Showing posts with label impeachment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label impeachment. Show all posts

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Democracy Now! "Impeach Trump Again": John Bonifaz on Fighting Trump's Lawlessness, Corruption & Attacks on Judges

Mar 12, 2025 | More than 250,000 have signed a petition to support an impeachment investigation of President Donald Trump, who was twice impeached during his first term. The Impeach Trump Again campaign is being led by the advocacy group Free Speech for People. "This president has already committed multiple abuses of power since assuming the presidency, and the framers designed the Constitution to ensure that we would not have a monarch or a tyrant govern this nation," says the group's president, John Bonifaz. "When we see these abuses of power, we have to invoke this impeachment clause."

Democracy Now! can be supported here.

Saturday, February 08, 2025

Trump Faces Impeachment after Bringing 'Turmoil and Chaos' to the US | Congressman Al Green

Feb 7, 2025 | “We’re seeing how he can use his immense power to create turmoil and chaos that is almost unimaginable in this country.”

Filing impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump is “the right thing to do,” says Al Green, Democrat representative for Texas, who is filing proceedings against the president.

Tuesday, February 02, 2021

Impeachment Managers: 'Trump’s Responsibility for the Events of January 6 Is Unmistakable'

THE GUARDIAN: The House impeachment managers have filed a brief outlining their argument for Donald Trump’s conviction ahead of the former president’s second Senate impeachment trial.

“In a grievous betrayal of his Oath of Office, President Trump incited a violent mob to attack the United States Capitol during the Joint Session, thus impeding Congress’s confirmation of Joseph R. Biden, Jr. as the winner of the presidential election,” the brief says. “President Trump’s responsibility for the events of January 6 is unmistakable.” » | Joan E Greve (now) and Martin Belam (earlier) | Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Amtsenthebung: Donald Trump verliert vor Verfahren seine Anwälte

ZEIT ONLINE: Kurz vor Beginn des Amtsenthebungsverfahrens muss sich der frühere US-Präsident laut Medienberichten neue Verteidiger suchen. Grund dafür seien strategische Differenzen.

Kurz vor Beginn des Amtsenthebungsverfahrens gegen Donald Trumpim Senat sind dem früheren US-Präsidenten Medienberichten zufolge seine Verteidiger abhanden gekommen. Wie unter anderem der Nachrichtensender CNN berichtete, würden die fünf vorgesehenen Anwälte den Republikaner in dem Verfahren nun doch nicht verteidigen. Unter ihnen seien auch die beiden Anwälte Butch Bowers und Deborah Barbier, die eigentlich Trumps Verteidigung im Senat hätten anführen sollen. » | Quelle: ZEIT ONLINE, dpa, AP, AFP, msk | Sonntag, 31. Januar 2021

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Verfahren gegen Trump: Fast alle Republikaner im Senat gegen Impeachment

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Nur fünf republikanische Senatoren stimmen mit den 50 Demokraten für den Fortgang des Amtsenthebungsverfahrens gegen den früheren amerikanischen Präsidenten. Die anderen halten es für verfassungswidrig. Damit wird eine Verurteilung extrem unwahrscheinlich.

Die Hoffnungen der amerikanischen Demokraten auf eine Verurteilung des früheren Präsidenten Donald Trump im Impeachment-Prozess haben einen deutlichen Dämpfer erlitten. Bei einer Abstimmung stellten sich am Dienstag 45 der 50 republikanischen Senatoren hinter einen Antrag, den Prozess wegen der Erstürmung des Kapitols für verfassungswidrig zu erklären. Nur fünf Republikaner stimmten mit den 50 Demokraten.

Das lässt es zunehmend unrealistisch erscheinen, dass im Senat die für eine Verurteilung Trumps notwendige Zweidrittelmehrheit zustande kommen wird. Sollten die 50 demokratischen Senatoren geschlossen für eine Amtsenthebung stimmen, müssten sich ihnen noch mindestens 17 Republikaner anschließen. » | Quelle: AFP/dpa | Mittwoch, 27. Januar 2021

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Trump Impeached Again

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The House voted on an article of impeachment that accuses President Trump of “incitement of insurrection,” and 10 Republicans supported the move. Senator Mitch McConnell said he would not agree to use emergency powers to bring the Senate back into session for a trial before Jan. 19. » | ohn Eligon and Thomas Kaplan | Nicholas Fandos and Glenn Thrush contributed reporting | Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Monday, January 11, 2021

Trump Impeachment: Democrats Formally Charge President with Inciting Insurrection

THE GUARDIAN: Trump set to become the first president to be impeached twice / Pelosi: Trump a ‘deranged, unhinged, dangerous president’

Donald Trump is set to become the first US president to be impeached twice, after Democrats in the House of Representatives formally charged him with one count of “incitement of insurrection”, over the Capitol Hill riot.

Five people died in the attack last week, which Trump prompted when he told supporters to “fight like hell” in his attempt to overturn election defeat by Joe Biden.

On Monday, as security officials scrambled to ensure that the inauguration next week would not be marred by violence attached to protests planned for the day, Democrats in the House moved swiftly.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who in an interview on Sunday called Trump “a deranged, unhinged, dangerous president”, initiated a plan in two parts.

An initial resolution called on Vice-President Mike Pence to support removing Trump under the 25th amendment. » | Tom McCarthy, national affairs correspondent | Monday, January 11, 2021

Saturday, January 09, 2021

Nach dem Sturm auf das Capitol: Auf Trump wartet ein zweites Impeachment

TAGES ANZEIGER: Die Demokraten scheinen fest entschlossen zu sein, Donald Trump aus dem Amt zu entfernen. Künftige Kandidaturen könnten ihm so verwehrt bleiben. Dafür müssten aber auch die Republikaner mitmachen.

Nancy Pelosi, die mächtige demokratische Sprecherin des Abgeordnetenhauses, Nummer drei in der politischen Rangfolge nach dem Präsidenten und dessen Vize, scheint fest entschlossen zu sein, Donald Trump für den Sturm auf das Capitol am Mittwoch zur Rechenschaft zu ziehen. Am Freitag sprach Pelosi eine Drohung aus, die kaum zurückzunehmen sein wird: Wenn Trump nicht «unverzüglich» zurücktrete oder sein Vize Mike Pence nicht ebenso unverzüglich ein Amtsenthebungsverfahren nach Zusatzartikel 25 der Verfassung einleite, dann werde der Kongress ein zweites Amtsenthebungsverfahren gegen Trump beginnen. » | Thorsten Denkler, New York | Samstag, 9. Januar 2021

Rep. Adam Schiff: 'We Can Move Swiftly ... to Impeach This Man' | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Rep. Adam Schiff, who was the lead impeachment manager for Donald Trump's first impeachment, emphasizes the determination of the Democratic caucus to protect the United States from further damage by removing Trump from office. Aired on 1/9/2021.

Friday, January 08, 2021

House Democrats Plan to Impeach Trump, Again

House Democrats are currently planning to introduce articles of impeachment against President Trump as soon as Monday, according to multiple sources familiar with the matter. That could set up a vote in the House early to the middle of next week. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has not explicitly said when this will go to the floor. This would be the second time the House has unveiled articles of impeachment against President Trump. In December 2019, the House impeached Trump on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. The Senate acquitted him on both charges last February.

Kasparov: Impeachment Now Is the Best Protection against a Future Trump | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Garry Kasparov, Richard Haass and Neal Katyal join Morning Joe to discuss this week's riot at the D.C. Capitol, preventing the next demagogic president and the DOJ being open to pursuing charges against Trump for Wednesday's riot. Aired on 01/08/2021.

Wednesday, February 05, 2020

Romney, Breaking With Republicans, Will Vote to Convict Trump of Abuse of Power

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Senator Mitt Romney, Republican of Utah, grew emotional on the Senate floor as he pronounced President Trump “guilty of an appalling abuse of public trust.”

WASHINGTON — Senator Mitt Romney of Utah announced on Wednesday that he would vote to convict President Trump of abuse of power, making him the first Republican to support removing Mr. Trump for his bid to pressure Ukraine to investigate his political rivals.

“I think the case was made,” Mr. Romney said in an interview in his Senate office on Wednesday morning, ahead of an afternoon floor speech in which he grew emotional as he explained his decision. He declared Mr. Trump “guilty of an appalling abuse of public trust.”

Mr. Romney said he would vote against the second article of impeachment, obstruction of Congress, arguing that House Democrats had failed to exhaust their legal options for securing testimony and other evidence they had sought. But the first-term senator said that Democrats had proved their first charge, that the president had misused his office for his own personal gain. » | Mark Leibovich | Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Joe: A Confederacy of Dunces Defends President Donald Trump | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The president's lawyers insisted at his Senate impeachment trial Monday that there was nothing improper about his dealings with Ukraine's government. The Morning Joe panel discusses. Aired on 01/28/20.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Senate Opens Trump Impeachment Trial as New Ukraine Revelations Emerge

The chief justice was sworn in as the presiding officer and senators swore to do “impartial justice,” as the Senate opened only the third presidential impeachment trial in U.S. history.

Read the article here »

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Lawrence: ‘Your Votes Made History Tonight’ | The Last Word | MSNBC

Lawrence O’Donnell explains how the millions of voters who gave Democrats control of the House of Representatives in last year's election made the Trump impeachment possible. Aired on 12/18/19.

Across America Thousands March to Support Trump's Impeachment

People turned out in over 600 communities all over the United States calling for President Donald Trump's impeachment. David Siever of MoveOn talks about what this means and what happens next.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

More Than 700 Historians Call for Trump to Be Impeached as Key Vote Looms

THE GUARDIAN: ‘We … have concluded that Donald J Trump has violated his oath’ / Signatories include Ron Chernow and David Blight

More than 700 American historians have called for the impeachment and removal of Donald Trump.

“We are American historians devoted to studying our nation’s past,” began an open letter posted to Medium, “who have concluded that Donald J Trump has violated his oath to ‘faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States’ and to ‘preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States’.”

Two articles of impeachment will be voted on in the House of Representatives on Wednesday. They concern abuse of power, in Trump’s attempts to have Ukraine investigate his political rivals, and obstruction of Congress, in his refusal to allow key aides to testify in impeachment hearings.

Despite extensive evidence laid out in those House committee hearings, the president denies any wrongdoing. » | Martin Pengelly in New York | Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Impeachment by Christmas: Democrats Limits Charges to Ensure Swift Vote

Too much or too little? Democrats in the U-S House of Representatives drafting two articles of impeachment against Donald Trump. Less is more they say in the hopes of a swift vote that would send charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress to a trial by the Republican-controlled Senate and a vote before the first January presidential primaries.

House Democrats Unveil Articles of Impeachment Against Trump

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Democratic leaders announced they would move to charge President Trump with abuse of power and obstruction of Congress when the Judiciary Committee meets to consider articles of impeachment

WASHINGTON — House Democrats announced on Tuesday that they would move ahead this week with two articles of impeachment charging President Trump with abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, as they accused him of violating the Constitution by pressuring Ukraine for help in the 2020 election.

Speaking from a wood-paneled reception room just off the floor of the House, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and leaders of six key committees said that Mr. Trump’s actions toward Ukraine, and his efforts to block Congress’s attempt to investigate, had left them no choice but to pursue one of the Constitution’s gravest remedies. The move will bring a sitting president to the brink of impeachment for only the fourth time in American history.

“Today, in service to our duty to the Constitution, and to our country, the House Committee on Judiciary is introducing two articles of impeachment charging the president of the United States, Donald J. Trump, with committing high crimes and misdemeanors,” said Representative Jerrold Nadler, Democrat of New York and the panel’s chairman. He stood before four American flags and a portrait of George Washington. » | Nicholas Fandos | Tuesday, December 10, 2019