Saturday, March 30, 2013

Cameron Accused of Betraying Christians: Astonishing Easter Attack on the PM by Former Archbishop of Canterbury

MAIL ONLINE: Lord Carey accused ministers of 'aiding and abetting' the discrimination / Poll: More than two-thirds of Christians feel are a ‘persecuted minority'

Many Christians doubt David Cameron’s sincerity in pledging to protect their freedoms, former Archbishop of Canterbury George Carey says today.

In an article for the Daily Mail, Lord Carey squarely accuses ministers of ‘aiding and abetting’ discrimination against Christians.

He says he believes there is an ‘aggressive secularist and relativist approach’ behind the Government plans to legalise gay marriage and says the Prime Minister has ‘done more than any other recent political leader’ to ‘feed’ Christian anxieties.

As a dramatic new poll released on the eve of Easter Sunday revealed that more than two-thirds of Christians feel they are now part of a ‘persecuted minority’, Lord Carey insists the Government must do more to demonstrate its commitment to pledges to stand up for faith. » | James Chapman | Friday, March 29, 2013

New Dark Age Alert! 'Arrest the Atheists Who Insulted Islam!' Tens of Thousands of Muslim Activists Hold Prayers on Streets of Bangladesh Capital to Call for New Blasphemy Laws against Bloggers

MAIL ONLINE: Tens of thousands of Islamic activists prayed on the streets of the Bangladeshi capital today during a rally calling for the introduction of blaspemy laws and the restoration of a caretaker government.

Members of the Islami Andolan Bangladesh are demanding the arrest of 'atheist bloggers who insulted Islam' and to pass laws punishing those who 'insulted Islam in the parliament'.

They have announced plans to 'lay siege' to the office of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on April 25 if their demands are not met.

They include the restoration of the phrase 'absolute trust and faith upon Almighty Allah' in basic principles of the constitution; passing laws to punish atheists; holding of national elections under an impartial government; ensuring good governance and justice, uprooting terrorism and corruption; and establishing Islamic rule for a prosperous and welfare state.

According to, the party's Amir Mufti Syed Muhammad Rezaul Karimalso told the rally: 'The incumbent and previous governments have nurtured corruption, violence, nepotism and other different evil practices during last few decades. » | Daily Mail Reporter | Friday, March 29, 2013

New Dark Age Alert! Bishop Warns of Consequences If Christian Faith Fades

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Britain risks “falling into darkness” with its citizens unable to distinguish between good and evil due to the marginalisation of Christianity, a Roman Catholic bishop will warn tomorrow.

The Rt Rev Mark Davies, the Bishop of Shrewsbury, will say the country was at a crossroads and that the fate of future generations rested on the decisions made today about how we choose to live our lives.

He will use his Easter homily to highlight how the Christian faith has sustained and underpinned British life, its laws and aspirations for centuries.

Without it, he will warn, there will be nothing to defend the value of human life.

“Commentators have been puzzled that the Church and the Pope’s concern for the poorest is combined with an uncompromising defence of marriage as the union of man and woman; of the family as the vital unit of society; of the unborn routinely destroyed, frozen, manipulated for our purposes; and of the dignity of the aged threatened in many societies by a killing which calls itself ‘mercy’,” he will tell the congregation at Shrewsbury Cathedral. » | Victoria Ward | Saturday, March 30, 2013

Friday, March 29, 2013

Papst Franziskus: Frauen-Fußwaschung verärgert konservative Katholiken

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Es war ein Bruch mit dem Kirchenrecht: Papst Franziskus feierte die Abendmahlmesse in einem Jugendgefängnis bei Rom - und wusch zwei Frauen die Füße. Die Liturgie sieht vor, dass nur Männern die Füße gewaschen werden dürfen. Nun muss der Vatikan die konservativen Kritiker beschwichtigen.

Rom - Papst Franziskus hat offenbar den konservativen Flügel der katholischen Kirche verärgert. Am Gründonnerstagabend feierte er in der Kapelle des römischen Jugendgefängnis Casal del Marmo die Abendmahlmesse. Er wusch zwölf Häftlingen die Füße. Der Tabubruch: Unter ihnen waren auch zwei Frauen. Die Liturgie für Ostern sieht jedoch ausdrücklich vor, dass nur Männern die Füße gewaschen werden dürfen.

"Er setzt ein fragwürdiges Beispiel", schrieb Edward Peters, ein Berater des Vatikans über das Kirchenrecht, auf seinem Blog. "Es ist eine Frage mit Auswirkungen weit über die Fußwaschung hinaus", warnte Peters. Im Grunde sende der Papst damit das Signal: "Warum sich um eine notwendige aber schwierige Reform eines Gesetzes bemühen, wenn man dieses einfacher ignorieren kann?" » | Mit Material von AP und dpa | Freitag, 29. März 2013

The Pope Holds Good Friday Mass in the Vatican - Live

Watch live as Pope Francis presides over his first Good Friday observances as pontiff, which will culminate in a torch-lit procession at Rome's Colosseum and prayers for peace in the Middle East.

Read the article here | Good Friday, Friday March 29, 2013

The Passion of the Christ (2004) – Full English Movie (HD)

Pakistan: Taliban erschiessen Lehrerin

Weil sie an einer Mädchenschule unterrichtete, wurde in Pakistan eine Lehrerin von den Taliban erschossen. Ihr Sohn stand neben ihr und musste zu sehen [sic], wie seine Mutter starb.

Pourquoi la Birmanie tue ses musulmans

LE POINT: La minorité musulmane birmane est la cible depuis la semaine dernière de véritables pogroms instigués par des moines extrémistes. Décryptage.

La voie vers la démocratie est un long chemin semé d'embûches. Les musulmans de Birmanie en font l'amère expérience depuis deux ans. Quartiers éventrés, mosquées parties en fumée, et corps calcinés gisant à même le sol..., cette minorité, qui représente 4 % des 55 millions de Birmans, est de nouveau victime de véritables pogroms perpétrés par la population bouddhiste. Quarante personnes ont été tuées la semaine dernière et plus de 12 000 déplacées dans la ville de Meiktila dans le centre du pays, forçant l'armée à instaurer l'état d'urgence. Les violences ont depuis gagné d'autres villages et se rapprochent désormais dangereusement de l'ancienne capitale, Rangoun.

À l'origine, une simple querelle entre un vendeur musulman et des clients bouddhistes, qui a dégénéré en affrontements. Pendant trois jours, des groupes d'émeutiers ont détruit tout ce qu'il y avait de musulman sur leur passage, transformant la ville de Meiktila en véritable coupe-gorge. "Ces groupes de civils bouddhistes ont été fanatisés par une minorité de moines extrémistes", explique au Maël Raynaud, analyste indépendant spécialiste de la Birmanie. "Ces religieux tirent parti du profond racisme existant au sein de la société birmane." » | Par Armin Arefi | vendredi 29 mars 2013

Jerusalem's Christian Population Dwindles

As Christians mark Easter this weekend, in Jerusalem, the city where Jesus died, the number of his followers has fallen below ten thousand.

Pope Brings Easter 'Hope'

The Pope broke with tradition by visiting a juvenile detention centre in Rome as part of his first Easter Mass.

Bulgaria Bus Attack: Berlin Wants Hezbollah On EU Terrorist Group List

SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: The German Interior and Foreign ministries want Lebanon's Hezbollah movement to be placed on the EU's list of terrorist groups if suspicions are confirmed that the organization was behind the bus bombing in Bulgaria last year in which five Israeli tourists were killed.

The German government wants to push for Lebanon's Shiite Muslim movement Hezbollah to be added to the list of European Union terrorist organizations. After talks with representatives of the American Jewish Committee and security experts, German Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich said he favored banning the group in Europe. » | SPIEGEL | Friday, March 29, 2013

North Koreans Stage Mass Rally in Support of Kim Jong-un’s Call to Arms

Thousands of North Koreans turned out on Friday for a mass rally in the main square of the capital Pyongyang to show support for their leader's call to arms.

Read the short article here | Source: APTN | Friday, March 29, 2013

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: North Korea puts rockets on standby to attack US bases: North Korean leader Kim Jong-un last night ordered the country's rocket units to be on standby to attack US military targets in response to Washington's announcement that it had flown B2 stealth bomber "deterrence" missions over South Korea. » | Barney Henderson | Thursday, March 28, 2013

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Islam Leader Calls for Muslim Holidays in Germany

SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: Germany is home to some 4 million Muslims. With the long Easter weekend around the corner, a leading member of the country's Muslim community has called for legal recognition of two Muslim holidays, drawing criticism from among Chancellor Angela Merkel's ruling conservatives.

In 2010 former German President Christian Wulff made the assertion that, "Islam belongs in Germany," provoking something of a conservative backlash. Now, Germany's Central Council of Muslims (ZMD) is bringing the topic back into the public eye -- and suggesting the introduction of statutory Muslim holidays throughout Germany.

Council chairman Aiman Mazyek told the Thursday edition of the regional daily Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung (WAZ) that granting one day during the holy month of Ramadan and another on the fast-breaking day of Eid would be "an important sign of integration" and "would emphasize tolerance in our society."

These holidays would not be work-free days for all citizens, specified Mazyek, but rather would serve to give Muslims the legal right not to work on these days. He added that Muslims in public services such as police could stand in for colleagues over Christian holidays like Easter.

The legal recognition of Islam has been a controversial issue in Germany, home to a population of 4 million Muslims which it has been accused of not doing enough to integrate. Public unease with this growing population came to the fore in 2010 when a book by former German central bank board member Thilo Sarrazin, in which he accused Muslims of sponging off welfare and refusing to integrate, was a huge commercial success. » | chw -- with wire reports | Thursday, March 28, 2013

Cyprus Banks Reopen Amid Simmering Tension

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH – EXTRACT: Cypriots formed orderly queues outside the country’s banks after they reopened for the first time in nearly two weeks on Thursday, confounding fears that there would be scenes of unrest and violence.

Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, was the target of particular resentment.

“Merkel says every single Cypriot is guilty of dirty banking. But it is the Germans who should be ashamed for the greatest evil in the history of Europe – the Holocaust,” said a furious Cleri Machlouzarides, a chartered architect, outside a branch of Laiki Bank.

“Tell the bloody Nazis to go home. Germany should go and find someone their own size to pick on instead of trying to strangle us. Europeans should know it’s not going to stop here. “Luxembourg is next, then Spain, Portugal, Ireland.” … » | Nick Squires, in Nicosia | Thursday, March 28, 2013

L'Allemagne s'inquiète pour son image en Europe

LE FIGARO: La gestion de la crise chypriote a renforcé la perception d'un « diktat » de Berlin.

La presse populaire allemande salue le retour de sa «chancelière de fer». L'intransigeance d'Angela Merkel dans le sauvetage financier de Chypre lui vaut l'admiration indéfectible de ses concitoyens, dont les intérêts passent avant toute autre considération. Mais Berlin s'inquiète des répercussions de l'affaire sur son image, alors que le «diktat allemand» est violemment critiqué dans les rues de Nicosie. Les manifestants du sud de l'Europe touchent une corde sensible des Allemands lorsqu'ils renvoient le pays à son passé nazi.

Chypre a évité la banqueroute au prix de mesures douloureuses, risquant d'entraîner une récession et une hausse du chômage. La chancelière allemande a jugé «équitable» le plan de sauvetage. Mais, comme en Italie, en Espagne ou en Grèce, l'Allemagne est perçue une fois encore comme le pays tirant les ficelles et imposant des plans d'austérité draconiens aux populations en échange d'une bouée de sauvetage financière.

Grimée en dictateur nazi, Angela Merkel est la cible préférée des manifestants. Dimanche, le journal espagnol El Pais a retiré de son site, après des réactions indignées, une tribune comparant Merkel à Hitler. L'article accusait la chancelière d'avoir «déclaré la guerre au continent» pour s'assurer «un Lebensraum économique» - référence à «l'espace vital» revendiqué par les nazis. » |Par Patrick Saint-Paul | jeudi 28 mars 2013

Anjem Choudary Will Not Face Prosecution

A controversial Muslim cleric will not face action despite telling his followers to claim benefits and saying David Cameron should be killed.

Telling fellow fanatics to claim 'jihad seeker's allowance', Anjem Choudary, who in the past has planned to disrupt the minute's silence on Remembrance Sunday, also openly mocked hard-working Britons, calling them 'slaves'.

The Sun newspaper secretly filmed him saying Islam will overrun Europe, David Cameron and Barack Obama should be killed, and called the Queen 'ugly'.

The newspaper gave its evidence to the authorities, but Thames Valley Police today said: 'The material fell below an evidential threshold to pursue a criminal case against him.' Read all at the MAIL ONLINE » | Richard Hartley-Parkinson | Thursday, March 28, 2013

US Ambassador Susman On (Adam) Boulton

Political editor Adam Boulton talks to US ambassador to the UK Louis Susman before he steps down at the end of the month.

TELEGRAPH BLOGS – NILE GARDINER: American Ambassador to London lectures Britain on Europe, warns EU exit is against US interests » | Nile Gardiner | Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Obama Implores Congress to Pass Gun Control Measures

US president Barack Obama delivers an impassioned plea to Congress, to pass his gun control measures, which include universal background checks for gun purchases. Speaking at the White House on Thursday, Obama says something must be done to prevent future tragedies, claiming Americans 'have an obligation to try'. Obama's remarks come on National Day to Demand Action, with gun control advocacy groups holding events across the country

Pope Francis Includes Women in Papal Feet Washing Ceremony for First Time

THE GUARDIAN: Pope also breaks convention by travelling to Casal del Marmo prison on Rome's outskirts for traditional Holy Thursday mass

Two young women were among 12 people whose feet Pope Francis washed and kissed at a traditional ceremony in a Rome youth prison on Holy Thursday, the first time a pontiff has included females in the rite.

The pope travelled to the Casal del Marmo prison on Rome's outskirts for the traditional mass, which commemorates Jesus's gesture of humility towards his apostles the night before he died.

The ceremony has been traditionally limited to men because all of Jesus' apostles were male. The Vatican spokesman said two of the 12 whose feet were washed were Muslim inmates.

While the former Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio included women in the rite when he was archbishop of Buenos Aires, it was the first time women had taken part in a papal Holy Thursday ceremony.

Taking the ceremony to a youth prison was also a papal first and Francis, who was elected only two weeks ago, said he wanted to be closer to those who were suffering. » | Reuters in Rome | Thursday, March 28, 2013

Bill O'Reilly and Megyn Kelly Show Stronger Support for Gay Marriage

374 People Embrace Islam in a Month

ARAB NEWS: New converts — 154 men and 220 women — from various nationalities embraced Islam last month, according to a report of the Islamic Education Foundation (IEF) in Riyadh.

The IEF used various means to take the message of Islam to non-Muslims, like lectures, seminars and the distribution of books, tapes and fliers. It also sends its preachers to residential areas and work places where non-Muslims are found in large numbers.

Over the past 20 years, more than 20,000 expatriates embraced Islam since the establishment of the IEF branch in 1993.

The Islamic dawah centers in the Kingdom have encouraged foreigners to revert to Islam. Dawah centers are not imposing anybody to embrace Islam but provide an opportunity for non-Muslims to realize the values and beauty of Islam. » | Ali Fayyaz | Thursday, March 28, 2013

Salafists Destroy Major Sufi Shrine

LIBYA HERALD: The Al-Andlusi mausoleum in Tajura area, one of the major Sufi shrines in Libya, was destroyed early this morning, Thursday, in a bomb attack that is being blamed on Salafists.

An eye-witness, who was at work nearby, told the Libya Herald that he heard three “very loud” explosions around 4 am. He said that he did not see any one near the shrine at the time of the bombing.

The shrine, on a prominent knoll on the Beach Road some 15 kilometres east of Tripoli, is protected under the law as a national monument. » | Farah Waleed | Thursday, March 28, 2013

Europe: The Submission That Dare Not Speak Its Name

GATESTONE INSTITUTE: What is taking shape could be a shift toward the end of the Jewish presence in Europe.

Exactly one year ago, a killer entered the courtyard of a Jewish school in Toulouse, France, and shot in cold blood a rabbi and three children. He said he had wanted to kill more, and to perpetrate a massacre, but that his gun jammed.

During the previous days, he had shot three French soldiers of Arab origin.

The killer was quickly located, besieged by the police for thirty two hours, then riddled with bullets when he tried to escape.

A few weeks later, his statements to the police during the siege were leaked. They showed that he defined himself as a "soldier of Islam" and that he was trained in Pakistan and Afghanistan by al Qaeda affiliates. He said that he wanted to kill French Arab soldiers because they were "traitors to their religion" and that "all traitors" had to be "eliminated." He also said that he hated "Jews," that Jews had to be "removed form the face of the earth" and that his only regret was that he did not have "the opportunity to kill more Jews." Political leaders and the mainstream media immediately said that these statements did not make sense, and they tried to describe him as a "lone wolf" and a "lost boy" who acted "irrationally." Sociologists explained that he'd had a "hard childhood," and that he'd had to face "French prejudices" all of his life. Radical Islam and hatred of Jews were almost never evoked.

In the months that followed, he became a hero -- almost a legend -- in all French Muslim suburbs. His name, Mohamed Merah, appeared on leaflets and graffiti, and was quoted with praise in rap songs. The number of anti-Semitic attacks increased all over the country: reports show that most perpetrators were young Muslims citing "Mohamed" as an "example" to follow. Two jihadist terrorist cells planning anti-Semitic attacks and assassinations of prominent Jews were dismantled: their members declared after their arrest that they wanted to die as martyrs, and kill Jews, "like Mohamed," who "showed the way." Political leaders and the mainstream media did not speak of leaflets, graffiti, rap songs, anti-Semitic attacks, or references to "Mohamed." They spoke of the dismantling of "terrorist cells" -- as if the cells had no relation to "Mohamed." » | Guy Millière | Thursday, March 28, 2013

US Gay Couple Explain What Their Marriage Means to Them

As the Supreme Court decides on legalising gay marriage across the US, the Telegraph travels to North Carolina to talk to one married couple who’ve been together for 24 years.

Read the article here | Alastair Good | Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Turin Shroud 'Is Not a Medieval Forgery'

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: The Turin Shroud is not a medieval forgery, as has long been claimed, but could in fact date from the time of Christ's death, a new book claims.

Experiments conducted by scientists at the University of Padua in northern Italy have dated the shroud to ancient times, a few centuries before and after the life of Christ.

Many Catholics believe that the 14ft-long linen cloth, which bears the imprint of the face and body of a bearded man, was used to bury Christ's body when he was lifted down from the cross after being crucified 2,000 years ago.

The analysis is published in a new book, "Il Mistero della Sindone" or The Mystery of the Shroud, by Giulio Fanti, a professor of mechanical and thermal measurement at Padua University, and Saverio Gaeta, a journalist.

The tests will revive the debate about the true origins of one of Christianity's most prized but mysterious relics and are likely to be hotly contested by sceptics. » | Nick Squires, Rome correspondent | Thursday, March 28, 2013

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Full-time Mothers Penalised by Government, Says Bishop of Exeter

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Mothers who choose to stay at home to care for their children are being unfairly penalised by a Government that has failed to reward their role at the heart of society, the Bishop of Exeter said on Wednesday night.

The Bishop of Exeter said that traditional families were being hit by the Coalition in a manner that was “actually unfair” and which risked costing society more in the future.

The Rt Rev Michael Langrish, who sits in the House of Lords, said that his views represented those of a number of bishops who are concerned by the Government’s apparent lack of support for family life.

Over the past few months, ministers have removed child benefit from wealthier families with one breadwinner and restricted financial help with child care to those mothers returning to work, yet repeatedly delayed a promise to bring in tax breaks for married couples.

On [sic] Wednesday, an official international study found that single-earner families in Britain were now paying more tax than the international norm — and had seen their financial position worsen significantly since the Coalition was formed. A leading charity is now also warning that economic circumstances are effectively forcing new mothers back to work too early because they cannot afford to stay at home. Working Families said it had been contacted by at least one major employer worried about the health implications of mothers cutting short their maternity leave.

Speaking to The Daily Telegraph on Wednesday night, the Rt Rev Langrish said society needs to place a greater value on the role of stay-at-home mothers and fathers, who were part of “the glue which enables us to be a healthy society”. He said the impact was being felt in “middle England” adding: “The concern for me is for those who have made a principled decision to stay at home and taken the financial hit. It is actually unfair and against the Government’s own rhetoric.” » | Rowena Mason, Political Correspondent | Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Ann Coulter Discussion on ‘Nanny State’ Anti-smoking Law Derails into Debate on Gay Saunas

Read the article here | Corinne Pinfold | Monday, March 25, 2013

Muslim Persecution of Christians: January, 2013

GATESTONE INSTITUTE: Egypt: A court sentenced an entire family – Nadia Mohamed Ali and her seven children – to fifteen years in prison for converting to Christianity.

The year 2013 began with reports indicating that wherever Christians live side by side with large numbers of Muslims, the Christians are under attack. As one report said, "Africa, where Christianity spread fastest during the past century, now is the region where oppression of Christians is spreading fastest." Whether in Kenya, Nigeria, Mali, Somalia, Sudan, or Tanzania—attacks on Christians are as frequent as they are graphic.

As for the Middle East, the cradle of Christianity, a new study by the Pew Forum finds that "just 0.6 percent of the world's 2.2 billion Christians now live in the Middle East and North Africa. Christians make up only 4% of the region's inhabitants, drastically down from 20% a century ago, and marking the smallest regional Christian minority in the world. Fully 93% of the region is Muslim and 1.6% is Jewish."

How Christianity has been all but eradicated from the region where it was born is made clear in yet another report on the Middle East's largest Christian minority, Egypt's Christian Copts. Due to a "climate of fear and uncertainty," Christian families are leaving Egypt in large numbers. Along with regular church attacks, the situation has gotten to the point that, according to one Coptic priest, "Salafis meet Christian girls in the street and order them to cover their hair. Sometimes they hit them when they refuse." Another congregation leader said "With the new [Sharia-heavy] constitution, the new laws that are expected, and the majority in parliament I don't believe we can be treated on an equal basis."

Elsewhere, Christians are not allowed to flee. In eastern Syria, for example, 25,000 Christians, including Syriac Orthodox, Syriac Catholics, Chaldeans and Armenians, were prevented from fleeing due to a number of roadblocks set up by armed Islamic militia groups, who deliberately target Christians for robbery and kidnapping-for-ransom—then often slaughtering their victims. » | Raymond Ibrahim | Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Will Pope Francis Become a Dupe of the Islamists?

FRONTPAGEMAG.COM: The Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Azhar University want to shake hands with the new Pope Francis. One of the first pledges he has made is to embrace interfaith dialogue with the Muslim world. Will he become the latest dupe of the “moderate” Islamists?

Pope Francis is a critic of Pope Benedict’s 2006 speech in Germany where he quoted a Byzantine Emperor that said “show me just what Mohammed brought that was new and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached.”

It caused a rupture in relations between Muslim authorities and the Vatican, with almost 40 Muslim scholars signing a letter of protest. Five churches were attacked in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, reinforcing the negative depiction of their religion that they were so offended by.

Pope Benedict said he was “deeply sorry for the reactions in some countries to a few passages of my address at the University of Regensburg, which were considered offensive to the sensibility of Muslims” and “These were in fact a quotation from a Medieval text which do not in any way express my personal thought.” It fell short of the direct apology that was demanded.

He tried to make amends by praying inside Turkey’s Blue Mosque and visiting Jordan in 2009, where he reflected upon the “common history” of the Abrahamic religions. He visited more mosques than any other pope, entering twice as many as his predecessor. » | Ryan Mauro | Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Hate Preacher Abu Qatada Told He Can Stay in Britain as Theresa May Loses Appeal against Ruling that He Cannot Be Deported

MAIL ONLINE: Court of Appeal rejects latest attempt by Home Secretary to have Qatada sent back to Jordan / Released from jail in February last year under strict bail conditions / Returned to prison this month for breaching rules / Received over £500,000 in legal aid in ten-year battle with Government

Home Secretary Theresa May today lost her appeal court challenge to finally kick radical preacher Abu Qatada out of the UK.

In a major blow to the government's hopes of ever removing the radical hate preacher, the Court of Appeal ruled that he can stay in Britain.

Mrs May insisted 'this is not the end of the road' and will make another legal challenge against the ruling of judges in November that Qatada could not be deported to Jordan to face justice over alleged terror offences.

Qatada is said to have wide and high-level support among extremists, and featured in hate sermons found on videos in the flat of one of the September 11 bombers.

Mrs May's legal team argued at a recent one-day hearing in London that Qatada was a 'truly dangerous' individual who escaped deportation through 'errors of law'. Read on and comment » | Matt Chorley, MailOnline Political Editor | Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Pope Francis Shuns Grand Apartment for Two Rooms

BBC: Pope Francis has decided to shun a grand papal apartment on the top floor of the Vatican's Apostolic Palace in favour of a modest two-room residence.

His spokesman said he was "trying out this type of simple living" in a communal building with other priests.

In doing so he has broken a tradition which is more than a century old.

The decision reinforces the newly-elected Pope's austere reputation. As archbishop of Buenos Aires he refused to move into the Bishop's Palace.

Preferring more modest accommodation, he also often cooked his own meals.

Communal meals

Since the reign of Pope Pius X at the beginning of the 20th Century every pope has occupied the palatial penthouse apartment with more than a dozen rooms, staff quarters, a terrace and extensive views over the city of Rome.

But since his election Pope Francis has been living in a simple two-room suite in the Domus Santa Marta - a hotel-style residence built by his predecessor Pope John Paul II next to St Peter's Basilica.

And he intends to go on living there for the foreseeable future, according to the Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi.

"This morning he let his fellow cardinals know that he will keep living with them for a certain period of time," Mr Lombardi said. » | Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Muammar Gaddafi's Family Take Refuge in Oman

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Oman, a British ally in the Gulf has offered refuge to close relatives of Muammar Gaddafi, including his wife and a hated playboy son, officials from Tripoli and Muscat revealed on Monday.

Safia Gaddafi, the dictator's widow and three of his children left a hideaway in Algeria last October, more than a year after they crossed the border from Libya.

Mohammad Abdulaziz, Libya's foreign minister, said that the group had accepted political asylum from Oman and conceded it was difficult to foresee their return to Libya, where several face criminal charges.

Sultan Qaboos, Oman's ruler, is a Sandhurst-educated Anglophile who last week hosted a three-day visit by the Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall and he is close to several members of the Government.

The Gaddafi group includes the former leader's daughter Aisha, a lawyer who made headlines around the world with her campaigns on behalf of Saddam Hussein.

The most notorious member of the group is Gaddafi's son Hannibal. He is wanted for alleged human rights abuses by the new authorities in Tripoli.

Another son, Mohammad, is the son of the dictator's first wife, but despite being the head of the Libyan Olympic committee, he is not associated with the worst excesses of the regime. » | Damien McElroy, Foreign Affairs Correspondent | Monday, March 25, 2013

One of the Nastiest and Most Immoral Political Acts in Modern Times

MAIL ONLINE: People who rob old ladies in the street, or hold up security vans, are branded as thieves. Yet when Germany presides over a heist of billions of pounds from private savers’ Cyprus bank accounts, to ‘save the euro’ for the hundredth time, this is claimed as high statesmanship.

It is nothing of the sort. The deal to secure a €10 billion German bailout of the bankrupt Mediterranean island is one of the nastiest and most immoral political acts of modern times.

It has struck fear into the hearts of hundreds of millions of European citizens, because it establishes a dire precedent.

If democratically elected governments are willing to impose outright confiscation of up to 40 per cent of balances over €100,000 upon depositors in Cyprus, then why not another such hit tomorrow — in Spain, Italy or, most plausibly, Greece?

This is the most brutal display since 2008 of how far the euro-committed nations are willing to go to save the tottering single currency. It shows that the zone’s crisis will run and run, to the grievous disadvantage of almost everyone except the Germans. » | Max Hastings | Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Radical Islam Tortures, Beats American Pastor Beyond Recognition

CHARISMA NEWS: We have just obtained a new letter from imprisoned American Pastor Saeed Abedini written to his wife, Naghmeh, and his family in Iran. In it, as in his previous two letters written inside the brutal Evin Prison, he documents the results of the continued abuse and torture he endures.

This letter, likely written weeks ago, was received by his family just yesterday. Written on the margins of scraps of newspaper, it is only the third letter Abedini has been able to get to his family in the past nearly 180 days of imprisonment and underscores the difficulty of getting any information from Iran about his condition.

Abedini writes that he cannot even recognize himself after all the beatings and torture he has endured: “My hair was shaven, under my eyes were swollen three times what they should have been, my face was swollen, and my beard had grown.”

After multiple beatings in interrogations at the hands of the radical Islamic regime, Abedini wrote that the nurse who was supposed to treat injured inmates told him “‘in our religion we are not suppose to touch you, you are unclean ... Christians are unclean!’” He explained, “they would not give me the pain medication that they would give other prisoners because I was unclean.” » | Jordan Sekulow/ACLJ | Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Middle Class and Radical Islam in Russia

Watch ABC NEWS VIDEO here | Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Anders Behring Breivik Denied Permission to Attend Mother's Funeral

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Anders Behring Breivik, the killer who carried out Norway's biggest peacetime massacre, has been denied permission to attend the funeral of his mother.

Breivik, a 34-year-old right-wing extremist who is serving a 21-year jail sentence for killing 77 people in twin attacks in July 2011, is being held under strict prison conditions.

Officials at the high-security Ila prison near Oslo decided to extend his strict security regimen when it came up for review Tuesday, and denied his request to attend the funeral, his lawyer Tord Jordet said.

Wenche Behring Breivik, who died last week aged 66, had shunned the spotlight after her son's attacks. She appeared to be the person closest to him, and he had described her as his "Achilles heel". » | Agence France-Presse | Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Magdi Cristiano Allam Is leaving the Catholic Church

Reason: The Church is too weak vis-à-vis Islam.

The high-profile Egyptian ex-Muslim convert to Islam, Magdi Cristiano Allam, is leaving the Roman Catholic Church because of what he sees as an inherent weakness in the Church to confront the excesses of Islam and the Church's legitimisation of Islam as a true religion of God, Muhammad as one of His true prophets, the Koran as a sacred text, and mosques as legitimate places of worship. Magdi Allam is convinced that the ideology of Islam is inherently violent, conflicted within and warlike with the outside world. Moreover, Mr. Allam is convinced that Europe will eventually submit to Islam if Europeans do not have the vision and summon up the courage to stand up to it. Islam, he says, is incompatible both with Western civilization and human rights. He says he will continue to believe in Jesus, whom he has always loved and proudly identified with. Christianity, he says, more than any other religion brings man closer to God, who chose to become man. [Source: Corriere della Sera] | Tuesday, March 26, 2013

WIKI: Magdi Cristiano Allam »

Rome and the Margins

Will a non-European pope be able to reach out beyond the Vatican and connect with an increasingly assertive periphery?

Remaining Syrian Christians Fear Chaos

More than a million people have left Syria to escape what is now more than two years of fighting.

Russian Gay Rights Bill Seen As Anti-gay Campaign

Gays and lesbians complain of persecution as new bill tries to keep homosexuals in closet.

British Muslims Fighting in Syria Could Commit Terrorist Attacks in UK

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: British Muslims fighting in Syria’s civil war could return home to carry out terrorist attacks, intelligence chiefs have warned.

There are “hundreds” of Europeans now fighting in Syria, some of whom are with groups linked to al Qaeda, the Home Office has told MPs.

In an annual report on its Contest counter-terrorism strategy, the Home Office warned of the risk to Britain and other European nations posed by foreign fighters now gaining military experience in Syria.

The Home Office warning – based on assessments by British intelligence agencies – comes as ministers debate doing more to arm and support the rebels fighting the regime of Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad.

The uprising in Syria "has involved many organisations with different political views and tactics; some are connected with and supported by al Qaeda in Iraq,” the Home Office report says. » | James Kirkup, Deputy Political Editor | Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Cyprus Fallout: Moscow Accuses Euro Zone of Theft -- and Worse

SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: Russia has sharply criticized the bailout deal for Cyprus, with Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev accusing the EU of theft. Russian state television even likened the forced levy imposed on wealthy investors -- many of them Russian -- to the expropriation of Jews by Nazi Germany.

The verdict of Russian state television on Europe's effort to save Cyprus was damning. The last week "will enter the history books of the EU as a destructive one," said Dmitry Kiselev, the presenter of the popular news program Vesti Nedili on the Rossiya channel.

Kiselev heaped criticism on the forced levy to be imposed on bank deposits in Cyprus. He said the last time a Western European government proceeded so recklessly was when Adolf Hitler expropriated the Jews.

Nazi propaganda at the time described the money held by Jewish people as "dirty," said Kiselev. That was precisely how Europe was talking about Russian assets deposited in Cyprus, he added.

"The new world order is being founded against Russia, at Russia's costs and on the rubble of Russia," said a Rossiya correspondent from the Mediterranean island nation.

The Kremlin feels it has been sidelined in the tug-of-war over the Cypriot bailout, European Commission President José Manuel Barroso visited Moscow for talks last Friday, but just a few days later, Europe's new attempt to avert a financial meltdown in Cyprus has elicited fierce criticism from Moscow. » | Benjamin Bidder in Moscow | Monday, March 25, 2013

Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Trouble With Atheism | Full Documentary

Islamismus: Das Netzwerk der Hetzer

Am 11. September 2001 sind einige der Personen, um die es in unserem nächsten Film geht, noch in deutsche Grundschulen gegangen. Zehn Jahre später stecken sie immer noch in der Ausbildung. Allerdings jetzt in der Ausbildung zum heiligen Krieger. Unterrichtet werden sie von Hasspredigern in Hinterhofmoscheen, von Ausbildern in pakistanischen Terrorcamps und von unzähligen Fanatikern im Internet. Führend bei der Gewinnung neuer Glaubensbrüder sind in Deutschland die Salafisten.

Pagan Origin & Worship in Islam

Muslim Activist Confronts Pamela Geller Over ‘Absurd’ Anti-Islam Ads

The Rise of 'Golden Dawn' in Greece - Mini-documentary by The Guardian (English Subtitles)

THE OBSERVER: Film student in UK at heart of Greek neo-Nazi storm: Documentary-maker prompts investigation into Golden Dawn rally racism » | Tracy McVeigh | Sunday, March 24, 2013

Sean Stone: Iran, Islam & America

The son of Academy Award (Oscar) winner Oliver Stone son, Sean Stone, who converted to Islam on February 2012 talks about American wrong and imperialistic policies, wrong understands about Islam and Iran, and the way he became a Shia Muslim. He talks to Marzie Hashemi expert and correspondent of Nasr TV in Tehran.

Boris Johnson: Not True That I Am a 'Nasty Piece of Work'

THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH: Boris Johnson was left writhing on live television as he was accused of lying over an alleged extra-marital affair, fabricating quotes and agreeing to help a friend with a plot to get someone beaten up.

Mr Johnson, widely considered a potential successor to David Cameron, looked distinctly uncomfortable as he was grilled about past misdemeanours on the BBC's Andrew Marr Show.

Ahead of a new documentary about his life, the London Mayor was first questioned about allegations that he made up quotations in a piece of journalism.

He told his interviewer Eddie Mair that these were "big terms" for what happened, before going on to admit he had "mildly sandpapered" the truth. He said this was "very embarrassing" and he is now "very sorry about it".

Things got worse for Mr Johnson as he was then forced to field questions about an alleged extra-marital affair. Mr Mair asked whether he had told "barefaced lies" to Tory leader Michael Howard when he denied a relationship with Petronella Wyatt, a fellow journalist. Mr Johnson was sacked as a shadow minister over the episode in 2004. » | Rowena Mason, Political Correspondent | Sunday, March 24, 2013

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Norway Killer Anders Behring Breivik's Mother Dies

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: The mother of Anders Behring Breivik, who killed 77 people in a massacre in Norway in 2011, has died at the age of 66.

Breivik, who met with his mother Wenche at the prison where he is being held earlier this month, has said he would like to attend her funeral.

"He was allowed to say goodbye," Mrs Breivik's lawyer said. "They both knew it would be the final meeting... I spoke to him this morning. He was grieving. It was very sad news to him. "

Breivik, a 34-year-old right-wing fanatic, launched Norway's worst peacetime massacre on July 22, 2011.

He detonated a car bomb outside government offices in Oslo killing eight people and then drove to the island of Utoya where he massacred 69 in a shooting spree at the summer camp of the governing Labor Party's youth wing.

Five years before the massacre, Breivik had moved back to live with his mother and ended all social contacts. His mother never attended Breivik's 10-week trial for health reasons, but in a statement read in court she said Breivik had fabricated information. » | Associated Press in Oslo | Saturday, March 23, 2013

Pope Meets Pope: Francis Tells Benedict 'We're Brothers'

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Pope Francis has flown in for lunch with his predecessor, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, in a cliff-top castle outside Rome - the first such encounter for nearly 720 years.

The Argentine Pope flew in by helicopter from the Vatican to Castel Gandolfo, where his German predecessor is enjoying the first few weeks of his retirement following his shock decision to resign last month.

The Vatican said the two popes embraced on the helipad. Walking with a cane, Benedict looked frail compared to the robust 76-year-old Argentine.

Traveling from the helipad to the palazzo, Francis sat on the right-hand side of the car, the traditional place of the pope, while Benedict sat on the left.

When they went to pray in the chapel, Benedict offered the place of honour, a kneeler before the altar, to Francis, who declined, saying, "We are brothers, we pray together." The two then prayed together from the same pew.

The Vatican spokesman, Rev Federico Lombardi said he understands Benedict offered his pledge of obedience to the new pope, while Francis thanked Benedict for his ministry. » | Associated Press and Agence France-Presse | Saturday, March 23, 2013

How to Protect an Unpredictable Pope

Pakistani Taliban Threaten to Assassinate Ex-President Pervez Musharraf

CNN: The Pakistani Taliban vowed to assassinate former President Pervez Musharraf if he returns to the country as planned Sunday, a spokesman for the terrorist group said in a video message online.

Tehrik-i-Taliban will send out a "death squad" to kill him, Ehsanullah Ehsan said Saturday.

One of the squad members addressed Musharraf in English, demanding the former president surrender himself.

After resigning in 2008, Musharraf spent five years in self-imposed exile in London and Dubai.

He plans to fly on a commercial airline into Karachi on Sunday, then attend a rally that will include Pakistani expatriates from the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and the United Arab Emirates, he has said in a statement.

He plans to lead his political party into Pakistan's general elections slated for May. » | Aliza Kassim | CNN | Saturday, March 23, 2013

Pope Meets Pope: Francis Arrives for Historic Talks with Benedict

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Pope Francis has flown in for lunch with his predecessor, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, in a cliff-top castle outside Rome - the first such encounter for nearly 720 years.

The Argentine Pope has flown in by helicopter from the Vatican to Castel Gandolfo, where his German predecessor is enjoying the first few weeks of his retirement following his shock decision to resign last month.

Crowds gathered in the central square of Castel Gandolfo this morning to catch a glimpse of something that has not been seen in centuries: two Popes together. After Francis's 15 minute helicopter ride, the two Popes – both dressed in white vestments – will sit down for a meeting before having lunch together in the magnificent castle, which is perched on the edge of an escarpment that plunges down to a cobalt blue volcanic lake.

The Vatican spokesman promised a general comment about the meeting, but no detailed statement.

There has been enormous speculation about what the two men in white might have to say to one another after making history together. Benedict's unprecedented resignation paved the way for the first pope from Latin America, the first Jesuit, and the first to call himself Francis after the 13th century friar who devoted himself to the poor, nature and working for peace. » | Nick Squires, in Rome, and agencies | Saturday, March 23, 2013

German TV Drama Confronts a Nation's Wartime Guilt

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: A television drama exploring the guilt of ordinary Germans during the Second World War has become a ratings sensation in Germany, reaching more than seven million viewers.

Our Mothers, Our Fathers follows the lives of five young men and women – two brothers who become Wehrmacht soldiers, a singer, a nurse and their Jewish friend.

The drama begins on the eve of Hitler's invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941 and shows how the young people are rapidly corrupted by the Third Reich. One of the soldiers executes a Russian prisoner, while the nurse betrays a Jewish patient to the SS. The Jewish man is shown escaping the Nazis to find shelter with Polish partisans.

The three-part series has been hailed by critics as a "turning point" in German television for examining the crimes of the Third Reich at an individual level. The screenplay of Our Mothers, Our Fathers draws on the experiences of the film-makers' parents – the screenwriter Stefan Kolditz's father was a 19-year-old soldier on the eastern front, while a scene in which a Jewish child is shot was based on an event witnessed by the producer Nico Hofmann's father. » | Jeevan Vasagar, Berlin | Friday, March 22, 2013

Friday, March 22, 2013

Les réseaux de l'extrême : les enragés de l'identité (Caroline Fourest)

UK Faces Fitch Downgrade Over Debt Levels

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Britain's credit rating faces another downgrade in the next month after Fitch warned it is reviewing the country's "AAA" status in the wake of the Budget.

The agency warned that there is a "heightened probability of a downgrade" as it conducts a review of the rating by the end of April.

Fitch said its decision to put the UK on a "negative watch" was because Britain's debt will now be bigger than Chancellor George Osborne first forecast and is taking longer to bring under control. » | Andrew Trotman, and agencies | Friday, March 22, 2013

Günther Jauch - Im Namen Allahs: Was tun gegen Deutschlands Gotteskrieger?

Wolfgang Bosbach »

Yassin Musharbash »

Güner Balci »

Ferid Heider, Imam »

Damascus Mosque Suicide Bomb Blast Aftermath

Footage showing the aftermath of a suicide bomb blast at a mosque in Damascus on Thursday, in which a Sunni Muslim preacher was killed. The explosion took place during evening prayers inside the mosque. The prominent cleric and supporter of President Bashar Assad, Sheikh Mohammad Said Ramadan al-Buti, died in the blast along with others who were in attendance at the mosque

Centre Set Up in Europe to Train Missionaries and Spread Islam

NITI CENTRAL: In its December 30, 2012 issue, Urdu daily Dainik Munsif, reported that a special centre has been set up in France to propagate Islam in which around 300 youths are being given training. The youths will work as Imams in mosques and impart Islamic teachings.

According to the daily, out of 300 people, around 150 are Christian converts. They are being given religious teachings along with Arabic, and are also being trained to work as Imam. Women however, will not be allowed to work at this centre.

The daily also claimed that trained Islamic missionaries will be sent across Europe to propagate Islam. At present, there are 2,260 mosques in France where Islamic training is being given. [Source: NITI CENTRAL] | Niti Central Staff | Friday, March 22, 2013 | [Original Source: India Policy Foundation]

Cal Thomas: Confront Truth About Radical Islam

OMAHA.COM: President Barack Obama should listen to former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, the “founder” of shuttle diplomacy.

Kissinger told Bloomberg TV’s Judy Woodruff recently that he sees little hope in the “Arab Spring,” nor is he optimistic about peace in the region following the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Welcome to the party, Dr. Kissinger. Some of us who have been denigrated for taking seriously the Muslim Brotherhood’s goal to promote radical Islam worldwide are happy for you to join us in Realityville.

The New York Times headlined a recent story: “Muslim Brotherhood’s Statement on Women Stirs Liberals’ Fears.” What took them so long? It isn’t like the fundamentalist Muslim position on women is new.

President Obama’s first in-office trip to Israel, the West Bank and Jordan, seemingly, is mostly about keeping Israel from attacking Iranian nuclear sites. He also may restate the failed policy of asking Israel to “do more” for peace. How about asking Israel’s enemies to do less: Less terrorism, less incitement, less teaching young people that Israel is evil and must be destroyed? » | Cal Thomas | Friday, March 22, 2013

In Saudi Arabia, Activists Find an Oasis of Free Speech

Social media is giving Saudi Arabians an outlet for free speech. But offline, prominant activist Waleed Abu Alkhair takes great risks to host a face-to-face exchange of ideas

Pope Urges Dialogue with Islam, More Help for the Poor

REUTERS.COM: Pope Francis urged the West on Friday to intensify dialogue with Islam and appealed to the world to do more to combat poverty and protect the environment.

Speaking in Italian, the new pontiff said richer countries should fight what he called "the spiritual poverty of our times" by re-forging links with God.

"How many poor people there still are in the world! And what great suffering they have to endure!" he told the diplomats in the Vatican's frescoed Sala Regia.

Some critics of the Catholic Church, which has been struggling with scandals and internal divisions, say its rejection of contraception in particular harms the poor.

Others say it does much good in the developing world, running thousands of hospitals, schools, orphanages and hospices.

Francis made his appeal in an address to diplomats accredited to the Vatican, sending a message through them to the leaders of the 180 states with which the Vatican has diplomatic relations.

He urged them to help keep religion central in public life and promote inter-religious dialogue as a catalyst for efforts to build peace.

"In this work (peace building), the role of religion is fundamental. It is not possible to build bridges between people while forgetting God," he said.

"But the converse is also true: it is not possible to establish true links with God while ignoring other people. Hence it is important to intensify dialogue among the various religions, and I am thinking particularly of dialogue with Islam."

Francis, the former Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina, said he was grateful that many Muslim religious and civilian leaders attended his inaugural Mass on Tuesday. DIALOGUE, NOT RIVALRY » | Philip Pullella | VATICAN CITY | Friday, March 22, 2013