Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Ivanka Trump in Berlin: Angela Merkel trifft mächtigste Frau des Weißen Hauses

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE: Ivanka Trump ist die einflussreichste Frau in der amerikanischen Regierung. Nun kommt die „First Daughter“ nach Deutschland - und trifft die einflussreichste Frau in der Bundesregierung. In einer Angelegenheit, die beiden sehr am Herzen liegt.

Ivanka Trump kommt nach Deutschland - und trifft die Kanzlerin. Die wohl mächtigste Präsidententochter der Welt, die mittlerweile ein Büro im Weißen Haus bezogen hat, nimmt gemeinsam mit Angela Merkel (CDU) an einem internationalen Gipfeltreffen zur Stärkung von Frauen teil.

Ziel der Veranstalter ist es, Frauen in eine bessere wirtschaftliche Lage zu versetzen, ihnen mehr Chancen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt zu verschaffen sowie eine größere Beteiligung am Unternehmertum zu ermöglichen. Der sogenannte „Women20 Summit“ wird an diesem Dienstag und Mittwoch im Rahmen der deutschen G20-Präsidentschaft ausgerichtet. » | Quelle: ala./dpa | Dienstag, 25. April 2017

The Way to Fight the Tories in June’s Election Is to Turn Brexit against Them

THE GUARDIAN: Labour’s only chance lies in convincing voters that it will hold the government to account on any deal with the EU

There is a unique element to this election as a result of Brexit. The Tories believe this is to their advantage. But it could be turned against them.

First off – for the avoidance of doubt – I have not urged tactical voting. It is up to each voter to make up their mind on how they will vote. I only want people to make an informed choice. Of course, I hope people will vote Labour, as I will. » | Tony Blair | Monday, April 24, 2017

Will Marine Le Pen Triumph in the French Elections?

Marine Le Pen and her party, Front national, have tapped into nationwide anxieties over Islam and the European Union. On the eve of the French elections, we consider why French voters have shifted to the right, and what hope the National Front party gives them of a new France.

Monday, April 24, 2017

What Would a Le Pen Victory Mean for France? – Inside Story

The two contenders for French President have now emerged. For the first time, they won't come from either of the main parties. Centrist Emmanuel Macron will take on far-right leader Marine Le Pen in the run-off election in two weeks. But this election is about more than just liberal versus conservative. It's about being for or against the establishment, immigration, the European Union and globalisation. So, what will a potential victory for Le Pen mean for France and Europe?

Presenter: Martine Dennis | Guests: Dominic Thomas - Chairman of the Department of French Studies at the University of California - Los Angeles; Laura Slimani - City Councilor in French city of Rouen and a former President of the Young Socialist Party in France; Matthew Goodwin - Professor of Politics and International Relations at the University of Kent.

President Assad Latest Interview | April 21, 2017

Macron vs. Le Pen: Unprecedented Choice in French Presidential Election (Parts 1 & 2)

Editorial du « Monde » : le refus du Front national

LE MONDE: La présence du FN au second tour de l’élection présidentielle et la défaite des candidats Les Républicains et du Parti socialiste font peser une menace inédite.

Editorial du « Monde ». Le bouleversement du paysage politique provoqué par le premier tour de la présidentielle, dimanche 23 avril, allie deux caractéristiques d’apparence contradictoire : à la fois prévisible et radical, attendu et néanmoins surprenant. Il était prévisible parce que les instituts de sondage, irréprochables tout au long de cette campagne, avaient annoncé la physionomie du second tour depuis plusieurs semaines. » | Par Jérôme Fenoglio (Directeur du "Monde") | lundi 24 avril 2017

Le Pen Savages Macron as France's Mainstream Rallies behind Him

THE GUARDIAN: Front National leader accuses centrist rival of being weak on terror as presidential election moves into second round

Marine Le Pen, the leader of France’s far-right Front National party, has savaged the centrist presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron as a “hysterical, radical Europeanist” who is weak on jihadi terror, as the country’s demoralised mainstream parties threw their weight behind the independent frontrunner in the first day of campaigning for the presidential runoff.

“He is for total open borders. He says there is no such thing as French culture. There is not one area where he shows one ounce of patriotism,” Le Pen said of Macron in her first public statements since addressing supporters on Sunday night after finishing second to the former investment banker in the first-round vote. » | Jon Henley, European Affairs Correspondent | Monday, April 24, 2017

Don’t assume Marine Le Pen is beaten: it’s delusional, and dangerous, thinking »

Ahmadinejad: Iran Can Be Better Managed - Talk to Al Jazeera

Will Looking to Its Past Help Britain's Future? – Inside Story

The United Kingdom is on course to break away from the European Union. So, it's looking for economic and political opportunities elsewhere. One important tool is the Commonwealth: an organisation made up of former British colonies - and one of the most diverse - created 87 years ago. The British government says it will try to 'revitalise' the Commonwealth and increase trade with its member states. So, can the Commonwealth help a post-brexit UK economy?

Presenter: Sami Zeidan | Guests: Alex Vines - Head of the Africa Programme at Chatham House; Sophie Gallop - Teaching Associate at the University of Birmingham; Murtala Touray - Former Senior West Africa analyst at IHS Global Insight.

‘French People Want to Try Something New… They Chose Outsiders’ – Le Figaro Reporter

Polls closed in the first round of the French presidential vote, with Emmanuel Macron of the centrist En Marche! movement and Marine Le Pen of the National Front advancing to the second round. Renaud Girard, a senior reporter at le Figaro newspaper, shares his thoughts with RT.

French Election: What Would Emmanuel Macron's Presidency Mean for Britain? - BBC Newsnight

Centrist Emmanuel Macron will face far-right leader Marine Le Pen in the second round of the French presidential election.To learn more about the presidential candidate, Evan Davis has met up with Benjamin Griveaux, Mr Macron's campaign spokesman.

France Presidential Election: President Hollande Reacts to 1st Round, Calls to Support Macron

French Parties Unify Against Le Pen: ‘This Is Deadly Serious Now’

THE NEW YORK TIMES: PARIS — Not since World War II has the anti-immigrant far right been closer to gaining power in France. With her second-place finish on Sunday in the first round of the presidential election, Marine Le Pen has dragged her National Front party from the dark fringes of its first 40 years.

But that remarkable accomplishment is so alarming to so many in France that as soon as the preliminary results were announced at 8:01 p.m., virtually all of her major opponents in the 11-person race called for her defeat in the second-round runoff on May 7. They implored their supporters to vote for the candidate projected to come out on top on Sunday, the centrist, pro-European Union former economy minister Emmanuel Macron, a political novice and outsider. » | Adam Nossiter | Sunday, April 23, 2017

Julian Assange: "The US Government Is the Most Dangerous in the World"

French Election: In Search of 'la France profonde' - BBC Newsnight

Much of the attention of the French presidential election has been on Paris and other large metropolitan areas, where the issues of terrorism and immigration have been felt most keenly. But it's outside the capital that the election is really decided. Gabriel Gatehouse has gone in search of France's political and geographic heart.

Abwahl der etablierten Parteien in Frankreich: «Es droht noch mehr Instabilität»

Den NZZ Artikel hier lesen.

François Hollande laisse une France en mauvais état

LE FIGARO: Le chef de l'État n'est pas parvenu à enrayer la progression de la dette ou à baisser significativement le chômage. Quant au «ras-le-bol fiscal» des Français, il n'a pas disparu.

C'était il y a un peu plus de cinq ans. François Hollande, candidat à la présidence de la République, faisait campagne pour une France «apaisée». Il estimait que Nicolas Sarkozy l'avait fracturée et laissée dans un désordre économique et social rarement atteint. Aujourd'hui, le chef de l'État considère que son contrat est rempli. «Je laisse ce pays dans un bien meilleur état que celui que j'ai trouvé il y a maintenant cinq ans. Nous avons plus d'embauches, le chômage baisse, nous avons des investissements, une croissance qui repart», s'est-il félicité ce jeudi matin, lors d'un déplacement à Biars-sur-Cère, dans le Lot. » | Par Marie Visot | vendredi 21 avril 2017

Présidentielle : les enseignements d'un premier tour hors norme

LE POINT: Macron séduit les cadres et professions intellectuelles, Marine Le Pen les chômeurs et les ouvriers. Fillon gagne chez les seniors. L'analyse des suffrages.

François Fil[l]on gagne haut la main... chez les seniors. Plébiscité chez les plus de 65 ans, (40,6 %), le candidat LR fait un carton dans les maisons de retraite. Emmanuel Macron séduit surtout les cadres et les professions intellectuelles (28 %). Quant à Marine Le Pen, c'est chez les chômeurs et les ouvriers qu'elle fait ses meilleurs scores, capitalisant plus de 29,9 % d'intention de vote dans ces catégories. Tels sont les premiers enseignements que réserve l'étude publiée par l'institut OpinionWay et réalisée le dimanche 23 avril, jour du premier tour, auprès de plus de 9 000 personnes inscrites sur les listes électorales. » | Par Baudouin Eschapasse | lundi 24 avril 2017

Relief in Berlin as Macron Wins First Round

HANDELSBLATT – GLOBAL: Pro-EU candidate Emmanuel Macron’s success in France’s first-round presidential election has raised hopes in neighboring Germany that the French will reject far-right candidate Marine Le Pen and break the populist fever that has swept Europe.

Berlin can breathe a sigh of relief – for now. Centrist candidate Emmanuel Macron has taken the lead in the first round of France’s presidential election, raising hopes in neighboring Germany that its most important European partner will hold the line against a populist wave that threatens to upend the European Union.

The contest, however, is far from over and the final outcome is anything but certain. Far-right candidate Marine Le Pen was nipping at Mr. Macron’s heels in Sunday’s poll, trailing him by just 2 percentage points in the first round according to preliminary results. » | Spencer Kimball | Sunday, April 23, 2017

Watters' Words: The Mainstream Media Exposed... Again!

Apr. 22, 2017 - 5:17 - Trump has received by far the most hostile press treatment of any new president

Sunday, April 23, 2017

France Presidential Election: Defeated Fillon Addresses His Supporters, Calls to Support Macron

France Presidential Election: 1st Round Winner Emmanuel Macron Addresses Supporters

France Presidential Election: 1st Round Winner Marine Le Pen Addresses Supporters

Présidentielle 2017 : Macron veut être le «président des patriotes face aux nationalistes»

LE FIGARO: D'après les estimations Kantar Sofres Onepoint, Emmanuel Macron et Marine Le Pen sont qualifiés pour le second tour avec respectivement 24,1% et 21,6% des suffrages. François Fillon, troisième avec 20%, appelle à voter Macron le 7 mai. Jean-Luc Mélenchon, avec 19,5%, appelle «à la retenue» en attendant le score définitif. » | Par Le figaro.fr | dimanche 23 avril 2017

"Get 'em Young and Train 'em Right" – Lecture by Dr. Robert Jackler

Beer And Tobacco Are Kinda Good For You

By now, I’m sure we all know what the negative side effects of drinking and smoking are. Are there any positive ones?

Denial & Obfuscation about Islam Fuels Growing Distrust - Douglas Murray

In answer to the question of how much attention to give to terrorists, Douglas Murray talks common sense about the right kind of attention, and argues that denial & obfuscation about islamic terrorism only breed more distrust of both media and government.

The other panelists were Simon Jenkins (former Times editor and Guardian columnist) and Fawaz Gerges (an expert on ISIS and Al-Qaeda). The moderator was Clarissa Ward.

Excerpted from the Intelligence Squared event: "Don't give them what they want: Terrorists should be starved of the oxygen of publicity" | February 22, 2017 at The Royal Institution

Donald Trump Puts Britain at the Back of the Queue for a US Trade Deal

I Am Incorrigible »

Giving the Far Right a Voice - The Listening Post

At the heart of what is termed an open society is the idea that if all views get a fair hearing, and a platform is provided for debate, then individuals can decide for themselves what to believe and society can reach some sort of consensus. Is that really the case? Or does giving these movements a media platform grant them a degree of legitimacy that tells viewers that intolerant, racist or otherwise bigoted views are potentially of equal value to their opposite.

Islam in the Heart of England and France

GATESTONE INSTITUTE: "There are plenty of private Muslim schools and madrasas in this city. They pretend that they all preach tolerance, love and peace, but that isn't true. Behind their walls, they force-feed us with repetitive verses of the Qur'an, about hate and intolerance." — Ali, an 18-year-old of French origin, whose father was radicalized. / "In England, they are free to speak. They speak only of prohibitions, they impose on one their rigid vision of Islam but, on the other hand, they listen to no-one, most of all those who disagree with them." — Yasmina, speaking of extremist Muslims in the UK. / "Birmingham is worse than Molenbeek" -- the Brussels borough that The Guardian described as "becoming known as Europe's jihadi central." — French commentator, republishing an article by Rachida Samouri.

The city of Birmingham in the West Midlands, the heart of England, the place where the Industrial Revolution began, the second city of the UK and the eighth-largest in Europe, today is Britain's most dangerous city. With a large and growing Muslim population, five of its electoral wards have the highest levels of radicalization and terrorism in the country. » | Denis MacEoin | Sunday, April 23, 2017

Opinion: The Planet Can’t Stand This Presidency

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Trump is in charge at a critical moment for keeping climate change in check. We may never recover.

President Trump’s environmental onslaught will have immediate, dangerous effects. He has vowed to reopen coal mines and moved to keep the dirtiest power plants open for many years into the future. Dirty air, the kind you get around coal-fired power plants, kills people.

It’s much the same as his policies on health care or refugees: Real people (the poorest and most vulnerable people) will be hurt in real time. That’s why the resistance has been so fierce.

But there’s an extra dimension to the environmental damage. What Mr. Trump is trying to do to the planet’s climate will play out over geologic time as well. In fact, it’s time itself that he’s stealing from us.

What I mean is, we have only a short window to deal with the climate crisis or else we forever lose the chance to thwart truly catastrophic heating. » | Bill McKibben | Thursday, April 20, 2017

Julie Bishop Hits Back at North Korea as Labor Backs 'Harder-edged' US Stance

THE GUARDIAN: Australia’s foreign minister says North Korea should look after its ‘long-suffering citizens’ rather than develop nuclear weapons

Australia’s foreign minister, Julie Bishop, says North Korea should look after its “long-suffering citizens” rather than developing weapons of mass destruction after the regime pointedly warned Australia of a possible nuclear strike if Canberra persists in “blindly and zealously toeing the US line”.

Bishop issued a statement on Sunday declaring North Korea’s threats of nuclear strikes against other nations “further underlines the need for the regime to abandon its illegal nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs”.

“These present a grave threat to its neighbours, and if left unchecked, to the broader region including Australia,” the foreign minister said. “The North Korean government should invest in the welfare of its long-suffering citizens, rather than weapons of mass destruction.” » | Katharine Murphy, Political Editor | Sunday, April 23, 2017

North Korea Warns Australia of Possible Nuclear Strike If It 'Blindly Toes US Line'

THE GUARDIAN: Foreign ministry spokesman quoted as saying Julie Bishop’s comments can never be pardoned and Pyongyang is acting only in self-defence

North Korea has bluntly warned Australia of a possible nuclear strike if Canberra persists in “blindly and zealously toeing the US line”.

North Korea’s state new agency (KCNA) quoted a foreign ministry spokesman castigating Australian foreign minister, Julie Bishop, after she said the rogue nation would be subject to further Australian sanctions and for “spouting a string of rubbish against the DPRK over its entirely just steps for self-defence”.

“If Australia persists in following the US moves to isolate and stifle the DPRK and remains a shock brigade of the US master, this will be a suicidal act of coming within the range of the nuclear strike of the strategic force of the DPRK,” the report said.

“The Australian foreign minister had better think twice about the consequences to be entailed by her reckless tongue-lashing before flattering the US.” » | Australian Associated Press | Sunday, April 23, 2017

Ukip to Campaign to Ban Burqa and Sharia Courts, Says Paul Nuttall

THE GUARDIAN: Party leader tells Andrew Marr the security situation means ‘you need to see people’s faces’ and that it ‘is all about integration’

Ukip will push to ban the burqa and sharia courts, Paul Nuttall has said, though he denied the Eurosceptic party was reinventing itself as an anti-Islam party.

In a BBC interview, Ukip’s leader also refused to confirm whether he would stand in the 8 June election, having been defeated in the Stoke-on-Trent Central byelection weeks ago.

Nuttall said the party’s policies were not singling out Muslims. He said there were no similar proposals to ban Jewish religious courts because the Jewish population was smaller than the Muslim population.

Nuttall had previously said in 2013 the party should not pursue a burqa ban, but he told the Andrew Marr Show that circumstances had changed. » | Jessica Elgot, Political Reporter | Sunday, April 23, 2017

French Elections 2017: Disintegrating Left-Right Divide Sets Stage for Political Upheaval

THE GUARDIAN: Squeezed by Jean-Luc Mélenchon on one side and Emmanuel Macron on the other, the presidential contest could mean destruction for the Socialist party

French voters go to the polls on Sunday in the first round of a presidential election that to the very end has brought little consensus or comfort and only one certainty: the result will be a political upheaval, whoever wins.

Even as they walk into their bureau de vote, many will still be undecided, faced with paper slips for an unprecedented 11 candidates, only four of them thought to be serious contenders for the Elysée palace. There is a nail-biting sense that anything could happen.

Do they vote for or against? Do they choose a candidate who represents their politics or one who, opinion polls suggest, is most likely to defeat the woman whose presence as one of two candidates in the second-round runoff in a fortnight seems a given, but whose name still provokes a frisson of fear for many: the far-right Front National leader Marine Le Pen, with her anti-Europe, anti-immigration, “French-first” programme? » | Kim Willsher in Paris | Saturday, April 22, 2017

Marine Le Pen's Rise in 'Forgotten France'

In the run-up to the French presidential election, the far-right Front National leader has courted growing numbers of voters in rural France where residents of villages and small towns have seen factories close and services disappear. Le Pen calls this ‘forgotten France’. Angelique Chrisafis went to a Burgundy heartland of the left to meet voters turning to Le Pen

France Votes: ‘The Determining Factor Is Personality’

French voters in Paris cast their ballots for the presidential election on Sunday in a tense first-round poll that’s seen as a test for the spread of populism around the world. Some 47 million eligible voters in the country will choose between 11 candidates. Voters in Paris said the choice was complex while others expressed doubts

Read the Guardian article here

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Tobacco Wars - Episode One - Lighting Up; Episode Two - Smokescreen; Episode Three - Smoked Out

TOBACCO WARS is a comprehensive history of the cigarette, providing an in-depth, balanced, and often shocking look at the tobacco industry. The series' three one-hour episodes are organized chronologically, from the advent of the cigarette through its ascension to one of the most profitable consumer products the world has ever seen. Via first person accounts and insider documentation, TOBACCO WARS vividly portrays what the companies really knew about the link between smoking and disease, explains how mankind became seduced by such a dangerous product, provides a status report on Big Tobacco today, and looks towards the future of this most controversial of industries.

French Voters to Cast Ballots in Wake of Terror Incident

Apr. 22, 2017 - 4:47 - 'Terror in France' author Gilles Kepel weighs in on 'America's News HQ'

Scientists Make Stand Against Trump

Scientists across the country are taking to the streets to oppose the Trump administration. Cenk Uygur, John Iadarola, Michael Shure, and Amna Nawaz, the hosts of The Young Turks, tell you why scientists are marching.

Libre-échange: les Etats-Unis prêts à négocier avec l'Union européenne

L’EXPRESS: Au cours de son voyage aux Etats-Unis le mois dernier, Angela Merkel a convaincu Donald Trump de traiter avec l'Europe. Ce qui remise le Royaume-Uni au second plan.

La nouvelle est inquiétante pour Theresa May. D'après le Times, qui cite des sources officielles à la Maison Blanche, l'administration Trump a changé son fusil d'épaule en matière d'accords de libre-échange. Alors que le président américain avait promis de conclure "rapidement et dans les règles" un accord commercial avec le Royaume-Uni, c'est maintenant vers l'Europe qu'il se tourne.

Deux raisons à ce revirement. D'abord, les Etats-Unis ne peuvent conclure aucun accord avec le Royaume-Uni avant mars 2019, date théorique à laquelle le Brexit deviendra effectif si les négociations se déroulent correctement. "Rapidement et dans les règles" devient donc illusoire. » | Par Laurent Martinet | samedi 22 avril 2017

Xavier Jugelé, 37, Officer Killed in Paris, Was Defender of Gay Rights

THE NEW YORK TIMES: PARIS — He was a proud gay man and a committed policeman.

He was among the officers who responded to a terrorist attack at the Bataclan concert hall in November 2015, and he was in the crowd when Sting helped reopen the 19th-century building a year later.

Xavier Jugelé, 37, a Paris police officer since 2010, himself fell victim to terrorism Thursday evening. He was in a police vehicle on the heavily guarded Champs-Élysées, Paris’s most famous boulevard, when a gunman opened fire, killing him and wounding two other officers, along with a bystander.

The gunman was shot dead as he tried to flee; the Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack a short while later.

Officer Jugelé was mourned on Friday by friends and fellow officers. » | Lilia Blaise | Friday, April 21, 2017

Andrew Sullivan On Donald Trump: 'Huge Mistake' That He's President | MTP Daily | MSNBC

Andrew Sullivan joins MTP Daily to assess the Trump administration, criticize Democrats and decipher elections and unrest overseas.

Netanyahu: US Shift in Stance on Iran Is an Important Change

Apr. 21, 2017 - 9:10 - Israeli prime minister discusses how his country faces its security challenges on 'Hannity'

Plight of Christians in Pakistan

American Converts to Islam Defy Stereotypes

Decline of Christianity and Rise of Islam in the UK

Friday, April 21, 2017

Chemical ‘Attack’ Was False Flag to Justify Strike on Airbase – President Assad

Syrian President Bashar Assad warned that what he called “false flag” incidents and provocations, similar to the one he said took place in the town of Khan Shaykhun, are likely to occur in future to give the US a pretext for an attack.

Up for Grabs: Total Uncertainty ahead of French Presidential Election (Parts 1 & 2)

Champs-Elysées Attack: What Impact on Sunday's French Election?

Ivanka And Jared Are Spectacularly Unqualified — And Why That Matters

FORWARD: In the family business that passes for this White House, Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner have acquired seats at the grown-ups’ table, with offices steps away from the Oval Office, portfolios that seem to grow by the day and unparalleled access to the levers of power.

To cite a recent New York Times story, they “have emerged as President Trump’s most important advisers, at least for now.”

And surely the most unqualified ones to ever hold such august positions.

But that last part doesn’t seem to matter. Because beyond everything else — the astonishing conflicts of interest and the continued, brazen self-enrichment — these two represent the end of any expectation that expertise is required for government work. Even in a Cabinet that is viewed as the most inexperienced in American history, the president’s daughter and son-in-law stand out for having neither the knowledge nor the experience to reasonably pursue any of the many missions they have been given. » | Jane Eisner | Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Jared Kushner: The Man Who Has President Trump's Ear

Brexit: Come What May

Top US & World Headlines — April 21, 2017

Bill O’Reilly Sacked, Finds It ‘Tremendously Disheartening'

Former news anchor Bill O’Reilly's 21-year tenure on Fox News came to an end on Wednesday amid an avalanche of sexual allegations. Media and legal analyst Lionel of Lionel Media joins “News With Ed” to give his take on the situation.

Fox News Viewers Boycott Over O'Reilly

Fox News fans are mad! Cenk Uygur, Hannah Cranston, and Amberia Allen, the hosts of The Young Turks, tell you why they’re boycotting.

It's Time To Break Off EU Membership Talks with Turkey

SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: Turks have voted to give their autocratic president even more power, with few checks and balances. By doing so, they have cast their ballot against the values of the European Union. It's time for the EU to take action by ending membership talks with Turkey.

With Turkey's vote on Sunday for sweeping constitutional reforms, autocratic President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has consolidated his power and divided the country. The referendum on the Turkish Constitution is just one further example in the year of Brexit of the dubious value of referenda. There is likely to be much talk in the coming days of a majority vote, regardless how narrow it was (51.4-48.8), and how it must be respected.

For the European Union, however, there can only be one outcome: Membership negotiations with Turkey should be terminated.

The Turks have voted for autocracy, for the repression of political opponents and likely also for the introduction of the death penalty. None of these can be reconciled with membership in the EU. For Brussels now, at the very latest, the time has come to call the accession process what it is: dead. » | Markus Becker in Brussels | Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Paris Shootout Leaves Police Officer and Gunman Dead

Read the New York Times article here

Champs Élysées shooting: French police officer killed in Paris

A gunman has shot and killed one police officer and wounded two more in an incident on the Champs Élysées on Thursday evening. The gunman is said to have pulled up next to a police van in a car, got out, and then opened fire on the nearby police. He was then killed by police when they returned fire. Police are now investigating the attacker’s car and it has been revealed the man was known to security services before the attack

Read the Guardian article here

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Don Lemon Show | Bill O'Reilly OUT at Fox News | April 19, 2017

Anderson Cooper Show | Bill O'Reilly OUT at Fox News | April 19, 2017

Anderson Cooper 360 April 19,2017 - CNN Show

We Need to Talk about Theresa May

Theresa May is seen as a ‘safe pair of hands’, and many of us are yearning for that at a time of massive political turmoil. But, argues Owen Jones, we should still think about what kind of politician she is. From opposing the convention of human rights, to telling illegal immigrants to ‘go home’, there are things we should know about our new prime minister

Theresa May is not just breaking her promises – she is breaking our politics »

EU Parliament President against a ‘Hard, Strong, Cold Brexit’

The president of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani, emphasises that the rights and status of EU citizens living in the UK is the Parliament’s first priority during Brexit negotiations. Speaking at Europe House in London on Thursday, Antonio Tajani added that the prospect of a British general election works in favour of Brexit negotiations, offering greater stability with the ‘the same ministers, the same negotiators’ during the length of the process

EU leader: UK would be welcomed back if voters overturn Brexit »

North Korea Threatens US as Tensions Rise

North Korea has warned of a "super-mighty preemptive strike" against the United States. CBS News' Major Garrett joins CBSN to discuss the growing tension between the White House and Pyongyang.

Russia Bans Jehovah's Witnesses after Supreme Court Rules Christian Sect 'Extremists’

THE INDEPENDENT: Group to appeal ruling amid international concern over freedom of religion

Russia has banned Jehovah's Witnesses after the Supreme Court ruled the Christian sect to be an “extremist” group.

“The Supreme Court has ruled to sustain the claim of Russia's ministry of justice and deem the 'Administrative Centre of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia' organisation extremist, eliminate it and ban its activity in Russia,” said judge Yuri Ivanenko.

“The property of the Jehovah's Witnesses organisation is to be confiscated to the state revenue.” Read on and comment » | Lizzie Dearden | Thursday, April 20, 2017

First Roger Ailes, Now Bill O'Reilly: Sexual Harassment Scandal Ousts Top Men at Fox News

The longtime Fox News star Bill O’Reilly is out, after more than half a dozen women accused him of sexual harassment. His departure follows the similar ouster of longtime powerful Fox News CEO Roger Ailes, who was also forced out this past summer after more than 20 women accused him of sexual harassment. Over 50 advertisers boycotted "The O’Reilly Factor" over revelations O’Reilly and Fox paid $13 million to settle lawsuits by five women who accuse O’Reilly of sexual harassment and inappropriate sexual behavior. For more, we speak with civil rights attorney Lisa Bloom. She represents three women who have accused Bill O’Reilly of unwanted sexual advances.

Bill O'Reilly Accuser Perquita Burgess Speaks Out | The View

Will Bill O'Reilly's Departure Change Culture At Fox News? | The View

Kleptocracy?: How Ivanka Trump & Jared Kushner Personally Profit from Their Roles in the White House

Are Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner personally profiting from their official roles in the White House? According to the Associated Press, Ivanka Trump secured three new exclusive trademarks in China the very same day she and her father, President Trump, had dinner with Chinese President Xi Jinping at Trump’s private Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida. The China trademarks give her company the exclusive rights to sell Ivanka-branded jewelry, bags and spa services in China. The New York Times reports Japan also approved new trademarks for Ivanka for branded shoes, handbags and clothing in February, and she has trademark applications pending in at least 10 other countries. Ivanka no longer manages her $50 million company, but she continues to own it. Ivanka also serves in the Trump administration as an adviser to the president. So does her husband, Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner. For more, we speak with Vicky Ward, New York Times best-selling author, investigative journalist and contributor to Esquire and Huffington Post Highline magazine.

Bill O’Reilly Is Forced Out at Fox News

Read the New York Times article here

For Fox News, Life After Bill O’Reilly Will Feature Tucker Carlson »

US Could End Visa-free Travel for Europeans, Donald Trump's Secretary of Homeland Security Says

THE INDEPENDENT: Move could affect around 14 million European citizens who visit the US without a visa each year

The Trump administration is considering making changes to the US visa-waiver system that could make it much harder for Europeans travelling to America.

Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly said the existing rules, which do not require Britons to obtain a visa, should be reviewed amid heightened concerns about terrorism.

"We have to start looking very hard at that [visa waiver] programme,” he said. Read on and comment » | Tom Batchelor | Thursday, April 20, 2017

Asma al-Assad- die First Lady Syriens

Asma al-Assad - Das schöne Gesicht der Diktatur. Asma al-Assad, die First Lady Syriens. Der Westen sah in ihr das Ideal einer arabischen Herrscherin: schön, gebildet, modern. Heute gilt sie als Komplizin eines Diktators, der Verbrechen an seinem Volk begeht. Quelle : ARD

Asma Al Assad: Things You Need to Know Bashar’s Wife

Asma Al-Assad is the wife of President Bashar al-Assad, who has been in power since July 2000. For a time, Asma was seen in a positive light to push social and economic development. She was even once featured in a flattering Vogue article.

Asma al-Assad: A Rose in the Desert »

Significant Part of LGBT Community to Support Le Pen in Upcoming Elections – Poll

Despite the tension over the National Front, polls show a significant part of LGB community will support Marine Le Pen in the first round of the election on Sunday

Remembering Bill O'Reilly

Bill O'Reilly Officially Fired

After a string of sexual harassment lawsuits and settlements, Bill O’Reilly has been fired by Fox News. Cenk Uygur, John Iadarola, and David Sirota, hosts of The Young Turks, discuss.

Nick Clegg: 'Brexit-obsessed Government Isn't Doing Its Day Job' - BBC Newsnight

Nick Clegg gives Emily Maitlis his thoughts on the snap general election. Newsnight is the BBC's flagship news and current affairs TV programme - with analysis, debate, exclusives, and robust interviews.

Bill O’Reilly’s Fox News Career Comes to a Swift End amid Growing Sexual Harassment Claims

Read the Washington Post article here

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Bill O’Reilly Not Returning To Fox News | MSNBC

Fox News trennt sich endgültig von Bill O’Reilly

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE: Bill O’Reilly ist Trump-Fan und einer der bekanntesten Fernseh-Moderatoren Amerikas. Doch nun hat ihn sein Sender vor die Tür gesetzt. Der Grund sind schwere Vorwürfe von mehreren Frauen.

Der konservativ geprägte amerikanische Sender Fox News hat sich nach Berichten über sexuelle Übergriffe von seinem Kult-Moderator Bill O’Reilly getrennt. Das Mutterunternehmen des zum Imperium von Medienzar Rupert Murdoch gehörenden Senders bestätigte die Personalie. „Nach einer sorgfältigen Prüfung der Vorwürfe stimmen das Unternehmen und Bill O’Reilly überein, dass Bill O’Reilly nicht auf Fox News zurückkehren wird“, hieß es in einer Stellungnahme der 21st Century Fox am Mittwoch. » | Quelle: pach./dpa | Mittwoch, 19. April 2017

Fox News 'to Drop Host Bill O'Reilly' after Harassment Cases

BBC: Fox News is reportedly about to drop the country's top-rated cable news host, Bill O'Reilly, amid claims he sexually harassed female colleagues.

The Wall Street Journal - owned by Rupert Murdoch, who also owns Fox News - reports the network is "preparing to cut ties" with the presenter.

Pressure on Fox has mounted since recent reports that five women received $13m in payouts because of Mr O'Reilly.

More than 50 sponsors have withdrawn ads from his show, The O'Reilly Factor.

US media report that the board of 21st Century Fox will hold a meeting about the matter on Thursday.

According to New York Magazine, executives were holding emergency meetings on Wednesday morning to discuss how to get rid of Mr O'Reilly. » | Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Republican Senators Furious That Trump Has Turned Presidency Into A “Trump” Brand Commercial

Republican Senator Joni Ernst, a hard-right member of the GOP, said that she and many of her Republican colleagues in the Senate are not happy that Donald Trump is spending so much time at Mar-A-Lago and so little time actually governing. They are beginning to see what everyone else sees: Trump has turned the Presidency into a giant commercial for the Trump brand. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

The Americans did something very stupid to elect Donald Trump into the White House. Trump is a man with no political experience; and even after this short time in office, it's plain to see. Further, he is being influenced by Ivanka, who is profiting from her position in the White House. But more importantly, can anyone explain to me what this young lady knows or understands about geopolitics? And that goes for her husband, Jared, too. How is he going to fix Middle Eastern problems? More especially, how is he going to fix the Palestinian question, particularly when so many experienced politicians before him have failed? The Trump administration is a disaster, it seems to me. God only knows what the next four years will bring. World war is, of course, not out of the question. – Mark

POLL: America's Opinion Of Ivanka Trump

It turns out that young women in America have a pretty unfavorable view of Ivanka Trump. Cenk Uygur, Francis Maxwell, and Hannah Cranston, the hosts of The Young Turks, break it down.

Top US & World Headlines — April 19, 2017

Transsexuality in Iran: Actor Brings Awareness Campaign to France

Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy Gives His Backing to François Fillon

Reports Indicate Fox News May Cut Ties With Bill O'Reilly | The Last Word | MSNBC

New reports - including from Murdoch-owned WSJ - say Fox News may be close to cutting ties with Bill O'Reilly. NYC Public Advocate Letitia James is asking for a probe into the sexual harassment scandal. Media Matter's Angelo Carusone also joins Lawrence O'Donnell.

Business Deal In China For Ivanka Trump's Company Raises Concern | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

MSNBC's Brian Williams and Stephanie Ruhle discuss the questions raised about the timing of a business deal for Ivanka Trump's brand in China.

Trump Doesn't Know Who Kim Jong Un Is

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

The Future of Europe: Surprise UK Snap Election All about Brexit

Trump's 100 Days: Diplomacy in Action

Poll: Who's Dumber, Bush Or Trump?

Mahmoud Ahmadenijad Calls for Regional Unity

Former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadenijad is trying to put doubts over his candidacy to rest. In an interview with Al Jazeera, Ahmadenijad says he can improve the country. He also calls for unity among regional rivals, even though Iran is pitted against countries such as Turkey and Saudi Arabia over its support for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and the war in Yemen.

Ann Coulter Debates Trump's Syria Bombing

Is "In Trump we Trust" still true? Can Trump come back around on this issue?

All the Times Theresa May Refused to Call a General Election

Prime Minister Theresa May has called a snap general election on June 8 - after almost 12 months of continually denying she would do so.

Tim Farron on General Election - BBC News

The Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron has welcomed the snap call for a general election, saying they are now the only option for people who want to avoid a hard Brexit.

North Korea Ready to React to 'Any Mode of War' from US

North Korea is preparing for "any mode of war" triggered by US military action, Pyongyang's envoy to the United Nations warns, saying his country would respond to a missile or nuclear strike "in kind."

‘Frexit’ Concerns ahead of French Election

Five days before the first round of the French presidential election the candidates are frantically canvassing for votes.

Top US & World Headlines — April 18, 2017

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