Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Hillary Clinton Compares Vladimir Putin’s Actions in Ukraine to Adolf Hitler’s in Nazi Germany

LONG BEACH PRESS TELEGRAM: LONG BEACH >> Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Tuesday compared recent actions by Russian President Vladimir Putin in the Ukraine to those implemented by Adolf Hitler in the late 1930s.

Putin’s desire to protect minority Russians in Ukraine is reminiscent of Hitler’s actions to protect ethnic Germans outside Germany, she said.

Putin has been on a campaign to give Russian passports to anyone who has Russian connections, Clinton said.

The Russian leader has recently done so in the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea, which, Clinton said, is similar to what happened in Nazi Germany in the late 1930s. Hitler resettled tens of thousands of ethnic Germans who were living in parts of Europe to Nazi Germany. » | Karen Robes Meeks, Long Beach Press Telegram | Tuesday, March 04, 2014

George P Bush Looks to Continue Family's Political Legacy

Land Commissioner candidate George P. Bush speaks during
a visitation even while on the campaign trail Wednesday, Feb. 19. 2014
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Grandson of George HW Bush easily wins Republican primary election in Texas

George P Bush, the grandson of George HW Bush, has won his first election in Texas as he looks to continue the political dynasty.

The 37-year-old lawyer is the nephew of George W Bush, who was governor of Texas before becoming president, and the son of Jeb Bush, the former Florida governor considered a potential 2016 Republican presidential candidate.

The younger Mr Bush is widely hailed as a future star of the party. His mother is Mexican and he speaks Spanish, offering an inroad to Latino voters who vote overwhelmingly for the Democrats. » | Raf Sanchez, Washington | Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Dealing with the Villain Putin

Mar. 04, 2014 - 8:44 - Talking Points 3/4

Exclusive Interview with Barbara Bush

Mar. 05, 2014 - 5:46 - Steve Doocy sits down with former first lady

Who Is the Real Vladimir Putin?

Mar. 04, 2014 - 4:04 - Expert takes a look at the man responsible for the growing crisis

Saakashvili: Putin 'Wants to Be Feared'

Mar. 04, 2014 - 7:53 - Former Georgia president on Ukraine crisis

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Außenpolitisch ist Barack Obama eine Niete

DIE WELT: In einem sind sich Freunde wie Feinde des US-Präsidenten einig: In der Außenpolitik agiert Barack Obama fast schon schockierend undurchsichtig. Als Führer der freien Welt taugt er nicht.

Was dem regelmäßigen Besucher des "großen Welttheaters", wie Churchill einst die politische Szene von Washington nannte, besonders auffällt in dieser letzten Phase der Obama-Präsidentschaft, ist vor allem in der Ukraine-Krise die Verwirrung und sogar Verzweiflung über die undurchsichtige Außenpolitik des Präsidenten.

Bei aller Anerkennung seiner Rhetorik und seiner Willenskraft in der Innenpolitik wird Obama die Begabung, sich außenpolitisch positiv zu profilieren und durchzusetzen, gemeinhin abgesprochen. In fast allen meinen Gesprächen mit jüngst zurückgetretenen, aber auch weiterhin aktiven hohen Staatsbeamten war eine Enttäuschung über Obamas Außenpolitik zu spüren. Wahrnehmbar ist seine Rückzugspolitik aus den großen Krisenherden der Welt in einem Augenblick, in dem der Einsatz der noch immer führenden Weltmacht USA dringlichst benötigt wird.

Obamas übereilter Rückzug aus Afghanistan, Verteidigungsminister Hagels Entschluss, die Armee auf ihr Vorweltkriegsniveau zu reduzieren, der "Ruck" der Wehr- und Außenpolitik in Richtung Ostasien, aber vor allem die Nicht-Intervention in Syrien haben alte Alliierte vor den Kopf gestoßen und drohen Änderungen auf dem diplomatischen Schachbrett zu Ungunsten der westlichen Alliierten mit sich zu bringen. » | Von Lord Weidenfeld | Dienstag, 04. März 2014

Purchasing Power? The Russia Sanction Ripple Effect

Washington's threats of sanctions might be tough to keep, according to experts citing Russia's economic clout. RT's Marina Kosareva has been looking over the numbers.

View from Moscow: Ukraine Blame: US Criticism of Moscow At Odds with White House Policies

And on the frontline of the deepening diplomatic row over Ukraine Washington has been making some harsh statements against Moscow's stance on the crisis. With Secretary of State John Kerry once again travelling to Kiev to meet with the new government there - Anastasiya Churkina looks at whether the US has been following its own advice.

British Officials Oppose Sanctions Because Russia's Elite Are London's Cash Cows

NEW REPUBLIC: If you’re looking for Russia’s weak point at the moment, you could do worse than start at 88 West Heath Road, a house in leafy north London. It looks modest enough, but it would probably set you back $15 million.

It is the primary residence of Andrey Yakunin. His father, Russian Railways chief executive Vladimir Yakunin, is a former KGB agent and longtime pal of President Vladimir Putin. He was also a lead organizer of the Sochi Olympics and heads National Glory of Russia, an organization that aims to protect Russians from Western culture. (In a barely-readable book called Problems of Contemporary World Futurology, he predicted the collapse of the West in 10-20 years). His wife, Natalya, is in the same trade. She heads Sanctity of Motherhood, which propagates the “many-child family” through traditional Russian values and Orthodox Christianity. Their son Andrey is a fund manager, a graduate of the London Business School, and a specialist in “mid-market business hotels,” particularly ones that adjoin Russian train stations. His son Igor, in turn, attends a posh English private school.

The Yakunin family is Putin’s Kremlin in microcosm, a hypocritical spookocracy that rejects everything about the West except its money, houses, and consumer goods. It also encapsulates the Kremlin’s weakness. If Putin’s Ukraine adventure causes Europe to freeze assets and inconvenience the Kremlin elite, then Putin will find himself losing support fast—from the constituency he needs the most.

Putin may project a macho image by getting his guns out at any opportunity, but his actual power is based on elite support, and the elite supports him because he has made it rich beyond the dreams of avarice. For example, Vladimir Yakunin and Putin were neighbors in St. Petersburg. Putin made Yakunin head of Russian Railways, and now, Yakunin owns a palace outside Moscow, where the bathhouse alone has a reported floor area of 15,000 square feet. Read on and comment » | Oliver Bullough | Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Should White House Impose Sanctions on Russia?

Mar. 04, 2014 - 8:31 - Congressmen Mike Pompeo and Luke Messer react to President Putin's agression in Ukraine

Inside Story: Russian Defence or Dominance?

President Vladimir Putin breaks his silence on the Ukrainian crisis.

Legal Suicide: Belgium Child Euthanasia Law Meets Fierce Opposition

Belgium's recent decision to legalize euthanasia for terminally ill children has stoked fierce opposition across Europe. While some accept the move on humanitarian grounds, others believe it could be abused by parents. RT's Margaret Howell reports.

Russia Today Host Who Criticised Kremlin Sent to Crimea

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Russian state-funded TV presenter in anti-Kremlin tirade sent to Crimea to get a 'better understanding' of situation on the ground

A TV presenter working for a Kremlin-funded channel who spoke out against Russia's military invasion in Ukraine live on air has been sent by the broadcaster to Crimea to "better her knowledge" of the situation.

In an off-message tirade, Abby Martin, a Washington-based American news anchor for Russia Today, shocked mostly pro-Russian viewers by announcing she "cannot stress enough" how strongly she felt about presence of its troops in Crimea, saying "Russia was wrong".

The host addressed the camera in unscripted remarks at the end of the station's Breaking the Set segment, saying: "Just because I work here, for RT, doesn't mean I don't have editorial independence and I can't stress enough how strongly I am against any military intervention in sovereign nations' affairs.

"I will not sit here and apologise or defend military aggression," she went on.

The English-language Russia Today is widely perceived as the voice of the Kremlin, with Reporters Without Borders describing it as a "step of the state to control information." » | Josie Ensor | Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Obama: Russia's Actions Are Not a Sign of Strength

Mar. 04, 2014 - 4:52 - President addresses crisis in Ukraine

Team Obama Wins Fight to Have Christian Home-school Family Deported

FOX NEWS: Uwe and Hannelore Romeike came to the United States in 2008 seeking political asylum. They fled their German homeland in the face of religious persecution for homeschooling their children.

They wanted to live in a country where they could raise their children in accordance with their Christian beliefs.

The Romeikes were initially given asylum, but the Obama administration objected – claiming that German laws that outlaw homeschooling do not constitute persecution.

“The goal in Germany is for an open, pluralistic society,” the Justice Department wrote in a legal brief last year. “Teaching tolerance to children of all backgrounds helps to develop the ability to interact as a fully functioning citizen in Germany.”

On Monday, the Supreme Court declined to hear the Romeike’s appeal – paving the way for the Christian family of eight to be deported. » | Tod Starnes | Todd’s American Dispatch | Monday, March 03, 2014

Tory Councillor Who Shared Burka Joke on Facebook Expelled from Party

Tory councillor Chris Joannides has been expelled from his
party after comparing Muslim children wearing burkas
to bin[-]bags on Facebook
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Chris Joannides, a Conservative councillor in Enfield, has been dropped as a candidate for May's local elections and banned from the party for a year

A Tory councillor has been expelled from his party after comparing Muslim children wearing burkas to bin[-]bags on Facebook.

Chris Joannides, a councillor for Enfield, in north London, also upset colleagues by complaining that his job as a local councillor was interfering with his social life.

Conservative Central Office has now dropped him as a candidate for the local elections in May and expelled him from the party for 12 months.

The decision comes after Mr Joannides posted a photograph showing a woman and child dressed in the traditional Muslim clothing standing next to two bin[-]bags.

A caption read: "I saw her standing there and I told her she had three beautiful children. She didn't have to get all ****** off and threaten me. It was an honest mistake!" » | Hayley Dixon | Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Did Sarah Palin Predict the Ukraine Crisis Back in 2008?

Mar. 03, 2014 - 8:01 - Former vice presidential candidate says Obama is not exercising 'peace through strength'

How to Handle Putin

Mar. 03, 2014 - 3:54 - Talking Points 3/3

Judge Jeanine: Obama's Policies Reducing US to Paper Tiger

Mar. 02, 2014 - 6:02 - President issues another warning

Sen. Inhofe Concerned with 'Weakened Condition' of US Abroad

Mar. 04, 2014 - 6:35 - Republican lawmaker critical of vulnerability displayed by White House

Monday, March 03, 2014

Krim-Konflikt: Europas Ohnmacht gegenüber Russland

Wladimir Putin und Premierminister Dmitri Medwediew
ZEIT ONLINE: EU und USA können die russische Aggression auf der Krim nicht stoppen. Ihnen fehlt eine Strategie gegen Putins Neoimperialismus und so bleibt nur, mit ihm zu verhandeln.

Wie soll der Westen auf den Aufmarsch der russischen Armee auf der Krim und auf die unverhohlene militärische Drohung des Kreml gegen die Ukraine reagieren? In den europäischen Hauptstädten und in Washington herrscht Rat- und Hilflosigkeit. US-Präsident Barak Obama warnt Wladimir Putin zwar davor, sich zu isolieren. Und die Europäer mahnen beide Seiten, den Konflikt nicht weiter anzuheizen. Doch Obamas Drohung wird Putin kaum beeindrucken und auch Europa kann oder will nicht mit Konsequenzen drohen.

Denn militärisch werden sich weder die USA noch die Europäer in der Ukraine engagieren. Die neue Führung in Kiew und die ukrainische Armee haben dem russischen Riesen ebenfalls kaum etwas entgegenzusetzen. So kann Russland ungestört Truppen auf die Krim verlegen. Faktisch hat es die ukrainische Halbinsel, die jahrhundertelang zum russischen Reich gehörte, annektiert und dort auch politisch über eine Marionetten-Regierung in der Provinzhauptstadt die Macht übernommen.

Noch weiß niemand, ob sich das russische Expansionsstreben auf die Krim mit ihrer russischsprachigen Bevölkerungsmehrheit beschränkt, oder ob Putin versuchen wird, auch die Ostukraine mit ihrer Schwerindustrie und ihren engen Beziehungen zu Russland unter Kontrolle zu bringen. Auch in diesem Fall könnte er sich auf Hilferufe der russischsprachigen Bevölkerung berufen. Das Land würde damit zweigeteilt – ein Alptraum für die meisten Menschen in der Ukraine, aber auch für den Westen. » | Ein Kommentar von Ludwig Greven | Sonntag, 02. März 2014

Crisis in the Ukraine: What Is Putin's Endgame?

Mar. 03, 2014 - 6:51 - Insight from author Amy Knight and former CIA covert operations office Mike Baker

Ukraine: What Should US Do Now?

THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR: For Washington, the Ukraine question now may be less how to react to Russia's seizure of the Crimean Peninsula as what to do to try to stop further Russian expansionism.

As Moscow tightens its grip on the Crimean Peninsula, Washington is facing up to a harsh reality: In Ukraine, there’s a vast imbalance in power and national interests between the United States and a resurgent imperial Russia.

After the cold war, the influence of the West expanded quickly up to Russia’s borders. Moscow had to accept a unified Germany, as well as NATO memberships for nations that used to be the USSR’s buffer zone, from Poland to Latvia. Now Vladimir Putin has seized on an opportunity to push back: He’s poured thousands of troops into Crimea in an apparent attempt to destabilize a new Western-oriented Ukrainian government.

America’s problem is that it is no longer 1997. Russia is not preoccupied with internal political and economic turmoil. And in past decades, the West expanded its influence beyond the area it is prepared to use force to defend. Mr. Putin understands this – and so do President Obama and his Republican critics.

Thus there’s little saber rattling in Washington. GOP lawmakers are talking about responses that differ only modestly from the Obama administration’s: draw up economic sanctions, put planning for the upcoming G8 summit in Sochi, Russia, on hold, and so forth.

“There [are] not a lot of options on the table,” Rep. Mike Rogers (R) of Michigan, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said on “Fox News Sunday.”

Instead, Republicans are using the crisis as an opportunity to talk more broadly about what they say is Mr. Obama’s overall foreign policy weakness. Their question essentially is less “what next?” than “who lost Sevastopol?” » | Peter Grier, Staff Writer | Washington | Monday, March 03, 2014

Pope Francis Drops F-bomb

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Pope Francis inadvertently demonstrated his own fallibility during an address in St Peter’s Square when he mistakenly said the Italian word for “f---”

Pope Francis inadvertently demonstrated his own fallibility during an address in St Peter’s Square when he mistakenly said the Italian word for “f**k”.

In the 12 months since he was elected, the Argentinean Pope, who worked with the poor in the slums of Buenos Aires being before [sic] made pontiff, has shown a healthy sense of humour and an unerring ability to connect with ordinary people.

But he accidentally went a little too far in using the language of the street after mispronouncing the word “caso”, which means example, as “cazzo” – Italian for f--- or, in other contexts, cock.

“If each of us were to accumulate wealth not only for ourselves but to put at the service of others, in this f--- [pause], in this case God’s providence would manifest itself in this gesture of solidarity,” he told a large crowd, delivering his ‘Angelus’ address from a window overlooking St Peter’s Square.

The 77-year-old Jesuit Pope corrected himself almost immediately after making the gaffe during the audience at the Vatican on Sunday, but it was posted by Italians on YouTube and other social media and has since spread round the world. » | Nick Squires, Rome | Monday, March 03, 2014

New Cold War? Obama, Putin Are Split

America Sees Rise of a Globalized Economy, Russia Sees a Right to Protect Its Interests in Ukraine

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL: There are many differences in style and substance between President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin, but the Ukraine crisis has brought into sharp relief the most important one: The American leader believes the world has moved beyond the Cold War, and his Russian counterpart seems more comfortable moving back into it.

In fact, this difference probably is true of the countries the two men lead, not just of the leaders themselves. Americans tend to see the Cold War in the rearview mirror as a wildly expensive period of ideological struggle that was settled decisively in favor of the rightful victor, democratic capitalism. Russians tend to view it as a period in which Moscow played its rightful role as a superpower with a large and clearly defined sphere of influence and an important voice on every world issue.

The differences help explain the depth of the disconnect between the U.S. and Russia as they circle each other warily over the future of Ukraine. By the American reckoning, a new set of standards ought to apply to 21st century international behavior, and the grounds for excusing one superpower's behavior because it believes it is involved in an existential struggle against the other have largely disappeared. By the other reckoning, the Russian one, big nation-states still have the clear right to protect their regional influence and interests. » | Gerald F. Seib | Monday, March 03, 2014

Was Mitt Romney Right to Warn about Russia?

Mar. 03, 2014 - 3:08 - Peter Johnson, Jr. weighs in

Did Obama's Foreign Policy Stumbles Lead to Ukraine Crisis?

Mar. 03, 2014 - 7:12 - Republicans slam president's weaknesses

Republicans Call for an About Face on US Policy on Russia

Mar. 03, 2014 - 5:01 - Rep. Turner wants to see a significant change from Obama

Ukraine Crisis: Russia Gives Ukraine 3am Deadline to Get Out of Crimea or ‘Face Storm’

A Russian army vehicle outside a Ukrainian border guard post
THE INDEPENDENT: Diplomatic crisis between East and West intensifies as Putin defies calls to pull out of disputed region

Russia has told Ukrainian forces to surrender its control of the strategic Crimean region by 3am on Tuesday or face military assault, amid the worst diplomatic crisis since the Cold War.

The forces in the region are also demanding that the crew of two Ukrainian warships in Sevastopol harbour surrender within the hour, or face being stormed and seized by Russian forces.

Relations between East and West continued to plummet as the Russian Government continued to ignore calls from Western leaders to leave the Ukrainian area.

This morning, the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, justified the military incursion claiming it was necessary in order to protect his country's citizens living there. "This is a question of defending our citizens and compatriots, ensuring human rights, especially the right to life," he said. » | Kashmira Gander | Monday, March 03, 2014

Inside Story: Ukraine: Warnings of War

How will Western powers respond to Russian military intervention in Crimea?

Kerry Tells Russia 'One Doesn't Invade A Country On A Phony Pretext'

Talk of Russia sending troops has led to a sharp international response. US President Obama said Moscow was breaching international law and could end up isolated. Canada joined in by condemning Putin's military intervention. Both of them, plus Britain and France have decided to suspend preparations for the G8 Summit in Sochi. All this despite Moscow still not having decided whether to send troops. Gayane Chichyakyan has more on what was probably the strongest threat.

Russian Markets Hit as Putin Tightens Grip on Crimea

REUTERS.COM: (Reuters) - Russia took a financial hit over its military intervention in neighboring Ukraine, with its markets and currency plunging on Monday as President Vladimir Putin's forces tightened their grip on the Russian-speaking Crimea region.

The Moscow stock market fell by 10 percent and the central bank spent $10 billion of its reserves to prop up the rouble as investors took fright at escalating tensions with the West over the former Soviet republic.

Ukraine said Russia was building up armoured vehicles on its side of a narrow stretch of water closest to Crimea after Putin declared at the weekend he had the right to invade his neighbor to protect Russian interests and citizens.

On the ground in Perevalnoye, half way between the Crimean capital of Simferopol and the Black Sea, hundreds of Russian troops in trucks and armoured vehicles - without national insignia on their uniforms - surrounded two military compounds, confining Ukrainian soldiers as virtual prisoners.

Ukraine called up reservists on Sunday and the United States threatened to isolate Russia economically after Putin's action provoked what Britain's foreign minister called "the biggest crisis in Europe in the twenty-first century". » | Lidia Kelly and Alissa de Carbonnel | Moscow/Perevalnoye, Ukrain | Monday, March 03, 2014

Sunday, March 02, 2014

Radical Islam: The Children Taught At Home about Murder and Bombings

Michael Adebowala and Michael Adebolajo as they were found
guilty of the murder of Fuselier Lee Rigby
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Radicalisation is a form of child abuse, and the authorities must have the power to intervene

It must have been dreadful for the family of Drummer Lee Rigby to listen to the ravings of his killers as they were finally hauled away to the cells and, one hopes, to a lifetime of incarceration. If those relatives have one consolation, it is that they were just about the last words those men will ever pronounce in public; the last time we will have to hear them pervert the religion of Islam – and the most important question now is how we prevent other young men, and women, from succumbing to that awful virus: the contagion of radical Islamic extremism.

Every day in London and other big cities, there are thousands of counter-terrorism officers doing a fantastic job of keeping us safe. They have to work out who are the most vulnerable young people, who are the most susceptible – and they have to stop the infection of radicalisation before it is too late. That will sometimes mean taking a view about what is happening to them in their homes and families – and I worry that their work is being hampered by what I am obliged to call political correctness. » | Boris Johnson | Sunday, March 02, 2014

The Andrew Marr Show

Andrew Marr is joined by Grant Shapps, Cardinal Vincent Nichols, Nigel Farage and Tim Pigott-Smith. Jacqui Smith and Max Hastings review the papers, plus music from Kaiser Chiefs.

Watch The Andrew Marr Show on BBC iPlayer here | Sunday, March 02, 2014

Former PVV-er Returns with Anti-Gay, Pro-Islam Party

NL TIMES: A former PVV politician from The Hague who once helped produce a film depicting Islam as evil and extreme, Arnoud van Doorn sings a totally different tune these days.

In an interview with Algemeen Dagblad last week, he said that since quitting the anti-Islam party, he has now actually converted to the religion and started his own Islamic Party for Unity, with which he is contending for three seats during the municipal elections on March 19.

His party is against the anti-Muslim atmosphere in The Hague and also against the pro-homosexuality tendencies. “They promote homosexuality. You don’t have to go out and promote how fantastic that lifestyle is,” he said about how much focus there is in the manifestos of GroenLinks, D66 and PvdA for equality for gays. Personally he would rather see an end to the municipal support for promotional campaigns and gay-events like Pink Saturday.

When AD asked him if what he thinks about two gays walking hand in hand in the city, he didn’t have an answer ready. “Let’s just say that people should be reserved about the affection they show each other in public. Don’t provoke with it. Keep your private life private,” he said. He explained that he does not discriminate gays. “We are against discrimination of gays as people. But we reject homosexual actions,” he said, adding that this comes from the Islamic ideologies his party is founded on. » | Marvin Hokstam | Sunday, March 02, 2014

Inside a Nigerian Private Jet

BBC: Nigerians have spent $6.5bn on private jets, making it the largest market in Africa for luxury aircraft and one of the fastest growing in the world.

More than 100 private planes are said to operating in there - many of them owned by the country's growing number of rich businessmen and women.

Tomi Oladipo reports from Lagos airport. (+ BBC video) » | Sunday, March 02, 2014

Russia Testing the Waters on Ukraine Invasion

Read the USA Today article here | Anna Arutunyan, Special to USA Today | Sunday, March 02, 2014

Ukraine Mobilizes for War as Crimea Taken Over by Russia

Ukrainian army put on highest alert and all reserves mobilized; head of Ukraine navy 'defect' to Russia.

Read the Haaretz article here | Anshel Pfeffer | The Associated Press and Reuters | Sunday, March 02, 2014

Far-right 'Christian Patrols' in UK Spark Stand-off with Muslims Using Leaflets & Beer

Tackling Islamophobia is proving a major headache for Britain after soaring levels of crimes against Muslims in London since the middle of last year. But the authorities have a battle on their hands. Sara Firth reports on a self-styled 'Christian patrol' threatening to enflame community tensions in the capital.

Kerry Threatens Sanctions If Russia Doesn't Withdraw from Ukraine

LOS ANGELES TIMES: WASHINGTON -- Secretary of State John F. Kerry, denouncing what he called Russia's invasion of Ukraine as an “incredible act of aggression,” said the United States is considering an array of economic sanctions to persuade Russian President Vladimir Putin to change course or to punish him if he refuses.

The decision by Russian President Vladimir Putin to send troops to Crimea, a region of Ukraine, “is really a stunning willful choice by president Putin to invade another country,” said Kerry, speaking on CBS’ “Face the Nation,” one of several Sunday morning public affairs shows on which he appeared.

Kerry and Republican members of Congress made clear the U.S. was not considering a military move to counter Putin’s action. On ABC’s “This Week” program Kerry said that “the hope of the U.S. and everybody in the world is not to see this escalate into a military confrontation.”

“Nobody wants this to spiral in a bad or a worse direction,” he said.

“The invasion of Crimea has already happened,” Kerry said. “And we believe that President Putin should make the decision to roll it back.” » | Joseph Tanfani | Sunday, March 02, 2014

Krauthammer on Voters' Remorse on Obama

Feb. 27, 2014 - 5:13 - Syndicated columnist sounds off on new poll that finds many Americans are disappointed in Obama's presidency

CNN Pulls Plug on Piers Morgan's Prime-Time Talk Show

Feb. 25, 2014 - 6:32 - Why did program struggle with ratings?

President Obama and Vladimir Putin Speak

Mar. 01, 2014 - 2:21 - Obama warns against military intervention in Ukraine

Saturday, March 01, 2014

Rouhani Says Iran Will Not Acquire Nuclear Weapons 'On Principle'

President Hassan Rouhani has told Iran's generals to avoid
provocative military manoeuvres.
THE GUARDIAN: • President says religion forbids pursuit of WMDs
• Generals told to let diplomacy do its work

Iran’s president said on Saturday the Islamic Republic has decided not to develop nuclear weapons out of principle, not only because it is prevented from doing so by treaties.

President Hassan Rouhani also urged Iran’s military leaders to let diplomacy prevail in dealing with potential foreign threats, in a clear reference to efforts to end the nuclear dispute and decades of hostile relations with the west.

“It is very important to formulate one’s sentences and speeches in a way that is not construed as threat, intention to strike a blow,” Rouhani said in a meeting with Iran’s top military echelon.

“We must be very careful in our calculations. Launching missiles and staging military exercises to scare off the other side is not good deterrence, although a necessity in its proper place,” the official IRNA news agency quoted him as saying. “A misfire could burst into flames and wreak havoc to everything.” » | Agencies in Tehran | Saturday, March 01, 2014

Ukraine: Prime Minister of Ukraine Says Russian Military Intervention Would Lead to War

Arseny Yatsenyuk, prime minister of Ukraine, says any military intervention by Russia would lead to war and end all relations with Moscow. Oleksander Turchynov, the acting president of Ukraine, has put his troops on alert.

Krise auf der Krim: Merkel stärkt Ukraine den Rücken

Bundeskanzlerin Merkel und EU-Kommissionspräsident Barroso haben sich besorgt über die Lage in der Ukraine geäußert. Merkel sprach sich für eine friedliche Lösung und die Souveränität des Landes aus.

What ‘Costs’ Can US Threaten Russia with?

Feb. 28, 2014 - 6:05 - President's options seem limited

Is Obama the Rodney Dangerfield of World Leaders?

Feb. 24, 2014 - 4:04 - New poll: Fewer Americans believe the president is respected on the world stage

Krauthammer on Ukraine: 'Everybody Is Shocked by the Weakness of Obama's Statement'

Feb. 28, 2014 - 2:24 - Charles Krauthammer told viewers Friday that President Obama's statement on the latest Ukraine developments late Friday afternoon showed "weakness" and implied that "we're not really going to do anything" about the political upheaval in Ukraine.

Russia Approves Use of Military in Ukraine

ABC NEWS: Russia's parliament approved a motion to use the country's military in Ukraine after a request from President Vladimir Putin as protests in Russian-speaking cities turned violent Saturday, sparking fears of a wide-scale invasion.

The motion follows President Barack Obama's warning Friday "there will be costs" if Russia intervenes militarily, sharply raising the stakes in the conflict over Ukraine's future and evoking memories of Cold War brinkmanship.

"I'm submitting a request for using the armed forces of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine pending the normalization of the socio-political situation in that country," Putin said in his request sent to parliament.

Russia's upper house also recommended that Moscow recalls its ambassador from Washington over Obama's comments.

Ukraine had already accused Russia on Friday of a "military invasion and occupation" in the strategic peninsula of Crimea where Russia's Black Sea fleet is based. Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk called on Moscow "to recall their forces, and to return them to their stations," according to the Interfax news agency. "Russian partners, stop provoking civil and military resistance in Ukraine." (+ video) » | David McHugh and Vladimir Isachenkov | Associated Press | Kiev | Saturday, March 01, 2014

Russia Wresting Control of Crimea from Ukraine

Pro-Russian protesters with Russian flags take part in a rally
in central Donetsk March 1, 2014.
REUTERS.COM: (Reuters) – Russian President Vladimir Putin wrested control of the Ukrainian Black Sea region of Crimea from Kiev on Saturday citing a threat to Russian citizens and servicemen of the Russian Black Sea fleet based there.

Putin asked the upper house of parliament to approve sending armed forces to the Ukrainian territory, which has a majority ethnic Russian population. But Crimea had already begun to slip from Kiev's control with closure of the main airport and deployment of pro-Russian guards at key buildings.

Putin's statement, and remarks from a pro-Russian leader installed in Crimea this week, effectively confirmed what most people in the region had assumed: that military units who had seized control in the past two days were indeed Moscow's.

Ukraine accused Russia of sending thousands of extra troops to Crimea, largely hostile to the Kiev government which emerged from the overthrow of president Viktor Yanukovich last weekend. It placed its military in the area on high alert.

After Yanukovich's overthrow, Crimea quickly became the focus of a crisis bearing perils for the entire region.

Ukraine teeters on the brink of economic disaster, mired in debt. Any further spread of separatist sentiment to industrial, Russian-speaking eastern territories could raise the risk of disintegration with serious implications for surrounding states including Russia, Poland and Belarus.

Putin turned to parliament after a day of events viewed with deep concern in Europe and the United States. British foreign minister William Hague said he had spoken to Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov and called for a 'de-escalation' of tensions. U.S. President Barack Obama said any Russian intervention in Ukraine would carry costs for Moscow. » | Pavel Polityuk and Alissa De Carbonnel | Kiev/Balaclava, Ukraine | Saturday, March 01, 2014

Poutine veut envoyer des troupes en Ukraine

LE POINT: A la demande du président russe, le Conseil de la Fédération a commencé à débattre en session extraordinaire du recours à l'armée russe en Ukraine

Le Conseil de la Fédération russe a commencé à débattre samedi en session extraordinaire du recours à l'armée russe en Ukraine, à la suite d'une demande en ce sens du président Vladimir Poutine. Le président russe Vladimir Poutine a demandé samedi au Conseil de la Fédération (chambre haute du Parlement) d'approuver "le recours à l'armée russe en Ukraine" jusqu'à la normalisation de la situation.

"En raison de la situation extraordinaire en Ukraine et de la menace pesant sur la vie des citoyens russes, de nos compatriotes, des forces armées russes déployées en Ukraine", Vladimir Poutine a demandé au Conseil de la Fédération d'autoriser "le recours aux forces armées russes sur le territoire de l'Ukraine, jusqu'à la normalisation de la situation politique dans ce pays", selon un communiqué du service de presse du Kremlin. » | Source AFP | samedi 01 mars 2014

Putin "No One Should Have Any Illusions Of Gaining Military Superiority Over Russia" (December 2013)

"I Shall Never Allow This To Happen" Vladimir Putin has given his annual state of the nation address.The Russian president talked for more than an hour, in a wide-ranging speech to both houses of parliament. He defended conservative values and commented on the situation in Ukraine, Syria and Iran. Al Jazeera's Peter Sharp reports from Moscow.

Is a Modern Day Cold War upon Us?

Feb. 28, 2014 - 2:00 - With increasing concern over Russian military intervention in unrest in the Ukraine - and President Obama issuing warnings to Putin - has the Cold War returned?

The Obama Effect: America at a Tipping Point

Feb. 28, 2014 - 7:18 - How the president is overstepping his bound in the midst of a constitutional crisis

Christians Line Up to Break US Box Office for Jesus

The forces of secularisation may be gathering momentum, but all across America this weekend tens of thousands of Christians are mobilising to promote a new film about the life of Jesus

Read the Telegraph article here | Peter Foster, video by Dermot Tatlow | Friday, February 28, 2014

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Ukraine: Russia Launches ‘Arned Invasion’; Obama Delivers Blunt Warning to Russia; Warns of Consequences

Russian troops and gunmen in unmarked uniforms fan out across Crimea, seizing two airports in an apparent bid to assert dominance over the region. President Obama warns Russia there would be “costs for any military intervention.”

Read and comment on the Telegraph article here | Roland Oliphant in Simferopol, David Blair in Kiev and Joanna Walters in New York | Friday, February 28, 2014

Friday, February 28, 2014

Keep Your Gays and Keep Your Aid, Uganda Tells the West

Supporters celebrate after Uganda's President Museveni signed
a law imposing harsh penalties for homosexuality in Kampala
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Uganda's ethics minister defends anti-homosexuality law and is indifferent about the withdrawal of Western aid to the country

Uganda is willing to give up all international aid to keep its new anti-homosexuality law and “save gays from damnation”, its ethics minister said as the World Bank followed other donors and froze a £60 million new loan to the country.

“We will not shy away from this, we want to rid this country of homosexuality and if that means these people - Obama, Hague, you name them - want to stop their aid then let them,” Simon Lokodo told The Telegraph.

“We don’t need it, we won’t die poor, and we will at least be able to save these gays from damnation.

“Homosexuality cannot be accommodated in our culture. We have taken that position as a government because this is a democracy and it is what the people want.”

Yoweri Museveni, Uganda’s president of 28 years, signed the new Anti-Homosexuality Act into law on Monday, immediately prompting outrage from Western nations. » | Mike Pflanz, Kampala | Friday, February 28, 2014

Inside Story: Uganda Punished Over Anti-gay Law

As the World Bank cuts a loan to Uganda over its new anti-gay law, will this force the government to back down?

Brunei Sultan Hits Back at Rare Criticism over Sharia

Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah
YAHOO! NEWS SINGAPORE: Brunei's all-powerful sultan, stung by rare criticism, has ordered social media users to stop attacking his plans to introduce harsh Islamic criminal punishments in the placid oil-rich kingdom.

Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah -- one of the world's wealthiest men -- announced last October that Brunei would phase in sharia law punishments such as flogging, severing limbs and death by stoning beginning April 1.

The move has sparked a growing outcry on social media, the only outlet for public criticism of authorities in the Muslim country where questioning the 67-year-old sultan is taboo.

In a weekend speech, the sultan issued a clear threat to the critics.

"They cannot be allowed to continue committing these insults, but if there are elements which allow them to be brought to court, then the first phase of implementing the Syariah Penal Code Order in April will be very relevant to them," he said, according to a copy of his speech published by state media. » | AFP | Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Muslim Boys’ School Bans Women from Applying for Job as Science Teacher

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: An Islamic school has advertised for a new science teacher but ruled out female applicants

A Muslim boys’ school is facing claims of segregation after advertising for a temporary science teacher but making clear that women need not apply.

The advert published by the outsourcing company Capita requested a “Male Science Teacher” to cover lessons, including some mathematics classes, until the end of the current academic year on a short term contract for up to £150 a day.

Secular campaigners said the advertisement was just the latest in a series of demands for religious customs and practices to be “accommodated” in the education system as a result of giving faith groups the power to run schools.

It follows a storm over allegations that non-Muslim female staff at the Al-Madinah free school in Derby had been forced to wear headscarves in line with strict Islamic practices.

There have also been concerns that girls at other Islamic schools are being required to wear full veils as well as questions over segregation in classes.

Capita argued that the exclusion of women could be legally justified but the advert was later withdrawn after a warning from the Department for Education over the need to comply with equality law.

The National Secular Society said it had been alerted to the advertisement by a female science teacher who had been looking for work in the Leicester area. » | John Bingham, Religious Affairs Editor | Thursday, February 27, 2014

Alice: The Lady in Number 6: Music Saved My Life

From Acclaimed Filmmaker, Malcolm Clarke.

"The Lady in Number 6" is one of the most inspirational, uplifting stories of the year. 109 year old, Alice Herz Sommer, the world's oldest pianist and oldest holocaust survivor in the world shares her views on how to live a long and happy life. She discusses the importance of music, laughter and having an optimistic outlook on life.

Watching this film will literally show you how to live longer and happier! Guaranteed Nick Reed Producer

WIKI: Theresienstadt »

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«La criminalisation de l'homosexualité gagne du terrain en Afrique»

LE FIGARO: INTERVIEW - Pour Dorothée Delaunay, d'Amnesty International France, la législation sur le continent élargit de plus en plus le champ des infractions liées à l'homosexualité.

Après la promulgation la veille d'une loi durcissant la répression de l'homosexualité dans le pays, un journal ougandais a publié mardi une liste de 200 personnes qu'il dit être homosexuelles. Une chasse aux sorcières qui atterre les défenseurs des droits LGBT, mais qui n'est pas une exception. Le mois dernier déjà, le Nigeria avait promulgué une loi prévoyant 10 ans d'emprisonnement contre les personnes de même sexe affichant publiquement leur relation. Selon un rapport d'Amnesty International publié en juin 2013, l'homosexualité reste passible des tribunaux dans près de trois quarts des 54 pays africains. Une criminalisation qui a des conséquences graves sur la santé publique, explique Dorothée Delaunay, responsable de la commission Orientation sexuelle et identité de genre pour l'ONG Amnesty International France. » | mercredi 26 février 2014

Merkel für Verbleib Großbritanniens in der EU

DEUTSCHE WELLE: Kanzlerin Merkel betont vor dem britischen Parlament, wie wichtig ihr ein Verbleib Großbritanniens in der EU ist. Für Premierminister Cameron macht das die Lage nicht besser. Er muss sich von Europa distanzieren.

Die Briten haben den roten Teppich ausgerollt und die Bundeskanzlerin am Donnerstag (27.02.2014) mit einer Charme-Offensive begrüßt. Angela Merkel hatte die Ehre, vor beiden Parlamentshäuser in Westminster zu reden, bevor sie am Nachmittag eine Verabredung zum Tee mit Königin Elisabeth hatte. Das alles machte ihren Status als Europas mächtigste Politikerin deutlich. Dennoch dämpfte sie vor ihrer 30-minütigen Rede in der Royal Gallery in London die Erwartungen: "Ich möchte lediglich meine Gedanken über Europa mit Ihnen teilen", sagte sie, wechselte in ihrer Rede immer wieder zwischen Deutsch und Englisch und machte mit Nachdruck deutlich, dass sie Großbritannien unbedingt weiterhin in der EU sehen will.

Premier schon im Wahlkampfmodus

Premierminister David Cameron dürfte eher unzufrieden mit der Rede gewesen sein. Er will Merkel auf seiner Seite haben, wenn die beiden Regierungschefs über europäische Politik diskutieren. Cameron steht unter Druck: Er muss das Versprechen an die britischen Wähler einhalten, EU-Reformen voranzutreiben. Zudem sagte er erneut, er wolle den Briten die Möglichkeit geben, 2017 über die EU-Mitgliedschaft abzustimmen.

Das öffentliche Misstrauen gegenüber der EU im Vereinigten Königreich ist groß und 2015 stehen Wahlen an. Cameron sieht sich den steigenden Umfragewerten der Anti-EU-Partei UKIP gegenüber. Eine Änderung in der EU-Politik, für die sich Cameron stark macht: Die Einschränkung der Rechte von Migranten ärmerer Mitgliederstaaten, die in wohlhabende Länder wie Großbritannien ziehen, um von deren Sozialsystemen zu profitieren. » | Von Kitty Logan | Donnerstag, 27. Februar 2014

Polish MEP Arrested for Shouting 'Heil Hitler' at Airport

Jacek Protasiewicz was detained and handcuffed by police
at Frankfurt airport
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Politican was reportedly drunk when he told customs officer he should 'go to Auschwitz'

A “drunk” Polish MEP was detained and handcuffed by police at Frankfurt airport after allegedly shouting “Heil Hitler” at a customs officer and telling him he "should go to Auschwitz”.

The incident occurred as Jacek Protasiewicz, a politician from Poland’s Civic Platform party, passed through customs control at Germany’s biggest airports, and was reported by the German newspaper Bild as a “Nazi Scandal”.

Eye-witnesses quoted in paper said he appeared “very drunk” and had also snatched a luggage trolley from a fellow passenger before getting into the altercation with customs staff. The MEP, allegedly, called an officer “Hitler” and a “Nazi”, after being stopped in the green customs channel. Police then arrived and the politician was handcuffed and led away. » | Matthew Day, Warsaw | Thursday, February 27, 2014

Syria Crisis: ISIS Imposes Rules on Christians in Raqqa

BBC: A jihadist group in Syria has demanded that Christians in the northern city of Raqqa pay a levy in gold and accept curbs on their faith, or face death.

The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) said it would give Christian residents "protection" if they agreed to the list of conditions.

The announcement came in a statement posted online.

Correspondents say ISIS is trying to implement an extreme interpretation of Islamic law in areas it controls.

Raqqa, seized by ISIS last year, was the first provincial capital to be completely in the hands of rebels.

'Risking the sword'

The directive from ISIS, citing the Islamic concept of "dhimma", requires Christians in the city to pay tax of around half an ounce (14g) of pure gold in exchange for their safety.

It says Christians must not make renovations to churches, display crosses or other religious symbols outside churches, ring church bells or pray in public.

Christians must not carry arms, and must follow other rules imposed by ISIS (also known as ISIL) on their daily lives.

The statement said the group had met Christian representatives and offered them three choices - they could convert to Islam, accept ISIS' conditions, or reject their control and risk being killed. » | Thursday, February 27, 2014

Germany's Angela Merkel Urges 'Strong' UK in EU

The German Chancellor told political and business leaders there
were "very special expectations of my speech here today"
BBC: German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said she will work with Britain to reform Europe - saying she wants it to remain a "strong voice inside the EU".

In an historic address to both Houses of Parliament, she said Britain and Germany shared the goal of a "strong and competitive" European Union.

"United and determined", they could act as a beacon to the rest of the world.

But she stopped short of committing to specific reforms saying it had to be a "step-by-step" process.

David Cameron is pulling out all the stops during Mrs Merkel's one-day visit because he sees the German leader as crucial to his aims in Europe.

Beginning her address in English, before delivering the main part of her speech in German, she said: "Some expect my speech to pave the way for a fundamental reform of the European architecture which will satisfy all kinds of alleged or actual British wishes. I am afraid they are in for a disappointment.

"Others are expecting the exact opposite and they are hoping that I will deliver the clear and simple message here in London that the rest of Europe is not prepared to pay almost any price to keep Britain in the European Union. I am afraid these hopes will be dashed."

Mrs Merkel hailed the peace and stability she said the European Union had brought, saying war between EU member states was now "inconceivable".

But she stressed that the EU's mission of maintaining peace in Europe was not over as some thought, telling the audience of Britain's political leaders: "We need to stand up resolutely against extremists and the inhumane." (+ BBC video) » | Thursday, February 27, 2014

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Merkels Europa-Rede in London: "Ich fürchte, ich muss Sie enttäuschen" : Wohin steuert die EU? Angela Merkel hat vor beiden Kammern des britischen Parlaments eine Grundsatzrede zur Zukunft Europas gehalten. Die Erwartungen im Vereinigten Königreich waren hoch - vielleicht zu hoch, wie Merkel gleich zu Beginn betonte. » | phw/dpa/Reuters/AFP | Donnerstag, 27. Februar 2014

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

European Union Approves Tough Rules on Electronic Cigarettes

The European Parliament adopted rules requiring electronic
cigarettes to carry health warnings and be childproof.
THE NEW YORK TIMES: The European Parliament on Wednesday approved rules that will for the first time regulate Europe’s fast-growing market for electronic cigarettes.

Beginning in mid-2016, advertising for e-cigarettes is to be banned in the 28 nations of the European Union, as it already is for ordinary tobacco products. E-cigarettes will be required to carry health warnings, and must be childproof. The amount of nicotine will be limited to 20 milligrams per milliliter, similar to ordinary cigarettes. » | David Jolly | Wednesday, February 26, 2014

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Packets of ten cigarettes and menthol flavours banned under new EU rules: EU ministers have voted for a raft of tough new rules on tobacco sales in an effort to reduce the number of smokers by 2.4 million. » | Keith Perry | Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Holocaust Survivor Describes the Music of Terezín Concentration Camp

At the transit concentration camp of Terezín in the former Czechoslovakia, where some great Czech composers and musicians were imprisoned, music was permitted by the Nazis. Zdenka Fantlova, who experienced life in the camp, describes what it was like there and how she, unlike many other inmates, escaped death at Auschwitz

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Qatar's Foreign Domestic Workers Subjected to Slave-like Conditions

THE GUARDIAN: Revelations of mistreatment of maids and cleaners add to picture of widespread labour abuse in World Cup host nation

Foreign maids, cleaners and other domestic workers are being subjected to slave-like labour conditions in Qatar, with many complaining they have been deprived of passports, wages, days off, holidays and freedom to move jobs, a Guardian investigation can reveal.

Hundreds of Filipino maids have fled to their embassy in recent months because conditions are so harsh. Many complain of physical and sexual abuse, harassment, long periods without pay and the confiscation of mobile phones.

The exploitation raises further concerns about labour practices in Qatar in advance of the World Cup, after Guardian reports about the treatment of construction workers. The maids are not directly connected to Qatar's preparations for the football tournament, but domestic workers will play a big role in staffing the hotels, stadiums and other infrastructure that will underpin the 2022 tournament. » | Rebecca Falconer in Doha | Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Lee Rigby Murderers Sentenced to Life in Prison

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Michael Adebolajo has been sentenced to a "life means life" prison term for the killing of Drummer Lee Rigby while Michael Adebowale was sentenced to life with a minimum of 45 years

The Islamist killers of Drummer Lee Rigby erupted into violence in an Old Bailey courtroom as they were sentenced for murder.

Michael Adebolajo, 29, and Michael Adebowale, 22, had to be manhandled out of court by security guards after being told by Mr Justice Sweeney that their crime was a "betrayal of Islam".

Michael Adebowale stood up and shouted: "I swear by Allah that America and Britain will never have any safety. Allah Akbar."

His co-defendant, Michael Adebolajo, also stood up and began shouting before eight dock officers grabbed both killers and wrestled them to the floor.

Relatives of Drummer Rigby, sitting just feet away, stood up and cowered away from the violence.

Adebolajo was manhandled down the stairs in the historic Court No 2 but, in scenes lasting several minutes, his co-defendant was held to the floor and cuffed before being carried downstairs head first.

Drummer Rigby's widow Rebecca was left sobbing uncontrollably at the scenes.

Mr Justice Sweeney resumed his sentencing to give Adebolajo a whole life tariff, meaning he will die in jail.

Adebowale was given life with a minimum term of 45 years. The pair had reacted to the judge's comments that after they became extremists they began "espousing a cause and views which ... are a betrayal of Islam".

Adebowale called out "That's a lie" and "It's not a betrayal of Islam, you don't know what Islam is" as the struggle erupted in the dock. » | David Barrett and Claire Carter | Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Nigeria: Dozens of Students Shot and Burned Alive in Islamist Attack on School

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Most of the victims appeared to be between 15 and 20 years old and all of them were male

Islamic militants have set fire to a locked dormitory at a school in northern Nigeria, then shot and slit the throats of students who tried to escape through windows during a pre-dawn attack Tuesday. At least 58 students were killed, including many who were burned alive.

They "slaughtered them like sheep" with machetes, and gunned down those who ran away, said one teacher, Adamu Garba. » | Wednesday, February 25, 2014

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Leaked Tapes Prompt Calls for Turkish PM to Resign

Recep Tayyip Erdogan addresses MPs in Ankara.
THE GUARDIAN: Recordings appear to capture Recep Tayyip Erdogan instructing son to dispose of hidden funds amid corruption investigation

Turkish opposition parties called on the prime minister to resign on Tuesday as a result of an explosive corruption scandal in which he was allegedly caught on tape ordering his son to get rid of millions of dollars in incriminating cash.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan responded in characteristically robust form, dismissing the allegations against him as a plot to bring down his government – the latest in a wave of accusations fuelling widespread popular protest against his 11-year rule.

Recordings of phone-tapped conversations leaked on the internet appear to capture Erdogan instructing his 33-year-old son, Bilal, to dispose of large amounts of hidden funds from their private home in the midst of a corruption investigation. » | Constanze Letsch in Istanbul | Tuesday, February 25, 2014