Friday, November 20, 2015

France Is Trying to Create a Coalition to Destroy Isil, But President Obama Isn't Interested

THE TELEGRAPH: Will the leader of the free world please stand up?

Tell me: What’s a suicide bomber doing with a passport? He’s not going anywhere. And, though I’m not a religious scholar, I doubt that a passport is required in paradise for a martyr to access his 72 black-eyed virgins.

A Syrian passport was found near the body of one of the terrorists. Why was it there? Undoubtedly, to back up the Islamic State boast that it is infiltrating operatives amid the refugees flooding Europe. The passport may have been fake, but the terrorist’s fingerprints were not. They match those of a man who just a month earlier had come through Greece on his way to kill Frenchmen in Paris.

If the other goal of the Paris massacre was to frighten France out of the air campaign in Syria -- the way Spain withdrew from the Iraq War after the terror attack on its trains in 2004 -- they picked the wrong country. France is a serious post-colonial power, as demonstrated in Ivory Coast, the Central African Republic and Mali, which France saved from an Islamist takeover in 2013.

Indeed, socialist President Francois Hollande has responded furiously to his country’s 9/11 with an intensified air campaign, hundreds of raids on suspected domestic terrorists, a state of emergency and proposed changes in the constitution to make France less hospitable to jihad.

Meanwhile, Barack Obama, titular head of the free world, has responded to Paris with weariness and annoyance. His news conference in Turkey was marked by a stunning tone of passivity, detachment and lassitude, compounded by impatience and irritability at the very suggestion that his Syria strategy might be failing.

The only time he showed any passion was in denouncing Republicans for hardheartedness toward Muslim refugees. One hundred and twenty-nine innocents lie dead but it takes the GOP to kindle Obama’s ire. » | Charles Krauthammer | Friday, November 20, 2015

Sophie & Co: ‘This Is the Apocalypse’ - Bataclan Concert Hall Survivor

The terrorist attacks on France have shaken the whole Western world. More than a hundred innocents were killed, and the worst took place at the Bataclan concert hall, where people just gathered to listen to music...but instead faced death at the hands of jihadists. What was happening there, when the concert turned into a bloodbath? We speak to a man who faced death and survived, a man who was inside the Bataclan hall when it all happened. Pierre Janaszak, a survivor of the jihadist attack on Paris, is on Sophie&Co today.

Österreich: HC Strache: Kampf dem islamistischen Terror gegen Europa!

FPÖ-Obmann HC Strache hat in einer Videobotschaft zum schrecklichen Terror des Islamischen Staats gegen Europa Stellung bezogen. HC Strache prangert darin die Fehler und Versäumnisse der Politik in den letzten Jahrzehnten bis hinauf in die Gegenwart an und fordert konkrete Maßnahmen, um der Lage Herr zu werden.

Österreich: HC Strache fordert ein Umdenken im Kampf gegen radikalen Islamismus

FPÖ-Obmann HC Strache forderte in seiner heutigen Pressekonferenz ein Zusammenrücken von EU und Russland.

In fünf Punkten verlangt HC Strache ein allgemeines Umdenken im Kampf gegen den islamistischen Terror.

Österreich: Strache will Dschihadisten auf Insel verbannen

KRONEN ZEITUNG: Nach der Anschlagsserie von Paris fordert FPÖ-Parteiobmann Heinz-Christian Strache ein konsequenteres Vorgehen gegen radikale Islamisten und Dschihadisten. Für sie solle eine gemeinsame europäische Haftanstalt errichtet werden, sagte Strache am Freitag in Wien. Als Ort kann sich der FPÖ-Chef die italienische Insel Lampedusa oder eine griechische Insel vorstellen. (+ Video) » | AG/red | Freitag, 20. November 2015

Attentats de Paris : Bruxelles propose une agence européenne du renseignement

LE POINT: La création d'une telle centrale nécessiterait de modifier les traités de l'Union, et plusieurs pays membres, tels que l'Allemagne, n'ont pas caché leurs réticences.

Le commissaire européen chargé des Affaires intérieures, Dimitris Avramopoulos, a proposé vendredi la création d'une agence européenne du renseignement après les attentats de Paris, mais il a reconnu, devant les réticences de certains États membres, qu'il s'agissait d'un « idéal ». Après les attentats de Charlie Hebdo, en janvier à Paris, Dimitris Avramopoulos avait proposé de créer un centre antiterroriste au sein d'Europol, qui doit commencer à fonctionner au 1er janvier 2016. « Mais je crois qu'il est temps de faire un pas supplémentaire en avant et de créer la base d'une agence européenne du renseignement », a plaidé Dimitris Avramopoulos, alors que les attentats ont mis en lumière des failles dans la coopération entre services secrets. » | Source AFP | vendredi 20 novembre 2015

Krieg in Syrien: Obama besteht auf Entmachtung Assads

Der amerikanische Präsident Obama sieht keine Lösung
für Syrien, die Diktator Assad beinhaltet.
FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE: Der amerikanische Präsident ist entschlossen: Eine Lösung in Syrien mit Diktator Assad könne es nicht geben. Zumindest nicht, so lange die „Bevölkerung in ihm einen brutalen, mörderischen Diktator sieht.“

Der amerikanische Präsident Barack Obama besteht auf einer Ablösung des syrischen Diktators Baschar al Assad. „Es reicht nicht, wenn wir einen politischen Prozess haben, der dazu führt, dass Assad an der Macht bleibt“, sagte Obama am Donnerstag in Manila. „Es ist undenkbar, dass man den Bürgerkrieg dort stoppt, wenn die überwältigende Mehrheit der Bevölkerung in ihm einen brutalen, mörderischen Diktator sieht.“ » | Christoph Ehrhardt, Beirut | Donnerstag, 19. November 2015

Saudi Court Sentences Poet to Death for Renouncing Islam

Ashraf Fayadh on YouTube.
THE GUARDIAN: Friends of Palestinian Ashraf Fayadh believe he is being punished for posting video showing religious police lashing a man in public

A Palestinian poet and leading member of Saudi Arabia’s nascent contemporary art scene has been sentenced to death for renouncing Islam.

A Saudi court on Tuesday ordered the execution of Ashraf Fayadh, who has curated art shows in Jeddah and at the Venice Biennale. The poet, who said he did not have legal representation, was given 30 days to appeal against the ruling.

Fayadh, 35, a key member of the British-Saudi art organization Edge of Arabia, was originally sentenced to four years in prison and 800 lashes by the general court in Abha, a city in the south-west of the ultraconservative kingdom, in May 2014.

But after his appeal was dismissed he was retried last month and a new panel of judges ruled that his repentance did not prevent his execution.

“I was really shocked but it was expected, though I didn’t do anything that deserves death,” Fayadh told the Guardian. » | David Batty | Friday, November 20, 2015

Ben Carson in Nevada Talking about ISIS

Germany Could Send Troops into Streets for First Time Since War

THE TELEGRAPH: Berlin debates contentious move as France extends state of emergency and Italy boosts protection

Germany could deploy armed soldiers on its streets for the first time since the Second World War, as Europe went into lockdown in the wake of the Paris attacks.

The German proposals would be highly controversial in a country that remains deeply reluctant to use its armed forces because of its Nazi past.

Ministers raised the idea after Tuesday night’s friendly football match between Germany and Holland in Hanover was cancelled minutes before kick-off following a tip-off from intelligence in another EU state.

According to German media, a group of attackers had planned to set off multiple explosives at the stadium, where Angela Merkel was due to attend the match, and to detonate a bomb in the city centre.

Wolfgang Schäuble, the finance minister, has publicly called for the military to be used in the event of coordinated terror attacks on a German city.

“If we had a situation like Paris, perhaps with attacks in three of four places, we’d have to think about whether our police capabilities are enough,” Mr Schäuble told the Rheinische Post newspaper. “What can we do to support security forces that are already overwhelmed on some normal weekends in the face of great challenges?” » | Justin Huggler in Berlin and Henry Samuel in Paris | Thursday, November 19, 2015

RHEINISCHE POST: Schäuble will Diskussion über Bundeswehr-Einsatz im Inneren » | Quelle: RP | Mittwoch, 18. November 2015

A Message for the Paris Attackers from Andrew Neil for BBC's This Week

Andrew Neil delivered a blistering rejoinder to the Islamic State militants that scarred Western Europe last week, opening Thursday’s BBC1 show 'This Week' with a near two-minute denunciation of terrorists who killed 132 people in the French capital.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Flüchtlingskrise - Was nun, Frau Merkel (ZDF: 13.11.2015)

France: There Is a Risk of Chemical or Biological Attack, Says Valls

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls warned the French public of the possibility of attacks from "chemical or biological weapons" as he addressed the French parliamentary in Paris, Thursday.

Related »

Verwandt »

Spinnt diese alte Frau eigentlich? Ursula Haverbeck: The Panorama Interview, with English Subtitles

In 2015, Ursula Haversack, a Holocaust denier, made history in a defiant interview about the Holocaust.

FOX NEWS: German 87-year-old 'Nazi grandma' jailed for denying the Holocaust » | | Friday, November 13, 2015

THE TIMES OF ISRAEL: German ‘Nazi grandma’ jailed for Holocaust denial: Ursula Haverbeck is a lost cause, says magistrate, sending her to prison for 10 months » | JTA and Times of Israel Staff | Monday, November 16, 2015

HAMBURGER MORGENPOST: Wegen TV-Interview: Holocaust-Leugnerin wieder vor Gericht: Gaskammern gab es nicht, in Auschwitz ist kein Mensch gestorben, die KZ-Leichenberge waren in Wahrheit Opfer der Bombenangriffe – mit kriminellen Verschwörungstheorien tingelt Holocaust-Leugnerin Ursula Haverbeck (87) seit dem Ende des Dritten Reiches durch den braunen Sumpf, gefeiert von Neonazis. » | Von Stephanie Lamprecht | Sonntag, 8. November 2015

WIKIPEDIA: Ursula Haverbeck [E] »

WIKIPEDIA: Ursula Haverbeck [D] »

Paris Attacks: The Chief Suspect

Abdelhamid Abaaoud, a 27-year-old Belgian, was killed in a Wednesday raid in the Paris suburb of St.-Denis. He is believed to have orchestrated Friday's attacks in Paris.

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Top Suspect in Paris Attacks, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, Confirmed Dead »

Al Jazeera World: Libya’s Forgotten King

The story of King Idris I who unified Libya and became its first - and last - king before being toppled by Gaddafi in 1969.

What Our Fathers Did: A Nazi Legacy

My Nazi Legacy – Clip from New Documentary

Scenes from upcoming documentary My Nazi Legacy, in which Niklas Frank, whose father Hans Frank was the SS governor of Poland, speaks about his family legacy. He discusses his father’s execution by the Allies after the Nuremeberg trials, and says that he deserved to die

My Nazi Legacy premieres at the UK Jewish Film Festival on 19 November. It is released in select cinemas and on VOD from 20 November

Our fathers the Nazis: film explores the legacy of atrocities: Documentary takes sons of Nazis and professor whose relatives were killed back to the horror of occupied eastern Europe » | Owen Bowcott Legal affairs correspondent | Thursday, November 19, 2015

Paris Attacks: Isis 'Chemical Weapons' Warning Issued by French PM Manuel Valls

THE INDEPENDENT: Valls urges French parliament to extend its state of emergency

The Isis militant group could arm itself with biological and chemical weapons in future terror attacks on Europe, the French prime minister has warned.

Manuel Valls said France faced a serious threat from associates linked to the gunmen and bombers who launched attacks across Paris last Friday, killing 129.

"We must not rule anything out," he said. "I say it with all the precautions needed. But we know and bear in mind that there is also a risk of chemical or bacteriological weapons."

Mr Valls presented a bill to the French parliament that would extend the country's state of emergency for another three months. It will then go to the upper house on Friday. » | Adam Withnall | Thursday, November 19, 2015

Verwandt »

Terroralarm: Frankreich wappnet sich gegen Chemie-Anschläge

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Frankreich bereitet sich auf Attentate mit chemischen Waffen vor: Ein Erlass der Regierung verordnet jetzt die Herstellung des Gegengiftes Atropin.

Die französische Regierung trifft Vorkehrungen zur Abwehr eines Terrorangriffs mit chemischen Kampfmitteln. Das geht aus einem Erlass des Gesundheitsministeriums hervor, der im offiziellen Gesetzblatt veröffentlicht wurde. Darin werde der Ankauf, die Lagerung, Verteilung und Verschreibung von Atropin-Sulfat in großem Umfang gefordert. Das berichtet die Zeitung "Le Figaro". Das eigentlich toxische Mittel wird nur vom Zentrallabor der Streitkräfte hergestellt. Es kann bei Kampfstoffangriffen - wie etwa mit Sarin-Gas - Betroffenen in hohen Dosen als Gegengift verabreicht werden. » | Von Stefan Simons, Paris | Donnerstag, 19. November 2015