Wednesday, November 09, 2022

‘Interesting Evening’: Trump Has Little to Say as Republicans Fail to Deliver

THE GUARDIAN: The normally talkative former president appears uneasy at Mar-a-Lago election night event

Donald Trump takes the stage to speak at Mar-a-Lago on Tuesday. Photograph: Andrew Harnik/AP

It was expected to be a moment of triumph for Donald Trump, but it did not quite turn out that way.

The former US president appeared uneasy about underwhelming Republican performance in the midterms at an election watch party he hosted at his plush Mar-a-Lago resort on Tuesday night, after it was clear there would be no “red wave” that he had implored his supporters to deliver.

The election night gathering, organized in the large ballroom at his Florida property, was not an event where the often talkative Trump seemed particularly interested in addressing guests or even speaking to reporters after he delivered a short and solitary speech.

Trump, expected to announce his third campaign for the White House next week, had anticipated strengthening his position as the frontrunner for the Republican nomination by delivering wins for candidates he endorsed, but the results in the most competitive contests were decidedly mixed. » | Hugo Lowell in West Palm Beach, Florida | Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Trump hat den Republikanern die Wahl vermasselt: So viel lässt sich schon sagen: Weniger Trump hätte diesmal mehr Republikaner bedeutet. Dennoch könnte der frühere Präsident 2024 wieder gewinnen – oder verlieren und trotzdem ins Weiße Haus gelangen. »

ÉDITORIAL : Midterms 2022 : les deux leçons des élections américaines : Les premiers résultats des élections américaines de mi-mandat attestent d’une résistance du camp démocrate, Joe Biden échappant ainsi à un vote sanction. A trop miser sur les candidatures clivantes, la vague républicaine attendue n’a pas eu lieu. »

Trump Hoped for a Celebration but Did Not Have Much to Cheer: The former president endorsed roughly 300 candidates in the midterm elections. With votes still being counted, those in competitive races appeared to have mixed results. »