Friday, July 30, 2021

Die Pandemie als Ausrede für leere Supermarktregale

Ein Supermarkt in Glasgow: Hier fehlt vieles. © Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images

ZEIT ONLINE: Großbritannien steckt in der Krise, die neue Infektionswelle belastet unzählige Branchen. Dass viele Probleme dem Brexit geschuldet sind, mag die Regierung nicht zugeben.

Lange konnten die britischen Supermärkte ihre Not kaschieren. Monatelang wurden Nudeln, Dosensuppen, Avocados oder Honig so geschickt in die Regale geschoben, dass gar nicht auffiel, wie mager die Auswahl wirklich war. Es geht nicht mehr, denn jetzt fehlen auch noch die Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter. So ist niemand da, der Zeit hätte, das dürftige Warenangebot zu Potemkinschen Dörfern eines Schlaraffenlandes zu sortieren. Plötzlich fällt auf, dass mehrere … » | Eine Analyse von Bettina Schulz, London | Dienstag, 27. Juli 2021

Um weiterzulesen, muß man sich abonnieren. Jetzt bekäme man ein Abonnement zum günstigen Preis von 1 € für 4 Wochen als Probe. Klicken Sie bitte hier », um dieses tolle Angebot in Anspruch zu nehmen.

This Administration: Shabby on Brexit; Shabby on Much Else Besides

UK chief negotiator David Frost looks on as Boris Johnson poses for a picture after signing the Brexit trade deal with the EU on 30 December 2020. Photograph: Reuters

The Guardian view on Boris Johnson’s Brexit lies: reality demands a rewrite »

Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Homosexual and Censored

Image thanks to The Observer.

Tchaikovsky and the secret gay loves censors tried to hide »

Un baiser intense, affectueux et naturel

An intense kiss, loving and natural. / Ein intensiver Kuß, liebevoll und natürlich.

Image grâce à Google Images et Quora.

On Kissing: “The Best Feeling in the World”

Quote and image of quote thanks to Chantal on Pinterest.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Phil Collins - A Groovy Kind of Love (Official Music Video)

May 11, 2010 • @Genesis : The Last Domino? North American Fall Tour 2021 tickets now on sale here | Views on YouTube: 22,105,385

An Innocent and Memorable Gay Kiss

Ein unschuldiger und unvergeßlicher schwuler Kuß! / Un baiser gay, innocent et mémorable !

Image thanks to Advocate.

Could Tunisia Fall under a New Dictatorship? | Inside Story

Jul 27, 2021 • Tunisia is often called the only success story of the Arab Spring. But ten years on, its democracy is looking fragile. President Kais Saied has defended sacking the Prime Minister and suspending parliament, saying he acted lawfully under the constitution.

Tunisia's biggest political party, Ennahda, is calling for a national dialogue. While some celebrated the President's decisions, others are warning of a return to authoritarianism. So could Tunisia return to dictatorship?

Presenter: Bernard Smith | Guests: Tarek Kahloui - Political analyst; Sarah Yerkes - Senior Fellow, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; Salih Yasun - Fellow, Ostrom Workshop, Indiana University Bloomington.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — July 29, 2021

Syria: Assad Attacks Former Opposition Stronghold with Missiles and Artillery

A woman walks past a campaign billboard depicting Syrian president Bashar al-Assad before the election, which the local population of Deraa al-Balad declared fraudulent. Photograph: Louai Beshara/AFP/Getty Images

THE GUARDIAN: President attempts to crush simmering insurrection with unprecedented offensive against Deraa al-Balad

Bashar al-Assad has attacked a former opposition stronghold with missiles and artillery shelling in an attempt to crush a simmering insurrection, in an unprecedented development in Syria’s decade-long war.

Deraa al-Balad and its surrounds, a district of Deraa city in the southern province of the same name, was targeted with heavy weaponry in tandem with a ground push on three axes from two Syrian army divisions and allied Iran-backed militias early on Thursday morning, in a large offensive which continued throughout the day.

In response to the shelling, rebel gunmen launched counterattacks across the Deraa countryside, killing at least eight pro-regime fighters and capturing dozens of combatants at several military positions and checkpoints, local sources said. » | Bethan McKernan and Hussein Akoush | Thursday, July 29, 2021

Zur Abwechslung!

For a change! / Pour changer !

Image thanks to World Stock Market.

Over Half of Brazilians Spend More Than They Earn – Survey

THE RIO TIMES: Debts are also a common issue among many Brazilians. A quarter of respondents (25%) have debts exceeding what they can afford to pay.

RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - A survey of workers in Brazilian companies showed that more than half (or 55%) spend more than their salaries, while another 45% spend "a little less" than they earn.

The survey was conducted by financial consulting fintech Leve. In total, 700 employees from 16 companies were heard.

The goal was to draw a profile of workers' finances. According to Leve, the study drew a worrisome picture of Brazilians' lack of financial control. According to the survey, 35% of workers were only able to maintain their living standards for 3 weeks after ceasing to work. » | The Rio Times | Thursday, July 29, 2021

Subscribe here to read the full article.

Lebanon: Why Is the Country in Crisis and What’s Happening? - BBC Newsnight

Jul 28, 2021 • As Lebanon grapples with a deepening economic crisis, fuel, medicine and food are becoming increasingly scarce. Why and what’s happening?

The country is now in a state of collapse - fuel shortages, power cuts, bare shelves and a plummeting currency. It is a financial crisis with deep roots in a fundamentally flawed political system.

Last year saw the mass resignation of the entire cabinet after the explosion at a port that killed more than two hundred. It was later discovered a storage facility had been holding dangerous chemicals that no one had bothered to move.

The BBC’s Jean Mackenzie reports from and asks how the country can get back to its previous life - booming with optimism, tourism, and confidence.

« Viktor Orban a une technique de stigmatisation désormais bien rodée »

LE POINT : INTERVIEW. Fabienne Keller, eurodéputée Renew, était présente lors de la Gay Pride à Budapest. Elle soutient le bras de fer de la Commission avec le régime d’Orban.

Désormais eurodéputée macroniste, Fabienne Keller a gardé de ses années à la mairie de Strasbourg le réflexe d’aller voir sur le terrain. Elle était le week-end dernier à Budapest lords de la Marche des fiertés pour se tenir aux côtés des LGBT hongrois au moment où le régime de Viktor Orban vient de passer une loi extrêmement contestée et qui lui vaut les foudres de nombreux leaders européens. La Commission a engagé une procédure d’infraction. Le plan de relance hongrois est suspendu jusqu’au 30 septembre. » | Propos recueillis par Emmanuel Berretta | jeudi 29 juillet 2021

Hungary to Hold Referendum on Anti-LGBT Law after EU Legal Action - BBC Newsnight

Jul 27, 2021 • Hungary’s national spokesman speaks to Newsnight to defend its controversial anti-LGBT law which will now face a referendum, weeks after the EU launches legal action against the country.

Hungary’s new law - which limits the teaching of homosexuality and transgender issues to under 18s - will face a referendum in the new year.

Viktor Orbán’s government calls it a 'child protection law' and says it keeps sexual propaganda out of schools, TV shows and adverts.

Critics say the law conflates homosexuality and paedophilia, and the EU has strongly condemned it as discriminatory and launched legal action against Hungary.

Emily Maitlis is joined by Hungary’s Secretary of State for International Communication and Relations, Zoltan Kovacs.

Classic French Recipes: Navarin of Lamb / Navarin d’agneau / French Lamb Stew

This is enough for 4 people.

Ingredients for the Navarin:

800g of lamb shoulder (boneless)
100g of carrots
100g of onions
2 cloves of garlic
20g of tomato paste
20g of flour
20g of butter
5cl of oil (with high smoking point)
1 bouquet garni
small bunch of curly parsley
small pinch of salt
pinch of pepper
6 boiling potatoes

For the caramelized onions:

250g pearl / small pickling onions
10g sugar
20g butter
Enough water to cover the onions.

How to glaze and caramelizedpearl onions – a step-by-step Demonstration

French Cooking Academy

Afghans Leaving the Country as US Troops Withdraw | DW News

Jul 28, 2021 • After two decades, America's longest war is coming to an end in Afghanistan. US and NATO troops are slipping out the door while the Taliban are busting back in. And caught in the middle: The Afghan people. Some who worked with allied forces are being flown out of the country. Thousands upon thousands are fleeing across the border into Iran, headed for Turkey and then Europe. And for the vast majority, the future is as uncertain as it was when the Taliban fell 20 years ago.

China wertet die Taliban auf

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Mit ganz großem Bahnhof hat der chinesische Außenminister einen stellvertretenden Taliban-Führer empfangen. Peking signalisiert damit, dass es in Afghanistan eine größere Rolle spielen will.

Die Amerikaner hatten tagelang hart verhandeln müssen, um Wang Yi zu einem Treffen mit der stellvertretenden amerikanischen Außenministerin zu bewegen. Den afghanischen Taliban hingegen gewährte der chinesische Außenminister am Mittwoch den ganz großen Bahnhof. Zur Begrüßung des stellvertretenden Taliban-Führers Abdul Ghani Baradar führte Wang Yi respektvoll seine rechte Hand an die linke Brust, wie es in Afghanistan üblich ist. Baradar nahm dann in demselben Sessel in einem Hotel in der Stadt Tianjin Platz, in dem am Montag die stellvertretende amerikanische Außenministerin Wendy Sherman gesessen hatte. Solche Protokollfragen spielen in China eine sehr große Rolle. Ein Zufall war das sicher nicht. Die nach diplomatischer Anerkennung strebenden Extremisten wurden von Peking unmissverständlich aufgewertet. Die Frage ist, was China als Gegenleistung verlangte. » | Von Friederike Böge, Peking | Mittwoch, 28. Juli 2021

Quarantaine maintenue pour les Français au Royaume-Uni : «c'est excessif», dénonce Beaune

LE FIGARO : Le secrétaire d'État chargé des Affaires européennes a critiqué la décision britannique et a vanté l'harmonisation européenne.

En annonçant que les voyageurs américains et européens totalement vaccinés n'auraient plus à se mettre en quarantaine à leur arrivée sur le sol britannique, Londres a ouvert ses portes aux touristes étrangers. Mais les Français ne seront pas logés à la même enseigne, a précisé le gouvernement britannique hier, suscitant l'ire de Paris. » | Par Thomas Engrand | jeudi 29 juillet 2021

$1 Trillion Infrastructure Deal Scales Senate Hurdle with Bipartisan Vote

Senator Mitt Romney of Utah and other Republicans who negotiated the deal urged their colleagues to support a measure they said would provide badly needed funding for infrastructure projects. Credit...T.J. Kirkpatrick for The New York Times

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The vote was a breakthrough after weeks of wrangling among White House officials and senators in both parties, clearing the way for action on a top priority for President Biden.

WASHINGTON — The Senate voted on Wednesday to take up a $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill that would make far-reaching investments in the nation’s public works system, as Republicans joined Democrats in clearing the way for action on a crucial piece of President Biden’s agenda.

The 67-to-32 vote, which included 17 Republicans in favor, came just hours after centrist senators in both parties and the White House reached a long-sought compromise on the bill, which would provide about $550 billion in new federal money for roads, bridges, rail, transit, water and other physical infrastructure programs.

Among those in support of moving forward was Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Republican leader and a longtime foil of major legislation pushed by Democratic presidents. Mr. McConnell’s backing signaled that his party was — at least for now — open to teaming with Democrats to enact the plan. » | Emily Cochrane and Jim Tankersley | Wednesday, July 28, 2021

A Look at What the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal Would Do »

Another Pie in the Face for Anita Bryant: Her Granddaughter Is Gay

Sarah Green, who is engaged to marry another woman, spoke about her famously homophobic grandmother on a recent podcast.

ADVOCATE: It’s most likely Anita Bryant’s worst nightmare: Her granddaughter is gay and marrying a woman. Granddaughter Sarah Green talked about her relationship with the notorious antigay crusader on a recent episode of Slate’s podcast One Year, hosted by Josh Levin and focusing on 1977, a year when the nation seemed on the verge of great change.

Bryant, a beauty queen and pop singer, was a spokeswoman for Florida orange growers in the 1970s when she gained new fame with her opposition to gay rights. Miami-Dade County’s government adopted an ordinance in 1977 banning employment and housing discrimination based on sexual orientation, making it one of the first municipalities to do so. Bryant, who had testified against the ordinance, was outraged at its passage and led a campaign dubbed “Save Our Children” to persuade voters to repeal it.

Along the way, Bryant became a darling of her fellow conservative Christians and an enemy of gay people and their allies; at one point, an activist threw a pie in her face. Miami-Dade citizens did repeal the ordinance, with over 70 percent voting to do so. The city-county government restored the ordinance in 1998 and added gender identity to it in 2014. » | Trudy Ring | Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Life is funny: So often in life, the very thing you have criticized others for doing comes back to you so that you yourself must deal with it. Moral and takeaway: Be careful what you criticize others for doing! – Mark

Watch Anita Bryant’s ‘pie-in-the-face’ incident here.

Jared Kushner Set to Move Away from Politics and Launch Investment Firm

Jared Kushner during a visit to Rabat in Morocco in December. The sources had no details about potential investors and said the firm was still in the planning phase. Photograph: Shereen Talaat/Reuters

THE GUARDIAN: Trump’s former adviser to launch firm in Miami, sources say / Kushner to publish book next year about White House role

Jared Kushner, a top adviser to former Donald Trump, plans to launch an investment firm in coming months, a move that will take him away from politics for the foreseeable future, sources familiar with the plan said on Wednesday.

Kushner, the former chief executive of Kushner Companies, who served as the Republican president’s senior adviser in the White House, is in the final stages of launching an investment firm called Affinity Partners that will be headquartered in Miami. » | Reuters | Thursday, July 29, 2021

An Exciting Kiss, Sensual and Erotic

Un baiser excitant, sensuel et érotique / Ein erregender Kuß, sinnlich und erotisch

Image thanks to Google Images and Advocate, its source.

”Some say my loving you is wrong, but I love you because it feels so right.” – Source: 30 Affectionate Gay Love Quotes

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

‘Terror’: Crackdown after Protests in Cuba Sends a Chilling Message

The July 11 demonstration against the government drew large crowds. An estimated 700 protesters are now being held by the government. Credit...Yamil Lage/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

THE NEW YORK TIMES: In a remarkable act of defiance, thousands of Cubans took to the streets two weeks ago and chanted “We’re not afraid!” Many are now terrified.

The courage many Cubans showed when they poured into the streets two weeks ago, chanting “Down with the dictatorship!” and “We are not afraid!” has curdled into fear for many. Hundreds have been detained, the police have staked out the homes of activists and, among government critics, there is a widespread sense that the crackdown is far from over.

Maykel González, an independent journalist taken into custody after the July 11 protests, has ventured out of his home rarely in recent days, frightened by the surveillance and harassment that other protesters are enduring.

“At any moment they could show up at my door,” said Mr. González, 37. “It’s a fear that’s with me from the moment I wake up.”

When Cubans, spurred by a severe economic crisis, erupted in a rare wave of public rallies, government critics on the island and abroad hoped the act of defiance would force the island’s authoritarian rulers to embrace political and economic reforms.

Instead, the response by authorities has been draconian. State-run media outlets denounce demonstrators as vandals and looters. Police officers have gone door-to-door making detentions. » | Ernesto Londoño and Daniel Politi | Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Capitol Riot Inquiry Invokes Emotional Police Testimony | DW News

Jul 28, 2021 • A special congressional panel dedicated to investigating the attack on the US Capitol on January 6 held its first hearings on Tuesday. The Select Committee on the January 6th Insurrection heard from four police officers who defended the building from the rioters.

Officer Aquilino Gonell said he and other police experienced "horrific and devastating" physical violence during the riot. Officer Michael Fanone said he was beaten and tased during the Capitol breach. He said he heard rioters say "kill him with his own gunr /> Another Washington D.C. officer, Daniel Hodges, referred to the rioters as "terrorists" and said they are in a "cult." US Capitol officer Harry Dunn, an African-American, said he was met with racial slurs from the rioters.

After the officers gave their testimonies, they were questioned by lawmakers during the hearing. Republican panel member Liz Cheney of Wyoming asked Gonell how it feels to hear former President Donald Trump call the mob a "loving crowd."

Gonell said Trump's remarks are "upsetting" and added that "it's a pathetic excuse for his behavior, for something that he himself helped create."

Some observers believe former President Donald Trump incited the rioters due to his false allegations that the 2020 election was rigged against him. Trump held a rally close to the Capitol before the riot, and urged supporters to "stop the steal" of the election.

Vintage Gay

Leonard Cohen - Dance Me to the End of Love (Official Video)

Views on YouTube: 99,596,777

Julio Iglesias - Crazy

Views on YouTube: 8,763,307

ABBA : Our Last Summer

Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group | Views on YouTube: 1,335,224

Afghanistan : le cruel abandon des femmes

LE MONDE : Après le retrait des troupes américaines, les talibans sont désormais aux portes du pouvoir. C’est une catastrophe pour les femmes afghanes, qui vont se retrouver confrontées à la loi islamique dans son interprétation la plus dure.

Editorial du « Monde ».
Morne retraite. Après avoir replié leurs troupes, les pays occidentaux engagés aux côtés des Etats-Unis en Afghanistan finissent en ce mois de juillet de rapatrier leurs ressortissants. Les plus scrupuleux ont emmené avec eux leurs collaborateurs et interprètes afghans, leur évitant ainsi des représailles certaines de la part des talibans, une fois leurs employeurs partis.

Peu glorieux, ce départ d’Afghanistan en est presque piteux, tant il ressemble à un abandon. La plus longue intervention américaine à l’étranger, lancée au lendemain des attentats du 11 septembre 2001 pour empêcher Al-Qaida de planifier d’autres attaques depuis son repaire afghan, s’achève vingt ans plus tard sur un triste bilan. Cette guerre a coûté la vie à des dizaines de milliers de civils, à plus de 3 500 soldats de l’OTAN et à bien davantage de militaires afghans, sans compter les blessés et mutilés à vie. » | Éditorial | mercredi 28 juillet 2021

Negative Covid-19 Tests Could Soon Be Required for All Arrivals in Germany | DW News

Jul 28, 2021 • Travellers returning to Germany from abroad could soon be required to present a negative Covid-19 test. According to Bavaria's state premier, the rule could come into effect as early as this Sunday and apply to all who seek to enter the country. The move comes following studies showing that returning travellers play a significant role in rising infection rates.

Doctor Zhivago - Lara's Theme (Stereo / HD)

The Guardian View on Viktor Orbán’s LGBT+ Law: The Same Old Playbook

The Pride parade in Budapest at the weekend. The slogan for this year’s event, defiantly ebullient in the face of the new law, was ‘Claim back your future!’ Photograph: Janos Kummer/Getty Images

THE GUARDIAN: Hungary’s prime minister is once again stoking the politics of division ahead of an election

In his victory speech following a third successive election triumph in 2018, Viktor Orbán told jubilant supporters that the result gave voters “the opportunity to defend themselves and to defend Hungary”. For over a decade now, Hungary’s prime minister has skilfully galvanised his political base by cultivating a siege mentality. Three years ago, Muslim migrants were depicted as the enemies at the gates, whose entry would undermine Christian values and traditions. Other targets of choice have included George Soros, NGOs and, the Guardian’s recent Pegasus revelations appear to suggest, critical journalists placed under digital surveillance.

A new election requires a new threat. As Hungary emerges from the pandemic, Mr Orbán and his Fidesz party have entered campaigning mode ahead of a spring poll that is expected to be extremely close. Their baleful gaze has alighted on Hungary’s LGBT+ population and its potential to lead the young astray. Last month, MPs passed a law that prohibits depicting or promoting LGBT+ content to under-18s in Hungary’s schools and the media. The new legislation will heavily restrict the portrayal of LGBT+ people in the arts and entertainment, and elsewhere. Critics have compared it to Russia’s 2013 law against “gay propaganda”, which was duly followed by a disturbing increase in violence against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. » | Editorial | Tuesday. July 27, 2021

Viktor Orbán is a relatively short man (1.74m / 5’7”). Why am I not surprised? Dictators throughout history have tended to be on the short side. Adolf Hitler was just about Orbán’s height: 1.75m. Hitler tried to make Germany “judenrein*” in the Thirtie/Forties of the last century; now, we have Orbán trying to make Hungary “schwulenrein” in the Twenties of this century!

‘Judenrein’ means ‘cleansed of Jews’. I have started using the term ‘schwulenrein’, which would mean ‘cleansed of gays’. For surely that’s exactly what Orbán is trying to achieve in Hungary, even if he is not articulating the idea in such a crass way. (He knows better than to do that.) Please check out this link to the Jewish Virtual Library for 'judenrein': Judenrein.

Hungary and Poland are trying to demonize gays and rid their countries of them, or at least push them into the margins of society. Many “LGBTQ-free zones” are even being introduced! It’s truly disgusting. You will probably not be surprised to learn that Orbán is chummy with our Führer: BoJo. Is this a case of 'birds of a feather...'? – Mark

NB: The suffix ‘rein’ comes from the German verb ‘reinigen’, meaning to clean, cleanse, purify, purge or expurgate. 'Schwule' is a German word used in the vernacular meaning gays. Hence, 'schwulen' would be the adjectival form stemming from it. Ergo, 'schwulenrein' - purged of gays. – Mark

Unwiderstehlich, verlockend und schwul: Ein Kuß!

Irrésistible, alléchant et gay : un baiser ! / Irresistible, tantalizing and gay : a kiss!

Image thanks to Google Images and My.Kali, its source.

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Recipe: Classic French Onion Soup

Gaston Gerard of ‘The French Cooking Academy’ cooks the dish.

Ingredients: here.

The French Cooking Academy.

On Brexit and Asylum

I’m sure that my followers, readers and visitors will be in no doubt by now about the fact that I was a staunch Remainer. Brexit was anathema to me. I was, and remain, opposed to the madness of leaving all our friends in Europe, by cutting ourselves adrift and sailing off in a rubber dinghy onto the high seas, in the vain hope that we shan’t meet with too many storms and drown while we’re at it. For, truth to tell, we don’t have an adequate supply of life jackets!

Many British people refuse to understand that we Brits are Europeans, inside or outside of the European Union. We are still Europeans regardless. Our country was once geologically and geographically part of the main continent of Europe. Further, just to give you an example, the Celts in Wales are said to have originated in Hallstatt in Austria. It’s near Salzburg.

However, for some inexplicable reason, many Brits are in denial of our European heritage. One gentleman I met whilst shopping prior to the Brexit referendum swore blind to me that we weren’t Europeans at all! The man to whom I refer is actually a very nice gentleman; but he is greatly mistaken on this matter. So, I asked him a few questions: “If we are not Europeans,” I asked, “then what are we?” I added: “Clearly, we are not Americans; we are not Africans; we are not Asians; so, what exactly are we?” Needless to say, he was unable to give me a sensible answer. Such is the level of denial in many quarters of the UK!

Since Brexit, our nation is in chaos. But why should we worry when we are led by BoJo? He and his band of merry men will surely fix it all! In the meantime, many of the shelves in the supermarkets are bare. I am now unable to procure many of my favourite items of food, such as my favourite French, unsalted butter. That’s completely gone missing from the shelves. Ditto, my favourite mineral water: Evian. Last weekend, when shopping, I noticed that not a single bottle of Evian water was for sale! Prior to Brexit, I could buy as many bottles as I wanted or needed. My favourite Spanish honey has disappeared off the shelves as well. This is to name but a few food items.

Moreover, I have had to give up buying many fresh vegetables. For starters, many of the shelves in the supermarkets are bare. Secondly, what is available perishes very quickly. To give you an example, I have always loved carrots, and I have always kept a plentiful supply of them at home. Recently, I have had to stop buying them, because for many weeks, I ended up throwing nearly all of them away: they would go black (mildew) even in my lovely, German fridge. And that’s in the salad-crisper!

The Brexiteer politicians try and tell us that these shortages are “teething problems”; they also try and tell us that the pandemic is to blame; and the “pingdemic," of course! (Too many people are being ‘pinged’ for self-isolation due to the Delta variant, apparently.) These may well be contributing to the shortages, but the real reason, as most people surely know, is Brexit itself! The politicians have gone and screwed up! But hey! We’ve got a blond bombshell at the helm now. What could possibly go wrong? And in any case, we now have blue passports again. Yippee! No more burgundy passports for the true Brit! As many Americans might say: What a deal already!

I’m hoping that my fellow countrymen will one day come to their senses and realise what they have lost by leaving the EU; but I am not holding my breath!

In the meantime, my idealistic side makes me dream of being given asylum by my French brothers and sisters in France. The Côte d’Azur looks awfully appealing from here. But I doubt that this would be possible. I don’t think that Emmanuel Macron would give serious consideration to granting asylum to a Brit, somehow. So I suppose I shall have to grin and bear it and shrug my shoulders and say, C’est la vie !

All Rights Reserved

© Mark Alexander

Ein Leben auf Mythen basiert

Je älter ich werde, desto deutlicher sehe ich, dass das Leben aus vielen Mythen entstanden ist! Zudem ist es mir auch klar, daß viele Geschichten früher Epochen die Basis für unsere Glauben und Benehmen heute sind.

Die alten Leute liebten es, Geschichten zu erzählen. Schließlich, hatten sie abends kaum andere Möglichkeiten, sich die Zeit zu vertreiben. Diese Geschichten wurden dann durch die Jahrhunderte mythologisiert und von einer Generation zur anderen weitergegeben. Dies sind viele der Mythen, nach denen wir heute leben. Es sind alles hübsche Geschichten, aber wie wahr sind sie?

Viele Leute in der heutigen Zeit benehmen sich als ob sie selber Vorbilder der Tugend wären und sehen gar nicht ihre eigenen Fehler. Sie sollten, vielleicht, einmal in den Spiegel schauen!

Oft kommen diese Leute und kritisieren das Benehmen anderer Leute, wenn es für sie besser wäre, daß sie vor der eigenen Tür kehrten. Sie benehmen sich oft auf einer Basis von Doppelmoral und Selbstgerechtigkeit.

Wie oft muß man hören Levitikus zitiert, daß es ein Gräuel ist für einen Mann mit einem anderen Mann zusammenzuliegen? Erstens, was gemeint ist mit dem Wort „Gräuel“ oder „Abscheulichkeit“ ist nicht was die Leute oft glauben. Zweitens, in Levitikus, wird das gleiche Word angewendet fürs Essen von Schaltier, weil sie Bodenfresser in den Ozeanen sind. Deshalb fressen sie den ganzen Kot am Boden des Meeres. Das ist denn abscheulich!

Levitikus steht auch, daß Leute sich nicht tätowieren oder piercen lassen sollten: Wie viele Menschen brechen heute diese Regel? Nach Levitikus sind Tätowierungen und Piercings auch abscheulich und strengstens verboten! Noch mehr: Zudem, nach der Bibel, darf man Schweinefleisch gar nicht essen. Das Essen davon ist abscheulich, so der Bibel. Das Essen davon ist eine Sünde in den Augen Gottes!

Man könnte eine lange Liste von Verhaltensregeln schreiben, Verhaltensregeln, die so oft ignoriert werden. Doch wenn homosexuelle Liebe das Thema ist, plötzlich fangen Leute an zu frömmeln! Es kommt einem vor als Rosinenpickerei.

Gleichgeschlechtliche Anziehungen hat es seit Menschgedenken gegeben, nun sind wir im einundzwanzigsten Jahrhundert und besprechen das gleiche Thema – ungelöst! Stellen Sie sich mal das vor! Leute debattieren immer noch unaufhörlich darüber und stellen in Frage, das Recht von einer Person, sich in eine andere Person verlieben zu dürfen. Es ist kaum zu fassen!

Ein großes Problem liegt darin natürlich, daß Leute verstehen gar nicht, was Homosexualität eigentlich ist! Leute sind sehr oft lüstern und denken nur an Sex. Versucht man gleichgeschlechtliche Attraktionen durch so eine Linse zu verstehen wird man immer im Unklaren und in der Benebelung stehen. Man wird auf keinen grünen Zweig landen!

Mehr zum Thema Homosexualität ein anderes Mal.

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

© Mark Alexander

Commentary: That a Catholic Priest May Be Gay Isn't Cause for Sadness

ADVOCATE: What's sad about the case of Msgr. Jeffrey Burrill, who resigned his post after allegations of using a gay dating app, is that clergy can't come out as gay and stay in the church.

“It is with sadness that I inform you that Msgr. Jeffrey Burrill has resigned as General Secretary of the Conference. … I ask for your prayers for Monsignor … during this difficult time” are the words of Archbishop Jose H. Gomez of Los Angeles, the president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Archbishop Gomez is referring to the resignation of Monsignor Burrill following an exposé about the priest’s use of the gay dating app Grindr. While I can’t read the heart or know the mind of Archbishop Gomez, I do want to reflect on his choice of words, noting a grievance with the word “sadness” and the phrase “difficult time.”

Notwithstanding the media rush to condemn the journalistic methods of the staff at The Pillar, who first reported about Monsignor Burrill’s alleged improper behaviors, journalists have once again boxed themselves in to the same old trope: shock and awe that a closeted gay priest might be investigated by conservative journalists hoping to make even more narrow the Roman Catholic Church in the United States. Who can fault the team at The Pillar for seeking to remove from office those who do not adhere to the written catechism? Of course, their level of orthodoxy is repugnant, after all while closeted and safe hiding his sexuality, Monsignor Burrill sought to weaponize Communion and deny President Joe Biden the Eucharist at Mass. Even gay and conservative has no place in the Roman Catholic Church. » | Benjamin Brenkert | Saturday, July 24, 2021

Loving, Tender and Gay: A Lingering Kiss.

Amoureux, tendre et gay : un baiser prolongé. / Liebevoll, zärtlich und schwul: Ein verlängerter Kuß.

With many thanks and much appreciation to Brett Rich on Pinterest; and thanks to Google Images, the source of my search.

Monday, July 26, 2021

A Short Message to My Followers, Readers and Visitors

Fight hatred with kindness wherever and whenever possible: nothing is more disarming than kindness; love is more powerful still!

As a community, we need to strive for full acceptance. Tolerance is but a first step toward full acceptance. Ultimately, gays must be determined to settle for nothing less than total acceptance!

Arbitrary rules of behaviour stemming from centuries past are not an appropriate guide for life in the twenty-first century. Same-sex, same-gender attraction is not new and it is certainly not aberrant in a negative sense; it has existed since time immemorial and is commonplace even in the animal kingdom.

Although I am no longer religious, I am still spiritual; I believe in the existence of a Creator. And I am, indeed, we are, just as our Creator intended us to be. To argue otherwise is tantamount to saying that the Creator has erred.

Let no man ‘play God’ and demean your very existence. That person, too, is but one of God’s children; and God favours no-one above another, except, perhaps, based on behaviour and deeds. It is therefore the right of no man to withhold another man’s rights. We are all entitled, by birth, to a life of fulfilment, peace, and harmony. Let us go forward together on our mission. Let us break down barriers between the heterosexual and homosexual communities. We must show our very best side, attracting as little criticism as possible.

In recent years, it is noticeable that people have become far less tolerant of the lifestyles of others: many straight people are homophobic; many non-smokers are intolerant of smokers; many vegetarians and vegans are impatient of meat-eaters; many Orientals dislike the ways of the Occident, and the converse is often also true. And so it goes on! Without end!

This is no way to achieve harmony in this troubled world. So the only sensible maxim to live by is this: Live and let live. Or as is said in German: Leben und leben lassen! And in French, Vivre et laisser vivre ! It’s the only way forward for a peaceful and harmonious existence.

Look not for the differences between people; rather, look for the similarities. It will be a much better world to live in if we do, if we are guided by these principles. Long live peace! Es lebe Frieden! Vive la paix ! Remember: Love conquers all! !

All Rights Reserved

© Mark Alexander

Peking wirft Washington „fehlgeleitete“ China-Politik vor

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Zum Auftakt der China-Reise der stellvertretenden US-Außenministerin Sherman macht Peking Washington dafür verantwortlich, dass die gegenseitigen Beziehungen „im Stillstand“ seien. Amerika müsse die „Dämonisierung“ Chinas beenden.

Die chinesische Regierung hat den USA eine „hochgradig fehlgeleitete“ China-Politik vorgeworfen. „Die chinesisch-amerikanischen Beziehungen sind im Stillstand und stehen vor ernsthaften Schwierigkeiten“, sagte Chinas Vize-Außenminister Xie Feng bei einem Besuch von US-Vize-Außenministerin Wendy Sherman in der nordchinesischen Stadt Tianjin. Die Beziehungen zwischen Peking und Washington steckten „in einer Sackgasse“. Die USA müssten die „Dämonisierung“ Chinas beenden, forderte Xie.

Mit Sherman besucht die bisher ranghöchste Vertreterin der amerikanischen Regierung von Präsident Joe Biden die Volksrepublik. Das US-Außenministerium hatte in der vergangenen Woche mitgeteilt, dass Sherman während ihres Aufenthalts Konfliktthemen ansprechen wolle. Vermieden werden solle aber, dass die Beziehungen zu China in einen „Konflikt“ mündeten. » | Quelle: AFP | Montag, 26. Juli 2021

Covid-19: le Royaume-Uni menacé de paralysie

Dans un supermarché, vendredi à Londres, une consommatrice fait face à un rayon vide en raison du manque de personnel pour le remplir. De nombreux travailleurs sont contraints de s’isoler après avoir été en contact avec une personne contaminée. DAN KITWOOD/Getty Images via AFP

LE FIGARO : RÉCIT - L’«épidémie de cas contacts» entraîne des pénuries de personnel et ralentit des secteurs clés de l’économie.


Une semaine après le «Freedom day», le jour de la levée complète des restrictions anti-Covid en Angleterre, le pays souffre d’importantes perturbations liées à la forte augmentation du nombre de personnes forcées de s’isoler après avoir été en contact avec une personne contaminée par le virus.

Des trains annulés, de longues files d’attente dans les aéroports et une pénurie de personnel dans le secteur de la restauration sont quelques-unes des conséquences de ce que les tabloïds ont baptisé la «pingdemic», en référence au «ping» émis par les smartphones pour notifier la réception d’un message.

Entre le 7 et 14 juillet, plus de 600.000 personnes en Angleterre et au pays de Galles ont été soumises à une quarantaine après avoir reçu un message d’alerte via l’application Covid-19 du NHS, le système de santé publique britannique. Il y a huit jours, Boris Johnson lui-même a été contraint de s’isoler après une réunion avec des députés conservateurs.

La «pingdemic» est évidemment une conséquence » | Par Amandine Alexandre | Publié : dimanche 25 juillet 2021 ; modifié : lundi 26 juillet 2021

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Tunisia’s President Suspends Parliament and Fires Prime Minister

President Kais Saied of Tunisia taking the oath of office in October 2019. He has been locked in a power struggle with the prime minister and speaker of Parliament.Credit...Zoubeir Souissi/Reuters

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The moves by President Kais Saied to take control of the country were seen as a threat to the only democracy to emerge from the Arab Spring protests. His opponents called it a “coup.”

CAIRO — Tunisia’s president fired the prime minister, suspended Parliament and took control of the country late on Sunday after large and violent anti-government protests across a nation struggling with deepening health and economic crises.

The moves by the president, Kais Saied, were seen as threat to the only democracy to emerge from the Arab Spring protests a decade ago. A leading political party, Ennahda, called it “a coup against the Tunisian democracy and its constitution” and “a betrayal of every Tunisian,” urging Mr. Saied to reverse his decisions immediately.

“Tunisia is the only Arab Spring’s success story and that story does not end here,” Ennahda said in a statement. “We call on every international supporter of democracy to come together to speak out immediately against this injustice and call for the immediate restoration of our Parliament.” » | Vivian Yee | Monday, July 26, 2021

Tunisie : le président s'octroie le pouvoir exécutif, Ennahdha dénonce un «coup d'État» »

Revealed: The Secrets of Seville Cathedral’s Banquet Set in Stone

The arch that connects Seville cathedral with its Renaissance sacristy is decorated with 68 carvings of plates of food. Photograph: Juan Clemente Rodríguez Estévez

For almost 500 years, the arch that connects the largest Gothic cathedral in the world with its Renaissance sacristy has offered visitors a sumptuous, if little glimpsed – and even less studied – vision of religious bounty.

The 68 beautifully carved plates of food that adorn the archway in Seville’s cathedral offer rather more than bread and wine.

There are pigs’ trotters and wild strawberries, aubergines, clams and oysters. There are peaches, radishes, a skinned hare with a knife by its side, a squirrel served on a bed of hazelnuts and a plate of lemons across which a small snake slithers. There are also cakes and biscuits and, more exotically, a dish of peppers newly imported from Mexico, which had fallen to Hernán Cortés and his men just over a decade before the carvers set to work.

The plates, which are all too often obscured when the huge wooden doors of the sacristy are open, are the subject of a new book by a Spanish art historian who has spent the past 11 years trying to unpick the secrets and meanings of the cathedral’s stone buffet.

“People don’t really see the carvings because of the doors and because they’re too busy looking at the sacristy dome,” said Juan Clemente Rodríguez Estévez. “But the carvings have been there for 500 years and have never been properly studied. They’ve gone unnoticed apart from being seen as a bit of a novelty.”

The arch, which was carved between 1533 and 1535, provides what Rodríguez calls a “snapshot of a seminal moment”. Its still-life carvings, he suggests, are chapters in the social, religious, economic and cultural history of both Seville and Spain as a whole. » | Sam Jones in Madrid | Monday, July 26, 2021

The Way He Looks (2014) – Tender Gay Kiss

Oct 28, 2015 • The Way He Looks is a sweet Brazilian film about first love. It involves a blind boy named Leo (Ghilherme Lobo) who has developed feelings for his school friend Gabriel (Fabio Audi).

One night after a party, a drunken Gabriel kisses Leo and then pretends to have blacked out. Finally, as it always does, the truth eventually comes out.

The Way He Looks is the perfect film for any teenager, gay or straight, who yearns to find someone to accept him, regardless of his disabilities or flaws.

Elton John - Something About the Way You Look Tonight

Sep 1, 2010 • "Directed by Tim Royes, the music video for The Big Picture’s first single features supermodels Alek Wek, Kate Moss, and Sophie Dahl. 'Something About The Way You Look Tonight' peaked at #1 in over 20 countries as the double-A side single with 'Candle In The Wind 1997'". | Views on YouTube: 23,106,734

Ein sehr schöner, schwuler Kuß, sehr zärtlich und unverhohlen!

Un très beau baiser gay, très tendre et non déguisé ! / A very beautiful gay kiss, very tender and undisguised!

Image thanks to on Pinterest

Frank & Nancy Sinatra – Something Stupid (1967)

This beautiful song, sung by the father and daughter duo "Frank & Nancy Sinatra," was released in 1967, but the song was originally written and recorded in 1966 by "Carson Parks" with his wife "Gaile Foote"... (See here) | Page views on YouTube: 16,017,334 | Enjoy!

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Phil Collins - Can't Stop Loving You | Official Music Video

@Genesis The Last Domino? North American Fall Tour 2021 – tickets now on sale here. | Views on YouTube: 34,317,532

Nana Mouskouri - The White Rose of Athens

Views on YouTube: 3,123,476

Auf Deutsch: Weiße Rosen aus Athen: Klicken Sie, bitte, hier.

Nana Mouskouri - Plaisir d'amour (1971)

Eine letzte Zigarette: Aufstieg und Fall des blauen Dunstes

Aug 25, 2009 • A Final Cigarette (Swiss documentary) - Das war einmal: Schweizer TV-Moderatoren mit der Zigarette in der Hand, Swissair-Piloten, die sich nach dem Start mit einem Glimmstengel belohnen, Nationalräte im Tabakdunst: DOK dokumentiert den Aufstieg und Fall des blauen Dunstes. Ist die zunehmende Reglementierung des Rauchens richtig oder falsch?

Auf der Terrasse des rauchfreien Bundeshauses stehen schlotternde Nationalräte im Schneesturm und rauchen trotz beissender Kälte. DOK-Autor Fritz Muri vergleicht diese Szene mit Fundstücken aus Film- und Fotoarchiven aus einer Zeit, als mehr als 50 Prozent der Erwachsenen in der Schweiz noch rauchten.

Ein besonderes Highlight ist die Szene, in der Dichter Friedrich Dürrenmatt und Literaturpapst Marcel Reich-Ranicki während einer Fernsehdiskussion einen Studiobrand verursachten. Besonders die Eliten aus Kultur, Medien und Politik waren dem blauen Dunst zugetan. Kettenraucher gab es aber auch unter Piloten und Chirurgen. Models hüpften mit der Zigarette in der Hand über den Laufsteg, und die Werbung verbreitete omnipräsent den Duft der grossen weiten Welt.

Die weltweiten Kampagnien der Tabakmultis hatten damals ihre Gesichter. Zwei davon gehörten Schweizern: Der Berner George Herriger zog als Camel-Man durch den Dschungel, und Beat Wyss lächelte als Parisienne-Protagonist von den Plakatwänden der Luzerner wurde damals unfreiwillig zum Vorzeigeraucher und erforschte später als Professor der Kunst- und Mediengeschichte die Kulturgeschichte des Rauchens. Im Dokumentarfilm wird er zum Experten im doppelten Sinne.

Zu Wort kommen auch Präventivmediziner, Manager der Tabakmultis, der ehemalige Tabak-Lobbyist Edgar Oehler und der vormalige Tageschau-Chef Heiner Hug. DOK zeigt, wie in Büros, Fernsehstudios, Spitälern und Polizeistationen die Raucherinnen und Raucher immer mehr an den Rand gedrängt werden, aber auch wie eine Handvoll Genussraucher auf ein Zürichseeschiff flüchtet, um ungestört ihrem Laster zu frönen.

Fritz Muri schildert in seinem Film zudem die Geschichte des Bündner Volksmusikkönigs Peter Zinsli. Nach 60 Jahren als Raucher kann er heute nur noch mit einer Sauerstoffmaske überleben. Kann sein Beispiel seinen Sohn und seine Enkelin vom Rauchen abhalten? DOK gibt die Antwort.

Tobacco Firm Philip Morris Calls for Ban on Cigarettes within Decade

acek Olczak said the company could ‘see the world without cigarettes … and actually, the sooner it happens, the better it is for everyone’. Photograph: AP

THE GUARDIAN: CEO Jacek Olczak says product should be treated like petrol cars, which will be outlawed from 2030

The chief executive of tobacco business Philip Morris International has called on the UK government to ban cigarettes within a decade, in a move that would outlaw its own Marlboro brand.

Jacek Olczak said the company could “see the world without cigarettes … and actually, the sooner it happens, the better it is for everyone.” Cigarettes should be treated like petrol cars, the sale of which is due to be banned from 2030, he said.

Government action would end the confusion felt by smokers, some of whom still thought the “alternatives are worse than cigarettes”, Olczak told the Sunday Telegraph. “Give them a choice of smoke-free alternatives … with the right regulation and information it can happen 10 years from now in some countries. You can solve the problem once and forever.”

Philip Morris International (PMI) recently said it wanted half its turnover to come from non-smoking products as it morphs into a “healthcare and wellness company” with executive pay tied to its new mission to “unsmoke the world” by phasing out cigarettes. » | Zoe Wood | Sunday, July 25, 2021

Marlene Dietrich - Lili Marlene

Views on YouTube: 6,704,079

Barry White - My First My Last My Everything

Views on YouTube: 40,917,539

Frank Sinatra: Strangers In the Night (Remastered 2008)

Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group | Views on YouTube: 8,628,489

Brigitte Bardot on Marilyn Monroe

Views on YouTube: 1,875,686

Visiting the Coldest City in the World (-71°C, -96°F) Yakutsk / Yakutia

May 22, 2021 • I'm in the coldest city on the planet; Yakutsk, which is in Yakutia / Siberia / Russia. The lowest air temperature ever recorded here is -96°F (71°C) (SECOND VIDEO) 8 Crazy Ice Experiments at -55°C, -67°F | Views on YouTube: 1,167,914

1961 : Que pensez-vous des jeunes filles ? | Archive INA

Page de la femme | RTF | 06/11/1961 La journaliste Cécile Ibane, pose une série de questions sur les jeunes filles à huit jeunes garçons issus de milieux sociaux différents. Quelle est leur idéal féminin? Est-ce que les jeunes filles manquent de pudeur? Aiment-ils les filles qui se maquillent ? Quelle est la qualité essentielle chez une femme? | ‘Views’ sur YouTube : 770,836

Magnifique ! Comme les temps changent radicalement ! – Mark

Spain Pledged Citizenship to Sephardic Jews. Now They Feel Betrayed.

The former Jewish quarter of Segovia, Spain. The country was once home to one of Europe’s most thriving Jewish communities, which for centuries produced major poets, historians and philosophers. Credit...Emilio Parra Doiztua for The New York Times

THE NEW YORK TIMES: In 2015, Spain said it would give citizenship to the descendants of Sephardic Jews expelled during the Spanish Inquisition. Then rejections started pouring in this summer.

MADRID — María Sánchez, a retired mental health therapist in Albuquerque, spent the past four decades tracing her Jewish ancestry from Spain. She created a vast genealogical chart going back nearly 1,100 years, which included three ancestors who were tried in the Spanish Inquisition. Her findings even led her to join a synagogue in the 1980s and to become a practicing Jew.

So when Spain’s government said in 2015 that it would grant citizenship to people of Sephardic Jewish descent — a program publicized as reparations for the expulsion of Jews that began in 1492 — Ms. Sánchez applied. She hired an immigration lawyer, obtained a certificate from her synagogue and flew to Spain to present her genealogy chart to a notary.

Then, in May, she received a rejection letter.

“It felt like a punch in the gut,” said Ms. Sánchez, 60, who was told she had not proved that she was a Sephardic Jew. “You kicked my ancestors out, now you’re doing this again.” » | Nicholas Casey | Saturday, July 24, 2021

Facebook Wants You to Connect with God. On Facebook.

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The company is intensifying formal partnerships with faith groups across the United States and shaping the future of religious experience.

Months before the megachurch Hillsong opened its new outpost in Atlanta, its pastor sought advice on how to build a church in a pandemic.

From Facebook.

The social media giant had a proposition, Sam Collier, the pastor, recalled in an interview: to use the church as a case study to explore how churches can “go further farther on Facebook.”

For months Facebook developers met weekly with Hillsong and explored what the church would look like on Facebook and what apps they might create for financial giving, video capability or livestreaming. When it came time for Hillsong’s grand opening in June, the church issued a news release saying it was “partnering with Facebook” and began streaming its services exclusively on the platform.

Beyond that, Mr. Collier could not share many specifics — he had signed a nondisclosure agreement.

“They are teaching us, we are teaching them,” he said. “Together we are discovering what the future of the church could be on Facebook.”

Facebook, which recently passed $1 trillion in market capitalization, may seem like an unusual partner for a church whose primary goal is to share the message of Jesus. But the company has been cultivating partnerships with a wide range of faith communities over the past few years, from individual congregations to large denominations, like the Assemblies of God and the Church of God in Christ. » | Elizabeth Dias | Sunday, July 25, 2021

Phil Collins - One More Night (Official Music Video)

May 11, 2010 • @Genesis The Last Domino? North American Fall Tour 2021 tickets on sale now here | Views on YouTube: 73,966,697

La Belgique de nouveau frappée par des inondations après de violents orages

Un homme nettoie une maison ravagée par les inondations, à Pepinster le 24 juillet. JOHANNA GERON / REUTERS

THE FIGARO : Dix jours après les inondations qui ont fait 36 morts, de fortes pluies ont touché 11 communes de la vallée de la Meuse samedi. D'impressionnantes images de rues transformées en torrent ont circulé sur les réseaux sociaux.

De violents orages ont touché la Belgique samedi 24 juillet au soir, provoquant des dégâts dans la province de Namur (sud), dix jours après des inondations qui ont fait 36 morts dans le pays, ont indiqué les autorités. Aucune victime n'était à déplorer, a déclaré à l'AFP un porte-parole du centre de crise national vers 23 heures (21 heures GMT), précisant que les orages étaient terminés et la situation «stabilisée».

Ces fortes pluies ont touché en début de soirée 11 communes de la vallée de la Meuse, où elles ont provoqué des inondations. D'impressionnantes images de rues transformées en torrent ont circulé sur les réseaux sociaux, rappelant les scènes vécues dix jours auparavant dans la province de Liège. » | Par Le Figaro avec AFP | dimanche 25 juillet 2021

Joe Cocker & Jennifer Warnes - Up Where We Belong

Apr 3, 2012 • Up Where We Belong by Joe Cocker and Jennifer Warnes is the theme song for An Officer and a Gentleman (1982). This music video meshes scenes from the film and Top Gun (1986). Both films were huge success at the box office. Up Where We Belong became the #1 hit song on the Billboard that year. Video made by: fkwk101 (Yukon Audio-visual Workshop). | Views on YouTube: 21,867,762

James Taylor - How Sweet It Is (to Be Loved by You)

Mar 4, 2010 • Siccome trovavo solo versioni live, ho pensato di caricare la canzone originale. Tutti i diritti riservati © | Views on YouTube: 2,936,065

Foreigner - I Don't Want to Live without You (Official Music Video)

Jan 26, 2020 • You're watching the official music video for Foreigner - "I Don't Want to Live Without You" from the album 'Inside Information' (1987) | Views on YouTube: 2,961,943

Fox Is Killing Us

Jul 22, 2021 • It's past time for America to stop watching.

Related: here.

The Most Influential Spreader of Coronavirus Misinformation Online »

Covid-19: Families Struggle with High Hospital Costs in India | DW News

Jul 22, 2021 • The pandemic in India has taken a huge toll on human lives. It also placed a massive burden on people's finances. During the second wave, many people could only find medical treatment in private hospitals. For some, that's where the financial trauma began.

Sydney Police Fine Hundreds of Anti-lockdown Protesters for ‘Filthy, Risky Behaviour’

Protesters marched through central Sydney on Saturday, in breach of coronavirus stay-at-home orders.Photograph: Mick Tsikas/AAP

THE GUARDIAN: Prime minister denounces ‘selfish’ protesters who marched against coronavirus measures as police taskforce traces everyone who broke rules

Hundreds of fines have been issued and dozens charged in Sydney after anti-lockdown protesters marched and clashed with police in what one deputy commissioner called “violent, filthy, risky behaviour”.

The Australian prime minister, Scott Morrison, said on Sunday the previous day’s protests – in which thousands breached the region’s coronavirus measures to protest – were “selfish and self-defeating”, adding: “It achieves no purpose. It won’t end the lockdown sooner.”

The New South Wales premier, Gladys Berejiklian, said was “utterly disgusted” by the scenes, saying: “It just broke my heart that people had such a disregard for their fellow citizens.”

Detectives are now combing social media and footage from CCTV and police-worn body cameras to identify and punish everyone who defied stay-at-home orders, which are now entering their fifth week. » | Matilda Boseley and agencies | Sunday, July 25, 2021

The Observer View on the Unfolding Crisis in Lebanon

Demonstrators spray the shields of riot police during a protest by the families of the Beirut blast victims.Photograph: AFP/Getty

THE OBSERVER: A new failed state in the Middle East would spell chaos for us all

Amid so much trouble around the world, the crisis in Lebanon has received relatively little attention, especially from British politicians and media. This is a serious oversight. It’s not inconceivable Lebanon could soon become a “failed state” on a par with Libya or Yemen. That would be a disaster for its people, but also, as recent history shows, for the region, Europe and the UK.

The crisis has many aspects. The most pressing is the mounting human cost. The chronic devaluation of the Lebanese pound – it has lost about 90% of its value in the past 18 months – is taking a terrible toll on ordinary families. About 30% of Lebanese children go to bed hungry, the UN says. Most households are short of food. At least half the population has slipped into poverty.

Resulting hyperinflation, caused by adverse trading conditions during the pandemic but also by grossly irresponsible financial mismanagement by Lebanon’s politicians and bankers, means subsidies of essential foodstuffs, medicine and fuel no longer cover their true cost. People with deadly diseases such as diabetes or heart conditions cannot get the help they need. » | Observer editorial | Sunday, July 25, 2021

Related links here, here, here and here.

Billionaire tycoon named as Lebanese PM as economic crisis bites: Protesters wanted someone from outside the elite, but parliament went for Najib Miqati, who has led the country twice before »

A Kiss, Tender and Gay

Un bisou, tendre et gay / Ein Kuß, zärtlich und queer

Image thanks to BuzzFeed »