Monday, October 19, 2015

Russian PM Brands US 'Short-sighted and Weak' over Failure to Hold Talk[s] on ISIS Airstrikes

EXPRESS: THE PRIME Minister of Russia has branded the US "short-sighted and weak" in a scathing attack over failure to hold talks on coordinating airstrikes against Islamic State (ISIS) in Syria.

Russia is currently in the midst of a bombing campaign against the twisted terror group after Moscow approved airstrikes in the war-torn country last month.

Washington officials have so far refused to meet with a representative from Russia to discuss coordinating attacks against the evil organisation, claiming that they will only talk when Moscow stops assisting Syrian president Bashar al-Assad.

The US has accused Russia of only looking to prop up Assad's regime by bombing Syria - rather than tackling ISIS.

But President Vladimir Putin has since rubbished their claims and blasted their "unconstructive" stance last week at a meeting with the president of Kazakhstan.

And now the Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has also waded into the dispute as he spoke of his bafflement over what he described as the "silly behaviour" of America. » | Levi Winchester | Monday, October 19, 2015

"Merkel, die Schlepperkönigin Europas"

Nach dem miserablen Standing Merkels infolge ihrer Austeritätspolitik in der Griechenlandfrage nutzte sie die Chance in der Flüchtlingsfrage, um dieses wieder aufzumöbeln, ohne aber vorherzusehen, welchen Korken sie da aus der Flasche gezogen hatte.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Professor's Message to Merkel and Hollande: The EU Is 28 Countries, Not Two

Polish university professor Ryszard Legutko, the vice-president of the European Conservatives and Reformists group and an MEP for the Polish Law and Justice party, makes some good points to Merkel and Hollande.

Former Qatari PM Tries to Use UK Diplomatic Immunity to Halt Torture Court Case

THE GUARDIAN: Qatari agents acting on behalf of Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber al-Thani alleged to have falsely imprisoned British national Fawaz al-Attiya in Doha

A former prime minister of Qatar is attempting to use his UK diplomatic immunity to halt a court case in London where he is accused of being responsible for the alleged torture of a British citizen.

Fawaz al-Attiya, a UK national born in London, claims that Qatari agents acting on behalf of Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber al-Thani falsely imprisoned him in Doha for 15 months and subjected him to conditions amounting to torture. Attiya claims he was kept in solitary confinement, deprived of sleep and only let out in handcuffs to be interrogated.

Hamad bin Jassim, sometimes known as “HBJ”, denies the allegations and court documents state that he plans to use diplomatic immunity to challenge the London high court’s jurisdiction at a hearing due to be held later this week. » | Randeep Ramesh and Rori Donaghy | Sunday, October 18, 2015

Sweden: Third Refugee Centre Hit by Suspected Arson Attack within a Week

An old school building set to house refugees was left in ruins, Sunday, after it burned down in the Swedish municipality of Onsala, 30km (19m) from near Gothenburg. It is the third prospective refugee centre in Sweden to be set alight within one week, as suspected arson attacks against migrants spike in the Scandinavian country.

Mrs Thatcher: The Bruges Speech

Margaret Thatcher's historic speech, spawning The Bruges Group, delivered at Bruges in September 1988. Famously rejecting the centralised, unaccountable, federal Europe of Delors, Margaret Thatcher proposed instead a wider, decentralised, outward-looking democratic Europe of independent, freely- trading and cooperating nation states

Margaret Thatcher's Bruges Speech »

Pro und Contra: Von Floridsdorf in den Dschihad: Warum radikalisieren sich junge Österreicher?

In der Sendung Pro und Contra des österreichischen Puls4 diskutierte IZRS-Präsident Nicolas Blancho über die Frage, warum sich vor allem Jugendliche von der Botschaft des "Islamischen Staates (IS)" angezogen fühlen und einige von ihnen auch die Koffer packen und sich dem Kampf in Syrien oder im Irak anschliessen.

Für Blancho ist klar, dass die Debatte zu undifferenziert geführt wird. Die Moderatorin Corinna Milborn machte dies auch gleich zu Beginn der Sendung klar, als sie den IZRS-Präsidenten fragte, warum er ihr die Hand nicht gegeben habe. Jener entgegnete, dass er aus Respekt vor der fremden Frau seine Hand auf die Brust gelegt habe, anstatt sie anzufassen.

Es seien gerade diese normativen Stellvertreterkriege (Handgeben, Kopftuch, Geschlechterrollen), die in der Gesellschaft dem Phänomen der Islamophobie Vorschub leisten würden und die nötige Trennschärfe zwischen tatsächlich radikalen, d.h. ideologisch-gewaltbereiten Ansichten und religiös-konservativer Glaubenspraxis nicht leisteten.

Blancho betonte zudem auch, dass die islamische Bewegung nicht mit dem IS gleichgesetzt werden darf. Es gebe ein berechtigtes und gewichtiges Anliegen unter Muslimen im Mittleren Osten, die postkoloniale Herrschaftsordnungen in Frage zu stellen und selbstbestimmtere Gegenentwürfe hervorzubringen. Dass sich der Westen dabei auf Seiten der postkolonialen Tyrannen immer wieder einmische, sende ganz falsche Signale aus und verkompliziere letztlich auch das soziale Miteinander zwischen Muslimen und Nicht-Muslimen im Westen. .

Gäste am Podium:

Necla Kelek, Autorin und Islamkritikerin; Nicolas Blancho, Islamist, Präsident "Islamischer Zentralrat Schweiz"; Moussa Al-Hassan Diaw, Extremismus-Experte, Obmann der Deradikalisierungsplattform "Netzwerk sozialer Zusammenhalt"; Peter Gridling, Direktor des Bundesamtes für Verfassungsschutz und Terrorismusbekämpfung

Fremdenfeindlichkeit im Netz: EU soll Hasskommentare löschen lassen

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE: Die europäischen Justizminister wollen die Europäische Union zu einem Vorgehen gegen Hasskommentare im Internet bewegen. Sie sollen nicht nur gelöscht, sondern die Verfasser auch strafrechtlich verfolgt werden.

Die EU will entschlossen gegen Hassbotschaften in sozialen Netzwerken vorgehen. Europas Justizminister forderten am Freitag die EU-Kommission auf, Gespräche mit Internet-Anbietern über ein abgestimmtes Vorgehen zu führen, um die Botschaften schnell zu löschen. Die luxemburgische EU-Ratspräsidentschaft forderte die Mitgliedstaaten zudem auf, strafrechtlich entschlossener gegen Verfasser vorzugehen.

Fremdenfeindliche Hassbotschaften seien „nicht hinnehmbar“, sagte Luxemburgs Justizminister Félix Braz, dessen Land derzeit den EU-Vorsitz hat. Die Justizminister nähmen die Hassbotschaften „sehr ernst“ und würden sich abermals im Dezember mit dem Thema befassen. » | Quelle: AFP | Samstag, 10. Oktober 2015

The Impact of Mass Muslim Immigration in Europe Will Be Felt in Australia

THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD: The arrival of about a million Muslim men in Europe during 2014 and 2015, most of them unaccompanied, most not refugees from Syria, and most of whom would have been classified as illegal immigrants until European border control was plunged into turmoil earlier this year, has set in train a political shock wave. Some tremors will even be felt in Australia.

Already, hundreds of news reports about crime involving newly-arrived Muslim immigrants, and young women being warned by European authorities to wear modest clothing, have changed the public discourse.

Conservative parties are rapidly gaining ground. One of the European politicians harvesting increased support, Geert Wilders, is scheduled to arrive in Australia today.

The main political parties and mainstream media in Europe, having both tried to put a lid on stories which reflect poorly on new arrivals, have lost control of the debate. It has shifted, en masse, to social media.

The European Union itself, having been exposed as hostile to national sovereignty during the Greek financial crisis, is now perceived to have failed to protect European sovereignty at its most basic form – protection from invasion. » | Paul Sheehan | Sydney Morning Herald columnist | Sunday, October 18, 2015

Saturday, October 17, 2015

‘Britain to Blame for Israeli-Palestinian Conflict’ – George Galloway

Pro-Palestinian activists held banners and denounced Israeli aggression, following violent clashes and attacks by Israel Defense Forces on Palestinian civilians. According to former MP and current Respect Party leader George Galloway, "Britain is the cause of all this disaster"

Germany: Huge Protest as Berliners Fume against Turkish Government over Ankara Bombing

Hundreds marched in Berlin in commemoration with those that died in the duel-bomb attack at a peace rally in Ankara on Saturday, October 10.

At least 99 people were killed and more than 400 injured in the attacks, according the the prime minister's office. However, the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) have said that 128 died i

Salam Alaykum Österreich! Pro-Contra - Islam in Österreich

Rund 500.000 Menschen mit muslimischen Glauben leben in Österreich. Egal ob im täglichen Zusammenleben oder im politischen Diskurs: Um den Islam in Österreich gibt es oftmals Aufregung. Wir wollen nachfragen: Warum haben manche oftmals Probleme mit dem Islam? Und wie leben Muslime in Österreich?

Gäste am Podium u.a.: Seyran Ateş, Autorin und Islamkritikerin Ednan Aslan, Islam-"Theologe", Universität Wien Gernot Blümel, Generalsekretär, ÖVP Amani Abuzahra, Mitglied des Obersten Rates der Islamischen Glaubensgemeinschaft (IGGiÖ) Farid Hafez, Politikwissenschafter, Universität Salzburg. Moderation: Corinna Milborn

Ist Frau Merkel verrückt?

Mit der Beschleunigung der Islamisierung Deutschlands und Europas, muß man sich eine einfache Frage stellen: Ist Frau Merkel eigentlich ganz beineinder? Ist sie wohl verrückt? Ist sie von allen guten Geistern verlassen? Warum sonst würde sie eine Invasion von Muslimen nicht nur erlauben, sondern auch ermutigen? – © Mark

Mass Immigration Will Destroy the European Union, Argues LEO MCKINSTRY

EXPRESS: Europe is in its death throes, broken by the destructive arrogance, spectacular irresponsibility and neurotic dogma of its own leaders.

The immigration crisis engulfing the EU is the inevitable consequence of the federalists’ insistence on mass freedom of movement and open borders. These steps have been part of a plan to sweep away national democracies, replacing them with a multicultural superstate governed by an unelected elite in Brussels.

Behind all the manipulative propaganda about the plight of the refugees the reality is that the open-door approach amounts to a form of suicide for Europe. The fabric of our civilisation is being transformed through a social revolution for which no European citizen has ever voted.

It is estimated that more than 480,000 migrants have crossed to Europe by sea this year, with the rate of arrivals now reaching 6,000 a day, most of them Muslims from Africa, the Middle East and Asia.

This change will not only impose a colossal strain on the civic infrastructure and social cohesion of the member states but it is bound to accelerate the process of Islamification. One study has shown that in 2010 there were at least 44 million Muslims in Europe, a total that, even before the present crisis, was expected to double by 2050. » | Leo McKinstry | Thursday, September 24, 2015

Britons SHOULD Feel Nervous about Women Wearing Burkas, Says Tory MP

EXPRESS: BRITISH people should feel nervous when they no longer hear English spoken in their communities and women are wearing burkas, a Tory MP has said.

David Davies told the Commons today people in big cities also become nervous when seeing women wearing burkas or "trailing six-feet behind" their husbands.

The Monmouth MP said it is also reasonable for people in some parts of north Wales to feel the same when they fail to hear Welsh on a day-to-day basis.

He insisted these concerns should not be dismissed as racist and said migrants should learn the language of the country where they live while also fitting in with its culture and values. » | Alix Culbertson | Saturday, October 17, 2015

Vladimir Putin Warns Thousands of Russian JIHADIS Now Fighting FOR Islamic State in Syria

EXPRESS: SEVEN thousand jihadi fighters from Russia and the former Soviet east are fighting for Islamic State (ISIS) in Syria, President Vladimir Putin has revealed, as Moscow continues its bombing campaign on the twisted terror group.

The ex-KGB strongman also warned Central Asian countries that they were at an increased risk of attack from extremist militants flooding in from Afghanistan.

Chief among the nations threatened by an ISIS incursion is Tajikistan, which has the longest border with lawless Afghanistan, but Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan are also in the firing line.

Speaking at a regional summit in Kazakhstan, Mr Putin urged the leaders of those countries to work together to propel any invasion.

The proposal could include setting up a Nato-style military alliance of ex-Soviet states amid fears of Taliban "spillover" from Afghanistan.

The Russian leader described the situation in Afghanistan as "close to critical", 24 hours after Barack Obama announced almost 10,000 US troops would remain stationed in the war-torn country. » | Tom Batchelor | Saturday, October 17, 2015

Asylwahnsinn auch in Holland: Geert Wilders berichtet

'Multiculturalism Utterly Failed in Germany' - Merkel (2010)

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said that attempts at creating a multi-cultural society in Germany have "utterly failed." Merkel was addressing a national meeting of the youth wing of her Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party.

Because multiculturalism has failed, she has decided to bring in people from other cutlures by the drove to see how that works out. How crazy is that? Does she think that multiculturalism is more likely to work with millions more? Her logic is unbelievably difficult to follow. But we must remember that Merkel is a scientist by training. Scientists love experiments. – © Mark

The Children Brainwashed To Become Jihadis

Children Of The Caliphate: A look at the horrific cruelty of Islamic State as they recruit a new generation of Jihadis.

Related video »

Fox News Analyst Arrested for 'Lying about CIA Past'

A frequent Fox News guest cited as a terrorism expert due to an extensive career with the CIA has been arrested and charged with fraud relating to that very career. He is accused of lying on official government documents.