Monday, April 17, 2017

Ann Coulter Doesn't Believe Assad Used Chemical Weapons | April 12, 2017

Ann Coulter interview on The Joyce Kaufman Show

President Bashar Al-Assad Gives First Interview Since Syria Airstrikes | MSNBC

Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad gives his first interview since the suspected chemical attack and the U.S. airstrikes on the Shayrat airbase. NBC's Chris Jansing and Richard Engel report.

Former UK Ambassador to Syria: Assad Wasn't behind the Chemical Attack

Former British Ambassador to Syria Peter Ford says those calling for intervention in Syria are likes "dogs returning to their own vomit." Peter Ford says he believes it is "highly unlikely" that Russia or the Assad regime was behind the attack in Idlib.

Muslims Against M103 Seminar

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Turkey Referendum: First Results Show 'Yes' Vote Ahead

Turkey referendum: Initial results from the Turkey referendum on constitutional change indicate that the 'yes' vote is ahead. If enough people vote yes, the country's parliamentary democracy would change to a more powerful presidency. Al Jazeera's Bernard Smith reports from Istanbul.

Cadbury Removes Word “Easter” from Halal-certified “Whatever” Eggs

David Menzies reports that British chocolate maker Cadbury, has removed the word “Easter” from its Easter eggs yet sought and received Halal certification for these same "whatever" eggs.

Pauline Hanson Calls for Boycott of Cadbury Easter Eggs

Pauline Hanson calls for boycott of Cadbury Easter eggs. One Nation senator Pauline Hanson has urged Australians to avoid Cadbury's halal-certified Easter eggs and chocolate.

Popular Chocolates Now Labeled "Halal," Not "Easter"

David Menzies reports chocolate makers have removed the word "Easter" from their treats but added the word "Halal" to make them Sharia compliant.

North Korea: Missile Test Fails after Showcase Parade

'It's Us or Them' Review of Secretary Tillerson's First Official Visit to Moscow

The future of Syria and the Assad government dominated the US Secretary of State's first official visit to Moscow. Rex Tillerson met with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov and had an unscheduled and secret meeting with President Putin.

Jesus of Nazareth | Full Movie HD

The Gospel of John | Official Full HD Movie

Theresa May Urges Religious Tolerance in Easter Message

Prime minister Theresa May urges tolerance in a video message posted on the 10 Downing Street YouTube channel on Sunday to mark the celebration of Easter. May references her own childhood growing up in a vicarage and also says the “strong tradition” of religious freedoms which exist in Britain must be treasured

Alastair Campbell: PM is wrong to hint that ‘God would have voted leave’ »

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Is the Korean Peninsula Headed for War? - Inside Story

North Korea Says It’s ‘Ready For War’ – Is The US? | For The Record | MSNBC

Rep. Scott Taylor (R-VA) and Defense One’s Kevin Baron discuss the implications of a potential U.S. strike on North Korea.

Britain Set to Lose EU ‘Crown Jewels’

THE GUARDIAN: Rival member states vie to attract prestigious European agencies

The EU is set to inflict a double humiliation on Theresa May, stripping Britain of its European agencies within weeks, while formally rejecting the prime minister’s calls for early trade talks.

The Observer has learned that EU diplomats agreed their uncompromising position at a crunch meeting on Tuesday, held to set out the union’s strategy in the talks due to start next month.

A beauty contest between member states who want the European banking and medicine agencies, currently located in London, will begin within two weeks, with selection criteria to be unveiled by the president of the European council, Donald Tusk.

The European Banking Authority and the European Medicines Agency employ about 1,000 people, many of them British, and provide a hub for businesses in the UK. It is understood that the EU’s chief negotiator hopes the agencies will know their new locations by June, although the process may take longer. Cities such as Frankfurt, Milan, Amsterdam and Paris are competing to take the agencies, which are regarded as among the EU’s crown jewels. Read on and comment » | Daniel Boffey | Saturday, April 15, 2017

North Korea to Strike US Bases in Asian Pacific & South Korean Presidential Palace If US Attacks

North Korea will strike US military bases in Japan and South Korea, as well as the South Korean president’s residence in Seoul, if America engages in aggression against Pyongyang, North Korea’s General Staff warned, according to state news agency KCNA.

How Will the US React If North Korea Tests Its Nukes?

Fox News military analyst Jack Keane on the U.S. dropping a bomb in Afghanistan and what the U.S. should do if North Korea conducts more nuclear tests.

North Korea's Ominous Show of Force

An ominous sight in North Korea's Kim Il Sung Square, where a growing missile arsenal is on full display, including what South Korea suspects are two never-before-seen Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles. CNN's Will Ripley reports.

Syria, Trump and a Media U-turn – The Listening Post

US - North Korea War "At Any Moment"

'Democrats' Taking Over The Donald Trump White House? | The Last Word | MSNBC

Steve Bannon reportedly called Jared Kushner a "Democrat" but now Ivanka Trump, Kushner, and two former Goldman Sachs execs are reportedly growing their influence ahead of Steve Bannon. Betsey Woodruff, David Horsey and Charlie Pierce join Ari Melber.

Rare Live Report from North Korea Military Parade

BBC: North Korea has paraded soldiers, tanks and other military hardware in Pyongyang to mark the 105th anniversary of the birth of its founding president, Kim Il-sung.

The show of strength on Saturday comes after the country warned the US not to take provocative action in the region, saying it was "ready to hit back with nuclear attacks".

The BBC's John Sudworth's movements are being tightly controlled but he was allowed to report live from the parade.

"You can feel the ground shake" he said, watching soldiers, tanks and rockets pass. (+ BBC video) » | Saturday, April 15, 2017

Nordkorea droht mit „vollständigem Krieg“

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Mit einer gigantischen MIlitärparade feiert sich Nordkorea selbst. Der Konflikt um das Atomwaffenprogramm des Regimes in Pjöngjang spitzt sich unterdessen zu. China ruft zur Mäßigung auf – und schiebt Trump den Schwarzen Peter zu.

Der Konflikt zwischen Nordkorea und den Vereinigten Staaten um das militärische Atomprogramm Pjöngjangs drohte sich am Samstag weiter auszuweiten. Vom Regime des stalinistisch geführten Landes kamen die gewohnt martialischen Töne: Nordkorea drohte Washington damit, einen möglichen Atomangriff mit einem nuklearen Gegenschlag zu vergelten. Das Land sei bereit, „einen vollständigen Krieg mit einem vollständigen Krieg zu beantworten“, sagte die Nummer Zwei des Landes, Choe Ryong Hae, am Samstag in einer vom Staatsfernsehen übertragenen Rede. » | Markus Wehner | Samstag, 15. April 2017

Bilderstrecke »

North Korea Military Parade Shows Off ‘New Weapons’

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un watches a military parade in Pyongyang on Saturday, marking the 105th ‘Day of the Sun’, the birth anniversary of the state’s founder Kim Il-sung. The parade showcases military vehicles carrying different types of missiles. International fears have been mounting over whether the regime is preparing to conduct a nuclear test

North Korea parades military might and warns US amid nuclear test fears »

Nordkorea-Krise: Düstere Vorahnungen zum Tag der Sonne

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Nordkorea will zum Geburtstag des Staatsgründers Kim Il-sung Stärke demonstrieren. Das könnte zu einer internationalen Eskalation führen. Denn mit Trump steht dem Regime in Pjöngjang ein unberechenbarer Widersacher gegenüber.

Für Nordkorea ist es der größte Feiertag des Jahres. An diesem Samstag lässt das Regime den Geburtstag des Staatsgründers Kim Il-sung als „Tag der Sonne“ feiern. Dass es an diesem 105. Geburtstag des Begründers der Kim-Dynastie eine große Militärparade geben wird, erscheint sicher. Doch wird Machthaber Kim Jong-un, der Enkel des Staatsgründers, den großen Tag auch mit einem Atomtest oder einem Raketenstart „feiern“ lassen? Satellitenbilder zeigen auffällige Aktivitäten auf Nordkoreas Testgelände. » | Petra Kolonko, Peking | Freitag, 14. April 2017

Friday, April 14, 2017

''It's Unbelievable That She Works in the White House.'' Morning Joe’s Mika on Kellyanne Conway

Lauren Green on the Significance of Good Friday

Fox News religion correspondent provides insight

Hank Hanegraaff Converts to Eastern Orthodoxy: Here's Why!

Poland Proclaims Christ King Over Nation!

Poland is just the latest example of the re-awakening of Christian civilization in Europe.

Jesus Christ Officially Enthroned the King of Poland | November 19, 2016 (English subtitles)

In the presence of bishops and cardinals, the President of the Republic Andrzej Duda, the Ministers of the Government and many other senior state officials, on the 1050th anniversary of its Baptism, Poland has officially recognized and confirmed the reign of Jesus Christ over its people.

Greek Orthodox Bishop Calls on Erdogan to Denounce Islam and Be Baptised

NEO KOSMOS: The proposal comes with the added suggestion that Russian President Vladimir Putin be his godfather

Greek Orthodox Bishop, Metropolit Seraphim of Piraeus has caused controversy by urging Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to convert to Orthodoxy with Russian President Vladimir Putin as his godfather. And no, it's not a joke.

In a 37-page letter to Erdogan written in Greek, Metropolit Seraphim asks the Turkish leader to denounce his Islamic faith and be baptised in the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople.

"If you want to save yourself and your family you should convert to Greek Orthodox Church, the only real faith," Seraphim writes, reports Keep Talking Greece.

"We propose and we advise you to come to the arms of the Greek Orthodox Church before the end of your life on earth. » | Thursday, April 13, 2017

Letter of His Eminence Metropolitan of Piraeus Mr. Seraphim to the President of the Turkish Republic Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan (In Greek) »

Dr. Lustig: Type 2 Diabetes Is "Processed Food Disease"

Dr. Robert Lustig is an endocrinologist and professor of pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology at the University of California-San Francisco. In this video, he sits down with CrossFit’s Rory McKernan to explain sugar’s toxicity, outline the stakes of sugar consumption and offer suggestions for addressing the ongoing sugar crisis.

“Sugar is toxic,” Lustig explains. “It proffers a set of biochemical alterations that are detrimental to human health—unrelated to its calories.”

In this way, Lustig says, sugar “is very much like alcohol,” and chronic metabolic diseases associated with alcohol are becoming prevalent in children with high-sugar diets.

When asked about the state of pediatric medicine in the United States, Lustig says, “We have a problem.”

Because the food industry has negatively influenced nutrition science for the last 45 years, many people still abide by the mistaken belief that a healthy diet is attained by regulating calories and saturated fat. This misconception has led to a rise in chronic metabolic diseases such as Type 2 diabetes in adult and youth populations.

People who believe they are making healthy choices and avoiding sugar are nevertheless affected by the crisis.

“Even though you might not be sick,” Lustig says, “society is.”

In the final third of the video, Lustig outlines the necessary steps for enacting a societal intervention. These steps include educating the public, approaching sugar as an addictive substance and calling Type 2 diabetes what it is: “processed food disease.”

North Korea Blames US 'Aggression' amid Tension

North Korea is blaming the US for stirring up a possible conflict in the region. Words have been flying between the adversaries as the North prepares to mark its biggest celebration of the year - some say with a show of force. Al Jazeera's Gerald Tan explains.

Day of Reckoning: How Will Erdogan's Referendum Reshape Turkey? (Parts 1 & 2)

Recep Tayyip Erdogan, du réformateur au «sultan»

LE FIGARO: PORTRAIT - Neuf mois après avoir mis en échec une tentative de putsch, le président turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan joue son va-tout dimanche lors d'un référendum sur une révision constitutionnelle qui lui permettrait, s'il l'emporte, de considérablement renforcer ses pouvoirs.

Des mois qu'il s'époumone dans des meetings aux quatre coins du pays. Au point d'en devenir aphone, ce qui l'a contraint à annuler plusieurs rassemblements. Ce dimanche, le président turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan joue gros: neuf mois après avoir mis en échec une sanglante tentative de putsch, il appelle les Turcs à se prononcer par référendum sur une révision de la Constitution qui lui permettrait de considérablement renforcer ses pouvoirs. » | Par Anne-Laure Frémont | vendredi 14 avril 2017

Appell der Uno: Russen sollen Gewalt gegen Homosexuelle in Tschetschenien stoppen

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Mehr als 100 Festnahmen, Folter, mindestens drei Tote: Tschetschenien geht brutal gegen Homosexuelle und Transgender vor - auch wenn die Führung dementiert. Nun nimmt die Uno den Kreml in die Pflicht.

Die tschetschenischen Behörden geben sich zwar alle Mühe, das Thema herunterzuspielen. Doch inzwischen sorgen die Berichte von staatlichen Übergriffen auf mehr als 100 Homosexuelle und Transgender auch international für Protest.

Der Hohe Kommissar der Vereinten Nationen für Menschenrechte wandte sich mit einem Aufruf direkt an Russland, Druck auf die Führung in Tschetschenien zu machen. Der Kreml müsse die Verfolgung stoppen, heißt es auf der Webseite des Büros des Hohen Kommissars. Homosexuelle lebten in einem Klima der Angst, das auch durch die homophobe Rhetorik der Behörden entstünde. Die Investigativ-Journalistin Elena Milaschina von der russischen "Nowaja Gaseta" hatte als erste über die Vorfälle berichtet. » | jok/AP | Freitag, 14. April 2017

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Stephen Cohen: This Is Most Dangerous Moment in US-Russian Relations Since Cuban Missile Crisis

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has wrapped up a visit to Moscow, where he met with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. The meetings come at a time of increased tension between Washington and Moscow. On Wednesday during a press conference, President Trump said relations with Russia had reached a new low point. Trump’s comments came a day after the White House accused Russia of attempting to cover up the role of the Syrian government in the recent chemical attack in Syria that killed 87 people. Russia has rejected the claim, saying the U.S. has been too quick to blame Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. We speak to Stephen Cohen, professor emeritus of Russian studies and politics at New York University and Princeton University.

Is Turkey On the Road to Autocracy? – Video Explainer

President Erdoğan is set to benefit from sweeping new powers over parliament and the judiciary if Turkish voters support his constitutional reforms in this Sunday’s referendum. But with a heavy crackdown on opponents and the press, many of his critics fear the country is on a path to autocracy

Verfassungsreferendum in der Türkei: Erdogan wirft Europa Faschismus und Islamfeindlichkeit vor

NEUE ZÜRCHER ZEITUNG: Drei Tage vor dem Verfassungsreferendum in der Türkei hat Staatspräsident Recep Tayyip Erdogan Europa erneut eine faschistische und islamfeindliche Haltung vorgeworfen. «Das Make-Up im Gesicht Europas zerfliesst», sagte Erdogan an einer Wahlkampfveranstaltung in der Schwarzmeerstadt Giresun. «Das darunterliegende faschistische, rassistische, fremdenfeindliche und islamfeindliche Gesicht hat angefangen, sich zu zeigen. Sie haben nun angefangen zu zeigen, dass sie islamfeindlich sind. Sie können Muslime nicht ertragen.» » | dpa | Donnerstag, 13. April 2017

Calls Grow to Fire Sean Spicer After He Says Hitler Didn't Use Chemical Weapons During Holocaust

Lawmakers and Jewish organizations, including the Anne Frank Center, are continuing to call for White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer to be fired, after Spicer compared Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to Hitler and falsely claimed Hitler never used chemical weapons. In fact, the Nazis systematically used poison gas as part of its genocide of 6 million Jews. The Nazis began experimenting with gas with the specific purpose of carrying out mass murder in the late 1930s. We speak to Steven Goldstein, executive director of the Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect.

Stephen Cohen: Will Syrian State Collapse & Fall into More Chaos If Assad Is Toppled?

On Wednesday, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said, "I think it is clear to all of us that the reign of the Assad family is coming to an end." But what will Syria look like if the U.S. pushes for regime change in Syria? Professor Stephen Cohen predicts Syria could fall into even more chaos

Turkey's Last Battle? “We’re Fighting to Save Democracy from Dictatorship”

Chris Matthews: It's a Battle between Steve Bannon, Jared Kushner | Hardball | MSNBC

Kristen Welker, Susan Page and Nick Confessore debate the growing tensions in the White House between Jared Kushner and Steve Bannon.

'100% Fabrication': Assad on Accusations of Chemical Attack in Idlib

The chemical incident in Idlib province blamed on Damascus was a “100 percent fabrication” as the Syrian military has already dismantled chemical weapons stockpiles, President Bashar Assad told AFP.

Eric Trump Admits Nepotism Got Him This Far In Life, But Swears He’s Not Incompetent

During an interview with Forbes that appeared online this week, Eric Trump admitted that nepotism got him where he is in life because of nepotism, but he swears that he’s great at what he does. After all, Eric tells us that daddy would have fired him long ago if he weren’t amazing at business. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

Ridge: Former Chemical Weapons Inspector, Jerry Smith

Jerry Smith, a former chemical weapons inspector in Syria, spoke to Sophy Ridge about the human impact of the suspected chemical weapons attack, which killed at least 87 people.

Assad Says Syria Chemical Attack Was Fabricated

The deadly gas attack in Syria is "100% fabrication", says Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. He explains here what he thinks really happened, in his first interview since the incident.

Who Really Has the Chemical Weapons - the Syrian Government or UK/US de facto Backed Militants?

We speak to the Associate Editor of the Spectator magazine, Middle East Eye columnist, Peter Oborne on the similar hallmarks this time round in Syria to WMD in Iraq and genocide in Libya.

Assad Says Army 'Gave Up' All Chemical Weapons

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said his government handed over all its chemical weapons stockpiles in 2013 and could not have been behind last week's suspected sarin attack.

Syria's Assad Denies Use of Chemical Weapons

Syria's President Bashar al-Assad said a suspected chemical weapons attack on a rebel-held town was a "fabrication" to justify a US military strike, in an exclusive AFP interview.

Assad Says US 'Not Serious' About Fighting Terrorism

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad accuses the United States and the West of not being "serious" about fighting terrorism in the region.

Syria's Assad Says Chemical Attack Is Pure Fabrication

Syria's President Bashar al-Assad said a suspected chemical weapons attack on a rebel-held town was a "fabrication" to justify a US military strike, in an exclusive AFP interview.

A Heartfelt Message to Our President | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann | GQ

What kind of man is Donald Trump?

White House Claims on Syria Chemical Attack ‘Obviously False’ - Prof. Theodor Postol of MIT

Earlier the US released a declassified intelligence brief accusing Syrian President Assad of ordering and organizing the chemical attack on civilians in the rebel-held town in the Idlib province. At the same time, the report 'contains absolutely no evidence' to prove this, says Theodore Postol, Professor in Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and leading CW expert.

'Most Beautiful Piece of Chocolate Cake' Trump Orders and Tells Xi of Syria Strike over Dessert

US President Donald Trump gave an intimate account of his state of mind as he ordered the launch of 59 Tomahawk missiles on Syria last week, and implied that China’s leader Xi Jinping agreed with his decision.

Russia Vetoes West’s Syria Resolution at UN Security Council

Moscow has vetoed a US-backed resolution condemning the Khan Shaykun incident on April 4 as a chemical attack while demanding that Syria open up its military bases to inspections.

Can Russia Abandon Assad? – Inside Story

US President Donald Trump's inauguration was expected to usher in a new era of close ties with Russia. The past week, however, shows that's not happening. Harsh words have been traded over the Syrian conflict. It started with the chemical attack in Idlib last week, blamed on the Russian-backed Assad regime, followed by the US strike on a Syrian airbase.

Rex Tillerson's visit to Moscow has done little to ease tensions. Tillerson met with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov to discuss the future of the Syrian President. The US wants Assad gone. But Russia wants to know what America's real intentions are. And what the West is planning for a Syria without Assad?

Presenter: Sohail Rahman. Guests: Alexander Nekrassov, Russian political analyst and former Kremlin adviser; Wa'el Alzayat, former senior Syria adviser to Samantha Power, the US Ambassador to the United Nations under President Obama; Ian Black, visiting senior fellow at the Middle East Centre at the London School of Economics.

Trump Undercuts Bannon, Whose Job May Be in Danger

THE NEW YORK TIMES: WASHINGTON — Stephen K. Bannon, President Trump’s grenade-lobbing pugilist of a chief strategist, has a fitting nickname for his West Wing office: “the war room.”

But more and more, war is being waged on Mr. Bannon himself. And it is unclear how much longer he can survive in his job.

His isolation inside the White House, after weeks of battle with senior aides aligned with Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law, appeared to grow even starker this week after Mr. Trump undercut Mr. Bannon in two interviews and played down his role in the Trump presidential campaign. » | Jeremy W. Peters and Maggie Haberman | Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Bannon’s Worldview: Dissecting the Message of ‘The Fourth Turning’ »

White House Ineptitude Shown In Its Spokesman Sean Spicer | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Rachel Maddow reviews in grueling detail White House spokesman Sean Spicer's ineptitude at speaking for the White House and cleaning up his own messes, with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson doing his part to make ridiculous statements as well.

''I’m Speechless.'' Anderson Cooper Dumbfounded by Trump Just Now Realizing Diplomacy Is Not So Easy

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

How Much Power Does the UK Really Have in the World? Debate - BBC Newsnight

Shadow Foreign Secretary Emily Thornberry and former US State Department adviser Jeremy Shapiro joined Evan Davis in the studio to discuss the UK's place on the world stage after Brexit.

‘I Screwed Up’: Sean Spicer On Hitler Comments

White House press secretary Sean Spicer says in an appearance on Wednesday that he "made a mistake" by making a comparison to the Holocaust in comments about Syrian President Bashar Assad's use of chemical weapons. The remarks drew instant rebuke from Jewish groups and critics.

'I've let the president down': Sean Spicer apology tour continues »

Dangerous Brinksmanship? Trump, North Korea and China

Kucinich: No Evidence Assad Was Behind Chemical Attacks

Why Does Bannon Want This Job? | Morning Joe | April 12, 2017

Ivanka Convinced Trump To Bomb Syria?

Ivanka Trump is calling a lot of important shots in the White House. Ana Kasparian, Hasan Piker, and Grace Baldridge, the hosts of The Young Turks, break it down.

Putin Meets With Tillerson in Russia After Keeping Him Waiting

THE NEW YORK TIMES: MOSCOW — After Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson waited for much of the day, wondering whether he would get to meet with President Vladimir V. Putin, the two men sat down at the Kremlin late Wednesday afternoon in the first face-to-face meeting between the Russian leader and a top official in the Trump administration.

Relations between the United States and Russia have grown so tense that it was unclear whether Mr. Putin would agree to see Mr. Tillerson, a man he once gave a medal of friendship. » | David E. Sanger | Wednesday, April 12, 2017

United Airlines CEO Attacks Passenger

The CEO of United Airlines told his employees that the passenger brutalized on one of his planes kind of deserved it. Ana Kasparian, Hasan Piker, and Grace Baldridge, the hosts of The Young Turks, break down his so-called apology.

Sean Spicer Under Fire as Backlash Grows

The White House Press Secretary's remarks about Hitler, Assad, and the Holocaust have caused many to call for his resignation.

Tillerson in Moscow: Have US Strikes in Syria Scuppered US-Russia Relations? (Parts 1 & 2)

Steve Bannon "Just Snapped"

The Trump Administration would like you to think they aren't still plagued with infighting. Wrong. Sad. Babies. Ana Kasparian, John Iadarola, and Maz Jobrani, hosts of The Young Turks, discuss.

US Fails to Impress Putin with ‘Beauty of Their Weapons’ in Syrian Strike ahead of Tillerson's Visit

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson begins his visit with Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in Moscow. The agenda is expected to focus on spiking Russia-US tensions in light of an alleged chemical attack in Syria and a US missile strike in response.

Vladimir Putin: "This US Strike Reminds Me Strongly of Events in Iraq in 2003"

Sean Spicer Raises Outcry With Talk of Hitler, Assad and Poison Gas

THE NEW YORK TIMES: WASHINGTON — The White House press secretary, Sean Spicer, set off an intense backlash on Tuesday when he suggested that President Bashar al-Assad of Syria was guilty of acts worse than Hitler and asserted that Hitler had not used chemical weapons, ignoring the use of gas chambers at concentration camps during the Holocaust. Mr. Spicer later apologized.

During his daily briefing for reporters, Mr. Spicer was defending President Trump’s decision to order a missile strike on Syria by trying to lend gravity to the actions of Mr. Assad. American officials accuse the Syrian president of using sarin gas, a lethal chemical weapon, in an attack on a rebel-held area of Idlib Province last week that killed dozens, many of them children.

But in misconstruing the facts of the Holocaust — Nazi Germany’s brutally efficient, carefully orchestrated extermination of six million Jews and others — Mr. Spicer instead drew a torrent of criticism and added to the perception that the Trump White House lacks sensitivity and has a tenuous grasp of history. Read on and comment » | Nicholas Fandos and Mark Landler | Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Vladimir Putin Says Trust between US and Russia Has 'Degraded' Since Donald Trump Took Office

THE TELEGRAPH: Russia's top diplomat accused the United States on Wednesday of carrying out an unlawful attack against Syrian President Bashar Assad's forces as he opened a fraught meeting with visiting US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.

Sergey Lavrov, Russia's foreign minister, said Russia had lots of questions about the Trump administration's "very ambiguous" and "contradictory" ideas.

In an ominous start to their meeting, Mr Lavrov said it was important for Moscow to understand the "real intentions" of the Trump administration.

"We have seen very alarming actions recently with an unlawful attack against Syria," Mr Lavrov said. "We consider it of utmost importance to prevent the risks of replay of similar action in the future." Read on and comment » | Roland Oliphant | Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

White House Accuses Russia of Cover-Up in Syria Chemical Attack

THE NEW YORK TIMES: WASHINGTON — The White House accused the Russian government on Tuesday of engaging in a cover-up of the chemical weapons attack last week by Syrian forces that prompted American missile strikes, saying that United States intelligence and numerous contemporaneous reports confirmed that the Syrians used sarin gas on their own people.

In a declassified four-page report that details United States intelligence on the chemical weapons attack and contains a point-by-point rebuttal of Moscow’s claims, the White House asserted that the Syrian and Russian governments had sought to confuse the world community about the assault through disinformation and “false narratives.”

The strongly worded document calls for international condemnation of Syria’s use of chemical weapons and harshly criticizes Russia for “shielding” an ally that has used weapons of mass destruction. Read on and comment » | Julie Hirschfeld Davis | Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Eric Trump Says President Bombed Syria Because Ivanka Told Him To

According to the President’s son, Eric, the President made the decision to bomb Syria because Ivanka urged him to. Supposedly, she was so broken-hearted over the images on the news that she told daddy he had to do something.

Is It the End of Socialism in Venezuela? – Inside Story

Will the US Try to Denuclearise North Korea by Force? - Inside Story

The US has rerouted several warships towards the region, after North Korea fired a ballistic missile into the Sea of Japan.

North Korea Warns US Over Aircraft Carrier Deployment

North Korea warns US over aircraft carrier deployment.

North Korea is vowing to respond to what it calls “reckless” US behaviour.

It's on edge over a joint military exercise by the US and South Korea, which is under way in Pohang.

Tensions have intensified after Washington deployed a naval strike group to the Korean Peninsula, over Pyongyang’s recent missile tests.

Al Jazeera's Craig Leeson reports from Pohang, South Korea.

Donald Trump Jr. Denies He Will Run for New York Governor But Hints at Future Political Career

THE INDEPENDENTE: President's son refutes rumours he intends to challenge incumbent Andrew Cuomo in 2018

Donald Trump Jr., rumored to be eyeing a move to follow his father's footsteps into politics, will not be a candidate for governor of New York next year but is not ruling out a possible run for office in the future.

The younger Trump, in an interview Monday with The Associated Press, categorically denied any speculation that he might challenge incumbent Governor Andrew Cuomo.

“I am not running in 2018,” Trump said in his first public comments about a possible candidacy next year.

But he acknowledged having been bitten by the politics bug and said that he could consider a run down the road. Read on and comment » | Jonathan Lemire | Tuesday, April 11, 2017

AM Joy: Jared Kushner Battles Steve Bannon for White House Power | April 8, 2017

Alt-Right Actually Believed Trump Was Anti-War

Published on 10 Apr 2017 You’ll never guess who the Alt-Right is blaming for Trump’s bombing of Syria… Ana Kasparian and John Iadarola, hosts of The Young Turks, discuss.

Steve Bannon's Role Being Questioned: President Trump 'Never Needed' Him | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Is Steve Bannon backing down from his feud with Trump's son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner? The New York Times' Jeremy Peters discusses his reporting on Bannon's rôle in the White House.

Putin: Syria Chemical Attack Was ‘False Flag,’ More ‘Provocations’ Coming

BREITBART.COM: At a Tuesday press conference, Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed last week’s chemical weapons attack in the Idlib province of Syria was a “false flag” – a phony operation staged by enemies of Russia and Syria to discredit them. He said more such false flag operations were on the way.

“We have reports from multiple sources that false flags like this one – and I cannot call it otherwise – are being prepared in other parts of Syria, including the southern suburbs of Damascus. They plan to plant some chemical there and accuse the Syrian government of an attack,” said Putin, as reported by Russia’s » | John Hayward | Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Vladimir Putin Claims the US Plans to Plant Chemical Weapons in Syria, Attack and Blame Assad

Putin Shrugs Off Criticism of Syria Ties before Tillerson Visit

THE GUARDIAN: Russian president calls for UN inquiry as he compares chemical attack claims against Syria to US accusations Iraq had WMDs

Vladimir Putin has shrugged off western criticism of his support for the Syrian regime, shortly after the top US diplomat said Bashar al-Assad’s days in power were numbered, ratcheting up tensions between the the US and Russia before talks in Moscow.

The US secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, had hoped to underscore the US position with a unified message from the G7, which condemned the chemical attack at a summit in Italy on Tuesday. However, G7 foreign ministers were divided over possible next steps and refused to back a UK call for fresh sanctions.

Putin said western and Turkish accusations that Syria’s government dropped the nerve agent sarin that killed dozens of civilians in Idlib earlier this month were comparable with the now-discredited claim that Saddam Hussein’s had stockpiled weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. » | Emma Graham-Harrison and Heather Stewart | Tuesday, April 11, 2017

La Corée du Nord prête à la «guerre» contre les États-Unis

LE FIGARO: Pyongyang a dénoncé l'envoi d'un porte-avions par Washington vers la péninsule de Corée et s'est dit prête à riposter ce mardi. Alors que le régime s'apprête à célébrer le 105e anniversaire de sa fondation, les observateurs internationaux redoutent le lancement d'un sixième essai nucléaire.

La Corée du Nord s'est dite prête à «la guerre» ce mardi après l'envoi ce week-end d'un groupe aéronaval américain vers la péninsule de Corée. Washington a en effet, dépêché dimanche le porte-avions USS Carl Vinson et son escadre qui devait initialement faire escale en Australie. » | Par Le et AFP, AP, Reuters Agences | mardi 11 avril 2017

Chechnya Opens World's First Concentration Camp for Homosexuals since Hitler's in the 1930s Where Campaigners Say Gay Men Are Being Tortured with Electric Shocks and Beaten to Death

MAIL ONLINE: Chechyna has opened the first concentration camp for homosexuals since Hitler / Prisoners reportedly tortured with electric shocks and some beaten to death / One of those who fled said prisoners were beaten to force them to reveal other members of the gay community / Comes after 100 gay men were detained and three killed in Chechyna last week

Chechyna has opened the first concentration camp for homosexuals since Hitler, where campaigners say gay men are being tortured with electric shocks and beaten to death.

It comes after it was claimed 100 gay men had been detained and three killed in Chechnya last week.

A report by Novoya Gazeta said authorities had set up several camps where homosexuals are killed or forced to promise to leave the republic.

One of the camps is reportedly at the former military headquarters in the town of Argun.

Svetlana Zakharova, from the Russian LGBT Network, told MailOnline: 'Gay people have been detained and rounded up and we are working to evacuate people from the camps and some have now left the region.

'Those who have escaped said they are detained in the same room and people are kept altogether, around 30 or 40. They are tortured with electric currents and heavily beaten, sometimes to death.' Read on and comment » | Thomas Burrows for MailOnline | Monday, April 10, 2017

Syria’s Government ‘Coming to an End,’ Tillerson Warns Before Russia Trip

THE NEW YORK TIMES: LUCCA, Italy — Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson said on Tuesday that the reign of President Bashar al-Assad of Syria was “coming to an end” and warned that Russia was at risk of becoming irrelevant in the Middle East by continuing to support him.

Mr. Tillerson, in comments made just before he traveled to Moscow for a high-stakes summit meeting, sought to clear up the United States’ position on Syria while also declaring that President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia needed to choose whether to side with Mr. Assad or the West.

Russia can be a part of the discussions “and play an important role,” Mr. Tillerson said at a Group of 7 meeting in Lucca, Italy, or it “can maintain its alliance with this group, which we believe is not going to serve Russia’s interests longer term.” » | Gardiner Harris | Tuesday, April 11, 2017

President Donald Trump To Save Syrian Babies But Cut Meals On Wheels | AM Joy | MSNBC

Joy Reid and her panel discuss why Trump is suddenly inspired to intervene in Syria, after not being so moved in recent years, or in his current domestic policy.

US-Russia Tensions: How Is Moscow Likely to Respond to Tillerson's Latest Remarks?

Egypt Church Attacks: "The Target Is to Divide Muslims and Christians"

Monday, April 10, 2017

Four Way Race? Late Surge by Far-left Candidate Mélenchon

Blood Money: The Islamic Practice Turning Businesslike?

The Observers takes a closer look at "Blood Money": paid to spare the lives of those destined for execution, is the traditional practice becoming increasingly businesslike in countries with Islamic law?

Morning Joe: Steve Bannon Is Isolated In The White House | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Top Talkers: Two Senior White House aides held lengthy meetings at Mar-a-Lago in an attempt to mend a rift that has caused many to speculate a change in White House staff is imminent.

Russia's War of Words after US Missile Strike

Boris Johnson Slapped Down as Syrian Air Strikes Reverberate

Tillerson, on Eve of Russia Trip, Takes Hard Line on Syria

THE NEW YORK TIMES: WASHINGTON — Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson is taking a hard line against Russia on the eve of his first diplomatic trip to Moscow, calling the country “incompetent” for allowing Syria to hold on to chemical weapons and accusing Russia of trying to influence elections in Europe using the same methods it employed in the United States.

Mr. Tillerson’s comments, made in interviews aired on Sunday, were far more critical of the Russian government than any public statements by President Trump, who has been an increasingly lonely voice for better ties with Russia. They seemed to reflect Mr. Tillerson’s expectation, which he has expressed privately to aides and members of Congress, that the American relationship with Russia is already reverting to the norm: one of friction, distrust and mutual efforts to undermine each other’s reach. Read on and comment » | David E. Sanger | Sunday, April 9, 2017