Friday, April 20, 2012
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Norwegian far-right extremist Anders Behring Breivik shocked an Oslo courtroom on Friday as he calmly described hunting down teenagers on an island summer camp.
As his words rolled out, survivors and victims' relatives of the July 22 massacre hugged and sobbed, trying to comfort each other. That testimony was also broadcast to 17 other courtrooms in Norway where others affected by the attacks were gathered, but was not carried live on Norwegian television.
The 33-year-old Norwegian left out no detail from his rampage, explaining how he shot panicked youths at point-blank range.
Sixty-nine people, mostly teenagers, were killed on Utoya island and others only survived by diving into chilly waters to escape.
Breivik said he did not anticipate his victims' reactions.
"Some of them are completely paralysed. They cannot run. They stand totally still. This is something they never show on TV," Breivik said. "It was very strange." » | Friday, April 20, 2012
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THE TIMES OF ISRAEL: Tehran marks Holocaust Remembrance Day by running cartoons denying the crimes
While Israel marks Holocaust Remembrance Day, Iran is playing Holocaust-denying cartoons on public television, Channel 2 News reported on Wednesday night. » | Sam Ser | Wednesday, April 18, 2012
HT: Robert Spencer @ Jihad Watch »
Vladimir Putin
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REUTERS FRANCE: PARIS - Marine Le Pen voit une mauvaise blague dans les propos de son père liant les initiales de Nicolas Sarkozy au national socialisme et comparant le meeting de la Concorde de l'UMP aux rassemblements nazis de Nuremberg.
Invitée vendredi sur BFM-TV/RMC, la candidate à la présidentielle du Front national a dit regretter cette déclaration, tout en rappelant que le ministre de l'Intérieur, Claude Guéant, fidèle du président sortant, l'avait traitée de "nationale et socialiste." » | Gérard Bon, édité par Gilles Trequesser | vendredi 20 avril 2012
Le Pen,
National Socialism,
Nicolas Sarkozy
REUTERS.COM: Formula One cars took to the track in Bahrain on Friday, while the government, hoping for a successful Grand Prix, squared off against activists determined to mark it with "days of rage" after more than a year of Arab Spring protests.
On the eve of Friday's practice session, protests had flared in villages surrounding the capital, far from the circuit where the race will be held. Police fired tear gas and stun grenades to disperse demonstrators in clashes that have been building in the week leading to Sunday's round of the World Championship.
Bahrain has been in turmoil since a democracy movement erupted last year following uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia. Protests were initially crushed with the loss of dozens of lives, but youths still clash daily with riot police in Shi'ite Muslim districts, and thousands take part in opposition rallies.
Bahrain's ruling al-Khalifa family, a Sunni Muslim dynasty ruling a majority Shi'ite population caught between neighbors Saudi Arabia and Iran with opposite sympathies in its internal strife, hopes the race will offer an opportunity to tell the world that life is returning to normal. » | Alan Baldwin | Reuters | MANAMA | Friday, April 20, 2012
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TF1 NEWS: "Je suis quelqu'un de très sympathique, en temps normal", a assuré vendredi l'extrémiste de droite jugé pour avoir tué 77 personnes en Norvège, expliquant avoir "déshumanisé" ses victimes en s'entraînant mentalement pendant des années. Il a aussi insisté pour être reconnu pénalement responsable.
Au cinquième jour de son procès, Anders Behring Breivik s'est expliqué sur sa "préparation mentale" afin de pouvoir perpétrer ses attaques, qui ont fait 77 victimes l'an dernier en Norvège. "Je suis quelqu'un de très sympathique en temps normal. Mais j'ai dû refouler mes émotions, notamment en pratiquant la méditation, et couper mes liens sociaux" en 2006 en vue de pouvoir se préparer à commettre les deux attaques du 22 juillet 2011.
Ce jour-là, il avait ouvert le feu sur des centaines de jeunes travaillistes réunis en camp d'été sur l'île d'Utoeya, faisant 69 morts, essentiellement des adolescents. Juste avant, il avait fait exploser une bombe près du siège du gouvernement norvégien dans le centre d'Oslo, faisant huit autres victimes. Se disant en guerre contre "les élites" qui permettent "l'islamisation" de l'Europe, Breivik a reconnu les faits mais refuse de plaider coupable. "Il faut déshumaniser l'ennemi" » | vendredi 20 avril 2012
Verwandt »
ZEIT ONLINE: Oslo (dpa) - Das Massaker von Utøya schockte am 22. Juli 2011 Norwegen und die Welt. Nun spricht der Attentäter Breivik vor Gericht in Oslo. Er lobt das Terrornetz Al-Kaida, bezeichnet sich als «entmenschlicht» - und zurechnungsfähig.
Breivik ließ sich nach eigenen Aussagen von der Terrororganisation Al-Kaida inspirieren. «Ich habe viel von Al-Kaida gelernt», sagte Breivik am Freitag vor Gericht in der norwegischen Hauptstadt Oslo. Der 33-Jährige hatte während eines Ferienlagers der Sozialdemokraten auf der Fjordinsel Utøya im vergangenen Sommer 69 Menschen getötet, viele davon Jugendliche. Den meisten schoss er gezielt und kaltblütig ins Gesicht. Bei einem Bombenanschlag im Osloer Regierungsviertel riss er acht Menschen in den Tod.
Al-Kaida sei so erfolgreich, weil das Terrornetz «Märtyrer» (Selbstmordattentäter) einsetze. Das Problem mit militanten Islamisten sei aber, dass sie zu sehr auf Sprengstoff und nicht auf Amokläufe mit Schusswaffen setzten. Dennoch habe er die Organisation mehrere hundert Stunden lang in Internet und Filmen studiert und eine Art «Al-Kaida für Christen» schaffen wollen. » | dpa | Freitag, 20. April 2012
Verwandt »
CNN: Oslo, Norway -- Anders Behring Breivik, who admits killing 77 people in Norway last summer, told a court in Oslo on Friday that he learned lessons from al Qaeda in planning his attacks.
He followed al Qaeda closely from 2006 to 2011 and studied the terror network's "media effect, what they have done wrong, what they have done right ... what it takes," Breivik said.
Breivik is on trial on charges of voluntary homicide and committing acts of terror in the July 22 attacks. He admits carrying out the Oslo bombing that killed eight people and shooting 69 people dead on nearby Utoya Island.
He boasts of being an ultranationalist who killed his victims to fight multiculturalism in Norway.
Breivik told the court he picked up the idea of wearing a police uniform for the gun massacre on Utoya from reading al Qaeda's online "magazine" for followers. He also gained tips from watching documentaries on the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, he said.
"The most successful (terror organization) is al Qaeda. ... They connect their actions to becoming a martyr. That is the key to a successful resistance," he said. » | CNN Wire Staff | Friday, April 20, 2012
Verwandt »
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Militant group al Shabaab has warned that Britain will face a terror attack if it deports Islamic cleric Abu Qatada.
The Al Qaeda militants warned of a “disaster” for Britain if the Government attempts to send Qatada back to Jordan.
SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors online activity from terrorist groups, said al-Shabaab had issued a warning on militant forums.
"The British public is also forewarned that it will be the British government, as a result of its imprudence, that shall be liable for any disaster that befalls them, or their national interests," the statement said, according to SITE.
It comes a week after Al-Qaeda threatened to attack Britain if it decides to extradite Qatada.
In a statement signed by Al-Qaeda’s general command and published on jihadist forums, the terror network said Abu Qatada's extradition would “open the gates of evil” on “Britain and its citizens everywhere.”
“We warn the British government against extraditing Sheikh Abu Qatada to Jordan,” where he faces terror charges, said the statement, which called on London to “act with reason and wisdom … or it will regret it.” » | Tom Whitehead and James Kirkup | Friday, April 20, 2012
Abu Qatada,
Islamic terror,
FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE: Das wird der schwerste Tag, heißt es in Oslo. Am Vorabend des fünften Prozesstages redete „Beckmann“ über den Prozess gegen einen Massenmörder – bis von Breivik, dem politischen Terroristen, nichts mehr übrig war.
Das wird der schwerste Tag, heißt es: der Freitag in Oslo. Schon der Montag war für die Norweger schwer, als Breivik vor den Kameras posierte wie ein Sieger. Der Dienstag, als er seine Erklärung verlas. Der Mittwoch, als er weiter lächelte. Und der Donnerstag, an dem er mit so krassen, völlig entmenschlichten Worten von der Planung der Anschläge berichtete, dass die norwegischen Berichterstatter anschließend Sätze in die Mikrofone sagten wie „Das ist das Heftigste, das ich jemals hörte“ und „Das ist so fern von dem Wirklichkeitsbewusstsein anderer Menschen, wie man sich nur denken kann.“ » | Matthias Hannemann | Freitag, 20. April 2012
Verwandt »
STERN.DE: Am fünften Prozesstag hat der Massenmörder Anders Breivik geschildert, wie er sich für sein Blutbad abkapselte. Der Angeklagte soll dem Gericht zudem erklären, wie er seine Opfer auf Utøya auswählte.
Um seine Attentate durchzustehen, hat sich der norwegische Massenmörder Anders Behring Breivik nach eigener Aussage emotional total abgekapselt. "Man muss gefühlsmäßig abgestumpft sein, das muss man trainieren", sagte der 33-Jährige am Freitag vor Gericht in Oslo. Bis 2006 sei er ein normaler Mensch gewesen. Danach habe er eine "Entemotionalisierung" begonnen, die mehrere Jahre gedauert habe. Auch seine technische Sprache während der Verhöre sei ein Werkzeug. "Man kann niemanden töten, wenn man mental nicht vorbereitet ist", sagte Breivik. Er sei aber kein Narziss, der vor allem sich selbst liebe. "Ich fühle eine große Liebe für dieses Land. Das ist nicht normal, aber so bin ich."
Der 33-Jährige soll am fünften Prozesstag außerdem über sein Massaker im Ferienlager auf der Fjordinsel Utøya befragt werden. Zum ersten Mal seit Tagen bildeten sich wieder lange Schlangen vor dem Einlass zum Gericht. Richterin Wenche Elizabeth Arntzen wies darauf hin, dass Opfer und Angehörige den Gerichtssaal jederzeit verlassen dürften. Zunächst aber wurde Breivik von seinen eigenen Anwälten zu den Motiven für seine Attentate befragt. Er verstehe sich nicht als Rassisten, sagte der Islamhasser. » | mir/DPA | Freitag, 20. April 2012
STERN.DE: Vierter Prozesstag: Breivik wollte gesamte Regierung töten – Kaltblütig hat der Massenmörder Anders Behring Breivik am vierten Prozesstag in Oslo seine Attentatspläne geschildert. Bei der Bombenexplosion in Oslo wollte er die gesamte Regierung sterben lassen. » | mir/jar/DPA | Donnerstag, 19. April 2012
Verwandt »
DER TAGESSPIEGEL: Im Kampf gegen illegale Einwanderung fordern Deutschlands Innenminister Friedrich und sein französischer Kollege eine Änderung des Schengen-Abkommens: Falls die Außengrenzen im Süden und Osten Europas nicht ausreichend gesichert werden, sollen eigene Kontrollen die Landesgrenzen abriegeln. » | Freitag, 20. April 2012
LE FIGARO: Une dizaine d'extrémistes de droite ont été repérés à proximité du tribunal d'Oslo depuis l'ouverture lundi du procès d'Anders Behring Breivik pour le massacre de 77 personnes l'été dernier en Norvège.
Au total, "une dizaine de personnes ont été écartées" de la zone de sécurité entourant le palais de justice de la capitale norvégienne, a déclaré Kjell Jan Kvarme, l'officier de police en charge des opérations, à la télévision publique NRK. Selon lui, ces personnes "ont été écartées avant d'être en position de représenter une menace" éventuelle.
Aujourd'hui, "un ancien néonazi connu" a été vu aux abords immédiats du palais de justice, au coeur d'Oslo. "Il est parti de lui-même", avant d'expliquer plus tard à la police qu'il s'était approché du lieu "par curiosité", selon l'officier. » | AFP | jeudi 19 avril 2012
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BBC: Anders Behring Breivik has admitted he "cannot conceive" what it is like for others to consider his "gruesome" acts, as his trial continues in Oslo.
He is on trial for killing 77 people and will be questioned over his gun rampage on Utoeya island, where the majority of his victims died.
Breivik, who admits the killings but denies criminal responsibility, again avoided his previous right-wing salute.
He says his targets were those responsible for "multiculturalism".
So far Breivik has provided a detailed account of the preparation and motivation for the attacks, when he car-bombed government buildings in Oslo, killing eight, and then drove to Utoeya island to shoot participants in a Labour Party youth camp, killing 69.
On Thursday, he horrified watching survivors and relatives of victims when he pledged he would do the same again.
But in his initial questioning on Friday, he said he "absolutely" understood why these were "exacting things for people to hear".
"It's about gruesome, barbaric acts and I cannot even start to conceive what it is like for others," he said.
"And I think I would not be able to carry out the court and police interviews. I have tried to de-emotionalise myself from this. I use a more technical language. If I did not, I do not think I would be able to talk about this at all." » | Friday, April 20, 2012
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THE WASHINGTON POST: NEW DELHI — Saying he was saddened and shocked by the speed with which his friends in Washington had abandoned him, the former president of Maldives warned Thursday that radical Islam has gained ground across the sprawling Indian Ocean archipelago since he was deposed in February.
Mohamed Nasheed won the presidency in Maldives’s first multiparty elections in 2008, after a lifetime advocating democracy and human rights and several long stints in jail.
Less than three years later, he was forced to resign by an angry mob of police officers and soldiers, in what he says was a coup engineered by his autocratic predecessor.
“We have to have an election,” he said in an interview while visiting the Indian capital, New Delhi. “In the absence of that, Islamic radicals are gaining strength in the Maldives.”
The chain of 2,000 islands is best known for its plush resorts, its scuba diving and its reputation as an upmarket honeymoon destination. But away from the tourist atolls, adherence to Islam is compulsory, alcohol is banned, and the conservative Saudi Arabian strand of Islam known as Wahhabism has been expanding its reach for decades. Read on and comment » | Simon Denyer | Thursday, April 19, 2012
radical Islam,
THE GUARDIAN: • Gro Harlem Brundtland visited Utøya just before massacre • Anti-Muslim fanatic had planned to set off three car bombs
Anders Behring Breivik has told a court that his "primary target" in last year's terrorist attacks was a former prime minister whom he planned to behead, posting the footage on the internet – and that he anticipated all 564 people on Utøya would die in his "operation".
Giving evidence on the fourth day of his trial, the 33-year-old said he would have preferred to carry out three bomb attacks rather than target Utøya, where the Norwegian Labour party was holding its annual youth summer camp on 22 July last year. In the end, he went on the rampage on the island after planting one bomb in Oslo's government district, killing eight people.
Breivik claimed he was "forced" to carry out the massacre on the island, which left 69 dead, because Norwegian and EU regulations had made it difficult to acquire sufficient bomb-making equipment.
Bombing was much easier on the emotions than pulling a gun trigger, he said. "It's easy to press a button and detonate a bomb. It's very, very difficult to carry out something as barbaric as a firearm-based action."
To do so, he claimed, was not natural. "It is contrary to human nature to execute something like this," he said. "You have to work on yourself for a very long time to make yourself do this ... to hammer away at your emotions."
His original plan for the attack on Utøya was to time his arrival on the island with a visit from Gro Harlem Brundtland, a former Labour prime minister of Norway. Breivik told the court he planned to handcuff her, before "decapitating" her using a bayonet on his rifle and then filming the execution on an iPhone.
"The plan was to chop her head off with [the bayonet] while reading a text and then upload the film to the internet," he said. Brundtland was his main target, said Breivik, adding that he nonetheless expected everyone else on the island to die. "The objective was not to kill 69 people on Utøya. The objective was to kill all of them," he said, explaining that he planned to scare the campers into the water. » | Helen Pidd | Oslo | Thursday, April 19, 2012
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Thursday, April 19, 2012
THE INDEPENDENT: Five men believed to be linked to the far-right English Defence League have been arrested on suspicion of stirring up racial hatred.
Police said that officers working with the North East Counter Terrorism Unit swooped to arrest the men, who are members of the North West Infidels – a splinter group of the EDL. The arrests are in connection to a series of alleged racist comments posted on social networking sites, including Facebook. » | Kevin Rawlinson | Thursday, April 19, 2012
United Kingdom
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: The EU has warned Switzerland that its decision to impose new restrictions immigrants from Eastern and Central European countries is in "breach" of a free movement treaty.
Switzerland, which is not an EU country, has a special agreement that allows Swiss people to benefit from Europe's open borders travel zone.
In return, the Swiss are supposed not to discriminate against immigrants from any EU country, with the exception of time-limited restrictions on Bulgarians and Romanians. » | Bruno Waterfield, Brussels | Thursday, April 19, 2012
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: The Conservative party “is heading in the wrong direction” and does not know where it is going, party donor Lord Ashcroft has said.
The Tory peer said that the Government had so had its “most difficult month so far, and the voters have noticed”.
In an article on the Conservativehome website, Lord Ashcroft suggested that part of the problem was that the Government had lost its grip on events.
He said that if the drift was allowed to continue then the Tories would be punished at the next general election, expected in 2015.
He said: “The main problem is not so much that people think the Conservative Party is heading in the wrong direction, it is that they are not sure where it is heading. And that includes me.” » | Christopher Hope, Senior Political Correspondent | Thursday, April 19, 2012
Ros is one of a growing proportion of Holocaust survivors in Israel who cannot make ends meet
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THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Italian authorities faced severe criticism on Thursday after it emerged that they gagged two North African immigrants with duct tape while deporting them.
A photograph of the two handcuffed Algerian men with their mouths bound with sticky tape was taken covertly by a passenger on the Alitalia flight from Rome to Tunis.
"In the seats at the back there were two men who were being escorted by four plainclothes police officers," Francesco Sperandeo, a film maker, wrote on his Facebook page, where he posted the photo.
"They had their mouths covered with hospital bandages. When one of the bandages dropped down, we saw that the man's mouth was bound with Scotch tape.
"We got up to protest but the officers said it was normal procedure." He was ordered to return to his seat, he said. » | Nick Squires, Rome | Thursday, April 19, 2012
illegal immigrants,
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: North Korea’s late leader Kim Jong-il has urged his nation from beyond the grave to aim for a peaceful reconciliation with the south in a document believed to be his will.
However, the leader, who died in December last year, also pressed North Korea to continue building its military and making weapons of mass destruction in order to maintain its power.
Extracts from Mr Kim’s final testament have reportedly been obtained by two think tanks in South Korea, highlighting his requested future legacy for the state as his son Kim Jong-un takes over at the helm.
The late Mr Kim requests North Korea to renounce war with its longstanding opponent South Korea, according to extracts obtained and made public by the Sejong Institute, a South Korean think-tank.
However, the alleged will also urges North Korea to wait in its pursuit of peace until a new leader comes to power in Seoul, with a reunification deemed impossible under the current regime of President Lee Myung-bak.
The document also emphasized Mr Lee’s belief that North Korea should try to avoid war due to the potential devastation it would cause, according to Kyodo News. » | Danielle Demetriou, Tokyo | Thursday, April 19, 2012
Kim Jong-Il,
Kim Jong-un,
North Korea,
South Korea
YNET NEWS: Two-minute siren sounds at 10 am in memory of six million Jews who perished in Holocaust; traditional memorial services held across country
A two-minute siren sounded across the country at 10 am Thursday in memory of the six million Jews who perished in the Holocaust.
The siren kicked off memorial services nationwide, including a wreath-laying ceremony at Jerusalem's Yad Vashem Museum. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, President Shimon Peres and IDF Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Benny Gantz were among the officials to lay wreaths in memory of the Nazis' victims.
Holocaust survivors lit memorial candles during a subsequent service held at the Knesset, under the title "Unto Every Person There is a Name."
During the service, Peres recounted the manner in which the Nazis dragged the Jews at the Polish village where his family resided into a wooden synagogue: "The gates were locked and they were burned alive. According to one testimony, a woman who remained called on the Jews to run. But they were all shot. No one survived."
Peres' told the attendees about the family he had lost in the Holocaust, and recalled the last words his grandfather told him: "Wherever you go, stay Jewish, no matter what misfortune befalls." » | Yair Altman, Shahar Chai | Thursday, April 19, 2012
YNET NEWS: Holocaust memory alive: Op-ed: As opposed to common perception, interest in Holocaust keeps growing worldwide » | Eitan Haber | Wednesday, April 18, 2012
THE HUFFINGTON POST: Holocaust Remembrance Day: Israel Honors 6 Million Victims Of Nazi Holocaust – JERUSALEM -- Israelis flocked to the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial Thursday to read the names of loved ones who perished at the hands of the Nazis during World War II, a rite that has become a centerpiece of the country's annual commemoration for the 6 million Jews killed in the genocide. ¶ The ceremony, known as "Every Person Has a Name," tries to go beyond the huge numbers to personalize the stories of individuals, families and communities destroyed during the war. » | Aron Heller | Thursday, April 19, 2012
YAHOO!: Slowly and reluctantly, more and more commentators have had to acknowledge that the sensational Bradford West by-election result cannot be trivialised or put down to accidental factors.
If more had bothered to visit Bradford during the campaign, they would have been less taken aback by the result and not left floundering for an explanation.
Bradford has revealed the yawning gap between the cast-iron consensus shared by the old three parties over so many fundamental issues on the one hand, and the alienation of millions of people in Britain on the other. The leitmotif of the Bradford Spring was above all the cry for change, rather than the same old, same old. It was for a change in economic policy - not to the Labour frontbench's alternatives of savage cuts for tea rather than for breakfast, but to a strategy for growth, investment and jobs rather than forever putting the interests of the banks and bond markets first. It was for a reversal of over a decade of war and the threat of more war.
Those who claimed that calling for withdrawal from Afghanistan was somehow disreputable in an area where high unemployment has driven many into the armed forces and which has lost all too many in combat over the last few years clearly failed to appreciate the public mood. This war is unpopular - not only among those whose coreligionists are being killed in even greater numbers than British personnel, but among the public as a whole. And the succession of wars - Iraq, Afghanistan, the threat of war with Iran - has come to symbolise something deeper: that the political class, and sitting in the same echo chamber so much of the media, simply do not represent the feelings of most people over most things.
That was the most salient truth revealed in Bradford. No amount of promises to listen (while carrying on in the same old way) will bridge that gulf. It's not just that people want politicians to sound like they actually believe what they are saying - whether the audience fully agrees or not - it's also the message. » | George Galloway MP | Guest writer | Thursday, April 19, 2012
British Empire
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MAIL ONLINE: Immigrant population soared by 22% during Labour's open door policy During past two decades number of foreign-born residents has doubled Only Italy - with rise of 44.6% over same period - recorded bigger rise Watchdogs say figures show why it will be hard to reduce immigration
The immigration boom under Labour led to the face of Britain changing faster than any major nation except Italy, a study by an Oxford University think tank revealed.
During the five-year peak of the influx, the UK’s migrant population soared by 22 per cent – double the average of G8 countries, figures from the Migration Observatory show.
Over the past two decades, Britain’s foreign-born population has increased from 3.8million – or 7 per cent of the total population - in 1993 to almost 7million, or 12 per cent per cent in 2010.
During the same period, the number of foreign-born residents without British citizenship doubled from just under two million (4 per cent of the population) to over four million (7 per cent).
Net-migration – the number arrivals minus those leaving - increased from 564,000 during the five years from 1996-2000, to 923,000 in 2001-2005 and 1,044,000 during 2006-2010.
In 2010, net-migration reached 252,000, its highest level for a single calendar year on record. Read on and comment » | Julian Gavaghan | Thursday, April 19, 2012
My comment:
So why was the Queen asleep during all of this? Isn't the Queen supposed to offer advice and wise council to the sitting prime minister? – © Mark
This comment also appears here.
THE GUARDIAN: Breivik tells court he practised his shot using a 'holographic aiming device' while playing video game
Anders Behring Breivik has described how he "trained" for the attacks he carried out in Norway last summer using the computer game Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.
The 33-year-old said he practised his shot using a "holographic aiming device" he had bought to use with the war simulation game, which he said is used by armies around the world for training.
"You develop target acquisition," he said. He used a similar device during the shooting attacks that left 69 dead at a political youth camp on the island of Utøya on 22 July.
Describing the game, he said: "It consists of many hundreds of different tasks and some of these tasks can be compared with an attack, for real. That's why it's used by many armies throughout the world. It's very good for acquiring experience related to sights systems."
He added: "If you are familiar with a holographic sight, it's built up in such a way that you could have given it to your grandmother and she would have been a super marksman. It's designed to be used by anyone. In reality it requires very little training to use it in an optimal way. But of course it does help if you've practised using a simulator."
The prosecution asked Breivik if he was aware that "there are some bereaved people sitting here in the courtroom who lost children at Utøya". How do you think they are feeling, Breivik was asked. "They are probably reacting in a natural way, with disgust and horror," he said. » | Helen Pidd in Oslo | Thursday, April 19, 2012
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THE WASHINGTON POST: OSLO, Norway — Confessed mass killer Anders Behring Breivik planned to capture and decapitate former Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland during his shooting massacre on Utoya island, he said Thursday.
Breivik told a court in Oslo that he planned to film the beheading and post the video on the Internet. Brundtland had already left the Labor Party’s youth camp on Utoya when Breivik arrived on July 22, after setting off a bomb in Oslo that killed eight people.
“The plan was to behead Gro Harlem Brundtland while it was being filmed,” Breivik told the court. » | Associated Press | Thursday, April 19, 2012
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Anders Behring Breivik originally planned three bomb targets: Anders Behring Breivik, the Norwegian mass killer, originally planned for a three-pronged bomb attack in Oslo that would have targeted the government district, the Labor Party's office and a third target, possible the royal palace, he told court. » | Thursday, April 19, 2012
The Trial – live »
LE FIGARO: Breivik dit s'être préparé au carnage avec des jeux video : Au quatrième jour de son procès, l'auteur du massacre de 77 personnes en juillet dernier en Norvège, a également expliqué que son objectif initial était de perpétrer trois attentats à la bombe suivis d'une fusillade. » | Par | jeudi 19 avril 2012
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DER TAGESSPIEGEL: Bundesinnenminister Friedrich zeigt Salafisten zum Auftakt der Islamkonferenz die rote Karte. Union-Fraktionschef Volker Kauder trat kurz vor Beginn der Konferenz in Opposition zum ehemaligen Bundespräsidenten Wulff.
Bundesinnenminister Hans-Peter Friedrich (CSU) hat zum Auftakt der Islamkonferenz die Aktivitäten radikaler Salafisten verurteilt. „Religionsfreiheit ist ein hohes Gut“, sagte er am Donnerstag in Berlin. Es gehe aber nicht um die Verteilung des Koran.
„Die Salafisten wollen nicht für eine Religion werben, sondern für eine Ideologie.“ Friedrich fügte hinzu: „Wir lassen es nicht zu, dass uns die Salafisten mit ihrer Propaganda die Tagesordnung aufzwingen.“ Dennoch müsse ein klares Zeichen gesetzt werden. Salafisten hatten am vorigen Wochenende in deutschen Städten wieder kostenlos Koranexemplare verteilt und damit eine Debatte ausgelöst.
Einige Politiker wie Niedersachsens Innenminister Uwe Schünemann (CDU) forderten, das Thema auf die Tagesordnung der Islamkonferenz zu setzen. Weiter lesen und einen Beitrag hinzufügen » | Donnerstag, 19. April 2012
TAGESSPIEGEL: Koranverteilung: Marketing für Radikale – Die Behörden halten das kostenlose Verteilen des Koran auch für eine Aktion unter Salafisten – es geht um Einfluss und Rivalität. » | Von Andreas Dernbach | Samstag, 14. April 2012
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REUTERS.COM: A leading member of Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservatives said on Thursday that Islam did not belong to Germany, remarks sure to stir controversy as the government hosts a conference to improve the integration of Muslims.
A row over whether an ultra-conservative Salafist Muslim group should be allowed to hand out millions of free German translations of the Koran to non-Muslims had already raised tensions and threatened to overshadow the conference.
"Islam is not part of our tradition and identity in Germany and so does not belong to Germany," Volker Kauder, head of Merkel's conservative bloc in parliament, told the Passauer Neue Presse.
"But Muslims belong to Germany. As state citizens, of course, they enjoy their full rights." » | Reuters | BERLIN | Thursday, April 19, 2012
Verwandt »
WELT ONLINE: Vor der Islamkonferenz widerspricht Volker Kauder Ex-Bundespräsident Christian Wulff: "Der Islam ist nicht Teil unserer Tradition." Trotzdem gehörten Muslime zu Deutschland.
Vertreter des Staates und der Muslim-Verbände kommen an diesem Donnerstag zu neuen Beratungen im Rahmen der sogenannten Islamkonferenz zusammen. Unmittelbar zuvor widersprach Unionsfraktionschef Volker Kauder (CDU) erneut der Aussage des damaligen Bundespräsidenten Christian Wulff, der Islam sei ein Teil Deutschlands.
"Der Islam ist nicht Teil unserer Tradition und Identität in Deutschland und gehört somit nicht zu Deutschland", wiederholte Kauder in der "Passauer Neuen Presse". "Muslime gehören aber sehr wohl zu Deutschland. Sie genießen selbstverständlich als Staatsbürger die vollen Rechte."
Auf der Konferenz in Berlin soll auch die umstrittene Verteilung des Korans durch radikalislamische Salafisten zur Sprache kommen. Das kündigte Bundesinnenminister Hans-Peter Friedrich (CSU) als Veranstalter des Gesprächsforums an. "Religion darf nicht für ideologische Machtansprüche missbraucht werden. Diese Botschaft muss auch von der Deutschen Islamkonferenz ausgehen", sagte er. » | dpa/mcz | Donnerstag, 19. April 2012
TAGESZEITUNG (BERLIN) – TAZ.DE: Kauder macht den „Kreuzritter“: Vor Beginn der Islamkonferenz hat CDU-Politiker Kauder bekräftigt, dass Muslime zu Deutschland gehören, der Islam aber nicht. Die SPD kritisiert ihn als letzten „Kreuzritter der Union“. » | Donnerstag, 19. April 2012
WELT ONLINE: Der norwegische Massenmörder Anders Behring Breivik hat sich am vierten Prozesstag zu den Vorbereitungen auf sein Attentat geäußert: Er nahm sich ein Jahr frei und spielte "World of Warcraft".
Der norwegische Massenmörder Anders Behring Breivik hat zu Beginn des vierten Prozesstages zum ersten Mal auf seinen rechtsextremen Gruß mit ausgestrecktem rechtem Arm und geballter Faust verzichtet.
Angehörige seiner Opfer hatten ihn am Vorabend darum gebeten. Nachdem ihm die Handschellen abgenommen wurden, sprach der Attentäter stattdessen länger mit seinem Anwalt. Er wirkte gefasster als am Vortag, als ihn Staatsanwältin Inga Bejer Engh in die Enge getrieben hatte.
Am Donnerstag sollte der 33-Jährige zu seinen Vorbereitungen für die Attentate mit 77 Toten im vergangenen Sommer befragt werden. Staatsanwalt Svein Holden begann mit Breiviks Mitgliedschaft bei den Freimaurern und seiner finanziellen Situation. "Ich war eine ziemlich risikoperverse Person", sagte Breivik zu seinen finanziellen Transaktionen. Ein Jahr lang "World of Warcraft" » | dpa/cor | Donnerstag, 19. April 2012
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ASSOCIATED PRESS: OSLO, Norway (AP) — Confessed mass killer Anders Behring Breivik thought he had only a slim chance of escaping Norway's capital alive after setting off a bomb in the government district on July 22, he told a court Thursday.
The anti-Muslim extremist said he had expected to be confronted by armed police when he left Oslo for a Labor Party youth camp on Utoya island, where he killed 69 people in a shooting massacre.
"I estimated the chances of survival as less than 5 percent," he said.
Police only cordoned off the area directly affected by the blast, and no one stopped Breivik as he drove to the island dressed in a homemade uniform and armed with a rifle and a handgun he said he had named after weapons used by Norse gods.
A total of 77 people were killed in the twin attacks.
On the fourth day of his trial, Breivik entered the Oslo district court without the clenched-fist salute he had used in previous hearings. His lawyers had advised him against it after complaints by survivors of the massacre and relatives of victims. » | Karl Ritter, Associated Press | Thursday, April 19, 2012
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THE REPUBLIC: CAIRO — A top Egyptian Islamic cleric paid a rare visit to Jerusalem Wednesday, breaking with decades of opposition by Muslim leaders on traveling to areas under Israeli control.
The Grand Mufti Ali Gomaa wrote on his Twitter account that the symbolic visit was in solidarity with the Palestinians' claim to east Jerusalem, under Israel's control since it was captured in the 1967 Mideast war. He prayed in the Al-Aqsa mosque, Islam's third holiest site, during his two-hour visit.
Gomaa called the trip an unofficial visit, clearly an attempt to defuse criticism he is already facing for breaking an unofficial ban by Muslim clerics and most Egyptian professional and private associations on visiting Israel or Israeli-controlled Palestinian territories. The Egyptian Coptic Church, and most Muslim clerics around the region generally uphold the ban as well. » | Sarah El Deeb | Associated Press | Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Grand Mufti of Egypt,
JC ONLINE: With hijabs to try on, Middle Eastern recipes to taste, and copies of the Quran on display, Islamic Awareness Week is in full swing at Purdue University.
In a tent at Memorial Mall Wednesday, members of the Muslim Student Association shared information about Muslim culture.
"This is very important and a pleasure to all of us," Purdue graduate student Sameer Mojlish said. "Students come to ask us questions (about our religion and culture) and it's a great opportunity to share with them our faith and beliefs."
Mojlish was one of several students in the tent representing Islam, a culture many Muslims feel is often misrepresented and undervalued in the media. » | William Murrell | Thursday, April 19, 2012
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
LE FIGARO: Les baisses d'impôts pour les plus riches et une série de bourdes font plonger le premier ministre dans les sondages.
Fin de l'état de grâce. Après avoir conservé le soutien de l'opinion plus d'un an et demi après son accession au pouvoir, en mai 2010, malgré une politique d'austérité sans précédent, le gouvernement de David Cameron plonge dans les sondages. Depuis un mois, l'écart se creuse entre le Parti conservateur, au pouvoir au sein d'une coalition avec les libéraux-démocrates, et le Parti travailliste, dans l'opposition, jusque-là au coude-à-coude. » | Par Florentin Collomp | Londres | mercredi 18 avril 2012
David Cameron
ZEIT ONLINE: Der Attentäter Breivik zeigt während des Prozesses in Norwegen kein Mitgefühl mit den Opfern. Ihn rührt nur die eigene Propaganda.
Was bewegt diesen Mann? Diese Frage beschäftigt in dieser Woche alle Anwesenden im Osloer Amtsgericht. Fünf Tage lang darf der Terrorangeklagte Anders Behring Breivik seine Motive für die Angriffe in Oslo und auf Utøya am 22. Juli vorigen Jahres erklären. Angriffe, die für die meisten Zuhörer völlig unbegreiflich sind, von denen Breivik selbst aber sagt, sie seien "notwendig" gewesen.
Breivik erklärt sich deutlich: "Ich habe die raffiniertesten, spektakulärsten und brutalsten Attentate verübt, die seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg von einem militanten Nationalisten begangen wurden", sagte er am Dienstag vor Gericht. Danach las er eine 13-seitige Erklärung seiner Motive vor. Der Terror habe die norwegische und europäische Kulturelite erschreckt, stellt er fest. "Ich und meine revolutionären, nationalistischen Brüder und Schwestern stellen ihren schlimmsten Albtraum dar." » | Von Johan Falnes | Mittwoch, 18. April 2012
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THE GUARDIAN: Like many recent far-right activists, Breivik sees Islam as the main enemy and draws inspiration from the Serbian conflict
Anders Behring Breivik has no coherent ideology. Instead he appears to have picked bits of numerous rightwing philosophical strands and attempted to weave them together and present them as his own.
Breivik comes from a culturally conservative Christian background, and this has shaped much of his political outlook. Into this he has incorporated more traditional nationalist and racist ideologies and adopted the politics and language of the "counter-Jihad" movement which believes Islam is a major threat to western civilisation.
Immigration and multiculturalism are seen as the Trojan horses through which Islam is gaining a foothold in the west, and in targeting government buildings and the youth wing of Norway's ruling Labour Party he was attacking those who he blamed for the rise of Islam. » | Nick Lowles | Wednesday, April 18, 2012
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THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: The deportation of Abu Qatada descended into chaos today as it emerged the Home Office may have ordered his arrest too early meaning he still has time to appeal.
The Home Office believed that the three month deadline for Qatada to appeal had run out at midnight on Monday, and arrested him at his home ahead of his deportation.
However today his lawyers launched an appeal with the European Court of Human Rights arguing he still had a further 24 hours in which to launch his bid.
It could pave the way for a lengthy legal dispute and allow Qatada's lawyers to argue for him to be released again on bail.
Qatada's legal team claims that judges at the European Court of Human Rights were wrong three months ago when they ruled that he would not be at risk of torture if returned to Jordan, a court spokeswoman said.
The court's Grand Chamber will decide whether to hear his appeal, but the radical cleric, once described by a judge as Osama bin Laden's right hand man in Europe, cannot be deported until the court has reached a decision. » | Tom Whitehead, Security Editor | Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Abu Qatada,
Home Office,
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