Friday, October 30, 2015

Saudi Arabia: Fawning Cameron Starts Charm Offensive as Relations Falter

British Prime Minister David Cameron (L) and Saudi Arabia's
Finance Minister Ibrahim Al-Assaf (2nd L).
RUSSIA TODAY: Prime Minister David Cameron has launched a charm offensive on Saudi Arabia after the repressive Gulf kingdom allegedly threatened to cut diplomatic ties with the UK in the wake of human rights criticism.

Cameron is said to have personally sent a message to King Salman bin Abdul Aziz bin Saud in a bid to reassure the Saudi government over its concerns the British public was turning against them.

Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond visited the Gulf state on Wednesday. The PM is also planning to visit later this year, according to the Telegraph.

The diplomatic offensive comes after the British government canceled a prison consultancy contract with Saudi Arabia following public outrage at the oil-rich kingdom’s arrest of a British grandfather. » | Friday, October 30, 2015

Masseneinwanderung schadet allen, außer kleiner Elite - Prof. Dr. Michael Vogt

Die Flüchtlings- und Einwanderungskrise drängt mit Macht an die Öffentlichkeit. Trotz monatelanger Gleichschaltung der deutschen Leitmedien zur Vertuschung der katastrophalen Zustände in Deutschland aufgrund der Masseneinwanderung wird immer mehr bekannt, dass es praktisch fast keine Gewinner gibt - außer einer kleinen Eliten. Darüber spricht Hagen Grell im NuoViso Talk mit Historiker und Moderator Michael Friedrich Vogt.

Europe's Mounting Refugee Problem

A summary of facts and considerations with regards to the refugee crisis.

So könnte Merkel über die Flüchtlingskrise stürzen

THÜRINGER ALLGEMEINE: Die angespannte Situation setzt die Koalition unter Druck. Noch sitzt die Kanzlerin fest im Sattel. Fünf Szenarien, wie sie ihr Amt verlieren könnte.

Berlin. Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel wollte endlich Pause machen von der Flüchtlingskrise. Beim Besuch in Peking unterzeichnete sie am Donnerstag erst Wirtschaftsabkommen in Milliardenhöhe, dann ließ sie sich die Zusage machen, dass der Berliner Zoo ein Panda-Pärchen aus Peking erhält.

Doch die Krise reist mit – daheim nehmen die Spannungen in der Koalition dramatisch zu. CSU-Chef Horst Seehofer hat Merkel ein Ultimatum für einen Kurswechsel bis Sonntag gestellt, droht mit dem Abzug der CSU-Minister. Am Wochenende sind Krisengespräche der Koalitionsspitzen geplant, im Vorfeld wird sogar ein Ende der Koalition nicht mehr völlig ausgeschlossen.

Stürzt die Kanzlerin über die Flüchtlingskrise? Fünf Szenarien, wie Merkels Kanzlerschaft enden könnte: » | Christian Kerl / TA | Freitag, 30. Oktober 2015

Austria: Scuffles Break Out as Refugees Push through Border Crossing at Spielfeld

Thousands of refugees continued to arrive at the Slovenian-Austrian border crossing near the Austrian town of Spielfeld on Thursday, with hundreds attempting to climb the barriers and break past stringent security measures. Tensions were high and at least one member of the security team was injured when scuffles broke out.

Germany: Thousands of AfD Supporters Demand Merkel’s Resignation in Erfurt

Thousands of protesters gathered in Erfurt, Wednesday, to demonstrate against the EU and Germany's refugee policies. The demonstration was organised by right-wing, Eurosceptic party 'Alternative fur Deutschland' (AfD). The party's spokesperson Bjorn Hocke - who has been accused of hate speech - accused German Chancellor Angela Merkel of causing the failure of Germany and Europe, and demanded that she resign.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Hundreds of Germans Are Trying to Bring Treason Charges agaist Angela Merkel over Migration Policy

BREITBART.COM: Hundreds of Germans are attempting to bring criminal charges against Chancellor Angela Merkel, accusing her of treason by opening the borders of Germany to mass migration.

The Federal Prosecutors office in Karlsruhe, Germany, has received over 400 letters calling for it to open an investigation into Chancellor Merkel, the elected leader of the German government for high treason. The complaints cite the chancellor’s decision to open the borders of the nation to all comers in September, since when they claim “an unhindered flow of refugees have poured into Germany”.

Under German law, anyone who attempts to affect change to the German republic or damage the constitutional order by force or threat of force is guilty of high treason. The letter, of which dozens more are received by the state prosecutor every day and is reproduced by Compact magazine, insists the migrant flood satisfies the conditions, as demographic change is altering the existence of the republic. » | Oliver Lane | Thursday, October 29, 2015

The Renaissance: A Beginner's Guide

THE TELEGRAPH: The Renaissance is a name given to a period in European history between the 14th and 17th centuries. It literally translates as “rebirth”, and is generally regarded as one of the most important periods in the history of humanity.

If the Renaissance was a rebirth in the sense of artists, poets, mathematicians, scientists and philosophers rediscovering the wisdom and ideals of the Ancient Romans and Greeks, it is also represents a rebirth for mankind.

It is when we, as a species, emerged from the Dark Ages into a more enlightened modern era. It represents a dramatic flowering of culture and civilisation – and its effects continue to resonate today.

The Renaissance began in the Italian city of Florence. The patronage of the ruling Medici family, a sudden influx of Greek scholars after the fall of Constantinople (now Istanbul) and a rise in wealth and social mobility after the ravages of the Black Death all contributed to a desire to rediscover the knowledge and attitudes of Classical civilisations.

The movement quickly spread across Europe – notably to England, where Henry VIII was an enthusiastic proponent of the new cultural ideas – and produced Shakespeare, perhaps the greatest ever poet and dramatist. . » | Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Vorhersage - Merkel Rücktritt in den nächsten 3 Monaten - Muttikulti ist gescheitert

Mit dem sogenannten Fehler in der Flüchtlingskrise hat Angela Merkel sich in eine schwierige Position maneuvriert. Sie verliert zunehmend Rückhalt in Ihrer Partei. Auch die Wahlen in Nachbarländern zeigen die Probleme auf, die die Bevölkerung mit de Flüchtlingskrise hat. Zudem hat Merkels Ausnahmeregelung das Problem für die anderen Länder Europas ebenfalls vergrössert.

The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler

Road to Palmyra: RT Follows Assad Army Assault on ISIS Positions

RT's Lizzie Phelan and her crew report from Palmyra in direct sight of Islamic State militants, who are holding positions among the ruins of the world heritage site. With the terrorists weakened by Russian airstrikes, the Syrian Army is preparing for an offensive to retake Palmyra.

Brits Buying Books on Socialism due to Rise of Corbyn

Many British bookstores are now reporting an explosion in sales of Marxist and left-wing literature. It is believed the increase in sales is linked to the rise of Jeremy Corbyn, the left wing Leader of the UK's opposition Labour party.

Worlds Apart: 'US Soft-power Diminished as a Result of Failed Régime Change Efforts'

Competition between the great powers for influence in Central Asia is seen as the new Great Game of the 21st century. But with the weakening of security in the region and the strengthening of authoritarian regimes as a result, is it time to change the rules of the game? Oksana is joined by Alexander Cooley, a professor of Russian, Eurasian and Eastern European studies and Director of Columbia University's Harriman Institute, to discuss these issues.

Armed to Teeth: Austrians Stocking Up with Guns to Protect Themselves from Refugees

Hand guns and rifle sales are spiking in Austria - with some shops reporting they are even running out of stock. According to a gun shop owner most people are buying weapons to protect themselves from refugees keeping entering Austria.

Isis Shuts Down Women's Clinics in Raqqa to Prevent Male Gynaecologists Treating Female Patients

THE INDEPENDENT: Activist networks report doctors are being threatened with death, and most have fled

Isis is believed to have ordered the closure of all women’s clinics supervised by male doctors in its Syrian heartlands, in the latest assault on the health and rights of women in the territories controlled by the militant group.

A culture of rape, forced marriages for child brides, the persecution of doctors and the exclusive use of medicines for militants have resulted in a crisis for women’s health under Isis’s brutal regime.

According to activists, Isis has drastically restricted the work of male gynaecologists in accordance with its leaders’ belief that men and women should be kept apart at all costs. Read on and comment » | Adam Withnall | Thursday, October 29, 2015

Wähler laufen Union wegen Flüchtlingskrise in Scharen davon

In Sorge: Kanzlerin Angela Merkel gerät wegen ihrer
Flüchtlingspolitik immer stärker unter Druck. In der
Wählergunst sackt ihre Union rapide ab.
STERN: Angela Merkel sagt zur Bewältigung der Flüchtlingskrise zwar "Wir schaffen das", die Wähler sehen das aber anders. Die Zustimmung zur Union sinkt rapide. Und viele Bundesbürger stimmen inzwischen sogar Pegidas "Lügenpresse"-Vorwurf zu.

Die Beunruhigung angesichts der anhaltenden Flüchtlingskrise lässt die Union im Vergleich zur Vorwoche gleich um zwei Prozentpunkte abrutschen. Im stern-RTL- Wahltrend kommen CDU/CSU jetzt nur noch auf 36 Prozent - 5,5 Prozentpunkte weniger als bei der Bundestagswahl 2013. Das ist ihr schlechtester Wert seit drei Jahren. » | Werner Mathes | Mittwoch, 28. Oktober 2015

AfD mobilisiert: Tausende Asylgegner demonstrieren in Erfurt

FRANKFURT ALLGEMEINE: Wieder gehen in Erfurt über 4.000 Asylkritiker auf die Straße. Und abermals wirft AfD-Hauptredner Björn Höcke der Kanzlerin in der Flüchtlingskrise politischen Amoklauf vor.

Die Thüringer AfD hat am Mittwochabend in Erfurt abermals mehrere Tausend Teilnehmer zu einer asylkritischen Kundgebung auf dem Domplatz mobilisiert. Die Polizei sprach bei der nunmehr sechsten Demonstration von 4.200 Menschen und damit von einer ähnlich großen Beteiligung wie vor einer Woche mit 4.000 Teilnehmern. Die Zahl der Gegendemonstranten wurde mit etwa 2.000 angegeben und war damit etwas geringer als in der Vorwoche. » | Quelle: epd-bas | Mittwoch, 28. Oktober 2015

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Gaddafi Son Speaks from Jail: Solitary Confinement, Windowless Cell, Abuses & Violations

Human Rights Watch has revealed they were allowed access to Saadi Gaddafi, the jailed son of deposed Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. He's been in prison in Tripoli since 2014 and its apparently the first time he's been visited by an international human rights organization. In the interview Saadi Gaddafi said he was refused private meetings with his lawyers - over, as authorities say, 'security concerns'.

Österreichs Zaun könnte Dominoffekt auslösen

DIE PRESSE: Präsident Fischer zeigt Verständnis für Pläne, eine Absperrung bei Spielfeld zu bauen. Slowenien entscheidet in den nächsten zwei Tagen über den Grenzzaun. Der Ton zwischen Berlin und Wien wird schärfer.

Am Montag, dem Nationalfeiertag, versuchte Heinz Fischer noch zu besänftigen: Österreichs Bevölkerung solle sich in die Lage der Flüchtlinge versetzen. Es sei keine anonyme Masse, die durch das Land ziehe. „Sondern einzelne Menschen mit individuellen Schicksalen.“ Zwei Tage später wählte der Bundespräsident allerdings ungewohnt deutliche Worte: Österreich sei „an die Grenzen der Kapazitäten gestoßen“, sagte Fischer während seines Besuchs im Kosovo. Allein die tausenden Menschen, die durch Österreich nach Deutschland marschierten, „schaffen große organisatorische und logistische Probleme“. Was nun besonders wichtig sei, sei, die „Außengrenzen besser zu kontrollieren“ und eine gerechte Verteilung auf die europäischen Länder zu erreichen. » | Von Iris Bonavida, Julia Raabe, Christian Ultsch und Rainer Nowak (Die Presse) | Mittwoch, 28. Oktober 2015

Nach Grenzzaun- Bau: Schutz für Orban verstärkt

KRONEN ZEITUNG: Nach der Errichtung von Grenzzäunen zu Serbien und Kroatien wegen der Flüchtlingskrise hat die ungarische Anti-Terror-Einheit TEK den Personenschutz für Ministerpräsident Viktor Orban und dessen Angehörige verstärkt. Die ungarische Regierung habe sich "den Zorn des Islamischen Staats und anderer Terrororganisationen zugezogen", berichtete die regierungsnahe Zeitung "Magyar Idök" am Mittwoch.

Diese Kräfte betrachten den ungarischen Ministerpräsidenten und sein Umfeld seitdem als Feinde", zitierte das Blatt den früheren Vizechef der ungarischen Militärabwehr, Jozsef Horvath. Das ungarische Militär hatte auf Weisung Orbans die Zäune an der Grenze zu Serbien und - einen Monat später - zu Kroatien errichtet, um den Flüchtlingsstrom vom Land abzuhalten. » | red/AG | Mittwoch, 28. Oktober 2015

'Like a Poison': How Anti-immigrant Pegida Is Dividing Dresden

Lutz Bachmann, leader of the Pegida movement.
THE GUARDIAN: A year since its launch, German protest group has evolved into slick operation whose polarising rhetoric is increasingly blamed for attacks on refugees

The wrath at Pegida rallies is reserved almost exclusively for Angela Merkel, who is repeatedly referred to as a “traitor of the people”. The German chancellor – whom many hold responsible for the crisis, namely for her “open door” policy towards asylum claims – is depicted as everything from a euro dictator, dressed in a Nazi-style uniform with red arm bands showing euro signs instead of swastikas, to a state security informant called Erica.

In between speeches the crowds chant “Merkel raus!” (Merkel out), “Widerstand” (resistance) and “Wir sind das Volk” (We are the people) – a rallying cry stolen from the 1989 dissident protests that were crucial in bringing down the Berlin Wall. Alongside German flags, scores are waving what under the bright lights initially looks like the Norwegian flag but is the black, red and gold cross emblem of the Nazi resistance movement led by Claus von Stauffenberg – who was executed after his failed attempt to assassinate Hitler on 20 July 1944.

“We are resistance fighters like him,” an elderly woman trying to push a bike through the crowds says. “We have hardly ever been so vulnerable in our history as we are now, with the borders open and everyone and anyone, including suicide bombers and economic freeloaders, pouring in.” Like many here, she declines to give her name or any other details that might identify her.

Read the whole article and comment » | Kate Connolly in Dresden | Tuesday, October 27, 2015

THE GUARDIAN: Bavaria threatens legal challenge to Merkel's open door refugee policy: State’s leader Horst Seehofer has been at loggerheads with the chancellor for weeks and blames her for the scale of the refugee crisis in Germany » | Kate Connolly in Berlin | Friday, October 9, 2015

Bavarian PM Gives Merkel Deadline to Close 'Open Door' for Refugees

Slovenia and Austria are ready to build the fence between countries to slow down the flow of refugees. Meanwhile, the crisis is apparently causing a rift in the German government. The Prime Minister of Bavaria - one of Merkel's key coalition partners - says the Chancellor has to end her open door policy. Horst Seehofer has given Merkel until Sunday to put an end to the influx of refugees.

Germany Says Austrian Handling of Refugees 'Out of Order

THE TELEGRAPH: German government accuses Austria of driving refugees to the border after dark so they can cross into Germany

The German government accused Austria on Wednesday of driving refugees to the border after dark so they could cross into Germany and said it expected Vienna to return to an orderly processing of migrants immediately.

"The behaviour of Austria in recent days was out of order," Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere told a news conference in Berlin, in the strongest public criticism of its neighbour since the refugee crisis deepened two months ago. » | Agencies | Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Stephen Harper As You’ve Never Seen Him Before: Singing Sweet Caroline at a 2015 Stampede Barbecue, Acting in Murdoch Mysteries

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and the Vans Cats perform Sweet Caroline at his riding association's annual Stampede barbecue in 2015.

Five exciting new career opportunities for outgoing Canada PM Stephen Harper: Harper has resigned as Conservative party head, and everyone is wondering what he’ll do next. The Guardian has handpicked possible jobs to keep him occupied based on his musical talents, hockey knowledge and love of cats »

Muslim Leaders in UK Warn of 'Worrying' Levels of Islamophobia

Tell MAMA, an organisation that monitors anti-Muslim attacks,
said women wearing headscarves were more likely to be the
target of Islamophobia.
THE GUARDIAN: Muslim Council of Britain expresses concern at figures showing anti-Muslim attacks in London increased by 70% in year up to July

The Muslim Council of Britain has warned of increasing levels of Islamophobia in the UK after recent videos showing anti-Muslim abuse on public transport were posted online and police forces in England and Wales were ordered to treat such attacks in the same vein as antisemitism.

Miqdaad Versi of the Muslim Council of Britain said: “As a whole, we have to understand that the UK is a very tolerant society, with London one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world, and thankfully these kinds of attacks are relatively rare. But they are on the rise.

“The growth in Islamophobia has reached levels which are very worrying. Most Muslims know someone who’s suffered some form of abuse, whether online, physical or verbal. We’re now in a very serious situation and have been for the past year.” » | Harriet Sherwood Religion correspondent and Alberto Nardelli Data editor | Monday, October 26, 2015

Bundesgericht gibt dem Islamischen Zentralrat recht

Das Bundesgericht heisst die Beschwerde des Islamischen Zentralrats gegen das Verbot seiner Jahresversammlung im Kanton Freiburg gut. Private Versammlungen unterlägen prinzipiell keiner Bewilligungspflicht, und die öffentliche Sicherheit sei nie konkret gefährdet gewesen. Das Gericht fällt das Urteil einstimmig.

Boots on Ground? US Considering ‘Direct Action’ against ISIS

The US could be set to deploy ground troops in Iraq and Syria - to fight Islamic State. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter said Washington - "won't hold back" from supporting its partners - including with direct action on the ground. RT's Gayane Chichakyan hare..

Ex-Vatican Official Krzysztof Charamsa: 'I'm a Gay Man. I'm Not a Monster'

THE GUARDIAN: Former Polish priest, who was sacked after revealing he was gay, on his decision to publicly announce his sexuality and his hopes for the Catholic church

Krzysztof Charamsa, the former Vatican official who was sacked and defrocked after publicly announcing he was gay, breaks out into a wide grin when he is asked whether he has plans to marry his boyfriend. His answer is coy, but his smile and giddy laughter seem to reveal his intentions.

“I understand many people who say ‘we don’t need the institution of marriage. Our love is free’. I am not in this part of society. For me, [marriage] is part of the dynamic of love and I thank God that I live in a century where it’s possible, thanks to the homosexual movement and thanks to many homosexual martyrs.”

It has been less than a month since the Polish 43-year-old, a former senior Vatican aide and monsignor, announced at a press conference that he was gay and in love as his Catalan boyfriend, Eduard, stood by his side. The admission, a day before the start of a contentious meeting of bishops in Rome to debate the church’s approach to modern “family issues”, including homosexuality, resulted in him getting immediately sacked.

The Vatican called the timing of the announcement “very serious and irresponsible” and said it was clear he could no longer work as a senior aide for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the office within the Vatican tasked with defending Catholic doctrine. Read on and comment » | Stephanie Kirchgaessner in Rome | Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Tony Abbott: 'Love Your Neighbour Leading Europe to Catastrophic Error' (Tony Abbott Delivers 2015 Margaret Thatcher Lecture)

During his Margaret Thatcher lecture at London’s Guildhall on Tuesday night, former prime minister Tony Abbott invokes the biblical commandment to ‘love your neighbour as you love yourself’ but goes on to say that: ‘no country can open its borders to all comers without fundamentally weakening itself’

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Udo Ulfkotte: Bevorstehender Bürgerkrieg in Deutschland - Flüchtlinge

Harper Moving Back to Calgary after Election Defeat

Prime Minister Stephen Harper
THE GLOBE AND MAIL: Stephen Harper is moving back to Calgary following the Conservative Party’s defeat in the 2015 federal election, returning to his hometown with his wife Laureen and daughter Rachel.

A Conservative Party source says Ben Harper, the prime minister’s son, will remain in Ontario where he is attending Queen’s University in Kingston.

The Harpers have a family home in Calgary. » | Steven Chase | Ottawa | Tuesday, October 27, 2015

How Australia's Young Muslim Men Are Getting Radicalised (2014)

Dangerous Ground (2008): Young Australian Muslims are being made to feel like foreigners in their own country. Is Australia’s response to terrorism to blame?

Three US Women Claim Sexual Assault by Saudi Prince in Beverly Hills Mansion

THE GUARDIAN: The women who were hired as housekeepers in Majed Abdulaziz Al Saud’s home say the prince made sexual advances and harassed them and other staff

Three US women claim a Saudi prince assaulted them and held them captive during three days of sex- and drug-fueled partying at a Beverly Hills mansion.

The unidentified women, who have filed a civil suit in Los Angeles against Majed Abdulaziz Al Saud, 29, say they were hired by the prince as housekeepers in late September.

The suit, filed last Thursday, alleges that the prince terrorized the women and made sexual advances that included rubbing himself against one of them and asking another “to lick my entire body”.

At one point, he also ordered the staff, including security guards, to strip by the pool because he wanted to see everyone’s “naked pussy”. » | Agence France-Presse in Los Angeles | Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Germany: Thousands of PEGIDA Supporters Rally in Dresden

Around 10,000 PEGIDA (Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the Occident) supporters took to the streets of Dresden, Monday.

Austria: Fights Break Out as Thousands of Refugees Left Stranded in 'No Man's Land'

Fights broke between refugees after several thousands of migrants were left stranded in "no man's land" on the Slovenia-Austria border for seven hours near the Austrian town of Spielfeld, Monday. Without water for an extended amount of time tensions snapped, with several refugees including children collapsing.

Monday, October 26, 2015

LIVE: Counter-protest Meets PEGIDA Demo in Dresden

Antifa protesters are due to rally in Dresden on Monday, October 26, threatening to disrupt a march of the far-right movement Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West (PEGIDA). The first of PEGIDA’s evening marches took place on October 20, 2014. Numbers kept growing until a record 20,000 supporters gathered in Dresden on October 19, 2015.

Anti-immigrant and anti-Islam protests have dogged Germany for the last year, with a spike in hate crimes against refugees over the last few months as the impact of Europe's refugee crisis continues to grow.

Migrants : nouvel afflux en Allemagne

LE POINT: L'Allemagne a fait face ce dimanche à un nouvel afflux massif de migrants en Bavière à la frontière avec l'Autriche. La police dit être "noyée".

"Aujourd'hui, on se noie." C'est l'aveu du porte-parole de l'antenne bavaroise de la police fédérale, Frank Koller, à l'agence allemande de presse DPA. Selon lui, rien que samedi, 4 000 personnes sont arrivées dans le secteur de Passau, à la frontière avec l'Autriche, l'un des principaux points d'arrivée des migrants en Allemagne. En 2015, ce pays s'attend à accueillir jusqu'à un million de migrants, contre 200 000 l'an passé. "À Passau, on attend encore ce soir dix cars en provenance d'Autriche. On part du principe qu'on va avoir un problème aujourd'hui. (...) On ne va pas pouvoir traiter comme ça ce flux", a-t-il ajouté. » | Source AFP | Publié : dimanche 25 octobre 2015 | Modifié : lundi 26 octobre 2015

Geert Wilders Tells Australia to Abandon Multiculturalism or End Up Like the EU

THE GUARDIAN: The far-right Dutch MP speaks to media in Perth after the secretive launch of ALA, saying belief in cultural equality the ‘biggest disease in Europe today’

Speaking in the calm, flat voice of one who is used to protesters with megaphones crashing his media appearances, the far-right Dutch politician Geert Wilders stood behind a bank of microphones and recommended Australia close its borders and abandon its long-held policy of multiculturalism, lest “Australian society” be irrevocably lost.

“You will have millions of people coming to Australia, like we do in Europe, and you will not be able to handle it,” Wilders said. “You should be a sovereign country that closes your borders to those kinds of immigrants.”

“Those kind of immigrants” are Muslims. Opposing Islam is the central tenet of Wilders’ Party for Freedom, which has been leading the polls in the Netherlands since August. It is also the key policy of the Australian Liberty Alliance (ALA), the new party that Wilders flew to Australia to launch. » | Calla Wahlquist | Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Islam and 9/11 Not Connected, 12-Year-Olds Taught in America

FRONTPAGE MAG: How stealth Jihad gets at our kids.

Parents in Illinois are outraged that a public school there is painting a positive picture of Islam and teaching impressionable young students that Islam bears no responsibility for the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the United States.

This is just the latest incident demonstrating a growing trend in American education to portray the intolerant, slavery-sanctioning, woman-oppressing, genocidal, and relentlessly expansionist Religion of Peace as a misunderstood force for good or as just another world religion, no better or worse than the others. The relativist, multiculturalist, pro-Sharia compliance perspective is that a few bad, weird people who just happened to be Muslims flew airplanes into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and a Pennsylvania field on Sept. 11, 2001, and that these jihadist extremists in no way represent the core teachings of the Koran and the whole Islamic community, even though Muslims have been slaughtering, enslaving, and otherwise subjugating unbelievers for 1,400 years.

One of the education sector's gatekeepers Mark Halwachs, superintendent of High Mount School in Swansea, Ill., is proud to be serving humanity by presenting Islam as a positive thing that had absolutely nothing to do with the horrors of 9/11. The Kindergarten-to-8th Grade school he oversees has no plans to abandon its Islamic misinformation efforts and the teaching of revisionist history. » | Matthew Vadum | Monday, October 26, 2015

Österreicher decken sich mit Waffen ein

Für Schrotflinten benötigt man in Österreich keine Waffenbesitzkarte
STERN: Täglich strömen Tausende über die Westbalkanroute in Richtung Österreich und Deutschland. Eine Entwicklung, die unseren Nachbarn offensichtlich große Angst einjagt. Denn die rüsten auf.

Die Angst vor Flüchtlingen ist in Österreich offenbar groß. Wie das Onlineportal "oe24" berichtet, wurden gut 70.000 Waffen mehr als im Vergleichszeitraum des Vorjahres verkauft. Als häufigsten Grund für die Aufrüstung nennt "oe24" ohne Angaben von Quellen Angst vor Flüchtlingen und vor Dämmerungseinbrechern. Mittlerweilen lagerten fast 900.000 Waffen in den Haushalten. » | jek/DPA | Montag, 26. Oktober 2015

Japanisches TV berichtet über die Islamisierung Deutschlands

Islamisierung in Deutschland

Und trotz dieser Missstände hat Merkel die Grenzen geöffnet und lässt weiterer Millionen Muslime ins Land rein.

Zusammenschnitt der Zusammenstöße zwischen Polizei und Anti-HoGeSa-Demonstranten in Köln

Gestern haben in Köln rund 800 HoGeSa-Teilnehmer (Hooligans gegen Salafisten) zum einjährigen Bestehen der Gruppe demonstriert. Dagegen gingen überall in Köln über 10.000 Menschen auf die Straße. Rund 3.500 Polizisten waren im Einsatz. In Köln-Deutz kam es immer wieder zu Zusammenstößen zwischen der Polizei und den Gegendemonstranten. Wir liefern einen Zusammenschnitt von diesen.

Clashes in Cologne over anti-Islam rally »

Saudis Want Britain's Respect, But It Must Be Earned – Not Bought

Prince Mohammed bin Nawaf bin Abdelaziz used an article
in the Daily Telegraph to warn the UK of 'serious repurcussions'
if it fails to treat Saudi Arabia with respect.
THE GUARDIAN: The deference afforded to its monied rulers in the past has been replaced with scrutiny over its human rights and dissatisfaction with its regional meddling

Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to the UK, Prince Mohammed bin Nawaf bin Abdulaziz, has complained in an article for the Daily Telegraph that his country is being unfairly picked on in Britain. It is, he claims, “an alarming change” in tone. His words reflect a puncturing of the mystique that has traditionally protected the wealthy, secretive Gulf kingdom from rigorous scrutiny.

But the ambassador’s discomfort may also stem from the Saudi regime’s raised profile in regional affairs, which makes it more of a target for attack, and from a sense that the kingdom’s unelected, uninspiring rulers are increasingly vulnerable.

Successive British governments have treated the Saudi royals with exaggerated respect bordering on obsequiousness. This was primarily down to the Saudis’ unmatched oil wealth, rather than any natural affinity. The motive was self-interest, not affection. » | Simon Tisdall | Monday, October 26, 2015

Saudi royal calls for regime change in Riyadh »

Refugees Will Freeze to Death, Warn EU Heads

Luxembourgish President of the European Commission
Jean-Claude Juncker
THE TELEGRAPH: Leaders warn the continent was "falling apart" trying to deal with the migrant crisis

Migrants crossing the Balkans will begin freezing to death as winter approaches, the head of European Union has said, as leaders warned the continent was "falling apart" trying to deal with the biggest refugee crisis since the Second World War.

As leaders of eastern European countries turned on each other at a foul-tempered emergency summit in Brussels, they said the Schengen visa-free zone and even the European Union itself could be pulled apart as states threw up borders to halt the influx.

Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the European Commission, said a solution was urgently needed or thousands of refugee families facing winter temperature on the hillsides and freezing river-banks of Eastern Europe, would die.

"Every day counts," he said. "Otherwise we will soon see families in cold rivers in the Balkans perish miserably." Miro Cerar, the Slovenian prime minister, said the EU was days from collapse as his country buckled under an “unbearable” influx of migrants.

"If we do not deliver some immediate and concrete actions on the ground in the next few days and weeks I believe the EU and Europe as a whole will start falling apart," he said.

Werner Faymann, the Austrian chancellor, said Sunday's meeting would "either consolidate the unity of Europe or watch the slow decomposition of the EU." » | Matthew Holehouse, in Brussels and Melanie Hall in Berlin | Sunday, October 25, 2015

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Live: HoGeSa demonstrieren zum ersten Jubiläum in Köln - starker Gegenprotest erwartet


WIKIPEDIA: Hooligans gegen Salafisten (HoGeSa) »

The Most Important Video About Israel You'll Ever See!

Can ancient prophecies about Israel be true? Is the Bible true or relevant today? This video will put those questions to rest!!

The Land of Israel / Israel Inspired »

Canadian PM: I Will Defend Israel 'Whatever the Cost'

Ottawa, Canada - Prime Minister Stephen Harper said he was prepared to suffer any political backlash that would come his way for speaking out against anti-Israel rhetoric.

The Outgoing Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper: "Do I Seem Like I Smoke Marijuana?"

Australia: Anti-Islam Party Takes First Steps

Geert Wilders
THE WEST AUSTRALIAN: They want to ban burqas, freeze Muslim immigration and end Australia's “failed experiment” with multiculturalism.

The proudly anti-Islam Australian Liberty Alliance — the nation’s newest political party — also claims that a growing number of Australians want exactly those same things.

“I do believe that people are waking up to the dangers and the problems that will come from increased (Muslim) immigration,” ALA co-founder and political candidate Debbie Robinson said.

“Islam is a problem and if we don't take steps to put laws in place to protect our culture and our society, then we are going to lose our freedom.”

It is a message that many Australians who have watched the rise of radicalism at home and abroad with a growing sense of unease are likely to identify with.

But many more will also find those same views confronting and offensive — none more so than members of Australia's Muslim community who have described the emergence of the ALA as “alarming”. » | Grant Taylor | Sunday, October 25, 2015

Flüchtlingskrise: Angela Merkel: Wir schaffen das

Zur aktuellen Flüchtlingskrise, der passende Song von Angela Merkel !

Sicherheitsexperten entsetzt über deutsche Politik

DIE WELT: "Wir werden eine Abkehr vieler Menschen vom Verfassungsstaat erleben", warnen Sicherheitsbeamte. Ex-Innen-Staatssekretär August Hanning legt einen Zehn-Punkte-Plan zur Lösung der Flüchtlingskrise vor.

In den deutschen Sicherheitsbehörden wächst die Kritik an der Flüchtlingspolitik von Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU). Vor allem im Verfassungsschutz, im Bundeskriminalamt, beim Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) und der Bundespolizei gibt es nach Informationen der "Welt am Sonntag" erhebliche Sorgen um die innere Sicherheit der Bundesrepublik.

"Der hohe Zuzug von Menschen aus anderen Weltteilen wird zur Instabilität unseres Landes führen", warnt demnach ein mit Sicherheitsfragen vertrauter Spitzenbeamter. "Wir produzieren durch diese Zuwanderung Extremisten, die bürgerliche Mitte radikalisiert sich, weil sie diese Zuwanderung mehrheitlich nicht will und ihr dies von der politischen Elite aufgezwungen wird", befürchtet er weiter. Seine Prognose ist düster: "Wir werden eine Abkehr vieler Menschen von diesem Verfassungsstaat erleben." (+ Videos) » | Von Stefan Aust , Claus Christian Malzahn | Sonntag, 25. Oktober 2015

Assad accepterait une élection présidentielle

LE MATIN: SYRIE — Selon un député russe, le président syrien serait prêt à se soumettre à la vox populi. Mais sous conditions.

Le président syrien Bachar el-Assad s'est dit prêt à organiser une élection présidentielle en Syrie, a déclaré un député russe se trouvant à Damas. Toutefois, il faut que le pays ait auparavant été «libéré» des combattants du groupe Etat islamique (EI). » | ats/afp/nxp | dimanche 25 octobre 2015

Captured ISIS Jihadist Says Islam Will Expand to Europe Soon

Captured ISIS Jihadist says Islam will expand to Europe soon.

Tony Blair Says He's Sorry for Iraq War 'Mistakes,' But Not for Ousting Saddam

CNN: (CNN) – Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair says he's sorry for "mistakes" made in the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003, but he doesn't regret bringing down dictator Saddam Hussein.

"I can say that I apologize for the fact that the intelligence we received was wrong because, even though he had used chemical weapons extensively against his own people, against others, the program in the form that we thought it was did not exist in the way that we thought," Blair said in an exclusive interview on CNN's Fareed Zakaria GPS that airs Sunday.

Blair was referring to the claim that Saddam's regime possessed weapons of mass destruction, which was used by the U.S. and British governments to justify launching the invasion. But the intelligence reports the claim was based on turned out to be false.

The ensuing war and dismantling of Saddam's government plunged Iraq into chaos, resulting in years of deadly sectarian violence and the rise of al Qaeda in Iraq, a precursor of ISIS. Tens of thousands of Iraqis, more than 4,000 U.S. troops and 179 British service members were killed in the lengthy conflict.

As the most high-profile foreign ally of former U.S. President George W. Bush in the Iraq invasion, Blair has found his legacy overshadowed by the war, with questions and criticism following him wherever he goes.

The consequences of Bush's decision to to take America into Iraq has repeatedly reared its head this year among candidates vying for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination. (+ CNN video) » | Jethro Mullen, CNN | Sunday, October 25, 2015

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Tundra Tabloids Questions Jyllands-Posten Flemming Rose on Free Speech

HT: Gates of Vienna »

Flemming Rose »

Lebanon: Blood Flows on Ashura as Boys Cut Their Heads to Mark Shia Festival

Hundreds of Muslim men self-flagellated to commemorate the Shia Muslim festival of Ashura in the southern Lebanese city of Nabatieh, Saturday.

Iran: Millions in Tehran Take to the Streets to Mark Ashura

Millions of Iranian took part in Ashura commemorations in Tehran, Saturday, as nationwide ceremonies took place in streets and mosques across the entire country in a day of tribute for the third Imam of Shia Muslims, Husayn ibn Ali.

Ashura Celebration Takes Place in Iraq

Thousands of Shia Muslims gathered today in Karbala, Iraq to commemorate the Day of Ashura. Ashura, which takes place on the tenth day of Muharram in the the Islamic Hijri calender, is a day of mourning which commemorates the killing of Husayn ibn Ali, the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, as well as his family and companions, at the Battle of Karbala on 10 Muharram, 61 AH (10 October 680 AD).

Benjamin Netanyahu Interview with Charlie Rose

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sits down with Charlie Rose in New York City for an interview.

Inside The Mind of Angela Merkel

A comedy sketch from German TV.

Germaine Greer on Transexuality - Newsnight

Germaine Greer talks to Kirsty Wark about her views on transexuality which have had her un-platformed from a talk at Cardiff University.

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The Trudeau Deception

"Federal Liberal Party Leader Justin Trudeau is a neo-conservative with better public relations than his counterpart Stephen Harper.... In fact, aside from his stance on legal marijuana, there is essentially no difference between him and Harper...The only thing that separates Trudeau from the other candidates is his stance on legalization. But what Trudeau is advocating is not the end of prohibition, it's just a different version of it." - Dan Dicks

Germaine Greer: Transgender Women Are 'Not Women'

BBC: Australian-born academic and writer Germaine Greer has said that in her opinion, transgender women are "not women".

She also claims that "a great many women" who are not transgender think transgender women - who she refers to as "male to female transgender people" - do not "look like, sound like or behave like women".

Greer did say that she would be prepared to use female pronouns when referring to someone, if that was their preference, "as a courtesy". (+ video) » | Saturday, October 24, 2015

BBC: Caitlyn Jenner: Standing ovation at sports awards ceremony » | Thursday, July 16, 2015

Professor: Germany May Soon Have 8 Million Muslims and an Islamic Political Party

BREITBART.COM: A German political expert has warned that a successful Islamic political party is not a far off thought given Germany’s rapidly changing demographics. In an interview with the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung newspaper, Prof. Jürgen W. Falter, who specialises in political extremism, noted that Chancellor Angela Merkel’s position on migration may soon change, claiming “Pandora’s box is opened too far”.

Prof. Falter said: “I do not think that the position of Mrs Merkel, with time, will be held. Her words are rowing forward, but below the surface, back already… certainly this has something to do with the fact she sees that she has to get the genie back in the bottle… a Pandora’s box is opened too far.

“[Her migration policy] was probably not meant the way it has arrived. But it sounded like an invitation to the entire world, unlimited refugees are welcome.”

His views on the rise of the Alternative fur Deutschland are also worthy of note, claiming that it was destined to become a small, regional party before the migrant crisis, but that now, it can flourish without really doing much at all.

And he warned about the rise of an Islamic political party in Germany – small versions of which may already have been witnessed elsewhere in Europe, such as with Tower Hamlets First in East London, and the Respect Party in Bradford, both in the United Kingdom.

He posits that despite Mrs. Merkel’s kind welcoming of many Muslims, it is unlikely they would vote for a party with the word “Christian” in its name. » | Raheem Kassam | Friday, October 23, 2015

Friday, October 23, 2015

Thousands of Refugees Enter Slovenia as Ljubljana Seeks EU Help

SLOVENIA is in chaos after it became the latest hotspot in Europe's escalating migration crisis as thousands of refugees attempt to cross its borders.

Tensions reached breaking point overnight on the Slovenian border with Croatia as thousands of migrants began to gather after rail services travelling north were suspended.

Deutsche Putschfantasien

TAGES ANZEIGER: Die Autorität Angela Merkels wird in ihrer Partei mittlerweile offen infrage gestellt. Wolfgang Schäuble wird bereits als Übergangskanzler gehandelt.

«Wenn Schäuble Kanzler wäre, würde es anders laufen»: Solche Stossseufzer seien unter Abgeordneten der CDU bereits zu hören, schrieb gestern die «Frankfurter Allgemeine», die der Partei traditionell nahesteht. Ob es sich dabei nur um Fantasien handelt oder ob diesen Fantasien schon umstürzlerisches Gift beigemischt ist, ist derzeit schwer zu sagen. Sicher ist, dass in der Partei von Kanzlerin Angela Merkel zusehends Panik herrscht. » | Von Dominique Eigenmann, Korrespondent, Berlin | Freitag, 23. Oktober 2015

Russia Is 'VERY DANGEROUS' – Now Saudi Arabia Blasts Putin's Bid to Wipe Out Evil ISIS

The Saudi foreign minister branded the bombing
campaign 'very dangerous'
EXPRESS: A SAUDI official has blasted Russia's bid to wipe out the Islamic State terror group branding it "very dangerous".

The Middle East nation's foreign minister Adel al-Jubeir said Moscow's bombing campaign was fuelling the Syria crisis rather than helping to end it.

He said: "We believe that the Russian interference in Syria is very dangerous because it exacerbates the conflict."

He also claimed the country's war can only be ended if President Bashar al-Assad – a long-time ally of Vladimir Putin – is overthrown.

Jubeir described Assad as the magnet that "attracted foreign fighters from all over the world" to fight for ISIS against his regime. » | Tom Parfitt | Friday, October 23, 2015

Refugees 'Look Like an Army', Says Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán

Refugees gather around a fire on the Slovenia-Croatia
border on Thursday.
THE GUARDIAN: Rightwing leader says the flow of people consists of ‘economic migrants and fighters’ along with refugees as Hungary offers trains for people to return to Turkey

Hungary’s prime minister Viktor Orban has described the refugees entering Europe as “looking like an army” as he defended his hardline stance against migrants.

Speaking at a gathering in Madrid of conservative parties from across the continent, Orban said: “What he [sic] have been facing is not a refugee crisis.

“This is a migratory movement composed of economic migrants, refugees and also foreign fighters. This is an uncontrolled and unregulated process,” he told the European People’s party congress.

“Right to human dignity and security are basic rights. But neither the German nor the Hungarian way of life is a basic right of all people on the Earth. » | Agence France-Presse | Friday, October 23, 2015

THE GUARDIAN: Hungary closes border to refugees as Turkey questions EU deal to stem crisis: Police use barbed wire to seal the border with Croatia as the Turkish president ridicules the offer of aid in exchange for help controlling the passage of migrants » | Agence France-Presse | Saturday, October 17, 2015

Germany to Push for Compulsory EU Quotas to Tackle Refugee Crisis

THE GUARDIAN: Merkel is said to want hundreds of thousands of refugees brought directly from Middle East to control numbers and avoid perilous journeys

Germany is to push for more ambitious and extensive common European policies on the refugee crisis, according to policymakers in Berlin, with compulsory and permanent EU quotas for sharing probably hundreds of thousands of people to be brought to Europe directly from the Middle East.

New European powers replacing some national authority over border control, and the possible raising of a special EU-wide levy to fund the new policies are also on Berlin’s agenda.

The plans, being prepared in Berlin and Brussels, are certain to trigger bitter resistance and major clashes within the EU. Berlin backs European commission plans to make the proposed scheme “permanent and binding”. But up to 15 of 28 EU countries are opposed.

The plans will not apply to the UK as it is not part of the EU’s passport-free Schengen zone and has opted out of EU asylum policy, saying it will not take part in any proposed European refugee-sharing schemes. » | Ian Traynor in Berlin | Friday, October 23, 2015

Iran and Saudi Arabia Ramp Up Hostile Rhetoric to New Levels

THE GUARDIAN: Riyadh and Tehran have thrown diplomatic niceties to the wind and are attacking each other without restraint over Syria and Yemen

The propaganda war between Iran and Saudi Arabia, bitter rivals on opposite sides of the Middle East’s biggest current crises, is hotting up, with near daily exchanges and insults between ministers and state media outlets.

In the past week alone senior figures from both countries have cast diplomatic niceties to the desert winds and attacked each other publicly. Adel al-Jubeir, the Saudi foreign minister, said on Monday that Iran was “occupying Arab lands” in Syria - where it supports Bashar al-Assad. Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, Iran’s deputy foreign minister, retorted that the Saudis were in no position to complain as they were “occupying” Yemen - where Tehran backs the Houthi rebels.

Iran ramped up its anti-Saudi rhetoric after the recent hajj tragedy in Mecca but it went on the offensive at the start of the Saudi-led campaign in Yemen in March, with a Revolutionary Guard commander predicting the “collapse of the House of Saud … in the footsteps of Zionist Israel”. » | Ian Black | Friday, October 23, 2015

Religious Violence Flares in Indonesia as Mob Torches Aceh Church

Authorities tear down a church in Aceh Singkil, enforcing a
decree from the local Muslim-dominated religious harmony forum.
THE GUARDIAN: Muslim vigilante is shot dead as small Protestant house of worship attacked and authorities move to ‘ensure security’ – by demolishing more churches

Indonesia is struggling to live up to its national motto “unity in diversity” after a mob attack on a church left one dead and the authorities responded by demolishing more churches.

The attack took place in the conservative province of Aceh, the only region in Indonesia that has sharia law and where religious tension has been brewing for months.

A mob wielding sharp weapons torched the small Protestant church in the district of Aceh Singkil last week, saying it lacked an official permit. One Muslim vigilante was shot dead in the attack, while thousands of Christians fled to a neighbouring province.

Bishop Elson Lingga visited Aceh Singkil the day after the attack and said there was a deep sense of unease in the villages. “After the event everyone is suspicious of each other, thinking, ‘Are they the ones that reported us?’ They are afraid of their Muslim neighbours,” he said. » | Kate Lamb in Jakarta | Friday, October 23, 2015

Western Media Enraged by Assad’s ‘Red Carpet’ Visit to Moscow

The US and Turkey, two of the Syrian President Bashar Assad’s key opponents, have not cheered his visit to Moscow, with the White House slamming it as a “red carpet welcome.” Russian and Syrian leaders were meeting for crisis consultations and planning.

Germany Braces for Rise in Anti-immigrant Attacks

THE GUARDIAN: Report leaked to German media says far right is spurred on by arrival of refugees

Fears that anti-immigrant fervour is growing in Germany have been given fresh impetus by security experts who have warned the country to brace itself for a rise in xenophobic attacks as a growing number of protesters turn to violence to vent their anger over Europe’s refugee crisis.

A confidential report by the Federal Criminal Office (BKA) that has been leaked to German media said the far-right scene had been spurred on by the continuing influx of refugees to Germany and experts believed that what it referred to as the group’s sense of “agitation” towards the government’s asylum policy was set to intensify. It warned that asylum seekers, volunteers and politicians were under particular threat.

While the far right is usually considered to consist of disparate groups who operate heterogeneously, many have found ideological consensus in the refugee crisis, according to the assessment, as pressure increases on Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government to get a grip on the situation. » | Kate Connolly in Berlin | Thursday, October 22, 2015

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Europe's Glory Days At An End, Warns Juncker

THE TELEGRAPH: The European Union faces an age of comparative economic decline, while the 'love' affair' of integration is at risk, says Jean-Claude Juncker in downbeat assessment of Europe's future

The European Union faces long-term economic decline and the “love affair” of integration is at risk, Jean Claude-Juncker has said in a downbeat assessment of the bloc’s future.

“Economically, we see the end of Europe’s glorious years compared with what others are doing,” the president of the European Commission said.

The “dream” of a unified continent is at risk from “fissures and fractures” of national divisions and separatist movements, he said.

“The European Union is not going very well,” Mr Juncker said. “And so we must ensure that we keep alive the ambitions, hopes and dreams of Europe.” Read on and comment » | Matthew Holehouse, in Brussels | Thursday, October 22, 2015

Le tueur en Suède était proche de l'extrême-droite

LE MATIN: L'homme qui a tué avec un sabre un enseignant ce matin dans une école fréquentée par des jeunes issus de l'immigration, à Trollhättan, était un sympathisant d'extrême-droite.

Portant un masque rappelant celui de Dark Vador dans la «Guerre des étoiles», l'assaillant a fait irruption dans l'école et attaqué plusieurs personnes, enfants et adultes, frappant apparemment ses victimes au hasard.

Ce drame rarissime dans le royaume scandinave s'est produit jeudi matin à Trollhättan, ville industrielle à une heure de route au nord de Göteborg, dans un établissement «à problèmes» accueillant 400 élèves, dont un grand nombre de jeunes migrants arrivés récemment dans le pays. » | jeudi 22 octobre 2015

The Nazi Collaborators: The Grand Mufti

In this film, history evidence is shown, showing the Muslim Brotherhood and the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem [Haj Amin al-Husseini] working alongside Adolf Hitler in World War 2. Coinciding with Psalms 83, it does show who is behind the "Arab confederacy". Verse 8 shows that Germany, modern day "Assur" or "Assyria", is with them. This film should show how the Muslim Brotherhood and the nations they have control over is a military arm of the king of the North, rather than a future King of the South(or Arab confederacy) as some claim.

The Truth about Jerusalem’s Grand Mufti, Hitler and the Holocaust

Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini meeting
with Adolf Hitler in Dec. 1941.
JEWISH JOURNAL: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu went too far in recent comments that Nazi collaborator Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem before and during World War II, played a “central role in fomenting the Final Solution” by trying to convince Hitler to destroy the Jews during a 1941 meeting in Berlin. But Netanyahu was right on when he emphasized the Mufti’s Holocaust complicity and activities before, during, and after the war when the Mufti lied about alleged Jewish intentions to expel Muslim and Islam from Jerusalem’s Temple Mount—the same lie that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas repeats today in support of the current “knife Intifada.”

Netanyahu said: “Hitler didn't want to exterminate the Jews at the time, he wanted to expel the Jews. "And Haj Amin al-Husseini went to Hitler and said, ‘If you expel them, they'll all come here.' 'So what should I do with them?' he asked. He said, 'Burn them’.”

Netanyahu’s quotation of the Grand Mufti is word-for-word accurate, but it is not true that the Fuhrer needed the advice of Islam’s leading anti-Jewish fanatic to implement the Final Solution. That was his dream as far back as 1919 as a letter that he authored and signed now on display at the Simon Wiesenthal Center Museum of Tolerance documents.

Prime Minister Netanyahu has been accused of “a dangerous historical distortion” and even “Holocaust Denial” from the predictable political quarters who even dismiss the Grand Mufti as “a lightweight” inconsequential in the history of the Holocaust. This claim wrongly mitigates the Mufti’s mindset and crimes as one of the Hitler era’s leading anti-Jewish haters. » | Abraham Cooper * and Harold Brackman ** | Wednesday, October 21, 2015

* Rabbi Abraham Cooper is Associate Dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center.

** Dr. Harold Brackman, a historian[,] is a consultant for the Simon Wiesenthal Center.

Police Uncover Far-Right Plot to Attack Refugee Shelters in Germany

THE TELEGRAPH: The discovery comes as a leaked police report suggests far-Right nationalists could attackc refugees as well as political leaders supportive of them

Police in Germany have uncovered a plot by far-Right extremists to attack refugee shelters using “highly dangerous explosives”, prosecutors said on Thursday.

Three people have been arrested in connection with the plot following police raids in the Bavarian town of Bamberg. Prosecutors were seeking arrest warrants against a further ten suspects.

They are believed to have been planning an attack on two government shelters for asylum-seekers in the town.

Prosecutors said they intended to throw explosives into the shelters to spread “fear and terror”. » | Justin Huggler, Berlin | Thursday, October 22, 2015

IRS to Recognise Same-sex Marriages across US

THE INDEPENDENT: The move by America's tax agency underscores a cultural and legal acceptance of same-sex marriage

The IRS has said that the terms "husband" and "wife" will now apply to same-sex marriages, regardless of where the ceremony was carried out.

In a move that underscored both a cultural and legal acceptance of same-sex marriage, the tax agency - formally the Internal Revenue Service - posted new regulations that implemented the Supreme Court’s historic ruling this summer.

Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew said the new regulations posted on Wednesday would ensure "that all are treated equally under the law". » | Andrew Buncombe, New York | Thursday, October 22, 2015

Al-Husseini's Critical Role in Instigating the Holocaust

ARUTZ SHEVA: The Palestinian Mufti may not have initiated the Holocaust, as PM Netanyahu intimated, but he certainly played a very major role.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has drawn much flack for saying that the Mufti of Jerusalem gave Hitler the idea of exterminating European Jewry – but there is in fact much evidence of the Mufti's very significant involvement in the diabolical scheme.

Netanyahu quoted the testimony of Adolf Eichmann's deputy at the Nuremberg trials after World War II, who said: "The Mufti was instrumental in the decision to exterminate the Jews of Europe. The importance of his role must not be ignored. The Mufti repeatedly proposed to the authorities, primarily Hitler, Ribbentropp and Himmler, to exterminate the Jews of Europe. He considered it a suitable solution for the Palestinian question."

Eichmann's deputy also said: "The Mufti was one of the instigators of the systematic extermination of European Jewry, and was a partner and advisor to Eichmann and Hitler in carrying out this plan."

Even if it was Hitler himself who came up with the idea of exterminating Jewry, it is important - in light of the support shown by PA leaders for the current wave of murderous terrorism - to understand the decades-old roots of Arab support for killing Jews. » | Hillel Fendel | Wednesday, October 21, 2015

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Outgoing Prime Minister Stephen Harper has met with prime minister-designate Justin Trudeau, marking the official transition between the two leaders.

Germany: Thousands of AfD Supporters Rally against Merkel's Refugee Policies

An estimated 4,000 people attended a rally opposing Germany's refugee policy on Wednesday in the city of Erfurt.

LIVE: Putin at Valdai - World between War and Peace

The 12th annual Valdai Discussion Club meeting in Russia's Sochi has focused on international armed conflicts. Russian President Vladimir Putin is taking part in its final plenary session devoted to the crisis in the Middle East

The Wonderful Wit of Churchill

Netanyahu Denounced for Saying Palestinian Inspired Holocaust

Hitler speaking with Haj Amin al-Husseini, the grand mufti
of Jerusalem and a virulent opponent of Zionism, in 1941.
THE NEW YORK TIMES: JERUSALEM — Israeli historians and opposition politicians on Wednesday joined Palestinians in denouncing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel for saying it was a Palestinian, the grand mufti of Jerusalem, who gave Hitler the idea of annihilating European Jews during World War II. » | Jodi Rudoren | Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel sparked a backlash for suggesting that a World War II-era Palestinian religious leader convinced the Nazis to enact the Holocaust.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel explained his widely criticized comment about a Palestinian leader being behind Hitler’s inspiration for the Holocaust.

Related here and here.

Germany Refuses to Accept Netanyahu’s Claim Palestinian Inspired Holocaust

THE GUARDIAN: Germany says it has no reason to change its view of history after Israel’s prime minister blames mufti of Jerusalem for inciting Holocaust

Germany has said it has no reason to change its view of history after Israel’s prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, said Adolf Hitler had been persuaded to carry out the Holocaust by a Palestinian leader.

Before a trip to Berlin, Netanyahu provoked incredulity and anger among many when he claimed in a speech that Hitler had only wanted to expel Europe’s Jews and that the idea to exterminate them had come from the then mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini.

But at a joint press conference with Netanyahu on Wednesday, the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, made it clear she saw no need for a shift in interpreting history, saying: “We abide by our responsibility for the Shoah.” » | Kate Connolly in Berlin | Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Krauthammer: President's Statement on Israel Is Shameful

Oct. 16, 2015 - 8:58 - On 'The Kelly File,' Fox News contributor says Obama drew an unjust equivalency between Israeli and Palestinian actions

The Situation Grows Worse Overseas

Oct. 15, 2015 - 2:48 - 'The O'Reilly Factor': Bill O'Reilly's Talking Points 10/15