Tuesday, February 28, 2017

“Sharia Law Is the Constitution for Humanity”

David Menzies attends an open house at the Toronto Masjid mosque that was at the centre of recent protests after an Imam's hate-filled sermons went viral.

President Trump Signs Order To Revoke Clean Water Rule

President Trump: The EPA has abused its rules

Nancy Pelosi: Democrats Have Gotten Under President Trump's Skin | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC

House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi responds to President Trump's comment calling her "incompetent," and what she thinks about House Intelligence Chair Devin Nunes speaking about the Russia investigation.

Spending Blitz: Trump Unveils $54 Billion Hike in the Military Spending (Parts 1 & 2)

Controversial! Jewish Professor Admits All Prophets Were Muslim

Islam has been the only religion since Adam for all those people who think that Islam was the religion of the Prophet Muhammad. Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Jonah and the final Prophet of God Muhammad were all followers of Islam which means submission to the one God (not a trinity), not a man, not Jesus but the one true living God that is not born, never dies, never begets and was not begotten

Frankreich: Scharfschütze eröffnet Feuer während Rede von Präsident Hollande – Zwei Verletzte

Bei einer Rede des französischen Präsidenten, François Hollande, ist es heute zum Schockmoment gekommen. Ein Scharfschütze eröffnete plötzlich das Feuer und gab einen Schuss ab. Zwei Menschen im VIP-Bereich wurden von der Kugel getroffen und leicht verletzt. Hollande reagierte äußerlich gefasst. Er unterbrach seine Rede, schaute sich um, wartete kurz und sagte dann: „Ich hoffe, das nichts Schlimmes passiert ist.“ Danach setzte er seine Rede fort.

Der französische Präsident weihte heute in Villognon eine neue Bahn-Schnellstrecke ein. Der Scharfschütze war zum Schutz der Veranstaltung eingesetzt worden. Die Staatsanwaltschaft hat wegen der „falschen Waffenhandhabung“ eine Untersuchung eingeleitet.

New Wave of Bomb Threats Rattle Jewish Communities

Feb. 28, 2017 - 1:22 - Laura Ingle reports from New York City

Fillon, Le Pen Cry 'Witch-hunt' Over Corruption Probes (Parts 1 & 2)

Clouds Of Scandal And Rank Incompetence At White House | The Last Word | MSNBC

Donald Trump's proposed budget moves are worrying lawmakers on both sides of the aisle, as fear grows his ideas could bankrupt the federal government. Lawrence speaks with David Frum, Jonathan Alter, and Nicholas Confessore.

Christian-Muslim Dialogue Pt. 1 & Pt. 2 | Dr. James White & Dr. Yasir Qadhi

Anti-Islamophobia Motion Passes Unanimously in Ontario

BREITBART.COM: As debate rages at the national level over a proposed anti-Islamophobia motion, the Ontario legislature has passed its own motion condemning “all forms of Islamophobia” and rebuking “the notable growing tide of anti-Muslim rhetoric and sentiments” in the Canadian province.

Riding the wave of pro-Muslim sentiment following the attack on a Quebec mosque in late January, the Ontario legislature passed the motion unanimously, by a vote of 81-0.

While undoubtedly motivated by good will, the unfortunately worded motion raises a series of concerns that are currently roiling discussions taking place in the Canadian Parliament over a similar measure. Read on and comment » | Thomas D. Williams Ph.D | Monday, February 27, 2017

Yemeni-American Ex-Muslim Convert to Christianity: My Best Friend Sent Me Death Threats

Gabriel Saleh shares his powerful testimony

Sean Spicer’s Heated Response to ABC News Reporter on Russia-Trump Connections, Stories | February 27, 2017

War between President Trump and the Press

The O'Reilly Factor': Bill O'Reilly's Talking Points 2/27

George W. Bush On President Trump, Putin, Religious Freedom, Immigration (Exclusive) | TODAY

The new book “Portraits of Courage” combines former President George W. Bush’s appreciation for the sacrifices of our veterans with his love of painting. Bush discusses his inspiration for the book with TODAY’s Matt Lauer, and highlights the differences in the first month of Donald Trump’s presidency with his own time in office, including his thoughts on Putin, the need for a free press, the impact of religious freedom on politics and more.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Geert Wilders Talks with Ezra Levant

TheRebel.media's Ezra Levant sat down with Geert Wilders of the Netherlands on Feb. 23, 2017.

Secrets of the Tobacco Industry

Tobacco Wars - Episodes One, Two and Three

TOBACCO WARS is a comprehensive history of the cigarette, providing an in-depth, balanced, and often shocking look at the tobacco industry. The series' three one-hour episodes are organized chronologically, from the advent of the cigarette through its ascension to one of the most profitable consumer products the world has ever seen. Via first person accounts and insider documentation, TOBACCO WARS vividly portrays what the companies really knew about the link between smoking and disease, explains how mankind became seduced by such a dangerous product, provides a status report on Big Tobacco today, and looks towards the future of this most controversial of industries.

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Ayn Rand: Trump's Favorite Intellectual

ZEIT ONLINE: Libertarian novelist Ayn Rand still sells millions of books in the U.S. years after her death. Why is she so highly admired in the White House?

She was born more than a century ago in Russia, but today the novelist and philosopher Ayn Rand is one of the most powerful intellectual forces in American politics. Speaker of the House of Represantatives Paul Ryan has called her books "the reason I went into public service." President Trump said her novel "The Fountainhead" was one of his favorites. And many of Trump's most prominent team members – including Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and CIA director Mike Pompeo – are also fans of Ayn Rand. Year in and year out, her books command a broad popular audience. Combined annual sales of all her books hover around the million mark. Not bad for a writer whose last major work was published in 1957!

What explains the lasting influence of Ayn Rand among American conservatives? And what can her perennial popularity tell us about where the new Trump administration might be headed? » | Guest contribution by Jennifer Burns, Stanford | Monday, February 27, 2017

Eine deutsche Version dieses Artikels können Sie hier lesen. »

Sir John Major Launches Extraordinary Attack on Theresa May's Government over Brexit

THE TELEGRAPH: Sir John Major has launched an extraordinary attack on Theresa May's Government over Brexit and warned that leaving the EU could mean cutting the NHS and welfare state.

In his first intervention since the referendum, the former Conservative Prime Minister said that there will be a "price to be paid" if Britain decides to leave the European Union without securing a trade deal.

He said that a hard Brexit is a "high risk" strategy and warned Mrs May that she must not create "unreal and over-optimistic" expectations about Britain's future outside the European Union. Read on and comment » | Steven Swinford, Deputy Political Editor | Monday, February 27, 2017

Glenn Beck Attacks Steve Bannon as a Dangerous Leninist

US - Donald Trump Considers Pulling the United States Out of the UN Human Rights Council

'Swirling Paranoia' Takes Over The White House | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The White House is working to crack down on leaks coming out of the White House, with WH press Secretary Spicer requiring staffers to dump their phones ahead of a meeting, according to a report.

France: Tit-for-tat Escalates as President Hollande Hits Back at Trump’s Anti-Paris Remarks

Jimmy Kimmel Mocks Donald Trump in Oscars Opening

Kimmel opens the Academy Awards show with digs at the president and the political division in the US – as well as his comedy nemesis, Matt Damon

Read the Guardian article here

Sunday, February 26, 2017

New York Times Editor Destroys Donald Trump

Every time he tweets it drives subscriptions wildly

How Will Donald Trump’s Presidency End? | The New Yorker

In the first of an ongoing series of panel discussions called “Public Forum: A Well-Ordered Nation,” David Remnick asks Salman Rushdie, Tony Kushner, and Claudia Rankine how they envision the final days of the Trump Administration.

HARDtalk: Vicente Fox on Donald Trump and the Mexico Wall

Stephen Sackur speaks to former Mexico president Vicente Fox, whose strongly worded Twitter responses to Donald Trump have caused a storm on social media. The new US president has wasted little time delivering on his signature campaign promises. He has already ordered the construction of the contentious wall along the US-Mexican border. The US congress will fund it but, ultimately, Mr Trump says, Mexico must pay for it. Can Mexico afford to provoke the new US administration?

Cuba to Build First Mosque as Muslim Population Grows

DAILY TRUST: The city of Havana is set to build Cuba’s first mosque, touted to be one of the largest in Latin America, as its Muslim population continues to grow.

Since 2015, when the government authorized that Cuba’s about 10,000 Muslims should have a place of worship, they have been congregating in a building space in downtown Havana for prayers, where copies of the Quran in both Spanish and Arabic are abundant. The new mosque is set to be built in Old Havana. » | telesurtv.net | Friday, February 24, 2017

Swedes Puzzle Over Fox News' Swedish 'Security Advisor'

ABC NEWS: A trans-Atlantic wave of puzzlement is rippling across Sweden for the second time in a week, after a prominent Fox News program featured a "Swedish defense and national security advisor" who's unknown to the country's military and foreign-affairs officials.

Swedes, and some Americans, have been wondering about representations of the Nordic nation in the U.S. since President Donald Trump invoked "what's happening last night in Sweden" while alluding to past terror attacks in Europe during a rally Feb. 18. There hadn't been any major incident in Sweden the previous night. » | Jennifer Peltz, Associated Press* | Sunday, February 26, 2017

* Associated Press writers Jan Olsen in Copenhagen and Mesfin Fedaku in New York contributed to this report.

Sam Harris - Captain Trump

Sam Harris talks about our new pilot landing the airplane.

The White House, the FBI, and the Russia Investigation | AM Joy | MSNBC

According to reports, the FBI declined a request from the White House to knock down reports of contact between the Trump campaign and Russia. What are the implications? Jonathan Capehart and our panel discuss.

White Nationalist Richard Spencer Reacts To Being Kicked Out Of CPAC | NBC News

After being stripped of his credentials at the Conservative Political Action Conference, Richard Spencer explains why the move doesn’t faze him and how he thinks race relates to identity politics.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Brexit Stirs Up Old Divides In Northern Ireland

In March, British Prime Minister Theresa May is expected to begin the process of having the United Kingdom formally exit the European Union. While a majority of voters in the UK voted to leave the EU, voters in Northern Ireland favored remaining, in part because of fears that Brexit could affect a peace agreement between Catholics and Protestants. NewsHour Weekend Special Correspondent Patricia Sabga reports.

Interpreters Struggle to Translate Donald Trump, This Week in Words - Monologue

Jimmy Fallon's monologue from Friday, February 24.

King Hussein of Jordan: Survival of a Dynasty - Al Jazeera World

The life and struggles of King Hussein of Jordan, from the assassination of his grandfather to the rise of the PLO.

Hashemites »

Almost Half of Britain's Weapons Exports Go to Saudi Arabia - Report

Almost half of the UK's entire recent weapons exports have gone to Saudi Arabia. That's according to the latest report from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.

How Tough Was Early Immigration to America?

Pete Hegseth visits Ellis Island

Bannon Scorns Media in Rare Public Appearance at CPAC

The White House chief strategist, Steve Bannon, made a rare public appearance at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on Thursday, in which he taunted the media for supposedly misrepresenting Donald Trump and his first month in office. Bannon, who has rarely appeared in public since joining Trump’s White House, said the administration would continue to fight every day for Trump’s vision. ‘If you think they’re going to give you your country back without a fight, you’re sadly mistaken,’ he told the crowd

Read the Guardian article here

Steve Bannon and Reince Priebus' Awkward Bromance

Steve Bannon and Reince Priebus shared a very awkward moment on stage at CPAC. Cenk Uygur, John Iadarola, Ben Mankiewicz, and Michael Brooks, the hosts of The Young Turks, break it down.

Trump Bans Top Media Outlets

Donald Trump just banned some of the most respected news agencies from a White House press briefing. Cenk Uygur, John Iadarola, Ben Mankiewicz, and Michael Brooks, the hosts of The Young Turks, tell you who was banned.

Steve Bannon Blames European Union for Collapse of Judaeo-Christian West in Europe

Transgender Bathroom Debate: State Or Civil Rights Issue?

Tucker takes on the director of Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund over Trump's revoking Obama federal guidelines that allowed public school students to use restrooms corresponding to their gender identity

Are 'Radical Islamists' At War With America?

Experts debate threats facing the U.S. and extreme vetting policies on 'Hannity'

Trump Looking to Ramp Up Fighting against ISIS

Not Daesh. Not ISIL. Not IS.

Read the FoxNews article here

White House Excludes Some News Organizations From Gaggle

Feb. 24, 2017 - 5:39 - John Roberts reports from the White House

Controversy Grows Over Trump Administration Immigration Plan

Jorge Ramos joins 'The O'Reilly Factor' to discuss the deportation debate

Friday, February 24, 2017

"CNN Is NOT Fake News" Shep Smith Defends CNN on Fox News

Inside Story - A New Nuclear Arms Race?

Donald Trump says he wants the United States to expand its nuclear arsenal.

Ex-Muslim Sandra Solomon "Why Do Canadian Imams Want Me Dead?"

As Calls Grow to Impeach Trump, Former Nixon Counsel John Dean Sees "Echoes of Watergate"

President Trump has been in office for only 36 days, and there is already a growing chorus of voices calling for his impeachment. This comes as CNN and The New York Times report White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus sought unsuccessfully to have the FBI refute news reports that Donald Trump’s campaign advisers were in frequent contact with Russian intelligence agents ahead of November’s election. The allegations have drawn comparisons to former President Richard Nixon’s 1972 discussion with aides who used the CIA to push the FBI away from investigating the Watergate burglary that later led to his resignation. We speak to someone who has been at the center of the unraveling of a presidency and a vote for impeachment: President Richard Nixon’s White House counsel, John Dean. He is the author of several books, including "The Nixon Defense: What He Knew and When He Knew It," "Conservatives Without Conscience" and "Broken Government: How Republican Rule Destroyed the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Branches."

Lawyer for Accused in Denmark's First Blasphemy Case in 45 Years

Rasmus is the lawyer for Denmark's first blasphemy case in 45 years, defending a Dane who burned the Koran in 2015

Trump Administration, Turkey Crackdown, French Presidential Race

British Politician and Brexit Engineer Nigel Farage Speaks at CPAC

Muslim Adviser Quits After 8 Days Of Donald Trump Administration (Exclusive) | All In | MSNBC

Rumana Ahmed quit her job as a senior adviser at the National Security Council just eight days after Donald Trump took the oath of office.

THE ATLANTIC: I Was a Muslim in Trump's White House »

Vicente Fox: ‘We’re Not Paying for That F***ing Wall' - BBC Newsnight

Vicente Fox, former President of Mexico, tells Emily Maitlis there's no way his country will pay for Donald Trump's planned wall. They also discuss tax, trade and immigration.

President Donald Trump: "We're Building the Wall, It's Going to Start Soon, Way ahead of Schedule"

France: Migrants Offered Financial Incentives to Return Home

President Donald Trump Rips Into FBI On Twitter | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Donald Trump tears into the FBI on Twitter, saying they are unable to stop national security 'leakers.'

Krauthammer: Bannon Showed He Was Brains of Operation

Fox News contributor and syndicated columnist gives his take on the united front presented by Reince Priebus and Steve Bannon against the media before crowd at CPAC, saying Bannon was representation of 'Trumpism'

Steve Bannon's 3 Goals for the Trump Presidency - BBC News

Donald Trump's senior adviser, Steve Bannon, was speaking at a conservative conference in Washington.

Steve Bannon Lays Out Vision For White House During CPAC Talk | Morning Joe | MSNBC

During a talk Wednesday at CPAC, Donald Trump's chief strategist Steve Bannon laid out his vision for the Trump White House while next to Reince Priebus. Is there unease between the two?

Steve Bannon: The Most Powerful Person In President Trump's White House | The Last Word | MSNBC

Lawrence explains why Donald Trump's Chief Strategist, Steve Bannon, proved he's the real power center of the Trump White House with his appearance at CPAC. Lawrence discusses the Bannon vision with David Corn and Christopher Dickey.

Sweden and President Trump

'The O'Reilly Factor' Tip of the Day 2/23

Marine Le Pen Praises Brexit, Trump's Election, and "the Rise of a Europe against the Union"

Shepard Smith Pays Tribute to Alan Colmes

Feb. 23, 2017 - 2:42 - Shepard struck by Alan's 'kind and gentle way'

Alan Colmes Dead at 66

Fox News moments ago reported on Colmes’ death with a segment narrated by Sean Hannity, who paired with Colmes for years on the venerable talk show Hannity & Colmes

Read the FOXNews article here

Read the NBC News article here

Bannon Scorns Media in Rare Public Appearance at CPAC

The White House chief strategist, Steve Bannon, made a rare public appearance at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on Thursday, in which he taunted the media for supposedly misrepresenting Donald Trump and his first month in office. Bannon, who has rarely appeared in public since joining Trump’s White House, said the administration would continue to fight every day for Trump’s vision. ‘If you think they’re going to give you your country back without a fight, you’re sadly mistaken,’ he told the crowd

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Betsy DeVos' Entire CPAC Speech

Education Secretary Betsy Devos talked about her vision for education in the US during her remarks at the 2017 CPAC convention.

'It's Not the Best of Times': Rare Interview with Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg - BBC Newsnight

In a rare interview, US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg says the US is "not experiencing the best of times" - but the "pendulum" will swing back. For Newsnight, she spoke to filmmaker Olly Lambert at the final dress rehearsal of Dead Man Walking at the Kennedy Center in Washington, DC.

North Korea: National Geographic Documentary (2016)

The Atlantic Slave Trade: What Too Few Textbooks Told You - Anthony Hazard

Netherlands: Geert Wilders Compares Islam to Nazi Ideology

Donald Trump - America's African President: The Daily Show

Presidential hopeful Donald Trump may not seem like commander-in-chief material to Americans, but in certain African countries, he fits the bill.

Bob Woodward Takes on the Trump Administration: "Democracies Die in Darkness"

What challenges does the press face in reporting on President Trump's White House? Legendary Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward and editor-in-chief of The Atlantic Jeffrey Goldberg discuss North Korea, Russia and presidential reporting in 2017.

Napolitano: We Have Spying Everywhere, All the Time

Judge Napolitano's Chambers: Judge Andrew Napolitano explains why America's spies now have more power than the United States president

Joe: How College Impacted Stephen Miller's Conservative Thought | Morning Joe | MSNBC

How did Stephen Miller arrive at his world view and how did his university experience impact his brand of conservatism? Andrew Sullivan considers Miller’s politics, and the panel discusses.

GOP Senator: We May Subpoena President Trump's Tax Returns

Republican Sen. Susan Collins of Maine said she wants former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn to testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee about alleged Russian meddling in the election. Collins also did not rule out a subpoena on President Trump's tax returns to investigate any financial ties to Russia. Philip Bump of The Washington Post and Caitlin Huey-Burns of Real Clear Politics joined CBSN to discuss.

Is the Honeymoon Over? Oksana Talks to Konstantin Kosachev, Russian Senator

The first European outing of the Trump team at the Munich Security Conference has left everybody wanting. The US allies - jittery over Trump's campaign pledges - weren't reassured by the lukewarm expressions of solidarity, while the Russians - hopeful of a new beginning - didn't hear much to support it. What is the Trump administration up to? To explore this, Oksana is joined by member of the Russian Parliament and Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Federation Council, Konstantin Kosachev.

Kucinich Reacts to Democrats' Early Trump Impeachment Talk

'This Is As Big As Watergate, If Not Bigger': Jackie Speier - BBC Newsnight

"Why is there such a bromance between our president and Vladimir Putin?" Congresswoman Jackie Speier, who is on the House Select Committee on Intelligence, speaks to James O'Brien about Donald Trump, Michael Flynn and Russia.

Amnesty Report Slams Trump, Other Leaders

Kristie Lu Stout speaks with Amnesty Intl's Salil Shetty, after its latest report criticizes President Trump's immigration policies

Amnesty Chief Urges France to 'Stay True to Its Values'

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

The Intel Community and the Slow Death of Trump's Presidency | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann

Does Donald Trump see what’s going on here?

France's Topsy-Turvy Election: Uncertain Outcome as Insurgents Blow Away Old Guard (Parts 1 & 2)

President Donald Trump New Immigration Order Could Face Legal Hurdles | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Ari Melber, Brian Sullivan and Kasie Hunt discuss Donald Trump's new actions on immigration and construction sites for the border wall.

Astronomers Discover 7 Earth-sized Planets - BBC News

Astronomers have discovered seven Earth-sized planets orbiting a single star - a record number.

President Trump and the Culture War

Feb. 21, 2017 - 4:21 - 'The O'Reilly Factor': Bill O'Reilly's Talking Points 2/21

Activist: Trump More Dangerous Than Hitler, Is a Fascist

Feb. 22, 2017 - 6:06 - Tucker takes on member of Refuse Facism Now who insists President Trump is a fascist, more dangerous than Hitler and is urging people to rise up and drive him out of office

"A Conspiracy Fact": Soros, Trudeau Plot "Refugee" Scheme

Ezra Levant of TheRebel.media details the plan George Soros and Justin Trudeau signed to normalize "refugee" settlement in the west (and silence opposition to it.)

Trump Administration Sets Stage for Mass Deportations Debate the FEAR Group vs ACLU

FDR Rejected Anne Frank Twice as a Refugee, Advocate Urges Trump Not To Close U.S. Borders Again

As President Trump prepares to issue a new executive order barring all refugees and visitors from seven majority-Muslim nations, we speak to Steven Goldstein, the executive director of the Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect. He reflects back on how FDR twice denied permission for the Frank family to come to the United States as refugees to escape Nazi-occupied Amsterdam.

White House Refuses to Condemn Rise of Islamophobia as Radical Right Enters Political Mainstream

The Southern Poverty Law Center has revealed the number of anti-Muslim groups in the United States tripled last year from 34 in 2015 to 101 last year. The Southern Poverty Law Center and other groups have said hate groups have been energized by the candidacy and then election of Donald Trump. On Tuesday, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer dodged a question about why Trump has not spoken out against anti-Muslim attacks. We speak to Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center.

California Dreaming: Calls for State Secession from USA Grows

Furious opposition to President Donald Trump's leadership and policies is continuing to grow across the U.S. And in the state of California, one in three now think secession may be the only solution.

Moody: Le Pen Brings Trump-like Message to French Election

Fox News executive vice president and executive editor talks rise of France's populist candidate for president

Turkey Reverses Female Army Officers' Headscarf Ban

BBC: A ban on female army officers in Turkey wearing the Muslim headscarf has been lifted by the government.

The military is the last Turkish institution to see the ban removed. It has long been seen as the guardian of Turkey's secular constitution.

Turkey has a secular constitution dating from the days of Kemal Ataturk, founder of the modern republic, who did not like women covering their heads.

Wearing headscarves in public institutions was banned in the 1980s. » | Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Germany's Bavaria to Ban Full-face Veil

BBC: The German state of Bavaria has announced plans to ban the full-face veil in government workplaces, schools, universities and while driving.

"Communication happens not only via language but also looks, facial expressions and gestures," said state Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann. » | Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Lt. Gen. H. R. McMaster

JIHAD WATCH: NSA McMaster: Islamic State uses “perverted interpretation of religion” »

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Joe: President Trump Needs To Speak Out Against Anti-Semitism | Morning Joe | MSNBC

In the wake of rising anti-Semitic incidents around the country, namely bomb threats being made to Jewish community centers, Trump must speak out against anti-Semitism, Joe Scarborough states.

Jean-Claude Juncker Warns Britain of ‘Hefty Bill’ for Brexit

Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the European commission, makes a speech to the Belgian federal parliament on Tuesday and warns that the British people must prepare to pay a “very heft bill” for leaving the European Union. Although Juncker says the EU must not enter negotiations with “a heart filled with hostility” he does stress that the terms of leaving will not be “cut-price or zero cost”

Read the Guardian article here