Friday, October 16, 2015

The Glazov Gang – Muslim Refugee in Europe Warns About Muslim Refugees in Europe

The Glazov Gang-Muslim Refugee in Europe Warns About Muslim Refugees in Europe: Mudar Zahran (Jordanian Palestinian Leader)

British FM: End of 'Israeli Occupation' Long Overdue

Philip Hammond
ARUTZ SHEVA: Hammond equates Arab terrorists and 'Israeli settlers,' demands end to Jewish presence in Judea and Samaria.

British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond on Friday issued a statement about the rising wave of Arab terrorism engulfing Israel, but equally blamed Arab terrorists and "Israeli settlers" while urging an end to the Jewish presence in the Biblical heartland of Judea and Samaria.

"I continue to be deeply concerned by violent clashes across the Occupied Palestinian Territories (i.e. Judea and Samaria - ed.) and Israel which have resulted in a number of deaths and hundreds of injuries," began Hammond.

“We condemn all acts of violence, including attacks by Palestinians and by Israeli settlers," he said, equating pre-planned terror attacks with unspecified "settler violence."

"We urge all sides to take immediate steps to de-escalate the tensions and avoid actions that threaten to exacerbate the situation." » | Arutz Sheva Staff | Friday, October 9, 2015

EU and Turkey agree on Joint Migrant Action Plan

European Union leaders meeting in Brussels have agreed on more money for Turkey in order to deal with the refugee crisis. The meeting comes as the EU's border agency Frontex estimates over 600 thousand people have entered the bloc this year already. Most of the asylum seekers come from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and across the Sub-Saharan Africa.

Administration Stands by Accusations of Israeli Terror

Oct. 15, 2015 - 13:20 - Israel's prime minister warns the world not to confuse his country's victims with their attackers

Germany's Jews Living In Fear of Thousands of Muslim Refugees Raised to Be Anti Semitic

EXPRESS: MANY German Jews are now living in fear of the hundreds of thousands of Muslim refugees coming into the country because "they have absorbed anti-Semitism from their mother's milk".

A spokesman of the Jewish forum for Democracy and against anti-Semitism, Levi Salomon, said Jew-hating Nazi ideology and the hatred of Israel had been at the heart of the ruling Baath parties in both Syria and Iraq for decades.

He warned: "Therefore it must be assumed that the majority of Syrian refugees have absorbed anti-Semitism with their mother's milk."

Under the rule of Nazi Germany in the 1930s until the end of World War 2 in 1945, millions of Jews were imprisoned and killed during the Holocaust as part of Adolph Hitler's "final solution" to ethnically cleanse the country of Jews.

Salomon added: "It is a reverse import - spawned in the West exported to the Middle East and brought back again." » | Allan Hall | Thursday, October 15, 2015

French Weatherman Taken Off Air after Questioning Climate Change

THE GUARDIAN: France 2 channel’s Philippe Verdier told not to return to work for foreseeable future after writing book which throws doubt on findings of leading scientists

A French TV weatherman has been taken off air after writing a book in which he questions climate change. Philippe Verdier, a familiar face on the state-run France 2 channel, said he had been told not to return to work for the foreseeable future.

“I received a letter asking me not to come,” Verdier told RTL radio this week. “I don’t know any more than that, I don’t know how long it will last. It’s all to do with my book.” » | Agence France-Presse in Paris | Thursday, October 15, 2015

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Putin Introduces Bill to Prohibit Canonical Religious Texts Being Designated 'Extremist'

THE MOSCOW TIMES: President Vladimir Putin has introduced a bill at the State Duma that would prohibit the canonical texts of Christianity, Islam, Judaism or Buddhism from being designated “extremist,” a news report said.

“The Bible, Quran, Tanakh and Kanjur, their content and quotations from them may not be deemed extremist materials,” the bill states, state-run RIA Novosti news agency reported Wednesday.

The bill follows an outcry by Russia's Muslim population against a ruling made by a Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk city court in August that deemed a book containing quotes and commentary on verses from the Quran “extremist” and banned it from local distribution. » | The Moscow Times | Thursday, October 15, 2015

Sabatina James: Die Gewalt ist durch den Koran begründet

Ihr Buch: Nur die Wahrheit macht uns frei: Mein Leben zwischen Islam und Christentum »

Andreas Thiel sagt die Wahrheit über den Islam - Islam verbieten - Muslime abschieben

Jewish Ex-Leader: Muslim Immigration Could Spell an End to Europe’s Jewish Communities

HUNGARY TODAY: Mass immigration from the Muslim world is a threat to the Jewish community because it exports the Middle Eastern conflict to Europe, a senior Hungarian Jewish public figure has said.

Speaking to the Wednesday edition of the pro-government daily newspaper Magyar Idők [Magyar Times], Péter Feldmájer, the former head of the Federation of Hungarian Jewish Communities (MAZSIHISZ), the country’s largest Jewish organisation, said that immigration poses a major national security threat to Europe and the protection of Schengen borders is “vital” if the wave of immigration is to be halted. “There are evil people among them [the migrants], who are sent to our continent by their evil leaders. Even if they form only a negligible part of all immigrants, they bring with them strife which could lead to explosions”, he said. » | via | Wednesday, October 14, 2015

HUNGARY TODAY: Orbán vs Soros: Overwhelming Majority of Hungarians Support PM's Immigration Proposals, Survey Shows »

Here’s What Happens When You Drink Red Wine Every Night

Read the TIME article here | Mandy Oaklander | Monday, October 12, 2015

Asylanten vermieten Frauen für 10$ und vergewaltigen sie

Muslimische Asylanten jagen Christen in Celle

HT: Robert Spencer @ Jihad Watch »

Op-Ed: Jews, Muslims and European Refugees

ARUTZ SHEVA: What has the massive Muslim influx to Europe meant to its Jews?

Developments in the refugee crisis in Europe have been rapid. Jews (and Israel) must monitor the fast changing crisis carefully, to identify the aspects relevant to them. One such development, among many others, are the frequent comparisons of the current Muslim refugees with the Jews fleeing Germany in the 1930s. They are greatly distorted.

The main developments are in Germany where Chancellor Angela Merkel has put her reputation – and perhaps even her position – at stake by allowing the influx of large numbers of refugees. There have been a number of arson attempts at refugee centers. The originators are probably from the extreme right. Due to their ideological orientation they may also target Jews in the future.

The fights in asylum centers between various groups of refugees, the Christian attempts to proselytize among the incoming Muslims, and Salafist efforts to turn refugees into Muslim extremists are other issues now coming to the fore. Sexual assaults on women carried out by refugees have been reported, both in asylum centers and elsewhere. It has also been suggested that Muslims and Christians should be separated in the asylum centers, as some among the former terrorize the latter. In France, some municipalities are only willing to welcome Christian refugees.

From the specific Jewish point of view, besides the issues which concern them as citizens, it is relevant is that the current influx again places Islam’s position in Western Europe in the center of public debate. The EU’s High Representative for Foreign and Security affairs Federica Mogherini said earlier this year: “Islam holds a place in our Western societies. Islam belongs in Europe. It holds a place in Europe's history, in our culture, in our food and – what matters most – in Europe's present and future."

Merkel said: “Most Muslims are honest citizens, and are loyal to the constitution. It is clear that Islam by now undoubtedly belongs to Germany.” » | Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld | Thursday, October 15, 2015

Merkel im Bundestag zur Asylpolitik

Wachsender Protest gegen Flüchtlinge in Deutschland

Während das deutsche Parlament morgen ein neues Asylrecht verabschiedet, kommt es immer häufiger zu Brandanschlägen und Übergriffen auf Flüchtlings-unterkünfte, besonders in den neuen Bundesländern im Osten Deutschlands.

Réfugiés : Merkel dans la tourmente

LE POINT: La chancelière, qui a rejeté jeudi l'idée d'une fermeture de l'Europe face au flux de migrants, affronte dans son pays une grogne sans précédent.

La chancelière Angela Merkel a rejeté jeudi l'idée d'une fermeture de l'Europe face au flux de migrants, estimant qu'elle devait rester "solidaire", tout en appelant à un meilleur contrôle à la frontière entre la Turquie et la Grèce. S'exprimant devant les députés allemands à Berlin avant un sommet européen sur le sujet devant commencer en début de soirée à Bruxelles, la chancelière allemande a estimé que l'UE devait en particulier aider la Turquie à mieux surveiller ses frontières car l'espace maritime entre la Turquie et la Grèce est actuellement "aux mains des passeurs".

De manière générale face à la crise migratoire, "il faut une Europe de la solidarité, toute autre option est condamnée à l'échec", a déclaré Angela Merkel, alors que les pays d'Europe de l'Est en particulier, par lesquels les migrants transitent depuis les Balkans, ont nettement renforcé leurs contrôles ces dernières semaines. "Une fermeture (des frontières de l'Europe) est une illusion au XXIe siècle, qui est celui de l'Internet", a lancé la chancelière allemande, en réponse aussi aux critiques de plus en plus virulentes dont elle fait l'objet en Allemagne du fait de sa politique d'ouverture, avec une mini-rébellion au sein de sa famille politique conservatrice en particulier. "Il n'est pas exagéré de parler d'un défi d'ampleur historique" pour l'Europe à propos de la réponse à la vague de migrants actuelle, a encore dit Angela Merkel. Plus de 710 000 migrants sont entrés dans l'Union européenne entre le 1er janvier et le 30 septembre, selon des chiffres publiés mardi par l'agence européenne de surveillance des frontières Frontex. À elle seule, l'Allemagne en attend jusqu'à un million pour l'ensemble de l'année et les capacités d'accueil du pays sont mises à rude épreuve. » | Source AFP | jeudi 15 octobre 2015

End of ISIS? Terror Group 'On Verge of Defeat' as Russian Jets Cut Off Arms Supplies

EXPRESS: ISLAMIC State (ISIS) is on the verge of defeat after Russia cut off its arm supplies, according to reports.

Russian jets have made 41 sorties and carried out 40 attacks against the twisted terror group in the past 24 hours, a defence official claimed.

The attacks took place in dozens of ISIS strongholds in the Syrian provinces of Aleppo, Hama, Idlib, Latakia and Deir ez-Zur, he added. » | Tom Parfitt | Thursday, October 15, 2015

EXPRESS: Putin defiant as ISIS bomb ring smashed in Moscow: VLADIMIR Putin has pledged to continue bombing raids in Syria as it emerged police have foiled an Islamic State (ISIS) attack on Moscow. » | Leda Reynolds | Tuesday, October 13,2015

Isis 'Not My Cup of Tea' Says British Woman Who Went to Syria to Join

THE GUARDIAN: Shukee Begum went to Syria with her five children to be with her jihadi husband Jamal al-Harith, a former Guantánamo Bay detainee

A British woman who fled Islamic State with her five children after travelling to Syria to be with her husband has told of her experience of life under the group’s rule, describing the “gangster mentality” among supporters as “not my cup of tea”.

Shukee Begum, who fled Isis and says that she was then held by smugglers in northern Syria, said that she wanted to return to the UK but feared what the reception would be from British authorities. She is currently believed to be living in Syria.

“I would love to go back to the UK,” the 33-year-old told Channel 4 News.

“The UK is my home. I grew up there, my friends are there my family are there. That is where I consider to be home but I am just not sure at the moment of the track record of the current government if the UK is somewhere I can come back to and achieve justice.” » | Ben Quinn | Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Mother of Saudi Man Sentenced to Crucifixion Begs Obama to Intervene

Ali Mohammed al-Nimr
THE GUARDIAN: US president urged to rescue Ali Mohammed al-Nimr, sentenced to be beheaded and crucified for allegedly attending anti-government protests

The mother of a Saudi protester sentenced to death by beheading and crucifixion has begged Barack Obama to intervene to save her son’s life.

In her first interview with foreign media, Nusra al-Ahmed, the mother of Ali Mohammed al-Nimr, whose case has made headlines around the world, described the intended punishment as savage and “backwards in the extreme”.

Human rights groups including Amnesty International and Reprieve, the US talkshow host Bill Maher and the British prime minister, David Cameron, have all weighed in with calls for clemency to stop Nimr, who was 17 at the time of his arrest, from being beheaded and then crucified.

The oil-rich state is facing increasing diplomatic scrutiny over the severity of its penal system as it takes over the chair of the UN human rights council.

Asked how she was coping knowing that at any moment her son could be put to death following the Saudi supreme court’s rejection of his appeal, Ahmed said: “For other people every hour is composed of 60 minutes, but for me every hour is 60 beats of pain.” (+video interview with mother) » | Shiv Malik, Mona Mahmood and Laurence Topham | Wednesday, October 14, 2015