Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Theresa May Loses Brexit Deal Vote by Majority of 230

THE GUARDIAN: MPs vote down EU withdrawal agreement in resounding defeat for prime minister

Theresa May has sustained the heaviest parliamentary defeat of any British prime minister in the democratic era after MPs rejected her Brexit deal by a resounding majority of 230.

The Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, immediately moved to sieze the initiative, tabling a vote of no confidence in the government.

“This is a catastrophic defeat. The house has delivered its verdict on her deal. Delay and denial has reached the end of the line,” he said.

Brexit-supporting Conservatives joined with opposition parties and the Democratic Unionist party to trounce the government in the “meaningful vote”, which the prime minister delayed before Christmas in the vain hope of winning over waverers.

Following the defeat, May immediately invited a formal vote of no confidence in her own government, which she said would be voted on as soon as Wednesday. » | Heather Stewart, Political editor | Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Saudi Woman Who Fled Family Pledges to Fight for Women Escaping Persecution

THE GUARDIAN: Rahaf Mohammed said she will work in support of ‘the same freedom’ she experienced after arriving in Canada

Rahaf Mohammed, the Saudi teen who shot into the headlines after barricading herself into a Thai hotel room, has pledged to fight for women fleeing persecution after she successfully escaped abuse and the fear of death in her home country.

“Today and for years to come, I will work in support of freedom for women around the world – the same freedom I experienced on the first day I arrived in Canada,” she told reporters at a press conference in Toronto.

After her plans to seek asylum in Australia fell apart and she feared deportation back to Saudi Arabia, UNHCR intervened and granted her refugee status. Canada offered to resettle her and she landed in Toronto on Saturday. » | Leyland Cecco in Toronto | Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Ivanka Trump Is Just As Corrupt As Her Father

According to a new report by ProPublica, Ivanka Trump might be as corrupt as Donald Trump, and she routinely defrauded investors on the Trump Organization’s business dealings. This is criminal activity, but it is just now coming to light because investigators and journalists are starting to pay attention to how the Trump family made their money. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains what’s happening.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Republican Describes Donald Trump's Handling Of The Shutdown As Total Chaos | The Last Word | MSNBC

Nancy Pelosi and Democrats held their position today- a firm no to the wall- while Donald Trump went to the Capitol to implore Republican lawmakers to hold his position to continue the shutdown. Lawrence discusses with Sam Stein, John Heilemann and Charlie Sykes.

Carl Bernstein: Trump Helped Putin Destabilize US

Veteran journalist Carl Bernstein discusses a report by the Washington Post that says President Donald Trump tried to hide his conversations with Russian President Vladimir Putin from senior officials in his own administration.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Archbishop of Canterbury Urged to Act over Vatican Envoy Who Questioned Resurrection

THE TELEGRAPH: A row has erupted within the Church of England as senior Anglicans are calling on the Archbishop of Canterbury to force his ambassador to the Vatican to resign because he does not believe Jesus rose from the dead.

It has emerged that Dr John Shepherd, an Australian cleric appointed last week as the new representative to Rome, had delivered a sermon in which he said Christians should be “set free” from the traditional view of the resurrection.

The controversial comments, delivered while he was Dean of Perth Cathedral, have been criticised for flying in the face of the most fundamental Christian doctrines. » | Steve Bird | Saturday, January 12, 2019

Rahaf al-Qunun: Saudi Teen Granted Asylum in Canada

BBC: A Saudi woman who fled her family and became stranded at Bangkok's main airport is flying to Canada after being granted asylum status.

Rahaf Mohammed al-Qunun, 18, had been trying to reach Australia via Bangkok, but was initially told to return to Kuwait, where her family were waiting.

She refused to fly back and barricaded herself into her airport hotel room, attracting international attention.

She said she had renounced Islam, which is punishable by death in Saudi Arabia. » | BBC | Friday, January 11, 2019

Friday, January 11, 2019

«Gilets jaunes» : les autorités anticipent une mobilisation plus forte samedi 12 janvier

LE FIGARO: À Paris, le préfet de police craint «plus de radicalité» pour «l'acte 9» du mouvement. Sur l'ensemble du territoire, la police nationale prévoit un retour possible à un niveau de mobilisation similaire à celui des rassemblements organisés avant les fêtes. Nous faisons le point sur les rassemblements annoncés.

Plus forte et plus «radicale». Voilà à quoi s'attendent les autorités pour la journée de samedi 12 janvier et l'«acte 9» des «gilets jaunes», à Paris notamment. Après une baisse régulière du nombre de personnes mobilisées au cours des week-ends de la fin du mois de décembre, le samedi 5 janvier dernier a marqué une nouvelle hausse de la participation (environ 50.000 manifestants selon les autorités), émaillée de violences qui ont choqué. Et semble avoir donné lieu, du même coup, à une dynamique nouvelle dans ce mouvement. » | Par Blandine Le Cain | vendredi, 11. Janvier 2019

The New Feudalism

Are Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos the new feudal elite? Anand Giridharadas talks to INET President Rob Johnson about how the titans of Silicon Valley use “philanthropy” to control more of our lives.

New Far-right German Party Adopts Former Secret Nazi Symbol

THE GUARDIAN: AfD politician quits to set up party that uses symbol of 1930s Austrian Nazis in logo

A German politician has left the far-right Alternative for Germany to set up a new party with a logo that uses a symbol adopted as a secret sign by Austrian Nazis in the 1930s.

André Poggenburg resigned from his post as the AfD’s regional leader in eastern Saxony-Anhalt state last year after labelling Turks as “camel drivers” and immigrants with dual nationality a “homeless mob we no longer want”. He announced his resignation from the party in an email sent to the leadership earlier this week. » | Josie Le Blond in Berlin | Friday, January 11, 2019

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Shutdown : Trump boude le Forum économique de Davos

LE POINT: Le président américain, en plein bras de fer avec les démocrates au sujet du mur, « annule respectueusement » son déplacement en Suisse.

Donald Trump reste à Washington. Le président américain a annoncé jeudi qu'il ne participerait pas comme prévu au Forum économique mondial de Davos, qui aura lieu du 21 au 25 janvier, mettant en avant la paralysie partielle de l'administration fédérale. « En raison de l'intransigeance des démocrates sur la sécurité aux frontières et de l'importance de la sécurité pour notre pays, j'annule respectueusement mon voyage très important à Davos, en Suisse, pour le Forum économique mondial », a tweeté le président des États-Unis. » | Source AFP | 10 janvier 2019

Wednesday, January 09, 2019

Schumer: Trump Walked Out of Meeting after Pelosi Said No to Border Wall

Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY) and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) talk to reporters after meeting with President Donald Trump about a deal to end the partial shutdown of the federal government. Schumer told reporters that President Donald Trump walked out of the meeting after Pelosi said she wouldn't support funding a border wall.

Longtime Reporter, William Arkin, Leaves NBC Saying Media Is “Trump Circus” That Encourages Perpetual War

“Prisoners of Donald Trump.” That’s how longtime NBC reporter and analyst William Arkin described the mainstream media in a scathing letter last week announcing he would be leaving the network, accusing the media of warmongering while ignoring the “creeping fascism of homeland security.” He issued the blistering critique after a 30-year relationship with NBC, calling for “Trump-free” media days and a reckoning about how the network encourages a state of perpetual warfare. We speak with Arkin, whose award-winning reporting has appeared in The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, The Washington Post. He is the author of many books, including “Top Secret America: The Rise of the New American Security State.”

Tuesday, January 08, 2019

Trump Administration Downgrades EU's Status in US, without Informing Brussels

THE GUARDIAN: Downgrade of diplomatic role seen as a snub reflecting a general antipathy to the EU in the Trump administration

The Trump administration has downgraded the diplomatic status of the EU mission in Washington, without informing the mission or Brussels, officials confirmed on Tuesday.

The downgrade from nation state to international organisation status reverses an Obama administration decision in 2016 to grant the EU an enhanced diplomatic role in Washington, and is being seen in Brussels as a snub reflecting a general antipathy to the EU in the Trump administration. The president has supported Brexit and has described the EU as a “foe”.

The change, first reported by the German news agency, Deutsche Welle, potentially means that the EU mission would have less clout and access to US officials. » | Julian Borger in Washington | Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Monday, January 07, 2019

Trump Officials Get Massive Raises As Government Shutdown Continues

Federal workers aren’t getting raises in 2019, thanks to an executive order by Donald Trump. 800,000 federal workers are currently not being paid thanks to the government shutdown. But the people in Trump’s cabinet, including Vice President Mike Pence, are getting raises of up to $13,000 starting today for no apparent reason other than they can. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses what’s happening to our federal government.

Thursday, January 03, 2019

Joe: President Donald Trump's Actions Call Into Question Fitness For Office | Morning Joe | MSNBC

During a Wednesday Cabinet meeting, the president appeared to praise the Soviet Union's 1979 invasion of Afghanistan while also managing to get in references to Tom Cruise, President Obama and plane loads of cash. Is the president fit for the position he holds?

Tuesday, January 01, 2019

Documentary: Portugal's Moorish Legacy

In this documentary, we uncover the influence that 500 years of Muslim occupation had on Portugal and Portuguese culture. We visit some important sights and hear from Portuguese people regarding their views on this significant part of their history.

While in Spain, the seven centuries of Muslim rule is very well-known, in Portugal it typically goes unnoticed. Despite being overlooked at times, the Islamic occupation, known as its Moorish past, has had a huge impact on Portugal.

The Muslims invaded present-day Portugal in the year 711 and established their capital in what is modern day "Silves". A significant part of this documentary takes us to Silves, which is still one of the best places in Portugal to see the influence of the Muslim period. Silves was the main access route to the inland areas of the Algarve, and the Silves castle, which was built by the Almoravid Arabs in the 11th century, is the best-preserved and most significant castle in the region. One of Portugal's main tourist attractions are its the beautiful beaches in the Algarve region. The name Algarve itself is derived from the Arabic word "al-Gharb", meaning the West. Portugal was the most Western part of the Muslim Empire and it was officially referred to as al-Gharb al-Andalus, meaning West of Al-Andalus. Nowadays Al-Andalus is often referred to as Muslim Spain, or Islamic Iberia.

It is not just the physical monuments which make Portugal’s Muslim past evident, but you can also find it in the country’s language and culture, even though the entire Reconquest centred around getting rid of Islamic influence altogether. Some Arabic words have permanently entered the Portuguese language, words for sugar, rice, olive oil, lettuce, village, the West and many others. Even Portugal’s most popular holiday spot, Albufeira, gets its name from Arabic, having then been called (Albuhayra) which means the lake in Arabic. The journey also takes us to Sintra, among other places, where the massive Moorish Castle stands. It was built by Muslims between the 9th and 10th centuries, the castle was vital in order to protect its population.

The southernmost region of Portugal, was finally conquered by Christians and taken away from the Muslims in 1249, and in 1255 the capital shifted to Lisbon. Neighbouring Spain would not complete its Reconquista until 1492.

Mes voeux 2019 aux Français | Emmanuel Macron

Fidèle à une tradition qui nous est chère, je suis heureux de vous présenter tous mes vœux de vérité, de dignité et d'espoir pour l’année 2019 qui s’ouvre.

Merkel wirbt in Neujahrsansprache für mehr Zusammenhalt

Die Bundeskanzlerin sagte, 2018 sei ein überaus schwieriges politisches Jahr gewesen. Die Herausforderungen unserer Zeit könnten nur durch Zusammenarbeit über Grenzen hinweg gemeistert werden.

Theresa May’s New Year Message: Back Brexit Deal

The prime minister uses her new year message to urge MPs to allow the UK to 'turn a corner' by voting for her Brexit deal. In the video, released late on New Year’s Eve, Theresa May says that after the divisiveness of the EU referendum and its aftermath, she wants 2019 to be 'the year we put our differences aside and move forward together' In 2019 the UK will start a new chapter, says Theresa May

tagesschau 20:00 Uhr, 31.12.2018

Themen der Sendung: Bundeskanzlerin Merkel wirbt in Neujahrsansprache für mehr Solidarität, Tote und Verletzte nach Gasexplosion in russischer Stadt Magnitogorsk, Kulturhaupstädte des Jahres 2019, Vorbereitungen für Silvester in Berlin, Das Wetter

Monday, December 31, 2018

Asia and Australia Usher in New Year with Huge Firework Displays

Hong Kong welcomed the new year with a pyrotechnics show over Victoria Harbour, while Taiwan's capital held a firework display around the Taipei 101 skyscraper. In South Korea, a traditional bell-tolling ceremony was held near City Hall in Seoul, and North Koreans watched fireworks and a music performance in Pyongyang. Sydney Harbour in Australia held its biggest ever show. In New Zealand, colourful fireworks burst from the top of the Auckland Sky Tower

Friday, December 28, 2018

President Trump Approval At Record Low As Country Blames Him For Shutdown | The Last Word | MSNBC

Polls say Pres. Trump is to blame for the shutdown as his approval matches an all-time low. Jason Johnson, Mara Gay and Jennifer Rubin join Ari Melber to discuss the prospects for Trump as he digs in on his unpopular shutdown.

What Is Trump's Strategy for Syria and the Region? l Inside Story

For the first time since he became president two years ago, Donald Trump visited American troops in a conflict zone - Iraq. His surprise three-hour stop was at an air base west of Baghdad the day after Christmas. He didn't meet any of the Iraqi leadership but invited Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi to the White House in the New Year.

Trump used the opportunity to defend the withdrawal of troops from Syria saying it was made possible by the defeat of ISIL. But critics have condemned what they see as the president's increasingly isolationist foreign policy saying it will give ISIL a chance to re-group.

Trump says the work of US forces is complete, and regional forces will ensure ISIL remains dismantled. It's reported Trump also wants to reduce the number of US troops in Afghanistan from 14,000 to 7,000.

What is Trump's strategy for the region and what message is he trying to send?

Presenter: Mohammed Jamjoom | Guests: Ali Al-Nashmi, Political Analyst; Peter Galbraith, Former U.S. Ambassador; Afzal Ashraf, University of Nottingham

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Why I Am Not a Christian by Bertrand Russell

Bertrand Russell first delivered this lecture on March 6, 1927 to the National Secular Society, South London Branch, at Battersea Town Hall.

Saudi King Salman Announces Government Reshuffle | Al Jazeera English

Saudi Arabia's King Salman has announced a major reshuffle of his cabinet. Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir has been replaced and a new political and security council has been formed. Marwan Kabalan, head of policy analysis at the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies, talks to Al Jazeera about what could be behind the shuffle.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

The Real Jesus Christ | Biblical Documentary | Timeline

After the death of Jesus, his followers split into two factions. They held radically different views about their leader – his identity, his message and his vision of the future. One of those factions flourished under the guiding genius of St Paul – and eventually wrote its version of the story in the Gospels of the New Testament. The other faction withered and died away, leaving behind no written records. But what if the losers in this power struggle had written their version of the story? The Real Jesus Christ reconstructs that lost biography of Jesus: an alternative version of his life as it would have been told by those who lost the battle for the succession, but who knew him better than anyone else – his closest followers and his family.

Monday, December 24, 2018

Pope Francis Uses Christmas Homily to Decry Modern Consumerism

THE GUARDIAN: Pontiff told pilgrims in the Vatican City that mankind has become ‘greedy and voracious’
Pope Francis has assailed the “insatiable greed” of today’s consumerism, calling on people in his Christmas homily to make “sharing and giving” more a part of their lives.

“Mankind became greedy and voracious,” the leader of the world’s 1.3bn Catholics said in an address to thousands of followers in St Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican City.

“In our day, for many people, life’s meaning is found in possessing, in having an excess of material objects.”

“An insatiable greed marks all human history, even today, when, paradoxically, a few dine luxuriantly while all too many go without the daily bread needed to survive.” » | Agencies | Monday, December 24, 2018

Einsamkeit - wenn keiner da ist | Nachtcafé

Die Adventszeit ist für viele nicht nur die Zeit der Besinnlichkeit, sondern vor allem die Angst vor dem, was unausweichlich kommen wird: Weihnachten alleine! Auch wenn es das Fest der Liebe, der Familie und der Geborgenheit ist: Millionen Deutsche verbringen diese emotional besonders aufgeladenen Feiertage einsam und alleine zu Hause. Während an Heilig Abend aus der Nachbarswohnung glückliches Kinderlachen, fröhliche Lieder und Familientrubel zu hören sind, läuft in den eigenen vier Wänden der Fernseher als Dauerberieselung, um dem unerträglichen Alleinsein etwas entgegenzusetzen..

Markets Stage One of Worst Christmas Eves Ever, Closing Down More Than 600 Points as Trump Blames Fed for Stock Losses in a Tweet

THE WASHINGTON POST: The Dow Jones industrial average followed its worst week in a decade with a 653-point drop Monday, and President Trump once again took to Twitter to interject himself into financial markets.

As blue chips sank even deeper into the red after weeks of chaos, Trump tried to assign sole blame for the sell-off to the Federal Reserve, likening the central bank to a golfer who “can’t putt.”

“The only problem our economy has is the Fed,” the president said in a tweet. “They don’t have a feel for the Market, they don’t understand necessary Trade Wars or Strong Dollars or even Democrat Shutdowns over Borders. The Fed is like a powerful golfer who can’t score because he has no touch — he can’t putt! » | Thomas Heath & Philip Rucker | Monday, December 24, 2018

Clapper Blasts Trump's 'Appalling Arrogance' on ISIS

Former Director of National Security James Clapper says ISIS has not been defeated and blasts President Donald Trump's previous claims that he knows more about ISIS than the generals do.

Sunday, December 23, 2018

The Real Problem Is the US-Saudi Relationship, Not Just Crown Prince MBS

Peace activist Medea Benjamin of CODEPINK says US support for the Saudi monarchy must be fundamentally challenged. Some American officials want a cosmetic change, simply replacing Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, but the problem runs much deeper.

Friday, December 21, 2018

Can the US Be a Dependable Ally? l Inside Story

Retired general James Mattis was seen as a measure of calm and stability in a White House swirling with chaos and unpredictability. Now, he's resigned as US Secretary of Defense, after disagreements on foreign policy with the president.

His departure comes as Donald Trump ordered a withdrawal of US forces from Syria and suggestions he'll pull thousands out of Afghanistan too.

In his resignation letter, Mattis said he believes in treating allies with respect. Trump’s announcement certainly took the US's friends by surprise and left many wondering if the US is a dependable ally.

So with Mattis gone, who will now try and control an unpredictable president?

Presenter: Imran Khan | Guests: David DesRoches, Professor of Near East South Asia Center for Strategic Studies at the National Defense University and Former Director of NATO Operations at the Pentagon; Habib Wardak, Founding Member of Transparency Afghanistan and National Security Analyst; Andreas Krieg, Assistant Professor at the Defence Studies Dept., King's College London and Specialist on Jihadist Groups in the Middle East.

Jim Mattis Resigns as White House Unravels from Within | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis announced his resignation Thursday afternoon, sending President Donald Trump a letter that implicitly criticized the president's military judgment. The Morning Joe panel discusses Mattis' resignation and the other major news of the week.

Clapper: Americans Are Less Safe with Mattis' Exit

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper says Americans are less safe after Secretary of Defense James Mattis announced he is stepping down.

Don Lemon: If You Are Worried, You Should Be

CNN's Don Lemon reacts to the announcement that Secretary of Defense James Mattis is stepping down from his role.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Tucker Carlson Begs Advertisers To Stay, Declaring “I Like Immigrants!”

Tucker Carlson went on an angry tirade on Friday evening about immigrants, saying that they make American “poorer, dirtier, and more divided.” This incredibly racist statement has caused advertisers to flee his program, but now he’s begging them to stay by proclaiming that he actually loves immigrants and that he believes the caravan travelers all have good intentions. This is too little, too late, as Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains.

The Rogue Crown Prince & the Dangerous US-Saudi-Israel Alliance

Col. Lawrence Wilkerson and Paul Jay discuss the US Senate resolution condemning Mohamed Bin Salman for the killing of Jamal Khashoggi; there is concern amongst the neocons of both major parties that MBS is undermining the strategy to weaken Iran

Imam Tawhidi: The TRUTH About Islam

In this interview with Imam Tawhidi, the Imam discusses his 2018 book The Tragedy of Islam, as well as the debate surrounding the religion’s history, doctrine, stance on women’s rights, Mohammed, and its connections to terrorism and extremism.

Friday, December 14, 2018

Trump 'Seething' after Cohen Sentencing

President Trump's public silence belied his rising fury over longtime lawyer and fixer Michael Cohen, who the President still insists is not telling the truth, after he turned against him and was sentenced to three years in prison. CNN's Jim Acosta reports.

Cohen on Trump as President: 'He's a Very Different Individual'

Trump's former attorney told ABC News in an exclusive interview that he thinks "the pressure of the job is much more" than what the president thought it was going to be.

Senate Votes To End US Support For Saudi-Led War In Yemen | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC

In a stinging rebuke of President Trump and the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the US Senate voted to end military support of the Saudi-led war in Yemen.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Theresa May Tries to Salvage Brexit Deal in Brussels

Theresa May is ending the worst week of her political life in the place where she now looks more comfortable than Westminster.

This is her second visit to Brussels in three days and now that she has clung on to her job she came hoping to get her deal across the line in Parliament.

Her fellow EU leaders were long on admiration for her tenacity but came short on the kind of concessions that could save her deal and perhaps her government.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Lord Michael Heseltine on Brexit, Theresa May and Fighting Poverty

Lord Michael Heseltine is a veteran of politics. He served as Deputy Prime Minister under Margaret Thatcher and was crucial in her removal from power. He now sits on the Conservative benches of the House of Lords and has strongly argued against Brexit and to remain in the European Union.

Thursday, December 06, 2018

Will Trump Change His Mind on Khashoggi Killing? l Inside Story

Six senior US senators from across party lines have introduced a resolution holding the Saudi Crown Prince personally accountable for the murder of Jamal Khashoggi.

It directly contradicts statements from President Donald Trump who has insisted repeatedly there is no definitive evidence connecting Mohammed bin Salman with the crime.

But will the senators force Trump to drop his defence of the Saudi royal?

The resolution also criticises Saudi Arabia for the war in Yemen, the blockade of Qatar, and a crackdown on dissent in the Kingdom. It's a testing time for the US president.

Presenter: Martine Dennis | Guests: John Jones, former senior congressional advisor during President Obama's term; Sigurd Neubauer, a Middle East analyst with expertise in Gulf affairs; and Chris Garcia, former deputy director of the US Department of Commerce under President Trump

Sunday, December 02, 2018

Can Macron Survive the Biggest Challenge to His Presidency? l Inside Story

The Arc de Triomphe daubed with graffiti. The Champs Elysée cloaked in clouds of tear gas. It's becoming a familiar story in Paris. The famous sights of the French capital turned into a battle ground for the third successive weekend.

‘Yellow Vest’ protesters again venting their fury at the rising price of keeping their cars on the road; and increasing calls for President Emmanuel Macron to resign.

Facing the biggest challenge to his 18 month presidency, he flew home from the G20 summit in Argentina for an emergency government meeting.

It's not just next month’s proposed fuel tax rise which is infuriating many, falling living standards are too; so, how can Macron calm the rising anger?

Presenter: Laura Kyle | Guests: Anne Giudicelli - Chief Executive, Terrorisc Consultancy; Remi Bourgeot -Economist, French Institute of International & Strategic Affairs; David Lees - Lecturer in French Studies, University of Warwick

Saturday, December 01, 2018

Does Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) Care about New Khashoggi Revelations? l Inside Story

’The Wall Street Journal’ says the Saudi Crown Prince was in contact with the team that killed Jamal Khashoggi.

The CIA has reportedly concluded the order to kill Jamal Khashoggi was given by Crown prince Mohammed Bin Salman.

‘The Wall Street Journal’ says its obtained details of the highly classified CIA document. The newspaper says bin Salman sent at least 11 messages to his closest adviser, Saud al-Qahtani.

He reportedly supervised the so-called 'hit' team.

The CIA says al-Qahtani was in direct communication with the team’s leader in Istanbul - in the hours before and after the journalist was murdered.

The Saudi team was reportedly assembled from the Crown Prince's top security men in the Royal Guard.

The judgment on Bin Salman's likely culpability is based on the prince’s personal focus on Khashoggi who had criticised him - as well as the Prince authorising the same team to target other opponents.

The Saudi leader is reported to have told associates in August last year that if efforts failed to persuade Khashoggi to return to Saudi Arabia, he would be lured somewhere else.

Do the latest revelations make any difference because bin Salman continues to enjoy Donald Trump's support?

Presenter: Richelle Carey | Guests: Imadaldin al-Jubouri -Writer & Academic; Ahmed Al-Burai - Writer, Middle East Eye & Daily Sabah; Jacob Parakilas - Deputy Head, U.S. and the Americas Programme, Chatham House

Friday, November 30, 2018

G20: May in Argentina to Sell Brexit around the World

The Prime Minister arrived in Argentina for the G20 summit keen to sell the benefits of Brexit.

World leaders met against a backdrop of crisis in Crimea and the Saudi Arabian murder of a dissident journalist, but the European Council President Donald Tusk took the opportunity to say the EU stands ready for "no deal or no Brexit at all" if MPs reject the deal. We speak to Theresa May.

Ivanka And Don Jr. Are Mueller’s Next Targets

According to reports, special prosecutor Robert Mueller is now setting his sights on Ivanka and Donald Trump, Jr.’s involvement in a real estate deal that may have been used as a political tool for Donald Trump. The deal revolves around the talks for Trump Tower Moscow and the planned delivery of a $50 million penthouse to Vladimir Putin. The pieces of the puzzle are now out in the open, the only question is whether or not they actually fit together. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

What Do Ex-lawyer Pleas Mean for Trump? - BBC Newsnight

President Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen is back - this time with allegations about the President's Russian links. Trump denies wrong-doing, but how damaging could this new information be?

Kirsty Wark is joined from San Francisco by former US attorney Harry Litman, and from the G20 Summit in Buenos Aires by RT America presenter Scottie Nell Hughes.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

What's Ahead for the US-Saudi Relationship? l Inside Story

US Senators have sent a strong message to the White House – they will hold Saudi Arabia to account over its rôle in the war in Yemen and the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

The Senate has voted to hold hearings next week on whether to end US involvement in the 3-year old conflict. That's despite strong opposition from the Trump administration, which sent the Secretaries of State and Defense to persuade Senators to vote against the measure.

So, what will this mean for the future of the US-Saudi relationship?

Presenter: Hashem Ahelbarra | Guests: Charles Moran - Republican Political Strategist; Karen Greenberg - Director of the Center on National Security at Fordham University School of Law; Glenn Carle - A former CIA officer.

Should Saudi Crown Prince Be Charged with War Crimes? G20 Host, Argentina, Considers Probe

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman could face prosecution in Argentina for alleged complicity in the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi and the Saudi-led humanitarian crisis in Yemen. On Wednesday, an Argentine prosecutor reportedly accepted a request by Human Rights Watch to prosecute the crown prince, just hours after he landed in Argentina ahead of the G20 summit. Argentina recognizes universal jurisdiction for war crimes and torture, which means it is able to press charges against the crown prince while he is in the country. We speak with Reed Brody, counsel and spokesperson for Human Rights Watch, and Shireen Al-Adeimi, Yemeni scholar, activist, and an Assistant Professor at Michigan State University.

Despite Tension between Iran and Israel, Iran’s Jewish Minority Feels At Home

Jewish people have called Iran home for nearly 3,000 years. The Trump administration and U.S. ally Israel often depict the Iranian government as composed of anti-Semitic radical Islamists bent on destroying Israel. But within Iran, many of the estimated 15,000 Jews say they're safe and happy living in the Islamic Republic. Reza Sayah takes a rare inside look at life for Iran's Jewish minority.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

#democracynow : Top US News & World Headlines — November 28, 2018

A Fourth Reich In The Sun - Hitler's Escape to Argentina

Patrick Henningsen interviews Gerrard Williams, the former Duty Editor at Reuters Television and Foreign Duty Editor at The BBC, Sky News and APTN and author of the book Grey Wolf. Patrick and Gerrard take a deeper look into one of the greatest the untold stories of World War II, where Adolf Hitler and many other top Nazis including Martin Bormann, escaped to Argentina after the Fall of Berlin in 1945.

In addition, they investigate the active role of many top US and German international corporations had in supporting the Nazi war machine during the war, as well as top Nazi involvement in the formation of the Bilderberg Group after WWII.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Can Turkey Trigger International Probe into Khashoggi's Murder? l Inside Story

It's been nearly two months since journalist Jamal Khashoggi walked into the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. His murder at the hands of a 15-member hit squad has put Saudi Arabia under an international spotlight. Its embattled Crown Prince, who's been accused of ordering the killing, is on a tour of regional countries before he heads to Argentina for the G-20 Summit.

But Turkey wants to make sure the case does not disappear from the world's attention. Its investigators launched a search of two villas outside Istanbul on Monday. They say they're owned by a Saudi businessman close to the Crown Prince. But will this make any difference? And Can Turkey successfully push for an international investigation?

Presenter: Adrian Finighan | Guests: Vehbi Baysan - Professor of History at Ibn Haldun University; Matthew Bryza - Senior Fellow at Atlantic Council and a former US Ambassador; Simon Mabon - Senior Lecturer in International Relations at Lancaster University in the UK

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Will Macron Bow to the Demands of 'Yellow Vest' Protesters? l Inside Story

French fuel tax protesters again vent their anger against President Emmanuel Macron.

Emmanuel Macron was elected last year on presidential pledges to create more jobs and improve lives. But for many French people, his economic reforms are a disaster. Critics accuse him of being a president for the rich - while hurting the poor.

One of his reforms is causing particular outrage - fuel tax. So-called 'Yellow Vest' protesters in Paris blocked roads for a second successive Saturday to tell Macron they've had enough. And his environmentally-friendly tax on diesel aimed at cutting pollution has to go - and so does he.

So, will he change his controversial policies?

Presenter: Adrian Finighan | Guests: Anne Giudicelli - Founder of Terrorisc Consultancy; Jacques Reland - Senior Research Fellow, Global Policy Institute London; Renaud Girard - Chief Foreign Correspondent, Le Figaro daily newspaper

Friday, November 23, 2018

A Royal Family, Episode 1: The Father-in-law of Europe | Documentary

At the end of the 1800s, the Danish King, Christian IX and his wife, Queen Louise, married their six children into the dominating European royal families and Christian IX became known as "Europe's Father-In-Law". Today, his descendants are to be found all over Europe.

These are their stories, stories of power, love, triumph, tragedy and honour, recounted through interviews and never before published letters, photographs and home movie footage, by over 30 members of the European royal family.

Anecdotes handed down through generations give insight into a Europe ruled by 'dynasty politics' where arranged marriages created alliances between countries.

In the Europe of the 1800s, Denmark, England, and Russia each have a childless king; all three need an heir to the throne. Speedily arranged marriages, births, and cunning strategies bring King Christian IX, Queen Victoria and Tsar Alexander II to the throne.

Wadah Khanfar Interview on Media Coverage of the Killing of Khashoggi | One on One Express

We sit down for a one on one interview with Wadah Khanfar, the director of Al Sharq Forum to discuss media coverage of the killing of Khashoggi, how it’s influenced public opinion, and its repercussions.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Trump Chooses “Relationship with Saudi Arabia” over Accountability for Jamal Khashoggi’s Murder

Despite overwhelming evidence that Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi was assassinated at the order of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, President Trump stood by Saudi Arabia Tuesday in an extraordinary written statement riddled with exclamation points and subtitled “America First,” writing, “It could very well be that the crown prince had knowledge of this tragic event — maybe he did and maybe he didn’t! That being said, we may never know all of the facts surrounding the murder of Mr. Jamal Khashoggi. In any case, our relationship is with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.” Trump’s statement came even after The Washington Post reported last Friday that the CIA has “high confidence” that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered Jamal Khashoggi’s murder. Saudi officials have tried to dismiss Khashoggi’s death as a rare, unauthorized killing, but a recent New York Times report suggests the kingdom has sought out private companies to assassinate perceived enemies since the beginning of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s rule. We speak with the Israeli investigative reporter who helped break the story, Ronen Bergman, author of “Rise and Kill First: The Secret History of Israel’s Targeted Assassinations.” Ronen Bergman is a staff writer for The New York Times Magazine and the senior national security correspondent for Yedioth Ahronoth. His piece in The New York Times is titled “Saudis Close to Crown Prince Discussed Killing Other Enemies a Year Before Khashoggi’s Death.”

How Far Can Trump Shield Bin Salman? l Inside Story

The US President admits Mohammed bin Salman may have known about the plan to murder journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

The CIA says the Crown Prince actually ordered it. But Trump’s contradicted his intelligence agency saying that’s not a definitive determination; and in any case he says it would be foolish to take action against Riyadh. That would threaten lucrative weapons deals and push the price of oil up. Very simple, said Trump, It’s America First.

But it might not be that simple – all eyes are now on the US Congress to see what it will do. So, America First? Or justice last?

Presenter: Laura Kyle | Guests: Mohamad Elmasry, Associate Professor of Journalism at the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies; Sigurd Neubauer, Middle East Analyst and Columnist; Cinzia Bianco, Senior Analyst and researcher at Gulf State Analytics

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Nancy Isenberg: The Origin of ‘White Trash,’ and Why Class Is Still an Issue in the US

In “White Trash,” Nancy Isenberg delves into the history of class in America, starting with British colonization. At that time, America was seen as a wasteland -- a place to discard the idle poor. The agrarian communities they subsequently formed often remained poor due to a phenomenon Isenberg calls “horizontal mobility.” Jeffrey Brown speaks with the author about how we can evolve past class.

CIA Blames Saudi Crown Prince Bin Salman for Khashoggi Murder

’The Washington Post’ is reporting that the CIA blames Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman for the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi

Friday, November 16, 2018

What Can Khashoggi Tape Reveal about His Murder? | Inside Story

Saudi Arabia has given numerous versions of what happened to Jamal Khashoggi at its consulate in Istanbul, but has always maintained Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman knew nothing about his death. And it has insisted the killing wasn't pre-meditated.

But now the Turkish newspaper Hurriyet has leaked an audio recording that contradicts the latest Saudi narrative. It suggests a hit squad discussed Khashoggi's murder prior to him entering the consulate on October 2nd.

Presenter Laura Kyle | Guests: Saad Djebbar, International Lawyer and Political Commentator. He represented PLO Leader Yasser Arafat’s widow and Al Jazeera journalists who were in prison; Matthew Bryza, former White House official and Senior fellow at the Atlantic Council; Sahar Aziz, Professor of Law at Rutgers University and Director of the Center on Security, Race, and Civil Rights

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Saudi Prosecutor Seeks Death Penalty for Five in Khashoggi Murder l Breaking News

Authorities in Saudi Arabia say they will seek the death penalty for five people accused of carrying out the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi inside the kingdom's consulate in Istanbul. Speaking in Riyadh, Shaalan al-Shaalan, Saudi Arabia's deputy public prosecutor, said "the incident" began on September 29 when a "former" deputy chief of intelligence ordered the "leader of the mission" to "bring back the victim by means of persuasion, and if persuasion fails, to do so by force". While the prosecutor's office did not give names, General Ahmed al-Asiri, who was fired as deputy head of intelligence in the wake of the killing, has been implicated. Al Jazeera's Andrew Simmons reports.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

President Donald Trump Retreating From Duties Into A ‘Cocoon Of Bitterness’ | The Last Word | MSNBC

The Los Angeles Times reports that Trump has almost completely stopped his public duties in the wake of Republicans' major election losses. Lawrence discusses Trump's 'brooding' and 'anger' with Jason Johnson and Jennifer Palmieri.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Trump Spends Veterans’ Day Weekend Insulting America

Between his refusal to attend a World War I memorial in Paris to his decision to skip a memorial gathering at Arlington National Cemetery because of rain, and all of the tweets in between, Donald Trump spent most of his long weekend insulting everything about this country. He blamed Californians for the wildfires that are engulfing their state and he also inadvertently called for an end to troops voting from overseas. Everything this man does is an insult to our country, as Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains.

Who Is “The Boss” in Phone Call after Khashoggi’s Murder? l Inside Story

US intelligence officials believe a phone message to “tell your boss” after journalist Jamal Khashoggi was murdered was a reference to Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman.

‘The New York Times’ has received a transcript of one of the recordings released by Turkey. The newspaper says the telephone call was made by Maher Abdulaziz Mutreb, a security officer who frequently travelled with the Crown Prince.

Turkish intelligence believe Mutreb was speaking to one of the prince’s aides, and also used words to the effect that "the deed was done." But officials in Ankara say the audio does not conclusively implicate Mohammed bin Salman.

Presenter: Martine Dennis Guests Abdelwahab El-Affendi, Professor of Politics at the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies. Mehmet Celik, Political News Editor at Daily Sabah newspaper. Bill Law, journalist and analyst at thegulfmatters.com

Does Europe Need Its Own Army? l Inside Story

French president Emmanuel Macron has suggested creating a European army.

French President Emmanuel Macron and US President Donald Trump have been at odds on many issues. This week that divide went further when President Macron appeared to call for the creation of a European army. Macron says Europe needs to defend itself against potential threats from nations including Russia, China and even the United States.

But it's not just about defence - the two leaders differ on almost every issue. Trump has pulled out of a number of global treaties from climate change to the Iran nuclear deal, and recently the disarmament treaty with Russia.

While Macron has repeatedly emphasised the need for a global order and rejection of nationalism. He made the call during Sunday's remembrance ceremony in Paris to mark the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War.

But can Europe do without the US in matters of defence?

Presenter: Richelle Carey | Guests: Renaud Girard - Chief Foreign Correspondent at Le Figaro newspaper; David DesRoches - Associate Professor at the National Defense University and former Pentagon Official; Glenn Diesen - Professor of International Relations at Higher School of Economics in Moscow

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Will Saudi Arabia Ever Reveal Who Ordered the Killing of Jamal Khashoggi? l Inside Story

The Turkish president has shared with several world leaders audio recording of the moment journalist Jamal Khashoggi was murdered.

Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan continues to put the pressure on Saudi Arabia to reveal who ordered the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

Erdogan says his country has shared audio recordings of Khashoggi's last moments with the US, Germany, France and the United Kingdom. The leaders of those countries are in France to mark the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War.

Erdogan discussed the issue with US president Donald Trump on Saturday in Paris and also met French president Emmanuel Macron and agreed on a number of issues related to the Khashoggi case. They said Saudi Arabia needs to 'shed more light' on the murder and the case should not destabilise the region.

Erdogan has previously said he believes the order to kill the journalist came from the highest levels of the Saudi government. So, will Riyadh budge?

Presenter: Richelle Carey | Guests: Luciano Zaccara - Assistant Professor of Gulf Politics at the Gulf Studies Center at Qatar University; Matthew Bryza - Former White House official, now a non-Resident Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council; Selva Tor, Professor of Political Science and International Relations at Koç University

Appeal: Could You Help This Genuine Man Out of a Predicament?

This man, Neil, has fallen on difficult times. Clearly, he is an industrious man, but life dealt him a raw deal recently, despite his hard work. If you could help him out of this pickle, he would be so appreciative. You can donate by clicking on this link »

This is his story:

I am a British citizen, living in Greece, under the sprectre of Brexit & until recently working from home as a freelance translator from 5/6 continental European languages into English.

I have lived in over 10 countries, over 4 continents, and consider myself a global citizen.

I became homeless at the end of last week (27 October 2018) as a result of not being able to meet my rent, due to an interruption of my income stream as a result of a lightning strike on Saturday 16. June that laid waste to all my IT equipment while I was in the middle of a commission that was to be delivered on the following Monday. Needless to say, panic ensued in order to complete the assignment, but all the remedial action that I took was not enough to save the project in question, let alone further smooth continuation of work.

Once I had directed my resources to replicating my lost equipment, summer holidays were in full swing and commissions rare on the ground. I struggled on with a replacement second-hand laptop and other new equipment but was unable to restore myself to my previous stability. To further add to my already deleterious conditions, I had taken what I considered a wise proactive measure and ordered a new battery for my phone, in order to extend its deteriorating autonomy. Once I had installed the new battery, the phone would no longer work and all my personal contacts (via Whatsapp) became inaccessible, together with all my usernames/passwords and other functionalities such as the camera to photograph ID documents and e-mail them. To illustrate this new folly, I had an older model wherein I inserted my SIM card and could use it solely for telephonic functions. However, all my contact details were lost and when I wanted to get in touch with a friend on the island, I had to ride to his house and restore contact with him. All my Whatsapp contacts remained inaccessible.

With this in mind, my field of contacts is now limited in scope and accessibility to those that had been fortuitously stored on a cloud in my browser settings - but these are merely professional contacts with clients and my Twitter account.

Having moved my household items to an acquaintance's doorless, cement garage (that also serves as my sleeping quarters), I have "set up office" with my replacement laptop at a friend's shop where he grants me space to use his internet in a hope to arrest the current situation.

I would very much appreciate any help you can give me. With many thanks. Neil

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Nacht über Deutschland | Novemberpogrom 1938

Der Schauspieler Günter Lamprecht, bekannt als Franz Biberkopf in "Berlin Alexanderplatz" und "Tatort"-Kommissar, geriet damals selbst unvermittelt in den Strudel der Ereignisse. Und kann es bis heute nicht fassen, was in jenem November 1938 geschah. Als achtjähriger Junge, Sohn eines strammen SA-Manns in Berlin, war er mit dabei, als das Geschäft eines jüdischen Tabakhändlers geplündert wurde.

Nicht ohne beklemmende Gefühle - doch sein Kumpel, die Erwachsenen um ihn, selbst die Polizei, sie alle befürworteten die Übergriffe gegen die jüdische Bevölkerung. Erst mit dem Abstand vieler Jahre realisierte er, in welch verkehrter Welt er damals großgeworden ist.

Lamprecht erläutert und kommentiert diesen Wendepunkt, der vor 75 Jahren den Einbruch der Barbarei in die deutsche Gesellschaft markierte, in ungeschönter Offenheit und zugleich mit ungläubigem Erstaunen darüber, wie einst angesehene Mitbürger nun unbeschränkter Gewalt und Willkür ausgeliefert waren. Auf Geheiß der NS-Führung wurden um den 9. November 1938 an die 400 Deutsche erschossen, erschlagen oder in den Tod getrieben, nur weil sie als Juden gebrandmarkt waren. Unbescholtene jüdische Mitmenschen, auch Frauen, Kinder, Greise, wurden gequält und gedemütigt, 30 000 Männer in Konzentrationslager verfrachtet - oft ohne Wiederkehr. Die staatlich angestifteten Täter verwüsteten 1400 jüdische Gotteshäuser und setzten sie in Brand, demolierten und plünderten 7500 Geschäfte.

Wie war ein derartiger Exzess der Gewalt gegen Mitbewohner, frühere Arbeitskollegen, Nachbarn in einem zivilisierten Land möglich? Was trieb die Täter an, die meist aus der Mitte der Gesellschaft kamen? Wie erlebten die unmittelbar Betroffenen den archaischen Sturm der Erniedrigung und Verfolgung, der kalt-kalkulierend auf die Vertreibung und Enteignung der gesamten jüdischen Bevölkerung in Deutschland zielte?

Die historische Dokumentation beschreibt die Ereignisse aus dem Blickwinkel von Beteiligten und Beobachtern, auf der Seite der Opfer und der Täter. Beklemmende, teils bisher unveröffentlichte Archivaufnahmen vermitteln ein Bild von Gleichgültigkeit und Zustimmung zu den beispiellosen Vorgängen. Spielszenen geben wieder, was Menschen damals erleiden mussten und wie sie in den Sog der Gewalt gerieten.

Neben Günter Lamprecht berichten Georg Stefan Troller, damals in Wien, und Rolf Abrahamsohn, damals in Marl, wie sie die Zeitenwende am eigenen Leib erlebten. Auch Rudolf van Nahl, der an jenem Novembertag mit seinem Sankt-Martins-Lampion vor der lichterloh brennenden Synagoge seines rheinischen Heimatortes Alpen stand, bestätigt in der Rückschau: All das geschah mitten im Leben, im ganzen Land, vor aller Augen. Allen, die ihn erlebten, hat sich der deutsche Schicksalstag in die Erinnerung eingebrannt. Günter Lamprecht hat sich bis heute seine Empörung bewahrt, wann immer simple Parolen und uniformes Verhalten mitmenschliche Empfindungen verdrängen.

Film von Peter Hartl und Gordian Maugg

Der Untergang des alten Europa - 1. Weltkrieg

Die Dokumentation beschreibt die große Katastrophe des Ersten Weltkrieges aus einem gesamteuropäischen Blickwinkel. Sie zeigt, dass die Stimmungslage und die ungelösten Spannungen vor 1914 in Europa längst auf Krieg deuteten. Das Attentat von Sarajewo war nicht mehr als ein willkommener Anlass, diesen schon lange geplanten Krieg zu beginnen. Vor allem die zur Veränderung unfähigen Monarchien, die sich längst selbst überlebt hatten, in Berlin, Wien und St. Petersburg brauchten ihn. Der Krieg war, wie Historiker sagen, eine Art "Selbstmord aus Angst vor dem Tod".

Der Sommer verspricht schön zu werden. Unter den Linden in Berlin, auf den Champs-Elysées in Paris, vor den Cafés in Wien und St. Petersburg, überall genießen die Menschen die lauen Abende. Am 28. Juni 1914 tickern in allen Pressebüros die Telegrafen: Franz Ferdinand, der Thronfolger der österreichisch-ungarischen Monarchie, ist in Sarajewo ermordet worden. Fünf Wochen später steht Europa am Rande des Abgrunds. Mit unglaublicher Leichtfertigkeit haben die europäischen Politiker und Monarchen den Mechanismus der gegenseitigen Drohungen, Ultimaten und Mobilmachungen in Gang gesetzt, der den Kontinent in den Untergang führt, in einen Krieg, wie ihn die Menschen zuvor nicht kannten. Die Militärs und Politiker erkennen zwar in letzter Stunde, dass es sich um einen "Sturz ins Ungewisse" handelt, um einen Krieg, den niemand gewinnen kann. Aber "da es nun einmal beschlossen ist, kann es nicht mehr geändert werden" (Chef des Generalstabs Helmuth von Moltke, 1848 - 1916). Am 3. August 1914, als deutsche Truppen bereits das neutrale Belgien überfallen haben, sagt der britische Außenminister Sir Edward Grey: "In diesem Moment gehen in Europa wieder die Lichter aus. Wir alle werden sie in unserem Leben nie wieder leuchten sehen."

Die Bürger Europas, von ihren Kaisern und Präsidenten manipuliert und belogen, begrüßen den Konflikt begeistert als "Stunde des Vaterlandes" oder als "nationale Wiedergeburt". Zehn Millionen Männer werden den "frischen fröhlichen Krieg" mit ihrem Leben bezahlen. Die großen Monarchien in Deutschland, Österreich-Ungarn und Russland brechen 1917/18 zusammen. Dem Krieg folgen mit dem Erstarken von Faschismus und Bolschewismus das "Zeitalter der Extreme", der verdeckte Bürgerkrieg der 20er Jahre und die revanchistischen Ressentiments, die schließlich in den nächsten Weltkrieg führen.

Mit historischem Filmmaterial aus Deutschland, Österreich, Ungarn, Russland, Frankreich, England, Italien und den USA und mit neuesten Forschungsergebnisse stellt die Dokumentation von Werner Biermann den "Untergang des alten Europa" in ihren Kontext.

Doku: ZDF History - Der Erste Weltkrieg in Farbe [HD]

November-Pogrome 1938: Wie wurden aus Nachbarn Todfeinde?

Im November 1938 kommt es zu brutalen Ausschreitungen gegen Juden in Deutschland. Synagogen werden angezündet, jüdische Mitbürger verfolgt und angegriffen. Doch wie wurden aus Nachbarn Todfeinde?

Anfang des 20. Jahrhundert scheinen Juden in der deutschen Gesellschaft angekommen. Aber mit dem 1933 verstaatlichten Judenhass schwingt die Stimmung in der Bevölkerung um. Juden gelten als Sündenböcke, überall wo Unzufriedenheit herrscht. Der bestehende Neid auf die meist erfolgreichen jüdischen Unternehmer wird genutzt, um gezielt ein Feindbild aufzubauen. Die Nationalsozialisten beginnen zunächst damit polnisch-stämmige Juden nach Polen abzuschieben, wo sie jedoch auch nicht aufgenommen werden. Mit dem Attentat auf einen deutschen Diplomaten will der junge Herschel Grynszpan auf die verzweifelte Lage der jüdischen Familien aufmerksam machen. Doch die Propaganda verfälscht die einsame Verzweiflungstat wirkungsvoll zum Angriff einer angeblichen „jüdischen Weltverschwörung“. Es folgt eine bis dahin unvorstellbare Woge der Zerstörung, Brandstiftung, Plünderung bis hin zum Totschlag.

Dieses Video ist eine Produktion des ZDF, Autor: Peter Hartl.

1938 - Die Reichspogromnacht (Kristallnacht)

Merkel besucht die Gedenkfeier zur Kristallnacht in Berliner Synagoge

Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel nahm am Freitag an einer Gedenkveranstaltung zum 80. Jahrestag der Kristallnacht 1938 in der Synagoge an der Rykestrasse in Berlin teil. Auch Bundespräsident Frank-Walter Steinmeier war unter den Teilnehmern.

Vom Altar aus sagte Merkel: "Man kann einfach all dieses Leiden nicht in Worte fassen. Ich habe einfach keine Worte. Deshalb spreche ich heute aus einem anderen Grund zu euch."

Die Kristallnacht – abgeleitet von der Bezeichnung "die Nacht des Glasbruchs" – war ein staatlich gefördertes antijüdisches Pogrom, das von den Nazis am 9. und 10. November 1938 initiiert wurde. So benannt ist das Ereignis auch wegen der Zerstörung jüdischen Eigentums während des Pogroms, in dem Synagogen, Schaufenster und Häuser zu Tausenden zerstört wurden.

Rund 30.000 jüdische Männer wurden in derselben Nacht zusammengetrieben und in Konzentrationslager gebracht, über 500 wurden ermordet.

Aufnahmen: ©ZDF

Lest We Forget! Kristallnacht: Night Of Broken Glass

Kristallnacht Anniversary: "There Has Been a Real Sense of Contrition amongst Germans"

Friday, November 09, 2018

Inside Story - How Close Is the World to Another Global Conflict? | Inside Story

It was the 11th Hour of the 11th Day of the 11th month -- and became a pivotal moment in world history. It marked the armistice agreement that officially ended the First World War in 1918.

This weekend, 100 Years later, leaders from more than 50 countries are gathering in France for commemorative events; but the solemn occasion is being overshadowed by deep divisions between trans-Atlantic allies.

This week, the French President called for a 'European army' to defend itself from potential threats from nations such as Russia, China and, remarkably, the United States. Emmanuel Macron's global philosophy is at odds with U.S. President Donald Trump's nationalist, America First agenda.

A century after what is also called the Great War, there's another conflict looming - one of world visions. How stark are the divisions between the ideologies of Trump and Macron?

Presenter: Richelle Carey | Guests: Theresa Fallon, Director of Centre for Russia Europe Asia Studies (CREAS); David Lees, Lecturer in French Studies at Warwick University and Co-editor of “Contemporary France”; Thorsten Benner, Director of the Global Public Policy Institute

The End of American Exceptionalism

“We don’t look after each other at all,” says Jeffrey Sachs on America today. Jeffrey Sachs sits down with Rob Johnson to discuss his new book, A New Foreign Policy: Beyond American Exceptionalism (Columbia University Press, 2018).

USA - Trump and the Midterms | DW Documentary | Trump Documentary

The US midterm elections have arrived. Has Trump fulfilled voters’ expectations since being elected president two years ago? [Online until: 07.12.2018]

The deadly shooting attack by a right-wing extremist on a synagogue in Pittsburgh and the letter bombs addressed by a Donald Trump supporter to former US president Barack Obama and others, have caused consternation in America. The attacks, coming just ahead of the midterm congressional elections on 6 November, demonstrate how polarized and poisonous the political atmosphere in the US has become. In our documentary, Ernst Kernmayer asks factory workers, who made a major contribution to the election of Donald trump two years ago, whether their expectations have been fulfilled. He enquires from farmers, who are footing the bill for the trade disputes with China, whether having Trump as president is a good thing, after all. And he meets Lindsay James, one of many women who feel they have to take a stand against Trump. She is running for one of Iowa’s seats in the House of Representatives.

Thursday, November 08, 2018

Antisemitism in Europe | DW Documentary

Has antisemitism returned to Europe? Our documentary asks: what is it like to be a Jew in Germany, Poland and France today?

Fear has returned to Europe. Jewish people are afraid of attacks in the street and their children report bullying at school. Cemeteries have been desecrated and hate slogans chanted at parades. Reporters Andreas Morell and Johanna Hasse set out to investigate Europe’s reawakened nationalism and find rising anti-Semitism, especially in Poland. Why does anti-Semitism still exist in society? Why are some prejudices apparently impossible to eradicate? France has even witnessed violent attacks against Jews in recent years, which has led to an increase in emigration of French Jews to Israel. The finger of blame for this new anti-Semitism is usually pointed at Muslims. Morell and Hasse talk to historians and philosophers such as Georges Bensoussan and Elisabeth Badinter, as well as with Rabbi Michel Serfaty, who has tried to mediate between the religions for many years. But when they return to Germany, they realize the same problems exist here too. Perhaps Germany has been too preoccupied with finding solutions and dealing with the idea that anti-Semitism is an immutable problem instead of a social challenge to be confronted. The documentary is an inventory of anti-Semitism in Europe, a film about people caught between despair and hope, and resignation and resistance.

#democracynow : Top US News & World Headlines — November 8, 2018

Lawrence: Democrats Win, President Donald Trump Panics | The Last Word | MSNBC

Lawrence sums up the victory for Democrats and democracy, after American voters rose up in resistance to the Trump presidency.

Monday, November 05, 2018

How Jesus Became God - An Interview With Bart Ehrman

An interview excerpt with author, New Testament scholar, and Professor of Religious Studies Bart D. Ehrman.

Misquoting Jesus

Best-selling author and New Testament scholar Bart Ehrman picks apart the Gospels that made him a disbeliever and discusses problems with "The Da Vinci Code." Ehrman gave the 2006 Luther H. Harshbarger Lecture in Religious Studies at Penn State.

How the US Media Became the 'Enemy of the People' | The Listening Post

Saturday, November 03, 2018

Lisbon - What Makes Portugal's Capital City So Attractive? | DW Documentary

Who Will Be Worst Hit by US Sanctions on Iran? | Inside Story

US President teased his 55 million Twitter followers about his latest action against Iran in the style of a Hollywood movie poster - a picture of him with the words: Sanctions are Coming.

But Donald Trump's taunt wasn't a joke - and it's expected there'll be real life consequences for millions of Iranians. The strict economic and trade penalties come into effect on Monday. The White House says the aim is to force Iran to abandon what it calls its "destructive" behaviour in the Middle East.

But the move's been condemned by Russia, China, and many European allies. International investigators say Tehran is complying with the terms of the 2015 nuclear agreement.

As Trump keeps his promise to punish Iran, could the new tough measures end up hurting the Iranian people the most?

Presenter: Richelle Carey | Guests: Francois Nicoullaud, former French ambassador to Iran; Mohammad Eslami, columnist and political researcher; Drew Liquerman, Republicans Overseas UK

Will the Body of the Saudi Journalist Ever Be Found? | Inside Story

It's a month to the day since Jamal Khashoggi walked into the Saudi consulate in Istanbul - and was never seen again.

What happened to the Saudi Arabian journalist and critic of the Saudi Crown Prince has been the subject of denials, official leaks, presidential speeches, changing Saudi narrative, and global outrage.

His killing has caused countries world-wide to reexamine their relationship with the Kingdom, especially the United States.

Donald Trump's response has kept shifting.

One thing has remained constant: his commitment to the US-Saudi relationship - and the billions of dollars in oil and weapons sales it brings. So, where do things go from here?

Presenter: Peter Dobbie | Guests: Mehmet Celik - Political analyst, Political News Editor, Daily Sabah newspaper; Selva Tor - International Financial Security Expert and International Strategist; Ahmet Kasım Han - Altinbas University