Wednesday, November 09, 2022

Robert Garcia Will Be First Out Gay Immigrant in Congress

Courtesy LGBTQ Victory Fund

ADVOCATE: Garcia, an immigrant from Peru and the mayor of Long Beach, Calif., has been elected to the U.S. House from California's 42nd Congressional District.

Robert Garcia of California has been elected as the first out gay immigrant in Congress.

Garcia, currently mayor of Long Beach, has won the U.S. House seat in California’s 42nd Congressional District, according to the LGBTQ Victory Fund.

A Democrat, he bested Republican John Briscoe, a businessman. As of 9:30 p.m. Pacific time, Garcia had 68 percent of the vote and Briscoe 32 percent. Because of redistricting, there was no incumbent in the race. » | Trudy Ring | Wednesday, November 9, 2022

US elections: LGBTQ+ candidates smash through rainbow ceiling as future of queer rights hangs in the balance: Numerous LGBTQ+ candidates have smashed the rainbow ceiling and won seats in the 2022 US elections. »

Trump warnt DeSantis vor Kandidatur

Donald Trump am 9. November am Wahltag in Palm Beach | Bild: DPA


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Donald Trump warnt Floridas Gouverneur DeSantis davor, für das Präsidentenamt zu kandidieren. Er wisse mehr über den Republikaner als jeder andere – „mit Ausnahme vielleicht seiner Frau“.

Der frühere Präsident Donald Trump hat Floridas Gouverneur Ron DeSantis mit unangenehmen Enthüllungen gedroht, wenn dieser 2024 ins Rennen ums Weiße Haus gehen sollte. Er könne über DeSantis „Dinge erzählen, die nicht besonders schmeichelhaft sind“, sagte Trump am Dienstag Fox News Digital. „Ich weiß mehr über ihn als jeder andere – mit Ausnahme vielleicht seiner Frau.“ » | Quelle: dpa | Mittwoch, 9. November 2022

The Economist: Iran Protests: Can They Topple the Regime?

Nov 8, 2022 | Protests in Iran pose the biggest threat to the country’s authoritarian regime in decades. But how does an uprising transform into a revolution? Lessons from Iran’s own history offer some clues.

Increasingly, Iranians are clearly saying a firm 'NO' to the mediæval and are increasingly determined to embrace MODERNITY. – © Mark Alexander

‘Interesting Evening’: Trump Has Little to Say as Republicans Fail to Deliver

THE GUARDIAN: The normally talkative former president appears uneasy at Mar-a-Lago election night event

Donald Trump takes the stage to speak at Mar-a-Lago on Tuesday. Photograph: Andrew Harnik/AP

It was expected to be a moment of triumph for Donald Trump, but it did not quite turn out that way.

The former US president appeared uneasy about underwhelming Republican performance in the midterms at an election watch party he hosted at his plush Mar-a-Lago resort on Tuesday night, after it was clear there would be no “red wave” that he had implored his supporters to deliver.

The election night gathering, organized in the large ballroom at his Florida property, was not an event where the often talkative Trump seemed particularly interested in addressing guests or even speaking to reporters after he delivered a short and solitary speech.

Trump, expected to announce his third campaign for the White House next week, had anticipated strengthening his position as the frontrunner for the Republican nomination by delivering wins for candidates he endorsed, but the results in the most competitive contests were decidedly mixed. » | Hugo Lowell in West Palm Beach, Florida | Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Trump hat den Republikanern die Wahl vermasselt: So viel lässt sich schon sagen: Weniger Trump hätte diesmal mehr Republikaner bedeutet. Dennoch könnte der frühere Präsident 2024 wieder gewinnen – oder verlieren und trotzdem ins Weiße Haus gelangen. »

ÉDITORIAL : Midterms 2022 : les deux leçons des élections américaines : Les premiers résultats des élections américaines de mi-mandat attestent d’une résistance du camp démocrate, Joe Biden échappant ainsi à un vote sanction. A trop miser sur les candidatures clivantes, la vague républicaine attendue n’a pas eu lieu. »

Trump Hoped for a Celebration but Did Not Have Much to Cheer: The former president endorsed roughly 300 candidates in the midterm elections. With votes still being counted, those in competitive races appeared to have mixed results. »

Rising Asset Wealth and Falling Real Wages ‘Drive Inequality in Britain’

THE GUARDIAN: Young people no longer able to rely on hard work to improve their living standards as they age, says IFS

‘A generation of Britons has ridden a wave of growing asset prices, pushing up the value of their houses and investments,’ says the deputy director of the IFS, Robert Joyce. Photograph: William Barton/Alamy

Working for a living has become a harder way to grow rich in modern Britain amid rising wealth inequality over the past decade, according to research published today that warns of a breakdown in social mobility as inheritances grow in importance.

The Institute for Fiscal Studies said wealth had grown rapidly compared with earnings from work since the 2008 financial crisis, driven by a surge in house prices and financial assets – such as stocks and shares – at a time of flatlining progress for average wages.

Robert Joyce, the deputy director of the IFS, said: “A generation of Britons has ridden a wave of growing asset prices, pushing up the value of their houses and investments. Meanwhile, more than a decade of stagnant earnings has held back younger generations for whom earning their own economic success has become increasingly difficult.

“The fact that we can no longer be sure that the young will grow up with living standards that match [those of] their predecessors is a remarkable social change.” » | Richard Partington, Economics correspondent | Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Tuesday, November 08, 2022

Carol Lynn Pearson | Loving My Gay Husband

Nov 8, 2022 | Carol Lynn Pearson is a Mormon icon. In the early 1960’s two monumental experiences happened in her life: she married Gerald, a gay man—and she published her first book.

From that first publishing—and her relationship with her gay husband—Carol Lynn Pearson forged a path forward for Latter-day Saints to better understand the LGBTQ experience. Her life has been a lesson of love, compassion, understanding and advocacy.

Escaping the gazing eyes of Utah Mormons, the Pearsons left Salt Lake City and settled in California to allow their little family the opportunity to embrace the unknown and to grow in uncertainty.

Through her best-selling book, “Goodbye, I Love You”, Carol Lynn allowed the world too peer into the Pearson family story. For the first time a well known Latter-day Saint family was openly talking about homosexuality, mixed orientation marriage, kindness, advocacy, harmful doctrine and more.

In this episode Carol Lynn sits down with Kyle to dive deeper into that journey, discuss the impact it had on Mormonism, and how marrying a gay man changed her life.

Sam Harris: The Problem of Religious Belief

Nov 4, 2022 | In this video Sam Harris goes in depth with the problems associated with religious beliefs.

Pot Roast Pork | Friday Night Feast | Jamie Oliver

Nov 8, 2022 | Who says you need to wait till Sunday for a roast? Wrapped in cured meats, with sage and garlic, this pot roast pork is one hell of a way to kick off your weekend.

Alaa Abdel Fattah: British-Egyptian Activist's Life at Acute Risk - UN

The UN said Alaa Abdel Fattah was one of a number of Egyptians "arbitrarily deprived of their liberty". | ANADOLU AGENCY

BBC: The United Nations human rights chief has called on Egypt to immediately release jailed British-Egyptian pro-democracy activist Alaa Abdel Fattah.

Volker Türk said his life was "at acute risk" after he escalated a hunger strike and stopped drinking water.

He began the strike in April to protest against the denial of consular visits.

His sister, Sanaa Seif, said: "All we know is that Alaa stopped drinking water 50 hours ago. We don't know where he is. We don't know if he is alive."

"My mother waited outside the prison gates for 10 hours yesterday for her weekly letter. They didn't give her one. She is back at those gates right now," she told a news conference at the COP27 climate conference in the Egyptian Red Sea resort of Sharm El-Sheikh.

"I asked the British authorities to get us some proof that Alaa is alive and conscious. I did not get any response." » | David Gritten, BBC News | Tuesday, November 8, 2022

A Single Winning Ticket for the $2.04 Billion Powerball Jackpot Was Sold in California

CNN: A lone winning ticket for the record $2.04 billion Powerball lottery jackpot was sold in Altadena, California, lottery officials said Tuesday, making the lucky ticket holder the winner of the largest lottery prize ever.

The ticket was sold at a Joe’s Service Center, the California Lottery said on Twitter. Results posted to similarly said there was one winner who matched all six numbers in California – the odds of which were 1 in 292.2 million, according to the Multi-State Lottery Association.

The winning numbers, which were announced Tuesday morning after Monday night’s drawing was delayed, were 10-33-41-47-56 and the Powerball was 10, according to the association. » | Aya Elamroussi and Dakin Andone, CNN | Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Related article and link.

Macron and Sunak ‘Bromance’ Signals Intent to Reset Franco-British Ties

THE GUARDIAN: Clear wish in Paris to thaw relations that plummeted to their worst state in decades under Boris Johnson

But a crucial difference between the two leaders is Brexit – with Sunak an unwavering supporter of leaving the EU in 2016 and Macron a staunch pro-European. Photograph: Ludovic Marin/AFP/Getty Images


When Emmanuel Macron rushed to hug the new UK prime minister at their first meeting in Egypt this week, some called it a “bromance”.

Even though the French president’s hands-on embrace of world leaders is almost always called a “bromance” – from Justin Trudeau to Mohammed bin Salman and Donald Trump (a relationship which eventually soured), Macron and Rishi Sunak’s grinning and back-slapping stood out as symbolic.

There is a clear wish in Paris to thaw and reset the frosty Franco-British relationship, which had plummeted to its worst state in decades under Boris Johnson, with bitter disputes over submarine contracts, fishing rights and rows over who was to blame for the catastrophic deaths of people trying to reach the UK coast on small boats.

A French official described the potential for an upturn in relations: “We’ve clearly had our differences, we’ve each of us sometimes been held hostage to internal politics in both countries, but at the end of the day France’s strategic interests are very much aligned with the UK ... The British are partners who aren’t always easy but who are absolutely vital. The quality of the exchanges in recent weeks has been positive.” » | Angelique Chrisafis in Paris | Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Whitney Houston : How Will I Know | Official Video

Views on YouTube: 125M

The Rise of Emperor Napoléon Bonaparte | History Hit | Timeline

Jul 17, 2022 | He was the man who would define the start of the 19th century. He has more documented victories than any other battlefield commanders in history. From a relatively humble background, he rose to become master of Europe. This is the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte. Featuring historians Dr Michael Rowe, Professor Pamela Pilbeam and Professor David Andress.

You can sign up to History Hit, a documentary service and get 50% off by using the code ‘TIMELINE’ here.

Norwegian Princess Quits Royal Duties to Work with ‘Shaman’ Fiancé

THE GUARDIAN: Princess Märtha Louise will focus on alternative medicine alongside spiritual guru Durek Verrett

Princess Märtha-Louise’s relationship with ‘sixth-generation shaman’ Durek Verrett has caused waves in Norway. Photograph: Lise Åserud/NTB/AFP/Getty Images

Princess Märtha Louise of Norway has relinquished her royal duties to focus on her alternative medicine business with her fiance, a self-proclaimed shaman, the palace has said.

The 51-year-old princess’s relationship with Durek Verrett, a Hollywood spiritual guru, caused waves in Norway after the “sixth-generation shaman” suggested in his book Spirit Hacking that cancer was a choice.

He also sells a medallion on his website labelled a “Spirit Optimizer”, which he claims helped him overcome Covid-19.

A poll in September found 17% of Norwegians now have a lower opinion of the generally popular royal family, nearly all citing the princess and the shaman as the reason. » | Agence France-Presse in Oslo | Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Norwegian Princess Engaged to a Shaman Gives Up Her Royal Duties: Princess Martha Louise’s belief in the supernatural has long been the subject of media fascination in Norway, but a focus on her healer fiancé proved too much. »

"Geistiger Schaden": Katars WM-Botschafter äußert sich homophob

Nov 8, 2022 | Weniger als zwei Wochen vor Beginn der Fußball-WM in Katar hat der katarische WM-Botschafter, Khalid Salman, Homosexualität als "geistigen Schaden" und "haram" bezeichnet.

Related article here and here.

Ganz einfach unwiderstehlich! | Reupload

Quite simply irresistible! / Tout simplement irresistible !

Für dieses wunderbare Foto voller Liebe möchte ich mich bei Peachy🍑Keen auf Pinterest bedanken.

Jesus, Christianity, and Homosexuality

MARK ALEXANDER – ESSAY: Christians make such a big thing about homosexuality and often, if not usually, try to deny a homosexual’s right to love and be loved. Christians always cite Biblical teachings for their aversion to homosexual love. Fact is, however, that Christian teachings, as we all know, should be based on Jesus Christ’s teachings. In truth, however, Jesus Christ uttered not a single word condemning homosexuality; he said absolutely nothing about it.

For a Christian to condemn homosexuality, he/she must look back to Leviticus in the Old Testament, to Genesis, and to Sodom and Gomorrah–hence the use of the word ‘sodomy’—and to Paul’s letter to the Romans.

Regarding Leviticus, if we were to follow the proscriptions in that book in the Old Testament, one of the books which forms the basis of Jewish law, we would be forbidden from doing many things. Leviticus proscribes tattoos, the eating of shellfish (bottom feeders in the oceans, hence they eat all the crud that falls to the bottom of the oceans rendering them unclean), and it proscribes many other things besides. Isn’t it strange how Christians cherry-pick the things that they dislike and which do not pertain to their own lifestyles and then conveniently ignore the rest of the proscriptions?

Further, the Bible proscribes men and women from sleeping together and making love/having sex before marriage. It is surely an abomination unto God. But how many straight people do you know that abide by this Biblical proscription? Most straight people I have known in my life have almost invariably slept with their husbands/wives before marriage. So why the big deal about two men or two women loving and sleeping with each other? What’s sauce for the goose is also sauce for the gander. Such hypocrisy!

However, I should like to add one very important fact about Jesus’s silence on homosexuality. Jesus lived in Palestine. At that time, Palestine was part of the Roman Empire. And the harsh reality about the Roman society at that time is this: Homosexuality was rife in the Roman Empire. It was commonplace for upper class Romans to surround themselves with pretty, young boys. Apparently, it was a status symbol, and they would often be paraded openly in Roman society, too. So that makes it even harder to understand why Jesus did not utter even one single word about this behaviour. Surely, if Jesus had thought it was such a sinful activity in the eyes of God, he would have said plenty against it.

What Paul had to say on the matter interests me far, far less. Paul, previously Saul of Tarsus, was a convert to Christianity. (In actual fact, it wasn’t even called Christianity in those days.) We all know the nature of converts, or reformed people, anyway.

In any case, Christian teachings should be based on the teachings of Jesus Christ, not on the teachings of Paul. It is what Jesus thought that is important, not what Paul taught.

Isn’t it high time that we in the West came to terms with the fact that homosexuals, just as heterosexuals, deserve an opportunity in life to pursue their own happiness? We all, gay or straight, deserve to be able to love another and be loved by another. It is time to stop making heavy weather of this. Furthermore, for believers, if it is truly unacceptable to God, then God will sort it out on the Day of Judgment. It is not for man to play God.

© Mark Alexander
All Rights Reserved

Kyle and Jay | The Big Gay Wedding: Our Story, Drag Queens and I Do’s

Oct 17, 2022 | Kyle and Jay shared their wedding day with their family, friends, and LGBTQ ally community. They invited anyone who wanted to better understand the LGBTQ experience to celebrate with them.

This is a condensed video of their ceremony. It begins with Kyle and Jay’s personal stories, Dolly makes an appearance, and the event concludes with the wedding ceremony (and a special surprise from Kyle and Jay’s kids).

You are not alone.
You are not broken.

There is a whole community of people to support you.
We all deserve to love and be loved.

Kyle was raised Mormon, in Utah. He was married to a woman for nearly 10 years and he’s the father to four kids. He is the host of the LatterGayStories podcast, a resource created to build community, visibility and understanding of the LGBTQ+ community.

Jay is from Minnesota and met Kyle after stalking him on social media. He is a nurse, a Vikings fan, and one of the loudest “cheer moms” at the kids’ dance competitions.

The Guardian View on LGBT+ Anglicans: Finally Grounds for Hope?

THE GUARDIAN – EDITORIAL: A significant intervention by the bishop of Oxford points the way to overdue reform in the Church of England

For more than a decade, the Church of England has engaged in an agonised, divisive and often poisonous debate about the status of same-sex relationships. As attitudes in the wider national culture have transformed beyond recognition since the 1980s, the country’s established church has gradually become an anomalous outlier, steadfastly refusing to countenance same-sex marriages or the blessing of civil unions. Its doctrine continues to conform to the view that homosexual practice is “incompatible with scripture”.

Responding to the hurt and grief that this has caused LGBT+ members of its congregations – apparently equal in the eyes of God but second-class citizens in their own church – the C of E has, at best, wrung its hands sympathetically. To the deep disquiet of many bishops and much of the laity, the goal of maintaining unity, both at home and in the worldwide Anglican communion, seems to have led to the perpetuation of a derided status quo. » | Editorial | Monday, November 7, 2022

Related articles here and here.

Qatar World Cup Ambassador Criticised for ‘Harmful’ Homosexuality Comments

THE GUARDIAN: Former Qatar player says homosexuality is ‘damage in the mind’ / Human Rights Watch condemns remark as ‘unacceptable’

Remarks by a Qatar World Cup ambassador have been called “harmful and unacceptable” after he described homosexuality as “damage in the mind”.

Khalid Salman, a former Qatar international footballer, made the comments in an interview with the German broadcaster ZDF.

Asked about the fact that homosexuality is illegal in his country, Salman said: “They have to accept our rules here. [Homosexuality] is haram [*]. You know what haram means?”
When asked why it was haram, or forbidden, Khalid Salman said: “I am not a strict Muslim but why is it haram? Because it is damage in the mind.” » | Paul MacInnes | Tuesday, November 8, 2022

* Haram (حَرَام) in Arabic means ‘forbidden by Allah’. For other things which are forbidden, but not necessarily forbidden by Allah, Arabic speakers usually use the word ‘mamnu’ (ممنوع). – © Mark

Hier können Sie dieser Mann darüber sprechen. Er sagt, daß Homosexualität ist „ein geistiger Schaden“.

Wie die US-Republikaner Paranoia und Verschwörungsglauben schüren | 3sat Kulturzeit

Nov 8, 2022 | Die Bereitschaft der US-Republikaner zu Gewalt und Extremismus hat unter Donald Trump nicht begonnen, sondern erreicht unter ihm einen Höhepunkt. Davon ist der Journalist David Corn überzeugt. In seinem Buch „American Psychosis“, das er anlässlich der Midterms in den USA veröffentlicht, analysiert er innerhalb eines Zeitraums von 70 Jahren, wie die Partei Fanatismus und Extremismus von Rechtsaußen befördert und für sich genutzt hat. Ihr Schulterschluss mit den Verschwörungsgläubigen von Q-Anon oder mit evangelikalen Christen, ihr Verbreiten der Lüge von der gestohlenen Wahl oder anderen Unwahrheiten, zum Beispiel der, Barack Obama sei gar kein US-Amerikaner, hat System. 3sat-„Kulturzeit“ hat David Corn in Washington D.C. getroffen und mit ihm über „American Psychosis“ gesprochen.

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Zum Glück hoher Blutdruck! | Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Rau | NaturMEDIZIN | QS24 Gesundheitsfernsehen

Oct 12, 2022 | Der Sinn von Blutdruck in unserem Körper ist vielen Patienten und Ärzten nicht bekannt. Vor allem die Auswirkungen von Medikation auf Grund von zu niedrigen Grenzwerten kann negative Folgen für den Patienten haben. Hierbei ist es oft nicht dienlich den Blutdruck zu senken durch künstliche Medikamente, sondern die Ursache zu finden und beheben. Durch eine verbesserte Mikrozirkulation, können die Organe wieder optimal arbeiten und die Fließfähigkeit des Bluts verbessert werden.

Der Arzt Professor Dr. med. Thomas Rau ist für viele eine lebende Legende geworden und viele der besten Ärzte der Welt waren bei ihm in der Klinik. In der Zwischenzeit hat eine chinesische Investorengruppe diese Klinik aufgekauft und andere Werte in den Fokus gestellt. Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Rau und sein Team haben kurzerhand eine neue Klinik gegründet. Nämlich das Sonnenberg Biomedical Health Center. eine Art Medizin-Boutique, in welcher die Patienten nicht nur medizinisch versorgt werden, sondern auch kulinarisch. Ganz nach Hippokrates: lass Nahrung deine Medizin – und Medizin deine Nahrung sein. Damit wird «bio – logisch» - die biologische Medizin im Biomed Sonnenberg für Jedermann/-Frau – erfahrbar und für Menschen,

Schweizer Gesundheitsfernsehen | hier.

Raif Badawi’s Cruel Imprisonment

Mar 30, 2022 | "In 2012, Saudi human rights activist Raif Badawi found himself beneath the heel of the repressive Gulf state's censorship laws, imprisoned and later flogged for blasphemy. Ten years later, he is released from prison, but his struggle for true freedom is far from over."

If you like EXMNA's work, please support the organization on Twitter @exmuslimsorg and/or donate to the organization here.

UK Government Finds Extra 1,400 Laws to Scrap under Rees-Mogg’s Brexit Bill

THE GUARDIAN: Discovery follows admission that previous list of 2,400 pieces of EU legislation was ‘not comprehensive’

Jacob Rees-Mogg and his allies championed the bill as an an opportunity to expunge EU laws.Photograph: Kirsty Wigglesworth/AP

Government researchers have found another 1,400 laws that will be wiped off the statute books next year by Brexit legislation tabled by Jacob Rees-Mogg in September, according to reports.

They are in addition to 2,400 laws ranging from environmental protections to workers’ rights and passenger compensation rules already identified by the former Brexit opportunities and business secretary.

The discovery adds further detail to an admission that a government dashboard listing the laws was “not comprehensive”. » | Lisa O'Carroll, Brexit correspondent | Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Jacob Rees-Mogg is a ridiculous character. He needs to be given a proper job of work to do. Something like digging the garden! He’s got too much time on his hands to think up hare-brained ideas. He should ask Nanny to talk some sense into him! She could make a start tonight: she could try and talk some sense into him instead of reading him a bedtime story when she tucks him in for the night.

This man is determined to turn the clocks back to the Victorian Age. He wants to take the rights away from the ‘little people’. The man would be laughable were he not to be so dangerous. – © Mark Alexander

Monday, November 07, 2022

DeSantis Launches New Ad Claiming He Was Anointed by God

Nov 7, 2022 | With just a few days left before the midterm election, Florida governor Ron DeSantis released the cringiest new ad that proclaims that he was anointed by God to "be a protector" of the people. The ad is about as sacrilegious as you can get, but it will certainly move the faux Christians that make up the base of the Republican Party. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins discusses the new ad.

Kyle and Reece | Life, Dating, Marriage and Our Love!

Kyle and Reece Jacobsen join the Latter Gay Stories podcast to share their journey and stories! The married couple share their experiences growing up closeted, serving missions, exploring their sexuality, and life after coming out.

Kyle discusses his experience with the Journey into Manhood reparative therapy program, he gives advice to young men and church leaders, what authenticity feels like and how he’s found happiness.

Reece shares stories about his mission, trying to find his place in life as a closeted teen, dating—and swiping right on Tinder—an experience that would change his life forever.

The Jacobsens are married, they are the happy dads of a cute dog, and their life is likely as normal as yours.

A note to my visitors and followers: I should like to inform you all that I have no connection with the Mormon Church. Because I frequently put videos up about gay ex-Mormons, you might think that I do, or have been associated with the Church at some time in my life. I do not and have not; I have never been associated with the Church. I was, and I suppose technically I still am, a member of the Anglican Church. (For me, living in Wales, the Church in Wales.) Though I must admit that I rarely attend church these days, despite being a choirboy and a stalwart attendee and communicant earlier in my life. I even used to read lessons from the lectern in church from time to time. Imagine that!

I often put up these Mormon videos up because Kyle, the host of the shows, does such a great job of interviewing his guests. Moreover, I find so many of his episodes truly fascinating. I hope and trust that you do too. It’s an excellent series. – Mark

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — November 7, 2022

Powerball: Lotto Rises to $1.9bn World Record Prize with No Jackpot Winner

The Powerball has had no winner after 40 consecutive drawings. | EPA/EFE/REX/SHUTTERSTOCK

BBC: The US Powerball jackpot has climbed to a record $1.9bn (£1.7bn) ahead of Monday's draw after there was no winning ticket for Saturday's prize.

The premier lottery game has had no winner in more than three months after 40 consecutive drawings.

The odds of winning the jackpot in Monday's draw are one in 292.2 million, according to Powerball.

The previous world-record jackpot was set in 2016, when $1.59bn was split between three Powerball players. » | Bernd Debusmann Jr, BBC News | Monday, November 7, 2022

Lottery officials announce winning numbers for record $2.04 billion Powerball jackpot after Monday’s drawing was delayed »

Former Putin Regime Loyalists Look for Ways to Escape Russia | DW News

Nov 7, 2022 | Hundreds of thousands of Russians have left their country, fleeing Putin's mobilization. Some are leaving for other reasons. In conjunction with the German show Kontraste from the RBB network, DW spoke to a doctor, Maria Dmitrieva. She was loyal to the regime, having spent years working in clinics at the Russian defense and interior ministries, and for the secret service. But now she has decided to flee and apply for asylum in France.

Judenhass in den USA: Seit Trump ist alles anders | DER SPIEGEL

Nov 7, 2022 | Lange fühlten sich Jüdinnen und Juden in den USA sicher. Doch der Aufstieg der extremen Rechten und Terroranschläge machen ihnen Angst. Ein Rabbiner will seine Synagoge nun gegen Angreifer schützen. Mit reichlich Technik.

Gay Qatari Man Won’t Let World Cup ‘Bury’ LGBTQ+ Atrocities ‘in the Shadows’

Dr Nas Mohamed says there is a “clear lack of transparency and visibility to the true extent” of the persecution of LGBTQ+ people in Qatar. (Dr Nas Mohamed)

PINK NEWS: A gay Qatari man who helped shine a light on the persecution of LGBTQ+ people in the Gulf nation is determined that the World Cup won’t succeed in “sports washing”.

Dr Nas Mohamed made headlines in May when he became the first known Qatari to come out on a public platform.

Homosexuality is illegal in the Gulf state. Same-sex relationships are criminalised and carry a punishment of several years in jail or fines. In some cases, under Qatar’s Sharia law, queer people can face death for living as their authentic self.

Since then, Mohamed (who currently lives in San Francisco, California) has used his platform to speak out against the criminalisation of queer people in Qatar and calls on celebrities to champion LGBTQ+ rights ahead of the World Cup, which begins on 20 November.

He’s also worked with Human Rights Watch (HRW), helping them to compile a damning report on how Qatar has arrested, abused and harassed LGBTQ+ people as recently as September 2022. HRW documented beatings and sexual assault by police, and heard from trans women who said they were ordered to attend conversion therapy by officials. » | Maggie Baska | Saturday, November 5, 2022

Sunday, November 06, 2022

Phil Collins : Do You Remember? | Official Music Video

Jul 6, 2018 | Views on YouTube: 13,062,676

Céline Dion : That's the Way It Is | Official Video

Oct 25, 2009 | Views on YouTube: 250,366,977

Quintessientially Coco Chanel

1935 Coco Chanel by Man Ray

Very many thanks to Claude Duchamp on Pinterest for this super, iconic photo.

Weston Smith | From Gay Mormon Missionary to Survivor

Oct 11, 2022 | Weston Smith came out as gay while his dad was serving as a bishop in the Mormon church. His parents were understanding, but navigating life a gay Mormon teen, trying to better understand your sexuality, and remain the “best” Mormon possible is often a recipe for disaster.

Weston was no stranger to the turmoil that often comes from being gay and Mormon—a situation, for Wes, that led to serious suicidal ideation.

Wes ultimately decided to serve a mission as an “out” gay Mormon, but even in the mission field the suicidal thoughts persisted. It was there, on his mission, that he resolved to leave the church and live an authentic, happy life.

After leaving his mission early and finding complete familial support, Weston has thrived. He recently published a memoir titled, ”This Body of Water”, detailing his journey and what the future looks like for him.

A copy of Weston’s book is available here.

Related episode here.

Love Is Love

Liebe ist Liebe / L'amour c'est l'amour

Very many thanks to on Pinterest for this super photo.

The Observer View on a Dangerous Moment for American Democracy

THE OBSERVER – EDITORIAL: A Republican midterm landslide is the last thing a divided, angry America needs

‘Lowering over the electoral landscape like a thundercloud’: Donald Trump at a Republican rally in Iowa on 3 November 2022. Photograph: Stephen Maturen/Getty Images

From one perspective, the historical significance of this Tuesday’s US midterm elections should not be overstated. Anticipated Republican gains, and a consequent loss of Democratic control of Congress, would, if they materialise, be nothing out of the ordinary. The party in power usually performs poorly at the midpoint of the election cycle, especially if the sitting president is unpopular – and Joe Biden, with a disapproval rating of 55%, certainly is.

Viewed another way, however, the immediate significance of the vote for an angry, divided America that split roughly 51%-47% between Biden and Donald Trump in 2020 cannot be overestimated. The backdrop is looming economic recession, pessimism about the future, deep schisms over race, abortion rights, crime, guns and climate – and rising political violence fuelled by disinformation, far-right pundits, conspiracy theorists and paramilitary militias.

So febrile is the state of the union in 2022 that some ask: can democracy endure? … » | Editorial | Sunday, October 6, 2022

The Rise of the Global Super-Rich and the Fall of Everyone Else | ENDEVR Documentary

Nov 6, 2022 | This documentary travels through a world of joblessness, debt, and economic uncertainty to the sovereign nation of the plutocrats, where each crisis seems to offer a new business opportunity. In America, where the 2008 financial meltdown cost $4 trillion in economic output, fortunes were made by the very people who precipitated the disaster while millions lost their homes and their savings.

Austerity in Europe, economic stagnation in Asia, a "lost generation" of the young and unemployed - signs we are living through a fundamental global reorganization, the result of which no-one can predict. The world of the 1% has arrived, and the wealth gap is now greater in many countries than during the Gilded Age, the era of the Rockefellers, Carnegies and Vanderbilts. Can our stressed democracies deal with the fallout? Or have governments simply become instruments of the new elite?

Italy's Hard Line on Migration Leaves Hundreds Stranded in Mediterranean | DW News

Nov 6, 2022 | Several rescue ships with hundreds of migrants on board are stuck in the Mediterranean, waiting for permission to dock. But Italy's new right-wing government has hardened its stance on migration. One German ship has docked in Sicily, but many on board have been refused permission to come on land.

ZDF History: Die dunklen Geheimnisse des Vatikans

Apr 8, 2019 | Skandale und Intrigen überschatteten das Pontifikat Benedikts XVI. Auch sein Nachfolger Papst Franziskus, der Korruption und Amtsmissbrauch öffentlich anprangert, wird zur Zielscheibe.

Ina Garten's Fan-favorite Lemon Capellini | Barefoot Contessa | Food Network

Oct 28, 2022 | Ina's easy, zesty lemon pasta dish is made with just three ingredients: lemon, capellini pasta and butter!

For a full list of the ingredients for this recipe and the method of cooking the dish, please click here and then click on “show more”.

Extra Bank Holiday for Coronation of King Charles III Set for 8 May 2023

THE GUARDIAN: Extra bank holiday will follow king’s coronation two days earlier on Saturday 6 May

King Charles III will be crowned in Westminster Abbey on 6 May 2023. Photograph: Isabel Infantes/PA

The government has announced an additional bank holiday to mark the coronation of King Charles III next year.

Downing Street said the UK-wide holiday will fall on Monday 8 May after the coronation at Westminster Abbey two days earlier.

Rishi Sunak said the day would be an opportunity for families and communities across the country to come together to celebrate. » | Sophie Zeldin-O'Neill | Sunday, November 6, 2022

Rees-Mogg’s Plans to Axe All EU Laws Will Cripple Whitehall, Says Leading Brexiter

THE OBSERVER: MP Theresa Villiers says proposal to axe thousands of laws is unworkable and unnecessary

One of the Tory party’s leading Brexit supporters has raised concerns about plans to scrap 2,400 EU laws by the end of next year – as fears grow that the policy will overwhelm the civil service and bring government to a virtual standstill.

Former environment secretary Theresa Villiers, who backed Brexit in 2016, told the Observer that the proposals would take up vast amounts of civil service time and would involve undoing legislation that, in many cases, was broadly popular and good for the country.

Other senior Tories are growing concerned that the EU retained law bill, championed by Jacob Rees-Mogg before Rishi Sunak sacked him on becoming prime minister, is in danger of becoming an ideological millstone. » | Helena Horton and Toby Helm | Sunday, November 6, 2022

Boris Johnson ‘Quit PM Race over Risk to £10m Earnings’, Sources Say

THE OBSERVER: If the ex-PM had lost the leadership contest, his value stood to drop by half, according to the entertainment industry

Boris Johnson is known to have been in talks with entertainment and talent agencies.Photograph: Henry Nicholls/Reuters

Boris Johnson would have forfeited earnings of at least £10m a year from speeches and sales of his memoirs if he had fought a leadership battle against Rishi Sunak and lost, according to informed sources in the entertainment industry, who believe financial considerations played a part in his decision to pull out.

Since he resigned in July, Johnson is known to have been in talks with entertainment and talent agencies including Endeavour, run by US businessman Ari Emanuel, and the Harry Walker Agency (HWA), one of its subsidiaries.

HWA’s clients include Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and Serena Williams.

Johnson’s earning potential is said by some of those he had been in talks with before Liz Truss’s resignation to have been put at about £20m a year. » | Toby Helm, Political editor | Sunday, November 6, 2022

Saturday, November 05, 2022

Evan Smith | From Stake Presidency to LGBTQ+ Ally and Beyond

Oct 4, 2022 | Evan Smith met the intersection of sexuality and religion while serving as an LDS Bishop and eventually in a Stake Presidency. It didn’t take long before Evan began to better understand the difficult and impossible restraints the Church’s policies and doctrines place on LGBTQ Mormons.

In the midst of these dichotomies, Evan, and his wife Cheryl, learned that their own son, Weston, was gay.

The Smiths learned that understanding and advocating for LGBTQ people takes a sharp turn when someone close to you is directly impacted by this topic. As a result, Evan and Cheryl became allies and advocates for queer Mormons, and Evan used his position in his Stake Presidency to directly discuss this topic with General Authorities and Latter-day Saint congregations.

In this episode, Evan candidly shares his discussions with Church leadership, what his family has learned having a gay son, his current membership status in the Mormon church, and what we can all do to better understand the LGBTQ experience.

Evan Smith is also the author of Gay Latter-day Saint Crossroads, a book he acknowledges was written to explain, and hopefully do something productive with the pain that comes from the church’s teachings about sexual orientation and gender identity. The book also explores whether the church’s current position on gay sexual behavior is more reflective of human prejudice than it is of divine truth. Evan also uses the book to try to make amends for any harm he caused in the past as a leader in the church.

Download the book for FREE by clicking here.

Chopin: Piano Concerto No. 2 | Daniil Trifonov, Verbier Festival Chamber Orchestra & Masaaki Suzuki

Jul 3, 2021 | A virtuoso concert of the first order: Frédéric Chopin's Piano Concerto No. 2 in F minor, Op. 21 played by Daniil Trifonov and the Verbier Festival Chamber Orchestra conducted by Masaaki Suzuki. The concert took place at the Verbier Festival in 2012.

France’s Far-right National Rally Elects New President to Replace Le Pen

THE GUARDIAN: ordan Bardella, 27, who joined the party as a teenager and is a protege of Marine Le Pen, replaces her as leader

Jordan Bardella, newly-elected president of the RN party, holds the hand of Marine Le Pen after the results during the National Rally party's Congress in Paris, France. Photograph: Christian Hartmann/Reuters

France’s far-right National Rally (RN) has elected a 27-year-old from the Paris banlieue who joined the party as a teenager as its new president to replace Marine Le Pen.

The result means that for the first time since the party – originally the National Front – was created in 1972, it will not be run by a Le Pen.

Jordan Bardella, Le Pen’s protege, who has been caretaker president for a year, beat Louis Aliot, 53, the mayor of Perpignan, a party heavyweight as well as Le Pen’s former partner, by 85% to 15% of party members who voted.

There were cheers and a standing ovation as Le Pen announced the result. The handover comes at a tense time for the RN after one of its MPs was suspended from parliament for a racist outburst last week. » | Kim Willsher in Paris | Saturday, November 5, 2022

Marine Le Pen passe la main à Jordan Bardella pour diriger le Rassemblement national : L’eurodéputé, qui assure l’intérim de la présidence du RN depuis un an, a obtenu 84,84 % des suffrages lors du vote qui s’est déroulé dans la matinée. »

Politischer Ziehsohn von Le Pen wird neuer Parteichef : Er ist jung, stramm rechtsnational und binnen kürzester Zeit aufgestiegen: Jordan Bardella übernimmt den Vorsitz des Rassemblement National. Die größte Herausforderung erwartet ihn in der Provinz. »

Daniil Trifonov – Chopin: Fantaisie-Impromptu In C-Sharp Minor, Op. 66 | Reupload

Oct 6, 2017 | Views on YouTube: 2,542,171

Michael Lambert: Brexit Is Destroying the UK Economy and Reputation

Nov 5, 2022 | Brexit was a stupid and reckless self-inflicted blow to the UK economy. The decision to leave the EU in order to search for bigger and better trade deals all over the world was always bound to fail.

The 'control' which the UK government sought to take back was illusory. Brexit has resulted in huge shortages of workers in many vital sectors of the UK economy.

Until a decision is made to try to move closer to the EU by negotiating, at the very least, easier flows of goods the British economy is destined to decline. My short satirical history of Brexit is available from my website here.

Pelosis Ehemann aus Krankenhaus entlassen

Paul Pelosi im Weißen Haus im Mai 2022 | Bild: AFP


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Nach der brutalen Hammerattacke darf Paul Pelosi das Krankenhaus wieder verlassen. Dem Ehemann von Nancy Pelosi steht wohl ein langer Genesungsprozess bevor.

Sechs Tage nach dem Angriff auf den Ehemann der US-Spitzenpolitikerin Nancy Pelosi ist der 82-Jährige aus dem Krankenhaus entlassen worden, wie das Büro der Vorsitzenden des US-Repräsentantenhauses mitteilt. Paul Pelosi befinde sich weiterhin in ärztlicher Obhut und durchlaufe einen „langen Genesungsprozess“. » | Quelle: dpa, AFP | Freitag, 4. November 2022

A. Todd Jones | Navigating My Marriage, Coming Out, and Helping Others Thrive!

Jul 25, 2019 | In this interview we sit down with A. Todd Jones as he shares his story of living in a mixed-orientation marriage, dating, coming out, finding authenticity and what he’s doing in his life now to help the LGBTQ community.

A. Todd Jones dives deep into his coming out story—a story very relatable to the many who struggle to understand who and what they are.

Revolution in Iran Gaining Momentum, Says Activist and Journalist Masih Alinejad

Nov 5, 2022 | The revolution in Iran is "gaining momentum", Iranian activist and journalist Masih Alinejad has told LBC. This video is from a LBC show presented by Shelagh Fogarty on November 4th 2022.

PROTESTE IM IRAN: "Für mich ist das längst schon eine Revolution" – Bijan Djir-Sarai | WELT Talk

Nov 5, 2022 | Alle deutschen Staatsbürger sollen den Iran verlassen, fordert die Bundesregierung. Hintergrund ist das harte, gewaltsame Vorgehen gegen die systemkritischen Proteste. "Sie wollen nicht temporäre Veränderungen des Systems, sie wollen die Abschaffung des Systems", so Bijan Djir-Sarai, FDP-Generalsekretär.

Im Südosten Irans sind Proteste erneut in Gewalt umgeschlagen. In der Stadt Chasch sollen Demonstranten einen Polizeiposten in Brand gesteckt haben, berichtete die iranische Nachrichtenagentur Fars. Die Hintergründe waren zunächst völlig unklar. Nach Angaben von Staatsmedien gab es Verletzte. Erste Berichte in sozialen Medien meldeten auch Todesopfer. Die Angaben ließen sich zunächst nicht unabhängig überprüfen.

In der Hauptstadt der Provinz Sistan-Belutschistan hatten Sicherheitskräfte vor fünf Wochen Proteste brutal niedergeschlagen. Dutzende Demonstranten wurden dabei am 30. September, der fortan als "blutiger Freitag" bezeichnet wurde, in Sahedan getötet. Auch ein einflussreicher sunnitischer Geistlicher der Provinz, Maulawi Abdulhamid, kritisierte jüngst den Kurs der politischen Führung in dem mehrheitlich schiitischen Land. Weitere örtliche Geistliche sollen sich seiner Kritik angeschlossen haben.

Auslöser der systemkritischen Massenproteste im Iran war der Tod der 22 Jahre alten iranischen Kurdin Mahsa Amini Mitte September. Die Sittenpolizei hatte sie festgenommen, weil sie gegen die islamischen Kleidungsvorschriften verstoßen haben soll. Die Frau starb am 16. September in Polizeigewahrsam. Seit ihrem Tod demonstrieren landesweit Zehntausende gegen den repressiven Kurs der Regierung sowie das islamische Herrschaftssystem.

Neue Zürcher Zeitung: So brutal hält sich Irans islamisches Hardliner-Regime an der Macht

Nov 3, 2022 | Seit mehr als 20 Jahren protestiert die iranische Bevölkerung mal mehr und mal weniger heftig gegen das Hardliner-Regime des Ayatollah. Doch das Regime ist nicht zum Sturz zu bringen. Denn die mächtigen Revolutionswächter haben das Land fest im Griff.

Elon Musk Defends Twitter Layoffs - BBC News

Nov 5, 2022 | Elon Musk said he had ‘no choice’ but to slash staff numbers at Twitter, because the company is losing more than $4m (£3.5m) a day.

Half of the social media site’s staff are being let go, a week after the Tesla boss bought the company. An internal email sent on Friday said the mass job cuts were "unfortunately necessary to ensure the company's success moving forward".

Mr Musk has been looking for ways to cut costs and make more money on the platform, such as proposing verified users pay $8 (£7) per month to keep their blue tick.

The Federal Trust: More Brexit Pain for Northern Ireland

Nov 4, 2022 | In this new Federal Trust video the former head of the European Commission office in Belfast, Geoff Martin, discusses recent developments in Northern Ireland with the Chair of the Federal Trust, John Stevens. Geoff Martin predicts that new elections for Stormont will make very little difference to the political stalemate in Northern Ireland, for which he principally blames the DUP. He argues however that the whole political elite in Belfast is failing to reflect new thinking throughout the island of Ireland.

Geoff Martin OBE, Inaugural head of the European Commission Office in Northern Ireland 1979–1984, and later Head of the European Commission Representation in the UK, 1993–2002.

John Stevens is the Chairman of the Federal Trust and a former Conservative MEP.

The Federal Trust is a research institute studying regional, national, European and global levels of government. It has always had a particular interest in the European Union and Britain’s place in it. The Federal Trust has no allegiance to any political party. It is registered as a charity for the purposes of education and research.

The Federal Trust.

Truth To Power: How Brexit Ensured Britain's Descent into Chaos

Nov 5, 2022 | In the summer of 2016, Boris Johnson, Michael Gove and the former Labour MP Gisela Stuart contributed to an article in the Sun newspaper which claimed that Brexit would mean that The following year, Jacob Rees-Mogg added to that list, by claiming that leaving the EU would mean much cheaper food, and increase people’s disposable income. It’s quite clear now, in 2022, that those claims were all either downright lies or, alternatively, incredibly stupid and ignorant. In this video, I’ll be looking at the latest consequences of the failed Brexit experiment, including the rhetoric surrounding immigration, and how the broken promises and wild claims from Brexitist politicians have caused the general toxicity of this government.

The Guardian View on Brexit and the Economy: Time to Face Facts

THE GUARDIAN – EDITORIAL: Denying the cost of leaving the EU keeps Britain locked in a cycle of falling living standards and rising anger

‘Britain’s severance from EU markets is a wound that needs healing.’ Photograph: Getty

There must come a time when the cost of Brexit is recognised by a British government, but that day is not imminent. Even when the economy and migration are two of the most prominent topics of debate, a realistic account of the European dimension to those issues is taboo for Conservatives who still wear their epic policy folly as a badge of honour.

Independent observers raise the consequences of Britain’s departure from the EU, as Mark Carney, former Bank of England governor, did on Friday when he observed that it was a factor driving pressure for higher interest rates. Mr Carney went further, pointing out that the UK economy has shrunk relative to similar European states. There is much debate among economists about the best statistical measure to describe that effect, but not much dispute on the underlying fact that Brexit has made Britain poorer, as the remain campaign said it would and the leave campaign denied. » | Editorial | Friday, November 4, 2022

Michael Jackson : Heal the World | Official Video

Oct 3, 2009 | 215,939,869

Friday, November 04, 2022

Michael Bolton : Missing You Now

Sep 25, 2010 | 43,945,256

George Michael : Father Figure | Official Video | Reupload

Oct 3, 2009 | Views on YouTube: 96,917,871

Five More Anglican Bishops Back Same-sex Marriages in Church

THE GUARDIAN: Church of England bishops say clergy should be able to act according to conscience on issue that has divided Christianity

A blessing ceremony for a couple in a Catholic church in Cologne, Germany, in 2021.Photograph: Andreas Rentz/Getty Images

Five more Anglican bishops have publicly backed a call for the Church of England to lift its ban on same-sex marriage, in a sign that momentum may be building for a historic change.

The bishops of Worcester and Dudley have written to all clergy in their area saying “the time has come for the church to celebrate and honour same sex relations”. John Inge, a senior bishop, and Martin Gorick, a junior bishop in the diocese, said they favoured same-sex couples being able to marry in church, although clergy should be permitted to act according to their conscience on the issue.

Inge added in a tweet: “I stand convicted of being silent for too long in what, I persuaded myself, was the imperative of unity. I offer my apologies to all those who have been hurt.” » | Harriet Sherwood | Friday, November 4, 2022

Related article here.

Sobranie Cocktails: Fine Cigarettes Fit for the Queer Smoker (and Ladies). Russian Cigarettes to Boot!

Quality cigarettes for the discerning queer smoker! Smoke them with pride!

With many thanks to We Heart It on Pinterest for this delightful image. These cigarettes bring back happy memories of more relaxed times, of tmes in which people had a sense of joie de vivre.

Les vols de nourriture dans les supermarchés en hausse au Portugal : « Des retraités, des étudiants ou des parents en sont réduits à cela »

LE MONDE : Les ménages les moins aisés, mais aussi la classe moyenne, sont particulièrement affectés par l’inflation, alors que la pauvreté a nettement augmenté depuis la pandémie de Covid-19.

Des boîtes de thon sont équipées d’antivols pour faire face à la recrudescence des vols, dans une grande surface portugaise. DOCUMENT EXPRESSO

Ces images ont quelque chose de terrifiant. Elles en disent long sur la crise sociale engendrée par l’inflation au Portugal : dans certains supermarchés de Lisbonne ou de Porto, des boîtes de thon à 1,79 euro sont désormais vendues enserrées dans des coffrets plastiques antivol.

Et pour cause : depuis septembre, les vols de nourriture de base – thon, mais aussi pain, café, riz – décollent dans les supermarchés, en particulier dans les villes, se désole Gonçalo Lobo Xavier, le président l’Association portugaise des entreprises de distribution (APED), dans l’hebdomadaire Expresso du 21 octobre, citant également les témoignages d’agents de sécurité. » | Par Marie Charrel | jeudi 3 novembre 2022

‘I’m Afraid for My Future’: Proposed Laws Threaten Gay Life in Russia

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The laws, all but assured of enactment, would intensify a crackdown on L.G.B.T.Q. freedom in Russia, which Vladimir V. Putin has cast as a corrosive Western influence.

MOSCOW — In an industrial block in northeastern Moscow on a recent Friday night, organizers of an L.G.B.T.Q.-friendly art festival were assiduously checking IDs. No one under 18 allowed. They were trying to comply with a 2013 Russian law that bans exposing minors to anything that could be considered “gay propaganda.”

The organizers had good reason to be wary: Life has been challenging for gay Russians since the law passed, as the government has treated gay life as a Western import that is harmful to traditional Russian values and society.

Now Russia’s Parliament is set to pass a legislative package that would ban all “gay propaganda,” signaling an even more difficult period ahead for a stigmatized segment of society.

The laws would prohibit representation of L.G.B.T.Q. relationships in any media — streaming services, social platforms, books, music, posters, billboards and films — and, activists fear, in any public space as well. That’s a daunting prospect for queer people searching for community, validation or an audience. » | Valerie Hopkins and Valeriya Safronova | Photographs by Nanna Heitmann | Friday, November 4, 2022

Vlad and Patriarch Kirill of Moscow are cool with killing innocent people—fathers, mothers, the elderly and innocent children in the Ukraine, and sending off to war innocent Russians only to be used as cannon fodder, but two consenting adult males or females who have found love and who wish to spend the rest of their lives together in peace and love is a problem for them – a BIG PROBLEM, it seems. What a sick society Russia has become under Putin! It is a bastion of backwardness and benightedness. How sad! – © Mark Alexander

Verwandt auf Deutsch. Related in English.

Diana, Long Hair Put Up: A Rarely Seen, but Beautiful Image of the Late Princess

The late Princess Diana, regal and stately.

Source: Pinterest with many thanks for this super photo of the late Princess.

Bernie Jessop | From Mormon to Polygamist: How a Gay Man Found His Path | Reupload

Apr 30, 2020 | He was born into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and in a turn of events Bernie was excommunicated. His excommunication didn’t come because he is gay—that would come later—but because he joined a fundamentalist polygamous church. How does someone who knows he is gay, decide to enter into polygamy? Watch this episode to find out.

Khaleej Times: An Ancient Monastery Possibly Pre-dating Islam Found in Umm Al Quwain

Nov 4, 2022

Aufstand gegen die Mullahs: Kampf gegen das Regime in Iran | auslandsjournal

Nov 4, 2022 | Das Auswärtige Amt forderte alle deutschen Staatsbürger auf, Iran zu verlassen. Die Situation im Land sei aufgrund der Brutalität und Eskalationsbereitschaft des iranischen Regimes zu gefährlich. Im Umfeld von Demonstrationen komme es zudem häufig zu willkürlichen Verhaftungen.

Mehr als sechs Wochen dauern die Proteste im Land nun schon an. Auslöser war die Verhaftung von Mahsa Amini am 13. September 2022. Sie wurde von der Sittenpolizei in Gewahrsam genommen und drei Tage später für tot erklärt. Ihr Tod versetzte das Land in Aufruhr. Besonders Frauen gehen seitdem auf die Straße und protestieren. Die Demonstrant*innen fordern den Sturz des islamischen Regimes. Doch dieses reagiert mit Lügen, Unterdrückung und Gewalt.

Auch Journalist*innen werden von der iranischen Führung bedroht. Freie Berichterstattung ist schwer möglich. Ausländische Pressevertreter*innen werden überwacht. Sie dürfen Teheran nicht verlassen. Straßenaufnahmen sowie Interviews mit der Protestbewegung sind untersagt.

Derweil ist die Solidarität im Ausland groß. In vielen Ländern gehen Menschen auf die Straße und protestieren für die Freiheit der Frauen. Doch im Iran lassen die gewaltsamen Eskalationen des Regimes nicht nach. Trotz der wachsenden Brutalität gehen die Proteste weiter. Die Demonstrant*innen erinnern stets an Mahsa Amini und fordern: „Frauen, Leben, Freiheit“.

ZDF-Korrespondent Jörg Brase blickt auf die Wochen des Protests zurück und berichtet über die Lage im Land.

The Lavish Eating Habits of The Ancient Romans | Timeline

Jul 19, 2017 | The Roman empire was a time of power and brutality, fuelled by violent games and bloodbaths. However, it was also abundant in refinement and extreme sensuality. Food and cooking was an key indicator of success, with quality and abundance of dishes the primary measure. As the first and largest European civilisation, Rome was at the epicentre of culinary innovation, with an acute emphasis on vegetables, meat and spices.

From eating lying down, to watering down fine wines, Rome had unique practices when it came to dining. Techniques are examined, and strange staples, such as a fish intestine sauce that was the Roman equivalent of ketchup, are revealed. We explore the taste laboratories of Epicius, the master behind Rome’s cooking prowess, and source of inspiration for the best chefs today.

You can sign up to History Hit with the code 'timeline' for 80% off here.

Twitter Employees Sue over Elon Musk's Planned Mass Layoffs | DW News

Nov 4, 2022 | Twitter employees are suing the company in a class action lawsuit over mass layoffs expected to be carried out on Friday. The company, recently acquired by the world's richest man Elon Musk, told employees they would be notified about terminations via email. Twitter offices are closed for the day and badge access removed. While there has been no official announcement specifying the number of layoffs, US media reports say half of Twitter's 7,500 workforce could be let go.

Twitter sued by former staff as Elon Musk begins mass sackings: Ex-employees say they were not given enough notice under US federal law over job losses »

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — November 4, 2022