Friday, March 22, 2013

Cal Thomas: Confront Truth About Radical Islam

OMAHA.COM: President Barack Obama should listen to former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, the “founder” of shuttle diplomacy.

Kissinger told Bloomberg TV’s Judy Woodruff recently that he sees little hope in the “Arab Spring,” nor is he optimistic about peace in the region following the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Welcome to the party, Dr. Kissinger. Some of us who have been denigrated for taking seriously the Muslim Brotherhood’s goal to promote radical Islam worldwide are happy for you to join us in Realityville.

The New York Times headlined a recent story: “Muslim Brotherhood’s Statement on Women Stirs Liberals’ Fears.” What took them so long? It isn’t like the fundamentalist Muslim position on women is new.

President Obama’s first in-office trip to Israel, the West Bank and Jordan, seemingly, is mostly about keeping Israel from attacking Iranian nuclear sites. He also may restate the failed policy of asking Israel to “do more” for peace. How about asking Israel’s enemies to do less: Less terrorism, less incitement, less teaching young people that Israel is evil and must be destroyed? » | Cal Thomas | Friday, March 22, 2013