Friday, November 02, 2012

Une école gay en projet à Toronto

LE FIGARO: Le rectorat de la ville canadienne étudie l'ouverture d'un lycée pour les élèves gays. Une première consultation s'est tenue dans une ville où les écoles alternatives sont de plus nombreuses, avec des résultats mitigés.

«Une école pour les gays à Toronto?», s'interrogent ces jours-ci les médias de la Ville Reine. Des étudiants et des professeurs de la communauté homosexuelle de Toronto ont mené une première consultation pour étudier l'ouverture d'une école gay.

Ce lycée accueillerait des lycéens homosexuels âgés de 14 ans à 17 ans. Les deux instigateurs du projet sont un professeur et conseiller du Toronto District School Board, (équivalent du rectorat), Javier Davila et un étudiant torontois, Fan Wu. Si les contours d'une telle école demeurent encore flous, celle-ci recevrait des élèves, des professeurs et des personnels administratifs homosexuels.

«Il y a un réel manque d'éducation et un besoin pour une école qui encourage l'esprit critique, particulièrement dans les domaines du sexe et de la diversité sexuelle», a confié Fan Wu au magazine Torontois Xtra. Outre la mise en valeur d'une culture homosexuelle dans un Canada anglais où les librairies et les bibliothèques ont des rayons de littérature dite gay, les promoteurs du projet estiment que de nombreux étudiants se sentent rejetés ou persécutés et qu'une telle école ferait office de refuge. » | Par Ludovic Hirtzmann | vendredi 02 novembre 2012
Le nouveau visage de l'islamisme en prison

LE FIGARO: L'Administration pénitentiaire et les services de renseignement s'inquiètent aujourd'hui du comportement des prisonniers les plus extrémistes qui, comme ce fut le cas d'un Merah, évitent tout signe ostentatoire pour mieux tromper la surveillance des autorités.

Après le 11 septembre 2001, les spécialistes de l'antiterrorisme inventèrent la «théorie du bon voisin» pour décrire la stratégie des kamikazes qui s'étaient fondus dans la société américaine avant de commettre leurs attentats. La comparaison, toutes proportions gardées, vaut pour la... Cet article est réservé aux abonnés : Se connecter [€] » | Par Marie-Amélie Lombard | jeudi 01 novembre 2012
German Islamists Target Youth on the Internet

SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: A growing community of German-speaking Islamists has developed on the Internet. Aiming to find new recruits, they glorify jihad and call for attacks on Germany. A new study warns that such online propaganda might foster a new generation of terrorists.

As a rapper, Denis Cuspert was a bit player, but as a propagandist for jihad he is a star in some circles. He has gained considerable prominence since 2010, when he transformed himself from a Berlin hip-hop artist named Deso Dogg into the Islamist Abu Malik.

Actually, not much has changed since he became a Salafist. He still makes music, and distributes it primarily through the Internet. But instead of performing rap songs like "Gangxta" and "Ich und mein Baby" ("Me and My Baby"), he releases so-called Anasheed, or Islamic vocal music in which he glorifies jihad.

Cuspert's songs have attained cult status among radical Islamists in Germany. At the request of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution in Berlin, three of his jihadist songs were labeled as being harmful to minors in early 2012.

Today, the ex-rapper is one of the most prominent German-speaking propagandists for jihad on the Internet. A new study by the Berlin-based Foundation for Science and Politics (SWP), which advises the German government, addresses the development of the Islamist scene on the Internet in detail for the first time. » | Christoph Sydow | Thursday, November 01, 2012
Streit über Haushalt: EU-Kommissar will Europa-Bekenntnis der Briten

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Die Verhandlungen über das nächste EU-Budget drohen am Veto Großbritanniens zu scheitern. Haushaltskommissar Lewandowski geißelt nun die Kompromisslosigkeit der Briten - und fordert eine klare Aussage über ihren Verbleib in der Europäischen Union.

Berlin/London - Die Europäische Kommission hat offenbar genug von den Drohungen aus Großbritannien in den Etat-Verhandlungen. EU-Haushaltskommissar Janusz Lewandowski forderte im Streit über die Ausgaben der Europäischen Union Klarheit von London. "Entweder es sieht für längere Zeit seine Zukunft in der Europäischen Union oder nicht", sagte Lewandowski der "Süddeutschen Zeitung". Die festgefahrenen Verhandlungen über den EU-Etat könnten an einem Veto aus Großbritannien scheitern.

"Das Spiel in der Europäischen Union heißt Kompromiss", sagte der Pole. "Aber natürlich gibt es Grenzen: Wir können nicht mehr Europa mit substantiell weniger Geld schaffen." Die EU-Kommission fordert eine Erhöhung der Ausgaben zwischen 2014 und 2020 auf knapp 1.000 Milliarden Euro. Eine Einigung über den künftigen EU-Haushalt soll beim Sondergipfel Ende November in Brüssel erzielt werden. » | fab/dpa/Reuters | Freitag, 02. November 2012
Muslim Clerics Say Sandy Is 'God's Way of Punishing America for Anti-Muhammed Film

MAIL ONLINE: Some anti-American Muslim clerics have cast the deadly Superstorm Sandy as divine punishment for 'Innocence of Muslims,' a film mocking the Prophet Muhammad or for other perceived ills of American society.

The remarks by some on the fringe brought a backlash from other Muslims who said it was wrong to relish the suff1ering of others.

In Egypt, one radical cleric described the hurricane as revenge from God for the crude, anti-Islam film made in the U.S. that sparked waves of protests in the Muslim world in September.

'Some people wonder about the hurricane in America and its causes,' Egyptian hardline cleric Wagdi Ghoneim tweeted twice this week in the aftermath of the storm.

'In my opinion, it is revenge from God for the beloved prophet,' he added, alluding to the film. » | Associated Press Reporter | Friday, November 02, 2012
Cameron Stance Could Force Britain Out of EU, Clegg Claims

THE GUARDIAN: Deputy prime minister lets rip at Tory demands for a unilateral repatriation of powers from Brussels

An exasperated Nick Clegg gave vent to months of frustration with the Tories on Thursday when he let rip at David Cameron for endangering Britain's membership of the EU by demanding a unilateral repatriation of powers from Brussels.

In a sign of how the EU could destabilise the coalition, the deputy prime minister warned that Cameron was risking "an outright crisis" which could force Britain out of the EU. Hours later, Cameron hit back when he said he was confident he could repatriate powers.

Clegg turned on the Tories in a speech at Chatham House in London after his patience finally snapped earlier this month when the education secretary, Michael Gove, said Britain should "walk out" if EU leaders refuse to sanction the repatriation of powers.

"A grand, unilateral repatriation of powers might sound appealing," the deputy prime minister said. "But in reality it is a false promise wrapped in a union jack." » | Nicholas Watt, chief political correspondent | Thursday, November 01, 2012
Iranians Burn US Flags to Mark Embassy Seizure

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Thousands of Iranians chanting "Death to America" burnt US flags on Friday to mark the 33rd anniversary of the seizure of the US embassy in Tehran, just days before the American presidential election.

The demonstrators also chanted anti-British and anti-Israeli slogans, and burnt Israeli flags, as they gathered in front of the site of the former embassy, dubbed the "den of spies" by the authorities who sponsor the annual commemoration, an AFP photographer reported.

This year's rally came just days before Tuesday's US presidential election in which Republican challenger Mitt Romney has made Iran's controversial nuclear programme a top foreign policy issue.

"The greatest threat the world faces is a nuclear Iran," Romney said in a campaign debate with Democratic incumbent Barack Obama. » | Source: AFP | Friday, November 02, 2012

Thursday, November 01, 2012

Angst vor Knappheit: Irans Regierung verbietet Export von Lebensmitteln

KRONEN ZEITUNG: Der unter internationalen Sanktionen leidende Iran hat den Export von etwa 50 Gütern wie Weizen, Mehl, Zucker und Fleisch verboten. Händler im Iran dürften diese Produkte nicht mehr ausführen, hieß es staatlichen Medienberichten von Dienstag zufolge. Eine Liste mit weiteren Gütern solle folgen. » | AG/red | Dienstag, 30. Oktober 2012
Le maire de New York soutient Obama

LE FIGARO: Le maire de New York, Michael Bloomberg, a appelé aujourd'hui à voter pour Barack Obama à l'élection présidentielle de mardi prochain aux Etats-Unis, en mettant en avant le bilan du président sortant dans la lutte contre le changement climatique.

"Notre climat change. L'augmentation des phénomènes climatiques extrêmes que nous avons vécus à New York et dans le monde peut être, ou pas, le résultat de ce changement, mais le risque existe que ce soit le cas", déclare-t-il dans une libre opinion publiée dans Bloomberg View. "Les dégâts de cette semaine devraient obliger les dirigeants élus à agir immédiatement", ajoute le maire de la ville, particulièrement touchée par la tempête Sandy qui a ravagé le nord-est des Etats-Unis en début de semaine. » | Avec Reuters | jeudi 01 novembre 2012
Alger demande la «repentance» de la France

LE FIGARO: Les responsables algériens font de la surenchère avant la visite de Hollande.

La reconnaissance de la répression du 17 octobre 1961 ne suffira pas à garantir àFrançois Hollande une visite apaisée à Alger. Depuis quelques jours, les officiels algériens multiplient les déclarations pour réclamer «une reconnaissance», voire une «repentance» de la France pour «l'ensemble des crimes coloniaux».

«Les Algériens veulent une reconnaissance franche des crimes perpétrés à leur encontre», a affirmé mardi Mohammed Cherif Abbas, ministre des Moudjahidins (anciens combattants). Farouk Ksentini, président de la Commission nationale consultative de promotion et de protection des droits de l'homme, l'avait devancé lundi: «La colonisation a été un crime massif dont la France doit se repentir si elle envisage d'établir avec l'Algérie de véritables relations délivrées d'un passé tragique, dans lequel le peuple algérien a souffert l'indicible, dont il n'est pas sorti indemne et qu'il ne peut effacer de sa mémoire.» » | Par Mélanie Matarese | jeudi 01 novembre 2012
Britische Liberale: EU-Mitgliedschaft steht auf dem Spiel

REUTERS DEUTSCHLAND: London (Reuters) - Nach der Abstimmungsniederlage der Regierung im Parlament haben die britischen Liberalen ihren konservativen Koalitionspartner vor einem Konfrontationskurs gegen die EU gewarnt.

Das könne die Mitgliedschaft des Königreichs in der Europäischen Union gefährden, sagte der stellvertretende Premierminister Nick Clegg am Donnerstag In London. "Sie werden niemals etwas erreichen, wenn Sie mit den Füßen stampfen und sagen, 'wir wollen Mitglied in diesem Club sein, aber einseitig die Spielregeln ändern und allein darüber entscheiden, was wir unterschreiben'", fügte der Chef der europafreundlichen Liberal-Demokraten hinzu. Eine solche Haltung könnte die EU in ihrem Haushaltsstreit in die Krise stürzen und Großbritannien an den Rand oder aus der Union drängen. » | Donnerstag, 01. November 2012
Greek Journalist Acquitted in Swiss Accounts Scandal

REUTERS.COM: (Reuters) - A Greek journalist who published the names of more than 2,000 of his compatriots who held Swiss bank accounts was acquitted on Thursday in a case that touched a nerve over the role of tax evasion in the country's debt crisis.

The trial of Costas Vaxevanis, editor of the weekly Hot Doc magazine, had aroused international concern and intense interest among Greeks hit by the impact of the country's economic collapse and angry at the privileges of the elite.

He could have faced up to two year years in prison on charges of violating data privacy laws that Vaxevanis said were politically motivated and the result of politicians protecting an "untouchable" wealthy class.

His speedy arrest and trial following publication of the "Lagarde List" at the weekend - so named for Christine Lagarde, the head of the International Monetary Fund - touched a nerve in near-bankrupt Greece, where rampant tax evasion is undermining a struggle to cut public costs and raise revenue under an EU/IMF bailout deal.

It also enraged many who are already furious over the failure of consecutive governments to crack down on the rich while years of recession have wiped out a fifth of economic output and hammered middle-class living standards. » | Renee Maltezou | ATHENS | Writing by Michael Winfrey, Editing by Michael Roddy | Thursday, November 01, 2012
US Withdraws Support for Syrian Opposition

Hillary Clinton said the Syrian National Council could "no longer be viewed as the visible leader of the opposition."

The Obama administration has said it would push for a major shake-up in Syria's opposition leadership, dismissing the Syrian National Council.

The US wants the opposition to rally wider support and resist attempts by extremists to hijack the revolution against the Assad regime.

Speaking to reporters in Croatia's capital, US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said the administration was suggesting names and organisations that should feature prominently in any new rebel leadership that emerges from talks starting next week in Doha, the capital of Qatar.

She dismissed the Syrian National Council, a Paris-based group of regime opponents who have lived in exile for decades, saying its leadership days are over, even if it could still play a role. The council was viewed with suspicion by rebels who stayed in Syria and fought the regime of President Bashar al-Assad.

"This cannot be an opposition represented by people who have many good attributes but have in many instances not been inside Syria for 20, 30 or 40 years," Clinton said. "There has to be a representation of those who are on the front lines fighting and dying today to obtain their freedom. And there needs to be an opposition leadership structure that is dedicated to representing and protecting all Syrians."

Die Türkei: Merkel verspricht faire EU-Beitrittsverhandlungen

Großbritannien: Eigene Partei stimmt gegen Cameron

Nordkorea: Ri Sol Ju soll schwanger sein

'Iran Offers to Send Aid to Sandy Victims in NY'

THE JERUSALEM POST: Aid workers ready to fly to those affected by hurricane, Fars reports; State Department tells 'NY Times' no official offer made.

Iranian aid workers are ready to fly from Tehran to New York City to provide assistance to those affected by Hurricane Sandy, semi-official Fars News Agency reported on Wednesday.

"Iran's Red Crescent is prepared to help the victims in the US," Mahmud Mozaffar, The Head of the Iranian Red Crescent Society's Relief and Rescue Organization, told Fars News Agency.

Mozaffar stressed the preparedness of Iran's Red Crescent, stating: "Given its ample experience in rescuing storms and floods victims, Iran's Red Crescent can provide relief assistance for those affected in New York," Fars quoted him as saying.

According to Fars, Mozaffar added that the society would dispatch its aid and rescue teams, as well as equipments to US cities in need once US officials accept Iran’s offer of assistance. » | Staff | Reuters contributed to this report | Thursday, November 01, 2012
Das Land der Milliardäre und Brotlosen (Mittwoch, 31. Oktober 2012)

Während sich ein Milliardär das grösste Haus der Welt errichten lässt, nagen am anderen Ende der USA ganze Pleite-Städte am Hungertuch. Dort, wo die Hoffnung die Menschen verlassen hat, haben Drogenbanden und Gewalt Einzug gehalten. Eine Reportage über den amerikanischen (Alb-)Traum.

10vor10 vom 31.10.2012
Half of Venice Under Water

After days of rain, water in Venice rises to a height of 55 inches above sea level, flooding many shops and buildings.

Greek Journalist Arrested Over Exposing Politicians' Alleged Tax Evasion

Greek police have arrested one of the country's top journalists, after his publication Hot Doc released the so-called 'Lagarde list,' containing the names of some 2,000 Greeks with funds hidden in Swiss bank accounts.

The police arrested Kostas Vaxevanis, the owner and editor of Hot Doc, during a live radio interview on Sunday. "They're entering my house with the prosecutor right now. They are arresting me. Spread the word," Vaxevanis tweeted.