Sunday, November 29, 2015

Viktor Orbán - The Rôle of Traditional Values in Europe's Future

Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary, discussed the approach his government is taking to the economic situation in Europe and how he believes the solution to many of the continent's problems lies in embracing traditional values and recognizing the importance of the nation-state.

Hungary's PM Orbán Calls the European Élite Traitors

‘ISIS Managed to Sell Oil to Turkey on Black Market At Less Than 50% of Global Prices’ – Iraqi MP

A member of the Iraqi Parliament, Dr Mowaffak al Rubaie, tells RT how ISIS manages to earn millions of dollars selling oil on the black market in Turkey and reveals that wounded terrorists are being treated in Turkish hospitals.

Belgium: EU and Turkey Agree €3bn Package for Syrian Refugees, Confirms Tusk

President of the European Council Donald Tusk confirmed on Sunday that a “major step towards changing the rules of the game when it comes to stemming the migration flow that is coming to the EU via Turkey” is coming from a joint press conference with Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu and President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker following the Heads of States of the European Union with Turkey meeting.

War with Isis: President Obama Demands That Turkey Close Stretch of Frontier with Syria

THE INDEPENDENT: Ankara is accused of tolerance of – if not complicity with – the terrorists, who use border as a crossing point for Isis recruits and oil sales

The US is demanding that Turkey close a 60-mile stretch of its border with Syria which is the sole remaining crossing point for Isis militants, including some of those involved in the massacre in Paris and other terrorist plots.

The complete closure of the 550-mile-long border would be a serious blow to Isis, which has brought tens of thousands of Islamist volunteers across the frontier over the past three years.

In the wake of the Isis attacks in Paris, Washington is making clear to Ankara that it will no longer accept Turkish claims that it is unable to cordon off the remaining short section of the border still used by Isis. “The game has changed. Enough is enough. The border needs to be sealed,” a senior official in President Barack Obama’s administration told The Wall Street Journal, describing the tough message that Washington has sent to the Turkish government. “This is an international threat, and it’s coming out of Syria and it’s coming through Turkish territory.” » | Patrick Cocknurn | Sunday, November 29, 2015

Israel Freezes the EU Out of Peace Talks with the Palestinians

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks during
the weekly cabinet meeting in Jerusalem
THE SUNDAT TELEGRAPH: Benjamin Netanyahu announces move in retaliation for EU decision to label products made in Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank

Israel has frozen the EU out of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process in retaliation for Europe's decision to label products made in West Bank settlements.

Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's prime minister, reacted furiously when the labelling decision was announced two weeks ago and on Sunday said he was suspending diplomatic contact with the EU on peace issues.

There has been no real movement on the peace process since US-brokered talks collapsed last year so the move is essentially symbolic.

But it allows Mr Netanyahu to say he is taking action against a European decision that was widely seen in Israel as unfair and discriminatory and it highlights the sour state of relations between the EU and Israel. » | Raf Sanchez, Tel Aviv | Sunday, November 29, 2015

BBC Two: The Life of Muhammad

The Life of Muhammad is a 2011 British three-part documentary miniseries examining the life of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad and the origins of Islam. The documentary was directed by Faris Kermani, written by Ziauddin Sardar, and presented by Rageh Omaar.

Worlds Apart: Antony Loewenstien, Author of 'Disaster Capitalism'

When disaster strikes, people set aside their differences and band together, in order to overcome adversity. But for others, catastrophes mean big business and even bigger profits. Has capitalizing on misery become an industry model? Oksana is joined by journalist Antony Loewenstein, author of Disaster Capitalism, to discuss these issues.

Belgium: EU to 'Re-energise Relations with Turkey' at Brussels Talks - Tusk

European Union leaders met in Brussels, Sunday, to coordinate plans with Turkey on stemming the flow of migrants and refugees to Europe. President of the European Council Donald Tusk announced that "after many weeks of hard work and tough talks, we have reached an agreement which I hope will be accepted today by all parties concerned."

Asylkrise: Große Hoffnungen vor EU- Türkei- Gipfel

KRONEN ZEITUNG: Während Russland nach dem Abschuss einer seiner Kampfbomber über dem syrisch-türkischen Grenzgebiet wirtschaftliche Vergeltung gegen die Türkei übt und die Beziehungen im Argen liegen, verstärkt die EU die Zusammenarbeit mit Ankara. Bei einem Gipfel am heutigen Sonntag in Brüssel wollen die EU-Staats- und Regierungschefs mit dem türkischen Ministerpräsidenten Ahmet Davutoglu einen Aktionsplan vereinbaren, um den Flüchtlingszustrom nach Europa einzudämmen. Ankara stellt jedoch hohe Forderungen für eine bessere Kooperation.

Neben finanzieller Hilfe wollen die Türken eine Lockerung der Visumspflicht in der EU. Auch die festgefahrenen Beitrittsverhandlungen sollen wieder an Schwung gewinnen. Tatsächlich kommt die EU, die angesichts der Flüchtlingskrise enorm unter Zugzwang ist, der Türkei in allen Punkten entgegen. Wie aus dem Entwurf der Schlusserklärung des Gipfels, die der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters vorliegt, zu entnehmen ist, stellt Brüssel den Türken eine Visafreiheit in Aussicht. Demnach dürfte es im Oktober 2016 soweit sein, falls Ankara bis dahin alle Anforderungen erfüllt. » | red/AG | Sonntag, 29. November 2015

Fabius envisage pour la première fois une coopération avec le régime d'Assad contre Daech Le ministre des Affaires étrangères, Laurent Fabius, a exclu, sur RTL, l'envoie de troupes au sol française, mais estime que "l'Armée syrienne libre (opposition), des forces arabes sunnites, et pourquoi pas des forces du régime" peuvent le faire.

Le chef de la diplomatie française, Laurent Fabius, a pour la première fois envisagé vendredi que des forces du régime syrien puissent être associées à la lutte contre le groupe jihadiste Etat islamique (EI). » | Patxi Berhouet - | vendredi 27 novembre 2015

"Bild am Sonntag"-Umfrage: 48 Prozent gegen weitere Amtszeit Merkels

Kanzlerin Merkel im Bundestag: Spätestens 2017 wird wieder gewählt
SPIEGEL ONLINE: Der Rückhalt für Angela Merkel sinkt. Fast die Hälfte der Deutschen sind laut einer Emnid-Umfrage der "Bild am Sonntag" gegen eine weitere Amtszeit der Kanzlerin. Ihren Umgang mit der Flüchtlingskrise halten demnach 47 Prozent für falsch.

Fast die Hälfte der Deutschen sind laut einer Emnid-Umfrage gegen eine vierte Amtszeit von Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU). 48 Prozent wollen Merkel nicht noch einmal als Kanzlerin sehen. Bei der von der "Bild am Sonntag" in Auftrag gegebenen Befragung sprachen sich nur 44 Prozent dafür aus, dass Merkel 2017 noch einmal antritt. » | apr | Sonntag, 29. November 2015

Young Australians Now Converting to Islam

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Did Turkey Just Say SORRY to Russia? President Grovels as Putin Retaliates for Downing Jet

EXPRESS: RUSSIAN president Vladimir Putin has ordered SANCTIONS against Turkey as tensions between the two nations reach boiling point.

President Putin today called for a ban on Turkish goods, and demanded extensions of labour contracts for Turks working in Russia be forbidden - just days after Turkey downed a Russian warplane.

The decree, published on the Kremlin website, also called for ending chartered flights from Russia to Turkey and for Russian tourism companies to stop selling vacation packages that would include a stay in Turkey.

A final blow will see an end to visa-free travel between Russia and Turkey, as well as the tightening of control over Turkish air carriers in Russia "for security reasons". » | Levi Winchester | Saturday, November 28, 2015

Media Crackdown: Turkish Journos Jailed for 'Treason' over Gun, Oil Smuggling Claims

A Turkish prosecutor asked a court to imprison the editor-in-chief of Cumhuriyet newspaper pending trial for espionage and treason. In May, the outlet published photos of weapons it said were then transferred to Syria by Turkey’s intelligence agency.

Thousands Attend Protests against UK Airstrikes on Syria

THE GUARDIAN: Stretch of Whitehall blocked by 4,000-strong protest outside Downing Street, and smaller rallies held in other cities

Thousands of people gathered outside Downing Street and in cities around the UK on Saturday to protest against the government’s plans to bomb Islamic State targets in Syria.

The protests, organised at short notice by the Stop the War Coalition, followed renewed calls for military action against the terror group in the wake of the attacks in Paris two weeks ago.

Parliament is expected to vote on the issue as early as next week after David Cameron urged MPs to back military action. Jeremy Corbyn, the Labour leader, has said the government has failed to make a convincing case for airstrikes.

A stretch of Whitehall was brought to a near standstill by the protest outside Downing Street, which passed off peacefully. The actor Mark Rylance, musician Brian Eno and the shadow international development minister, Diane Abbott, were among the speakers at the event. (+ video) » | Joel Gunter | Saturday, November 28, 2015

‪‘Erdogan Backs Extremist Fundamentalists’ – Former Lebanon President‬

Moscow has accused Turkey of helping Islamic State in the illegal oil trade which helps finance the terrorist group. According to analysts, Russian airstrikes in Syria are disrupting the profitable deals for Turkish middlemen, including Ankara officials.

Saudi Arabia 151 Executions Number Hits 20-year Record, 50 More Planned

Saudi Arabia is planning to execute more than 50 people, found guilty of terrorism, in a single day. The move was immediately slammed by Amnesty International, which said the Saudis are “using the guise of counter-terrorism to settle political scores.”

‪Austria: Hundreds of Anti-refugee Protesters March through Spielfeld‬

Hundreds of people marched in the village of Spielfeld at the Austro-Slovenian border in protest against the EU migration policy and mass flow of refugees into country, Saturday.

Kritik in Türkei vor EU-Flüchtlingsgipfel

Geld und Visaaerleichterungen gegen Flüchtlinge - so will die EU den Flüchtlingsstrom mit türkischer Hilfe eindämmen. Die EU will am Sonntag an ihrem Gipfel mit der Türkei darüber verhandeln. Doch am Bosporus ist man wenig begeistert von den Vorschlägen aus Brüssel.

SRF: Kritik an der Annäherung zwischen Brüssel und Ankara: In der Flüchtlingskrise sieht es so aus, als brauche die EU die Türkei und nicht umgekehrt. Beim Gipfeltreffen vom Sonntag in Brüssel soll darüber verhandelt werden, ob der Flüchtlingsstrom nach Europa mit türkischer Hilfe eingedämmt werden kann. Ein Plan, der in der Türkei schlecht ankommt. » | srf/herm; stric | Samstag, 28. November 2015