Showing posts with label home schooling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label home schooling. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Team Obama Wins Fight to Have Christian Home-school Family Deported

FOX NEWS: Uwe and Hannelore Romeike came to the United States in 2008 seeking political asylum. They fled their German homeland in the face of religious persecution for homeschooling their children.

They wanted to live in a country where they could raise their children in accordance with their Christian beliefs.

The Romeikes were initially given asylum, but the Obama administration objected – claiming that German laws that outlaw homeschooling do not constitute persecution.

“The goal in Germany is for an open, pluralistic society,” the Justice Department wrote in a legal brief last year. “Teaching tolerance to children of all backgrounds helps to develop the ability to interact as a fully functioning citizen in Germany.”

On Monday, the Supreme Court declined to hear the Romeike’s appeal – paving the way for the Christian family of eight to be deported. » | Tod Starnes | Todd’s American Dispatch | Monday, March 03, 2014

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Konservative Christen: US-Asyl für deutsche Schulverweigerer in Gefahr

WELT ONLINE: Weil sie ihre Kinder nicht dem unchristlichen deutschen Schulsystem aussetzen wollte, zog die strenggläubige Familie Romeike von Bissingen in die USA. Dort gewährte ein Richter wegen religiöser Verfolgung Asyl. Doch die US-Einwanderungsbehörde legte Berufung ein. Der Familie droht die Ausweisung.

Die US-Einwanderungsbehörde geht in Berufung gegen ein Urteil, mit dem deutschen Schulpflichtverweigerern Asyl in den Vereinigten Staaten gewährt wurde. Das Berufungsverfahren werde sich wohl mehrere Monate hinziehen, sagte Rechtsanwalt Michael Donnelly. Donnelly ist Mitarbeiter der „Home School Legal Defense Association“, eines Rechtshilfeverbandes für Heimschülerfamilien. Außerdem vertritt er als Anwalt die aus Baden-Württemberg stammende Familie.

Das strenggläubige Ehepaar Hannelore und Uwe Romeike war im Sommer 2008 mit seinen fünf Kindern in die USA gekommen. Dort wollten sie ihre Kinder selber unterrichten, was in Deutschland untersagt ist. Die Romeikes stellten Antrag auf politisches Asyl. >>> EPD/ks | Dienstag, 09. März 2010

Friday, May 09, 2008

Teach Your Children

WORLD DEFENSE REVIEW: More and more Muslim Americans, the New York Times reported recently, are home schooling their children – particularly girls. It is an alarming development, and grows more alarming still as it becomes clear that no one plans to do anything to stop it.

Leaving, for the moment, the low quality of these children's education – we'll get back to that – the motivations behind home schooling that Times reporter Neil MacFarquar observed – naively, it seems to me – sound a warning cry I find impossible to ignore. Reporting from Lodi, California, MacFarquar states, "Some 80 percent of the city's 2,500 Muslims are Pakistani, and many are interrelated villagers who try to recreate the conservative social atmosphere back home. A decade ago many girls were simply shipped back to their villages once they reached adolescence."

Slipped gracefully into a report on Islamic home schooling is an indication of horrifying abuse likely taking place in many of these homes. Why has no one noticed? Why has no one paid attention, and why, now that the Times has let this item out, is nothing being done?

Here's some more: "As soon as they finish their schooling," MacFarquar reports, "the girls are married off, often to cousins brought in from their families' old villages."

Forced marriage. Abbreviated educations. Notes the Times, "The girls follow the regular high school curriculum, squeezing in study time among housework, cooking, praying and reading the Koran. The teachers at the weekly tutorials occasionally crack jokes of the 'what, are your brothers' arms broken?' variety, but in general they tread lightly, sensing that their students obey family and tradition because they have no alternative."

Is anyone listening to this? Teach Your Children >>> By Abigail R Esman | May 8, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Paperback – USA)
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Hardcover – USA)