Showing posts with label Islam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Islam. Show all posts

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Thilo Sarrazin: „Wir sehen, dass uns Deutschland immer fremder wird“

Oct 17, 2023 | 13 Jahre nach seinem Skandal-Buch sind seine Thesen so aktuell wie nie: Thilo Sarrazin im Migrations-Klartext! Hat Deutschland sich mittlerweile abgeschafft? „Es ist dabei, es geht ja stufenweise“, sagt Sarrazin. Der Ex-Finanzsenator von Berlin führt aus: „Wenn wir über die Straßen gehen, dann sehen wir mehr und mehr Gesichter von Menschen, die erkennbar hier nicht geboren sind oder deren Eltern hier nicht geboren waren. Wir sehen in den Schulen, da fallen die Leistungsniveaus. Wir sehen, dass uns Deutschland insgesamt immer fremder wird. Und dieser Prozess der Abschaffung vollzieht sich halt allmählich über die Jahrzehnte.“

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Cruelty and Heartlessness in a Post-Christian World

MARK ALEXANDER: I should like to write a few words on my observations on government policies in our post-Christian Britain.

The news today that our Supreme Court has determined that this country’s government policy of sending unwanted asylum seekers to Rwanda is unlawful is as welcome as it is encouraging. These days, our increasingly populist, right-wing government, which appears to have no understanding of traditional, one-nation conservatism, and certainly no recollection of it, come up with some pretty heartless and hare-brained ideas and policies. Most of these people are Thatcher’s babies, people who have taken the worst of Thatcher’s uncaring policies and are busy peppering them with even more acridity and pungency. To these extreme right-wingers, being caring, merciful and compassionate is redolent of left-wing wimps and wussies.

Suella Braverman was the epitome of this heartlessness. It has come to my attention in recent years that if you are looking for examples of cruelty, you must often turn to women! Politics in the West is replete with cruel women. It seems that the longer that women have been in the workplace, the traditional domain of men, the tougher and crueller they have become. Forget about the fair sex! We are all men in a man’s world now, it seems!

Suella Braverman’s utterances recently on being homeless and on homelessness being a “lifestyle choice” were as cruel and insensitive as they were absurd and dead wrong. Then there was her dream of seeing unwanted asylum seekers on a plane, flying off to Rwanda. Ostensibly, such a scenario floated the heartless woman’s boat!

Clearly, our government policies appear to be becoming crueller, the further away we turn from Christianity. In a post-Christian world, anything, it seems, is possible. Anything goes.

We should all note well that the void left by Christianity’s demise will most definitely be filled; and so obviously by the ever-growing presence of Islam in the West, which our clueless, ignorant and cowardly politicians have allowed to happen. Furthermore, our politicians have busily prepared the way into the heart of the West for the these Muslims. And instead of insisting on full integration and assimilation, and their adoption of Western ways and standards as a prerequisite of entrance to the West, they have encouraged these immigrants to bring with them the ways of their own countries of origin. So, if no stop is put to this nonsense, we can look forward to the recent cruelty of Hamas replacing the gentleness of our hitherto Christian ways. A post-Christian Western world will be harsh and merciless – a world devoid of compassion.

The Islamic world provides us no example of a gentler way of life. In the Islamic world, as we must all surely know by now, it is not uncommon for hands to be amputated for theft, beheadings are common for more serious transgressions, whippings for those who indulge in alcohol and stonings to death for adulteresses. Their treatment of gays is unimaginably cruel.

We abandon our Judæo-Christian heritage at our own risk, and if we continue to abandon it, we will all have a rude awakening. Be you a devout or just a nominal Christian, you are better off in our Judæo-Christian world. Turn your backs on it at your peril!

© Mark Alexander
All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Israel, Islam & the New Cold War | Niall Ferguson

Nov 14, 2023 | John is re-joined by pre-eminent historian Niall Ferguson to analyse the latest conflict between Israel and Hamas. Ferguson argues that due to the nature of Hamas’ urban warfare, tunnel systems and civilian shields, Israel will have a long and difficult campaign ahead. He also points out that the decline in Western support for Israel, particularly in the younger generations, is due to a woke university system propagating Islamist and left-wing viewpoints, attempting to create a moral equivalence between the October 7 terrorist attacks and Israel’s response.

Niall Ferguson, MA, D.Phil., is the Milbank Family Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, and a senior fellow of the Centre for European Studies, Harvard, where he served for twelve years as the Laurence A. Tisch Professor of History. He is the author of fifteen books, most recently Doom: The Politics of Catastrophe. His previous book, Kissinger, 1923-1968: The Idealist, won the Council on Foreign Relations Arthur Ross Prize.

He is also an award-winning filmmaker, having won an international Emmy for his PBS series The Ascent of Money.

I wrote this ESSAY back in 2007:

Islam: The Enemy of Democracy and Freedom »

Wednesday, November 08, 2023

Ayaan Hirsi Ali on Mohammed, the Anti-Innovator | Big Think

Jul 11, 2015

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Israel-Hamas War: Crown Prince of Iran Tells Piers Morgan Regime "Is The Godfather of Terrorism"

Nov 8, 2023 | Piers Morgan opens up his latest show with a monologue on Benjamin Netanyahu's desire to occupy Gaza before interviewing Iran's exiled Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi. The prince discusses the rise of Islamic extremism across the region and warns that radicals want to change the way of life "even in Europe." Of terrorism he says: "It's a disease that needs to be cured… the cure is to put an end to what is the source to this extremism or radicalism." Asked if he had any doubt Iran was behind the events of October 7th, he said the regime were the “godfather of terrorism”, adding he hoped to see regime change in Iran in future.

I warned of the dangers of Islam to the West many years before even 9/11. One of the biggest problems is Islam's insistence on there being no separation of politics and religion, no separation of mosque and state. I have said it before, many times, and I will say it again: oil and water simply do not mix. The real problem will never be solved because Western politicians and the Western mainstream media simply skirt around the real problem. – @ Mark Alexander

John Anderson Interview : Douglas Murray –Israel, Immigration & Islam

Nov 8, 2023 | In this conversation, John sits down with journalist and author Douglas Murray to discuss the war on Western culture in light of the recent conflict between Israel and Hamas.

Murray argues that Western Civilisation is being eroded by the collapse of history, faith and moral clarity. This cultural decay, Murray suggests, has been caused by a variety of factors including illegal immigration, secularisation, identity politics and the rise of radical Islam. Nonetheless, Murray is encouraged by the growing support for initiatives like the Alliance for Responsible Citizenship (ARC) and a common sense middle class who reject elitist identity politics. …

Sunday, November 05, 2023

We’re Screwed! This Is the Cr** Being Uttered by an Englishman! | #shorts

Such unbelievable nonsense! Such twaddle! Such poppycock! Such dangerous balderdash!

If Brits Want to Envision Their Future, Listen to This!

Nov 24, 2023 | Mohammed Hijab

Brits’ future has been handed over to Muslims by stupid politicians on both the left and right. Millions of people have been allowed into the UK, in particular, and into the West, in general, without so much as asking the electorates if this is what they wanted!

So much twaddle is spoken about democracy; so much praise is showered on democracy as a system of government; yet, for the most part, we don’t live in democracies. Yes, we vote representatives into office during elections. But once elected into office, they proceed to do what they damn well please. This is not how true democracy should function.

The best, properly-functioning democracy I can think of is Switzerland. But Switzerland stands in stark contrast to the rest of the faux democracies of the West. In Switzerland, the people have a far greater degree of control than anywhere else in the West that I can think of. Kudos to Switzerland! The Swiss are blessed. The rest of us are screwed! We are up a creek without a paddle!

In the UK, in particular, our politicians have made a right mess. In German, we would call it ‘eine Sauerei’, a dirty mess. In the vernacular, we would say they have screwed up – royally!

I tell you now: Islam will never be able to co-exist with the post-Christian and increasingly secularizing West. To Muslims, especially devout Muslims, there is only one way to live: their way. There is only one belief system: their belief system. There is only one god: Allah. Jesus was not crucified. Jesus was not the ‘Son of God’. There is only one set of laws to follow: Allah’s laws, or the Shariah (الشريعة) .

Our politicians have always been deluded when it comes to Islam: they have always thought that Muslims, once they come to live in the West, with all the freedoms the West has to offer, they will rejoice in those freedoms and eventually live like us, the infidels (الكفار) (in their eyes). No so!

Muslims are committed to their faith, the Dīn (الدين), Islam. Wild horses wouldn’t drag most of them away from it. They are committed to Allah, and to their prophet. For the secular Westerner, this is a difficult concept to grasp. And it is precisely because Westerners cannot grasp it that they keep on repeating the same mistakes re-Islam, over and over and over again.

It is a sad fact of life that two diametrically-opposed ways of life cannot co-exist. The stronger of the two systems will always eventually win through. It is my sincere belief that the stronger of the two systems is Islam, not the secular West.

Listening to Mohammed Hijab in the video above should draw your attention to one very important aspect of his speech: his determination. So quite how we Westerners will deal with the challenges ahead, I do not know. But challenges there will be – serious challenges, and in abundance. Therefore, if we wish for the West to prevail, we have got work to do! This is not going to be easy. The whole of the Western world is being challenged like never before in recent history. – © Mark Alexander

Thursday, November 02, 2023

Author Ayaan Hirsi Ali Sits Down with Andrew Bolt to Discuss the Israel-Hamas War

Oct 31, 2023 | Author and human rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali sits down with Sky News host Andrew Bolt to discuss the Israel-Hamas war, the worldwide eruption of pro-Palestine rallies and the rise of anti-Semitism.

Ms Ali says she is shocked but “not surprised” about the eruption of pro-Palestine and anti-Israel rallies across the globe.

“I spent the last 20 years talking about this and warning about this,” Ms Ali told Sky News host Andrew Bolt. “If we act on the belief system that Hamas subscribes to or that ISIS subscribes to or Al Qaeda … this is what you get. "These teachings … they don’t stay in the mosque, they come out into the streets.”

WIKIPEDIA: Ayaan Hirsi Ali »

Andrew Bolt »

As most of you will surely know, I have written about the dangers of Islam here in the West. In fact, I warned of the dangers of the growth of Islam here in the West long before I wrote my book, The Dawning of a New Dark Age, and long before the Sptember 11th catastrophe in 2001. Here in Wales, many, many years before I wrote my book, I warned anyone and everyone that would listen that the growth of Islam here in the West was incompatible with democracy and freedom, incompatible with Western values. Alas, until 9/11, my warnings often fell on deaf ears. Once 9/11 happened, however, all that changed: people started listening, people becamse far more receptive to my message.

Unfortunately, however, politicians on both the left and the right — though, perhaps, mostly on the left — started introducing laws to shut people up. Speech here in the UK is far from being free anymore. People like Tony Blair introduced dangerous legislation to curtail freedom of speech, especially in order to protect minorities. As a result, discussion on immigration was for a long time swept under the carpet. There is the government narrative and woe betide anyone who deviates from it! When criticizing Islam, in particular, one has to walk on eggshells, both because of government legislation and also because of the hypersensitivity of Muslims themselves.

As a result of all this immigration, this country needs a written constitution – badly – just as America has one. The old British way of having an unwritten constitution is passé and totally and utterly inadequate for the needs of the modern world. I have stated this before. In fact, I wrote a comment in The Telegraph only recently on it, back in July of this year in fact. This is the comment I wrote:
This country is in dire need of a written constitution. In that constitution, there needs to be an amendment guaranteeing freedom of speech. So many new laws protecting this group and that have been introduced in recent years that it is very difficult for anyone these days to know what can or cannot be said at all without falling foul of the law. This state of affairs is totally and utterly unfair on the people of this country; moreover, in the long-run, it is also untenable. [July 2023]
I have also written about Islam and the West being immiscible. This immiscibility does not mean that Islam is bad and the West is good. No! That is NOT what I am saying. What I am saying is that Islam and the West, based as it is oin Judæo-Christian values, cannot be brought into total harmony with each other. This is because the objectives of the two ways of life are very different.

In the West, individuality is revered. Very highly revered! For all people, self-fulfilment is the ideal and the goal. So the self is very, very important to us. In Islam, things are quite, quite different. In Islam, the self (nafs) is to be subsumed into Allah's will. What you want is not important; what is important is what Allah wants! Allah's will overrides all desires. That is what Islam means. It means submission. (It does not mean peace!) And a Muslim is one who has submitted to the will of Allah. Therefore, once one has submitted to the will of Allah, all one's actions and all one's deeds are done to please Him, the Almighty, and Him alone, even if those actions and deeds are not pleasing to you, yourself!

So, without going any further at this point, ask yourself one simple question: How can a person with such a way of thinking be successfully integrated into the Western way of life? Do I exaggerate when I say that these two ways of life are immiscible? I think not!

Now it must be said that millions of Muslims do integrate successfully into the West. But the ones that do are often not the devout in faith, and are often nominal Muslims rather than pious ones. I would go as far as to say that the more religious a Muslim becomes, the greater the difficulties he/she will have integrating into the West. – © Mark Alexander

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

"It All Goes Back to Isaac & Ishmael" - Israel at War - Jewish Historian Ken Spiro

Oct 26, 2023 | Historian and Rabbi Ken Spiro joins J-TV to share shed light on how the Torah's narratives around Isaac and Ishmael - the birth of the Jewish and Arab nations - sows the seeds for the times we are in today.

Ken Spiro’s website here »

Ken Spiro’s podcast here »

Monday, October 30, 2023

‘I Just Wonder, Are We Heading to Some Form of Religious War?’ | Nigel Farage's UK Protest Concerns

Oct 30, 2023 | 'I never thought I'd see these scenes in my country'. Nigel reacts to footage of protests from this weekend and the demonstration at the Cenotaph.

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Since the Heinous Hamas Terror Attack on Israel, Germany Is Experiencing a New Dimension of Hate for German Values, for Democracy and for Germany

MARK ALEXANDER: In Germany — and in all probability elsewhere in the West, too — many residents despise the German/Western way of life. They bring their children up to despise the Western way of life, as well. For such people, Germans and other Westerners are considered to be infidels. A concept difficult for the secular, Western mind to grapple with.

I, for one, warned of this phenomenon more than twenty years ago in my book, The Dawning of a New Dark Age. It was like whistling into the wind! Many simply didn’t want to hear the message. They didn’t want their comfortable lives disturbed by uncomfortable facts. They preferred to sing Kumbaya instead. But facts are facts, however people want to spin or slice them. I said it then and I will repeat it now, Islam and democracy are totally incompatible. One is either a Muslim or one is a democrat. One cannot be both a devout Muslim and an ardent democrat. No Sir! This is not possible. Period!

I wrote an essay on this way back in April 2007. I reposted in March 2017 here and in August 2021 here.

At last, the mainstream media (MSM) are beginning to wake up. It has taken a while, but it is happening – slowly. For instance, today, I see that BILD in Germany are ahead of the curve and are reporting about this phenomenon in various languages.

In German, they have an article entitled, Deutschland, wir haben ein Problem!. The same article appears in English under the title, Germany, we have a problem!

The same article also appears in Turkish here, in Russian here, and in Arabic here.

Happy Reading!

© Mark Alexander

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Matt Dillahunty vs MuslimSkeptic on Blasphemy Laws in Islam | #shorts

Listen to this American Muslim’s bullshit ! Do we really have to tolerate this crap in the name of political correctness?

It wasn't for nothing that I gave my book the title, The Dawning of a New Dark Age ! – Mark

THIS Is the BULLSHIT That the West Has Brought Upon Itself! | #shorts

Because of the stupidity and cowardice of politicians (of all political persuasions) hitherto, we, in the West, will now have to fight for our survival. This is going to be a battle for our very existence.

Monday, October 23, 2023

Christopher Hitchens, Author of "God Is Not Great," on Islamic Dogma | #shorts

One simply must love the late Christopher Hitchens. He lived life on his own terms. That takes courage and character. He drank like a fish, smoked like a trooper, and had no reverence for myth, legend or fairy tales. He was quick to call out bullshit.

Saturday, October 21, 2023

"Der Islam hat kein Problem mit Juden"

Imam Benjamin Idriz

ZEIT ONLINE: Dass in München palästinensische Demos nicht verboten sind, besorgt die jüdische Gemeinde. Imam Idriz sucht nach einem Weg, mit neuen Formen des Protests zu deeskalieren.

Der Imam schließt kurz die Augen und faltet die Hände. Es ist Freitagmittag, kurz nach dem Gebet. In einem lichtdurchfluteten Besprechungszimmer über der Moschee in Penzberg sagt Benjamin Idriz, was er in den vergangenen Tagen immer wieder gesagt hat: Dass er die Angriffe der Hamas auf die Zivilbevölkerung Israels verurteile. Gleich am Tag nach den Anschlägen schrieb er in einer Mitteilung: "Es ist nicht islamisch, Menschen in ihren Häusern zu überfallen, zu töten oder zu verschleppen."

Benjamin Idriz, 51, stammt aus Mazedonien, er hat im Libanon promoviert und ist seit 28 Jahren der Imam von Penzberg. Bekannt ist er über seine idyllische Gemeinde im Süden Münchens hinaus wegen seiner Bücher, in denen er einem breiten Publikum den liberalen Islam aufschlüsselt. Erklären, Orientierung geben, so sieht er seine Rolle. Doch das ist im Moment schwieriger denn je. » | Von Johanna Hintermeier, München | Samstag, 21. Oktober 2023

Friday, October 13, 2023

Inside the Persecuted Church of Iran | Documentary Series Pt. 2

May 2, 2023 | What is it like being a Christian in Iran? In this episode of Neighborhoods and Nations, Steven Morales speaks to Iranian Christians about Iran’s secret church. Nima Alizadeh, an Iranian Christian, tells us about the persecution that Christians face in Tehran.

Part 1.

Hard to Reach: Why Christianity Is Booming in Iran (Even under the Islamic Regime) | Documentary Series Pt. 1

Apr 25, 2023 | Iran is one of only three Islamic Republics in the world. And when you get down to it, you can see how it doesn’t actually function like a republic… but here’s why this matters. For the last 40 years, politics and religion in Iran have been one and the same. It’s the Islamic Republic of Iran. So the main religion is Islam. So you can’t have any other religion other than Islam. So when you are born in Iran, you are told you are Muslim. You have to practice Islam and that’s your religion by birth. Islam is not a choice, it’s what you’re forcibly born into, and in people’s minds: the rules of the government and the rules of Islam are the same thing. There is no separation between the church and state.

Sunday, October 08, 2023

Religious Roundtable | PBD Podcast | Ep. 306

Streamed live on Sep 21, 2023 | In this episode of the PBD Podcast Patrick Bet-David, the host, hosts a religious roundtable discussing different perspectives of religion. The guests are Daniel Haqiqatjou, Robert Spencer, Brother Rachid, and Jake Brancatella.