Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Aznar dément être le futur père du bébé de Rachida Dati

Photo de Rachida Dati grâce au Gala

COME4NEWS: Jose Maria Aznar l'ex-président du gouvernement espagnol repousse être le futur père biologique du futur bébé de Rachida Dati actuelle ministre française de la justice. Ces doutes ont commencé dès qu'un site web Marocain (lobservateur.ma) a publié un article d'où il écrit que selon des références sûres (sans les noter), Aznar est le père du l'embryon de Dati. De son côté, Aznar a annoncé lors d'une foire, qu'il n'a absolument rien avoir avec cela, et que ce que diffuse les médias n'a pas de preuves, et il indique aussi qu'il s'est fait un avocat et il est prêt pour déclarer contre n'importe quel média qui republie encore une fois ce genre de rumeurs sur lui. Dati de son côté, a refusé de donner le nom du vrai père biologique de son futur bébé, en disant qu'elle vit une vie personnelle très compliquée et qu'elle ne peut pas ajouter plus d'informations que cela à la presse. Elle ajoute aussi que sa situation de santé n'est pas stable vu qu'elle a 42 ans, et que donc elle doit se comporter avec beaucoup de douceur et de précautions envers son bébé et envers soi même. Elle confirmait aussi qu'elle attend avec impatience son accouchement, puisque c'est son premier bébé, en sachant comme elle dit qu'elle avait était enceinte plusieurs fois auparavant mais l'embryon meurt toujours avant d'arriver à l'étape de l'accouchement. [Source: COME4NEWS] | 09.09.2008

Frankreichs Justizministerin: Rachida Dati – Geheimnis um den Vater des Kindes: Frankreichs Justizministerin Rachida Dati ist schwanger. Von wem, verrät sie nicht. Die Grande Nation genießt das öffentliche Raten. Ist es ein ehemaliger Ministerpräsident? Oder gar ein Freund von Nicolas Sarkozy? Berichtet wird auch von einer Begegnung zwischen Carla Bruni und Dati – vor Sarkozys Bett.

Es ist keine Krankheit und schon gar kein Verbrechen. Rachida Dati, Frankreichs Justizministerin, hat recht. Seit sie auf dem ersten Ministerratstreffen nach den Ferien ihren Babybauch unter einem engen Oberteil zeigte, ist die Sache nun offiziell: Die Justizministerin ist schwanger. Prompt jubelte die People-Presse: „Rachida Dati verwirklicht ihren Traum: bald Mama!“ Das geht bekanntlich auch, ohne verheiratet zu sein oder einen festen Partner zu haben.

Sie, die demnächst 43 wird, formuliert seltsam verkorkst, sie habe „in ihrer Laufbahn als Frau so viele schmerzliche Erfahrungen hinsichtlich der Mutterschaft gemacht“, dass sie jetzt zwar noch „sehr vorsichtig, aber überglücklich“ sei. Sie will ein Kind, dringend. Im vergangenen Herbst hatte sie es in einem Buch gestanden: Nichts wünsche sie sich sehnlicher – und sie braucht dazu offensichtlich keinen Vater. >>>
Von Martina Meister | 10. September 2008

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Nasrallah Heralds Signs of US Defeat in Region

IRNA: Leader of the Lebanese Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, said Monday night that all signs of US defeat are clear in the region given the firm intention of regional states to resist US plans.

"Experience of the past three decades, Iran's Islamic Revolution in particular, proved that US was not able to reach all its goals in the region," the prominent cleric said speaking in a teleconference with Iran's state television's channel 2 news program.

He added that emergence of regional resistance movements and uprising in the past three decades have proved that "US expansionist plans were damaged and Washington has failed to fulfill its dreams in the region." 

Asked how he had successfully gathered different Lebanese parties and religious minorities together in the name of Hezbollah movement, Nasrallah said "It is a common point among all who live in Lebanon that Israel is an occupier and criminal enemy." 

"Everyone in Lebanon believes that Israel is a common enemy of all Lebanese and it is easy to gather people together to confront a common enemy," he said.

He added that Hezbollah has special place for almost all Lebanese people and that minor disagreements, if any, could not damage its dignity and status. [Source: IRNA] | September 9, 2008

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EU Official Says Turkish Prime Minister Should Not Threaten Media

HÜRRIYET: Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan should not threaten the media who write negative stories about him, Turkey-EU Joint Parliamentary Commission Co-Chairman Joost Lagendijk said Tuesday, assessing the statements of the prime minister who targeted the Dogan Media Group.

The style adopted by the leaders in such problems should not reach the level of threats, Lagendijk told Turkey's Milliyet on Tuesday.

Erdogan's fierce criticism of the Dogan Media organs that have been publishing reports about an ongoing government-linked fraud case has heightened tension in Turkey recently.

A prime minister should not opt for blackmail or suppression of the media, Lagendijk was quoted by Milliyet as saying.

"Media criticism over politicians is a part of political life. Especially if you are a prime minister, you must become accustomed to this," he said.

"If you think that media published false news about you, the way to solve this is clear. You go to the court," he added.

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs), including the Turkish Journalists Association (TGC) and the Confederation of Revolutionary Workers’ Unions (DISK), also backed the Dogan Media Group on Monday, saying Erdogan's remarks brought to the agenda the risks to democracy in the country. [Source: HÜRRIYET] | September 9, 2008

Turkey’s Largest Media Group Refuses to Bow to Government Pressure: The owner of Turkey's largest media group, Dogan Group, said the government is attempting to blackmail the company, adding if they want the group to submit, that is not going to happen. Erdogan's remarks brought the risks to freedom of expression to the agenda again, said the Turkish Journalists Association (TGC).

Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan furiously slammed the Dogan Group for publishing news stories on an ongoing fraud case in Germany, with alleged links to the government and the premier, instead of opening investigation into the claims.
| September 9, 2008

Ertugrul Ozkok: I am offering a deal to the Turkish Prime Minister >>> | September 9, 2008

Betrugsprozess: Spendenskandal in Frankfurt strahlt auf Erdogan aus : Der türkische Ministerpräsident Recep Tayyip Erdogan gerät im Zusammenhang mit einem Frankfurter Prozess um einen Spendenskandal politisch unter Druck. Die oppositionelle Republikanische Volkspartei (CHP) fordere Aufklärung von Vorwürfen, in Deutschland veruntreute Gelder in Höhe von mehr als 18 Millionen Euro seien im Umfeld von Erdogans islamisch-konservativer Regierungspartei AKP gelandet, berichteten türkische Medien am Dienstag. Vor dem Frankfurter Landgericht läuft derzeit ein Prozess gegen drei ehemalige Funktionäre des islamischen Wohltätigkeitsvereins „Deniz Feneri“ (Leuchtturm). Sie haben die Veruntreuung von Geldern vor Gericht bereits zugegeben.

Erdogan hat unterdessen jede Verwicklung seiner Partei in den Fall bestritten. Er kritisierte die türkische Mediengruppe „Dogan“ für Berichte über den Spendenskandal und mögliche Verbindungen zur AKP. Die Berichte seien Reaktion auf Entscheidung der Regierung, die wirtschaftliche Interessen der „Dogan“-Gruppe störten.
FAZ.NET mit dpa | 09.September 2008

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Italian Politicians ‘Praise’ Fascist Era of Benito Mussolini

Photo of Benito Mussolinii courtesy of The Telegraph

THE TELEGRAPH: Two of Italy's most senior politicians have sparked a debate about the country's dark past and uncertain future after voicing sympathy for the fascist era of Benito Mussolini.

The combative right-wing mayor of Rome refused to condemn fascism as evil, while the country's defence minister paid homage to fascist troops who fought with the Nazis in resisting the Anglo-American landings of World War II.

The minister, Ignazio La Russa, was speaking at an event marking the 65th anniversary of Rome's resistance to Nazi occupation in 1943 and the role played by anti-fascist partisans.

But he also recalled the "Nembo" parachute division from Mussolini's fascist "Salo Republic" who fought alongside the Germans against the Allies.

"I would betray my conscience if I did not recall that other men in uniform, such as the Nembo from the Italian Social Republic army, also, from their point of view, fought in the belief they were defending their country," the minister said.

Hundreds of Italian soldiers and civilians died in September 1943, shortly after an armistice was signed between the Allies and Italy, attempting to stop the Germans from occupying Rome.

The inflammatory remarks, which were condemned by left-wing politicians, intensified a row over comments by Rome's mayor, Gianni Alemanno, who said that while racial laws passed by Mussolini in 1938 were wrong, it would be too simplistic to condemn fascism as a whole, as an "absolute evil".

"I don't think so and I never thought so: fascism was a more complex phenomenon," Mr Alemanno, 50, once the youth leader of a neo-fascist party, told the Corriere della Sera newspaper during a trip to Israel that included a stop at the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial in Jerusalem.

"Many people joined it in good faith, and I don't feel like labelling them with that definition."

Opposition MPs and Jewish community leaders accused the mayor of attempting to rewrite one of the darkest chapters of Italian history. Italian Politicians ‘Praise’ Fascist Era of Benito Mussolini >>> By Nick Squires in Rome | September 8, 2008

Italien: Bürgermeister Roms provoziert auf Israel-Reise: Gianni Alemanno empört mit Faschismus-Aussagen. Wie eng Antisemitismus und Italo-Faschismus tatsächlich verflochten waren, daran erinnerte erst vor wenigen Wochen eine andere Diskussion >>> | 8. September 2008

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Airliner Bomb Trial: Three Muslim extremists Face Lengthy Jail Terms over Plot

THE TELEGRAPH: Three Islamic extremists are facing lengthy prison sentences after being found guilty of conspiring to kill hundreds of people in a terrorist bombing campaign.

The trio were members of an east London al Qaida-inspired terror cell that planned to detonate home-made bombs in attacks on British targets including Heathrow Airport, a jury at Woolwich Crown Court found.

But following a five-month trial the jurors failed to reach verdicts on prosecution claims that they were plotting an unprecedented wave of suicide bombings on transatlantic airliners.

The three - Abdulla Ahmed Ali, 27, Assad Sarwar, 28, and Tanvir Hussain, 27 - had already admitted planning a series of small-scale headline-grabbing bomb attacks.

But, by a majority of 10 to two, the jurors rejected their claims that they did not plan to kill or hurt anyone in the blasts.

The eight men and four women on the jury deliberated for 56 hours and nine minutes.

But they could not agree verdicts on whether another four Muslim men - Ibrahim Savant, 27, Arafat Waheed Khan, 27, Waheed Zaman, 24, and Umar Islam, 30 - were also involved in the conspiracy to murder.

All seven defendants earlier admitted conspiring to cause a public nuisance by distributing al Qaida-style videos threatening suicide attacks in Britain.

The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) has until the end of this month to decide whether the men should face retrials on the counts on which the jurors could not reach verdicts.

An eighth man, Mohammed Gulzar, 27, was cleared on all charges.

The trial judge, Mr Justice Calvert-Smith, adjourned the case for sentencing at a later date. Airliner Bomb Trial: Three Muslim extremists Face Lengthy Jail Terms over Plot >>> | September 9, 2008

'You Will Be Destroyed': Bombers Convicted of Heathrow Plot: The chilling threat from Abdulla Ali, a British graduate convicted yesterday of masterminding a plot to bomb Heathrow

Three young British Muslims who were turned into bombers while doing charity work in Pakistan are facing life behind bars after being convicted of plotting mass murder.

Abdulla Ahmed Ali, Assad Sarwar and Tanvir Hussain were accused of conspiring to bring down at least seven transatlantic airliners in mid-air, using bombs hidden in soft drinks bottles.
By Cahal Milmo, Chief Reporter | September 9, 2008

'Astonishment' at Terror Verdicts: Counter-terrorism officials are said to be "dismayed" by the outcome of a trial in which eight men were accused of a plot to blow up transatlantic planes.

Three men were convicted of conspiracy to murder but the jury did not convict any defendant of targeting aircraft. One man was cleared of all charges.

The BBC's Frank Gardner said there had been "astonishment" in Whitehall as the evidence was considered to be strong.
Prosecutors have until the end of the month to consider a retrial of the men.
| September 9, 2008

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Sarkozy droht Russland mit Konsequenzen

NZZ Online: Frankreichs Präsident Nicolas Sarkozy hat Russland mit Konsequenzen gedroht, sollte es sein jüngstes Versprechen zum Truppenabzug aus Georgien nicht einhalten. In der georgischen Hauptstadt Tbilissi versicherte Sarkozy Georgien die Solidarität der EU.

(sda) Am 15. Oktober dürfe sich «kein russischer Soldat» mehr in Stellungen im georgischen Kernland aufhalten, sagte der amtierende EU-Ratspräsident nach einem Treffen mit dem georgischen Staatschef Michail Saakaschwili am frühen Dienstagmorgen in Tiblissi. Andernfalls werde die Europäische Union «Konsequenzen ziehen». Sarkozy droht Russland mit Konsequenzen: Termin des Rückzugs aus Georgien ist verpflichtend >>> | 9. September 2008

Russia Says Troops to Stay in Georgia for Long Time >>> By Conor Sweeney | September 9, 2008

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Gordon Brown to Invite Gaddafi to London

TIMESONLINE: Gordon Brown is expected to invite two controversial world leaders, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi of Libya and Hugo Chavez, President of Venezuela, to an international oil summit in London.

The invitation could bring the Libyan leader to Britain on his first official visit after years of isolation. An invitation could also bring Mr Chavez, the champion of socialist revolution in South America, to London and an unlikely photo-opportunity with Mr Brown.

Drawing up the guest list for the Prime Minister’s promised summit in December, a follow-up to the international meeting of oil producers and consumers in Saudi Arabia over the summer, was always likely to be an awkward business.

Mr Brown is keen to be seen to be addressing the issue of rising fuel prices, and to be acting to coordinate an international response to rising demand.

However, for all the possibilities that oil diplomacy might yield, it was likely that news of who was coming would overshadow the agenda.

The head of at least one key oil-producing nation, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran, was unlikely to be considered a suitable guest, following anger over his perceived nuclear ambitions.

Meanwhile the arrival of Colonel Gadaffi in the capital would be certain to draw headlines. It is over two decades since British diplomatic relations with the country were severed, after shots fired from the Libyan embassy killed WPC Yvonne Fletcher, who was policing demonstrators outside.

Relations froze further after the bombing of an American airliner over Scotland in 1988. Since then the Libyan Government has accepted responsibility for the bombing, and ‘general responsibility’ for the killing of WPC Fletcher, and Tony Blair visited the country to meet the Libyan leader last year.

Colonel Gadaffi travels with female bodyguards and in recent trips to Europe, he has kept to his preference of staying in a black Bedouin tent, pitching it in government owned gardens in Paris and Brussels. Gordon Brown to Invite Gaddafi to London >>> By Will Pavia | September 9, 2008

The Big Question: Is the West Right to Resume Friendly Relations with Gaddafi's Libya? >>> By Anne Penketh, Diplomatic Editor | September 9, 2008

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Sarkozy wollte Treffen mit Moskau platzen lassen

WELT ONLINE: Zwischen dem russischen Präsidenten Dmitri Medwedjew und seinem französischen Kollegen Nicolas Sarkozy soll es heftig gekracht haben: Sarkozy wollte eigentlich in seiner Funktion als EU-Ratsvorsitzender in Moskau im Kaukasuskonflikt vermitteln. Doch plötzlich erklärte er: „Wir gehen."

Die Verhandlungen zwischen dem russischen Staatschef Dmitri Medwedjew und dem französischen Präsidenten Nicolas Sarkozy über eine Umsetzung des Friedensplans für Georgien sind nach übereinstimmenden Berichten „zeitweise äußerst spannungsgeladen“ verlaufen. An einem Punkt seien die Auseinandersetzungen zwischen der russischen Seite und der EU-Delegation um Sarkozy so heftig gewesen, dass der französische Präsident damit gedroht habe, die Gespräche sofort zu beenden, berichteten Vertreter der Europäischen Union und Frankreichs am Montag. Kaukasuskrise: Sarkozy wollte Treffen mit Moskau platzen lassen >>> | 9. September 2008

Russie : Sarkozy a failli quitter la table des discussions : «On s'en va. Ce n'est pas négociable», aurait lancé le président français aux négociateurs russes, selon plusieurs sources, qui révèlent les dessous d'une discussion houleuse.

Voilà quatre heures que les délégations russes et européennes discutent à Moscou, lundi, de l'application de l'accord de paix en Géorgie signé en août, quand l'incident survient. Le président Medvedev s'est absenté, mais les négociateurs russes annoncent qu'ils souhaitent supprimer une partie de l'accord qui stipule que leurs forces doivent se retirer sur «leurs positions antérieures au début des hostilités».

Editorial: Sarkozy Mission over Georgia: THE visit to Moscow and the Georgian capital Tblisi by French President Nicolas Sarkozy accompanied by the EU’s Secretary-General Manuel Barroso and its “foreign minister” Javier Solana demonstrates how worried the Europeans are about Russia’s incursion in Georgia. This is the second time that Sarkozy, current president of the European Council, has been to Moscow and Tblisi in a month and comes just a week after the 27 members of the union, in an emergency summit, pulled off the rare feat of a united stand on the issue, condemning Russia’s recognition of South Ossetian and Abkhazian independence, suspending a planned EU-Russia partnership agreement and firmly supporting Georgia’s sovereignty. >>> | September 9, 2008

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Broschüre des Senats löst neuen Kopftuchstreit aus

WELT ONLINE: Eine Broschüre der Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Integration für mehr Toleranz gegenüber Musliminnen mit Kopftuch stößt auf Kritik. Die Anwältin Seyran Ates kritisiert, dass in der Senatspublikation ausschließlich Kopftuch tragende Frauen als Opfer dargestellt würden. In der Broschüre mit dem Titel "Mit Kopftuch außen vor?" werde nicht erwähnt, dass vor allem Frauen, die kein Kopftuch tragen und sich an westeuropäischen Maßstäben orientierten, oftmals von Musliminnen diskriminiert werden.

Das Spannungsverhältnis zwischen diesen beiden Gruppen werde in der Publikation nicht thematisiert. "Ich will nicht, dass Kinder Kopftücher tragen müssen", sagt Seyran Ates. Nicht einmal eine strenge Auslegung des Islam rechtfertige das Tragen eines Kopftuches bei Kindern. Die Broschüre sei ein "Pamphlet für das Kopftuch" und daher nicht akzeptabel. Broschüre des Senats löst neuen Kopftuchstreit aus >>> | 8. September 2008

In Berlin wird über das Kopftuch gestritten >>> | 8. September 2008

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Surprise! McCain dépasse Obama

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: ÉTATS-UNIS | Le candidat républicain fait une remontée spectaculaire dans un sondage publié hier. Le choix de sa remuante colistière Sarah Palin n’y est sans doute pas pour rien.

On croyait John McCain à la traîne, loin derrière son rival Barack Obama. Or, le candidat républicain à la Maison-Blanche vient de passer devant son adversaire démocrate dans un sondage Gallup publié hier dans USA Today. Le premier a obtenu 50% des intentions de vote contre 46% pour le second. Un résultat inattendu pour le camp républicain qui imaginait son héros en plus mauvaise position. Surprise! McCain dépasse Obama >>> AA avec afp | 09.09.2008

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Takaful, Shariaful: The UK Goes Further Down the Road of Economic Dhimmitude!

THE TELEGRAPH: More than 2m Muslims in Britain will now be able to arrange motor insurance without compromising their religious beliefs, according to Salaam Halal Insurance. Bradley Brandon-Cross, the chief executive of Salaam Insurance, says: "Conventional United Kingdom insurance options conflict with the core beliefs of the Muslim faith and, as a result, give Muslims living in the UK who wish to drive a car no choice but to go against their beliefs in order to follow the law, which requires motorists to have cover.

"The face of Britain is changing and it is the responsibility of British institutions to cater for such changes and welcome diversity."

In conventional insurance, the risk is entirely transferred from the policyholder to the insurance company upon payment of a premium, explained Brandon-Cross. He says: "In return for paying the premium, the policyholder gets peace of mind and in the event of a valid claim, the claim settled. This brings elements of uncertainty and, in the view of Muslims, gambling, into the contract as one of the two parties will make a loss, especially the policyholder if no claim occurs."

n Sudan in the 1970s, a concept called Takaful insurance was created to circumvent these problems. Takaful is an alternative form of cover which a Muslim can obtain against the risk of loss due to misfortunes and is a structure in which risk is shared between all policyholders.

Junaid Bhatti, director of independent Islamic finance consultancy Ballencrieff House, says: "So far, the only successful Takaful product in the UK has been Amanah’s home insurance offering, which is normally cross-promoted with the HSBC Islamic Mortgage product. It is great to see that the Government’s support for the industry has continued, and a fully sharia-compliant Takaful company has received authorisation."

Takaful provides its members with the same level of protection offered by conventional insurance, but it operates in a different way. This type of insurance allows participants to pay their contribution into a pool which is invested strictly in sharia-compliant investments and any investment profits are distributed back to the Takaful fund.

Takaful is an Arabic word meaning "guaranteeing each other" or joint guarantee. Theoretically, Takaful is perceived as co-operative insurance, where members contribute a certain sum of money to a common pool. The purpose of this system is not profits but to uphold the principle of "bear one another’s burden". The Car Insurance that Obeys Sharia Rules >>> By Kara Gammell | September 8, 2008

Cross-posted at: The Shrewd Economist >>>

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Terrorist Groups Are Developing a Dirty Bomb According to Security Chiefs

THE TELEGRAPH: Islamist terrorists have stepped up their efforts to develop a "dirty" bomb for use against Western targets, senior Western security sources have told The Daily Telegraph.

They are exploiting the political chaos in Pakistan in a bid to acquire nuclear material for a 'spectacular' attack.

At least one plot has been uncovered involving Pakistani-based terrorists planning to use nuclear material against a major European target.

Osama bin Laden's al-Qa'eda terror group, whose terrorist infrastructure is based in the province of Waziristan in northwest Pakistan, is known to be trying to acquire nuclear technology to use in terror attacks against the West.

Other militant Islamist groups in Pakistan, such as the newly formed Pakistani Taliban, have also shown an interest in developing weapons with a nuclear capability, according to Western security officials.

Security chiefs fear the mounting political instability in Pakistan will make it easier for militant Islamist groups to develop a primitive nuclear device.

Pakistan is the world's only Muslim country with a nuclear weapons arsenal, which was developed during the 1990s by the rogue Pakistani nuclear scientist Dr Abdul Qadir (AQ) Khan.

Dr Khan was placed under house arrest after he was accused of selling the blueprint for Pakistan's atom bomb to rogue states such as Libya, North Korea and Iran. But the restrictions on Dr Khan's detention have been eased since President Pervez Musharraf was forced from power.

Pakistan's nuclear arsenal is subject to stringent security safeguards put in place with the help of the American military when Mr Musharraf was in office. But there is mounting concern within Western security circles that Islamic terror groups will gain access to Pakistan's expertise in developing terrorist weapons containing nuclear material.

"Islamist militant groups want to carry out terror attacks on a massive scale, and there is no better way for them to achieve that objective than to develop some form of primitive nuclear device," said a senior U.S. security official.

The most likely terror device using nuclear material is a "dirty bomb", where conventional explosives are fitted with radioactive material. Terror Groups Developing 'Dirty Bomb', Say Security Chiefs >>> | September 9, 2008

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Monday, September 08, 2008

Muslims Piss on Torah Scrolls in Hebron

ISRAEL TODAY: Jewish worshippers returning to Hebron's Cave of the Patriarchs after Muslims were given exclusive access to the holy site at the weekend reported that the cabinet containing their Torah scrolls had been urinated on.

One Jewish resident of Hebron told Israel National News that he and several other men had to move the cabinet to another part of the room because of the strong smell of urine in the area where it is usually positioned.

Additionally, green Hamas flags were found placed in the windows that mark the burial sites of Abraham, Isaac, Sara, Rebecca and Leah.

The Cave of the Patriarchs is split into Jewish and Muslim sections, as both groups revere Abraham.

Several times a year, the holy site is given over to one or the other group exclusively to mark special holy days. Muslims were given exclusive access to the Cave of the Patriarchs on Friday to mark their holy month of Ramadan.

Another Jewish resident of Hebron said that some damage to Jewish religious articles or the Jewish side of the site is found every time the Muslims take over. [Source: Israel Today] | September 7, 2008

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BIG Brother, Oops!, BIG Sister Comes to France! Her Name Is Edvige

Photo of Nicolas Sarkozy courtesy of TimesOnline

Would it, perhaps, be a good idea for Edvige to spy on the private life of Nicolas himself? Now wouldn’t that be interesting! - ©Mark

TIMESONLINE: President Nicolas Sarkozy faced an embarrassing split in his Cabinet today over a computer system that a new French internal intelligence service will use to spy on the private lives of millions of law-abiding citizens.

Hervé Morin, the Defence Minister, broke government ranks to side with a growing revolt against Edvige, an acronym for a police database that will store personal details including opinions, the social circle and even sexual preferences of more or less anyone who interests the State.

Edvige, which is also a woman's name, was created by decree in July to store data on anyone aged 13 or above who is "likely to breach public order".

"Sarkozy's Big Sister", as it has been dubbed, will also track anyone active in politics or trade unions and in a significant role in business, the media, entertainment or social or religious institutions. Listed people will have limited rights to consult their files. French Revolt over Edvige: Nicolas Sarkozy's Big Brother Spy Computer >>> By Charles Bremner in Paris | September 8, 2008

Edvige : le PS conteste avoir ouvert la boîte de Pandore >>> | 09.09.2008

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Russia - Dagestan: Radical Islam Sweeping into North Caucasus

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A Jihad for Love: Gay Muslims Fight for Rights

Part 2

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Al Qaeda Video Slams Iran, “Crusader” War

REUTERS: DUBAI - Al Qaeda has issued a video marking the Sept. 11 attacks, in which deputy group leader Ayman al-Zawahri accuses Iran of taking part in a Western "Crusader" war against Islam, Al Jazeera television said on Monday.

The video also shows apparently recent footage of senior al Qaeda figure Mustafa Abu al-Yazid, casting doubt on a report that he was killed on the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan last month.

In a segment on the video aired by al Jazeera, Zawahri attacked Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, questioning the Islamic Republic's anti-Western stand.

"The (leader of Iran) collaborates with the Americans in occupying Iraq and Afghanistan and recognises the puppet regimes in both countries, while he warns of death and destruction to anyone who touches an inch of Iranian soil," Zawahri said.

Al Qaeda, a militant Sunni Islamist group, often criticises predominantly Shi'ite Iran, which has good relations with Afghanistan's anti-Taliban leaders and Iraq's Shi'ite-led government.

"Not even one Shi'ite authority -- whether in Iraq or elsewhere -- has issued a fatwa (religious edict) obligating jihad and taking up of arms against the American Crusader invaders in Iraq and Afghanistan," Zawahri said. Al Qaeda Video Slams Iran, “Crusader” War >>> | September 8, 2008

Al-Qaeda Video Rounds on Iran >>> | September 8, 2008

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In Charlie Rose’s Green Room with Sarah Palin

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The Path to the Final Solution

The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Dust Jacket Hardcover, direct from the publishers (US) >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Paperback, direct from the publishers (US) >>>
The War on Britain’s Jews: Anti-Semitism in Britain (2007): Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Dust Jacket Hardcover, direct from the publishers (US) >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Paperback, direct from the publishers (US) >>>