Sunday, November 01, 2020

The Observer View on the US Election

THE OBSERVER: Another four years of Donald Trump would be a disaster for America. We must hope Biden wins and wins big

The US presidential election on Tuesday is the most momentous in recent modern history. It is a referendum on the personality and leadership of Donald Trump after four extraordinary, disgraceful years. It is a referendum, too, on the future of democracy in America, which appears more imperilled now than at any time since the civil war. Also at issue is America’s future role in the world. Not since 1940 has the US been so isolated and out of step on the key issues of the day.

The very idea that an American election, normally a grand, exemplary expression of the popular will, could be reduced to being about one man is, at some level, obscene. Yet how could it be otherwise? Selfishness, egotism and narcissism are the Trump trademarks. From his first hours in the Oval office, when he lied about the size of his inauguration crowd, Trump has made governing all about him. For this vain, self-obsessed man, the Hail to the Chief presidential anthem should be retitled Hail to Me. » | Observer editorial | Sunday, November 1, 2020