PASSAUER NEUE PRESSE: Der frühere Bundesinnenminister Hans- Peter Friedrich (CSU) schlägt Alarm: Die Entscheidung, die Flüchtlinge aus Ungarn unkontrolliert und unregistriert ins Land zu lassen, sei "eine beispiellose politische Fehlleistung" der Bundesregierung und werde "verheerende Spätfolgen" haben, sagte Friedrich im Gespräch mit der Passauer Neuen Presse. Trotz aller menschlich anrührenden Gesten, die die Gesellschaft vielerorts bei der Ankunft der Flüchtlinge zeige, sei es "die Aufgabe der Politik, über den Tag hinaus zu denken und Entscheidungen für die Zukunft zu treffen". Angesichts der Flüchtlingsströme, die sich ohne polizeiliche Prüfung durch Deutschland bewegten, müsse man feststellen: "Wir haben die Kontrolle verloren."
Laut Friedrich ist es "völlig unverantwortlich, dass jetzt Zig-tausende unkontrolliert und unregistriert ins Land strömen, und man nur unzuverlässig genau abschätzen kann, wie viele davon IS-Kämpfer oder islamistische Schläfer sind". Er hoffe, so der CSU-Politiker weiter, "dass dieses nicht noch zu einem bösen Erwachen führen wird. Ich bin jedenfalls überzeugt, dass kein anderes Land der Welt sich so naiv und blauäugig einer solchen Gefahr aussetzen würde." » | Von Alexander Kain | Freitag, 11. September 2015
HT: Catfish »
Showing posts with label Hans-Peter Friedrich. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hans-Peter Friedrich. Show all posts
Saturday, September 12, 2015
Friday, March 29, 2013
SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: The German Interior and Foreign ministries want Lebanon's Hezbollah movement to be placed on the EU's list of terrorist groups if suspicions are confirmed that the organization was behind the bus bombing in Bulgaria last year in which five Israeli tourists were killed.

The German government wants to push for Lebanon's Shiite Muslim movement Hezbollah to be added to the list of European Union terrorist organizations. After talks with representatives of the American Jewish Committee and security experts, German Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich said he favored banning the group in Europe. » | SPIEGEL | Friday, March 29, 2013
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
THE STAR ONLINE: BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany on Wednesday banned three ultra-conservative Salafist Muslim groups which the Interior Ministry said wanted to overturn democracy and install a system based on sharia, or Islamic law.
The ban, which took effect in the western states of Hesse and North Rhine-Westphalia in the early morning, is the latest step taken by German authorities who have increased surveillance of Salafists who espouse a radical version of Islam.
The ministry said it has banned the organisations "DawaFFM" and "Islamische Audios", as well as "An-Nussrah", which is part of the "Millatu Ibrahim" group that was outlawed in June.
Some 20 people were searched and assets belonging to the organisations were seized, said the ministry.
"Salafism, as represented in the associations that were banned today, is incompatible with our free democratic order," Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich said in a statement. » | Reporting by Madeline Chambers; Editing by Kevin Liffey | Wednesday, March 13, 2013
DIE WELT: Großrazzia gegen Salafisten-Vereine: Hunderte Polizisten sind in Nordrhein-Westfalen und Hessen zu Razzien gegen Salafisten ausgerückt. Sie sollen das Vermögen zweier Vereine beschlagnahmen, die Innenminister Friedrich verboten hatte. » | AFP/dpa/jw/ff | Mittwoch, 13. März 2013
Friday, October 26, 2012
SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: With a massive surge in asylum applications from people of the Roma minority from Serbia and Macedonia, Germany's interior minister is calling for new rules to expedite processing these cases. Although many come to the EU for better economic opportunities, they also face racial discrimination at home, advocacy groups say.
After observing an extreme rise in the number of asylum seekers from Serbia and Macedonia in recent weeks, Germany's interior minister is calling for tighter rules for processing the applications.
"Those who originate from safe countries, should be provided with reduced cash benefits in the future," Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich, a conservative with Bavaria's Christian Social Union party, told the daily Die Welt.
Two weeks ago, Friedrich advised Germany's federal states that they could better defend themselves against the flood of applicants by providing vouchers for food and services rather than cash benefits to the asylum seekers, many of whom are of the Roma minority. » | dsl -- with wires | Thursday, October 25, 2012
Hans-Peter Friedrich,
Sunday, October 14, 2012
DIE WELT: Das in Deutschland verbotene Islamisten-Netzwerk "Millatu Ibrahim" organisiert sich in Ägypten neu – und ruft zur Rache an der Bundesrepublik auf. Der Anführer will als Eroberer zurückkehren.
Sie kamen im Morgengrauen. Hunderte Polizeibeamte durchsuchten am 14. Juni zahlreiche Vereinsräume und Privatwohnungen in sieben Bundesländern. Ziel der bundesweiten Aktion war die Zerschlagung des islamistischen Netzwerkes "Millatu Ibrahim".
Ein halbes Jahr trieb die Gruppierung zwischen Berlin, Solingen, Bonn und dem hessischen Erbach ihr Unwesen. Ihre Anhänger attackierten Polizisten bei Demonstrationen in Bonn, hetzten gegen Andersgläubige und riefen unverhohlen zum "Heiligen Krieg" in und gegen Deutschland auf.
Bundesinnenminister Hans-Peter Friedrich [Hans-Peter Friedrich] (CSU) ließ ein Verbotsverfahren gegen "Millatu Ibrahim" einleiten. Seit dem Verbot des sogenannten Kalifatstaates im Dezember 2001 hatte es keine großangelehte Aktion gegen organisierte Vertreter des islamischen Extremismus in der Bundesrepublik mehr gegeben.
Die Schließung der Solinger "Millatu Ibrahim"-Moschee habe mehr Symbolcharakter als tatsächlichen Nutzen, betonten Kritiker der Aktion. Mit dem Verbot eines Vereins verschwänden weder dessen Anhänger noch deren Ideologie. » | Von Florian Flade | Montag, 08. Oktober 2012
Monday, September 17, 2012
Saturday, June 16, 2012

The debate on Salafists, members of a fundamentalist strain of Islam who are suspected of having close ties to Islamist extremists, has been raging in Germany for months. Following a number of recent violent incidents, including the stabbing of police officers in Bonn, there have been growing calls for the government to act.
On Thursday, it did just that. In an operation involving 1,000 officers, authorities raided Salafist facilities in seven German states. They also banned one of the most important Salafist groups in the country, the Millatu Ibrahim.
"The organization acts in opposition to the idea of constitutional order and multicultural understanding," German Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich said on Thursday. He added that the group promotes violence in its "fight against the existing constitutional order."
The German government considers Salafists to be particularly dangerous and prone to violence, primarily because of their single-minded goal of establishing Sharia in Germany and their rejection of Western values. They have been in the headlines all spring, initially because of their drive to attract new members by handing out free copies of the Koran in major German cities. But it was their violent response to a campaign in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia that landed them in the spotlight of justice officials.
In early May, the Islamophobic mini-party Pro-NRW launched a campaign to display anti-Islam caricatures in front of mosques and other Muslim facilities in North Rhine-Westphalia ahead of elections in the state. Counter-demonstrations in both Solingen and Bonn turned violent, with Salafists attacking police with rocks, sticks and even knives. In Bonn, 29 police were injured, two of them landing in the hospital with stab wounds.
On Friday, German commentators welcome the action but warn that more needs to be done. » | David Gordon Smith | Friday, June 15, 2012
Related here, here, here, here, and here
Friday, June 08, 2012
Salafisten möchten nichts von Demokratie wissen. Stattdessen wollen sie einen islamischen Staat, einen Gottesstaat, eine Theokratie. Deutschlands Innenminister Hans-Peter Friedrich will nun mit aller Härte gegen diese fundamentalistische Strömung vorgehen. Er sprach mit Florian Flade, Martin Lutz und Ulf Poschardt im Interview. ”Radikaler Salafismus ist wie eine harte Droge” » | Freitag, 08. Juni 2012
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