Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Annihilating Art and Civilization

When a jihadist attacked the Louvre Museum in Paris he intended to do more than kill people. He carried paint bombs. His intent was to destroy the finest art of Western civilization.

Why art? Art that involves animals or humans is forbidden in the Sharia. Art is the work of the kufar and is part of jahiliyya (civilization of ignorance). Islam annihilates a civilization piece by piece and leaves nothing of its native roots. Civilizational jihad destroys the very cultural history of every nation it comes into contact with.

We see the jihadist annihilation of museums and ancient architecture for the same reason. This civilizational war has been this way for 1400 years.

[This interview was posted first on Gates of Vienna.]

Hume: Intel Agencies Wanted to Undermine Flynn, Who Wasn't Best for Job

Fox News senior political analyst Brit Hume gives his take on the resignation of Trump National Security Adviser Michael Flynn and its ramifications

President Donald Trump Tweets: 'Fake News Media' Pushes 'Conspiracy Theories' | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Donald Trump is up tweeting on Wednesday morning about the Flynn fallout, saying the 'fake news media is going crazy with their conspiracy theories and blind hatred.'

Hannity: The DC Swamp Is Rising to Take Down Trump

The left is trying to make Flynn's resignation into the next Watergate

Michael Flynn Fallout 'Looks Like The Steps Leading To A Total Meltdown' | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Top Talkers: The Morning Joe panel discusses the continued fallout from the resignation of National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, who knew what and when and what it could mean for the WH.

French Presidential Race: Will Marine Le Pen Benefit from 'Penelopegate'?

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Sean Spicer Press Conference over Michael Flynn Resigns as National Security Adviser, February 14, 2017

White House Briefing Spokesman Sean Spicer briefs reporters and responds to their questions on a variety of topics, including National Security Adviser Michael Flynn’s decision to resign over his contact with Russia prior to President Trump’s swearing-in.

"You're Not the President!" Whoopi Goldberg Says Donald Trump Is Putin's Puppet

Michael Flynn Resigns – Inside Story

Before Michael Flynn resigned from the US government on Monday, 348 days was the record for shortest tenure as National Security Adviser.

Trump's Troubles: What General Flynn's Fall Says about the New White House

Jewish Survivor: Helena Jonas Rosenzweig Testimony

You are watching Jonas Rosenzweig, a Jewish Survivor, Aid Giver, from the Holocaust.

Joe: This Is A White House In Chaos, And A Storm Is Coming | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The Morning Joe panel discusses Michael Flynn's exit, possible replacements for him, the impact if President Donald Trump knew about Flynn's conversations and why the WH needs a new chief.

"You Make No Sense:” Matt Lauer Destroys Kellyanne Conway

Matt Lauer Grills Exhausted Kellyanne Conway Over Donald Trump's National Security Advisor Michael Flynn’s Resignation: 'That Makes No Sense!'

SophieCo: Merkel against Trump Because She’s the Spearhead of Obama’s Confrontation Policy – Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Assembly –Ex-VP, Willy Wimmer

Chancellor Angela Merkel has been dominating the German – and European – political landscape for over a decade. But after years of economic and refugee crises, unpopular decisions, and a growing divide between EU members, Merkel is facing opposition inside her country and across the Atlantic as well. With anti-establishment forces strong across Europe and a new leader in America, how will the German political landscape shape up this year? And with the new president in Germany standing against confrontation with Russia – should we be ready for a policy shift? We ask the former vice-president of the OSCE Assembly, and former state secretary to Germany’s defense minister – Willy Wimmer.

Chuck Todd: ‘This Is A White House That Doesn’t Like To Admit Mistakes’ | TODAY

"You're a Disgrace!" Morning Joe Attacks Donald Trump's Advisor Stephen Miller

Morning Joe Will Not Interview Senior Trump Advisor Kellyanne Conway Anymore

I Told Steve Bannon: ‘We Are Not At War With Islam.’ He Disagreed

THE WORLD POST: I was the target of Islamist ire for publishing cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad in a Danish newspaper. But a war against all Muslims is not the solution.

In late May 2016, I was invited to a private home in New York for a chat. Like a lot of other people, the host was concerned about Islam’s growing influence in Europe, and she wanted to meet because back in 2005 and 2006, I had been been at the center of the Danish cartoon controversy, one of many clashes between Islam and the secular values of freedom of speech and the right to criticize and satirize religion. Read on and comment » | Flemming Rose | Senior fellow, Cato Institute; former foreign editor, Jyllands-Posten | Monday, February 13, 2017

Trump’s National Security Advisor Michael Flynn Resigns after 24 Days. Here’s What You Need to Know

Read the Washigton Post article here

The State of the Suburbs: Is France at Its Ferguson Moment? (Parts 1 & 2)

Monday, February 13, 2017

Paris' Banlieues Are Burning

Flynn On Thin Ice after Turbulent Few Days

National Security Adviser Michael Flynn is on shaky ground with President Trump over Flynn's inability to deny that he spoke about sanctions against Russia with the Russian ambassador before Trump took office.

'The EU Has Not Kept Its Promises to Turkey'

Joe Takes Stephen Miller 'To School' On Law | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The Morning Joe panel continues its conversation on Trump senior advisor Stephen Miller and Miller's shocking interviews on the Sunday news talk shows.

French Election Contender Macron Is Russian 'Fake News' Target - Party Chief

French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron is a 'fake news' target of Russian media and his campaign is facing thousands of cyber attacks, his party chief said Monday. Mia Womersley reports.

Watch the video here

"Trump and I See Eye-to-Eye": Netanyahu

On the eve of his trip to meet U.S. President Donald Trump in Washington, DC, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says he and Trump see "eye-to-eye" on both the dangers and opportunities

Watch the video here

Bernie Sanders Full Interview: President Trump Is A 'Pathological Liar' | Meet The Press | NBC News

In an exclusive interview with Meet the Press, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) tells Chuck Todd that he would like the Democratic Party to be more open to voters.

White House Adviser Stephen Miller: A Single Judge 'Cannot Make Immigration Law' | Meet The Press | NBC News

On Meet the Press, White House Senior Policy Adviser Stephen Miller argues that immigration policy should be made by the executive branch.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Holocaust Survivor: Ester Fiszgop Testimony

Wilders will Islam aus Niederlanden „vertreiben“

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Den Koran vergleicht er mit Hitlers „Mein Kampf“, Moscheen mit „Nazi-Tempeln“: Mit verstörenden Aussagen deckt der niederländische Rechtspopulist Geert Wilders auf, wie er im Falle eines Wahlsieges mit dem Islam umzugehen gedenkt.

Der niederländische Rechtspopulist Geert Wilders will sich nach einem Wahlsieg seiner Partei im März für ein weitgehendes Verbot des Islam in seinem Land stark machen. „Die islamische Ideologie ist womöglich noch gefährlicher als der Nationalsozialismus“, sagte der Politiker im niederländischen Fernsehen am Sonntag in Den Haag. Er forderte abermals ein Verbot des Korans und die Schließung der Moscheen. » | Quelle: dpa | Sontag, 12. Februar 2017

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Muslim Students On Trump Ban: 'I Don't Belong Here'

BBC: Iranian, Iraqi, Syrian and Pakistani students in the US react to President Donald Trump's executive order banning people from seven countries. (+ BBC video) » | Wednesday, February 1, 2017

US Preacher's Warning to Islamic Militants: 'The Women of Montana Are Armed'

BBC: Donald Trump's travel ban against immigrants from seven Muslim-majority countries have caused controversy around the world - but one poll shows a majority of Americans support the move.

They certainly agree with Trump's stance in the state of Montana, where officials and residents have fought against efforts to resettle refugees.

Aleem Maqbool reports. (+ BBC video) » | Thursday, February 9, 2017

États-Unis : première vague d'expulsions de sans-papiers

LE POINT: Les autorités américaines ont arrêté et expulsé des centaines de clandestins lors d'opérations qui ont créé la panique dans les communautés d'immigrés.

Les autorités américaines ont arrêté et expulsé plusieurs centaines de sans-papiers considérés comme prioritaires, la semaine passée, lors d'opérations présentées comme routinières, mais qui ont créé la panique dans les communautés d'immigrés à travers les États-Unis. Les opérations des agents de ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), l'agence fédérale spécialisée dans les reconduites à la frontière, ont ciblé des foyers d'immigrés clandestins à Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Austin et d'autres villes. "Les objectifs de ces opérations ne diffèrent pas des arrestations ciblées et de routine conduites quotidiennement par les équipes de recherche de fugitifs", a déclaré la porte-parole d'ICE, Jennifer Elzea, à l'Agence France-Presse. » | Source AFP | samedi 11 février 2017

Holocaust Survivor: Margaret Lambert Testimony

Russia Considering Edward Snowden As ‘Gift’ To President Trump (Exclusive) | NBC Nightly News

Intel sources tell NBC News that offering Edward Snowden would be part of an ongoing Russian campaign to disrupt the American system, as they did during the election.

Trevor Noah: 'Any Leader Tweeting Policy Is Ridiculous' - Talk to Al Jazeera

Russia 'Considering Handing Edward Snowden to the US as a Gift to Trump'

THE TELEGRAPH: Vladimir Putin is reportedly considering handing Edward Snowden over to the US in an effort to “curry favour” with Donald Trump - who has branded the NSA leaker a “traitor” and called for his execution.

US intelligence has intercepted evidence of high-level discussions within the Russian government over the potential benefits for Moscow of sending Mr Snowden back to the US to face trial, according to NBC News. » | Raf Sanchez and David Millward | Saturday, February 11, 2017

John Sweeney Meets Geert Wilders - BBC Newsnight

Populist parties are growing in strength across Europe - emboldened by both Brexit and Trump. There's Marine Le Pen and the National Front in France of course. But there's a critical election before that: next month, in Holland. Geert Wilders - who leads the anti Muslim Freedom Party is hoping to top the ballot. He wants to take them out of the EU, and to 'de-islamise the Netherlands' with a ban on immigration from Muslim countries. In 2016 he was convicted of inciting discrimination. The Dutch coalition system means it's unlikely Wilders will be crowned Prime Minister. But he could end up leading the largest party which would chill European centrists and boost other populist movements throughout the continent. We sent John Sweeney in pursuit.

'America first'? Trump Hits Nordstrom for Dropping Ivanka's Brand

Friday, February 10, 2017

Inside Story: What's Behind Trump's Tough Talk On Iran?

Trump vs. the Courts, French Payroll Scandals

The Trump Family's White House Hustle: The Daily Show

Donald Trump, First Lady Melania Trump and First Daughter Ivanka Trump fight accusations that they're using the office of the president to push their business ventures.

BBC World – Iran's "Sex-change" Solution

Ali Hamedani, BBC World service reporter, visits Turkey to meet LGBT exiles who have fled Iran in fear of being forced to change gender

The Life of an Ex-President after Leaving Office

Can an ex-president have fun? Atlantic writer Barbara Bradley Hagerty examined the lives of modern presidents to see how they fared in the real world after leaving office in middle age. As part of a collaboration with The Atlantic, Hagerty tells Judy Woodruff that Jimmy Carter was the trailblazer, Bill Clinton the moneymaker, George W. Bush the laid-back painter. So what’s next for Barack Obama?

Gay People in Iran - Newsnight Report on Wednesday 5th November 2014

Ali Hamedani reports on gay people in Iran being pressured into gender reassignment surgery, which is usually reserved for transgender people. Many Iranians flee the country to avoid it, as gay relationships are punishable by death.

Meet Iran's Gay Mullah Forced to Flee the Country - BBC News (2016)

In Iran, homosexuality is banned and punishable by execution under its strict code of sharia, or Islamic law. In a country dominated by the religious class, being gay is taboo, and especially among the establishment. One Iranian gay cleric, who conducted gay weddings in secret, was forced to flee the country, and has been threatened with death. BBC Persian's Ali Hamedani reports.

1000s Rally in Iran Celebrating Islamic Revolution

Hundreds of thousands of Iranians have taken to the streets of Tehran to celebrate the anniversary of the Islamic Revolution and denounce US President Donald Trump’s recent statements regarding the Muslim state.

Iran Marks 38th Anniversary of 1979 Revolution

Amy Kellogg reports from Milan, Italy

UK Worried about Its Place If US-Russia Ties Are Repaired – Russia’s UK Envoy

Hacking, destabilizing Western states, building up its military might, and weaponizing information – Russia is hitting the headlines and seems to be to blame for all of the world’s problems. One of the loudest anti-Russia voices is the United Kingdom, condemning Moscow’s actions and calling for economic sanctions against it. Most of the accusations are far from proven – so is there still room left for cooperation on vital issues between world powers? And now that the UK’s ally the US may be ready to change course and start making deals with Moscow, is there a chance for a change in tone? We ask Russia’s Ambassador to the United Kingdom – Alexander Yakovenko.

Trump Setback as US Court Refuses to Restore Travel Ban

A US federal appeals court has refused to restore President Donald Trump's ban on travelers from seven Muslim-majority countries.

Kellyanne Conway 'Doesn't Respect The Lines' | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Trump adviser, Kellyanne Conway, is raising federal ethics concerns after promoting Ivanka Trump's fashion line on television. The Morning Joe panel discusses the fallout from Conway's remarks.

Dr Sebastian Gorka: Full Explosive Interview with Chris Cuomo - New Day (February 6, 2017)

Charlie Hebdo Attack: Aftermath of Mocking Religion (Flemming Rose Pt. 3)

Flemming Rose (Danish journalist & author) joins Dave Rubin to discuss the aftermath of the Charlie Hebdo attack, mocking religion, how social movements have benefitted from free speech, and more.

Tyranny of Silence »

Part 2 »

NB! Tillerson Praises Saudi Arabia’s Stabilizing Role in the Middle East

ARAB NEWS: JEDDAH: United State’s top diplomat acknowledged on Thursday the role of Saudi Arabia’s leadership in helping to stabilize the region, according to the Saudi Press Agency.

In a phone conversation with King Salman, US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson hailed the leadership role played by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in achieving stability and peace in the region and the world, SPA reported. » | Arab News, SPA | Friday, February 10, 2017

Thursday, February 09, 2017

Lest We Ever Forget! Holocaust Survivor Helen Colin | Full Testimony

This is a full-length testimony preserved in the Visual History Archive. Copyright USC Shoah Foundation.

The Next Step to Stop 'IS Group'? CIA Chief in Turkey to Discuss Strategy on the Ground

Iran's Velayati: Trump Administration ‘Must Leave This Region Completely’

Did Conway Cross Line by Touting Ivanka Trump Fashion Line?

Feb. 09, 2017 - 2:51 - Reaction from 'Fox News Sunday' anchor Chris Wallace

Kellyanne Conway Addresses Rumors about Sean Spicer's Job

Feb. 09, 2017 - 9:36 - Counselor to the president weighs in on reports about the press office on 'Fox & Friends'

White House Considers Designating the Muslim Brotherhood as a Terror Organization

John Bolton, former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., on whether the U.S. should designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a terror organization.

Eric Shawn Reports: Is Muslim Brotherhood a Terror Group?

Trump administration mulling possible terrorist designation

FOCUS - The Growing Pains of Iran's Tourist Industry

Nabila Ramdani: Why Marine Le Pen Won't Do a Donald - Viewsnight

Viewsnight is BBC Newsnight's new place for ideas and opinion. Here, French-Algerian journalist Nabila Ramdani argues Marine Le Pen will not win in France - as Donald Trump did in the US - because of the legacy of her father.

Joe: 'Presidents Do Not Speak This Way' | Morning Joe | MSNBC

US Travel Ban: "US President Trump's Ban Faces Its Biggest Legal Test Yet"

Muslims and Gays ‘Are Unwelcome Here’ - BBC News

A village in Hungary has banned Muslim dress, the call to prayer and and “homosexual propaganda”. By leading what it calls "the war against Muslim culture", it hopes to attract other Christian Europeans who object to multiculturalism in their own countries. Its mayor, Laszlo Toroczkai, says that while he would welcome people from Western Europe to live in the area, “we wouldn't like to attract Muslims to the village". Lesley Ashmall reports.

"I Hope American People Will Wake Up" – Ex Mexico President Vicente Fox - BBC News

Former Mexico president Vicente Fox, speaking on BBC HARDtalk, tells US President Donald Trump "we are not paying for that stupid wall".

Trump vs Nordstrom: Do US President's Tweets Raise Ethical Concerns?

US - Donald Trump Takes Aim at Nordstrom for Dropping Ivanka's Clothing Line

After Brexit: The Battle for Europe - BBC News

Katya Adler meets some of the leaders of the populist Eurosceptic movements and some of the EU’s top Eurocrats and politicians to ask whether the union can survive, or will it be swept away by a populist revolution?

The Rise of Islamism in Denmark and Sweden (Part 2)

Part 1 »

Shocking New Muslim Immigration Poll

Majority of Europeans want migration stopped; 'The O'Reilly Factor' investigates

Close Ties between US President and Fox News

The president’s daughter was a trustee of Mr Murdoch’s children by his ex-wife Wendi Deng up until the US election. Matt Garrahan reveals the close ties that exist between the two families.

The Danish Muhammad Cartoon Controversy (Part 1)

Flemming Rose (Danish journalist & author) joins Dave Rubin to discuss his decision to publish the cartoons of Muhammad back in 2005 which led to what is now referred to as the 'Danish Muhammad Cartoon crisis.'

Wednesday, February 08, 2017

Germany: Frauke Petry Welcomes Trump Presidency

Frauke Petry, the leader of Germany's anti-immigration ADF movement, believes Donald Trump's success could bolster her party's prospects.

Geert Wilders - President Donald Trump's Travel Order & Brexit Is Great

How The Government Could Sacrifice Freedom For Safety | MSNBC

Donald Trump made a speech about the security of Americans, but it raises questions regarding how far will the government go to ensure that safety. A MSNBC panel discusses.

Weltwoche: Chefredaktor Roger Köppel präsentiert die Themen der neuen Weltwoche - Donald Trump verstehen

Weltwoche »

Bill Maher Tells Us What He Thinks About Donald Trump

Maher compares Donald Trump's behavior to that of a spoiled child.

Keith Ellison and Matthew Segal on Trump’s ‘Muslim Ban’

The Free Speech Wars Have Begun

"From Gamergate, to Ben Affleck's 'Gross and Racist' tirade, to trigger warnings and safe spaces, to Hillary's 'deplorables' comment, to punching Nazis, and now to the mayhem after Milo Yiannopoulos tried to speak at UC Berkeley, the battle over free speech is now front and center in the American psyche."

What's Trump's Foreign Policy? - Inside Story

He's only been in office for less than a month, but United States President Donald Trump has made it very clear that it's about the country first.

The Glazov Gang – Trump’s Travel Restrictions: Mohajer vs. Greenfield

Middle-East Matters: Is There New Hope for Gay Rights Activists in Lebanon?

Steve Bannon's Ex-business Partner Julia Jones Speaks to CNN

Canada's Dark Secret - Featured Documentary

The story of Canada's residential school system and the indigenous survivors who bear witness to its abuses.

Historic Vote Confirms Betsy DeVos

Despite historic opposition, Betsy DeVos is the new Secretary of Education. John Iadarola and Michael Shure, the hosts of The Young Turks, tell you how she was confirmed.

Appeals Court Weighs Trump's Travel Ban

Three federal judges grilled lawyers from the Justice Department and Washington state as they considered whether to lift a US-wide block on President Donald Trump's travel ban.

Tuesday, February 07, 2017

Robert Reich: President Trump Spewing 'Venom' At Independent Powers | MSNBC

What is the president trying to do when he attacks judges? Is he trying to stand up for himself, or is there something darker at play? Robert Reich from the University of California at Berkeley joins to discuss.

Fillon Fights Back: Can Right-wing Candidate Ride Out Penelopegate Scandal?

Trump's America: Democracy at the Tipping Point

SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: Some have criticized the image on the cover of this week's DER SPIEGEL, but the symbol it depicts is a serious one: the very real threat that President Donald Trump poses to liberal democracy.

Ultimately, indifference is deadly. The apathy. The feeling of impotence. And the idle silence that follows. People, including journalists, start thinking they can't do anything anyway. That proved to be the case in Turkey and Hungary and it has long been the situation in Russia and China as well. Will it also happen in the United States?

When democracy begins to erode, it seldom happens very quickly. Looking back, one can often determine the moment in which it became serious -- usually it was an election. How could Turkey have elected Erdogan, Russia Putin, Hungary Orbán and how could America have chosen Donald Trump with a clear conscience? When political discourse leads to a situation in which the discourse itself is replaced by demagogy, and when that demagogue is brought to power through a democratic process, then it's possible that democracy itself will be replaced by autocracy. » | A Commentary by Klaus Brinkbäumer | Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Piers Morgan: Media Determined to Bring Trump Down

Did Der Spiegel Magazine Go Too Far with the Image of President Trump Decapitating Lady Liberty?

Democratic Senator Lays Out Case Against Betsy DeVos | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., discusses why he's not in support of Betsy DeVos as education secretary. Sen. Warner also discusses the latest in the relationship between President Trump and Putin.

Ukraine Flares Up: Worst Fighting in Nearly Two Years (Parts 1 & 2)

Bill O'Reilly's Exclusive Interview with President Trump

Feb. 06, 2017 - 10:17 - Bill and President Trump discuss Iran, Mexico and the future of healthcare on 'The O'Reilly Factor'

France Presidential Election: What You Need to Know - BBC Newsnight

As the fight for the French election heats up, Evan Davis went to Lyon to see the leading candidates Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron in action.

Murphy: Travel Ban ‘A Textbook Mistake’ In Terror Fight

Senator Chris Murphy, D-Connecticut, tells Greta Van Susteren that President Trump’s travel ban is already “bulletin-board material” for terrorist recruiters.