Monday, July 17, 2017

Tony Blair on Corbyn and the Lessons of the 2017 General Election (Full Interview) - BBC Newsnight

Newsnight's editor Ian Katz speaks to former Prime Minister Tony Blair about Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, the future of the Labour party and the lessons of the 2017 general election.

Waking Up With Sam Harris - Is this the End of Europe? (with Douglas Murray)

In this episode of the Waking Up podcast, Sam Harris speaks with Douglas Murray about his book The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam.

Douglas Murray is Associate Editor of the Spectator and writes frequently for a variety of other publications, including The Sunday Times, Standpoint and The Wall Street Journal. He has also given talks at both the British and European Parliaments and at the White House. He is the author of The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam.

Outrage Mounts as Saudi Arabia Plans Imminent Executions for 14 Accused Pro-Democracy Protesters

As President Trump vows not to let human rights concerns interfere with U.S. relations with Saudi Arabia, the country is set to execute 14 men, including Mujtaba’a al-Sweikat, who was only 17 when he was sentenced to death five years ago. He had planned to visit and attend Western Michigan University but was detained by airport authorities in Saudi Arabia for allegedly attending a pro-democracy rally earlier the same year. We speak with Maya Foa, director of the legal charity Reprieve. We also speak with Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers, which is speaking out against the planned execution.

From Pence to Price: How Big Tobacco Gained Massive Influence Under Trump, Plans to Expand in Africa

From Vice President Mike Pence to Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price, a new Guardian report exposes how Tobacco companies have gained unprecedented influence in Washington since the Trump administration came to power. Politicians with deep ties to the tobacco industry now head the U.S. Health Department, the top attorney’s office and the Senate, even as tobacco use remains the leading preventable cause of death. The series also looks at how U.S. and British tobacco giants are trying to expand their global market, especially across Africa. We are joined by Jessica Glenza, health journalist for The Guardian.

The Middle East's Cold War, Explained

How two feuding countries are tearing apart the Middle East.

President Emmanuel Macron Restates France’s Responsibility for WWII Roundup of Jews

Sunday, July 16, 2017

North Korean Defector Tells How He Secretly Made Millions for Kim Régime

For three decades, North Korean Ri Jong Ho was one of many men responsible for secretly sending millions of dollars back to Pyongyang. He worked for the shadowy "Office 39" before escaping with his family in 2014. He sat down with The Washington Post’s Anna Fifield to tell his story.

Hungary's Foreign Minister on Russia, Donald Trump and Brexit - BBC Newsnight

James O'Brien speaks to the Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó about Donald Trump and Russia - and what he thinks of Brexit.

Tony Blair: 'Jeremy Corbyn Could Become PM' - BBC Newsnight

Former prime minister Tony Blair tells Newsnight’s Ian Katz he now accepts that Jeremy Corbyn may be elected prime minister on a left-wing platform.

Friday, July 14, 2017

The World This Week: Macron and Trump on Bastille Day; Remembering Nice Attack Victims

Gulf Crisis Hits Stalemate

Qatar's foreign minister has rejected claims that diplomatic efforts to end the dispute between Qatar and Saudi-led quartet were failing. But he did admit that the crisis was not going to be resolved any time soon. Al Jazeera's Hashem Ahelbarra reports from Doha.

Can the 'Resistance' Win against Trump? - UpFront

In this week's UpFront, award-winning journalist and author Naomi Klein weighs in on how President Donald Trump is more of a brand than a politician, and what strategies his opponents can use to resist him. In the Reality Check, we examine whether Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte's drug war is really helping him to "save" his country. And in the Arena, we debate whether Hollywood is too close to the United States military.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

President Donald Trump 'Has To Be Exposed For The Fraud He Is' | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-VT., says Trump's policies are the most destructive in our lifetime, hopes the GOP health care bill can be defeated and says the US is less divided than people think.

Trump Advisor Sebastian Gorka On Anderson Cooper

Paris Match: Truthful or Tasteless?

Full Press Conference: President Trump and President Macron in Paris

The Debate - Trump in Paris: America's New Place in the World

Theresa May: I Shed 'a Little Tear' at Exit Poll - BBC News

The Prime Minister Theresa May has told BBC Radio 5 live that she shed "a little tear" after hearing the exit poll result on general election night. In her most honest interview yet about the election campaign, she told 5 live Daily's Emma Barnett: "When the result came through, it was a complete shock… I felt, I suppose, devastated really."

Why Has Trump Changed His Mind about France? "He Loves a Parade"

State Banquet at Buckingham Palace for the Spanish State Visit

N24 Nachrichten - Druck auf US-Präsident steigt: Donald Trump ist schon wieder in Europa

Emmanuel Macron hat Donald Trump als Ehrengast zum französischen Nationalfeiertag eingeladen, der US-Präsident wird am Freitag die traditionelle Militärparade zum 14. Juli auf den Champs-Élysées besuchen. Anlass ist der 100. Jahrestag des Eintritts der USA in den Ersten Weltkrieg an der Seite Frankreichs.

Zuhause hat die Russland-Affäre den inneren Zirkel von US-Präsident Trump erreicht. Sogar ein Antrag für ein Amtsenthebungsverfahren ist auf den Weg gebracht. Allerdings hat er wenig Aussicht auf Erfolg.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Inside Story: Can Tillerson Get Anti-Qatar Quartet to End GCC Crisis?

It's the worst dispute to hit this region since the founding of the Gulf Cooperation Council in 1981. Now, a little more than a month into a blockade of Qatar imposed by Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt; the U.S. is taking an active diplomatic approach. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is visiting Saudi Arabia - after having made stops in Doha and Kuwait city over the last few days. He praised Qatar after it became the first regional power to sign a memorandum of understanding with the U.S. to fight terror financing. But can he change the positions of the blockading countries? | Presenter: Adrian Finighan | Guests: Ali Al Kandari - Professor of Contemporary Gulf History at Kuwait University; Fahad Al-Attiya - Qatar's Ambassador to Russia; David Hearst - Editor of the Middle East Eye.

The Debate - Tillerson to the Rescue: US Secretary of State in Qatar Crisis Mediation

Trump White House in Crisis as Emails Confirm Campaign Embraced Russian Effort to Defeat Clinton

It’s Time to Bring Russia in from the Cold: Rapprochement Is in the West's Best Interests

Isn’t it time we took a more intelligent approach to Russia? You don’t have to be a fan of Vladimir Putin or support his invasion of Ukraine and annexation of Crimea to see that an accommodation with Russia might be a good thing. Many would argue that it’s the West that is to blame for the bad blood between Russia and the West in the first place. Ever since the Wall came down, NATO has been expanding eastwards without any regard for Russia’s security interests. Russia’s actions may appear aggressive and expansionist to us, but in Moscow they are seen as a defensive strategy. Surely it is in everyone’s best interests if we understand that. As for the recent US airstrikes on Syria, Trump may have wanted to look tough on the world stage, but the conciliatory line he took towards Russia during his campaign was far more constructive. It’s easy to paint President Putin as the bad guy here, propping up the murderous Assad, but his main aim is to end the civil war in Syria and defeat ISIS. Does the West have anything better to offer?

That’s the case for improving relations with Russia. But should we come to an accommodation with a foreign power which threatens our Eastern European partners and goes so far as to meddle in last year’s US presidential election? The problem is not that the West has been too expansionist towards Russia, but that it hasn’t stood up to Putin’s aggressions. After failing to act over Ukraine and Crimea, the West is now confronted by an emboldened Russia which is helping Assad wreak destruction against captive Syrian civilians, and trying to destabilise Europe at this volatile moment by cultivating populists such as Marine Le Pen and extremist groups sympathetic to its interests. Russia is an unpredictable, dangerous power and should be kept at arm’s length.

For this major debate, Intelligence Squared put together a stellar line-up. Making the case for rapprochement with Russia were Vladimir Pozner, one of Russia’s best known television journalists and a former advocate for the Soviet Union, and Domitilla Sagramoso, a leading expert on security in Russia; arguing against them were Michael Hayden, former director of both the CIA and the NSA, and Radek Sikorski, who was Poland’s foreign minister from 2007 to 2014.

Europe on the Edge

What’s happening to Europe? The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 was seen as a triumph for liberal democracy. True, the ‘end of history’ narrative didn’t play out across the world as many predicted. But in Europe political liberalism seemed unshakable, supported as it was by international business and transnational organisations such as the EU and NATO.

But now Europe stands at a precarious moment. Anti-establishment and anti-EU political parties are on the rise. Brexit and the presidency of Donald Trump add to the uncertainty. And while Marine Le Pen didn’t sweep to victory in the recent French presidential election, the new president Emmanuel Macron faces an uphill battle to fix the French economy and reform the EU’s institutions. If he fails, Le Pen could be well set to win the presidency in 2022.

How can we account for this surge of support for far-right and populist parties in Europe? Conventional wisdom has it that it is only in times of economic hardship and high unemployment that these groups begin to gain ground. That may be true of France, which took a serious knocking in the 2008 crash and has a high rate of joblessness. But the Dutch sit comfortably high in all the OECD rankings for income levels, employment and life satisfaction. And look at Poland, a country initially seen by the west as a post-communist success story. Although it has been largely unaffected by the Eurozone crisis and has no immigration as such, a xenophobic, authoritarian government is now in charge.

In this major Intelligence Squared event, we brought together a star panel to explore the reasons behind the rise of populism in Europe and to discuss where the continent is heading next. Is far-right politics the new normal? How will the continent deal with the effects of continuing large-scale immigration and its entrenched economic woes?

People’s Century: 1917 Red Flag

This episode is about the events in Russia and Soviet Union in the time frame of post World War 1 and pre World War 2

Follow Donald Trump Junior’s Email Trail

Read the New York Times article here

Inside Story: What Leverage Does the US Have in the Gulf Dispute?

The US secretary of state visited Qatar on the second stop of his Gulf tour. On Monday he was in Kuwait, which has been mediating the standoff between Qatar and its neighbours. The US hopes to negotiate a resolution to the diplomatic crisis which began over a month ago.

Rex Tillerson has been speaking to the emir of Qatar pushing for dialogue to solve the dispute. He says Qatar has been clear in its positions, describing them as “reasonable”.

Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt cut ties with Doha last month, accusing it of supporting “terrorism” - an allegation Qatar's government has strongly rejected. So, will Tillerson's shuttle diplomacy ease tensions in the region? | Presenter: Hazem Sika | Guests: Shafeeq Ghabra - Professor of Political Science at Kuwait University; Nasser Al Khalifa - Former Qatari Ambassador to the US and the United Nations; Andrew Bowen - Visiting Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Top US & World Headlines — July 11, 2017

Tillerson in Doha: "Trump Wants to Rid Earth of Terrorism & Agreement Is a Little Part of It"

Saudi Monarchy Exposed

House of Saud documentary exposes the royal family who rules the Saudi Arabia. Despite the kingdom’s relentless brutal campaign and strict media control, activists have tried to expose the extent of the regime’s barbarity and dismal human rights record through various means, including social media and this recent documentary.

The UK government has been under increasing pressure to be stronger in its public condemnation of Saudi Arabia's human rights abuses. This includes its notoriously poor record in relation to women's rights and its extensive use of the death penalty, which has risen rapidly in recent years and has seen even young activists placed on death row.

Saudi Arabia Is Finished

United Europe Is Near - Churchill (1949)

Monday, July 10, 2017

The Stream - Will Al Jazeera Be Shut Down?

Is America No Longer ‘First’ After Donald Trump At G20? | AM Joy | MSNBC

Our guests question whether America was diminished on the world stage after Donald Trump attended the G-20 summit, where he reportedly addressed critical issues such as a potentially nuclear-armed North Korea.

This Linguist Studied the Way Trump Speaks for Two Years. Here’s What She Found

Jennifer Sclafani, a linguist at Georgetown University, says President Trump is a “unique” politician because he doesn’t speak like one.

The Debate: After Mosul: How to Win Peace in Iraq?

Mika & Joe React To Trump Junior’s Changing Story About Colluding With Russian Lawyer

Award-Winning Journalist Amy Wilentz on Just How Little Jared Kushner Knows About Foreign Politics

President Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner is, along with Trump’s son Donald Trump Jr., at the center of a shocking New York Times story published Sunday. According to the article, Kushner, Trump Jr. and then-campaign chair Paul Manafort met with a Kremlin-linked lawyer during the 2016 campaign after being promised damaging information about Hillary Clinton at Trump Tower two weeks after Trump won the Republican nomination. Kushner is one of Trump’s senior advisers who has assumed a major diplomatic role in the administration, despite having no previous diplomatic experience. We speak to Amy Wilentz, a contributor at The Nation.

Austria Bans Turkish Minister from Entering the Country to Mark Coup Bid Anniversary

Austrian authorities say they are banning Turkey’s Economy Minister Nihat Zeybekci from entering the country to attend a rally marking the anniversary of last year's failed coup. However, Zeybekci denies he tried to go to Austria.

Milton Friedman Debates Naomi Klein

Top US & World Headlines — July 10, 2017

Coffee Machine Capsules Spark Environmental Concerns

Zero Waste France »

Inside Story - Does the World Still Need the US for Leadership?

This year's G20 summit of the world's major economies was a tense and sometimes frustrating gathering, exposing the United States isolation globally on the key issues of climate and trade.

World leaders deplored President Donald Trump for pulling out of the landmark Paris Accord, reaffirming their commitment to fight global warming, without the US. Washington is now left in what some are calling a “club of one”. Will the world continue to look to the US for leadership? If not, who will step into that role? | Presenter: Hazem Sika | Guests: Marc Pierini - visiting scholar at Carnegie Europe and former EU ambassador to Turkey and Syria; Molly McKew - foreign policy expert and strategy consultant; Inderjeet Parmar - professor in international politics at City University London

EXCLUSIVE - Turkey's President Erdogan Blasts Macron on Syria: "Bashar Must Go, He’s a Criminal"

Frederick the Great | BBC Documentary

Saudi Arabia Fails to Rally Support to Put More Pressure on Qatar

The diplomatic crisis in the Persian Gulf continues to unfold with Qatar standing firm against what it calls bullying by some Arab states. Qatar’s infrastructure has incurred losses due to the ongoing rift, but Qatari citizens and many countries around the world have been showing their support in the face of a boycott imposed on Doha by Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Bahrain. We have a report.

Sunday, July 09, 2017

Anne Will - Sendung vom 09.07.17

The Story of Wales

G20: Trump Left Isolated On Climate Change

G20: US President Donald Trump was left isolated on climate change at the end of the G20 summit. The other 19 leaders declared that the Paris climate accord was irreversible. German Chancellor Angela Merkel used her final speech to express disappointment at Trump's position. Al Jazeera's Washington Editor James Bays reports from Hamburg.

Queen Victoria's Last Love

Douglas Murray on the European Problem

Hamed Abdel-Samad Slams Quran: Is This Logic of Allah, Who Is Said To Be Merciful?!

Egyptian-German scholar Dr. Hamed Abdel-Samad discussed the treatment of the Jews in the Quran, and said that an entire tribe was punished for what the Prophet Muhammad perceived to be the intentions of one man. "Either he just invented this, or else he was hearing voices in his paranoid head and was hallucinating, Abdel-Samad said of the Prophet Muhammad, and asked: "Is this the divine logic of God, who proclaimed Himself to be Merciful?" In his lecture, which was posted on the Internet on November 7, 2016, Abdel-Samad further said: "Our Lord gives His blessing to theft, the holy theft upon which the entire Islamic economy was based."

Saturday, July 08, 2017

Saudi Arabien: Die heimliche Revolution

Inside Story - Is Anti-Qatar Quartet Spreading Hate Speech in Mosques?

Clerics in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Egypt are praising the isolation of Qatar.

State TV in Saudi Arabia broadcast prayers by cleric Abdelrahman Al-Sudais during the holy month of Ramadan, which included comments about "terrorist funders" and social media activists said he was alluding to Qatar.

Other videos and Twitter feeds of clerics in Saudi Arabia were circulated online in what appears to be a mobilisation campaign against Qatar. Some clerics in Egypt and the UAE have also been heard supporting the blockade on Qatar. What are the long term ramifications of using religion in a political conflict? | Presenter: Hashem Ahelbarra | Guests: Youcef Bouandel - professor of international affairs at Qatar University; James Dorsey - senior fellow at Rajaratnam School of International Studies at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore; Shahid Qureshi - editor of online news website London Post

Saudi Arabia Funds Terror But We Love Them (and Their Oil) Anyway

A new report says that Saudi Arabia contributes major funds to encourage extremism in the UK, but the British government is trying to cover it up. The US did the same when it was revealed that the Saudis played a big role in 9/11. Ring of Fire's Josh Gay tells you why.

'Europe Unite' Says Churchill (1948)

Jamie Glazov Moment: Canada -- Sharia Fine For Not Removing Shoes Where Muslims Prayed

N24 Nachrichten - G20-Kater: Nach Randale-Nacht räumt Hamburg auf

Gewaltexzesse, Anarchie, Hass. Der schwarze Block sorgt in Hamburgs Szeneviertel um die Rote Flora für die düstersten Stunden seit Jahrzehnten. Mehrere Stunden lang tobt ein Mob während des G20-Gipfels. Dann schreitet die Staatsmacht ein.

Immer wieder brennen Barrikaden, Autonome zerschlagen Fensterscheiben mit schweren Pflastersteinen, brechen in einen Drogeriemarkt und eine Filiale eines Supermarkts ein. Sie plündern den Laden, tragen alles raus, zerfetzen das Mobiliar, um es unter dem Jubel Schaulustiger auf der Straße ins Feuer zu werfen. Auf einem Straßenzug der Schanze, Hamburgs linkem Szeneviertel, brennt es lichterloh. Während des G20-Treffens der führenden Wirtschaftsmächte lassen gewalttätige Demonstranten ihre Wut aus.

Doch der politische Gipfel hat noch seine schwerste Aufgaben vor sich.

The Unknown - Canadistan Rewards a Jihadi

Friday, July 07, 2017

Inside Story: Are the Saudis Funding Extremism?

The diplomatic crisis in the Gulf has seen Qatar living under a blockade for more than a month now.

Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain and Egypt accused Qatar of, among other things, supporting extremists - claims Doha strongly denies. Now, a report from a UK think tank is pointing the finger at Saudi Arabia for being a key figure in financing such groups. And raises questions about its role with armed groups like the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant armed group.

There is also another report on the subject - from the British government, but its conclusions have not been made public. So, why is Saudi Arabia accusing other countries of sponsoring extremism? | Presenter: Sohail Rahman | Guests: Shafeeq Ghabra - Professor of Political Science at Kuwait University; Simon Mabon - Lecturer in International Relations at the University of Lancaster; Marwan Kabalan - Associate Analyst at the Doha Institute: Arab Center for Research & Policy Studies

Finally They Meet: Trump, Putin Sit Down at G20; Italy on Its Own? Record Wave of Migrants

What the Media Won't Tell You About Qatar

G20: "It''s a Gloomy Summit"

Did Saudi Arabia Miscalculate with Qatar Feud? - UpFront

In this web extra, we discuss the new leadership of Mohammed bin Salman, Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, and look at how the current Gulf crisis may shape future diplomatic relations.

"I think [Mohammed bin Salman] has miscalculated, once again," says Barbara Slavin, Director of the Future of Iran Initiative at the Atlantic Council. "I think he has scored an own goal."

"[Mohammed bin Salman] is not going to have quick success everywhere and his biggest challenge, actually, is not in foreign policy, it’s in domestic policy, and in reforming and diversifying his economy, and that’s a huge undertaking," says Bernard Haykel, Professor of Near Eastern Studies at Princeton University.

The panellists also discussed whether relations between Gulf countries will recover.

"I think it is absolutely possible," Haykel says.

"There will be concessions from both sides, but I think that Qatar, culturally and religiously, is an extension of Arabia."

"This has never been a cohesive group and now it may be fatally broken," Slavin says.

Dystopian Nightmare: Eyewitness Decries Police Repression at G20 Summit as 100,000 Take to Streets

Mass demonstrations have erupted across Hamburg, Germany, as world leaders gather for the G20 summit, where President Donald Trump is meeting with other world leaders. About 100,000 protesters took to the streets and have staged sit-ins in an attempt to disrupt the first day of the summit. Police fired water cannons, pepper spray and stun grenades to disperse protesters. Key issues on the G20 agenda include climate change, trade and North Korea. Protesters who gathered say the G20 has failed to solve many issues, including climate change and global economic disparities. We speak with philosopher Sre?ko Horvat, who is taking part in the G20 alternative summit, known as the Global Solidarity Summit. He is the co-founder of the Democracy in Europe Movement, also known as DiEM25.

G20 Summit: Trump and Putin Hold Long-anticipated First Face-to-Face Meeting

HARDtalk: Naomi Klein

President Trump is meeting his fellow leaders at the G20 summit in Hamburg when big issues like international trade and climate change will be on the agenda. Zeinab Badawi speaks to the progressive Canadian-American writer and activist Naomi Klein. She says Donald Trump's rise to power is a product of our time and that his becoming president amounts to a corporate takeover of the US by brand Trump. She's calling for mass protests against him. But are her radical policies a panacea for the current ills in the USA?

Italy's Cry for Help: What's Europe's Answer to the Migrant Crisis?

Polish First Lady Passes Over Trump's Handshake

During a visit to Warsaw on July 6, President Trump was left hanging when Poland's first lady Agata Kornhauser-Duda appeared to pass over his first offer for a handshake and turned to his wife Melania instead.

Thursday, July 06, 2017

Embraced by Far-Right Gov't in Poland, Trump Claims Future of Western Civilization Is at Stake

In a major speech in Poland, President Donald Trump said Western civilization is at stake, as he warned about the threats of "terrorism and extremism." He was cheered on by supporters of Poland’s right-wing government, who were bused in to the speech. Meanwhile, Trump is facing criticism after becoming the first U.S. president in decades to skip visiting the Warsaw ghetto uprising monument. We speak with Polish-Nigerian journalist Remi Adekoya, a regular contributor to The Guardian and the former political editor of the Warsaw Business Journal.

Treffen von Merkel und Trump: Freundliches Gespräch mit „erheblichen Differenzen“

Auch nach dem Gespräch von Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel mit US-Präsident Donald Trump bleiben nach Angaben von Außenminister Sigmar Gabriel erhebliche Differenzen. Die G20-Themen Handel und Klimaschutz seien „noch deutlich strittig“, sagte Gabriel am Donnerstagabend in der ARD zum G20-Gipfel. „Viele Gemeinsamkeiten“ hätte es dagegen bei den außenpolitischen Themen gegeben.

What Will More Sanctions Mean for North Koreans? - Inside Story

North Korea's latest missile launch has once again attracted strong condemnation. The US is seeking to impose more sanctions at the UN while warning of a possible military action against Pyongyang. It says the time for diplomacy is running out and has been reassuring its allies the US will do everything it can to protect them.

The era of strategic patience with North Korea appears to be over, but what is not clear is what comes next. What does it mean for the people of North Korea? | Presenter: Sohail Rahman | Guests: Dr Youngshik Bong - research fellow at Yonsei University Institute for North Korean Studies; Barnaby Willits-King - research fellow at Overseas Development Institute

Regierungserklärung Angela Merkels zum Brexit

Brexit: Wie geht es weiter? Was sind die Leitlinien der Verhandlungen mit Großbritannien? Kanzlerin Merkel zum weiteren gemeinsamen Vorgehen der EU27 und den drei Schwerpunkten:

Kanzlerin Merkel zum Brexit (2016)

„Es gibt nichts drum herum zureden. Der heutige Tag ist ein Einschnitt für Europa", sagt Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel. Sie macht aber auch klar: „Die EU ist stark genug, um die richtigen Antworten zu geben!“

Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill's Speech in the University of Zurich, 1946 - Parts 1 & 2 (English)

Deutsch: Im September 1946 rief Winston Churchill in einer Rede an der Universität Zürich dazu auf, „eine Art Vereinigte Staaten von Europa" zu errichten. Im selben Jahr fand ein Kongress der europäischen Föderalisten in Hertenstein in der Schweiz statt. Dort wurden zwölf Thesen verfasst, die als Hertensteiner Programm zur Grundlage der europäischen Arbeit der Nachkriegsjahre und zugleich zum politischen Gründungsdokument der Europa-Union Deutschland wurden. Ziel ist bis heute eine auf "föderativer Grundlage errichtete, europäische Gemeinschaft"

Top US & World Headlines — July 6, 2017

Wallis Simpson: Myth And Reality – Full Documentary

WIKI: Wallis Simpson »

The Debate - Qatar Diplomatic Crisis: Now the Deadline Has Passed, What Next?

EXCLUSIVE - Interview with Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Syria: Rare Testimony from a Jihadist's Wife in Raqqa

N24 Nachrichten - Hochspannung in Hamburg: Staatschefs und Demonstranten treffen zum G20 ein

President Trump Delivers Speech in Warsaw

US President Donald Trump delivers speech in Krasinskich Square, Warsaw, Poland.

Wednesday, July 05, 2017

44 States Say No to Trump: Resistance Grows as Trump's Election Commission Seeks Private Voter Data

Several civil rights groups and lawmakers have come out against a federal "election integrity" commission established by President Donald Trump that wants states to hand over detailed personal information about U.S. voters. The request was made by Kris Kobach, the Kansas secretary of state and vice chair of Trump’s Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity. At least 44 states to date have said they will not comply with Kobach’s request. For more, we’re joined by Ari Berman, whose recent piece for The New York Times Magazine is "The Man Behind Trump’s Voter-Fraud Obsession." And we’re joined by Kristen Clarke, president and executive director of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law. The organization filed a complaint Monday against Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach.

The Crisis in the Gulf: Qatar Responds

The foreign minister of Qatar outlined his country’s position and response to the accusations made and diplomatic measures taken against Doha by a number of countries including Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

Will Trump Seek Talks with North Korea or Counter Missile Test with More U.S. Military Aggression?

Trump Sinks America’s Overseas Reputation Back To Bush-Era Numbers

During the Obama presidency, America’s image abroad finally rebounded from the dismal years of the Bush era. But in just 6 short months, thanks to his arrogance and ineptitude, Donald Trump has plunged America’s image overseas back down towards the Bush numbers. This is especially dangerous considering the need for allies, business partnerships, and tourism dollars that are necessary for the United States. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

May Accused of Suppressing UK 'Extremism' Funding Report

May accused of suppressing UK 'extremism' funding report. British Prime Minister Theresa May has come under pressure over a report into the funding of extremism in the UK. Opposition MPs say May is reluctant to publish the document because she does not want to damage relations with Saudi Arabia. Al Jazeera's Neave Barker reports from London.

What's Next in the Gulf Crisis

Al Jazeera’s Senior Political Analyst Marwan Bishara projects future scenarios on the ongoing Gulf crisis

The Century: America's Time - 1946-1952: Best Years

The Century: America's Time - 1941-1945: Homefront

Inside Scandinavia's First Women-only Mosque

Democracy Now! Top US & World Headlines — July 5, 2017

North Korea Missiles: "The US Is Putting Together Military Options against Pyongyang"

French President Macron Pays Tribute to Simone Veil: "She Loved Europe!"

Tuesday, July 04, 2017

Douglas Murray on Tommy Robinson (and the Establishment)

Douglas Murray's speciality is in intelligently pointing out the blindingly obvious to all the bone headed careerists within politics, academia and the media. If nothing else the inability of the established classes to deal with this issue has revealed how incapable and unremarkable they are.

F24Debate: North Korea Missile Threat: Old Problems, New Solutions?