Friday, January 06, 2023

Prince Harry Saw ‘Red Mist’ in William during Brother’s Alleged Attack

A screenshot taken from the Guardian today.

THE GUARDIAN: Duke of Sussex recounts altercation with brother, saying ‘he wanted me to hit him back, but I chose not to’

Prince Harry has said he saw “the red mist” in his brother, Prince William, when his older sibling allegedly attacked him during a confrontation over the younger duke’s relationship with Meghan Markle.

In a newly released clip from ITV’s forthcoming interview with Harry, the Duke of Sussex said his brother, William, was so frustrated during the 2019 incident he saw “the red mist in him”.

“He wanted me to hit him back, but I chose not to,” he says of his brother, who he earlier claimed in his book had physically attacked him – as was first reported by the Guardian.

The book’s revelations are spread across front pages of almost every national newspaper in the UK and are likely to reduce the possibility of a reconciliation between the Sussexes and the rest of the British royal family. (With video) » | Jamie Grierson | Friday, January 6, 2023

Accountability, Apologies Are ‘Unfinished Business’ for Prince Harry: Royal Expert l ABCNL

Jan 6, 2023 | ABC News’ Linsey Davis spoke to ABC News royal contributor Omid Scobie about the latest infighting between Prince Harry and Prince William ahead of the release of Harry’s memoir "Spare." | ABC News Live Prime, Weekdays at 7EST & 9EST

Thursday, January 05, 2023

Dispute avec William, cocaïne, Afghanistan… Dans ses Mémoires, un prince Harry sans filtre

LE MONDE : Des extraits des Mémoires du prince Harry, dont la publication est prévue pour le 10 janvier, ont fait sensation au Royaume-Uni, un mois après la diffusion du documentaire de Netflix sur son couple. Le palais de Buckingham est resté silencieux.

Les princes William et Harry lors des funérailles de leur grand-mère, la reine Elizabeth II, à Windsor, le 10 septembre 2022. MARTIN MEISSNER / AP

A quelques jours de la publication des Mémoires du prince Harry, de premiers extraits faisaient déjà sensation jeudi 5 janvier. Le fils du roi Charles III et de Diana Spencer y fait le récit, entre autres, d’une violente altercation avec son frère William, de sa consommation de cocaïne et de son opposition au remariage de son père.

Ces révélations accablantes pour la monarchie britannique ont fuité un mois après la diffusion du documentaire de Netflix sur Harry et son épouse, Meghan Markle, sans allégation fracassante, et cinq jours avant la publication de ce livre intitulé Le Suppléant, prévue pour le 10 janvier. Plusieurs médias ont obtenu une copie de l’ouvrage, en particulier lorsque des librairies espagnoles l’ont mis en vente par erreur. » | Le Monde avec AFP | jeudi 5 janvier 2023


Ukraine War: Kyiv Rejects Putin's 'Trivial' Christmas Truce


BBC: Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered his defence minister to impose a 36-hour ceasefire on the Ukrainian frontline, beginning on Friday.

The ceasefire, scheduled to start at 12:00 Moscow time (09:00 GMT), will coincide with the Russian Orthodox Christmas.

Mr Putin asked Ukraine to reciprocate, but Kyiv quickly rejected the request.

Ukraine's foreign minister has said the announcement "cannot and should not be taken seriously".

The Kremlin statement appeared to stress that President Putin ordered his troops to stop fighting not because he was de-escalating - Putin never de-escalates - but because he had listened to an appeal from the head of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Patriarch Kirill had, earlier in the day, called for a Christmas truce to allow believers to attend church services for Orthodox Christmas. » | Will Vernon in Moscow & Samuel Horti in London, BBC News | Thursday, January 5, 2023

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — January 5, 2023

La Californie, touchée par une « bombe cyclonique », se prépare au pire

LE MONDE : Inondations, glissements de terrain, coupures de courant et même pertes de vies humaines : l’Etat de l’Ouest des Etats-Unis, qui fait face à des vents puissants et de fortes pluies, envisage tous les scénarios.

Alerte sur la Californie. Des vents violents et des pluies torrentielles pouvant causer de fortes inondations s’abattent depuis mercredi 4 janvier sur plusieurs régions de cet immense Etat de l’ouest américain, où les sols sont déjà saturés d’eau à cause de tempêtes récentes.

Le centre et le nord du Golden State, notamment autour de San Francisco et de la capitale de l’Etat, Sacramento, sont le plus en danger. Les autorités ont lancé de multiples alertes et ont prévenu que cette tempête était capable de faire des morts. » | Le Monde avec AP et AFP | jeudi 5 janvier 2023

From the BBC :

Evacuations ordered in California as massive storm slams into coast: Evacuation orders and advisories are in place in parts of northern California as a major storm slams into the coast. »

Trauerfeier für früheren Papst Benedikt XVI.

Jan 5, 2023 | In Rom hat die katholische Kirche mit einem Requiem Abschied vom emeritierten Papst Benedikt XVI. genommen. Sein Nachfolger, Papst Franziskus, leitete die Trauermesse auf dem Petersplatz. Zahlreiche Kardinäle und Bischöfe, Staats- und Regierungschefs aus aller Welt - unter ihnen Bundespräsident Steinmeier und Bundeskanzler Scholz - sowie Zehntausende Gläubige wohnten den Feierlichkeiten bei. In der Krypta des Petersdoms hat Benedikt XVI. seine letzte Ruhestätte.


Prince Harry Will Not Say If He Will Attend Coronation

Read the BBC article here.

Related article here.

Prince Harry: One unanswered claim at the heart of his story: Forget, for one moment, the allegation of a physical attack by his brother reportedly set out in Prince Harry's upcoming memoir Spare. Put to one side claims of shouting matches and William criticising Harry's new wife. »

Prince Harry says woman with ‘powers’ relayed message from Diana: Exclusive: Harry writes in autobiography Spare of being told he was ‘living the life she couldn’t … the life she wanted for you’ »

Prince Harry makes series of sensational claims in new memoir: A stream of sensational claims and accusations from Prince Harry's highly anticipated autobiography, Spare, have been leaked. »

„Auf seinen Schultern die ermüdende Last“

Während der Trauermesse: Blick auf den Petersplatz im Vatikan | Bild: DPA


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Zehntausende haben in einem Trauergottesdienst Abschied von Benedikt XVI. genommen. Papst Franziskus hielt die Predigt. Immer wieder brandete Beifall auf. Eindrücke vom Petersplatz.

Lange hielt sich am Donnerstagmorgen der Nebel über dem Petersplatz. Nach frühlingshaften Temperaturen seit Ende des Jahres 2022 war es zur Wochenmitte kühl geworden. Die vielen Obdachlosen, die um den Petersdom und entlang der Via della Conciliazione gewissermaßen Hausrecht genießen, hatten sich für die Nacht mit zusätzlichen Schichten Pappkarton zugedeckt. Das Areal um den Petersdom war von den Sicherheitskräften zur Vorbereitung auf das Requiem für den emeritierten Papst Benedikt XVI. weiträumig abgesperrt, geparkte Autos waren abgeschleppt worden.

Die ersten Pilger und Trauergäste hatten sich schon am frühen Morgen eingefunden. Zu ihnen zählte eine Gruppe junger Priester und Seminaristen aus Nigeria, die zum Studium an der Päpstlichen Universität Gregoriana in Rom sind. Sie fröstelten sichtlich, bezeichneten sich aber als „gesegnet“, dass Gott sie gerade zu diesen Zeiten in die Ewige Stadt geschickt habe. „Es ist ein Augenblick der Trauer und des Gebets für die Kirche“, sagte Pater Henry, Doktorand an der Gregoriana. „Aber es ist auch ein Augenblick der Hoffnung. Eine Epoche endet und eine neue beginnt. Alles zur Ehre Gottes in der Höhe.“ » | Von Matthias Rüb, Rom | Donnerstag, 5. Januar 2023

Lire l'article suivant en français :

Mort de Benoît XVI : le pape François a présidé les funérailles de son prédécesseur au Vatican : Le cercueil de Benoît XVI, qui a quitté la place Saint-Pierre sous les applaudissements des fidèles, doit être inhumé dans la crypte où reposait le prédécesseur du pontife allemand, Jean Paul II. »

Read this BBC article on the solemn burial of Pope Benedict XVI:

Pope praises 'wise, tender' Benedict at solemn burial: Pope Francis has joined pilgrims in St Peter's Square to preside over the funeral of his predecessor, who resigned from the papacy in 2013. »

Prince Harry Details Physical Attack by Brother William in New Book

THE GUARDIAN: Exclusive: Harry writes in new autobiography Spare that William ‘knocked me to the floor’ during confrontation in London in 2019

Harry and William in London in September, following the death of the Queen. The Guardian obtained a copy of Harry’s autobiography. Photograph: Reuters

In his highly anticipated autobiography, Spare, Prince Harry recounts what he says was a physical attack by his brother, William, now Prince of Wales, as their relationship fell apart over the younger prince’s marriage to the actor Meghan Markle.

Describing a confrontation at his London home in 2019, Harry says William called Meghan “difficult”, “rude” and “abrasive”, which Harry calls a “parrot[ing of] the press narrative” about his American wife.

The confrontation escalated, Harry writes, until William “grabbed me by the collar, ripping my necklace, and … knocked me to the floor”.

The extraordinary scene, which Harry says resulted in visible injury to his back, is one of many in Spare, which will be published worldwide next week and is likely to spark a serious furore for the British royal family.

Amid stringent pre-launch security around the book, the Guardian obtained a copy. » | Martin Pengelly in New York | Thursday, January 5, 2023

Prince Harry defends decision to detail his relations with royal family in memoir: ‘I don’t know how staying silent is ever going to make things better,’ Duke of Sussex tells interviewer »

Iran Warns France over ‘Insulting’ Cartoons Depicting Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei

THE GUARDIAN: Publication by French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo ‘will not go without effective response’, says Tehran foreign minister

Ayatollah Khameni, Iran’s supreme leader, pictured in May 2021. Photograph: Zuma/Rex/Shutterstock

Iran has summoned the French ambassador over publication of caricatures of the country’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, in the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.

The weekly magazine published dozens of cartoons ridiculing the highest religious and political figure in the Islamic republic as part of a competition it launched in December in support of the protest movement that began in Iran last September.

Later on Wednesday, Iran’s foreign ministry said it had summoned the French ambassador, Nicolas Roche.

“France has no right to insult the sanctities of other Muslim countries and nations under the pretext of freedom of expression,” said a foreign ministry spokesperson, Nasser Kanani. “Iran is waiting for the French government’s explanation and compensatory action in condemning the unacceptable behaviour of the French publication.”

The foreign minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, tweeted: “The insulting and indecent act of a French publication in publishing cartoons against the religious and political authority will not go without an effective and decisive response.” » | AFP in Paris | Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Lire l'article suivant en français :

L’Iran ferme un institut français après la publication par « Charlie Hebdo » de caricatures : Pour son numéro spécial « 7 janvier », date anniversaire de l’attentat contre « Charlie Hebdo » en 2015, l’hebdomadaire satirique a choisi de soutenir les Iraniennes et les Iraniens et d’infliger une « raclée aux mollahs », selon les termes de la « une ». »

Wednesday, January 04, 2023

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — January 4, 2023

World Over: Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger | An Interview Special with Raymond Arroyo

Feb 22, 2013 | An encore of Raymond Arroyo's 2003 landmark interview with the man who would become Pope Benedict XVI - Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger. The World Over exclusive is the only extended English language interview ever given by the future pope.

Pope Benedict XVI – Childhood

Jan 4, 2023 | Discover how was the childhood of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI and how important was his family in his decision to become a priest.

Tuesday, January 03, 2023

Späte Liebe – Verlieben im Alter | Doku | SRF Dok

Jan 18, 2019 | Geschieden oder verwitwet, angekommen im dritten Lebensabschnitt und alleine. Einen neuen Partner in sein Leben zu lassen ist aber nicht einfach – gerade ab einem gewissen Alter. Was, wenn man sich dann nochmals leidenschaftlich verliebt? Ein hoffnungsvoller Film über Schmetterlinge im Bauch, wenn man sie gar nicht mehr erwartet.

Die 78-jährige Yvonne hat ihr Doppelbett längst verkauft und sich gut im Leben eingerichtet, ohne einen Partner. Als sich ihre Jugendliebe Peter nach 59 Jahren unerwartet wieder meldet ist es, als ob ein Blitz eingeschlagen hätte. Die beiden sind seit zwei Jahren total verliebt.

Oder Felix und Marta. Die beiden haben erst vor vier Jahren geheiratet. Sie ist heute 91 und er 85. Ihr Rezept: «Wir schränken uns gegenseitig nicht ein».

Franz hingegen hatte es schon fast aufgegeben sich nochmals auf eine Beziehung einzulassen. Aber dann traf er sich doch mit der letzten Kandidatin, die sich auf sein Inserat gemeldet hatte. Und die Liebe hat nochmals Platz genommen, wie er es formuliert.

Es werde nicht einfacher, im Alter eine Partnerin zu finden, sagt der 80-jährige Hans. Aber es sei immer noch genauso ein Bedürfnis, das Leben und Sexualität zu teilen. Er besucht jeden Tanznachmittag, und bei seinem Alter muss er schummeln, damit die Frauen nicht gleich erschrecken.

Ein Film von Andrea Pfalzgraf

Margaret Thatcher on Rising to Power, and Resigning from It

Dec 12, 2013 | Following her memoirs The Path to Power, Stina meet Margaret Thatcher, the previous UK Prime Minister, and also one of the toughest people she met. The 'Iron Lady' is a nickname she definitely lived up to. Baroness Thatcher talks about her background, growing up in Grantham and how the constant interaction with people in her father's store shaped her future political aspiration.

She touches on her relationship with her husband, her role as a woman in world politics, the Falkland Islands war, socialism, the war in Yugoslavia, nuclear weapons and leaving office after resigning. And how did she react when Stina asked her jump?

Monday, January 02, 2023

Julio Iglesias: My Love (Duet with Stevie Wonder) | Reupload

Jan 3, 2017 | Provided to YouTube by Columbia

Prince Harry Tells 60 Minutes about His Decision to Speak Publicly | 60 Minutes

Jan 2, 2023 | Prince Harry tells Anderson Cooper he was the target of press leaks after private conversations with members of the Royal Family.

Read the Guardian article on this story here.

Prince Harry: 'I want my father and brother back': Prince Harry has said "I would like to get my father back, I would like to have my brother back," in a trailer for an interview ahead of the release of his autobiography. »

Martina Navratilova Diagnosed with Early-stage Throat and Breast Cancers

THE GUARDIAN: Former world No 1 will start treatment this month / ‘It’s going to stink for a while but I will fight with all I have got’

Martina Navratilova has been diagnosed with throat and breast cancers. The former world No 1 previously underwent treatment for early-stage breast cancer in 2010.

Navratilova, 66, said: “This double whammy is serious but still fixable, and I’m hoping for a favourable outcome. It’s going to stink for a while but I will fight with all I have got.”

Navratilova, winner of 59 grand slam singles and doubles titles, will not travel to this month’s Australian Open, where she was intending to work as a TV pundit, but a statement from her representative described the prognosis as “good”. » | PA Media | Monday, January 2, 2023

Thousands Line Up to Pay Their Respects to Pope Benedict XVI

Jan 2, 2023 | Thousands of people have been queuing to pay their last respects to the late Pope Benedict XVI, whose remains are lying in state at St Peter's Basilica in the Vatican.

A Chance to Say Goodbye to Benedict Draws Tens of Thousands: The pope emeritus is lying in state in St. Peter’s Basilica, where more than 40,000 mourners, including Roman Catholic faithful and tourists, had paid last respects by Monday afternoon. »

Benedict XVI Lies in State in St. Peter’s Basilica: Thousands of the Roman Catholic faithful and tourists lined up to pay their respects to Benedict XVI, the pope emeritus. »

Dubai Scraps 30% Alcohol Tax and Licence Fee in Apparent Bid to Boost Tourism


BBC: Dubai has scrapped its 30% alcohol tax in an apparent bid to boost tourism.

It will also stop charging for personal alcohol licences - something residents who want to drink at home must have.

Dubai has been relaxing laws for some time, allowing the sale of alcohol in daylight during Ramadan and approving home delivery during the pandemic.

This latest move is thought to be an attempt to make the city more attractive to foreigners, in the face of competition from neighbours.

The two companies which distribute alcohol in Dubai, Maritime and Mercantile International (MMI), and African & Eastern, said they would reflect the cut in tax for consumers. » | Elsa Maishman, BBC News | Monday, January 2, 2023

Sunday, January 01, 2023

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI Death - Exclusive Interview with Msgr. Georg Gänswein

Dec 31, 2022 | In this exclusive interview with Archbishop Georg Gänswein, Pope Benedict XVI’s personal secretary, EWTN Vatican Bureau Chief, Andreas Thonhauser, sat down with the archbishop for a wide-ranging conversation covering the key moments of Benedict XVI’s papacy from curial reforms, to the “dictatorship of relativism”, abuse cases, the late pontiff’s impressive literary body of work, and what he believes will be Benedict XVI’s legacy.

Croatia Adopts Euro, Joins Schengen: What Are the Pros and Cons? | DW News

Jan 1, 2023 | Croatia has dropped its currency the kuna to adopt the European common currency, the euro. The Balkan nation becomes the 20th member of the eurozone. Croatia had to meet strict economic conditions to join. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen traveled to Zagreb to mark the occasion. Croatia also became the 27th member of the passport-free Schengen zone, which allows more than 400 million people to move freely through its borders.

Republican Says He ‘Fears for the Future’ If Trump Is Not Charged over Jan 6 Riot

THE GUARDIAN: Adam Kinzinger said in an interview the former president should be charged with conspiracy over the insurrection

‘The Republican party is not the future of this country unless it corrects,’ said Adam Kinzinger, a Republican congressman. Photograph: REX/Shutterstock

Republican congressman Adam Kinzinger said in an interview on Sunday that he believes the Department of Justice “will do the right thing” and bring criminal charges against Donald Trump for his role in the attack on the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.

“I think he will be charged, and I frankly think he should be,” Kinzinger told CNN’s State of Union political talk show on Sunday morning. » | Edward Helmore in New York | Sunday, January 1, 2023

Trauer um Benedikt XVI. | ZDF spezial

Dec 31, 2022 | Der frühere Papst Benedikt XVI. ist tot. Er starb mit 95 Jahren im Kloster Mater Ecclesiae im Vatikan. Sein Gesundheitszustand hatte sich zuletzt stark verschlechtert.

Unterdessen haben die Vorbereitungen für die Trauerfeierlichkeiten begonnen. Laut Plänen des Vatikans soll Papst Franziskus am Donnerstagmorgen um 9:30 Uhr die Totenmesse für seinen Vorgänger auf dem Petersplatz halten. Rund 60.000 Teilnehmende werden erwartet. Benedikt XVI. soll zuvor ab Montag drei Tage lang im Petersdom aufgebahrt werden, damit die Gläubigen von ihm Abschied nehmen können.

Das "ZDF spezial", moderiert von Andreas Klinner, blickt zurück auf das Leben von Papst Benedikt und beleuchtet auch seine widersprüchliche Rolle bei der Aufarbeitung von Missbrauch in der katholischen Kirche.

Whitney Houston : I Wanna Dance with Somebody (Who Loves Me) | Official Lyric Video

Saturday, December 31, 2022

Happy New Year, Honey! | Reupload

Frohes Neues Jahr, Schatz! / Bonne année mon chéri !

Many thanks to Daily Mail for this most delightful of photos.

Michael Jackson - Who Is It | Official Video | Reupload

Oct 28, 2016 | Views on YouTube: 99,225,492

Mort de Benoît XVI : le pape François rend hommage à son « noble » prédécesseur

LE MONDE : Quelques heures après l’annonce de la mort du pape émérite, son successeur lui a rendu hommage, samedi 31 décembre. Il a salué « ses sacrifices » faits pour l’Eglise.

Le pape Benoît XVI, premier à avoir quitté ses fonctions depuis quelque sept cents ans, est mort samedi 31 décembre 2022. Il avait 95 ans. Son successeur, le pape François, appelait depuis plusieurs jours à la prière, au vu de la « détérioration » de la santé du pape émérite. Après l’annonce de la mort de Benoît XVI, François lui a rendu hommage lors d’une messe célébrée en la cathédrale Saint-Pierre. Lisez la suite et regardez la vidéo » | Par Service vidéo du Monde (avec Reuters) | samedi 31 décembre 2022

German Chancellor Scholz Urges Unity in New Year's Eve Address | [Neujahrsansprache von Scholz] | DW News | Auf Deutsch

Dec 31, 2022 | In his New Year's message, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said Russia's war on Ukraine is a "tough test for us and our country." He praised the public's efforts amid an unprecedented energy crisis and said Germany would not be blackmailed.

Happy New Year to All!

Bonne année à tous ! / Frohes Neues Jahr an alle! / Blwyddyn Newydd Dda i bawb !

Many thanks to Michelle Gentile for this lovely image.

Whitney Houston with Enrique Iglesias : Could I Have This Kiss Forever | Official HD Video | Reupload

Benedikt XVI. gestorben | Joseph Ratzinger ist tot

Papst Benedikt XVI. ist tot: So verbrachte Ratzinger den "Ruhestand"

Dec 31, 2022 | Der frühere Papst Benedikt XVI. ist tot. Wie der Vatikan mitteilte, starb er im Alter von 95 Jahren. In den vergangenen Tagen hatte sich der Gesundheitszustand des emeritierten Kirchenoberhauptes deutlich verschlechtert.

Der erste Papst aus Deutschland seit rund 500 Jahren: Mit seiner Wahl 2005 wurde aus Kardinal Joseph Ratzinger Papst Benedikt XVI. Auch sein Rücktritt 2013 war historisch.

Benedikt XVI. im Alter von 95 Jahren gestorben - ein Rückblick

Dec 31, 2022 | Der emeritierte deutsche Papst Benedikt XVI. ist im Alter von 95 Jahren gestorben. Sein Gesundheitszustand hatte sich in den vergangenen Tagen deutlich verschlechtert.

"In Trauer teile ich Ihnen mit, dass der emeritierte Papst Benedikt XVI. heute um 09.34 Uhr im Kloster Mater Ecclesiae im Vatikan verstorben ist", heißt es in einer veröffentlichten Erklärung des Vatikan-Sprechers.

Benedikt, der mit bürgerlichem Namen Joseph Ratzinger hieß, hatte zuletzt relativ abgeschieden in dem früheren Kloster in den Vatikanischen Gärten gelebt. Er war von 2005 bis 2013 Oberhaupt der katholischen Kirche.

US News Anchor Barbara Walters Dies Aged 93 – BBC News

Dec 31, 2022 | US TV broadcaster Barbara Walters has died aged 93, after a career spanning half a century. She became the first US female network news anchor when she joined ABC News in 1976, and is widely regarded as a trailblazer for women in television and journalism. During her career she interviewed a long list of world leaders including Margaret Thatcher, Vladimir Putin, Fidel Castro and every US President from Richard Nixon to Donald Trump. "I have been blessed with a life I never expected," Walters said back in 2000 as she received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences.

Former Pope Benedict XVI Dies Aged 95 - BBC News

Dec 31, 2022 | Former Pope Benedict XVI has died at his Vatican residence, aged 95, almost a decade after he stood down. He led the Catholic Church for less than eight years until, in 2013, he became the first Pope to resign due to ailing health since Gregory XII in 1415. For much of his papacy, the Catholic Church faced allegations, legal claims and official reports into decades of child abuse by priests. Earlier this year the former Pope acknowledged that errors had been made in the handling of abuse cases while he was archbishop of Munich between 1977 and 1982.

Surely Some of the Worst UK Politicians Ever?

Dec 31, 2022 | The worst UK politicians of 2022 , a year which has been one of chaos, confusion, incompetence and corruption within the British government. Three prime ministers, four chancellors, a disastrous financial statement by Kwasi Kwarteng on behalf of Liz Truss. The UK economy is failing not least as a result of Brexit despite both Rishi Sunak and Kier Starmer both saying they will make it a success.

In this video we announce winners, runners up and third places for six categories, The worst politician of the year, the stupidest MP, the worst bully, the 'Silly Billy' award for saying or doing something that is likely to be regretted, an award for helping with contracts to supply PPE and the most ridiculous MP of the year.

The German Pope - Benedict XVI | DW Documentary

Dec 31, 2022 | In memoriam Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI

On 19 April 2005 Joseph Ratzinger was elected head of the Roman Catholic Church. He took the name Benedict XVI. Critics saw him as the embodiment of emotionless dogma; supporters viewed him as guardian of the true faith.

Benedict XVI. was the first German Pope for almost 500 years and only the second Pope in the history of the Roman Catholic Church to resign voluntarily. Even as a young theologian, Ratzinger, born on 16 April 1927 in the Bavarian village of Marktl am Inn, soon carved out a reputation as an outstanding scholar. He initially espoused progressive positions within the church and during the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), tackled the matter of how the life of the church might be directed in the 20th century and beyond.

But at the latest in 1981, when Pope John Paul II. appointed him head of the Catholic Church’s spiritual watchdog, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, he began to see himself as guardian of the church’s treasury of faith. As Pope, he denounced the ‘Marxist tendencies’ of the teachings of liberation theology in Latin America and Asia. He demanded the strict separation of church and politics. As pontifex maximus, he saw himself as less of a bridge-builder and more of a guardian of the truth. Time and time again, Pope Benedict XVI. had to respond in the name of the Catholic Church to allegations of abuse leveled at Catholic clergy. During the concluding mass of the International Year for Priests at the Vatican, the Pope issued a public apology. He remained in his post at the helm of the Holy See for eight years. But then, in the year 2013, he suddenly tendered his resignation. He felt his strengths were dwindling and "no longer suited to an adequate exercise of the Petrine ministry”. The abdication of Benedict XVI. was the first voluntary resignation of a Pope for more than 700 years. But even in the wake of his retirement, he was haunted by the scandalous conduct of Catholic clerics. An independent report concluded that during his tenure as the Archbishop of Munich, Benedict had known about allegations of sexual misconduct against pastors in his diocese.

This documentary looks at the background to this event, which was highly significant in terms of both world and church politics and gives an insight into the life of the former theology professor, bishop and head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

[This documentary was originally released in 2013 and has since been updated.]

Former Pope Benedict XVI Dies Aged 95

THE GUARDIAN: German predecessor to Pope Francis became first pontiff to step down as head of Catholic church in 600 years

Pope Benedict XVI leads the Ash Wednesday service at the St. Peter’s Basilica on February 13, 2013. Photograph: Franco Origlia/Getty Images

Pope Benedict XVI, who served as leader of the Catholic church from 2005 until his resignation in 2013, has died aged 95, the Vatican has announced.

A statement from Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni said: “With sorrow, I inform you that Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI passed away today at 9.34 in the Mater Ecclesiae Monastery in the Vatican. Further information will be provided as soon as possible.”

His death comes after Pope Francis announced during his weekly audience on 28 December that Benedict was “very sick”.

Benedict’s death brings to a close an unprecedented period in recent history where two popes have co-existed, a situation that has caused tensions within rival camps in the Vatican. It paves the way for his successor, Pope Francis, to consider whether to follow Benedict by retiring at some point – impossible while the outcome would have been three popes.

Benedict, born Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger in Germany in 1927, was a deeply conservative pontiff, whose tenure was overshadowed by sex abuse scandals in the church. He retired leaving a chequered reputation after a papacy that was at times divisive. » | Harriet Sherwood Religion correspondent | Saturday, December 31, 2022

Bee Gees


Friday, December 30, 2022

Donald Trump's Tax Returns Released after Years-long Effort – BBC News

Dec 30, 2022 | Former US President Donald Trump's tax returns have been released, ending a bitter six-year long battle to gain greater insights into his finances. The returns stretch from 2015 through 2020, covering Mr Trump's candidacy and time in the White House. They give details of various entities through which he would have paid tax, including holdings companies and personal income. Responding to the release, Mr Trump's camp warned that the disclosure would lead to the US political divide becoming "far worse".

Related here

Has the War in Ukraine Changed Russia? - BBC News

Dec 30, 2022 | As Russia prepares for the New Year holidays, the BBC's Russia Editor Steve Rosenberg takes to the streets of Moscow to see how the invasion of Ukraine has changed Russia in 2022 and to consider where the world’s biggest country is heading.

Trumps Tax Records over 6 Years Released by US House Committee | DW News

Dec 30, 2022 | The Democratic-controlled House Ways and Means Committee voted earlier to release Trump's tax records from 2015 to 2020. Trump was the first presidential candidate in decades who refused to release his tax records. The Republicans are about to take control of the House of Representatives.

We all know just who and what Trump is. This just proves it. – © Mark Alexander

Exiled Chief Rabbi Says Jews Should lLave Russia While They Can

THE GUARDIAN: Exclusive: Pinchas Goldschmidt warns Jewish population will be made scapegoat for hardship caused by war

Pinchas Goldschmidt also said that while Russia’s Jews faced an uncertain future, antisemitism was on the rise across Europe and the US. Photograph: Matthias Schräder/AP

Moscow’s exiled chief rabbi says Jews should leave Russia while they still can, before they are made scapegoats for the hardship caused by the war in Ukraine.

“When we look back over Russian history, whenever the political system was in danger you saw the government trying to redirect the anger and discontent of the masses towards the Jewish community,” Pinchas Goldschmidt told the Guardian. “We saw this in tsarist times and at the end of the Stalinist regime.”

“We’re seeing rising antisemitism while Russia is going back to a new kind of Soviet Union, and step by step the iron curtain is coming down again. This is why I believe the best option for Russian Jews is to leave,” he added.

Goldschmidt resigned from his post and left Russia in July after refusing to back the Russian invasion of Ukraine. » | Stephen Burgen in Barcelona | Friday, December 30, 2022

Hungry Man Kitchen: This Moroccan Soup Is the Ultimate Comfort Food, Harira

Dec 30, 2022| Although harira is a famous Moroccan soup associated Ramadan dish, it's also perfect year-round, especially for cold winters. It's one of the most comforting soups with lots of background flavors and great aroma.

For a full list of the ingredients used in this recipe and the method of preparation, please click here and then click on “show more”.

Hungry Man Kitchen can be supported on Patreon here.

How Neoliberalism Threatens Democracy

May 25, 2016 | Neoliberalism, warns Professor Wendy Brown, has created a form of reasoning in which human beings are reduced to their economic value and activity, and in which all fields of human activity are treated as markets and institutions, including the state, are increasingly run as if they were corporations. This logic is even applied to activities with no connection to wealth creation, such as education, dating, or physical exercise, which are increasingly governed according to market rules. People are treated in this schema, as units of human capital who must constantly tend to their own present and future value.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — December 30, 2022

Thursday, December 29, 2022

Vivienne Westwood: Pioneering Fashion Designer Dies Aged 81


BBC: British fashion designer Dame Vivienne Westwood has died aged 81.

In a statement on Twitter, her fashion house said she died "peacefully and surrounded" by her family in Clapham, south London.

Westwood made her name with her controversial punk and new wave styles in the 1970s and went on to dress some of the biggest names in fashion.

Her husband and creative partner Andreas Kronthaler said: "I will continue with Vivienne in my heart.

"We have been working until the end and she has given me plenty of things to get on with." » | Andre Rhoden-Paul, BBC News | Thursday, December 29, 2022


Dame Vivienne Westwood obituary: Fashion designer who from punk origins created an international brand with a dissident edge »

Pelé - Brazil's Football Legend Has Died - BBC News

Dec 29, 2022 | Pelé, widely regarded as the greatest football player of all time, has died. He was 82 and had been suffering from cancer. He scored a world record 1,281 goals in 1,363 appearances during a 21-year career, including 77 goals in 92 matches for his country. He’s the only player to win the World Cup three times, lifting the trophy in 1958, 1962 and 1970.

Democracy Now! Iran Protests Pass 100 Days as Demonstrators Facing Crackdown Request International Solidarity

Dec 29, 2022 | Anti-government protests in Iran, launched in September following the death of Iranian Kurdish woman Mahsa Amini in the custody of Iran's morality police, have passed their 100th day, even as demonstrators have been met with widespread arrests, brutal violence by police and executions. The Human Rights Activists News Agency reports thousands of protesters have been arrested and more than 500 protesters have been killed so far, including 69 children. At least 26 more demonstrators are facing execution. As calls grow for the United States and the international community to respond to Iran's brutal crackdown, President Biden has hinted attempts to restore the Iran nuclear deal may be dead. We're joined by Hadi Ghaemi, executive director and founder of the Center for Human Rights in Iran, and Nahid Siamdoust, a former journalist who is now Middle East and media studies professor at the University of Texas at Austin.

Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey : When You Believe | Official HD Video | Reupload

May 10, 2014 | Official HD Video for ”When You Believe” by Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey | Views on YouTube: 420,745,338

Il est venu. Il a embrassé. Il a conquis.

Er ist gekommen. Er hat geküsst. Er hat erobert. / He came. He kissed. He conquered.

Merci à musingisms sur Pinterest pour cette belle et intéressante photo.

Vatikan: Zustand Benedikts „ernst, aber stabil“

Der emeritierte Papst Benedikt XVI. am 22. Juni 2020 in München mit seinem Privatsekretär Georg Gänswein (links) | Bild: DPA


FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: „Der emeritierte Papst konnte sich letzte Nacht gut erholen, er ist absolut klar und wach“, teilt Vatikansprecher Matteo Bruni mit. Der Vatikan plant einen Gottesdienst für den schwerkranken früheren Papst.

Benedikt XVI. geht es nach Auskunft des Vatikans den Umständen entsprechend gut. „Der emeritierte Papst konnte sich letzte Nacht gut erholen, er ist absolut klar und wach, und heute ist sein Zustand zwar weiterhin ernst, aber stabil“, teilte Matteo Bruni, der Sprecher des Heiligen Stuhls, am Donnerstag mit. Papst Franziskus lade die Gläubigen aber weiterhin ein, für den 95 Jahre alten Deutschen zu beten „in diesen schweren Stunden“, wie es hieß.

Der Vatikan plant am Freitag in der römischen Lateranbasilika einen Gottesdienst für den schwerkranken emeritierten Papst. Geleitet wird die Messe um 17.30 Uhr von Guerino Di Tora, emeritierter Weihbischof in Rom und Erzpriester der Basilika, wie der Vatikan mitteilte. Der amtierende Papst Franziskus wird nicht anwesend sein. » | Quelle: dpa/KNA/alri. | Donnerstag, 29. Dezember 2022


Ex-Pope Benedict is lucid and alert – Vatican: Ex-Pope Benedict XVI is "lucid and alert" but still in a serious but stable condition, the Vatican has said. »

Ex-Pope Benedict's failing health presents difficult decisions for Vatican: The Catholic Church has strict protocols in place following the death of its leader, but as ex-Pope Benedict's health wanes it is unclear whether those same protocols will apply to a retired pope, known as Emeritus »


Former Pope Benedict XVI Is ‘Very Ill,’ Francis Says: Francis called on the faithful to offer up support for his 95-year-old predecessor as the Vatican said that the retired pope’s health had deteriorated in recent hours. »

Israel’s Hardline New Government Takes Office – BBC News

Dec 29, 2022 | The most religious and hard-line government in Israel's history has been sworn in. Benjamin Netanyahu returns as prime minister, after his Likud party formed a coalition with ultranationalist and ultra-Orthodox Jewish allies. There is domestic and international concern that it will inflame the conflict with the Palestinians, damage the judiciary, and restrict minority rights. Addressing a special session of the Knesset (parliament) in Jerusalem Mr Netanyahu has promised to pursue peace and safeguard civil rights. Hundreds of protesters gathered in front of the Knesset ahead of the swearing-in ceremony.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — December 29, 2022

Werden wir immer dümmer? | 42 - Die Antwort auf fast alles | ARTE

May 27, 2022 | Lange Zeit schien klar: Die Menschheit wird immer klüger. Medizin, Technik, Architektur – auf allen Gebieten entwickelten wir uns unaufhaltsam weiter. Die Intelligenzforschung bestätigte das, die IQs stiegen von Generation zu Generation. Doch vor einigen Jahren stoppte dieser Höhenflug. Woran liegt das? …

Russia Launches Large-scale Missile Attack on Ukraine | DW News

Dec 29, 2022 | Several cities in Ukraine were hit by Russian missile strikes. In Kyiv, the regional administration said that air defense systems were activated. It said that fragments from a downed Russian missile damaged a private building in the Damtyskyi district. Kyiv Mayor Vitaliy Klitschko said that 40% of the city's residents were left without power following strikes.

Obaid: "How Weak Is Your God?"

Dec 9, 2016 | Born in India and raised in Canada, Obaid began questioning faith at a young age - early-on his sense of wonder was kindled by Carl Sagan’s Cosmos and science classes. Moved by the rationality and logic of evidence-based thinking and a scientific worldview, he stopped believing entirely by the time he was 16 years old.

Obaid’s line of work has taken him across the globe: he has spent time in Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Sudan and Haiti. He learned first-hand how damaging sectarian violence can be to a society, experiences which led to him realizing the dangers of faith.

Today, Obaid is an unflinching advocate for free speech and inquiry. He sees religion to be inherently opposed to free thought and speech, which he considers the best tools to break free from the chains of faith.

Donate to Ex-Muslims of North America here.

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Ukrainischer Außenminister fordert im Februar einen Friedensgipfel bei der UNO | DW Nachrichten

Dec 27, 2022 | Könnte der Krieg in der Ukraine doch am Verhandlungstisch beendet werden? Bislang hatte die Ukraine sich Verhandlungen mit Moskau verweigert, doch nun schlägt der ukrainische Außenminister einen Friedensgipfel vor, am besten schon im Februar.

Monday, December 26, 2022

Israeli Politician Suggests Doctors Could Refuse to Treat Gay Patients

THE GUARDIAN: President condemns anti-LGBTQ rhetoric after comment by Orit Strook, which she later said referred to certain procedures

A demonstration in Jerusalem in 2021 against Israeli lawmakers who oppose gay rights.Photograph: Emmanuel Dunand/AFP/Getty Images

A suggestion by one of Benjamin Netanyahu’s incoming ministers that Israeli doctors should be allowed to refuse treatment to LGBTQ patients on religious grounds has heightened fears that the new government poses an unprecedented threat to gay rights.

The Israeli president, Isaac Herzog, has weighed in to condemn the growing anti-LGBTQ rhetoric, saying: “The racist pronouncements of recent days against the LGBTQ community and other sectors of the public make me extremely worried and concerned.” The president, whose post is largely ceremonial but who commands a degree of authority, added that such rhetoric undermined Israeli “democratic and moral values”.

Netanyahu – who called Strook’s remarks “unacceptable” – denies his new government will pose a threat to gay rights but critics say he is too weak to control his ultra nationalist and ultraorthodox coalition partners pushing Israel to increasingly adopt what they view as divinely ordained religious heritage. » | Ben Lynfield in Jerusalem | Monday, December 26, 2022

Israel’s LGBTQ+ community fear for future under far-right government: Elements of Netanyahu-led coalition have been openly hostile and rolling back of some gay laws is on agenda »

Extreme Winter Snowstorm in the US Leaves Buildings Covered in Icicles

Dec 26, 2022 | A deadly blizzard has paralysed Buffalo, New York, trapping motorists in their cars, knocking out electricity to thousands of homes and raising the death toll from a severe winter storm system that has frozen much of the US for days. Buildings around the edges of Lake Eerie have been left looking like ice castles after days of heavy snow and high winds created conditions that local officials said were probably the most severe since 1977. The New York governor, Kathy Hochul, said a deadly blizzard pummelling Buffalo over the holiday would go down in history as one of the worst. 'We are in a war, this is a war with mother nature,' Hochul said US storm: dozens of lives lost as Arctic freeze takes hold ‘Life-threatening hazard’: 28 dead in Arctic storm battering US

Read the article here.


Heavy snow in Japan kills at least 17: Many deaths caused by people falling from roofs or being buried underneath thick piles of snow sliding off rooftops »

Ina Garten: The 60 Minutes Interview

Dec 26, 2022 | Sharyn Alfonsi speaks with the "Barefoot Contessa" about her journey to becoming one of the country's most beloved cooks.

Sunday, December 25, 2022

The Best Christmas Ad Ever! 1914 | Sainsbury's Ad | Christmas 2014 | Reupload

Nov 12, 2014 | Sainsbury’s Christmas advert, 1914. Made in partnership with The Royal British Legion. Inspired by real events from 100 years ago. The theme is ‘Christmas is for sharing’. Made in partnership with The Royal British Legion, it commemorates the extraordinary events of Christmas Day, 1914, when the guns fell silent and two armies met in no-man’s land, sharing gifts – and even playing football together.

King Charles Pays Tribute to His Mother in First Christmas Message as Sovereign

Dec 25, 2022 | King Charles III delivered his first Christmas message on Sunday, paying tribute to his late mother Queen Elizabeth II. Echoing his mother's words in her last Christmas message, where she spoke of her grief at losing her husband Prince Philip, Charles said Christmas was 'a particularly poignant time for all of us who have lost loved ones'.

Charles delivered his pre-recorded message standing in St George's Chapel in Windsor, where the Queen and Prince Philip are both buried. Footage of the royal family, including the prince and princess of Wales, appeared on screen while he spoke. His message ended with a rendition of 'O Little Town of Bethlehem,' which Charles used to cite the late Queen's 'belief in the power of that light', performed by the choir of St George's Chapel.

Lionel Richie: Don't Wanna Lose You

Aug 24, 2018 | Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group

Pope Condemns Power Hungry and Alludes to Ukraine Conflict in Christmas Eve Mass

THE GUARDIAN: 7,000 people fill St. Peter’s Basilica after several years of Covid imposed restrictions on attendance

Pope Francis kisses a statue of baby Jesus as he celebrates Christmas Eve ,ass in St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican. Photograph: Vatican Media/Reuters

Pope Francis warned in a solemn Christmas Eve Mass that the level of greed and hunger for power was such that some wanted to “consume even their neighbours”, in an apparent reference to the war in Ukraine.

Francis, celebrating the 10th Christmas of his pontificate, presided over a capacity crowd of about 7,000 in St. Peter’s Basilica after several years of restricted attendance because of Covid.

About 4,000 other people participated outside in St. Peter’s Square on a relatively warm night.

As was the case for the past several months, a knee ailment prevented Francis from standing for long periods, delegating a cardinal to be the main celebrant at the altar of the largest church in Christendom. » | Reuters | Sunday, December 25, 2022

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Michael Lambert: Why Things Can Only Get Worse the UK In 2023

King Charles' Christmas Message to Pay Tribute to Queen's Legacy – BBC News

Dec 24, 2022 | King Charles is set to include a tribute to his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, in his first Christmas message as monarch. He will also reflect on his views about the importance of faith. An image of Charles delivering his speech, which is due to be broadcast on Christmas Day at 15:00 GMT, shows the King in St George's Chapel, Windsor.

Do we really have to sell out our culture to other faiths in the name of political correctness? Isn’t this truly rather ridiculous? Just imagine the Saudis doing this for us! You can’t, of course, because they would never do such a thing. If this is the best that the monarchy can offer us today in this incarnation, then do we really need a monarchy at all? Stupid is as stupid does! – © Mark Alexander

Wishing You All a Very Merry Christmas

With many thanks to Advocate-Art | London – Seville – New York on Pinterest for this delightful and festive image.

MARK ALEXANDER: I would like to take this opportunity to wish you ALL a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS. Sadly, many will have to celebrate alone. This is very true for many in the gay community; but it has to be said, not only. Many in the straight community will also have to try and celebrate alone, too. Remember this: Loneliness has to be experienced to be understood.

My heart goes out to all who will find themselves alone at this time. It doesn’t matter who you are or where you are. Loneliness is the same for everyone, whether you are in China, Germany, France or the USA. Loneliness is the same. People who find themselves alone in war zones must especially be in our thoughts and prayers. In fact, ALL who find themselves in war zones must be in our thoughts and prayers.

Make the best of the situation you find yourself in wherever you are. You might feel alone, but you are not!

May God protect us all!

Happy Christmas to you all! Frohe Weihnachten! Joyeaux Noël ! Buon Natale! Feliz Navidad! Or, as we say in my part of the world, Nadolig Llawen!

© Mark Alexander
All Rights Reserved

Friday, December 23, 2022

Macron Condemns Attack in Paris | DW News

Dec 23, 2022 | French president Emmanuel Macron has condemned a deadly shooting in Paris which he says was a deliberate attack on the Kurdish community. Three people have died in the shooting in the capital and several others are seriously injured. Police have arrested a 69-year-old French citizen in connection with the attack.

Michael Jackson : Who Is It | Official Video

Oct 28, 2016 | Views on YouTube: 98,818,622

The Rise of Vladimir Putin | DW Documentary

Dec 23, 2022 | This documentary looks at the rise of Vladimir Putin using video material never shown before. The film begins its examination with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the year 2000.

On December 31, 1999, Russian President Boris Yeltsin announced his resignation. At the time, filmmaker Vitali Manski was working for a state broadcaster and had unlimited access to the outgoing president, his successor and the inner circles of the Russian leadership. Manski recorded video as a cameraman, but also used his own portable camera to film events. He was with Yeltsin and his family as they followed the results of the election on March 26, 2000, when 53 percent of the voters confirmed Putin as President of the Russian Federation. Manski recorded other milestones as well, including confidential chats in the Kremlin that reveal Putin’s attitudes towards power and leadership. Manski now lives in exile in Riga, Latvia. Watch the documentary to see the film’s central characters, Boris Yeltsin, Mikhail Gorbachev, and Vladimir Putin, and other influential politicians and businessmen as they witness their country in transition.

[This documentary was produced in 2018 and originally released in 2019.]

Hortensien in einer Vase

Hydrangeas in a vase / Hortensias dans un vase

Für dieses Kunstwerk bedanke ich mich bei Fine Art America auf Pinterest.

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — December 23, 2022

Two Dead and Four Injured in Paris Shooting, Reports Say

THE GUARDIAN: Man aged 69 arrested after reportedly opening fire on a group of people at a Kurdish cultural centre

Two people died and four have been wounded, including two in a critical condition, after a shooting in central Paris, French media reported.

Le Parisien newspaper said a 69-year-old man opened fire on a group of people at the Ahmet-Kaya Kurdish cultural centre on rue d’Enghien in the French capital’s 10th arrondissement on Friday morning.

Shots were also fired at a hairdresser’s and a restaurant in the street, the arrondissement’s mayor, Alexandra Cordebard, told BFM TV, adding that the suspect himself had been wounded.

Paris prosecutors told the public broadcaster France Télévisions that police had arrested the alleged gunman and seized his weapon soon after the shooting. The suspect, a French national, was a retired train conductor, according to reports. » | Jon Henley | Friday, December 23, 2022

LIVE EN COURS : Coups de feu à Paris en direct : au moins trois personnes tuées près d’un centre culturel kurde, un homme arrêté : Trois autres personnes ont été grièvement blessées rue d’Enghien, dans le 10e arrondissement. Selon une source proche de l’enquête contactée par « Le Monde », le suspect, William M., 69 ans, était déjà connu « pour tentative d’homicide volontaire dans un camp de migrants » du 12e arrondissement en 2021. »

Suspected Russian Spy Arrested in German Intelligence Agency | DW News

Dec 23, 2022 | An employee of the German intelligence agency the BND has been arrested after being suspected of sending classified information to Russia. Federal prosecutors on Wednesday arrested an employee of Germany's foreign intelligence agency, the BND, on suspicion of treason after an internal BND investigation revealed that he had allegedly been leaking classified information to Russia. …

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Sunak Government Threatens to Block Scottish Gender Recognition law

THE GUARDIAN: UK ministers considering ‘nuclear option’ after MSPs overwhelmingly back bill on transgender rights

Nicola Sturgeon during first minister's questions on Thursday before the vote on the gender recognition reform (Scotland) bill. Photograph: Ken Jack/Getty Images

Rishi Sunak’s government is threatening to block a new law that would make Scotland the first part of the UK to introduce a self-identification system for people who want to change gender.

In a significant escalation that brings tensions around transgender rights into the constitutional arena, Westminster made clear it would consider a “nuclear option” of blocking the bill from going for royal assent, a move that would enrage supporters of the changes and nationalists.

The Scottish government pledged to “vigorously contest” any such intervention.

The first minister and SNP leader, Nicola Sturgeon, called Sunak and his cabinet “democracy deniers” after the supreme court ruled in October that Holyrood could not legally hold another independence referendum without Westminster’s approval. The ruling has resulted in a polling boost for independence over the last month.

The Scottish government hailed what it called “a historic day for equality” after a vote on Thursday afternoon in which MSPs overwhelmingly backed plans to make it easier and less intrusive for individuals to legally change their gender, and to extend the streamlined system for obtaining a gender recognition certificate (GRC) to 16- and 17-year-olds. » | Libby Brooks and Peter Walker | Thursday, December 22, 2022

Related articles here.

My goodness! Don’t we live in interesting times! If Westminster denies the Scots the right to choose their own destiny, then maybe the time has come to cut the umbilical cord. Surely, the Scots will not be able to tolerate Westminster determining their future for them. Surely to do so would be deplorable. – © Mark Alexander


Schottland führt einfache Änderung des Geschlechtseintrags ein: Transmenschen sollen ohne medizinisches Gutachten ihr Geschlecht ändern können. Trotz Protesten unter anderem von J.K. Rowling nahm das schottische Parlament ein entsprechendes Gesetz mit großer Mehrheit an. »

Michael Jackson : You Are Not Alone | Official Video

Oct 3, 2009

Confirmed Bachelors

Eingefleischte Junggesellen / Célibataires invétérés

So etwas hat es seit eh und je gegeben. / Quelque chose comme ça a toujours existé. / Something like this has always existed.

My thanks go to Pinterest for this delightful, vintage photo.

En Israël, Benyamin Nétanyahou à la tête du gouvernement le plus à droite de l’histoire du pays

LE MONDE : Le premier ministre a été contraint de faire d’importantes concessions à ses alliés d’extrême droite, notamment le suprémaciste juif Itamar Ben Gvir.

Après sept semaines de négociations, mercredi 21 décembre, Benyamin Nétanyahou a fini par annoncer, vingt minutes avant la fin du délai accordé par le président, Isaac Herzog, qu’il avait un gouvernement. Un cabinet, qui pour la première fois dans l’histoire d’Israël, sera composé exclusivement de partis de droite.

Ce devait être une formalité. Mais comme une affaire de famille, cela s’est étiré dans la tension et la défiance. En s’abstenant de réclamer un nouveau délai, M. Nétanyahou tente de brider les exigences de ses alliés et des membres de son parti, le Likoud, qui lui imposent des engagements écrits, avant de le laisser revenir aux affaires. Avec vidéo » | Par Louis Imbert (Jérusalem, correspondant) | jeudi 22 décembre 2022

Article réservé aux abonnés

Coalition deal would see erasure of clause barring racists from running for Knesset »

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — December 22, 2022

Für einen neuen Iran | ARTE Re:

Dec 15, 2022 | Sie können nicht zurück, weil sie gegen die Sitten des islamischen Regimes verstoßen haben. Jahre schon haben sie ihre Familien nicht gesehen. Doch jetzt hat die iranische Diaspora in Europa Hoffnung: In der Heimat protestieren die Menschen für Freiheit. Eine Boxerin und eine Aktivistin kämpfen für die Revolution im Exil. Und träumen davon, wie ein neuer Iran aussehen könnte.

Sie leben in Deutschland und Frankreich, haben ihre Familien im Iran seit Jahren nicht gesehen. Wenn sie nach Hause zurückkehren würden, würde das Regime sie einsperren, foltern oder töten. Jetzt hat die iranische Diaspora erstmals Hoffnung: Die Proteste gegen die Islamische Republik wachsen, Revolution liegt in der Luft. Und Frauen wie Anahita und Sadaf tun alles, um von außen zu unterstützen. Anahita ist Filmemacherin aus Teheran und lebt in Berlin. Die 31-Jährige ist Teil eines feministischen Kollektivs, das die Demonstration mit mehr als 80.000 Teilnehmern am Brandenburger Tor organisiert hat. Sie hat ihre Arbeit aufgegeben; trifft sich Tag und Nacht mit Gleichgesinnten und organisiert Veranstaltungen, auf denen sie so laut sie nur kann mit Slogans wie „Frau! Leben! Freiheit!“ ihre Wut auf das Regime hinausbrüllt.

Sadaf Khadem ist die erste iranische Boxerin. 2019 gewann sie einen internationalen Wettkampf in Frankreich – ohne Kopftuch. Sie war bereits auf dem Weg zum Flughafen, als sie gewarnt wurde, dass man sie im Iran verhaften werde. Seitdem lebt die 27-Jährige in dem französischen Küstenort Royan bei Bordeaux. „Frankreich ist mein neues Zuhause geworden“, sagt sie. Und kann doch ihre alte Heimat nicht loslassen: Sie unterstützt Frauen im Iran, indem sie ihre eigene Modelinie dort nähen lässt. Sie gibt Interviews und redet mit Politikern, postet auf Social Media, um mit ihrer Bekanntheit auf die Verbrechen des Regimes aufmerksam zu machen. Und kämpft im Boxring, um zu zeigen, dass iranische Frauen siegen können.

Reportage (D 2022, 32 Min)
Video verfügbar bis zum 14/12/2023

Ukraine Passes LGBTQ+ Hate Speech Ban in ‘Big Step’ for Equality

Ukraine has passed a new LGBTQ+ rights law. (Getty)

PINK NEWS: Ukraine has passed a bill banning hate speech against LGBTQ+ people in the media.

The legislation, banning hate speech and incitement based on sexual orientation and gender identity, was unanimously approved on 15 December, LGBTQ Nation reported.

“It’s a big step for Ukraine, to start adoption of our legislation to European values,” Olena Shevchenko, chair of Ukrainian LGBTQ+ rights group Insight, told The Washington Blade.

“We hope our government will recognise LGBTQI people as equal as soon as possible.”

The bill comes after the president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, confirmed that he will ask Ukraine’s government to look into legalising same-sex marriage after the war with Russia ends.

Over the summer, a petition calling for the legalisation of marriage equality in Ukraine gained more than 28,000 signatures, passing the 25,000 threshold required for it to be considered by the president. » | Emily Chudy | Thursday, December 22, 2022