | DW News

Turkey has been struck by a powerful earthquake off its Aegean coast, causing buildings to collapse in the coastal city of Izmir. The quake's epicenter was north of the Greek island of Samos, with the US Geological Survey putting it at a magnitude of 7.0. Tremors were felt as far away as Athens and Istanbul. In Izmir, social media footage showed a collapsed building. There are no immediate reports of casualties.

Earthquake Rattles Western Turkey and Greece, Killing at Least 4 »

Democracy Now! Top US & World Headlines — October 30, 2020

France Knife Attack: Country in a Fierce Debate over Role of Islam

The attack in Nice comes as France grapples with the question of what role Islam should have in a traditionally secular society. The country has the largest Muslim community in Europe - but earlier this month some were made to feel unwelcome when President Emmanuel Macron declared a fight against what he called "Islamist separatism". Al Jazeera's Bernard Smith reports.

French President Macron Vows Defiance after 'Islamist' Attack in Nice | DW News

Police in France have arrested a second suspect in connection with the knife attack at the basilica in Nice that left three people dead. It was the third Islamist attack in France in two months. President Emmanuel Macron is holding an emergency cabinet meeting today and the terror alert level is now at its maximum.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Protests Erupt in Philadelphia after Police Fatally Shoot Black Man | DW News

The US city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, has seen a second night of protest after the killing of a Black man by police on Monday. 27-year-old Walter Wallace Junior was shot by police after they said he refused to drop a knife. Wallace's family say they had called for an ambulance, not police, to get help with what they called a mental health crisis.

Three Killed in Knife Attack in French City of Nice

Three people have been killed in a knife attack at a church in the southern French city of Nice. Several others have been injured. The attacker was wounded by police and is in custody in hospital. Al Jazeera's Bernard Smith reports.

Drei Tote und mehrere Verletzte bei Messerattacke in Nizza

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Bei einer Messerattacke in Nizza hat es drei Tote und mehrere Verletzte gegeben. Eine Frau wurde enthauptet. Frankreich ruft die höchste Terrorwarnstufe aus.

Ein neuer schwerer Terroranschlag hat Frankreich getroffen. Ein Mann ist am Donnerstagvormittag kurz vor neun Uhr in die Kirche Notre-Dame de l’Assomption im Zentrum von Nizza eingedrungen und hat mehrere Menschen mit einem Messer angegriffen, wie die Polizei mitteilte. Zwei Frauen und ein Mann starben, mehrere wurde verletzt. Eine der Frauen wurde enthauptet. Der Attentäter, der mehrfach „Allahu Akbar“ (Allah ist groß) rief, wurde beim Einsatz der Sicherheitskräfte durch Schüsse schwer verletzt und in ein Krankenhaus gebracht.

Nach französischen Medienberichten wurden zudem in Avignon am Vormittag ein mit einem Messer bewaffneter Mann von der Polizei erschossen. Die Hintergründe der Tat sind noch unklar.

Die Anti-Terror-Staatsanwaltschaft übernahm am Donnerstagvormittag die Ermittlungen zum Fall in Nizza. Dabei gehe es unter anderem um den Vorwurf des Mords in Verbindung mit einem terroristischen Vorhaben, bestätigte die Staatsanwaltschaft der Deutschen Presse-Agentur. Frankreich rief die höchste Terror-Warnstufe aus. Sie gilt landesweit, wie Regierungschef Jean Castex am Donnerstag in Paris mitteilte. Castex verurteilte die „ebenso feige wie barbarische Tat, die das ganze Land in Trauer versetzt“. » | Quelle: FAZ.NET | Donnerstag, 29. Oktober 2020

Deadly Knife Attack in Nice Is Terrorism, French Officials Say

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The assault at a church in the south of France left at least three people dead. Local officials said it bore similarities to the killing of a schoolteacher that has shaken the country.

PARIS — Less than two weeks after the beheading of a French schoolteacher, an assailant carrying a knife entered the towering neo-Gothic basilica in the southern city of Nice early Thursday and killed three people, further inflaming tensions in a country already on edge and leading the authorities to increase the terrorism threat level.

Officials in Nice described the attack as Islamist terrorism, and it was quickly followed by two similar events — including a knife-wielding assailant outside a French Consulate in Saudi Arabia — though it was not immediately clear whether the events were coordinated.

The mayor of Nice, Christian Estrosi, told reporters on Thursday that a suspect, who has not been identified, was arrested after being shot and wounded by the police. The suspect “kept repeating Allahu akbar in front of us even though he was sedated,” Mr. Estrosi said, adding this left “no doubt” about the motivation behind the attack. » | Constant Méheut and Aurelien Breeden | Thursday, October 29, 2020

France on Urgent Alert Following Nice 'Terror' Attack

A man wielding a knife on Thursday killed three people in an attack at the Basilica of Notre-Dame de Nice in southern France. A suspect has been arrested in the attack, which Nice’s mayor has described as an act of terrorism.

Two People Are Beheaded and Several Others Wounded in Terrorist Knife Rampage at a Church in Nice before Attacker Is Shot and Arrested

MAIL ONLINE: Three killed - two of them beheaded - and several more stabbed in a terror attack at a cathedral in Nice / Attack began around 9am before police swarmed the area, where they shot and arrested the attacker / Mass had just begun inside cathedral - largest Roman Catholic church in France - when attack started / Comes fortnight after teacher was beheaded near Paris; a month after stabbings near Charlie Hebdo offices

At least three people have been killed - two of them beheaded - and several others stabbed in a terrorist knife attack at a cathedral in Nice.

The attack began around 9am, according to local reports, before police swarmed the area where they shot and arrested the attacker.

The city's mayor, Christian Estrosi, tweeted: 'I am on site with the [police] who arrested the perpetrator of the attack.

'I confirm that everything suggests a terrorist attack in the Basilica of Notre-Dame de Nice.' » | Chris Pleasance for Mail Online and Peter Allen in Paris for Mail Online | Thursday, October 29, 2020

President Donald Trump: The 60 Minutes – 2020 Election Interview

In an interview that's made headlines this week, Lesley Stahl presses President Trump on once-again rising coronavirus cases and what his priorities would be if re-elected. Stahl also speaks with Mr. Trump's running mate, Vice President Mike Pence.

Streit um Mohammed-Karikaturen: Erdogan spricht von Kreuzzügen des Westens

TAGES ANZEIGER: Der türkische Präsident wirft bestimmten Staaten vor, den Islam zu attackieren. Vor allem Frankreichs Regierung ist ihm ein Dorn im Auge.

Im Streit mit Frankreich über Mohammed-Karikaturen und Meinungsfreiheit wirft der türkische Präsident Recep Tayyip Erdogan bestimmten Ländern eine «Neuauflage der Kreuzzüge» vor. Diese würden von westlichen Staaten geplant, die den Islam attackierten, sagte Erdogan am Mittwoch in einer Rede vor Abgeordneten seiner Partei AKP. Sich gegen Angriffe auf den Propheten Mohammed zu stemmen, sei «eine Frage der Ehre». » | REUTERS/SDA/fal | Mittwoch, 28. Oktober 2020

Von der Leyen: „Dieses Weihnachten wird sehr anders“

EU-Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen stimmt die Bürger der Gemeinschaft angesichts der Corona-Pandemie auf ein „sehr anderes Weihnachten“ ein. Europa stecke mitten in der zweiten Corona-Welle und der Ausgang der Krise hänge von jedem einzelnen ab, sagte von der Leyen. © AFP, AP

Keilar Calls Out Trump's 'Tone- deaf' Plea to Suburban Women

President Donald Trump offered his latest appeal to suburban women, promising to get their husbands "back to work" if he's reelected. CNN's Brianna Keilar calls out Trump's history of sexist and outdated comments.

The US Electoral System Is a Shambles. They Could Learn a Lot from Australia

THE GUARDIAN: Systemic voter suppression and rules still being set for an election within days – this is American exceptionalism

On Monday night the US supreme court voted five to three against allowing more days for counting absentee ballots in Wisconsin. Given difficulties in the postal service, Democrats wanted to see ballots that are cast before close of voting on 3 November received and counted for another six days. This decision, only a week before election day, follows a supreme court decision on 19 October, by four votes to four, to decline a bid by state Republican legislators to stop the count in Pennsylvania extending three days. But following Monday’s confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett, this could be revisited.

Astonishingly, the US is still settling rules for an election due within days. And a national election is being conducted with a patchwork of state laws and regulations. Further, elected state officials – Republican or Democrat office holders – are making decisions about who goes on the roll, how many voting machines go where and how long postal votes will be counted.

And all subject to appeal to an acutely partisan court.

This is American exceptionalism. It confirms the proposition that the US is simply not a democracy, not in the sense western Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Canada are democracies. The point is already made by the electoral college, which in two of the past five presidential elections transmuted Democratic majorities – half a million for Al Gore, 3m for Hillary Clinton – into Republican wins. » | Bob Carr | Thursday, October 29, 2020

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Coronavirus: Macron Declares Second National Lockdown in France

BBC: French President Emmanuel Macron has announced a second national lockdown for at least until the end of November.

Mr Macron said that under the new measures, starting on Friday, people would only be allowed to leave home for essential work or medical reasons.

Non-essential businesses, such as restaurants and bars, will close, but schools and factories will remain open.

Covid daily deaths in France are at the highest level since April. On Tuesday, 33,000 new cases were confirmed.

Mr Macron said the country risked being "overwhelmed by a second wave that no doubt will be harder than the first". » | Wednesday, October 28, 2020

German Chancellor Angela Merkel's Address | Harvard Commencement 2019

German Chancellor Angela Merkel's address at the annual meeting of the Harvard Alumni Association at the 368th Harvard Commencement on May 30, 2019.

Erdogan-Karikatur: Türkischer Präsident tobt über Charlie Hebdo

Im Streit zwischen der Türkei und Frankreich um Meinungsfreiheit und den Islam streut „Charlie Hebdo“ Salz in die Wunden: Das französische Satireblatt druckt auf der Titelseite eine Karikatur von Recep Tayyip Erdogan ab. Der türkische Präsident schäumt. © AFP, DPA

Erdogans Boykottaufruf findet Rückhalt in Muslimischer Welt | DW Nachrichten

Weltweit empören sich Muslime über die islamkritischen Äußerungen von Frankreichs Präsident Emmanuel Macron. An die Spitze der Proteste gegen Frankreich hat sich der türkische Präsident Tayyip Recep Erdogan gestellt. Er fordert den Boykott französischer Produkte und griff Macron mit persönlichen Beleidigungen an.

Muslim Countries Denounce French Response to Killing of Teacher, Urge Boycott

THE NEW YORK TIMES: While the government’s moves against extremism have public support, they have opened France to criticism that its relationship with its Muslim citizens has taken an ugly turn.

BRUSSELS — Since a young Muslim beheaded a French schoolteacher who had shown caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad in a class, France has conducted dozens of raids against suspected Islamic extremists, closed a major mosque and shut down some Muslim aid groups.

In France, a nation still traumatized by some 36 Islamic State-inspired terrorist attacks in the last eight years, including two that together killed more than 200 people, those broad measures have found widespread support. President Emmanuel Macron, a fierce defender of French secularism and the right to free speech, went as far as to suggest that Islam was in need of an Enlightenment, and his interior minister spoke of a “civil war.”

In the Muslim world, these actions, and the tone coming from top French officials, have opened France to criticism that the nation’s complicated, post-colonial relationship with its six million Muslim citizens has taken an ugly turn. Leading the condemnation has been President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, who called Mr. Macron mentally damaged in a speech over the weekend. “Macron needs mental treatment,” he said. “What is the problem of this person Macron with Muslims and Islam?” » | Steven Erlanger | Published Oct. 27, 2020; Updated Oct. 28, 2020

Anger towards Emmanuel Macron Grows in Muslim World

THE GUARDIAN: Protests take place in several countries against French president in aftermath of crackdown

On the front page of a hardline Iranian newspaper, he was the “Demon of Paris”. In the streets of Dhaka he was decried as a leader who “worships Satan”. Outside Baghdad’s French embassy, a likeness of Emmanuel Macron was burned along with France’s flag.

Rage is growing across the Muslim world at the French president and his perceived attacks on Islam and the prophet Muhammad, leading to calls for boycotts of the French products and security warnings for France’s citizens in majority-Muslim states.

The backlash has cut across an extraordinarily diverse Muslim world with a myriad of cultures, sects, political systems and levels of economic development. It has stoked historical and present-day grievances from the markets of Herat in Afghanistan to the upmarket neighbourhoods of Amman and the universities of Islamabad. » | Michael Safi in Beirut, Redwan Ahmed in Dhaka, Akhtar Mohammad Makoii in Herat and Shah Meer Baloch in Islamabad | Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

The Guardian View on the 2020 US Elections: It’s Time to Dump Trump. America’s Only Hope Is Joe Biden

THE GUARDIAN: Four years of deranged and unpredictable behaviour is proof that the current US president is uniquely unsuited to the job

Donald Trump’s presidency has been a horror show that is ending with a pandemic that is out of control, an economic recession and deepening political polarisation. Mr Trump is the author of this disastrous denouement. He is also the political leader least equipped to deal with it. Democracy in the United States has been damaged by Mr Trump’s first term. It may not survive four more years.

If the Guardian had a vote, it would be cast to elect Joe Biden as president next Tuesday. Mr Biden has what it takes to lead the United States. Mr Trump does not. Mr Biden cares about his nation’s history, its people, its constitutional principles and its place in the world. Mr Trump does not. Mr Biden wants to unite a divided country. Mr Trump stokes an anger that is wearing it down.

The Republican presidential nominee is not, and has never been, a fit and proper person for the presidency. He has been credibly accused of rape. He displays a brazen disregard for legal norms. In office, he has propagated lies and ignorance. It is astonishing that his financial interests appear to sway his outlook on the national interest. His government is cruel and mean. It effectively sanctioned the kidnapping and orphaning of migrant children by detaining them and deporting their parents. He has vilified whistleblowers and venerated war criminals.

Mr Trump trades in racism, misogyny, homophobia and transphobia. Telling the Proud Boys, a far-right group that has endorsed violence, to “stand back and stand by” was, in the words of Mr Biden, “a dog whistle about as big as a foghorn”. From the Muslim ban to building a wall on the Mexican border, the president is grounding his base in white supremacy. With an agenda of corporate deregulation and tax giveaways for the rich, Mr Trump is filling the swamp, not draining it. » | Guardian view | Tuesday, October 27, 2020


In 8 days, we’ll make sure this story has a happy ending.


America, you deserve an adult for president. Not a baby.

Monday, October 26, 2020

Anger Spreads in Islamic World after Macron's Backing for Muhammad Cartoons

THE GUARDIAN: Calls for boycott of French goods after president’s remarks at tribute to murdered teacher Samuel Paty

France has appealed for foreign governments to stamp out calls by what it calls a “radical minority” for a boycott of French products after Emmanuel Macron’s public backing of the Muhammad caricatures.

The appeal came as anger escalated across the Islamic world over the president’s remarks at a national tribute to the murdered high-school teacher Samuel Paty last week, with Turkish leader, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, calling on Monday for a complete boycott of French products in Turkey.

Paty, 47, was killed after he showed his class drawings of the prophet during a debate on free speech.

After Macron promised France would not “renounce the caricatures”, a furious riposte that emerged on Friday on social media under Arabic hashtags gained momentum over the weekend. » | Kim Willsher in Paris | Monday, October 26, 2020

The World This Week: France Teacher Attack, Trump-Biden Debate, Thailand & Nigeria Protests, EU 'Veggie' Burger Row

Samuel Paty was beheaded by an 18-year old who had to pay pupils to identify his victim, this after a row over a civics class on free speech that included cartoons of the prophet spiraled into a social media campaign against the teacher. How does Emmanuel Macron plan to protect other "faces of the Republic"? To the US next, where the last presidential looked like the calm before the storm... We take a look at youth-driven protests in Nigeria and Thailand. Also, the European Parliament has sided with vegetarians and environmentalists against the beef industry.

Ivanka Trump Could Be Facing Major Investigations If Daddy Loses the Election

Ethics watchdogs are warning that Ivanka Trump could be facing some very serious investigations if her dad loses the upcoming election. Ivanka has had multiple different complaints filed against her over the years while she's been in the White House, but without the protection of her father, she won't be able to continue to dodge all of the complaints and questions headed her way. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains what's happening.

Coronavirus: How My Mum Became a Conspiracy Theory Influencer

Read the article here »

Democrats Hold Senate Floor Overnight to Protest Amy Coney Barrett Confirmation

The US Senate on Saturday and Sunday will debate Donald Trump's supreme court nominee, Amy Coney Barrett. Democrats are expressing outrage at the vacancy being filled so close to the election, but with a 53-47 majority, Republicans have the votes they need to approve her

A Joe Biden White House Will Have Little Time and Less Love for ‘Britain’s Trump’

THE GUARDIAN: If he becomes the next US president, who will be Mr Biden’s ‘special friend’ in Europe? Certainly not Boris Johnson

When the long race for the White House ends, another begins: the sprint to be the first European leader to be granted an audience by the new US president. In 2016, Theresa May was distraught to have got a wooden spoon in the competition to put in an early congratulatory telephone call to Trump Tower. That made her even more neuralgic about beating a path to Washington ahead of her European rivals. Mrs May had to throw in the promise of a Trump state visit to the UK – I rather rudely called it “pimping out the Queen” – to ensure that she got to the White House first.

This desperation can make British prime ministers look pathetically needy, but there is a reason why they set so much store by displays of proximity with the Oval Office. How important a prime minister is to the United States, the planet’s largest economy and most potent military force, sends a message about how much influence the UK wields in the world. So it is telling that Number 10 is resigned to the prospect that Boris Johnson will not be the first name on Joe Biden’s call sheet if he becomes the 46th president. Nor is there any expectation that Mr Johnson will be first in line when they hand out invitations to the White House. He has already quit a race UK prime ministers are usually pretty good at winning. » | Andrew Rawnsley | Sunday, October 25, 2020

France Urges Arab Nations to Prevent Boycotts over Macron's Cartoons Defence

BBC: France has urged Middle Eastern countries to prevent any boycott of its goods in protest at President Emmanuel Macron's defence of the right to show cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad.

The French foreign ministry said the "baseless" calls for a boycott were being "pushed by a radical minority".

French products have been removed from some shops in Kuwait, Jordan and Qatar.

Meanwhile, protests have been seen in Libya, Syria and the Gaza Strip.

The backlash stems from comments made by Mr Macron after the gruesome murder of a French teacher who showed cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad in class.

The president said the teacher, Samuel Paty, "was killed because Islamists want our future", but France would "not give up our cartoons". » | Sunday, October 25, 2020

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Trump's America | DW Documentary

The US in the 2020 election year is a country deep in crisis. It’s been torn apart by the debate on racism, and millions have been infected with the coronavirus. On top of that, its president is pouring oil on the flames with his Twitter tirades.

At the beginning of the year, things were looking good for Donald Trump: the economy was doing well, unemployment figures were at a 50-year low, his job approval rating was rising, and the Democrats were preoccupied with themselves. But then came the coronavirus, a hazard that the president initially made light of, saying it would miraculously disappear. Instead of a miracle, the crisis hit the United States harder than any other country. The economy is in the doldrums. And COVID-19 is making the shortcomings of the health care system glaringly obvious.

Black Americans have been hit harder by the coronavirus than most. A higher proportion of them work in low-wage jobs that offer little protection against the virus, and they are less likely to have health insurance. The rage expressed in demonstrations against racism is being fuelled by the corona crisis and the mass unemployment it has triggered across the US.

It is hard to imagine that the economy will recover quickly - despite the trillions of dollars Trump is giving to companies. It is also hard to imagine that the millions of unemployed will have jobs again by the time the election is held.

Filmmakers Claudia Buckenmaier and Marion Schmickler traveled through the swing states of Arizona, Wisconsin and Michigan and asked people how the economic and health crisis is affecting them. What hopes do voters have going into November’s election? The bitter dispute between Republicans and Democrats and Donald Trump’s divisive style of government has brought democracy in the US to brink of the abyss. The distrust is so great that the Democrats even expect that Trump will reject the election result if he loses. Unimaginable? The Democrats seem to be preparing for exactly this scenario.

When Five Cambridge University Students Became Soviet Spies | Secrets Of War | Timeline

They were five disillusioned young men studying at Cambridge University in the 1930's when they were secretly recruited by Soviet agents. They went on to become the most successful spies of the 20th century, penetrating both American and British governments at the highest levels.

We French Love Our History Teachers – Samuel Paty Made Us Remember Why

THE GUARDIAN: Religion struck another blow against freedom of thought with the vicious murder of a man whose mission was to civilise

Since that fateful morning of 7 January 2015, and the Charlie Hebdo massacre, it sometimes feels as if we French are living our lives between terrorist assaults, each as vile as the previous but each more poignant in its viciousness and symbolism. When we think this can’t get any worse, a new attack proves us wrong.

In the past five years, Islamists in France have targeted and murdered journalists, cartoonists, policemen and women, soldiers, Jews, young people at a concert, football fans, families at a Bastille Day fireworks show, an 86-year-old priest celebrating mass in his little Normandy church, tourists at a Christmas market... the list goes on.

Last week, a history teacher was beheaded while walking back home from his school, in the quiet town of Conflans-Sainte-Honorine, halfway between Paris and Giverny. The speed with which we learned the facts sharpened the blow, deepened our emotions and focused our minds. » | Agnès Poirier * | Sunday, October 25, 2020

• Agnès Poirier is a Paris-based political commentator, writer and critic

France Recalls Ambassador from Turkey after 'Unacceptable' Erdogan Comments

France on Saturday said it was recalling its envoy to Turkey for consultations after comments by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan suggesting French counterpart Emmanuel Macron needed a mental health check-up that Paris condemned as unacceptable.

France recalls ambassador to Turkey after Erdoğan questions Macron's mental state »

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Spanish Flu: A Warning from History (November 2018)

100 years ago, celebrations marking the end of the First World War were cut short by the onslaught of a devastating disease - the 1918-19 influenza pandemic. Its early origins and initial geographical starting point still remain a mystery, but in the summer of 1918, there was a second wave of a far more virulent form of the influenza virus than anyone could have anticipated. Soon dubbed ‘Spanish Flu’ after its effects were reported in the country’s newspapers, the virus rapidly spread across much of the globe to become one of the worst natural disasters in human history. To mark the centenary and to highlight vital scientific research, the University of Cambridge has made a new film exploring what we have learnt about Spanish Flu, the urgent threat posed by influenza today, and how scientists are preparing for future pandemics.

Cooper: Trump's Accountability Had Lifespan of Fruit Fly

CNN's Anderson Cooper discusses how President Trump's coronavirus response has failed as the country is looking towards hundreds of thousands of more deaths in the coming months if nothing changes.

Coronavirus: European Leaders Tighten Measures as WHO Warns of Pandemic Juncture

The World Health Organization has warned of a 'critical juncture' of the pandemic, particularly in the northern hemisphere and urged heads of state to take action to reduce the spread of Covid-19. European leaders have increased restrictions as cases have continued rising. Wales has started a two-week 'firebreak' lockdown and Portugal's parliament has passed a law making it mandatory to wear face masks in many outdoor situations Coronavirus live news: Wales 'firebreak' lockdown begins; Spanish PM says cases closer to 3m

"A Barrett Confirmation Is a Catastrophe": What Democrats Can Do to Block Trump's Supreme Court Pick

Fordham law professor Zephyr Teachout says Senate Democrats can still block the confirmation of President Trump's Supreme Court nominee, Amy Coney Barrett, if they use every possible procedural method available to them to slow and frustrate the process. "A Barrett confirmation is a catastrophe," Teachout says. "A 6-3 majority on the court is basically a bomb coming at what is left of our protections against corruption in politics, against corporate money, against what is left of the Voting Rights Act."

Friday, October 23, 2020

Trump and Biden Face-off in Final Presidential Debate in Nashville – in Full

US President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden have faced-off in the final presidential debate ahead of the Presidential election on November 3.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Ronald Reagan's Son: We Have Grifters in the White House

Ron Reagan, son of former President Ronald Reagan and former first lady Nancy Reagan, tells CNN's Ana Cabrera that his father would "be horrified" by the Republican Party of today. He added that the Trump children are profiting off of their father's presidency as "grifters."

Poland Rules Abortion Due to Foetal Defects Unconstitutional

THE GUARDIAN: Constitutional court’s ruling could pave way for governing PiS party to move ahead with legislative ban

Poland’s constitutional tribunal has ruled that abortion due to foetal defects is unconstitutional, rejecting the most common of the few legal grounds for pregnancy termination in the predominantly Catholic country.

The chief justice, Julia Przyłębska, said in a ruling that existing legislation – one of Europe’s most restrictive – that allows for the abortion of malformed foetuses was “incompatible” with the constitution.

After the ruling goes into effect, abortion will only be permissible in Poland in the case of rape, incest or a threat to the mother’s health and life, which make up only about 2% of legal terminations conducted in recent years.

The verdict drew immediate condemnation from the Council of Europe, whose commissioner for human rights, Dunja Mijatović, called it “a sad day for women’s rights”.

“Removing the basis for almost all legal abortions in Poland amounts to a ban and violates human rights,” Mijatović tweeted.

“Today’s ruling ... means underground/abroad abortions for those who can afford and even greater ordeal for all others.” » | Staff and agencies in Warsaw | Thursday, October 22, 2020

US signs anti-abortion declaration with group of largely authoritarian governments »

The Christian fundamentalists are plunging the West into darkness! Does Poland really belong in the European Union? Further, should we be looking to America for leadership anymore? – Mark


Barack Obama Likens Donald Trump to 'Crazy Uncle' in Joe Biden Rally Speech

”Trump isn't going to protect us”: Obama returns to campaign trail for Biden »

Coronavirus: How Well Do Patients Recover from It? | COVID-19 Special

Two-to-six weeks: That's the typical recovery time for a Covid-19 patient, according to the World Health Organization. But not for all. Researchers are trying to figure out why some patients experience the disease more seriously and suffer more long-term consequences. Here's the story of one such case.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Warning of Tens of Thousands of Deaths in England from Covid-19 Second Wave

THE GUARDIAN: Tiered lockdown system not adequate for preventing high rate of virus infections daily, epidemiologist tells MPs

Tens of thousands of deaths are now inevitable in a second wave of coronavirus infections sweeping across England because of the failure to contain the virus, a government scientific adviser has warned.

John Edmunds, a professor at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, told MPs on Wednesday that without further measures England’s tiered Covid-19 strategy would lead to high numbers of new infections every day, putting the NHS under strain and driving up the death toll.

“If you look at where we are, there is no way we come out of this wave now without counting our deaths in the tens of thousands,” Edmunds, an epidemiologist, told the joint hearing of the Commons science and technology committee, and the health and social care committee. » | Ian Sample, Science editor | Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Samuel Paty Posthumously Awarded French Légion d’Honneur

THE GUARDIAN: Two pupils among seven people facing terror charges over teacher’s killing

The French teacher decapitated while returning home last week has been posthumously awarded the Légion d’honneur, hours after France’s anti-terrorism prosecutor said the killer had paid two pupils from the school to identify his victim.

At a private ceremony in the main amphitheatre of the Sorbonne university on Wednesday, President Emmanuel Macron bestowed the country’s highest honour on the family of Samuel Paty, 47, who was killed on Friday after showing his class two cartoons of the prophet Muhammad as part of a discussion on free speech.

An audience of about 400 people, including children, friends, relatives and former presidents, then paid tribute to the history and geography teacher in the university’s main courtyard, during an emotional public service broadcast live on television.

Paty was “a quiet hero”, a visibly moved Macron said in a 15-minute speech. “He was the victim of stupidity, of lies, of confusion, of a hatred of what, in our deepest essence, we are … On Friday, he became the face of the Republic.” » | Jon Henley, Europe correspondent | Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Pope Francis Backs Same-sex Civil Unions

THE GUARDIAN: Pontiff’s endorsement likely to further enrage his conservative opponents in Catholic church

Pope Francis has given his most explicit support to same-sex civil unions in a move that is likely to further enrage his conservative opponents in the Catholic church.

His comments came in an interview in a documentary film, Francesco, which premiered at the Rome film festival on Wednesday.

He said: “Homosexual people have a right to be in a family. They are children of God and have a right to a family. Nobody should be thrown out or be made miserable over it. What we have to create is a civil union law. That way they are legally covered. I stood up for that.” » | Harriet Sherwood \ Wednesday, October 21, 2020

She Lost Her Husband to Covid-19. Hear Her Tough Words for Trump

Alice Roberts shares her thoughts on President Trump and reveals she has spoken with presidential candidate Joe Biden following the death of her husband from coronavirus.

Trump Pressures Barr to Investigate Joe and Hunter Biden | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The president on Tuesday called on Attorney General William Barr to launch an investigation into unverified claims about his challenger Joe Biden and his son Hunter. The Morning Joe panel discusses. Aired on 10/21/2020.

Rassismus in der Schweiz – Moderatorin Angélique Beldner über Alltagsrassismus | Doku | SRF DOK

Angélique Beldner ist die erste schwarze News-Moderatorin des Schweizer Fernsehens. Ihre Hautfarbe und den Rassismus, den sie erlebt hat, wollte sie allerdings nie zum Thema machen. Bis zu diesem Sommer, der alles verändert hat.

In Frutigen verbrachte sie ihre ersten Jahre, in der Agglomeration von Bern wuchs sie auf. Angélique Beldner, 44 Jahre alt, verheiratet, Mutter zweier Kinder. In einer weitgehend behüteten Umgebung wurde sie gross. Die weisse Mutter alleinerziehend, unterstützt von der Schweizer Grossfamilie, der schwarze Vater weit weg.

«Ich bin voll und ganz Schweizerin, realisierte aber schon früh, dass ich anders war. Ich habe diese Erinnerung, wie sich Menschen in den Kinderwagen beugen und meine Haare berühren. Das begleitet mich bis heute und ist mir sehr unangenehm. Leute, die mir ungefragt ins Haar langen, das gibt es immer noch», sagt Angélique Beldner.

Trotzdem: Solche Erlebnisse behält sie für sich. Wenn, spricht sie nur mit ihrer Mutter darüber. Beldners Strategie war stets: Rassismus überhören oder ihn kleinreden. «Bis zu diesem Sommer hat das bestens funktioniert.»

«Black Lives Matter» hat ihre heile Welt aus den Fugen gebracht: «Auf einmal fragten mich alle nach meiner Meinung zum Thema Rassismus, und ich realisierte: Wenn alle schweigen, so wie ich, wird sich nie etwas verändern», sagt Beldner.

SRF Reporter begleitet Angélique Beldner auf Spurensuche ihrer eigenen Vergangenheit in der Schweiz. Warum hat Beldner Rassismus stets beschönigt und nicht sehen wollen? Warum fällt es ihr so schwer, darüber zu reden? Angélique Beldner spricht mit engen Familienangehörigen erstmals über ihre Hautfarbe und macht dabei auch schmerzhafte Erfahrungen.

Boris Johnson and Evgeny Lebedev: A Decade of Politics, Parties and Peerages

THE GUARDIAN: Pair have been friends since 2009, but security concerns were raised because of the Russian tycoon’s father, a one-time Moscow spy

The theme of the party attended by Boris Johnson was unmistakable. On the first floor was a mural of Joseph Stalin, dressed in green military uniform. A hammer and sickle decorated the windows. In the centre of the room was an ice sculpture in the shape of a pistol, from where a barman dispensed vodka shots.

A gun – presumably fake – lay on a red double bed in the basement, next to an outdoor smoking area. “Do you like my gun?” the party’s host, Evgeny Lebedev, reportedly asked one visitor. There was also a stuffed bear.

It was Friday 15 December 2017. Lebedev’s parties held in London and at his palazzo in Umbria, Italy, are a highlight of the social calendar. At this particular USSR–themed bash there was champagne, as much as you could drink, a caviar station, a dancefloor and a DJ, and a guest list including A-list actors, rock stars and members of the cabinet.

The most senior was Johnson, then foreign secretary. The prime minister is a regular attendee of parties hosted by Lebedev, which have a reputation for decadence. Prior to the December event, an email had told staff hired for their model looks to prepare for excess. “This party will be on the wilder side so PLEASE BEHAVE YOURSELF,” it said.

The question of how wild it was depends on who is asked. One attendee called it a “vodka assault course” – others say it was more restrained. » | Luke Harding and Dan Sabbagh | Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Evgeny Lebedev: 'Russia is not a homophobic country' »

Jamal Khashoggi's Fiancée Sues Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman

THE GUARDIAN: Hatice Cengiz files US lawsuit against leader and 28 ‘co-conspirators’ over journalist’s murder

The fiancée of the murdered Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi is suing the Saudi crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, and two dozen other Saudis in the US courts, accusing them of direct involvement in the dissident’s gruesome killing in Istanbul two years ago.

Hatice Cengiz and Democracy for the Arab World Now (Dawn), a Washington-based rights group set up by Khashoggi shortly before his death, filed a lawsuit in the US district court for the District of Columbia on Tuesday seeking unspecified damages against the kingdom’s de facto leader and 28 “co-conspirators” over the killing.

Khashoggi broke with the Saudi elite in 2017 and moved to the US, where he began to write critically about Saudi government policy as a columnist for the Washington Post. » | Bethan McKernan in Istanbul | Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Trump Says Biden Is Lucky AG Barr Hasn't Locked Him Up | Morning Joe | MSNBC

With just two weeks before the election, the president's closing message seems to be attacks on Dr. Fauci, coronavirus fatigue and locking up Joe Biden. The panel discusses. Aired on 10/20/2020.

Desperate Don! – Mark