Showing posts with label Hebron. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hebron. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

’You’re a Terrorist’: Tony Blair Taunted by Young Palestinian in West Bank Mosque

DAILY MAIL: Tony Blair's bodyguards had to rush to protect him today when a protester calling him a terrorist assailed the former prime minister in a Palestinian mosque.

Mr Blair, now the Middle East envoy, was on an official trip to the West Bank city of Hebron when the man verbally attacked him.

His bodyguards backed the man into a corner and tried to keep him quiet as he shouted 'You're a terrorist' at Mr Blair.

'He is not welcome in the land of Palestine', the struggling man, who was carrying a bag, added. >>> | Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tony Blair Branded a 'Terrorist' by Heckler During West Bank Visit

THE TELEGRAPH: Bodyguards subdued a Palestinian heckler as he approached Tony Blair shouting 'you are a terrorist'.

Middle East envoy Tony Blair heckled in Hebron.

The Middle East envoy and former British prime minister was verbally assailed while visiting an ancient mosque during an official trip to the West Bank city of Hebron.

The protester, carrying a bag, was backed into a corner by guards who tried to shut him up. "He is not welcome in the land of Palestine," the struggling man shouted.

Mr Blair, 56, is envoy for the "Quartet" of powers on the Middle East, comprising the European Union, the United States, Russia and the United Nations.

He gave a tight-lipped smile and a pacifying wave in the general direction of the shouting man, and afterwards played down the incident. >>> | Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Israel: Siedler verwüsten Hebron in einem Rachefeldzug

WELT ONLINE: Die Räumung des besetzten Hauses in der Stadt Hebron hat bei den jüdischen Siedlern heftigen Protest hervorgerufen. Marodierend zogen sie durch die Straßen und legten Feuer. Seit langem zählen sie zu den radikalsten unter den Siedlern. Ein normales Zusammenleben mit der palästinensischen Mehrheit ist nicht möglich.

Am späten Donnerstagnachmittag herrscht in der palästinensischen Stadt Hebron im Westjordanland Krieg. Jedenfalls sieht es so aus: Oben, am „Pfad der Betenden“, schleppen Polizisten in Schutzausrüstung die letzten Bewohner aus einem von jüdischen Siedlern besetzten Haus. Die wütenden Siedler beschimpfen die Soldaten als „Nazis“ oder „Judenfeinde“ und werfen unterschiedslos Steine auf die israelischen Polizisten wie auch auf die Häuser der im Tal lebenden Palästinenser. Wenn es ihnen zu wild wird, schießen die Polizisten Tränengaspatronen ab.

Ungehindert von den israelischen Sicherheitskräften zieht ein Siedlermob durch das Tal, legt Feuer in palästinensischen Gärten, demoliert alles, was nicht niet- und nagelfest ist und versucht gar in ein palästinensisches Haus einzudringen. Die bewaffneten Sicherheitsleute der nahe gelegenen Siedlung Kirjat Arba denken gar nicht daran, einzugreifen. Einige israelische Journalisten eilen den arabischen Bewohnern zu Hilfe. Einer von ihnen wird seinen sehr persönlichen Bericht über die Geschehnisse am nächsten Tag in der Zeitung Haaretz unter der Überschrift „Ich schäme mich“ veröffentlichen. >>> Von Michael Borgstede | 5. Dezember 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Taschenbuch) >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age (Gebundene Ausgabe) >>>

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Settlers Spray Inflammatory Graffiti on Mosque

INTERNATIONAL HERALD TRIBUNE: HEBRON, West Bank: Jewish settlers on Thursday spray-painted graffiti on a mosque slurring the Prophet Muhammad and defaced a Muslim cemetery, Israeli military officials said, threatening to worsen tensions in this volatile West Bank city.

Israeli security forces quickly removed the graffiti and were cleaning the cemetery, the army said.

The mosque stands next to a building that has become a flashpoint for tensions between settlers and Palestinians. Settlers say they bought the building from a Palestinian, but the Palestinian denies the claim.

Settlers inside the building have ignored an order from Israel's Supreme Court to leave while the ownership dispute is settled. Israel's defense minister has pledged to evict them within 30 days if they don't leave voluntarily.

Hebron is divided into Israeli and Palestinian-controlled sections. About 500 settlers live in guarded enclaves in the city's center among 170,000 Palestinians. >>> AP | November 20, 2008

TIMESONLINE: Jewish Settlers Daub 'Muhammad is a pig' on Palestinian Mosque

An escalating stand-off between the Israeli Army and a group of extremist Jewish settlers encamped illegally in a Palestinian town took a sinister turn today after radicals desecrated a Muslim cemetery and mosque and attacked soldiers.

Israel's military, which is trying to force the settlers to leave the property in Hebron, said it had removed the graffiti "Muhammad is a pig" from a local mosque and had cleared the cemetery, in which gravestones were sprayed by radicals with Stars of David.

The wave of vandalism is part of a campaign of violence and disorder by nine settler families, who make up some of the most extreme hard-right-wingers in Israel.

They have promised to use force against local Palestinian residents and soldiers trying to enforce an Israeli court order demanding their departure from a house they have occupied in the town, which is densely populated by Palestinians.

The settlers believe they have a biblical right to settle anywhere in the West Bank, and bitterly oppose Israel's negotiations to give up large swaths of the occupied territory in exchange for a Palestinian state and a permanent peace settlement. Currently, about 500 settlers live in guarded enclaves in Hebron's city centre among 170,000 Palestinians.

The Israeli Army stepped back from its original plan to forcibly evacuate the settlers yesterday, fearing extreme violence. Instead, Ehud Barak, the Defence Minister, has pledged to force their removal within 30 days.

Amid a wave of vandalism perpetrated by settlers yesterday in the aftermath of the court decision, a group of men was seen gathering near a mosque, daubing abusive graffiti on it.

Mouatassem Daana, a Palestinian resident, said that he saw settlers gathered near the mosque building “writing demeaning graffiti on the wall of the mosque insulting the Prophet Muhammad” and breaking windows. Later, the cemetery was also vandalised. >>> David Byers | November 20, 2008

BBC: Security Increase in Tense Hebron

Israel has increased security in the West Bank city of Hebron ahead of a Jewish pilgrimage there.

This comes at a time of increased tension in Hebron, where hundreds of Jewish settlers live in the heart of the Palestinian city.

A number of them are currently defying an Israeli high court order to leave a building in the centre of the Palestinian city.

On Wednesday, a mosque and Muslim cemetery were defaced by settlers.

Israeli troops later painted over the offensive graffiti. A soldier was injured in scuffles with settlers, the army said. >>> | November 21, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Paperback (US) Barnes & Noble >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Hardcover (US) Barnes & Noble >>>

Monday, September 08, 2008

Muslims Piss on Torah Scrolls in Hebron

ISRAEL TODAY: Jewish worshippers returning to Hebron's Cave of the Patriarchs after Muslims were given exclusive access to the holy site at the weekend reported that the cabinet containing their Torah scrolls had been urinated on.

One Jewish resident of Hebron told Israel National News that he and several other men had to move the cabinet to another part of the room because of the strong smell of urine in the area where it is usually positioned.

Additionally, green Hamas flags were found placed in the windows that mark the burial sites of Abraham, Isaac, Sara, Rebecca and Leah.

The Cave of the Patriarchs is split into Jewish and Muslim sections, as both groups revere Abraham.

Several times a year, the holy site is given over to one or the other group exclusively to mark special holy days. Muslims were given exclusive access to the Cave of the Patriarchs on Friday to mark their holy month of Ramadan.

Another Jewish resident of Hebron said that some damage to Jewish religious articles or the Jewish side of the site is found every time the Muslims take over. [Source: Israel Today] | September 7, 2008

The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Dust Jacket Hardcover, direct from the publishers (US) >>>
The Dawning of a New Dark Age – Paperback, direct from the publishers (US) >>>