Showing posts with label Western civilisation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Western civilisation. Show all posts
Friday, August 09, 2019
The Crisis of the Modern West
Islam and Western Civilization, Friends or Foes?
FIRST THINGS: Why I Became Muslim » | Jacob Williams *
* Jacob Williams is a writer living in London, England.
Saturday, April 13, 2019
Italy: Steve Bannon's Populist Academy in the Trisulti Monastery | Focus on Europe
Thursday, July 06, 2017
Embraced by Far-Right Gov't in Poland, Trump Claims Future of Western Civilization Is at Stake
Monday, August 15, 2016
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Anti-Islam Groups Launch Europe-wide Coalition Pledging to Defend 'Western Civilisation'
The British branch of the far-right PEGIDA movement will join colleagues from across the continent as part of the Fortress Europe coalition, which says it will "never surrender to our enemies" amid concerns about mass Muslim migration.
The new alliance brings together tens of thousands of campaigners from across Europe and has been announced in response to the escalating migrant crisis and alleged refugee sex attacks in Germany and Sweden.
It will feature veteran activists from all corners of Europe including Tommy Robinson - the former leader of the English Defence League (EDL) who is now leading PEGIDA UK.
The groups met near Prague last week to thrash out a common mission statement with eight bullet points in which the campaigners pledge to "risk our lives" to oppose "political Islam, extreme Islamic regimes and their European collaborators".
The movement is being spearheaded by campaigners from Germany, where PEGIDA was founded, and which has taken in more than one million refugees and migrants flooding into Europe from the Middle East, Asia and North Africa.
Criticism of Angela Merkel's open door migration policy has been growing amid fury over the Cologne refugee sex attacks and subsequent cover-up attempts by authorities. » | Nick Gutteridge | Thursday, January 28, 2016
Western civilisation
Monday, May 23, 2011
Western civilisation
Thursday, January 20, 2011

To call this rubbish “men’s fashion” is an insult. These styles from ‘Lady Gaga’ are a despicable, disgusting aberration. These styles connote a civilization in steep decline. Little wonder that Muslims worldwide feel that they have the upper hand in their Jihad against a morally bankrupt West. Ugh! Such decadence! – © Mark
Western civilisation
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Being a perfect parent is now deemed more important than being a good spouse. Our correspondent tries to define what makes the ideal partner
The millionaire founder of Kwik-Fit, Sir Tom Farmer, was recently asked to give his best piece of advice for becoming a business success. His answer was simple: find a good wife. “I know it sounds romanticised but it’s true,” he said. “The most important person in my life has been my wife.”
Undoubtedly, many people will find this sentiment romantic. A good many more might be confused. What exactly does a good wife mean these days? Is it someone who stays at home to raise the children, or who shares the financial burden by going out to work? A high-earning glass-ceiling breaker or a yummy mummy who keeps a well-stocked fridge? In February the Office for National Statistics told us that the number of couples choosing to marry has dropped to its lowest for 111 years, and divorce rates remain high. “Good” wives and husbands are apparently thin on the ground. The Good Wife’s Guide, published by Housekeeping Monthly in the 1950s, advised women to put a ribbon in their hair as they served their husbands’ evening meal — a suggestion that most modern women would deem to be insulting — while a 1958 edition of Housewife magazine invited them to take part in a “How good a wife are you?” quiz. Yet the guide at least set out exactly what was expected of wives. As the author Marilyn Yalom says in her book A History of the Wife: “To be a wife today, when there are few prescriptions or proscriptions, is a truly creative endeavour.”
Some experts believe that as modern life becomes more demanding, what defines a good partner has not only become obscured but has been pushed down the pecking order. So much emphasis is now placed on being a Good Parent that being a Good Spouse comes a poor third after a) the children and b) the job. Marital conversation is reduced to “Have you got the juice?” “Yes, have you got the wipes?” The advice given by her mother to Jerry Hall that to keep a man a woman must be a maid in the living room, a cook in the kitchen and a whore in the bedroom seems ever more quaint now that housework is increasingly outsourced, food is fast and marriages become increasingly sexless (witness the emergence of books for the sexless marriage with titles such as Okay, So I Don’t Have a Headache, I’m Not in the Mood and For Women Only, which lists techniques that wives use to avoid sex). Has the race to raise the brightest child, get him/ her into the best school, ferry him/her around to the highest number of improving activities actually put marriage under strain?
Val Sampson, an author and a couples counsellor, has launched, a website dedicated to helping couples to find their passion again and make each other a priority. She says: “I see a lot of people who have lost sight of fact they are a couple and see each other only as Mum and Dad. Women in particular get a lot of affection energy from a child. They turn to the child for cuddling, touch and sensual needs. They become almost absorbed by the child. It is like a grenade exploding in a marriage.” In search of the good wife by Carol Midgley
Mark Alexander
Thursday, November 03, 2005
You can just imagine it, can't you? A Muslim telling his zawjah (wife): Habibati (my dear), take off that burqah! We've got some serious business to attend to! And then they laugh all the way to the baby-making room! For they know that they will be helping to swell the population in the community of Muslims here in the West. They also know what the eventual outcome will be: They will outnumber Westerners. They understand Churchill's message, a message that has long been forgotten here in the West: There is no finer investment for any community than putting milk into babies.
Sheer numbers will trump technology; numbers will also trump economic development. Although we are more advanced, we needn't smirk and feel superior. These people understand the basics of life; we have forgotten them! To a Westerner, it is now more important for women to do a meaningful job in the workplace. No longer is the rôle of motherhood satisfying enough.
Moreover, commerce drives our political decisions: Business calls for more manpower, so the politicians open the floodgates, and let in illegal immigrants by the tens of thousands. Such is the logic of our day. I tell you now: It is false logic; and it will eventually lead to our own demise.
No community, no nation, no civilization can survive without an adequate supply of new born babies. It's the sine qua non of survival and it's the sine qua non of a thriving nation, too. Westerners are trying to buck nature; they will fail. And fail miserably!
If we are to survive as a civilization, then there needs to be a sea-change in attitudes, a sea-change in outlook, a sea-change in government policy.
Meanwhile...nine months later, Farida will give birth to that bonny, bouncy little Muhammad; and the father will whisper into the baby's ear: La illah ila Allah wa Muhammadan rasul Ullah! The Muslim community has swollen yet again: a Muslim baby has been born. The Muslim communities here in the West know that it's only a question of time, now.
The father smiles, for he knows that the future must surely belong to them!
©Mark Alexander
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