Thursday, November 03, 2005

Habibati, Take Off That Burqah!

You can just imagine it, can't you? A Muslim telling his zawjah (wife): Habibati (my dear), take off that burqah! We've got some serious business to attend to! And then they laugh all the way to the baby-making room! For they know that they will be helping to swell the population in the community of Muslims here in the West. They also know what the eventual outcome will be: They will outnumber Westerners. They understand Churchill's message, a message that has long been forgotten here in the West: There is no finer investment for any community than putting milk into babies.

Sheer numbers will trump technology; numbers will also trump economic development. Although we are more advanced, we needn't smirk and feel superior. These people understand the basics of life; we have forgotten them! To a Westerner, it is now more important for women to do a meaningful job in the workplace. No longer is the rôle of motherhood satisfying enough.

Moreover, commerce drives our political decisions: Business calls for more manpower, so the politicians open the floodgates, and let in illegal immigrants by the tens of thousands. Such is the logic of our day. I tell you now: It is false logic; and it will eventually lead to our own demise.

No community, no nation, no civilization can survive without an adequate supply of new born babies. It's the sine qua non of survival and it's the sine qua non of a thriving nation, too. Westerners are trying to buck nature; they will fail. And fail miserably!

If we are to survive as a civilization, then there needs to be a sea-change in attitudes, a sea-change in outlook, a sea-change in government policy.

Meanwhile...nine months later, Farida will give birth to that bonny, bouncy little Muhammad; and the father will whisper into the baby's ear: La illah ila Allah wa Muhammadan rasul Ullah! The Muslim community has swollen yet again: a Muslim baby has been born. The Muslim communities here in the West know that it's only a question of time, now.

The father smiles, for he knows that the future must surely belong to them!

©Mark Alexander

All Rights Reserved


The Truth Teller said...

You are correct to point out the fact that "sheer numbers" matter. The demographics as Muslims reproduce within Western nations may well bring down Western civilization.

Add to the above the Muslim tradition of loaning money to their cohorts at no interest, while most Westerners have to pay triple for their homes (principal plus interest). Here in the United States, more real estate is being snapped up by Muslims, and most have no bank loan on their backs. So, of course the women can afford to stay home and crank out babies.

Mark said...

Yes, TT:

It seems as though the Muslim community have got it made, doesn't it? They've got it all going for them!

Here in the UK, we now have our banks competing with each other and touting for business in the Muslim community by offering riba-free mortgages.

You're quite right, of course. "Cranking" out babies is so much easier when a family has no financial worries.

gandalf said...

The demographics are truly frightening, in fact the birth rate amongst muslims is actually a weapon of war.

Here in the uk benfits rise with the amount of children you have, thus we are actually financing
the Ummah

crazy or what.

Mark said...

Yes, Gandalf, crazy! Really crazy! When will our dullards wake up?

Papa Ray said...

The largest welfare outlay in the United States is for the Mexican population. The state of Texas is now a Mexican majority state.

The flow of illegal Mexicans over the border is in the thousands each year.

Add this to the mix...

Growing number of Latin women take the shahaddah

We have a problem and its going to get worse.

Papa Ray
West Texas

gandalf said...


as you probably know Islam works on three basic levels, one is destruction, two is plunder and three is critical mass.

First the infra structure and ideology is destroyed, the assets of the country invaded are then plundered.
the critical mass comes in when a country has been infected by the Islamic virus (see "no vaccine for Islam"

There is a direct correlation between the size of the Islamic population in a host country and the demands that they make.

Critical mass is eventually reached and the result is Lebanon, Kosovo etc.

The UK will be another Lebanon and London its Beirut

Mark said...

Pap Ray:

It is incomprehensible that these free people should take the shahadah. Morever, it makes me feel sick in my stomach!

I understand that the family-values part may appeal to Hispanics; but have they forgotten what the Christian faith teaches them about family values?

Roman Catholicism has always been strong in South and Central America. RC is also particularly strong on family values. What do they need Islam for when they can simply follow Christianity more closely.

Don't these people look around them? Don't they read about all the atrocities committed in the name of Islam and its prophet? Did the tragedy of 9/11 go over their heads? Are they blind, and deaf, too?

I would say that they should go and live in Saudi Arabia for a while. That would give them a better understanding of the kind of life that women have to suffer - yes suffer! - there. They cannot go out of the house without an escort. They cannot stop for a coffee in a café if thirst overcomes them. They cannot travel, either, except with the express permission of their fathers or husbands or brothers, as the case may be. I could go on and on. But we all know the kind of thing, don't we?

And these ill-informed people are happy to embrace Islam. They don't realize what they are letting themselves in for!

The moment one takes the shahadah is the moment one loses one's liberty. Only a fool could do such a thing willingly!

Further, where's the spirituality in all this. Islam is ninety per cent politics and ten per cent spirituality.

Personally, I could never imagine embracing a faith that preaches hatred of the Jews or death to Israel, or hatred of any other people, either. How can this be called a faith? Can they imagine that such calls can make the Almighty happy? If they do, then he is not one I would wish to turn to!

Mark said...


Yes, I am aware of these three basic levels. It's frightening isn't it? Our politicians here in the West seem not to be aware of these levels however; or else, if they are, they are indifferent to the growing problems ahead of us.

You are spot on when you say that the UK will become another Lebanon and London its Beirut. We can see it coming; the people who could stop it happening ostensibly do not wish to. (Presumably, they believe that the problem will go away if they turn the other way!) Many are already calling London Londonistan. That says it all!

There is no politician on my radar screen who is strong enough to put a stop to this impending disaster. Isn't it sad?

The three main parties here in the UK are a disaster when it comes to this issue. They don't speak about it; and they don't do anything about it, either.

If things don't change, and pretty soon, we're sunk!

BTW, I shall read the interesting link later in the day, Gandalf.