Monday, September 11, 2023

Classic Pot Roast with Ras El Hanout with Dried Fruit Couscous

AISH: Elevate your dinner table experience with a culinary masterpiece that combines the comforting warmth of a classic pot roast with the exotic flavors of Ras El Hanout. This recipe is as impressive as it is mouthwatering, guaranteed to leave your taste buds tingling and your guests craving more. A different kind of pot roast. By Elizabeth Kurtz

Get the recipe over here »

Strongest Earthquake in Morocco Has Killed More Than 2,100 People and Injured Hundreds of Others

Sep 11, 2023 | In Morocco where more than 48 hours have passed since the country was struck by its most devastating natural disaster in decades. Emergency teams are in a race against time to find survivors. So far, more than 2,100 people are confirmed dead and that number is expected to rise.

LIVE EN COURS : Séisme au Maroc, en direct : au moins 2 681 personnes sont mortes, selon le dernier bilan du ministère de l’intérieur : Les secouristes marocains, appuyés par des équipes étrangères, redoublent d’efforts lundi pour retrouver d’éventuels survivants et fournir l’assistance à des centaines de sans-abri. »

Ali Soufan on the Most Important Lessons to Learn from 9/11 | The Warning

Sep 11, 2023 | On the 22nd anniversary of 9/11, Steve is joined by former FBI agent Ali Soufan to speak about the mistakes that led to 9/11 and the lessons our country is still learning over two decades later.

Morocco Earthquake Death Toll Rises to Nearly 2,500 - BBC News

Sep 11, 2023 | The number of people killed in a powerful earthquake in Morocco has risen to almost 2,500, officials have said. Rescuers have been using their bare hands to dig for survivors. Heavy lifting equipment can't get through roads blocked by boulders to reach remote villages near the epicentre. Friday's earthquake, the country's deadliest in 60 years, struck below villages in the High Atlas mountains south of Marrakesh.

'No One Has Come to Help Us': A Father Mourns His Children

This is devastatingly tragic and heart-rending! This poor man’s losses are cruel beyond measure. May his poor children rest in peace. (الله يكون مع هذا الأب والله مع أبنائه) – © Mark Alexander

Morocco Earthquake: Foreign Aid Teams Join Efforts to Find Survivors

THE GUARDIAN: Authorities ‘respond favourably’ to help from Spain, Qatar, UK and UAE, but other offers not yet taken up

Select foreign aid and rescue teams have joined desperate efforts to find any remaining survivors high in Morocco’s Atlas mountains, three days after a powerful earthquake.

Moroccan authorities said they had “responded favourably” to offers of help from visiting search and rescue teams from Spain, Qatar, Britain and the United Arab Emirates, but were yet to accept further offers of aid from other countries despite the urgent nature of the disaster.

Turkey, which experienced a deadly earthquake in February, has offered emergency response teams and aid. Its president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, said it would help “with all means” if Rabat accepted the offer.

The French president, Emmanuel Macron, told the G20 summit in Delhi that France stood ready to provide immediate aid, with no reply from Rabat. “Moroccan authorities know exactly what can be delivered, the nature [of what can be delivered] and the timing … We are at their disposal. We did everything we could do … The second they request this aid, it will be deployed,” he said. » | Ruth Michaelson, Peter Beaumont in Tafegheghte and Dounia Z Mseffer in Casablanca | Monday, September 11, 2023

Velshi: Donald Trump’s ‘Banana Republic’

Sep 11, 2023 | Trump has said that the indictments against him are a sign that the U.S. is a “banana republic.” The term dates back 120 years, to describe single-export economies that were very susceptible to corruption and outside influence. In claiming that the indictments against him inherently make the United States, a quote, “banana republic,” Trump is incorrectly saying that any kind of accountability reaching the highest office of the land is intrinsically corrupt. But the indictments Trump faces, all voted on by a jury of his peers, demonstrate that in America, no-one is above the law.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Why the Morocco Earthquake Was So Destructive and Deadly | DW News

Sep 10, 2023 | A powerful earthquake in Morocco has caused death and destruction. More than 2,000 people are now known to have died after the quake struck in the High Atlas Mountains, southwest of Marrakech. King Mohammed has called for three days of mourning as rescue attempts continue in the areas badly affected by the 6.8 magnitude quake, the biggest to hit the country in 120 years.

Jewish Heart of Marrakesh in Ruins

AISH: Morocco’s ancient Jewish quarter was severely damaged by Friday’s earthquake.

The horrific 6.8 magnitude earthquake that struck Morocco on Friday night killed thousands of people; many more are injured or missing. International rescuers have been pouring into Morocco to help. Israel’s highly trained disaster relief experts are on stand-by, waiting for permission from Morocco to enter the country and help.

The epicenter of the earthquake was in the High Atlas mountain region, about 45 miles southwest of Marrakesh (also known as Marrakech), Morocco’s fourth-largest city. Much of Marrakesh has been damaged, including the city’s historic “Mellah,” or Jewish quarter. “It’s as if it was hit by a bomb,” explained Hafida Sahaouia, a resident of the quarter, whose own home was utterly destroyed. “We were preparing dinner when we heard something like explosions. Panicked, I quickly went outside with our children. Unfortunately, our house collapsed. We lost everything.” » | Dr. Yvette Alt Miller | Sunday, September 10, 2023

Morocco Earthquake: More Than 2,000 Killed – BBC News

Sep 10, 2023 | More than 2,000 people have been killed and more than 1,400 injured after a powerful earthquake struck in Morocco. Morocco’s king declared three days of national mourning and ordered shelter, food and other help for survivors. Many people are spending a second night out in the open.

Brexit Means Britain Can ‘Attach’ Itself to India’s Booming Economy, Says Rishi Sunak

THE TELEGRAPH: Prime Minister says UK's newly won freedom to strike trade deals with countries such as India was one of the reasons he backed leaving EU

Mr Sunak and Narendra Modi, the Indian prime minister, met at the G20 summit in New Delhi CREDIT: Dan Kitwood/PA

Brexit means Britain can “attach” itself to India’s booming economy and benefit from its success, Rishi Sunak has said.

Speaking on his first visit to the country as Prime Minister, Mr Sunak said that Britain’s newly won freedom to strike trade deals with countries such as India was one of the reasons he backed leaving the EU.

India’s success as the fastest-growing economy in the world now presents an “exciting opportunity for the UK”.

Mr Sunak also said that he had found it “inspiring” to see India’s focus on training children in maths science and engineering, suggesting that Britain could learn from the country’s example.

The Prime Minister’s remarks came as Britain seeks to close a trade deal with India, amid disagreements on issues such as alcohol tariffs and UK demands for curbs on the production of cheap generic drugs. » | Edward Malnick, Sunday Political Editor, in New Delhi | Saturday, September 9, 2023

The truth will out! So Sunak wants us to go cap in hand to India – the country we once ruled over! This is indeed a reversal of fortunes! The Raj is being turned upside down! Great good fortune for india and the Indians, not, perhaps, so good for the United Kingdom or its citizens subjects. Is this what you get when the governance of your country is handed over to people who have shallow roots in your country? For those of us whose families can be traced back many generations, we feel far more attached to the European continent. With all due respect, we are Europeans; we are not Indians. Successive governments have allowed hitherto alien religions and cultures to grow and proliferate in our once hallowed, united nation; and in so doing, have diluted the nation's European character and identity.

It is too much to expect a person of Indian heritage to understand what it means to be European. No more than a Brit can truly understand what it means to be an American.

Truth to tell, I had a sneaking suspicion that Sunak would want to draw this country closer to India. Why? Because Sunak's commitment to Brexit made no sense otherwise. A man as well-educated and well-versed in matters of economics and commerce as Sunak so obviously is would not otherwise be in favour of his country committing economic suicide by walking away from the largest single market in the world - The Single Market. Could one, perhaps, speak of an agenda here? A secret agenda that has been shown the light of day, at last?

Well, I have news for Sunak... I—along with millions of other Brits—am a dyed-in-the-wool European. And as dilute as my commitment to Christianity can sometimes appear, I am a Christian, and a proud Christian. And Christianity is the religion and heritage of Europe, however dilute it might sometimes appear to outsiders. We Brits are not Muslims and we are certainly not Hindus.

However much the Indian economy is booming, India is no role model for us Brits. We need no caste system and we need not come under Hindi raj or subservience either.

The Tories have turfed out European workers whom we so desperately need only now to have to replace them with workers from the Indian sub-continent, Asia and Africa. What is this government trying to do to the indigenous population of this once proud nation?

I am not against people from any culture, nation, or continent; but I DO want to protect my own kind. This cannot be done if we are going to swamp the country with all manner of alien religions and cultures. Multiculuralism has its limits!

To repeat Margaret Thatcher's now famous words: No! No! No!

You, Mr Sunak, clearly don't know it, still less understand it; but we, Sir, are Europeans, not Asians! Our place is in Europe, in the Europeaan Union, to be precise. Our place is at their top table, not at the top table in new Delhi! – © Mark Alexander

Morocco Rescuers Slow to Reach Hardest Hit Areas After Quake

THE NEW YORK TIMES: It remained unclear how quickly emergency teams would be able to reach the victims and prevent more deaths. Many of the areas affected by the quake are remote mountain villages that are not easily accessible.

A rescuer searches for survivors under the rubble of a house destroyed in Moulay Brahim, Morocco, on Saturday. | Fadel Senna/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

Search and rescue efforts intensified on Saturday in Morocco after a powerful earthquake killed at least 1,000 people and injured hundreds more overnight, with national authorities deploying the military to hard-hit areas and foreign partners promising aid.

But it remained unclear how quickly emergency teams would be able to reach the victims and prevent more deaths. Many of the areas affected by the quake are remote mountain villages that are not easily accessible, and a statement on Saturday evening from the office of King Mohammed VI did not clarify whether the country would formally request foreign assistance to allow outside rescue teams to intervene.

The king ordered the country’s armed forces to deploy aircraft, helicopters and troops to help with the rescue efforts, according to a statement from the government. Local television showed images of trucks crammed with soldiers driving toward the devastated areas, in the High Atlas Mountains, in the southwest of the country.

Authorities said that about half of the victims were in the Haouz region, a rural area with many mud-brick houses and little earthquake-resistant infrastructure. » | Constant Méheut | Saturday, September 9, 2023

Das größte Ich der Mode

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: 10. September 2023 · Am Sonntag wäre Karl Lagerfeld 90 Jahre alt geworden. Seit seinem Tod sind viele Bücher erschienen, die sein Werk glänzen lassen – und auch die Schattenseiten seiner Person ausleuchten.

Sie ging ihm über alles. Immer wieder erzählte Karl Lagerfeld von seiner Mutter, die ihren einzigen Sohn forderte und förderte. Und beleidigte: „Wenn du mit mir reden willst, dann streng dich an oder sei ruhig.“ – „Du solltest Vorhänge für deine Nasenlöcher bestellen.“ – „Du siehst aus wie ich, aber nicht so gut.“ Ihre Sprüche haben zu seiner Legendenbildung beigetragen. Denn dass er die Herabsetzungen überstand: War das nicht eine heroische Leistung des Künstlers als junger Mann? Und indem er all die Zitate auch noch locker wiedergab, wurde er zum idealen Erzähler schöner und schauriger Geschichten.

Verhüllt hat er aber zeitlebens, dass Elisabeth Lagerfeld ihm auch modisch ein Vorbild war. Sie kaufte in Hamburg nicht nur in den besten Geschäften ein, schließlich verdiente ihr Mann Otto Lagerfeld als Glücksklee-Gründer viel Geld. Nein, die Liebe zur Mode begann früher und ging tiefer, wie die Autorin Heike Koschyk herausgefunden hat. Lagerfelds Mutter, die 1897 geboren wurde und 1978 in seinem Schloss in der Bretagne starb, wollte die Mode geradezu wissenschaftlich durchdringen. Die junge Frau, die in einem Berliner Modekaufhaus gearbeitet hatte, hielt 1927 in mehreren Radiobeiträgen Vorträge über das Thema. Im „Werag“-Rundfunk (dem WDR-Vorgänger „Westdeutsche Rundfunk AG“) sprach Elisabeth Bahlmann, wie sie da noch hieß, am Samstag, dem 1. Oktober 1927, von 18.30 bis 19 Uhr über „Die Psychologie der Mode“. Am 6. Oktober analysierte sie von 18 bis 18.30 Uhr „Die diesjährige Herbst- und Wintermode“, fortgesetzt in einem zweiten Teil am 8. Oktober. » | Von Alfons Kaiser | Sonntag, 10. September 2023

Séisme au Maroc : la recherche de victimes se poursuit, le bilan s’élève à plus de 2 000 morts

LE MONDE : Le tremblement de terre qui a secoué le centre du pays a fait au moins 2 059 blessés, dont 1 404 sont dans un état grave. Le royaume a décrété un deuil national de trois jours.

Chaque publication d’un nouveau bilan laisse imaginer l’ampleur de la catastrophe. Selon les derniers chiffres communiqués dans la soirée du samedi 9 septembre par le ministère de l’intérieur marocain, au moins 2 012 personnes ont péri dans le puissant séisme qui a frappé le centre du pays dans la nuit de vendredi à samedi.

Le tremblement de terre, qui a provoqué d’énormes dégâts et a semé notamment la panique à Marrakech, haut lieu du tourisme, a en outre fait au moins 2 059 blessés, dont 1 404 sont dans un état grave. Le royaume a décrété un deuil national de trois jours, a annoncé le cabinet royal, à l’issue d’une réunion présidée par le roi Mohammed VI consacrée à ce séisme, le plus puissant à frapper le pays à ce jour. » | Le Monde avec AFP | dimanche 10 septembre 2023

Saturday, September 09, 2023

News Wrap: Rescuers Search for Survivors after Deadly Morocco Earthquake

Sep 9, 2023 | In our news wrap Saturday, the strongest earthquake in Morocco in over 120 years caused widespread damage and killed more than 1,300 people, the G20 summit of the world’s top economies took place in India, and a federal appeals court ruled against the Biden administration in a lawsuit involving social media companies.

«Pour les sismologues, le tremblement de terre au Maroc de la nuit dernière n'est pas une surprise» : ENTRETIEN - Le Maroc est un pays où le risque sismique existe, notamment du fait de la tectonique de la chaîne de montagnes du Haut Atlas, explique Robin Lacassin, directeur de recherche à l'Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris. »

Elon Musk Wants to Save Humanity. The Only Problem: People.

Elon Musk at a news conference last year at SpaceX’s Starbase facility in South Texas. | Jim Watson/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Walter Isaacson’s biography of the billionaire entrepreneur depicts a mercurial “man-child” with grandiose ambitions and an ego to match.

At various moments in “Elon Musk,” Walter Isaacson’s new biography of the world’s richest person, the author tries to make sense of the billionaire entrepreneur he has shadowed for two years — sitting in on meetings, getting a peek at emails and texts, engaging in “scores of interviews and late-night conversations.” Musk is a mercurial “man-child,” Isaacson writes, who was bullied relentlessly as a kid in South Africa until he grew big enough to beat up his bullies. Musk talks about having Asperger’s, which makes him “bad at picking up social cues.” As the people closest to him will attest, he lacks empathy — something that Isaacson describes as a “gene” that’s “hard-wired.” » | Jennifer Szalai | Saturday, September 9, 2023

Morocco Earthquake Death Toll Exceeds 1,000

Sep 9, 2023 | The death toll of the 6.8-magnitude earthquake that struck Morocco has exceeded 1,000 as emergency personnel begin search and rescue missions to find survivors among the rubble. NBC News' Matt Bradley reports on how personnel will deal with remote communities and combing through centuries-old infrastructure.

Versailles - Le palais retrouvé du Roi-Soleil | ARTE

Sep 9, 2023 | S’appuyant sur les dernières avancées technologiques et scientifiques, ce documentaire explore le passé architectural du château pour ressusciter le Versailles disparu de Louis XIV.

Dans les années 1660, le jeune Louis XIV, désormais seul aux commandes du royaume, prend l'habitude d'investir les jardins du domaine de Versailles pour y donner des fêtes somptueuses. Au fil de son ascension, le monarque va métamorphoser le château bâti par son père, modeste gentilhommière difficile d'accès, en palais éblouissant, devenu résidence permanente de la cour à partir de 1682. Chantier ininterrompu au cours de son règne, Versailles n'a ensuite cessé d'être remodelé par ses occupants successifs. Plus de trois siècles après le crépuscule du Roi-Soleil, les chercheurs recomposent peu à peu la genèse du château et ressuscitent les espaces disparus, en s'appuyant sur la numérisation des plans de l'époque, de récentes découvertes archéologiques et de minutieuses modélisations en 3D.

Instrument de domination

En suivant dans leurs recherches les meilleurs spécialistes, Marc Jampolsky (Mont-Saint-Michel - Le labyrinthe de l'archange) propose une exploration inédite de Versailles tel que l'a conçu Louis XIV. Matérialisations symboliques de son pouvoir absolu et de ses rêves, le fabuleux bosquet du labyrinthe, agencé par André Le Nôtre autour des fables de Charles Perrault, la grotte artificielle de Téthys, animée par la féerie des jets d'eau, les luxueux appartements des courtisans ou encore la galerie Mignard, le musée privé de Sa Majesté, reprennent ainsi vie sous nos yeux. Entrelaçant témoignages d'experts, séquences de fiction et reconstitutions en 3D, ce documentaire plonge dans le passé architectural du château et éclaire les visées politiques qui ont préludé aux différentes étapes de sa construction.

Documentaire de Marc Jampolsky (France, 2018, 1h32mn)
Disponible jusqu'au 08/11/2023


Coco Chanel Exhibition Reveals Fashion Designer Was Part of French Resistance

THE GUARDIAN: Previously unseen documents to go on display at V&A alongside evidence of her collusion with Nazis

New evidence from official records show Gabrielle ‘Coco’ Chanel was a documented member of the French resistance during WW2. Photograph: Hulton Deutsch/Corbis/Getty Images

A major retrospective of Coco Chanel has unearthed evidence that the fashion designer was a documented member of the French resistance. The previously unseen documents will go on display, along with contradictory evidence that she operated as a Nazi agent.

The documents relating to Chanel’s activities in wartime Paris strike a serious note within what is likely to be the most glamorous exhibition of the year, with more than 50 tweed suits – including a bubblegum pink set belonging to Lauren Bacall – on view at Gabrielle Chanel: Fashion Manifesto, when it opens at the V&A in London on 16 September.

“We couldn’t do a show about Chanel and not address her wartime record,” said the curator, Oriole Cullen, who has expanded a show first created at the Palais Galliera in Paris in 2020 with a new curation that delves more deeply into Chanel’s links with Britain as well as her wartime activities. » | Jess Cartner-Morley | Saturday, September 9, 2023

How Authentic Irish Stew Is Made | DW Food

Sep 9, 2023 | Irish stew is Ireland's hearty national dish and a symbol of Irish comfort food, cherished for its simplicity and wholesome flavors. In this video, we'll show you how this slow-cooked dish is made, how to choose the right ingredients and which kind of meat you should use. Dave Power, head Chef at The Boxty House, will show you his tricks.

Mysterium Satoshi - Bitcoin wie alles begann | Doku HD Komplettfassung | ARTE

Feb 22, 2022 | Anfang 2009, inmitten der Finanzkrise, brachte "Satoshi Nakamoto" den Bitcoin in Umlauf. Er schuf damit die erste dezentrale und zuverlässige Kryptowährung - und ist seit 2011 komplett von der Bildfläche verschwunden. "Mysterium Satoshi" erzählt die spannende Entstehungsgeschichte von Bitcoin und der Blockchain-Technologie aus Sicht seines geheimnisvollen Schöpfers.

Wie im Abspann angegeben ist Satoshis Monolog weitgehend erfunden. Er ist « frei inspiriert von der gleichnamigen Figur ». ...

Deutsche Helfer bereiten sich auf Einsatz in Marokko vor


ZEIT ONLINE: Hilfsorganisationen aus Deutschland beobachten die Lage in Marokko genau. Seit den frühen Morgenstunden laufen die Vorbereitungen. Wo und wie schnell sie helfen könnten.

Von schweren Erschütterungen getroffen: Schäden in Marrakesch nach dem Erdbeben © Fadel Senna/AFP/Getty Images

Noch ist unklar, wie groß das Ausmaß der Katastrophe in Marokko tatsächlich ist. Und erst allmählich dürfte sich zeigen, welche Hilfe die Rettungskräfte vor Ort benötigen. Doch in Deutschland laufen an diesem Samstag bereits seit den frühen Morgenstunden die Vorbereitungen auf einen möglichen Einsatz in dem Land. "Wir sitzen auf gepackten Koffern", sagte Stefan Heine von der Hilfsorganisation I.S.A.R. Germany gegenüber ZEIT ONLINE. "Wir beobachten die Lage vor Ort und versuchen, mit der deutschen Botschaft und den Behörden dort Kontakt aufzunehmen." » | Von Jurik Caspar Iser | Samstag, 9. September 2023

Marrakesch liegt in Trümmern: Am Morgen nach dem Erdbeben in Marokko mit Hunderten Toten zeigt sich das Ausmaß der Schäden. Häuser und kulturelle Wahrzeichen sind zerstört. Bilder aus Marrakesch »

Mindestens 820 Tote nach Erdbeben in Marokko: Marokko wurde von einem Erdbeben der Stärke 6,8 erschüttert. Die Zahl der Toten steigt auf 820. Besonders schwer getroffen wurde eine schwer zugängliche Bergregion. »

Michael Lambert: How BREXIT MADNESS Ruined a Once Great Nation

In this brief history of Brexit, Michael Lambert explains how it all started with Nigel Farage complaining about the EU, of which he was a member for twenty years. Michael Lambert also explains how David Cameron, worried about losing votes to UKIP, agreed to a referendum after the 2015 general election which resulted in a vote to leave. …

Michael Lambert’s hats for sale here.

Powerful Earthquake Rocks Morocco


LIVE EN COURS : Séisme au Maroc en direct : après le tremblement de terre qui a fait plus de 630 morts : « C’est comme si on avait été frappé par une bombe » : A Marrakech, une des villes touchées dans le centre du pays, les petites ruelles du quartier juif de la médina sont jonchées de débris, et de vieilles bâtisses se sont affaissées. Beaucoup d’habitants ont passé la nuit à dormir à même le sol, parfois sans couvertures. »

AUF DEUTSCH: Mehr als 600 Tote bei starkem Erdbeben in Marokko: Ein schweres Erdbeben hat den Südwesten Marokkos erschüttert. Das Innenministerium spricht von mindestens 632 Toten und vielen Verletzten. Bilder und Videos aus sozialen Netzwerken zeigen zerstörte Gebäude. »

Morocco Earthquake: Hundreds Dead as Buildings Fall and People Flee Homes

THE GUARDIAN: Old city in Marrakech among areas hit in quake measuring at least 6.8 and centred in High Atlas mountains

A powerful earthquake in Morocco’s High Atlas mountains has killed hundreds of people after buildings collapsed and people fled their shuddering homes in several cities and towns.

Residents of Marrakech, the nearest major city to the epicentre, said some buildings had collapsed in the old city, a Unesco world heritage site. Initial reports said part of a minaret that towered over Jemaa el-Fnaa, a market square and hub for visitors, had collapsed, injuring two people, before local residents fled to the open area of the square to seek shelter.

Local television showed piles of rubble and broken pipes crushing parked cars and blocking streets across Marrakech, as residents rushed into the street after the quake struck at 11.11pm on Friday. State TV showed people wrapped in blankets sleeping in the street, fearing further aftershocks. (With video) » | Ruth Michaelson | Saturday, September 9, 2023


Friday, September 08, 2023

Pelosi, Defying Predictions, Says She Will Seek Re-election in 2024

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Since she stepped down from leadership last year, many observers expected Representative Nancy Pelosi of California to head toward retirement. But she has kept people guessing about her future.

Representative Nancy Pelosi, Democrat of California, served for decades as the Democratic Party’s House leader and was the first woman to become speaker. | Pete Marovich for The New York Times

Representative Nancy Pelosi of California, who served for decades as the Democratic Party’s House leader and was the first woman to become speaker, announced on Friday that she would seek re-election in 2024, ending months of speculation about her political future.

“In light of the values of San Francisco, which we’ve always been proud to promote, I’ve made the decision to seek re-election,” Ms. Pelosi said on Friday at an event in her hometown focused on organized labor. » | Annie Karni, Reporting from Washington | Friday, September 8, 2023

Here Are the 20 Oldest Members of Congress: Congress has long been an institution that runs on seniority and rewards longevity, and these veteran lawmakers are still running the country at an age when most people are well into retirement. »

New Study Gives Insight into British People’s Sexual Behavioural Patterns

THE GUARDIAN: Gay and bisexual men have a more active sexual life later in life than heterosexual men and women, research finds

The study has shed light on how the number of sexual partners British people have changes as they age. Photograph: Photographer, Basak Gurbuz Derman/Getty Images

They say some things get better with age, but it seems it [sic] depends [sic] who you ask.

A study into the number of sexual partners British people has found that gay and bisexual men over 70 may continue to have a sex life with multiple partners, while straight women become less active after the age of 50.

The study has shed light on how the number of sexual partners British people have changes as they age, and new findings have surprised researchers. » | Oksana Pyzik | Friday, September 8, 2023

Hundreds Stranded without Food in Greece Floods - BBC News

Sep 8, 2023 | In Greece, hundreds of people are stranded without food or water after a devastating storm killed at least 10 people and caused enormous damage.

Storm Daniel was the worst to hit the country for more than a century. It's left a trail of devastation across the central region of Thessaly. Homes were swept away, roads and bridges collapsed and much of Greece's best agricultural land, is now under water.

Reeta Chakrabarti presents BBC News at Ten; reporting by Sofia Bettiza in Larissa.

Unfit (2020) | Donald Trump Documentary | Full Movie | Malcolm Nance | George Conway

Premiered Aug 26, 2023 | Is Donald Trump fit to hold the office of President of the United States? An eye-opening analysis of Trump by leading US mental health professionals and Republican strategists, on the record for the record. Science. Truth. Duty to Warn.

Cast: Malcolm Nance, George Conway, Anthony Scaramucci, John Gartner, Lance Dodes, Justin Frank, Ruth Ben-Ghiat and Ramani Durvasula

Director: Dan Partland

The Guardian View on Brexit’s Fantasy: Waking to a Nightmare Foretold

THE GUARDIN – EDITORIAL: As Britons grow unhappier with being outside the EU, the UK is having to admit it needs closer relations with Brussels

In the ninth season of Dallas, the 1980s blockbuster TV show about Texas oil barons, the handsome young scion of the Ewing dynasty – Bobby – appeared in the shower of his ex-wife and true love Pam even though the character had been killed off a year earlier. Dumbstruck viewers had to swallow the idea that 12 months’ worth of storylines had all been a dream. But the show’s declining ratings suggested the audience missed Bobby – and waking up from a slumber offered the cleanest way to recover Dallas’s mojo. Across Britain, lots of voters must think the same might be true of Brexit, reasoning that the decision to leave the European Union is a nightmare that the country needs to wake up from. » | Editorial | Friday, September 8, 2023

King Charles Attends Service for Anniversary of Elizabeth II's Death

A screenshot of the portrait of the late Queen that has not been released before. | PA Media

BBC: King Charles III and Queen Camilla have marked the first anniversary of Elizabeth II's death with a prayer service near Balmoral.

They were at Crathie Kirk, while the Duke of Sussex visited St George's Chapel in Windsor - the late queen's final resting place.

The Prince and Princess of Wales attended a private service at St Davids Cathedral in Pembrokeshire.

The King also released a message and a favourite photograph of the late queen.

The photograph chosen by the King shows the queen at an official portrait sitting in 1968 aged 42. » | James Gregory, BBC News | Friday, September 8, 2023

WATCH A RELATED BBC NEWS VIDEO: King Charles III marks anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II's death »

Schweizer Monat : Niall Ferguson: «I Wouldn’t Send My Child to Princeton»

Aug 25, 2023 | Studio Schweizer Monat #20: Der britische Historiker Niall Ferguson spricht über den neuen kalten Krieg zwischen den USA und China, das Impfen in liberalen Staaten und die gesunkene Bedeutung von Grossbritannien nach dem Brexit. In englischer Sprache.

Aufgezeichnet am 6. September 2021

Der lange Atem der iranischen Frauen | ARTE Info Plus

Sep 8, 2023 | Am 16. September 2022 führte der Tod Mahsa Aminis im Iran zu einem Volksaufstand. Wegen des Vorwurfs, sie habe ihren Schleier nicht richtig angelegt, prügelte die Sittenpolizei sie zu Tode. Die Niederschlagung der Kundgebungen forderte 500 Todesopfer – Zehntausende wurden verhaftet. Gestürzt wurde die Regierung zwar nicht, die Ablehnung des Regimes im Gottesstaat sitzt seit dem Aufstand jedoch tief.

Angesichts des anstehenden Jahrestags der Ereignisse analysiert die Anthropologin Chowra Makaremi für uns, wie diese Bewegung ein Teil der langen Geschichte der Islamischen Republik wurde und warum sie einen wesentlichen Bruch für die Zukunft der iranischen Gesellschaft darstellt. Eine ausführliche Analyse ist nachzulesen in Chowra Makaremis Buch „Frau, Leben, Freiheit“ – es erscheint am 7. September bei „Editions La Découverte“

Le même reportage en français se retrouve ici.

Steve Schmidt Explains Donald Trump’s Plan to INCREASE His Power If He Wins in 2024 | The Warning

Sep 8, 2023 | Steve Schmidt and former Barack Obama staffer, Bill Burton, breaks down what could happen if Trump defeats Joe Biden in 2024.

Some Food for Thought! The Late Christopher Hitchens: The Best of the Hitchslap

Oct 5, 2010 | Christopher Hitchens at his finest - some of my favorite moments by the writer who has inspired the ideals of skepticism, free inquiry, and rational thought in so many. I believe Hitchslap is now the proper term for the unflinching intellectual prowess displayed in these exchanges.

Elon Musk ‘Committed Evil’ with Starlink Order, Says Ukrainian Official

THE GUARDIAN: Ukrainian presidential adviser says deaths of civilians ‘the price of a cocktail of ignorance and big ego’

Elon Musk said he did not want his company to be complicit in conflict escalation. Photograph: Gonzalo Fuentes/Reuters

A senior Ukrainian official has accused Elon Musk of “committing evil” after a new biography revealed details about how the business magnate ordered his Starlink satellite communications network to be turned off near the Crimean coast last year to hobble a Ukrainian drone attack on Russian warships.

In a statement on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, which Musk owns, the Ukrainian presidential adviser Mykhailo Podolyak wrote that Musk’s interference led to the deaths of civilians, calling them “the price of a cocktail of ignorance and big ego”. » | Pjotr Sauer | Friday, September 8, 2023

Elon Musk ordered Starlink to be turned off during Ukraine offensive, book says: Biography alleges Musk told engineers to turn off communications network to hobble Ukraine drone attack on Russian warships »

Elon Musk affirme avoir empêché une attaque de l’Ukraine contre la flotte russe en mer Noire en ne répondant pas à une demande de Kiev : Le milliardaire, patron de SpaceX, Tesla et X (ex-Twitter), a assuré ne pas avoir voulu être « complice d’un acte de guerre majeur et d’une escalade du conflit ». »

Latest Covid Variant Spreading in UK, Health Data Suggests

THE GUARDIAN: BA.2.86, nicknamed Pirola, causing concern among scientists because of fear it could be more transmissible

The latest Covid-19 variant, BA.2.86, appears to be spreading in the UK, health surveillance data suggests.

The variant, nicknamed Pirola, has prompted concern among scientists because of the high number of mutations it carries, which raises the possibility that it could evade the immune system more easily or be more transmissible.

In a briefing note on Friday, the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) said that an outbreak at a care home in Norfolk and other cases across the UK indicated there was likely to be community transmission of the strain, but said it was too early to judge the full extent of its spread. » | Hannah Devlin, Science correspondent | Friday, September 8, 2023

Oh God! Here we go again! Another year of hibernation and solitude awaits! This could be God's way of preparing us for the eternal nothingness that we can all look forward to in the fulness of time! – © Mark Alexander

‘Goal Is Destruction of Ukraine’: Ex-Defence Minister Warns West of Putin’s Aim

THE GUARDIAN: Oleksii Reznikov urges unity against Russia ‘to save this world from catastrophe of world war three’

Oleksii Reznikov likened calls for Ukraine to make territorial concessions to demands in 1938 that Czechoslovakia give up Sudetenland to Nazi Germany. Photograph: Dimitar Dilkoff/AFP/Getty Images

Ukraine’s former defence minister has warned his western counterparts that negotiations with Moscow will not bring peace, and that Vladimir Putin remains determined to destroy Ukraine entirely and to “assimilate” its citizens into the Russian Federation.

In an article for the Guardian, Oleksii Reznikov says any “deal” with the Kremlin would not end the conflict. “Russia demands the recognition of the occupied territories of Ukraine as its territory in exchange for the end of the war,” he writes.

“However, this is obviously for the sake of one thing only – to buy some time, regroup and ‘finally solve the Ukrainian issue’ using new resources. Russia does not recognise the existence of Ukraine and the Ukrainian people.

“Its goal is the destruction of Ukrainian statehood and assimilation of Ukrainians.” » | Luke Harding | Friday, September 8, 2023

I was Ukraine’s defence minister. Here’s my message for our allies: we must not lose sight of victory: To my defence ministers friends around the world, I say: thank you for the military support, but heed this advice »

Twitter ‘Unfit’ for Banking over Alleged Complicity in Saudi Rights Abuses

THE GUARDIAN: Lawyers for family say Saudi government took brother’s data in breach and ‘arrested, tortured, and imprisoned’ him and others

Areej al-Sadhan (left) and Abdulrahman at Notre Dame de Namur University in Belmont, California, on 4 May 2013. The family has not seen Abdulrahman since 2021. Photograph: AP

The company formerly known as Twitter is “unfit” to hold banking licenses because of its alleged “intentional complicity” with human rights violations in Saudi Arabia and treatment of users’ personal data, according to an open letter sent to federal and state banking regulators that was signed by a law firm representing a Saudi victim’s family.

The allegations by lawyers representing Areej al-Sadhan, whose brother Abdulrahman was one of thousands of Saudis whose confidential personal information was obtained by Saudi agents posing as Twitter employees in 2014-15, comes as Twitter Payments LLC, a subsidiary of X (the company formerly known as Twitter), is in the process of applying for money-transmitter licenses across the US. » | Stephanie Kirchgaessner in Washington | Friday, September 8, 2023

Thursday, September 07, 2023

The Federal Trust: Join the Euro, Rejoin the EU

Sep 7, 2023 | In this new video, Brendan Donnelly and John Stevens argue that membership of the euro will be necessary to sustain the UK’s re-entry into the European Union after Brexit. They recognise that political leadership will be necessary for such a radical step to come about. But they also argue that British public opinion would be more receptive to leadership on the issue of the single currency than is often assumed.


Brendan Donnelly is the Director of the Federal Trust and a former Conservative MEP.
John Stevens is the Chairman of the Federal Trust and a former Conservative MEP.


The Federal Trust is a research institute studying regional, national, European and global levels of government. It has always had a particular interest in the European Union and Britain’s place in it. The Federal Trust has no allegiance to any political party. It is registered as a charity for the purposes of education and research.

Why Is Argentina’s Economy Such a Mess?

Sep 7, 2023 | Rampant inflation, a booming black market for US dollars and crippling debt - welcome to Argentina, one of the world's most dysfunctional economies. How did it end up like this?

‘The Hard Truth’: Mehdi Grills Vivek Ramaswamy on His Record and Past Statements

Sep 6, 2023 | Mehdi Hasan’s full interview with GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, ranging from what qualifications he has for the most powerful office in the world, how he squares his past criticism of Trump with his lavish praise today, and why he has made truth the centerpiece of his campaign when his statements are littered with contradictions.

Steve Schmidt Reacts to Vivek Ramaswamy's Embarrassing Interview on MSNBC | The Warning

Sep 7, 2023 | Steve Schmidt reacts to Vivek Ramaswamy's embarassing interview with Medhi Hasan. Steve explains why holding Donald Trump imitators like Ramaswamy to account is essential to saving our democracy.

Apple Loses More Than $200bn of Its Value in Market Rout - Latest Updates

THE TELEGRAPH: More than $200bn (£160bn) has been wiped off the value of Apple following reports that China has banned government officials from using iPhones at work.

Apple’s share price dropped more than 3pc on Thursday, marking a second day of sharp falls after the Wall Street Journal reported that Chinese authorities had banned officials from using the company’s smartphones.

The California-headquartered company’s share price has now fallen 7.3pc since Tuesday, wiping more than $200bn from its market value. » | Chris Price | Thursday, September 7, 2023

British American Tobacco to End Sales in Russia within a Month

THE GUARDIAN: London-based company says it has agreed to sell Russian and Belarusian businesses, 18 months after initial decision to withdraw

British American Tobacco says it will sell its last cigarette in Russia within a month, ending its presence in the world’s fourth-largest tobacco market a year and a half after it first pledged to do so in response to the invasion of Ukraine.

The London-based maker of Lucky Strike and Camel cigarettes came under fire in March last year after initially continuing to operate in Russia, breaking ranks with global brands such as Nestlé, Unilever, Coca-Cola and McDonald’s.

The decision was reversed just two days later, with the company citing its “ethos and values”.

More than 18 months after that decision, BAT, which holds 25% of the Russian market, said it had finally reached an agreement to sell its Russian and Belarusian businesses to a group led by its Moscow management team. » | Rob Davies | Thursday, September 7, 2023

Britain Can Recover from the Self-harm of Brexit. Today’s Return to the EU’s Horizon Project Shows How

THE GUARDIAN – OPINION: Polls suggest a majority of Britons regret our exit. Rejoining the scientific programme could be the start of something bigger

Is this the dawn? Have we reached the glimmer of a new beginning? Rishi Sunak’s about-turn on joining the European Union’s Horizon programme is a first note of sanity in the two and a half tortured years since Britain formally left the EU. Let it not be the last.

The story itself is miserable. Horizon is an £81bn continent-wide programme to give Europe’s scientific research community a critical mass to compare with that of the US or China. It acknowledges the obvious truth that advanced scientific research needs collaboration rather than competition. Britain’s universities had been leaders of the pack, and they were among Horizon’s principal beneficiaries. If anything made sense of a united Europe, it was Horizon.

Brexit was an act of sabotage. In a measure of infantile daftness, its adherents declared that here, as in all things, Britain could go it alone. Sunak’s own enslavement to the creed required him to agree, and he duly engineered a £14bn Pioneer programme with grants that were intended to replace Horizon. Many senior scientists in Britain protested the inadequacy. Sunak appeared unaware that research is as much about collaboration and scholastic exchange as it is about money. » | Simon Jenkins | Thursday, September 7, 2023

Related article here.

The Hasidic Drug Dealer • Samuel Leibowitz • Full Version

Jul 11, 2022 | Documentary series giving an unprecedented insight into Jewish life in Britain in 2008. It begins with the story of ultra-orthodox Hasidic Jew Samuel Leibowitz, who has multiple convictions for international drug-smuggling. Filmmaker Vanessa Engle follows him as he comes out of prison and returns to his community, documenting his re-entry into ultra-orthodox life to discover whether he can overcome his transgressions and live once again as an observant Hasidic Jew.

Samuel Leibowitz, an ultra-orthodox Hasidic Jew with a history of drug trafficking convictions, is the protagonist of the BBC Four documentary about Jewish life in modern-day Britain.

Gyros Burger | Akis Petretzikis

Jun 7, 2022


Ne-Yo : One in a Million | Official Music Video

Sep 3, 2010 | Views on YouTube: 328,835,988

Ne-Yo : So Sick | Official Music Video

Oct 7, 2009 | Views on YouTube: 323,304,342

Dschihad - Europas Gotteskrieger (3/3) | Doku HD | ARTE

Sep 6, 2023 | Der Bürgerkrieg in Syrien nimmt kein Ende. 2014 entsteht der IS aus dem Chaos in Syrien und ruft ein Kalifat aus. Die internationale Koalition reagiert auf die Terrorattacken in Europa zwischen 2015 und 2017 und fördert den Zusammenbruch des IS. Nach dem Mord am französischen Lehrer Samuel Paty entfacht die Debatte über die Mohammed-Karikaturen erneut ...

2012 ist kein Ende des Bürgerkriegs in Syrien abzusehen. Die ersten europäischen Kämpfer, die in das Kriegsgebiet ziehen, zeichnen sich durch langjährige Verdienste und kontinuierliches Engagement für den Dschihad aus. Vor ihrer Ankunft in Syrien waren sie Anführer in europäischen Scharia-Netzwerken wie Sharia4UK, Sharia4Holland, Sharia4Belgium, Militu Ibrahim in Deutschland, Kaldet til Islam in Dänemark und Forsane al-Izza in Frankreich. Radikale europäische Dschihadisten ermuntern die Männer zu kämpfen und sorgen so für die erste Ausreisewelle. Außerdem schaffen sie Verknüpfungen zwischen Europa und den Kriegsregionen.

2014 nutzt der IS das Chaos in Syrien und ruft ein Kalifat aus, dessen Auswirkungen in Europa bis heute zu spüren sind. Durch dieses Ereignis gewinnen die Strukturen des europäischen Dschihadismus an Bedeutung. Diese waren zwar lange Zeit ignoriert worden, hatten sich aber in den vergangenen zwei Jahrzehnten bereits abgezeichnet. Rund 6.000 Menschen aus Europa kommen in Nordsyrien an. Die dschihadistische Bewegung gewinnt aufgrund der zahlreichen Anhänger an Vielfalt, auch Frauen spielen mittlerweile eine bedeutende Rolle.

Auf die Attentate in Europa zwischen 2015 und 2017 folgt die Reaktion der internationalen Koalition, die den IS in der Region schließlich militärisch besiegt.

Doch wie sollte man die Rückführung der in Syrien inhaftierten Männer, Frauen und Kinder bewerkstelligen? Nach dem Mord am französischen Lehrer Samuel Paty 2020 entfacht die Debatte über die Mohammed-Karikaturen erneut. In einem spannungsgeladenen politischen Klima entsteht in Europa eine neue Gemengelage. In den betroffenen Ländern stellt sich die Frage nach den aktuellen und zukünftigen Entwicklungen des europäischen Dschihadismus.

Dokureihe, Regie: Magali Serre (F 2023, 52 Min)
Video verfügbar auf YouTube bis zum 06/03/2024

WARNUNG: Genau wie es bereits zu Beginn dieser Sendung geschrieben steht, ist das Zuschauen dieser Dokumentation weder für Kinder, Jugendliche noch empfindsame Leute geeignet. – Mark

Teil 1 und Teil 2.

Cette série de trois documentaires intitulée « Djihad sur l'Europe », présentée ici en allemand, est également disponible en français. Voici les liens sur YouTube vers chaque partie.

Partie 1.

Partie 2.

Partie 3.

Here are the same three documentaries, entitled “Jihadism in Europe”, with English sub-titles:

Part 1.

Part 2.

Part 3.

Mexico’s Supreme Court Decriminalizes Abortion Nationwide

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The decision builds on an earlier high court ruling and reflects how Latin American countries are expanding women’s rights.

Women marching last year in Mexico City during a demonstration on International Safe Abortion Day. | Marco Ugarte/Associated Press

Mexico’s Supreme Court decriminalized abortion nationwide on Wednesday in a sweeping decision that builds on an earlier ruling giving officials the authority to allow the procedure on a state-by-state basis.

The court struck down the federal penal code that criminalized abortion, deeming it “unconstitutional” and making abortion legally accessible in all federal health institutions across the country. It also ruled against bans on medical providers, including midwives, who perform the procedure.

The ruling in Mexico, a predominantly Catholic country of 130 million people, points to how nations in Latin America are taking a leading role in broadening abortion rights.

“I’m very moved and very proud,” said Rebeca Ramos, executive director of GIRE, a leading abortion rights group that filed an injunction last year against the Mexican regulation from 1931 that criminalized the procedure. “This makes possible what we had not achieved in many years, which is that at least in certain institutions all across the country legal and safe abortion services can be provided.” » | Simon Romero and Emiliano Rodríguez Mega, Reporting from Mexico City | Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Leer en español.

Sunak Hails ‘Right Deal for Country’ as UK Rejoins EU Horizon Project

THE GUARDIAN: Scientists welcome long-anticipated deal to return to £85bn science research programme

The UK is to return to the flagship Horizon Europe science research programme, Rishi Sunak has confirmed.

The prime minister said that from Thursday, British scientists can apply once again for grants from the £85bn programme, a move that will be welcomed with jubilation from the science community in the UK which was once one of the leading beneficiaries of the fund.

Sunak said: “We have worked with our EU partners to make sure that this is the right deal for the UK, unlocking unparalleled research opportunities, and also the right deal for British taxpayers.”

The deal was sealed after a call between Sunak and the European Commission president, Ursula von der Leyen, on Wednesday night.

According to a Downing Street statement, the UK will also rejoin the EU’s Copernicus Earth observation satellite programme, which has been crucial in monitoring this summer’s weather events, including wildfires across Europe. » | Lisa O'Carroll, Brussels correspondent | Thursday, September 7, 2023

This is a great step forward. It's certainly an important step in the right direction. But as important as this step is, this country needs more. Far more! The incalculable damage that the fossils in the Conservative Party have visited upon the citizens subjects of this country needs to be repaired as soon as is humanly possible. Then, and only then, can this country start to heal and prosper again. – © Mark Alexander

Dschihad - Europas Gotteskrieger (2/3) | Doku HD | ARTE

Nach dem 11. September 2001 werden die dschihadistischen Terrorgruppen zerschlagen. Radikale Islamisten aus Europa agitieren und missionieren dennoch unentdeckt vor Ort. Mit dem Zweiten Irakkrieg beginnt ein neuer Zeitabschnitt. Europäer schließen sich dem Dschihad an und verüben Anschläge vor Ort. Mit dem Arabischen Frühling beginnt in den 2010er Jahren der Zerfall von Al-Qaida.

Nach dem 11. September werden die dschihadistischen Terrorgruppen zerschlagen. Doch neue radikale Islamisten treten in Erscheinung, sie agitieren und missionieren vor Ort. Auf die Veteranen von Afghanistan folgen die Wegbereiter des europäischen Dschihadismus. Sie agieren in London, aber auch in anderen Städten wie Toulouse, Ulm, Molenbeek, Kopenhagen und La Haye. Mit dem Zweiten Irakkrieg beginnt ein neuer Zeitabschnitt. Die Islamisten folgen einem klassischen Schema: Sobald sie von der dschihadistischen Front im Ausland zurückgekehrt sind, richten sie ihre Waffen gegen ihre Herkunftsgesellschaften. Der Dschihad im Irak und in Afghanistan, beides Folgeerscheinungen des „Kriegs gegen den Terror“, ersetzen die Krisen in Bosnien und Algerien aus dem vorangegangenen Jahrzehnt. Hier entwickeln sich neue Theorien des Dschihad, nach denen Europa der Schwachpunkt einer westlichen Welt ist, die es in die Knie zu zwingen gilt. Auf dem alten Kontinent beginnt mit den Attentaten von Madrid und London, dem Mord an Theo van Gogh und dem Karikaturenstreit in Dänemark eine neue Phase des Dschihadismus.

Nach einer anfänglichen Ausweitung ziehen sich die Netzwerke von Al-Qaida 2010 an ihren verschiedenen Fronten soweit zurück, so dass zahlreiche Beobachter das Ende des globalen Dschihad zu sehen glauben. Der Islamische Staat im Irak (ISI), ein lokaler Ableger von Al-Qaida und Vorläufer des IS, verschwindet im Untergrund. 2012 wird die Attentatsserie von Mohamed Merah mitten im Wahlkampf zu den französischen Präsidentschaftswahlen als bedeutungslose Einzeltat eines Verrückten abgetan. Dabei resultieren diese Attentate aus Prozessen, die mehr als zehn Jahre zuvor begonnen haben. Sie werden in islamistischen Milieus in ganz Europa Widerhall finden. Zur gleichen Zeit verstärkt sich die Krise in Syrien im Zuge der Massenaufstände in der arabischen Welt. Das Land wird zum Sammelbecken der neuen Strömungen des globalen und europäischen Dschihadismus werden.

Dokureihe, Regie: Magali Serre (F 2023, 52 Min)
Video verfügbar auf YouTube bis zum 06/03/2024

WARNUNG: Genau wie es bereits zu Beginn dieser Sendung geschrieben steht, ist das Zuschauen dieser Dokumentation weder für Kinder, Jugendliche noch empfindsame Leute geeignet. – Mark

Teil 1.

The Escalating Frequency of Quran Burnings in Sweden and Denmark Sparks Outrage in the Muslim World

Sep 4, 2023 | The burning of the Quran in Denmark and Sweden has raised security concerns both domestically and internationally for the traditionally secular Nordic nations. Denmark has recently suggested a ban on burning all sacred texts. Could this move by Copenhagen be a solution that balances the preservation of freedom of speech while also addressing security and diplomatic challenges?

That Denmark is re-introducing a form of blasphemy law to deal with these Quran burnings is as insane as it is outrageous. This will put Denmark, once a bastion of enlightened liberal values, on a fast track to the ‘New Dark Age’ I wrote of so many years ago!

It is not difficult to understand WHY the Danish government may conclude that this is the right political decision; but it is NOT. The re-introduction of ANY form of blasphemy law is WRONG. And it is wrong in so many ways and for so many reasons.

The blasphemy law in Denmark has only relatively recently been repealed. I am pretty sure that it was never, if ever, used by the Danish Christian community. But here, we are dealing with a very different community! The Muslim community will take every opportunity to use this law against any perceived transgressor. Be sure of one thing, Denmark: The Danish courts will used by Muslims to help firmly establish Islam’s hoped-for supremacy in the country.

By re-introducing a rejigged blasphemy law into the nation’s statute books, Denmark is embarking on a new journey on a very slippery and dangerous road.

This is the beginning of the end of true freedom for the Danes. – © Mark Alexander

Wednesday, September 06, 2023

Dschihad - Europas Gotteskrieger (1/3) | Doku HD | ARTE

Sep 26, 2023 | Diese Folge blickt auf die Anfänge des europäischen Dschihadismus zurück - von seiner Entstehung in den 80-er Jahren in Afghanistan über den Einmarsch der Sowjetunion in Afghanistan bis zum 11. September 2001. Dabei werden auch die Entwicklungen in den 1990-er Jahren analysiert, als die Veteranen des Afghanistankriegs in Bosnien und im algerischen Bürgerkrieg an neuen Fronten kämpften.

Der europäische Dschihadismus gewinnt während des Kriegs der Sowjetunion gegen Afghanistan (1979-1989) an Kraft. Er weitet sich aus und erreicht schließlich die französischen Vororte, die belgischen und britischen Inner Cities, das Schweizer Land und die Hochebenen des Sauerlands.

Um diese Ausbreitung zu verstehen, muss man zum Ursprung zurückblicken: In die Stadt Peshawar in Pakistan, wo die theoretischen Grundlagen für den heutigen Dschihadismus gelegt werden. Der Anführer dieser Revolution heißt Abdallah Azzam und ist kein geringerer als der Mentor von Osama bin Laden.

1989 wird die Niederlage der Sowjetunion in Afghanistan wie ein Sieg des Westens gefeiert, während in Berlin die Mauer fällt. In der unübersichtlichen Situation nach dem Kalten Krieg kommen Tausende von arabisch-afghanischen Freiwilligen, die in Peshawar von Abdallah Azzam unterrichtet wurden, nach Europa. Ihr Vorgehen wird erst nach dem 11. September 2001 Sinn ergeben.

Zahlreiche Ideologen aus der pakistanischen Stadt finden in der britischen Hauptstadt Asyl und bringen ihre Auslegung des Islam mit, ihr Weltbild und ihre operativen Mittel. In den 90er Jahren geben die später als „Ideologen von Londonistan“ bezeichneten Männer in Gesprächen mit der Polizei zahlreiche Versprechen. Zum Beispiel, dass sie „jeden Terroranschlag auf britischem Boden verhindern“ werden. Gleichzeitig intensivieren sie ihre Missionierungsarbeit und schaffen mitten in London ein vielfältiges dschihadistisches Ökosystem.

Vor dem Hintergrund der Bürgerkriege in Bosnien und Algerien kommt es in Dänemark und Belgien zu ähnlichen Entwicklungen. Die ersten Attentate im Zusammenhang mit den Terrorgruppen finden in den USA (World Trade Center, 1993) und in Frankreich (Paris, 1995) statt, führen jedoch noch nicht zu einem allgemeinen Problembewusstsein.

In dieser Zeit tritt auch Al-Qaida als globaler Akteur in Erscheinung. Mit Hilfe der Gruppen in Europa organisiert das Netzwerk die Attentate vom 11. September 2001.

Dokureihe, Regie: Magali Serre (F 2023, 52 Min)
Video verfügbar auf YouTube bis zum 06/03/2024

WARNUNG: Genau wie es bereits zu Beginn dieser Sendung geschrieben steht, ist das Zuschauen dieser Dokumentation weder für Kinder, Jugendliche noch empfindsame Leute geeignet. – Mark

Les Français sont de plus en plus à renoncer à certains besoins de base

Sep 6, 2023 | C’est ce qu’a révélé ce mercredi une étude du Secours populaire et de l’institut Ipsos. Frappés de plein fouet par l’inflation, près de trois Européens sur dix déclarent devoir renoncer à certains besoins de base, comme manger à leur faim ou chauffer leur logement.

Bangladesh: Children Hit by Global Cost of Living Crisis - BBC News

September 6, 2023 | The global cost of living crisis and the impact of the war in Ukraine on food prices has hit families around the world. None more so than in Bangladesh, which last year hiked fuel prices by 50% overnight. It led to a steep rise in the cost of basic food items like rice and vegetables.

Andrew Tate: Chats in 'War Room' Suggest Dozens of Women Groomed - BBC News

Aug 31, 2023 | The BBC has uncovered evidence that dozens of women were potentially groomed into online sex work by the influencer Andrew Tate's all-male society, the "War Room". A documentary team has spoken to whistle blowers and alleged victims. They were given exclusive access to 12,000 pages of encrypted messages, which reveal the instructions given to war room members to make women gradually submit to their control.

French President Macron Concerned about Diminished Western Influence • FRANCE 24 English

Aug 28, 2023 | In his speech to French ambassadors, President Emmanuel Macron warned that European countries, and the West in general, were in danger of decline as major powers emerged elsewhere. He said demographic developments were not in favour of Europe, and its wealth creation and share of global trade had diminished. FRANCE 24's International Affairs Commentator Douglas Herbert tells us more.

Steve Schmidt Explains How a Donald Trump vs. Joe Biden Re-match Will Play Out in 2024 | The Warning with Steve Schmidt

Sep 6, 2023 | Steve Schmidt breaks down the challenge American voters face in a 2024 election featuring a rematch between Donald Trump & Joe Biden.

Storm Daniel Batters Greece, Turkey and Bulgaria with Heavy Rain | DW News

Sep 6, 2023 | In Europe Storm Daniel has battered Greece, Turkey and Bulgaria causing landslides and further damage with the deluge. Nine people are confirmed to have died so far. The storm has dumped vast amounts of water on south-eastern Europe, with Greece recording the highest level of rainfall since at least 2006. The floods in Greece follow weeks of drought and wildfires. The government says climate change is to blame.

Articles en français liés à cette vidéo.

Iran from Above - In the Mountains | DW Documentary

Sep 17, 2023 | Iran’s mountainous terrain has always been an important part of people’s lives. Years ago, these mountains were populated by legendary horsemen. Today, they are the subject of scientific investigation.

This film provides the viewer with stunning arial views of these mountains. It unfurls the rich tapestry of Iran’s history, from the legendary Order of the Assassins to the Mongol invasions.

We also get to know Iran by meeting some of the fascinating people who live there. Take Ali, a world champion of mounted archery. Despite its waning popularity, the sport has endured in Iran due the importance of horses throughout Iranian history. We get to explore the historic Tabiz bazaar, which is still a bustling market and kaleidoscope of cultures today. There, we meet Dschebrael, a stall owner who speaks Azeri, the official language of Azerbaijan. In fact, Azeri can be heard throughout the market, which serves as a meeting place for Iran’s many ethnic groups, and thus as a microcosm of the country’s cultural diversity.

The film introduces us to beekeepers and violinmakers, as well as young people living in Iran who want to travel and express themselves freely on social media -- even though it is forbidden.

Bread, Water and Peanut Butter: Sam Bankman-Fried’s Life in Jail

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Mr. Bankman-Fried, founder of the failed cryptocurrency exchange FTX, has protested his conditions at Brooklyn’s Metropolitan Detention Center as he awaits trial on fraud charges.

Sam Bankman-Fried has spent nearly a month at the Metropolitan Detention Center, a jail in Brooklyn, since a judge revoked his bail in August. | Hiroko Masuike/The New York Times

A diet of bread, water and peanut butter. A laptop with no internet connection. And intermittent access to millions of pages of digital evidence.

Sam Bankman-Fried, the 31-year-old cryptocurrency mogul, has spent nearly a month at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn since a federal judge revoked his bail in August. As Mr. Bankman-Fried prepares for a fraud trial next month over the collapse of his crypto exchange, FTX, his lawyers have offered a picture of the conditions he has faced at the jail — a far cry from the Bahamas penthouse he once shared with other billionaire executives.

In a series of court filings, Mr. Bankman-Fried’s lawyers have raised issues such as the disruption to his vegan diet in jail, as well as his dwindling supplies of prescribed medication like Adderall, which treats A.D.H.D. They have also said he has not been getting enough access to the internet to prepare for his trial and should be released.

On Tuesday, those lawyers and the prosecutors bringing the case continued to argue in letters to the judge over whether enough accommodations have been made so that Mr. Bankman-Fried has access to a laptop and consistent internet service to review materials for trial. They did not reach a resolution, leaving it for the judge to decide. » | David Yaffe-Bellany and Matthew Goldstein | Tuessday, September 5, 2023

Being Gay in Brazil vs Being Gay in Sweden

Feb 24, 2021 | First published in August, 2020. | Thiago is originally from the north of Brazil, but has been living in Sweden with his husband for the past 2.5 years. In this video, he discusses the differences between being gay in Brazil and neing gay in Sweden.