THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: The Prime Minister says a European Union without Turkey is 'not stronger but weaker'
David Cameron has said that he still “very much supports” Turkey joining the European Union, despite his Government's inability to control numbers of EU migrants coming to the UK.
The Prime Minister was quizzed about his support for Turkey’s accession to the EU during a visit to Turkey to meet the country’s Prime Minister and President.
Mr Cameron said he had discussed Turkey’s accession to the EU during talks in Ankara on Tuesday afternoon with Ahmet Davutoglu, the Turkish Prime Minister.
The visit was his first since 2010 when he told the Turks the backed the country’s goal of joining the EU. He said then that he wanted to “make the case” for Turkey’s EU membership.
Asked if he still felt that way despite his Government’s inability to control inward migration from EU countries and bring net migration down to the tens of thousands of people, he said that he had discussed it again with Turkish Prime Minister.
He said: “In terms of Turkish membership of the EU, I very much support that.
“That’s a longstanding position of British foreign policy which I support. We discussed that again in our talks today”.
In a speech at the Turkish parliament in Ankara in July 2010, Mr Cameron said: “I’m here to make the case for Turkey's membership of the EU. And to fight for it.” » | Christopher Hope, Ankara, Turkey | Tuesday, December 09, 2014
Tuesday, December 09, 2014
Pegida: Patriotische Europäer gegen Islamisierung
«Hass in Deutschland wird salonfähiger»
Was ist los in Deutschland? In Dresden versammeln sich seit Wochen selbst ernannte Patrioten zu Montagsdemonstrationen und protestieren gegen alles Mögliche: gegen angeblichen Asylmissbrauch, muslimische Extremisten, eine Verwässerung der deutschen Kultur und die vermeintliche «Islamisierung des Abendlandes».
Anfangs waren es ein paar Hundert Leute, nun sind es jede Woche mehrere Tausend. Und inzwischen gibt es in vielen anderen Städten Ableger der Dresdner Bewegung, bei der sich auch Neonazis, Hooligans und bekennende Islamfeinde unter das Bürgertum mischen.
Es mehren sich rechtsextreme Übergriffe auf Asylbewerberheime und Proteste gegen neue Flüchtlingsunterkünfte. Auch der Gewaltausbruch eines Mobs von Hooligans und Rechten in Köln vor einigen Wochen – im Namen des Kampfes gegen Salafisten – sorgt noch immer für Ratlosigkeit. Rechtsextremismus-Experten beobachten die Entwicklung mit Sorge und fürchten, dass sich etwas zusammenbraut im Land. » | sda | Montag, 08. Dezember 2014
Monday, December 08, 2014
Aufmarsch in Dresden: 10.000 Islamfeinde bei Pegida-Demo
SPIEGEL ONLINE: Das rechte Bündnis "Patriotische Europäer gegen die Islamisierung des Abendlandes" zieht immer mehr Anhänger an. An einer Kundgebung in Dresden nahmen 10.000 Personen teil, offenbar kam es zu Zusammenstößen mit Gegendemonstranten.
Dresden - Anhänger wie Gegner des rechtspopulistischen Bündnisses "Pegida" haben am Montagabend in Dresden Tausende Menschen mobilisiert: 10.000 Demonstranten nahmen nach Polizeiangaben auf der Seite der "Patriotischen Europäer gegen die Islamisierung des Abendlandes" (Pegida) teil - so viele wie noch nie. An den Gegenprotesten, zu denen unter anderem Kirchen und das Islamische Zentrum aufgerufen hatten, beteiligten sich 9000 Menschen.
Wie der MDR berichtet, kam es im Verlauf des Abends zu kleineren Auseinandersetzungen, bei denen von beiden Seiten Feuerwerkskörper flogen. Ein Pegida-Unterstützer sei festgenommen worden. Weitere Zwischenfälle wurden zunächst nicht bekannt. Die Polizei war mit 1200 Beamten aus mehreren Bundesländern im Einsatz. » | eth/dpa/AP | Montag, 08. Dezember 2014
Dresden - Anhänger wie Gegner des rechtspopulistischen Bündnisses "Pegida" haben am Montagabend in Dresden Tausende Menschen mobilisiert: 10.000 Demonstranten nahmen nach Polizeiangaben auf der Seite der "Patriotischen Europäer gegen die Islamisierung des Abendlandes" (Pegida) teil - so viele wie noch nie. An den Gegenprotesten, zu denen unter anderem Kirchen und das Islamische Zentrum aufgerufen hatten, beteiligten sich 9000 Menschen.
Wie der MDR berichtet, kam es im Verlauf des Abends zu kleineren Auseinandersetzungen, bei denen von beiden Seiten Feuerwerkskörper flogen. Ein Pegida-Unterstützer sei festgenommen worden. Weitere Zwischenfälle wurden zunächst nicht bekannt. Die Polizei war mit 1200 Beamten aus mehreren Bundesländern im Einsatz. » | eth/dpa/AP | Montag, 08. Dezember 2014
Geert Wilders Defends ‘Fewer Moroccans’ Chant, Quotes Martin Luther King PVV leader Geert Wilders is sticking by his ‘fewer Moroccan’ statements made earlier this year, the anti-Islam campaigner said in a statement on Monday.
‘I am not taking back a single word I said,’ Wilders said in the statement he gave to police investigating claims he incited racial hatred.
Wilders was interviewed on Monday morning on the orders of the public prosecution department. The department said in October Wilders is ‘suspected of having insulted a population group with respect to their race and of incitement to discrimination and hatred’. Read on and comment » | Monday, December 08, 2014
‘I am not taking back a single word I said,’ Wilders said in the statement he gave to police investigating claims he incited racial hatred.
Wilders was interviewed on Monday morning on the orders of the public prosecution department. The department said in October Wilders is ‘suspected of having insulted a population group with respect to their race and of incitement to discrimination and hatred’. Read on and comment » | Monday, December 08, 2014
Germans Take to the Streets to Protest against 'Islamisation'
Participants hold up their mobile phones and wave a German national flag during a demonstration called by anti-immigration group PEGIDA in Dresden |
A new type of anti-immigration protest is sweeping across Germany, as thousands take to the streets against what they say is the growing “Islamisation” of the country.
The new protests, which began in the city of Dresden in the former East Germany, feature no neo-Nazi slogans and have nothing to do with the traditional far right.
Instead the demonstrators have adopted the old rallying call of the protests against the East German communist regime that brought down the Berlin Wall 25 years ago, “Wir sind das Volk”, or “We are the people”. They say they want to preserve Germany’s Judeo-Christian Western culture.
The protests come as Bavaria’s ruling Christian Social Union (CSU) is seeking to distance itself from a draft proposal for its party conference which said that immigrants should speak German not only in public, but at home as well.
Germany is now the second most popular destination in the world for migrants, after the US, and the country is struggling to cope with an unprecedented influx of asylum-seekers.
While Angela Merkel’s government has made clear it will block any attempt by David Cameron to curtail freedom of movement within the EU, the German debate over immigration has focused on those coming from outside the bloc, and on Muslims in particular. » | Justin Huggler, Berlin | Monday, December 08, 2014
DEUTSCHE WELLE: Dresden, Dusseldorf prepare for PEGIDA anti-Islamist protests: Right-wing groups have organized protests with less politically extreme citizens to voice their concern over what they see as the Islamization of Europe. Counter demonstrations, however, are expected to be bigger. » | Monday, December 08, 2014
Recep Tayyip Erdogan Vows to Impose 'Arabic' Ottoman Lessons in Schools
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Turkish premier wants to reintroduce the language of the old empire, comparing its abolition to cutting Turkey's "jugular"
Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has vowed to make lessons in the Arabic-alphabet Ottoman language compulsory in high schools -- a highly symbolic move which enraged secularists who claim he is persuing [sic] an increasingly Islamist agenda.
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of modern Turkey, abolished the Ottoman language in 1928, replacing its Arabic alphabet with a Latin one.
He also purged the language of many of its Arabic, Persian and Greek words to create a new "pure" Turkish closer to the language people spoke.
Critics claimed Erdogan's vow to reintroduce teaching of the language "no matter what they say" was another bid to roll back Ataturk's secular reforms, which were based on a strict separation between religion and state.
Turkey's National Education Council, largely made up of members backed by Erdogan's Islamic-rooted government, voted over the weekend to make classes compulsory at religious high schools and an option at regular high schools.
The council also voted to ban bartending classes at tourism training high schools. » | AFP | Monday, December 08, 2014
Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has vowed to make lessons in the Arabic-alphabet Ottoman language compulsory in high schools -- a highly symbolic move which enraged secularists who claim he is persuing [sic] an increasingly Islamist agenda.
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of modern Turkey, abolished the Ottoman language in 1928, replacing its Arabic alphabet with a Latin one.
He also purged the language of many of its Arabic, Persian and Greek words to create a new "pure" Turkish closer to the language people spoke.
Critics claimed Erdogan's vow to reintroduce teaching of the language "no matter what they say" was another bid to roll back Ataturk's secular reforms, which were based on a strict separation between religion and state.
Turkey's National Education Council, largely made up of members backed by Erdogan's Islamic-rooted government, voted over the weekend to make classes compulsory at religious high schools and an option at regular high schools.
The council also voted to ban bartending classes at tourism training high schools. » | AFP | Monday, December 08, 2014
Sunday, December 07, 2014
Protests Erupt over British Decision to Open Military Base in Bahrain
Britain’s decision to open a major naval base in Bahrain despite concerns over the country’s human rights record has been met with protests by opposition groups and human rights activists.
Hundreds of protesters were filmed marching through the town of Sitra, a Shia opposition stronghold, calling for the removal of the British ambassador, Iain Lindsay, after the decision was announced.
Activists said Bahrain’s decision to largely fund the base was a “reward” for Britain’s recent silence over the jailing of opponents to the Sunni monarchy.
International groups also objected to the decision. “As Bahrain pursues brutal crackdown, what better time for UK to build military base there?” said Kenneth Roth, Human Rights Watch’s executive director. » | Richard Spencer, Manama | Sunday, December 07, 2014
Royal Navy
Saturday, December 06, 2014
Arabien: Die Barbaren sind unter uns
ZEIT ONLINE: Die arabische Zivilisation ist zusammengebrochen. Zu meinen Lebzeiten wird sie nicht mehr auf die Beine kommen.
Mit seiner Entscheidung, militärisch gegen die Extremisten des "Islamischen Staates" (IS) vorzugehen, begibt sich der US-Präsident Barack Obama mitten in das Chaos einer Zivilisation, die zusammengebrochen ist. Denn die arabische Zivilisation, wie wir sie einmal kannten, gibt es nicht mehr. Die arabische Welt von heute ist so gewalttätig, so instabil, so fragmentiert und so sehr von Extremismus getrieben – Extremismus sowohl von Herrschern als auch von Oppositionellen – wie noch nie seit dem Ende des Osmanischen Reiches vor hundert Jahren.
Alle Hoffnungen der modernen arabischen Geschichte sind enttäuscht worden. Politische Mitwirkung, die Wiederherstellung der Menschenwürde – die Versprechen aus der Blütezeit der arabischen Aufstände sind verweht. Zurückgeblieben sind Bürgerkriege, ethnische, konfessionelle und regionale Konflikte sowie die Wiederkehr eines militaristischen Absolutismus. Nur die antiquierten Monarchien und Emirate am Golf sowie möglicherweise Tunesien widerstehen vorläufig noch den Fluten. Ansonsten existiert in der arabischen Welt von heute keine Legitimität mehr. Und abgesehen von den Amerikanern und den Staaten des Westens, ist niemand mehr da, der den Schlamassel aufräumen könnte, den wir Araber angerichtet haben. » | Ein Gastbeitrag für Zeit Online von Hisham Melhem | Samstag, 06. Dezember 2014
Mit seiner Entscheidung, militärisch gegen die Extremisten des "Islamischen Staates" (IS) vorzugehen, begibt sich der US-Präsident Barack Obama mitten in das Chaos einer Zivilisation, die zusammengebrochen ist. Denn die arabische Zivilisation, wie wir sie einmal kannten, gibt es nicht mehr. Die arabische Welt von heute ist so gewalttätig, so instabil, so fragmentiert und so sehr von Extremismus getrieben – Extremismus sowohl von Herrschern als auch von Oppositionellen – wie noch nie seit dem Ende des Osmanischen Reiches vor hundert Jahren.
Alle Hoffnungen der modernen arabischen Geschichte sind enttäuscht worden. Politische Mitwirkung, die Wiederherstellung der Menschenwürde – die Versprechen aus der Blütezeit der arabischen Aufstände sind verweht. Zurückgeblieben sind Bürgerkriege, ethnische, konfessionelle und regionale Konflikte sowie die Wiederkehr eines militaristischen Absolutismus. Nur die antiquierten Monarchien und Emirate am Golf sowie möglicherweise Tunesien widerstehen vorläufig noch den Fluten. Ansonsten existiert in der arabischen Welt von heute keine Legitimität mehr. Und abgesehen von den Amerikanern und den Staaten des Westens, ist niemand mehr da, der den Schlamassel aufräumen könnte, den wir Araber angerichtet haben. » | Ein Gastbeitrag für Zeit Online von Hisham Melhem | Samstag, 06. Dezember 2014
Japon : Un quotidien s'excuse pour une publicité antisémite
Un quotidien conservateur japonais a présenté ce samedi 6 décembre ses excuses pour avoir publié une publicité pour les livres d'un écrivain qui prétend que les Juifs sont derrière le séisme et le tsunami qui ont provoqué une catastrophe au Japon en 2011.
La publicité en question a été publié le 26 novembre dans une édition régionale du Sankei Shimbun, un quotidien national. Elle concernait les oeuvres de Richard Koshimizu, activiste et prétendu journaliste qui soutient également que les Juifs sont responsables des attentats terroristes du 11 septembre 2001 aux Etats-Unis. » | afp/Newsnet | samedi 06 décembre 2014
«Les chrétiens sont en train d'être chassés du Moyen-Orient»
TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: Le pape François a dénoncé l'exil forcé des chrétiens «chassés du Moyen-orient», dans une allocution vidéo qui doit être diffusée samedi 6 décembre au soir à Erbil dans le nord irakien.
Le pape François a abordé les difficultés rencontrées par les chrétiens du Moyen-Orient dans une séquence vidéo, à l'occasion d'une visite du cardinal Philippe Barbarin au Kurdistan irakien, où des dizaines de milliers de membres de la minorité chrétienne ont trouvé refuge après l'offensive du groupe djihadiste, sunnite Etat islamique.
«Les chrétiens sont en train d'être chassés du Moyen-orient, dans la souffrance», s'est ému le souverain pontife qui a pointé la responsabilité de l'EI, sans toutefois nommer ce groupe qui s'est emparé de larges pans de territoire en Irak comme en Syrie voisine, selon le texte de la déclaration reçu par l'AFP. » | afp/Newsnet | samedi 06 décembre 2014
Le pape François a abordé les difficultés rencontrées par les chrétiens du Moyen-Orient dans une séquence vidéo, à l'occasion d'une visite du cardinal Philippe Barbarin au Kurdistan irakien, où des dizaines de milliers de membres de la minorité chrétienne ont trouvé refuge après l'offensive du groupe djihadiste, sunnite Etat islamique.
«Les chrétiens sont en train d'être chassés du Moyen-orient, dans la souffrance», s'est ému le souverain pontife qui a pointé la responsabilité de l'EI, sans toutefois nommer ce groupe qui s'est emparé de larges pans de territoire en Irak comme en Syrie voisine, selon le texte de la déclaration reçu par l'AFP. » | afp/Newsnet | samedi 06 décembre 2014
Franklin Graham: 'Islam Is a Religion of War'
CHRISTIAN TODAY: The son of Billy Graham who now heads his father's evangelistic organisation has described Islam as a "religion of war" and urged Christians to attempt to convert Muslims to their own faith.
Franklin Graham, the fourth of Billy Graham's five children, said he had not softened his stance since he controversially referred to Islam as a "very wicked and evil religion" in the wake of the 9/11 attacks in 2001 that brought down the World Trade Centre in New York.
More recently, he criticised The Episcopal Church's National Cathedral in Washington for permitting its first Muslim prayer service. On his Facebook page he wrote: "It's sad to see a church open its doors to the worship of anything other than the One True God of the Bible who sent His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to earth to save us from our sins."
His views contrast with those of the Pope, who on his recent three-day visit to Turkey was moved to pray alongside Grand Mufti Rahmi Yaran in Istanbul's Blue Mosque. Beside working to build better relations with Muslims, Pope Francis is also reaching out to evangelicals, a move which came about because of his friendship with the late Bishop Tony Palmer, a charismatic of the Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches.
Franklin Graham told Christian Today that his own views on Islam remained the same as in 2001. » | Ruth Gledhill | Saturday, December 06, 2014
Franklin Graham, the fourth of Billy Graham's five children, said he had not softened his stance since he controversially referred to Islam as a "very wicked and evil religion" in the wake of the 9/11 attacks in 2001 that brought down the World Trade Centre in New York.
More recently, he criticised The Episcopal Church's National Cathedral in Washington for permitting its first Muslim prayer service. On his Facebook page he wrote: "It's sad to see a church open its doors to the worship of anything other than the One True God of the Bible who sent His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to earth to save us from our sins."
His views contrast with those of the Pope, who on his recent three-day visit to Turkey was moved to pray alongside Grand Mufti Rahmi Yaran in Istanbul's Blue Mosque. Beside working to build better relations with Muslims, Pope Francis is also reaching out to evangelicals, a move which came about because of his friendship with the late Bishop Tony Palmer, a charismatic of the Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches.
Franklin Graham told Christian Today that his own views on Islam remained the same as in 2001. » | Ruth Gledhill | Saturday, December 06, 2014
US Express Fears as Isis Takes Control of Northern Libyan Town
It is a warm October evening in Derna, a small town on Libya’s north east coast, 450 miles from the capital, Tripoli.
The main square is packed with young men, brought by a summons from the town’s self-proclaimed emir to swear allegiance to a newly formed Islamic caliphate.
The emir, on a stage just visible through the jumping throng, calls for the crowd to repeat his calls to join the a caliphate, to listen and follow orders, and to acclaim that the Islamic State (Isis) is here to stay.
To each call, they repeat the chant, roaring their support – and with that, the emir declares Derna the first town in Libya to join the Islamic State, making common cause with fighters in Iraq and Syria. » | Chris Stephen in Tunis | Saturday, December 06, 2014
Islamic state,
Barack Obama Condemns ‘Brutal Murder’ of American Photojournalist
Luke Somers, a 33-year-old British-born US journalist, who has been killed in a failed rescue attempt. |
US president Barack Obama has condemned the “brutal murder” of American photojournalist Luke Somers, who was shot by his al-Qaida captors during a rescue mission by US special forces.
The 33-year-old was shot during the rescue attempt on Saturday morning and died while being transferred to a warship by American troops. A South African teacher being held with him, Pierre Korki, was also killed in the raid.
“On behalf of the American people, I offer my deepest condolences to Luke’s family and to his loved ones,” Obama said in a statement.
“As this and previous hostage rescue operations demonstrate, the United States will spare no effort to use all of its military, intelligence and diplomatic capabilities to bring Americans home safely, wherever they are located. And terrorists who seek to harm our citizens will feel the long arm of American justice. » | Martin Chulov in Beirut andEmma Graham-Harrison | Saturday, December 06, 2014
Barack Obama,
Luke Somers,
Friday, December 05, 2014
Tabac : l'achat à distance interdit
LE POINT: Pour lutter contre le marché parallèle, les acheteurs sur internet seront passibles d'une peine de cinq ans de prison ferme.
Les députés ont voté vendredi, dans le cadre du projet de budget rectificatif 2014, plusieurs mesures réclamées par les buralistes, comme l'interdiction de tout achat de tabac à distance dans un pays étranger et une modification du calcul de la fiscalité.
Pour lutter contre le marché parallèle, les acheteurs sur internet seront désormais passibles d'une peine pouvant aller jusqu'à cinq ans de prison ferme pour trafic en bande organisée. En France, le commerce du tabac relève du monopole des buralistes, mais au moins une cigarette fumée sur cinq n'a pas été achetée dans le réseau officiel et échappe donc aux taxes françaises. » | Source AFP | vendredi 05 décembre 2014
Les députés ont voté vendredi, dans le cadre du projet de budget rectificatif 2014, plusieurs mesures réclamées par les buralistes, comme l'interdiction de tout achat de tabac à distance dans un pays étranger et une modification du calcul de la fiscalité.
Pour lutter contre le marché parallèle, les acheteurs sur internet seront désormais passibles d'une peine pouvant aller jusqu'à cinq ans de prison ferme pour trafic en bande organisée. En France, le commerce du tabac relève du monopole des buralistes, mais au moins une cigarette fumée sur cinq n'a pas été achetée dans le réseau officiel et échappe donc aux taxes françaises. » | Source AFP | vendredi 05 décembre 2014
Belgium's Former Queen Fabiola Dies at the Age of 86
Passed away: Belgium's former Queen Fabiola, pictured in 2008, has died at the age of 86 at Stuyvenbergh Castle, the palace has announced |
Belgium's former Queen Fabiola has died at the age of 86 at Stuyvenbergh Castle.
A statement from the palace today said: 'Their majesties the King and Queen and the members of the royal family announce with great sadness the death of Her Majesty Queen Fabiola in Brussels this evening.'
Foreign minister Didier Reynders said all Belgians would mourn her passing. 'A page in our country's history has turned,' he told Belgium's RTL television.
King Philippe of Belgium said he was left with 'great sadness' when he heard of the death of his aunt.
Although her exact cause of death has not been confirmed, Queen Fabiola, the childless widow of King Baudouin, had been suffering from osteoporosis for years, and had never fully recovered from pneumonia in 2009.
The former queen, who used a wheelchair, had looked increasingly frail over the past month as she increasingly limited her public appearances.
Fabiola was born in 1928 as Fabiola de Mora y Aragón into an aristocratic family in Madrid, Spain.
Her godmother was Queen Victoria Eugenia of Spain. She became queen of Belgium when she married King Baudouin in 1960. » | Annabel Fenwick Elliott for MailOnline | Friday, December 05, 2014
Luke Somers: Yemen Hostage's Family in Video Appeal
BBC: The family of UK-born American hostage Luke Somers have appealed in a video to al-Qaeda militants in Yemen to "show mercy" and release him.
In the online statement, his mother, Paula Somers, says: "Please... give us an opportunity to see our Luke again."
A man identifying himself as Mr Somers, who was abducted in 2013, appeared in a separate video on Wednesday, saying his life was in danger and asking for help.
The US has revealed it tried to rescue him last month.
"Regrettably, Luke was not present, though hostages of other nationalities were present and were rescued," the National Security Council said on Thursday.
In a video posted on YouTube, Mr Somers' mother and brother said he was "only trying to do good things for the Yemeni population".
"Luke is only a photojournalist and is not responsible for any actions the US government has taken," his brother, Jordan, said.
Noting that her son "appears healthy" in his captors' video, Paula Somers said: "We thank you for that." (+ video) » | Friday, December 05, 2014
In the online statement, his mother, Paula Somers, says: "Please... give us an opportunity to see our Luke again."
A man identifying himself as Mr Somers, who was abducted in 2013, appeared in a separate video on Wednesday, saying his life was in danger and asking for help.
The US has revealed it tried to rescue him last month.
"Regrettably, Luke was not present, though hostages of other nationalities were present and were rescued," the National Security Council said on Thursday.
In a video posted on YouTube, Mr Somers' mother and brother said he was "only trying to do good things for the Yemeni population".
"Luke is only a photojournalist and is not responsible for any actions the US government has taken," his brother, Jordan, said.
Noting that her son "appears healthy" in his captors' video, Paula Somers said: "We thank you for that." (+ video) » | Friday, December 05, 2014
Luke Somers,
Bill Maher: Comparing My Islam Criticism to Nazi Propaganda Is ‘Beyond Stupid’
RAW STORY: In an interview with Vanity Fair, HBO’s Real Time host Bill Maher restated some of his criticisms of Islam while responding to a critic who said his rhetoric was similar to what was said about Jews in the 30′s and 40′s, calling the assertion, “beyond stupid.”
Speaking with Sally Kohn, Maher discussed the controversy over his upcoming speech, scheduled to be delivered at University of California Berkeley on Dec. 20, which has raised the ire of students who created a petition to disinvite him.
The comedian has been under fire for comments he made during a contentious episode of Real Time in early October when Maher told a panel, including actor Ben Affleck, Islam is “the only religion that acts like the mafia, that will f*cking kill you if you say the wrong thing, draw the wrong picture, or write the wrong book.”
Calling the petition a “bullshit thing,” Maher addressed the students at the university — currently celebrating the anniversary of Free Speech Movement protests on campus 50 years ago — saying liberalism shouldn’t “squelch free speech.” » | Tom Boggioni | Friday, December 05, 2014
Speaking with Sally Kohn, Maher discussed the controversy over his upcoming speech, scheduled to be delivered at University of California Berkeley on Dec. 20, which has raised the ire of students who created a petition to disinvite him.
The comedian has been under fire for comments he made during a contentious episode of Real Time in early October when Maher told a panel, including actor Ben Affleck, Islam is “the only religion that acts like the mafia, that will f*cking kill you if you say the wrong thing, draw the wrong picture, or write the wrong book.”
Calling the petition a “bullshit thing,” Maher addressed the students at the university — currently celebrating the anniversary of Free Speech Movement protests on campus 50 years ago — saying liberalism shouldn’t “squelch free speech.” » | Tom Boggioni | Friday, December 05, 2014
Alaskan Muslims Raising the Roof of State's First Mosque
AL JAZEERA AMERICA: The holy land is 6,000 miles away and for now they worship in a strip mall, but Islamic faithful head to Anchorage
ANCHORAGE, Alaska — Alaska’s first mosque has risen quietly over the last few years in a gravel lot in a South Anchorage commercial district, a neighbor to a Korean Presbyterian church, a couple of auto repair garages, a drive-through Chinese restaurant and a Sons of Norway hall.
A few weeks ago, Sam Obeidi, vice president of the Islamic Community Center Anchorage Alaska, turned a key and pushed open the mosque’s door, flipping on a light in a hallway that smelled of drywall plaster and new carpet.
Palestinian by birth, Obeidi came to Alaska as a teenager to join his father, a refugee, who settled in Anchorage in the 1960s. In those days, Muslims met and prayed in his father’s home. Obeidi’s family now owns a frame shop and gallery. He has been involved with the mosque-building project for the last five years of an effort that began 15 years ago.
Anchorage Muslims have so far raised $2 million to build the 15,000-square-foot facility, and must raise $1 million more before the prayer hall is completed and two minarets are placed on the mosque’s roof. » | Julia O’Malley | Friday, December 05, 2014
ANCHORAGE, Alaska — Alaska’s first mosque has risen quietly over the last few years in a gravel lot in a South Anchorage commercial district, a neighbor to a Korean Presbyterian church, a couple of auto repair garages, a drive-through Chinese restaurant and a Sons of Norway hall.
A few weeks ago, Sam Obeidi, vice president of the Islamic Community Center Anchorage Alaska, turned a key and pushed open the mosque’s door, flipping on a light in a hallway that smelled of drywall plaster and new carpet.
Palestinian by birth, Obeidi came to Alaska as a teenager to join his father, a refugee, who settled in Anchorage in the 1960s. In those days, Muslims met and prayed in his father’s home. Obeidi’s family now owns a frame shop and gallery. He has been involved with the mosque-building project for the last five years of an effort that began 15 years ago.
Anchorage Muslims have so far raised $2 million to build the 15,000-square-foot facility, and must raise $1 million more before the prayer hall is completed and two minarets are placed on the mosque’s roof. » | Julia O’Malley | Friday, December 05, 2014
“Counter Jihad Coalition” Takes to the Streets to Warn People About Islam
Regardless of 9/11/01 and 9/11/12, and despite the fact that Americans are being beheaded by ISIS, if you dare suggest that the Islamic State is getting their killing orders directly from the Quran you are called ‘intolerant’ and ‘Islamophobic’. Meanwhile, ISIS is becoming more and more popular on social media and posters saying ‘ISIS is Here’ were seen in the original Ferguson riots. » | Ann-Marie Murrell | Friday, December 05, 2014
France to Pay $60m over Nazi Rail Deportations
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: The French government will pay the money to Holocaust survivors in America who were transported using its trains 70 years ago
France has agreed to pay $60 million in compensation to hundreds of American survivors of the Holocaust who were deported to Nazi death camps using the country's trains.
The money will also be available to thousands of descendants of those who were transported on freight cars belonging to the French state rail company SNCF.
It follows a long legal battle after the US state of Maryland barred SNCF from bidding for contracts on a $3 billion transport project there.
There are around 250 survivors in the US who will be eligible for the reparations. They could receive up to $100,000 each, and spouses or heirs of survivors who have since died could get several tens of thousands of dollars. » | Nick Allen, and agencies | Friday, December 05, 2014
France has agreed to pay $60 million in compensation to hundreds of American survivors of the Holocaust who were deported to Nazi death camps using the country's trains.
The money will also be available to thousands of descendants of those who were transported on freight cars belonging to the French state rail company SNCF.
It follows a long legal battle after the US state of Maryland barred SNCF from bidding for contracts on a $3 billion transport project there.
There are around 250 survivors in the US who will be eligible for the reparations. They could receive up to $100,000 each, and spouses or heirs of survivors who have since died could get several tens of thousands of dollars. » | Nick Allen, and agencies | Friday, December 05, 2014
Großaufgebot der Polizei prüft salafistischen Verein
BREMEN – Erstmals in Deutschland hat Bremen einen mutmaßlichen Unterstützerverein der Terrormiliz Islamischer Staat (IS) verboten. Mehr als 200 Polizisten durchsuchten am Freitag die Räume des salafistischen Kultur & Familien Vereins (KuF) im Stadtteil Gröpelingen, eine Moschee und 17 Privatwohnungen, wie Innensenator Ulrich Mäurer (SPD) nach dem Einsatz berichtete. Festnahmen gab es nicht, die Aktion verlief friedlich. Die Beamten stellten die Personalien von 53 Menschen fest, sie beschlagnahmten rund 12.000 Euro an Vereinsvermögen und fanden mehrere Waffen. » | Freitag, 05. Dezember 2014
German Far-Left Party Takes State Parliament
Germany's far-Left party has returned to power in a state government for the first time since the Berlin Wall fell 25 years ago, stoking heated debate about its communist roots.
The Left Party, widely seen as the successor to the Socialist Unity Party (SED) that once ruled East Germany, will head the government of Thuringia after the state parliament narrowly voted to approve a new coalition.
The new state prime minister, Bodo Ramelow, used his first speech in parliament to apologise to victims of the former communist regime, and said he wanted to "reconcile rather than divide".
Thousands of people braved sub-zero temperatures on the streets of the state capital, Erfurt, on Thursday night to protest against the expected result of the vote.
Angela Merkel predicted the decision would be "bad news" for Thuringia, while the German President, Joachim Gauck, broke with the traditional neutrality of his role to speak out against it. » | Justin Huggler, Berlin | Friday, December 05, 2014
NORD-WEST ZEITUNG ONLINE: Ramelow ist Thüringens neuer Ministerpräsident: Der 58-jährige Bodo Ramelow erhielt im zweiten Wahlgang 46 von 90 gültigen Stimmen. Damit stellt die Linke 25 Jahre nach dem Mauerfall erstmals einen Ministerpräsidenten in Deutschland. Bei der Wahl lief aber nicht alles glatt. » | Freitag, 05. Dezember 2014
Bahraini Activist Zainab al-Khawaja Sentenced over King's Photo
BBC: Bahraini pro-democracy activist Zainab al-Khawaja has been sentenced to three years in prison for tearing up a picture of King Hamad.
A court gave her the option of paying a fine to remain at liberty until her appeal.
Ms Khawaja, who comes from Bahrain's most prominent dissident family, faces other cases next week.
Amnesty International said it would consider Ms Khawaja "a prisoner of conscience" if she were jailed.
"Tearing up a photo of the head of state should not be a criminal offence," Amnesty's Middle East and North Africa Deputy Director Said Boumedouha said. » | Thursday, December 04, 2014
A court gave her the option of paying a fine to remain at liberty until her appeal.
Ms Khawaja, who comes from Bahrain's most prominent dissident family, faces other cases next week.
Amnesty International said it would consider Ms Khawaja "a prisoner of conscience" if she were jailed.
"Tearing up a photo of the head of state should not be a criminal offence," Amnesty's Middle East and North Africa Deputy Director Said Boumedouha said. » | Thursday, December 04, 2014
Teetotal Muslims Partly to Blame for Decline of Pubs, Tory Peer Says
Muslims are partly to blame for the decline in the number of pubs in Britain because they are teetotal, a Conservative peer has said.
Lord Hodgson of Astley Abbotts, who was previously a director at one of Britain's biggest brewers, said that the "tides of history" have led to large numbers of Muslims in Britain's cities who do not drink.
He said that "socioeconomic change" is more responsible for the decline of pubs than "rapacious" pub chains.
He said: "I identify three fundamental features behind this. The first is the rapid rate of socioeconomic change in Britain. Twenty-five years ago, the company of which I was a director would have operated probably a dozen pubs in Kidderminster, the home of the carpet trade. » | Steven Swinford, Senior Political Correspondent | Thursday, December 04, 2014
Thursday, December 04, 2014
«Ihr seid Juden, ihr habt Geld»
Nach dem brutalen Überfall auf ein junges Paar bei Paris ist die Debatte um den Antisemitismus in Frankreich wieder voll entbrannt. Präsident François Hollande verurteilte die «unerträgliche Gewalt» gegen die zwei jungen Menschen, die wegen ihrer jüdischen Religion gezielt überfallen und ausgeraubt worden waren. Der Staatschef und sein Premierminister Manuel Valls riefen zum Kampf gegen Antisemitismus auf.
Hollande hob im Elysée-Palast hervor, im Kampf «gegen den Rassismus, gegen den Antisemitismus» dürfe nicht so getan werden, «als hätten wir nichts gesehen». Der Überfall zeige, dass «das Schlimmste existiert». Dadurch werde das Beste an Frankreich «verletzt, beschädigt». Regierungschef Valls verurteilte die «Gräueltat» in einer Twitter-Botschaft. Der Überfall sei der «widerwärtige Beweis», «dass der Kampf gegen den Antisemitismus jeden Tag geführt werden» müsse. » | ajk/AFP | Donnerstag, 04. Dezember 2014
TAGES ANZEIGER: Israel einfach: Französische Juden wandern zu Tausenden nach Israel aus. Nie waren es mehr. Sie gehen, weil sie die offenen Anfeindungen nicht mehr ertragen. » | Von Oliver Meiler, Korrespondent | Donnerstag, 14. August 2014
TAGES ANZEIGER: «Die hässliche Fratze des Antisemitismus» : In Europa nimmt der Antisemitismus neue Dimensionen an. Auch Schweizer Juden erhalten deutlich mehr Hassbriefe und werden auf sozialen Medien offen angefeindet. » | Von Felix Schindler, Redaktor Inland | Donnerstag 14. August 2014
Schweizer Islam-Video irritiert
Eine schwarz vermummte Gestalt trägt eine weisse Fahne mit dem muslimischen Glaubensbekenntnis auf einen Berg. Immer mehr Personen folgen ihr. Nach drei Minuten endet das Video mit der Botschaft: «Erwartet uns! Jederzeit. Überall.» Als Absender erscheint: «Die Muslime der Schweiz».
Das professionelle Video wurde vom Islamischen Zentralrat Schweiz (IZRS) gedreht und hat bereits beim Dreh für Aufmerksamkeit gesorgt. Es wurde in der Zentralschweiz auf öffentlichen Plätzen gedreht. Besorgte Passanten alarmierten die Polizei. Saïda Keller-Messahli, Präsidentin des Forums für einen fortschrittlichen Islam, sagte der «Neuen Luzerner Zeitung»: «Die Aktion ist eine totale Provokation.» Wer an einem öffentlichen Weg solche Aktionen durchführe, wo an einem Sonntag viele Spaziergänger entlanggingen, wolle auffallen, schockieren, Präsenz markieren und reine Propaganda betreiben. » | Claudia Peter | Donnerstag, 04. Dezember 2014
TAGES ANZEIGER: «Muslimfeindlichkeit in der Schweiz ist gestiegen» : Die muslimischen Verbände der Schweiz warnen vor einer zunehmenden Islamophobie. Die Stimmung im Land sei aufgeheizt, und das bekämen die Muslime zu spüren. » | Sunday, 02. November 2014
Polémique : Le Conseil Central Islamique publie une vidéo provocante
Le Conseil Central Islamique Suisse (CCIS) refait parler de lui, avec une vidéo qui fait polémique. Le petit film, de plus de trois minutes, en anglais et sous-titré en français, parle du «début d'une révolution islamique» et se termine avec des termes que d'aucuns jugent menaçants. «Attendez-vous à nous, à tout moment, n'importe où. Les musulmans de Suisse». Avec le logo CCIS. La séquence a été tournée par des professionnels dans la région de Lucerne dans des espaces publics où les passants ont alerté la police, comme l'explique le Tages-Anzeiger. » | Par Pascal Schmuck, Zurich | jeudi 04 décembre 2014
Islam en Suisse
Gay and Lesbian Gambians Live in Fear of ‘Aggravated Homosexuality’ Law
The tipoff late one night wasn’t unexpected. Since the crime of “aggravated homosexuality” had come into force in the Gambia in October, Theresa had been living in fear. Then a friend who worked for the country’s notorious police force warned her she would be targeted in a raid in a few hours’ time. Theresa’s crime was being a lesbian.
“I wasn’t surprised, I was expecting it anyway because the president has said many times he will kill us all like dogs,” she said. “But I was really, really scared. My friend said, if you don’t go now, it will be too late.” By dawn, Theresa was on a bus out of the country with her best friend, Youngesp, both of whom agreed to speak only if their real names were not used. The two have joined a growing number of people whose lives have been upended by anti-gay laws that trample on an already marginalised minority in west Africa.
That they ended up seeking refuge in neighbouring Senegal, where being gay or lesbian is punishable with five-year jail terms, points to the particularly dismal situation in the Gambia. Its politicians have long and publicly railed against homosexuality, with the tone set by President Yahya Jammeh, who this year labelled gay people vermin. » | Monica Mark, West Africa correspondent | Thursday, December 04, 2014
Vladimir Putin: West Has Tried to Contain Russia for Decades
THE GUARDIAN: President uses state of the nation speech to attack west as rouble slides under pressure of economic sanctions over Ukraine
Vladimir Putin has accused the west of trying to contain and subvert Russia “for decades, if not centuries”, in a fierce and uncompromising attack during his state of the nation speech.
Analysts were curious to see whether the president would take a conciliatory tone in his annual speech to Russia’s political elite, as the rouble slides and relations with the west are at a low point over the unrest in Ukraine.
Instead, Putin opened with a fierce defence of Russia’s annexation of Crimea, calling it a “historic rejoining” of a region as important to Russia as Temple Mount was to Jerusalem.
He said that if the recent events in Crimea had not happened, the west would have simply found another excuse to contain Russia with sanctions, recalling that in the 1990s the west had tried to break up Russia “along the Yugoslavian scenario”. He warned that the sanctions and angry rhetoric from the west would only have the opposite effect to that intended.
“For some European countries, national pride is seen as a luxury, but for Russia it is a necessity,” said Putin, adding that it was pointless to use threats when speaking to Russia. Read on and comment » | Shaun Walker in Moscow | Thursday, December 04, 2014
Vladimir Putin has accused the west of trying to contain and subvert Russia “for decades, if not centuries”, in a fierce and uncompromising attack during his state of the nation speech.
Analysts were curious to see whether the president would take a conciliatory tone in his annual speech to Russia’s political elite, as the rouble slides and relations with the west are at a low point over the unrest in Ukraine.
Instead, Putin opened with a fierce defence of Russia’s annexation of Crimea, calling it a “historic rejoining” of a region as important to Russia as Temple Mount was to Jerusalem.
He said that if the recent events in Crimea had not happened, the west would have simply found another excuse to contain Russia with sanctions, recalling that in the 1990s the west had tried to break up Russia “along the Yugoslavian scenario”. He warned that the sanctions and angry rhetoric from the west would only have the opposite effect to that intended.
“For some European countries, national pride is seen as a luxury, but for Russia it is a necessity,” said Putin, adding that it was pointless to use threats when speaking to Russia. Read on and comment » | Shaun Walker in Moscow | Thursday, December 04, 2014
Vladimir Putin
Washington Refuses to Blacklist Muslim Brotherhood
The American decision came in response to a petition filed 16 months ago calling for the US administration to announce the worldwide Islamist group a terrorist organisation. » | Wednesday, December 03, 2014
Bashar al-Assad: Airstrikes against Islamic State Are Failing
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Speaking in his first interview since the start of the offensive, Syrian leader says there has been 'no change' noticed on the ground in Syria
Coalition air strikes targeting Isil jihadists in Syria have made no difference, President Bashar al-Assad has said in his first interview with western media since the start of the campaign in which he described himself as a captain “saving his ship”.
Mr Assad said his troops had noticed “no change” in the balance of power on the ground since the start of the US-led bombing campaign in September.
“You can’t end terrorism with aerial strikes,” he told Paris Match in an interview published on Thursday. “Troops on the ground that know the land and can react are essential. That is why there haven’t been any tangible results in the two months of strikes led by the coalition.
“It isn’t true that the strikes are helpful. They would of course have helped had they been serious and efficient. We are running the ground battles, and we have noticed no change.”< br />
Mr Assad’s views on the war in Syria contrasted with an assessment of the situation given by John Kerry, the US secretary of state, yesterday. » | Richard Spencer, Middle East Correspondent | Wednesday, December 03, 2014
Coalition air strikes targeting Isil jihadists in Syria have made no difference, President Bashar al-Assad has said in his first interview with western media since the start of the campaign in which he described himself as a captain “saving his ship”.
Mr Assad said his troops had noticed “no change” in the balance of power on the ground since the start of the US-led bombing campaign in September.
“You can’t end terrorism with aerial strikes,” he told Paris Match in an interview published on Thursday. “Troops on the ground that know the land and can react are essential. That is why there haven’t been any tangible results in the two months of strikes led by the coalition.
“It isn’t true that the strikes are helpful. They would of course have helped had they been serious and efficient. We are running the ground battles, and we have noticed no change.”< br />
Mr Assad’s views on the war in Syria contrasted with an assessment of the situation given by John Kerry, the US secretary of state, yesterday. » | Richard Spencer, Middle East Correspondent | Wednesday, December 03, 2014
Bashar Al-Assad,
Wednesday, December 03, 2014
China Bans Religion in Islam-heavy Xinjiang Region
Additionally, the Communist Party will dole out heavy fines for religiously-motivated Internet posts that have been determined to "undermine national unity." The penalty for violating the newly established Internet and mobile communications laws could result in a fine as high as $5,000 dollars. “An increasing number of problems involving religious affairs have emerged in Xinjiang,” an official in the Xinjiang People’s Congress was quoted saying in state media. The law specifically mentions that videos showing jihad or holy war may not be viewed or distributed in any manner. Read on and comment » | Jordan Schachtel | Wednesday, December 03, 2014
Arizona Pastor: We Could Cure AIDS by Christmas If We Stone Homos to Death
PINK NEWS: A Christian pastor has claimed that the world could be cured of AIDS “by Christmas” if “homos” were stoned to death.
Pastor Steven Anderson of the Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona made the disturbing claim last week, in a sermon ahead of World AIDS Day.
He said: “Approximately 1.6 percent of the US populations, and 0.7 percent are bi… it’s all the same category, Sodomite.
“Turn to Leviticus 20:13, because I actually discovered the cure for AIDS. We could have an AIDS free world by Christmas if we follow this. » | Nick Duffy | Wednesday, December 03, 2014
Pastor Steven Anderson of the Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, Arizona made the disturbing claim last week, in a sermon ahead of World AIDS Day.
He said: “Approximately 1.6 percent of the US populations, and 0.7 percent are bi… it’s all the same category, Sodomite.
“Turn to Leviticus 20:13, because I actually discovered the cure for AIDS. We could have an AIDS free world by Christmas if we follow this. » | Nick Duffy | Wednesday, December 03, 2014
Latvian Politician 'Praised Nazi Shooting of Gays'
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Inga Priede, member of Latvia's ruling Unity party, resigns after tweeting "Thank God! The Germans shot them in their time" about homosexuals in same-sex marriage debate
Latvia's ruling party has been forced to distance itself from comments by one of its members which appeared to praise the Nazi extermination of homosexuals.
Inga Priede, a member of the Unity party, has resigned after making the comments in a Twitter discussion on Monday night about same-sex marriage legislation.
“Thank God! The Germans shot them in their time. Birth rate was going up," wrote Ms Priede.
She wrote that Latvian citizens in rural areas were "in shock" about the possibility of same-sex marriage legislation being introduced, and that homosexuals living in these regions were "not proud" of their sexuality because "there are basic values". » | Andrew Marszal | Wednesday, Decembrer 03, 2014
Latvia's ruling party has been forced to distance itself from comments by one of its members which appeared to praise the Nazi extermination of homosexuals.
Inga Priede, a member of the Unity party, has resigned after making the comments in a Twitter discussion on Monday night about same-sex marriage legislation.
“Thank God! The Germans shot them in their time. Birth rate was going up," wrote Ms Priede.
She wrote that Latvian citizens in rural areas were "in shock" about the possibility of same-sex marriage legislation being introduced, and that homosexuals living in these regions were "not proud" of their sexuality because "there are basic values". » | Andrew Marszal | Wednesday, Decembrer 03, 2014
Pope Sacks the Head of His Swiss Guard for Being 'Too Strict'
He has dismissed and demoted cardinals, bishops and the Vatican secretary of state, and now Pope Francis’s reformist zeal has claimed a new scalp – the head of his own private army, the Swiss Guard.
In a dispassionate one-sentence notice, the Vatican’s official newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano, announced on Wednesday that Daniel Anrig will no longer serve as the commandant of the 500-year-old corps after the end of next month.
No official explanation was given for the decision, but it was widely rumoured that the Argentinean Pope, who has established a warmer, more inclusive style of governance since being appointed pontiff in March last year, found the commander’s manner overly strict and “Teutonic”.
The 77-year-old pope is said to have been appalled recently to have emerged one morning from his private suite of rooms to find that a Swiss Guard had been standing guard all night.
“Sit down,” he told the young guardsman, to which the soldier said: “I can’t, it’s against orders.” » | Nick Squires, Rome | Wednesday, November 03, 2014
TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: Le commandant de la Garde suisse partira à la fin janvier : L'actuel commandant quittera son poste au début 2015, après plus de cinq ans à son poste, contrairement aux usages. Le Lucernois Christophe Graf, actuel vice-commandant de la Garde, pourrait lui succéder. » | smk/ats/Newsnet | mercredi 03 décembre 2014
Pope Francis,
Swiss Guard,
Richard III DNA Shows British Royal Family May Not Have Royal Bloodline
When the body of Richard III was discovered in a car park in Leicester in 2012 archaeologists knew it was a momentous find.
But little did they realise that it might expose the skeletons in the cupboard of the British aristocracy, and even call into question the bloodline of the Royal family. » | Sarah Knapton, Science Editor | Tuesday, December 02, 2014
Tuesday, December 02, 2014
Wife and Child of Islamic State Leader Baghdadi Held in Lebanon
The Lebanese army says it has detained the second wife of the Islamic State (Isis) leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, and their eight-year-old son near the Syrian border.
The arrest reportedly took place in the past week and followed information provided by western intelligence agencies in the past fortnight.
Lebanese security officials described the woman as a “high-value catch” and said the identity of the boy was confirmed through DNA testing. If so, the revelation would support the claim of international involvement. The US and other states have samples of Baghdadi’s DNA from the nine months he spent in US custody in Iraq in 2004.
The British Foreign Office said it had nothing to add to the reports. » | Martin Chulov and agencies | Tuesday, December 02, 2014
Monday, December 01, 2014
Friday, November 28, 2014
Pope Francis to Visit Turkey in Most Challenging Mission of Papacy So Far
Pope Francis embarks on one of the most delicate missions of his 18-month-old papacy on Friday, when he is expected to wrestle with the problems of Christian persecution in the Muslim world and tackle relations with Islam in a time of spreading jihadism during his visit to Turkey.
As if that were not enough, he is also expected to deal with the millenium-old schism between Catholicism and Orthodoxy that centred on the city that is now Istanbul.
The fourth pope to visit Turkey, Francis will seek to emphasise his commitment to dialogue with Muslims and other Christians at a time of increased violence against Christian minorities in the region.
He is to make what his spokesman, Father Federico Lombardi, described as a very important speech on Muslim-Christian relations on Friday. » | Constanze Letsch in Istanbul, John Hooper in Rome and agencies | Thursday, November 27, 2014
Pope Francis,
Thursday, November 27, 2014
EU Chief: We’ll Survive without Britain
Prime Minister David Cameron with president of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy outside 10 Downing Street |
The European Union “will survive” if Britain leaves after an in-out referendum but would be “dead” if France voted for exit, Herman Van Rompuy has said.
The outgoing president of the European Council criticised the UK and indicated that David Cameron will not be able to secure changes to freedom of movement rules.
He made his comments as it was disclosed that a black hole in the EU budget could leave British taxpayers paying an extra £34 billion over six years.
Mr Cameron will now be legally obliged to make up a share of a shortfall of £259 billion by 2020, with liabilities for the Treasury estimated at £33.7 billion.
The hole in EU spending has been identified by the European Court of Auditors and will come as a major blow to the Prime Minister just days before he is expected to make a major speech about Britain’s relationship with the EU.
Mr van Rompuy said in Paris that Brussels would not negotiate on the “fundamental principles” of the EU simply to convince Britain to remain a part of the bloc.
He said that a British exit would leave Europe “wounded” and that “everything should be done to avoid it”.
“Without the United Kingdom, Europe would be wounded, even amputated – therefore everything should be done to avoid it,” he said.
“But it will survive. Without France, Europe — the European idea – would be dead.” » | Peter Dominiczak and Bruno Waterfield in Brussels | Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Syrie : premières lapidations de l'EI pour homosexualité
Le groupe djihadiste État islamique (EI) a lapidé, mardi en Syrie, deux jeunes hommes en affirmant qu'ils étaient homosexuels, les premières exécutions pour ce motif commises par cette organisation, a indiqué une ONG. "L'EI a lapidé à mort aujourd'hui un homme" de 20 ans "en disant qu'il était gay", à Mayadin, dans la province syrienne de Deir ez-Zor (est), a indiqué l'Observatoire syrien des droits de l'homme (OSDH). L'EI a affirmé avoir trouvé sur son téléphone portable des vidéos le montrant en train de "pratiquer des actes indécents avec des hommes", selon la même source. » | Source AFP | mardi 25 novembre 2014
London Calling the Middle Ages? The City Schools That Teach Sharia
Surprise inspections by Ofsted — the Office for Standards in Education — found that these schools taught a narrow curriculum, ignoring Western culture and refusing to inculcate British values. Most shockingly, some students at these institutions told inspectors that they didn’t know if they should follow English law or Sharia law — or which was more important. » | Selwyn Duke | Tuesday, November 25, 2014
sharia law,
Bollywood Actress Veena Malik Sentenced to 26 Years in Jail for Blasphemy after Appearing in Mock TV Wedding Scene
THE INDEPENDENT: The GEO TV programme sparked a wave of controversy in the Islamic country when it aired in May, despite the fact similar scenes had been aired in the past
Veena Malik has expressed her anger and disbelief after she was handed a 26-year jail term by a Pakistani anti-terrorism court for ‘malicious acts’ of blasphemy.
Her crime? Appearing in a pretend wedding scene, staged on a daytime show broadcast by Geo TV and based on the marriage of the Prophet Mohamed’s daughter.
The programme sparked a wave of controversy in the Islamic country when it aired in May, despite the fact similar scenes had been aired in the past to little or no such public outrage. Some even apparently suspected that Pakistan’s military were behind the mock wedding, and that it was put on in a bid to wage a blasphemy war against the broadcaster. » | Jenn Selby | Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Veena Malik has expressed her anger and disbelief after she was handed a 26-year jail term by a Pakistani anti-terrorism court for ‘malicious acts’ of blasphemy.
Her crime? Appearing in a pretend wedding scene, staged on a daytime show broadcast by Geo TV and based on the marriage of the Prophet Mohamed’s daughter.
The programme sparked a wave of controversy in the Islamic country when it aired in May, despite the fact similar scenes had been aired in the past to little or no such public outrage. Some even apparently suspected that Pakistan’s military were behind the mock wedding, and that it was put on in a bid to wage a blasphemy war against the broadcaster. » | Jenn Selby | Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Veena Malik
Counter-terrorism Bill: What It Contains
Theresa May, the Home Secretary, will today introduce legislation to the Commons intended to give Britain some of the “toughest powers in the world” against terrorism.
The Counter-Terrorism and Security Bill, to be introduced to the Commons today, is intended to counter the threat posed by Britons who have aligned themselves to Isil.
It contains provisions intended to prevent people travelling to Syria and Iraq to fight, halt them from returning if they do, and to curb the spread of jihadist ideology.
The Home Secretary described the measures as “considered and targeted”.
"We are in the middle of a generational struggle against a deadly terrorist ideology. These powers are essential to keep up with the very serious and rapidly changing threats we face,” she said.
The measures involve: » | Matthew Holehouse, Political Correspondent | Wednesday, November 26, 2014
The Glazov Gang-Daniel Greenfield on “Obama’s Fantasies about Un-Islamic Jihad”
HT: Robert Spencer @ »
’Britain Belongs to Allah’: Anjem Choudary and His Supporters - Analysis
EURASIA REVIEW: “We don’t abide by British rule.” “Sharia is the law of God, and should be implemented in the whole world.” “The ‘flag of Sharia’ will eventually fly over Downing Street.” These are statements voiced by the radical preacher, Anjem Choudary, in the UK.
What do Choudary and his supporters seek?
Anjem Choudary, a 47 year-old British Muslim of Pakistani descent born in England, is a former lawyer and founding member of proscribed Islamist groups like al-Muhajiroun and Islam4UK. These groups were banned based on government evidence of them operating as terrorist organisations with links to al Qaeda. According to Hope Not Hate, Choudary represents “the single biggest gateway to terrorism in recent British history.”
His support base is prominent. According to a recent poll by ICM Research, 40 per cent of 500 Muslim families that were surveyed expressed support for the establishment of strict Sharia laws in the UK. Policy Exchange reveals that one-third of the domestic Muslim youth would happily succumb to Sharia. According to Henry Jackson Society, 18 per cent of people linked to acts of terror have had associations with Choudary´s banned organisations. Hope Not Hate reveals that 200-300 supporters from Choudary’s European network have left to fight in Syria. His guidance has resulted in an indoctrination of vulnerable youth who have devoted themselves to terrorism in the UK and abroad. » | Tuva Julie Engebrethsen Smith | Saturday, November 01, 2014
What do Choudary and his supporters seek?
Anjem Choudary, a 47 year-old British Muslim of Pakistani descent born in England, is a former lawyer and founding member of proscribed Islamist groups like al-Muhajiroun and Islam4UK. These groups were banned based on government evidence of them operating as terrorist organisations with links to al Qaeda. According to Hope Not Hate, Choudary represents “the single biggest gateway to terrorism in recent British history.”
His support base is prominent. According to a recent poll by ICM Research, 40 per cent of 500 Muslim families that were surveyed expressed support for the establishment of strict Sharia laws in the UK. Policy Exchange reveals that one-third of the domestic Muslim youth would happily succumb to Sharia. According to Henry Jackson Society, 18 per cent of people linked to acts of terror have had associations with Choudary´s banned organisations. Hope Not Hate reveals that 200-300 supporters from Choudary’s European network have left to fight in Syria. His guidance has resulted in an indoctrination of vulnerable youth who have devoted themselves to terrorism in the UK and abroad. » | Tuva Julie Engebrethsen Smith | Saturday, November 01, 2014
Anjem Choudary
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Is Russia Banning Islam?
Recent pro-Islamic reports are complaining that Russia is banning the Islamic hijab—the headdress Islamic law requires Muslim women to wear—and, perhaps even more decisively, key Islamic scriptures, on the charge that they incite terrorism.
In the words of Arabic news site Elaph, “Russia is witnessing a relentless war on the hijab. It began in a limited manner but has grown in strength, prompting great concern among Russia’s Muslims.”
The report continues by saying that women wearing the hijab are being “harassed” especially in the “big cities”; that they are encountering difficulties getting jobs and being “subject to embarrassing situations in public areas and transportation. The situation has gotten to the point that even educational institutions, including universities, have issued decrees banning the wearing of the hijab altogether.” Moscow’s Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University appears mentioned as one of the schools to ban the donning of the hijab on its premises, specifically, last September (the New York Times bemoaned an earlier instance of anti-hijab sentiment in 2013).
While this move against the hijab may appear as discriminatory against religious freedom, the flipside to all this—which perhaps Russia, with its significant Muslim population is aware of—is that, wherever the Islamic hijab proliferates, so too does Islamic supremacism and terrorism. Tawfik Hamid, a former aspiring Islamic jihadi, says that “the proliferation of the hijab is strongly correlated with increased terrorism…. Terrorism became much more frequent in such societies as Indonesia, Egypt, Algeria, and the U.K. after the hijab became prevalent among Muslim women living in those communities.” Read on and comment » | Raymond Ibrahim | Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Monday, November 24, 2014
Turkish President Declares Women and Men Are Not Equal
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Recep Tayyip Erdogan adds feminists do not understand the concept of motherhood to an audience of Turkish women
Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has set off a new controversy, declaring that women are not equal to men and accusing feminists of not understanding the special status that Islam attributes to mothers.
Addressing a meeting on women and justice in Istanbul, Erdogan said men and women are created differently, that women cannot be expected to undertake the same work as men, and that mothers enjoy a high position that only they can reach.
He said: "You cannot put women and men on an equal footing. It is against nature. They were created differently. Their nature is different. Their constitution is different."
"Their characters, habits and physiques are different.... You cannot place a mother breastfeeding her baby on an equal footing with men. » | Agency | Monday, November 24, 2014
Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has set off a new controversy, declaring that women are not equal to men and accusing feminists of not understanding the special status that Islam attributes to mothers.
Addressing a meeting on women and justice in Istanbul, Erdogan said men and women are created differently, that women cannot be expected to undertake the same work as men, and that mothers enjoy a high position that only they can reach.
He said: "You cannot put women and men on an equal footing. It is against nature. They were created differently. Their nature is different. Their constitution is different."
"Their characters, habits and physiques are different.... You cannot place a mother breastfeeding her baby on an equal footing with men. » | Agency | Monday, November 24, 2014
Sharia Law Guidelines Abandoned as Law Society Apologises
The Law Society has withdrawn controversial guidelines for solicitors on how to compile “Sharia[-]compliant” wills amid complaints that they encouraged discrimination against women and non-Muslims.
Andrew Caplen, president of the society, apologised and said the criticism had been taken on board.
It follows a storm of protest after The Telegraph disclosed in March that the society had issued a practice note to solicitors effectively enshrining aspects of Islamic law in the British legal system.
The guidelines advised High Street solicitors on how to write Islamic wills in a way that would be recognised by courts in England and Wales.
They set out principles which meant that women could be denied an equal share of inheritances while unbelievers could be excluded altogether.
The document also detailed how children born out of wedlock might not be counted as legitimate heirs. » | John Bingham, Religious Affairs Editor | Monday, November 24, 2014
sharia law,
The Law Society,
Sunday, November 23, 2014
The 'Caliphate's' Colonies: Islamic State's Gradual Expansion into North Africa
SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: Chaos, disillusionment and oppression provide the perfect conditions for Islamic State. Currently, the Islamist extremists are expanding from Syria and Iraq into North Africa. Several local groups have pledged their allegiance.
The caliphate has a beach. It is located on the Mediterranean Sea around 300 kilometers (186 miles) south of Crete in Darna. The eastern Libya city has a population of around 80,000, a beautiful old town and an 18th century mosque, from which the black flag of the Islamic State flies. The port city is equipped with Sharia courts and an "Islamic Police" force which patrols the streets in all-terrain vehicles. A wall has been built in the university to separate female students from their male counterparts and the disciplines of law, natural sciences and languages have all been abolished. Those who would question the city's new societal order risk death.
Darna has become a colony of terror, and it is the first Islamic State enclave in North Africa. The conditions in Libya are perfect for the radical Islamists: a disintegrating state, a location that is strategically well situated and home to the largest oil reserves on the continent. Should Islamic State (IS) manage to establish control over a significant portion of Libya, it could trigger the destabilization of the entire Arab world. » | Mirco Keilberth, Juliane von Mittelstaedt and Christoph Reuter | Tuesday, November 18, 2014
The caliphate has a beach. It is located on the Mediterranean Sea around 300 kilometers (186 miles) south of Crete in Darna. The eastern Libya city has a population of around 80,000, a beautiful old town and an 18th century mosque, from which the black flag of the Islamic State flies. The port city is equipped with Sharia courts and an "Islamic Police" force which patrols the streets in all-terrain vehicles. A wall has been built in the university to separate female students from their male counterparts and the disciplines of law, natural sciences and languages have all been abolished. Those who would question the city's new societal order risk death.
Darna has become a colony of terror, and it is the first Islamic State enclave in North Africa. The conditions in Libya are perfect for the radical Islamists: a disintegrating state, a location that is strategically well situated and home to the largest oil reserves on the continent. Should Islamic State (IS) manage to establish control over a significant portion of Libya, it could trigger the destabilization of the entire Arab world. » | Mirco Keilberth, Juliane von Mittelstaedt and Christoph Reuter | Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Islamic state
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Syrian Christians: 'Help Us to Stay - Stop Arming Terrorists'
Outgoing artillery shook St Elias church as the priest reached the end of the Lord's Prayer.
The small congregation kept their eyes on the pulpit, kneeling when required and trying to ignore the regular thuds that rattled the stained glass windows above them.
Home to one of the oldest Christian communities in the world, the hard to reach Syrian agricultural town of Izraa has stood the comings and goings of many empires over the centuries.
But as the country's civil war creeps closer, it is threatening to force the town's Christians into permanent exile: never to return, they fear.
"I have been coming to this church since I was born," said Afaf Azam, 52. "But now the situation is very bad. Everyone is afraid. Jihadists control villages around us." Read on and comment » | Ruth Sherlock, Izraa, Deraa | Saturday, November 22, 2014
GOP Rebukes County Chairman's 'Outrageous' Comments on Muslims
A Minnesota Republican Party official issued a “call to arms” against Muslims on Thursday, calling them “terrorists” and “parasites” and suggesting that someone should “frag ‘em.”
Jack Whitley, chairman of the Big Stone County Republican Party, had no apology for the series of inflammatory posts on his personal Facebook page — remarks the state party leadership condemned as “outrageous.”
“Muslims are terrorists. They don’t belong in this country,” Whitley said in an interview. “Their attitude and their agenda don’t belong in this country. They cause terror and discontent, total chaos everywhere they are.”
In a Facebook post on Wednesday, Whitley wrote that he opposes waterboarding as “a waste of resources. They are muslims [sic], they are terrorist, we know where they are from, we know where their buddies are, we know where thier [sic] mosque’s [sic] are, we know millions of these parasites travel to Mecca every year and when … FRAG ‘EM!” » | Jennifer Brooks, Star Tribune | Friday, November 21, 2014
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