Thursday, October 15, 2015

Op-Ed: Jews, Muslims and European Refugees

ARUTZ SHEVA: What has the massive Muslim influx to Europe meant to its Jews?

Developments in the refugee crisis in Europe have been rapid. Jews (and Israel) must monitor the fast changing crisis carefully, to identify the aspects relevant to them. One such development, among many others, are the frequent comparisons of the current Muslim refugees with the Jews fleeing Germany in the 1930s. They are greatly distorted.

The main developments are in Germany where Chancellor Angela Merkel has put her reputation – and perhaps even her position – at stake by allowing the influx of large numbers of refugees. There have been a number of arson attempts at refugee centers. The originators are probably from the extreme right. Due to their ideological orientation they may also target Jews in the future.

The fights in asylum centers between various groups of refugees, the Christian attempts to proselytize among the incoming Muslims, and Salafist efforts to turn refugees into Muslim extremists are other issues now coming to the fore. Sexual assaults on women carried out by refugees have been reported, both in asylum centers and elsewhere. It has also been suggested that Muslims and Christians should be separated in the asylum centers, as some among the former terrorize the latter. In France, some municipalities are only willing to welcome Christian refugees.

From the specific Jewish point of view, besides the issues which concern them as citizens, it is relevant is that the current influx again places Islam’s position in Western Europe in the center of public debate. The EU’s High Representative for Foreign and Security affairs Federica Mogherini said earlier this year: “Islam holds a place in our Western societies. Islam belongs in Europe. It holds a place in Europe's history, in our culture, in our food and – what matters most – in Europe's present and future."

Merkel said: “Most Muslims are honest citizens, and are loyal to the constitution. It is clear that Islam by now undoubtedly belongs to Germany.” » | Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld | Thursday, October 15, 2015