Sunday, February 02, 2020

After Elizabeth II: Monarchy in Peril? | British Royal Family Documentary | Timeline

A new sovereign can revive a royal family or be its kiss of death. So will the controversial successor to Queen Elizabeth II spell the end of Britain’s thousand-year monarchy?

This film looks at the shaky future of the House of Windsor, once the beloved Queen passes the crown to her son Charles. The aging and opinionated Prince of Wales is not widely loved in Britain or abroad. The public still resent his treatment of Lady Diana, his adulterous relationship with Camilla, now destined to be Queen, and his relentless meddling in politics. “An overtly political king”, says British columnist Johann Hari, “will be death for the monarchy.” Many agree and look to Charles’ older son Prince William. But “Wills” is a reluctant Royal, still haunted by the brutal demise of his glamorous mother Diana. His brother, Prince Harry, is best known for an unflattering series of public scandals.

This documentary chronicles the storm gathering over the House of Windsor and asks the once unthinkable question: Will the monarchy still be around after Elizabeth?

Nicola Sturgeon: Independence Best for Scotland Post-Brexit

Scotland's first minister urges supporters of Scottish independence to build and win the political case for it rather than rushing to hold a referendum.

Boris Johnson recently rejected Sturgeon’s request for the legal powers to hold a second referendum, but the Scottish National party leader said independence was the only way for the country to maintain its parliamentary sovereignty and connection to the EU Sturgeon calls for unity and focus in push for Scottish independence

'Empathy' for Independent Scotland Joining the EU Says Tusk

Former European Council president Donald Tusk says Brussels feels "empathy" towards an independent Scotland joining the European Union.

Tusk: EU would be enthusiastic if Scotland applied to rejoin »

Saturday, February 01, 2020

Republican Pastor Says Jesus Wants to “Beat the Crap” Out of John Bolton

Conservative Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne is not happy about John Bolton throwing Trump under the bus, and he thinks Jesus is unhappy, too. In a tweetstorm this week, the Pastor asked the question “What Would Jesus Do?” and proceeded to answer his own question by saying that Jesus would have made a whip and “beat the crap” out of John Bolton. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this insanity.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Will the US Mideast Plan Boost or Undermine Peace? I Inside Story

The last opportunity for peace. That's how U.S. president Donald Trump described his plan to end seven decades of conflict between Palestinians and Israelis.

However, Palestinian leaders weren't involved in the process and they immediately rejected it as a conspiracy. The plan sides with Israel on the so-called 'final status issues' to be resolved with the Palestinians.

Israel gets Jerusalem as its capital, as well as sovereignty over the Jordan Valley and illegal Jewish settlements in the West Bank. Palestinians have been promised a path towards their own state, but only after four years of monitoring to determine whether their leaders are doing enough to fight 'terrorism'.

So does the proposal boost or undermine peace? And what does it say about America's evolving position on the conflict?

Presenter: Sami Zeidan | Guests: Robbie Sabel - Professor at Hebrew University of Jersualem and Former Legal Adviser to the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Nabil Sha'ath - Senior Palestinian Official and Adviser to President Mahmoud Abbas; Phyllis Bennis - Fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies and author of the book, 'Understanding the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict.'

Mehdi Hasan: Trump’s Middle East Plan Is a Policy of Apartheid & Settler Colonialism

We continue our discussion of President Trump’s long-awaited Middle East plan to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which he has described as the “deal of the century.” The plan was drafted by Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner without any input from Palestinians and would give Israel sovereignty over large areas of the occupied West Bank, control over all of Jerusalem, and keep all illegal settlements built in the occupied West Bank. We speak with Mehdi Hasan, senior columnist at The Intercept, and Rashid Khalidi, the Edward Said professor of modern Arab studies at Columbia University. Khalidi’s latest book is titled “The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine.”

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Anti-Semitism On The Rise in Germany

Seventy-five years after the liberation of Auschwitz, anti-Semitic crimes in Germany have risen by 20 per cent. CBC's Margaret Evans looks at the possible causes and the impact it's having on the Jewish community.

Trump's Mideast Peace Plan: Is It Really the 'Plan of the Century'?

Trump's Mideast peace plan: is it really the 'plan of the century'? FRANCE24's Claire Pryde asks chief foreign editor Robert Parsons.

Joe: A Confederacy of Dunces Defends President Donald Trump | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The president's lawyers insisted at his Senate impeachment trial Monday that there was nothing improper about his dealings with Ukraine's government. The Morning Joe panel discusses. Aired on 01/28/20.

Anti-Semitism Rears Its Head 75 Years after Auschwitz | DW News

The last survivors of Auschwitz gathered at the Nazi death camp in what was once occupied Poland. They were joined by world leaders to mark 75 years since Auschwitz was liberated in January of 1945 in the final months of World War Two. The number of survivors is growing ever fewer, but some returned there to bear witness. They spoke about the horrors they experienced during the Holocaust and warned that it could happen again. Pinchas Goldschmidt, chief rabbi of Moscow and president of the European Conference of Rabbis joined DW in the studio to discuss what the recent rise of anti-Semitism means in the context of history.

'A Very Stable Genius' Details History as It Happened in Trump White House | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker join to discuss their exceedingly well-reviewed new book on the dysfunction of the Trump White House, 'A Very Stable Genius.' Aired on 01/27/20.

Monday, January 27, 2020

We Shall Not Die Now | Holocaust Documentary | Timeline

From Blackbird Pictures, in association with the US Holocaust Museum and the Claude Lanzmann “Shoah” Collection, We Shall Not Die Now chronicles the Holocaust, when, between 1939 and 1945, over six million Jews and millions of others were systematically murdered by the Nazi regime. Seventy-five years after the conclusion of the war, the film explores not only the horrific human tragedy and what we can learn from it, but also the resilience of those that rebuilt their lives in spite of the unimaginable. Told by the survivors and liberators who experienced it first hand such as Cantor Moshe Taube (number twenty-two on Schindler’s List) and Ben Ferencz (concentration camp liberator and last living prosecutor of the Nuremberg trials), We Shall Not Die Now is a journey of despair, hope, and the triumph of the human spirit through history’s darkest hours.

With the help of the US Holocaust Museum's archival team and Claude Lanzmann’s daughter, Angelique, the production was able to explore dozens of hours of unused material filmed for the 1985 documentary “Shoah.” Select reels of that footage was incorporated into the film with the blessing of the Lanzmann family. The film also includes new footage filmed at the camps in Poland, new interviews with survivors and liberators, and original music composed by Golden-globe nominated composer, Benjamin Wallfisch.

The film was created by 19-year-old Indianapolis-based filmmaker Ashton Gleckman, who traveled around the country to interview survivors. He worked with the various memorial sites in Poland to film at the concentration camps and historical sites and went on to edit the film and help to compose the score. The film commemorates the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz.

Holocaust Survivor Dita Kraus: 'For Children, Auschwitz Was Less Horrible Than for Adults'

As the world marks the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, FRANCE 24's Jerusalem correspondent sat down with Dita Kraus, a survivor of the Nazi concentration camp in Poland. Detained with her parents from December 1943, the young teenager was in charge of the few books smuggled out of the belongings of other deportees and kept in the "children's block". With these books, Kraus, nicknamed the "Librarian of Auschwitz", sought to provide a semblance of humanity in the midst of unspeakable horror.

Saturday, January 25, 2020

The Guardian View on the Case against Glenn Greenwald: An Outrage in Brazil and Beyond

THE GUARDIAN: The decision to charge the American journalist with cybercrimes is an attack on democracy as well as press freedom

The campaign in Brazil against the investigative journalist Glenn Greenwald could hardly look more personal. The country’s far-right president, Jair Bolsonaro, suggested last year that the American “may do jail time”, and has used homophobic slurs against him. Mr Greenwald and his husband, the Brazilian congressman David Miranda, have faced not only lies and verbal attacks but death threats: “Neither my husband, nor I, nor our children, have left our house in the last year without armed security, armoured vehicles, teams of security,” he said this week.

Now Mr Greenwald, an outspoken critic of the president, has been charged with cybercrimes over the publication of leaked phone messages apparently showing collusion between prosecutors and Sérgio Moro, then a judge, but now justice minister. They fuelled concerns about the huge Car Wash anti-corruption investigation: while it uncovered shocking abuses, it also raised suspicions of political bias. Mr Moro oversaw the trial that led to the jailing of the popular former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, whose conviction eased Mr Bolsonaro’s election. » | Editorial | Friday, January 24, 2020

Unraveling Hitler’s Conspiracy | Archeology | WW2 Documentary | Timeline

The Nazi’s doctrine was clear: They, the Aryans, were a superior race, as they had demonstrated in their heroic past. Every effort must therefore be made to guarantee the genetic purity of the nation.

In July of 1935, Heinrich Himmler, Head of the Gestapo and the SS, founded the Ahnenerbe (The Research and Teaching Society for Ancestral Heritage) to validate these ideas and to ensure their propagation. Himmler’s goal was to research, excavate, and restore (real and imagined) Germanic cultural relics and to obtain scientific (or pseudoscientific) support for these racial theories. Here, for the first time, is the story of how archeology was used not only to manipulate information about the past, but also to legitimize the genocidal regime of the Nazis.

Les leçons oubliées d’Auschwitz

LE MONDE: Editorial du « Monde ». Soixante-quinze ans après la libération du camp d’extermination, les antisémites sont toujours à l’offensive dans une Europe marquée par la poussée des nationalismes.

Les célébrations ne sont pas des cours d’histoire, mais des leçons sur le présent. Celles du 75e anniversaire de la libération du camp d’extermination d’Auschwitz, jeudi 23 janvier, à Jérusalem, en présence d’une quarantaine de dirigeants internationaux, n’ont pas échappé à la règle. Au prix d’une instrumentalisation parfois sidérante du passé, ces cérémonies n’en auront pas moins livré un double enseignement sur l’inquiétant état du monde. Le premier concerne la montée de l’antisémitisme. En 2000, à Stockholm, le 3e Forum international sur la Shoah, auquel avaient assisté 46 chefs d’Etat et de gouvernement, avait débouché sur une déclaration en huit points évoquant notamment « la responsabilité solennelle de combattre le génocide, le nettoyage ethnique, le racisme, l’antisémitisme, la xénophobie ». » | Éditorial, Le Monde | vendredi 24 janvier 2020

„March For Life“: Gegen Abtreibungen, für Trump

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Donald Trump spricht als erster amerikanischer Präsident beim „Marsch für das Leben“, der jährlichen Demonstration der Gegner des geltenden Abtreibungsrechts. Die Aktivisten, von denen viele sonst Kliniken belagern, bereiten ihm einen warmen Empfang.

„Hört auf, Babies zu töten“, „Wir sind für das Leben“ und „Stoppt den Baby-Holocaust“: Das war auf den Schildern der Tausenden Menschen zu lesen, die am Freitag zur National Mall in Washington gekommen waren, um Donald Trump auf dem „March for Life“ sprechen zu hören. Jedes Jahr treffen sich hier Gegner von Schwangerschaftsabbrüchen. Und während Trump vergangenen Jahr hier schon eine Rede per Videoschalte gehalten hatte, war er nun als erster Präsident persönlich gekommen. „Ungeborene Kinder hatten noch nie einen großartigeren Verteidiger im Weißen Haus“, sagte Trump, während viele Zuhörer jubelten. » | Von Frauke Steffens, New York | Samstag, 25. Januar 2020

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Trump Tells Anti-Abortion Marchers, ‘Unborn Children Have Never Had a Stronger Defender in the White House’ » | Elizabeth Dias, Annie Karni and Sabrina Tavernise | Friday, January 24, 2020

Friday, January 24, 2020

Lindsey Graham Is the Most Shameless Man in American Politics

The South Carolina senator once put a lot of effort into cultivating an image of a reasonable, sober, sensible, moderate Republican, willing to reach out across the aisle, willing to stick up for his principles, willing to denounce Donald Trump. But today, there is no position he won’t abandon, no U-turn he won’t perform, no lie he will not tell.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Palace Denies Prince Charles 'Snubbed' Mike Pence

The Prince of Wales was greeting dignitaries, including world leaders, at an event to mark the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz - but seemed to ignore US Vice-President Mike Pence.

A Buckingham Palace official has denied this was a snub, telling the BBC that the prince and Mr Pence had a "long and warm conversation" before the ceremony began.

Emmanuel Macron réaffirme l'importance de la lutte contre l'antisémitisme

A l'occasion du 75e anniversaire de la libération d'Auschwitz, Emmanuel Macron, en déplacement à Jérusalem, s'est exprimé jeudi 23 janvier, devant la communauté française.

«J'ai tenu à être ici à Jérusalem, à l'invitation du Président Rivlin, à l'appel de Yad Vashem, à l'injonction du plus jamais ça», a t-il déclaré avant d'insister sur la menace qui pèse sur la France. «L'antisémitisme en France c'est d'abord et avant tout le problème de la République. C'est la quintessence, le visage premier de la haine de l'autre. A chaque fois que les démocraties se sont affaiblies, que des grandes crises ont bousculé la confiance et ont ravivé les divisions, le premier signal c'était l'antisémitisme.» Il en a profité pour dénoncer ceux qui jouent sur les peurs, avant de lister les actions du gouvernement pour lutter contre l'antisémitisme : surveillance renforcée de 868 lieux de culte juifs, associations dissoutes, création d'une structure judicaire dédiée à la lutte contre la haine, et d'une plateforme en ligne.

Souvent accusé de museler la liberté d'expression par ces différentes actions, Emmanuel Macron a tenu à répondre : «La liberté d'expression ce n'est pas la propagation de la haine».

Concernant la politique française au Proche-Orient, le Président de la République a défendu une voie médiane attachée au droit international : «Vous savez combien je suis attaché à la sécurité d'Israël, mais dans le même temps à ne jamais avoir une politique d'alignement sur la voie la plus extrême». Il s'est opposé à tout processus d'escalade dans la région. «C'est la voix que la France porte dans le processus de paix dont plus personne n'ose parler considérant qu'il ne se terminera pas. Il aura une fin, elle doit être heureuse, a t-il affirmé. Elle ne peut être la victoire de l'un sur l'autre».

Remembering the Holocaust: Prince Charles Speaks

Remembering the Holocaust: Prince Charles speaks a the podium at the Yad Vashem World Holocaust Remembrance Center in Jerusalem.

Steinmeier at Yad Vashem: 'I Bow in Deepest Sorrow for German Acts' | DW News

Ceremonies were held at the Yad Vashem Memorial in Jerusalem to honor Holocaust victims and survivors. This is the first in a series of events marking the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz death camp, which is commemorated as International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Dozens of international heads of state and government joined Israeli leaders at the ceremony. . In the first speech by a German president at Yad Vashem, Frank-Walter Steinmeier said Germany's responsibility for the crimes of the Nazi regime will never end. Russian President Vladimir Putin, French President Emmanuel Macron and US Vice President Mike Pence were also among those who remembered one of the world's darkest chapters and vowed to fight anti-Semitism in their countries.

75th Anniversary of Liberation of Auschwitz: A Survivor Remembers | DW News

Dita Kraus, the 'librarian of Auschwitz,' was just a teenager when she was deported from Prague and ended up in death camp. Now 91, Dita spoke to DW at her home in Israel. World leaders will be at the former death camp for the official Holocaust Remembrance Day on Monday, but for Dita, it's a place she never wants to see again. The horrors she experienced there are too much to bear. At Auschwitz, she snuck books to the children's block.

Sex Is for Married Heterosexual Couples Only, Says Church of England

THE GUARDIAN: Pastoral guidance also calls for Christians in gay or straight civil unions to be abstinent

The Church of England has stated that sex belongs only within heterosexual marriage, and that Christians in gay or straight civil partnerships should be sexually abstinent.

Bishops have issued pastoral guidance in response to the recent introduction to mixed-sex civil partnerships, which says: “For Christians, marriage – that is, the lifelong union between a man and a woman, contracted with the making of vows – remains the proper context for sexual activity.”

The church “seeks to uphold that standard” in its approach to civil partnerships, and “to affirm the value of committed, sexually abstinent friendships” within such partnerships.

It adds: “Sexual relationships outside heterosexual marriage are regarded as falling short of God’s purpose for human beings.” » | Harriet Sherwood | Thursday, January 23, 2020

Good luck with that, bishops! So what these guys are saying is that fun is out for anyone who isn't straight and married. And this is God's will in the twenty-first century, you say? Conclusion: God doesn't do fun! – Mark

Meghan Markle's Brother Thomas Markle Jr Speaks Out on Australian TV | Sunrise

Meghan Markle's estranged half brother has spoken out about her decision to leave the royal family and the letter he famously sent Prince Harry.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Freedom From Religion Foundation Lecture

"Freedom From Religion in the Bible Belt” was the theme of FFRF's (Freedom From Religion) Raleigh Regional Convention, May 2-3 2014 conference in downtown Raleigh, N.C., at the Sheraton Raleigh Hotel, 421 South Salisbury St. In conjunction with the Triangle Freethought Society, FFRF’s active Raleigh-area chapter, the gathering “won hearts and minds for reason and secularism.” CNN was scheduled to cover some of the event for an upcoming documentary on atheism.' The interview will be part of FFRF and the Dawkins Foundation's Openly Secular coalition campaign. Presented by Triangle Freethought Society.

Criminalizing Reporting: Glenn Greenwald Faces Cybercrime Complaint after Exposing Scandal in Brazil

In Brazil, federal prosecutors have filed a criminal complaint against journalist and Intercept co-founder Glenn Greenwald in connection to a major investigation he spearheaded that exposed misconduct among federal prosecutors and a former judge. Called “The Secret Brazil Archive,” the series of pieces published in The Intercept and The Intercept Brasil used a trove of documents to offer new and damning insight into the sweeping anti-corruption campaign that brought down former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and paved the way for the election of right-wing President Jair Bolsonaro. The investigation used previously undisclosed private chats, audio recordings, videos and other information provided by an anonymous source to expose the wrongdoing of top officials, including Justice Minister Sérgio Moro, who oversaw the anti-corruption crusade known as “Operation Car Wash.” On Tuesday, a justice minister filed a denunciation of Glenn Greenwald, claiming he “directly assisted, encouraged and guided” individuals who allegedly accessed online chats related to Operation Car Wash. A judge will now decide whether to press charges. The move has sparked international outrage at what many are condemning as an attack on the free press in Brazil. We speak with Andrew Fishman, managing editor of The Intercept Brasil and reporter for The Intercept.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Harry and Meghan Threaten Legal Action over Canada Paparazzi Shots

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have issued a warning over continued harassment by paparazzi photographers as they start their new life in Canada out of the spotlight.

Monday, January 20, 2020

America's Great Divide: Anthony Scaramucci Interview | Frontline

Anthony Scaramucci served briefly as the White House communications director for Donald Trump in 2017. He is a founder and managing partner at SkyBridge Capital.

Scaramucci's candid, full interview was conducted with FRONTLINE during the making of the two-part January 2020 documentary series “America's Great Divide: From Obama to Trump.”

What Does the Future Look Like for Harry and Meghan?

It's still unclear what the new Royal arrangements will mean for Harry and Meghan's future life. From their security arrangements, to the use of their 'Sussex Royal' brand and even what they will be called with future titles are still under discussion.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Au Royaume-Uni, Harry Mountbatten-Windsor et Meghan Markle n’auront plus leur titre royal au printemps

LE MONDE: Le couple a donné son accord au remboursement de certaines dépenses passées, notamment pour la rénovation de leur cottage de Windsor, à l’ouest de Londres.

C’est la fin de dix jours de crise à Buckingham. Le prince Harry Mountbatten-Windsor et son épouse, Meghan Markle, renonceront à leur titre d’altesse royale et cesseront de recevoir des fonds publics, a annoncé, samedi 18 janvier, le palais britannique, après leur décision de renoncer à leur statut de membres actifs de la famille royale. « Ils ne rempliront plus d’obligations royales » et « ne peuvent plus formellement représenter la reine », ajoute le communiqué.

Le texte précise que le couple a donné son accord au remboursement de certaines dépenses passées, notamment pour la rénovation de leur cottage de Windsor, à l’ouest de Londres. Les travaux avaient coûté plus de 2 millions de livres (2,3 millions d’euros), ce qui avait été critiqué dans les médias. » | Le Monde avec AFP | samedi 18. Janvier 2020

Harry and Meghan’s Hard Exit

THE NEW YORK TIMES: The couple’s wish to carve out more “progressive” roles led to the loss of perks, privileges and titles.

LONDON — There is no such thing, it turns out, as being a part-time royal. The severance deal that Buckingham Palace announced on Saturday for Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan, is most remarkable for how clean a break the royal family is making with two of its most popular, if disaffected, members — much more severe than the couple apparently expected.

The British news media, which has likened the couple’s split with the royal family to Brexit, lost no time on Sunday in pronouncing the agreement the equivalent of a “hard Brexit,” similar to the uncompromising trade deal that Prime Minister Boris Johnson is expected to pursue with the European Union this year.

Far from carving out a “progressive new role within this institution,” as the couple hopefully declared when they unexpectedly announced their plans to “step back” from royal duties this month, Harry and Meghan will lose most of the privileges and perks of royalty once they give up their full-time status and forsake Britain for an uncertain future in Canada and the United States.

Under the terms of the agreement, the couple will no longer use their most exclusive titles, His Royal Highness and Her Royal Highness, will forgo public funding of their activities and will repay more than $3 million for the refurbishment of Frogmore Cottage, their residence on the grounds of Windsor Castle. » | Mark Landler | Sunday, January 19, 2020

'They're Turning the Royal Family into a Walmart with a Crown on': Meghan Markle's Father Thomas Launches an Extraordinary TV Attack on Megxit as He Tells Channel 5 Documentary That the Sussexes Are 'Cheapening' the Royals by Quitting

MAIL ONLINE: Thomas Markle spoke exclusively to Channel 5 in a new television documentary / He describes Meghan and Harry's behaviour as embarrassing in the interview / He says: 'This is one of the greatest institutions ever. They are destroying it'

The Duchess of Sussex's estranged father has spoken in depth for the first time about the Megxit crisis – and accused his daughter of 'cheapening' the Royal Family and throwing away 'every girl's dream' for money.

In a TV documentary, Thomas Markle describes Meghan and Harry's behaviour as embarrassing, says they are 'turning into lost souls' and, in a reference to a discount American supermarket giant, adds: 'They are turning it [the Royal Family] into a Walmart with a crown on.'

He added: 'This is not the girl I raised.'

Mr Markle's intervention in the monarchy's worst crisis for a generation came as the Queen's top aides finalised a deal for the couple, who are quitting as frontline Royals and leaving Britain to seek financial independence.

He tells the Channel 5 documentary: 'When they got married they took on an obligation, and the obligation is to be part of the Royals and to represent the Royals. And it would be foolish for them not to.
r />
'This is one of the greatest long-living institutions ever. They are destroying it, they are cheapening it, making it shabby… they shouldn't be doing this.' » | Ian Gallagher for the ‘Mail On Sunday’ | Saturday, January 18, 2020

Royal pundits react »

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Inside Iran: What's Next? | The Economist

When Iran's military forces mistakenly shot down a Ukrainian passenger jet it sparked widespread protests around the country. Iran's leaders face being overwhelmed by a crisis they created—how will they respond?

Read more »

People Who Remember Every Second of Their Life | 60 Minutes Australia

Imagine being able to remember every minute detail of your life. You can recall what the weather was like, what you were reading or what you wore to the shops at any minute, any hour or any day stretching back decades. It sounds like some kind of parlour trick, but it's actually a real and very rare medical phenomenon.

Luca Guadagnino on the Power of First Love in ‘Call Me By Your Name’

Based on a novel of the same name by André Aciman, Call Me By Your Name tells the story of two young men who fall in love in Italy in 1983. Director Luca Guadagnino discusses the film's dreamlike aesthetic and the power of first love.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Stevie Wonder: Love's In Need Of Love Today

Boris Johnson prépare la révolution de l’après-Brexit

LE FIGARO: À deux semaines de la sortie britannique de l’Union européenne, le premier ministre veut montrer qu’il compte profondément changer le pays.


À deux semaines de la date historique du 31 janvier, qui verra le Royaume-Uni quitter l’Union européenne, on ferraille désormais à Londres sur la façon de célébrer l’événement. Les brexiters veulent marquer le coup, si possible avec les onze coups de Big Ben. Or, la cloche de 13,7 tonnes de la tour emblématique de Londres est muette depuis août 2017, pour une rénovation qui doit durer quatre ans. Le coût d’une remise en service provisoire a été chiffré à 500.000 livres. Le nouveau président de la Chambre des communes a pris sa calculette: chaque «bong» marquant l’heure cruciale coûtera plus de 45.000 livres… » [€] | Par Arnaud De La Grange | vendredi 17. janvier 2020

Un tableau retrouvé en Italie est bien le « Portrait d’une dame » de Klimt, volé en 1997

LE MONDE: Le tableau avait été subtilisé en février 1997, alors que le Musée d’art moderne Ricci Oddi de Piacenza était fermé pour travaux.

Un tableau retrouvé par hasard il y a cinq semaines à Piacenza, dans le nord-ouest de l’Italie, est bien un original de Gustav Klimt, volé il y a vingt ans dans la même ville. « C’est avec une grande émotion que je peux vous dire que le tableau retrouvé est authentique », a déclaré Ornella Chicca, une magistrate chargée de l’enquête, lors d’une conférence de presse organisée vendredi 17 janvier. » | Le Monde avec AFP | vendredi 17. janvier 2020

Balearic Islands Pass Bill Targeting Boozy Brits Abroad

THE GUARDIAN: Law bans happy hours, free bars and makes it illegal to advertise pub crawls

The regional government in the Balearic islands has passed a bill aimed at clamping down on alcohol-fuelled holidays.

The law bans happy hours, free bars and two-for-one drinks parties and makes it illegal to advertise pub crawls. There will be no new licences for party boats and existing boats are banned from operating in designated areas.

Shops selling alcohol that currently stay open all night will have to close between 9.30pm and 8am or risk fines of up to €600,000 (£511,000) or the threat of being closed down for three years.

The restrictions apply to the worst affected areas of Magaluf and El Arenal de Palma in Mallorca as well as Sant Antoni de Portmany in Ibiza. » | Stephen Burgen in Barcelona | Friday, January 17, 2020

Meghan Markle's Sister's Message to the Duchess of Sussex | This Morning

Samantha Markle, the sister of Meghan Markle, shares her views with us on the shocking announcement made by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex last week. They announced they were stepping down from full-time royal duties, but there was nobody less surprised than Samantha. She told us in this exclusive interview why she thinks Meghan is tarnishing the family name and also why her father’s willingness to testify against his estranged daughter in what is being billed as the 'trial of the century’ would allow the real truth to be heard. Broadcast on 17/01/20

Prince Harry and Meghan's UK Home Being Closed Down

THE GUARDIAN: Reports add to speculation that Duke and Duchess do not plan to spend much time in UK

Frogmore Cottage, the home of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, is in the process of being shuttered, according to reports, fuelling speculation the couple do not intend to spend any meaningful time in the UK in the near future.

Key live-in staff – a house manager and a cleaner – are being moved to other duties within the Queen’s household. Other staff members, used on an ad hoc basis and including chefs, maids and footmen, have been told their services are no longer required at the couple’s Windsor residence, the Daily Mail reported.

The claim comes as Harry and Meghan begin a period of “transition”, splitting their time between the UK and Canada, with the reluctant blessing of the Queen. » | Caroline Davies | Friday, January 17, 2020

It’s not just Meghan and Harry. I’d like us all to escape this dire royal circus » | Suzanne Moore

Heaven and Hell on Newstalk with Moncrieff

Seán Moncrieff hosts an eclectic Irish radio show on Newstalk which is operated by News 106 Limited, a subsidiary of Denis O'Brien's Communicorp. He interviewed Bart on January 13th, 2020 during a seven-minute spot in brief discussion about his new book, "Heaven and Hell: A History of the Afterlife" to be published by Simon & Schuster. The interview asked questions like: Was Heaven and Hell discussed in the Old Testament? Does Judaism believe in the afterlife? Did the belief in Heaven and Hell exist during Jesus' lifetime? Did there exist an early belief that a deceased person entered limbo after death? Doesn't the physical depictions of Hell only make sense if a person is physically tortured? Why do more people in the U.S. believe in Heaven than in Hell? Other thoughts are considered during this succinct segment.

Utah Condom Campaign Halted over Racy Packaging

BBC: Utah Governor Gary Herbert has halted the distribution of 100,000 free condoms in the US state because of racy slogans on the packaging.

It features phrases like "SL,UT", a word play on Utah and its capital, Salt Lake City, "Enjoy Your Mountin" and "Explore Utah's caves".

It was part of a campaign by the Utah department of health on HIV prevention and promotion of safe sex.

The department apologised for "the offensive packaging". » | Thursday, January 16, 2020

Actor Laurence Fox's Question Time Clash over Meghan

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex's decision to step back from royal life sparked debate on BBC's Question Time.

Actor Lawrence Fox clashed with an audience member who said the way Meghan had been treated in the press was "racist".

Senate Opens Trump Impeachment Trial as New Ukraine Revelations Emerge

The chief justice was sworn in as the presiding officer and senators swore to do “impartial justice,” as the Senate opened only the third presidential impeachment trial in U.S. history.

Read the article here »

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Most Canadians Don't Want to Cover Harry and Meghan's Costs, Poll Says | Power & Politics

A large majority of Canadians don’t want to pay for Harry and Meghan’s security costs during their time in Canada, according to a new poll by the Angus Reid Institute.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

'Call Me By Your Name' Director Slams Homophobe James Woods | Advocate Film | The Advocate

"We have to fight back and say 'watch the movie and don't put your parochial prejudices in front of the movie and the effort of a lot of people'"

Monday, January 13, 2020

“America Exists Today to Make War”: Lawrence Wilkerson on Endless War & American Empire

Retired U.S. Army Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, who served as Secretary of State Colin Powell’s chief of staff from 2002 to 2005, says the escalation of tensions between the U.S. and Iran today is a continuation of two decades of U.S. policy disasters in the Middle East, starting with the 2003 run-up to war with Iraq under the Bush administration. “America exists today to make war. How else do we interpret 19 straight years of war and no end in sight? It’s part of who we are. It’s part of what the American Empire is,” says Wilkerson. “We are going to cheat and steal to do whatever it is we have to do to continue this war complex. That’s the truth of it. And that’s the agony of it.”

Fareed Zakaria: Here's the Problem with Trump's Foreign Policy

CNN's Fareed Zakaria explains the impact of President Donald Trump's actions in the Middle East.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Haitham bin Tariq Al-Said : Er hat große Fußstapfen zu füllen

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Der verstorbene Sultan Qabus führte Oman in fünf Jahrzehnten zu Wohlstand – und aus der außenpolitischen Isolation. Sein Nachfolger, der frühere Minister für „Erbe und nationale Kultur“, steht vor großen Herausforderungen.

Er werde den „noblen Ansatz“ von Sultan Qabus fortsetzen, der für „Entwicklung und Fortschritt stehe“, sagte der neue omanische Monarch Haitham bin Tariq Al Said. Der frühere Minister für „Erbe und nationale Kultur“ war schnell bestimmt worden, nachdem der populäre Sultan Qabus am Freitagabend gestorben war. Laut Presseberichten hatte Qabus selbst diesen Wunsch hinterlassen. Der verstorbene Sultan war nach einer Ehe mit einer Cousine kinderlos geblieben. Offiziell wurde die Ursache seines Todes nicht mitgeteilt, aber Sultan Qabus war an Krebs erkrankt und in den vergangenen Jahren immer wieder zur Behandlung im Ausland.

Der neue Sultan hat große Fußstapfen zu füllen: Qabus hatte Oman fast fünf Jahrzehnte lang regiert, seit er 1970 seinen Vater mit britischer Hilfe in einem unblutigen Putsch vom Thron stieß. Er führte das Land im Südosten der Arabischen Halbinsel mit Hilfe der Öleinnahmen aus Armut, Rückständigkeit und der außenpolitischen Isolation. » | von Christoph Ehrhardt, Beirut | Samstag, 11. Januar 2020

Sultan of Oman Dies, State Media Announces

THE GUARDIAN: Sultan Qaboos bin Said had no children and did not publicly appoint a successor, but left name in sealed envelope if royal family cannot decide

Oman’s Sultan Qaboos bin Said died on Friday evening, state media has announced. Omani television news said the council’s high military council had called the ruling family to convene and choose a new ruler.

Western-backed Qaboos, 79, had ruled the Gulf Arab state since he took over in a bloodless coup in 1970 with the help of Oman’s former colonial power Britain.

Qaboos had no children and had not publicly appointed a successor. A 1996 statute says the ruling family must choose a successor within three days of the throne becoming vacant.

If they fail to agree, a council of military and security officials, supreme court chiefs and heads of the two assemblies will put in power a person whose name has been secretly written by the sultan in a sealed letter. » | Staff and agencies | Saturday, January 11, 2020

Sultan Qaboos of Oman, Arab world's longest-serving ruler, dies aged 79 »

Friday, January 10, 2020

The Last 100 Days of Diana – Documentary

Martin Bashir's 2017 documentary "The Last 100 Days of Diana" looks at the events leading up to Princess Diana's death.

Saudi Arabia Hit with Lawsuit for Role in 9/11 Attacks & Bezos Claims Unfair Bias by Government

Via America’s Lawyer: Mike Papantonio and Trial Lawyer Magazine editor Farron Cousins put the spotlight back on Saudi Arabia, as over 25,000 9/11 victims and their families are filing suit against the Saudi government for its complicity in funding terrorist organizations. Plus, Amazon is accusing the Pentagon of improperly awarding its highly-coveted $10 billion JEDI cloud contract to Microsoft, alleging the decision was based on President Trump’s bias against Jeff Bezos. Mike Papantonio and Farron Cousins discuss more.

Divorce à Buckingham entre la famille royale et le couple Harry-Meghan

LE MONDE – ÉDITORIAL : La décision du prince et de son épouse de se mettre en retrait de la vie publique illustre les difficultés de la famille royale à renvoyer d’elle une image modernisée.

Editorial du « Monde ».
La famille royale britannique joue un tel rôle dans la cohésion du Royaume-Uni, tient une telle place dans le cœur des Britanniques et dans le soft power de leur pays sur la scène internationale, que les états d’âme et les bisbilles des Windsor ne peuvent être considérés comme des vétilles. La décision, annoncée mercredi 8 janvier par Harry, deuxième fils de Charles, l’héritier de la couronne, et par son épouse, Meghan, de cesser de participer aux événements publics, principale activité des membres de la famille royale, jette le trouble à Londres. » | LeMonde | vendredi 10 janvier 2020

Wednesday, January 08, 2020

Boris Johnson: I Went to the Same School as Ursula van der Leyen

Boris Johnson and Ursula van der Leyen reminisced about going to the same school - the European School in Uccle, Belgium - although she left just before he joined.

It was a lighter note on a day that she warned the UK there are "tough talks ahead" in free trade negotiations over the next year.

Harry and Meghan Say They’ll 'Step Back' from Life as Senior Royals | ITV News

Harry and Meghan have signalled their intention to "step back" as senior members of the royal family and become financially independent.

The pair will continue to "fully support" the Queen, whilst splitting their time between both the United Kingdom and North America, where they have just spent several weeks on holiday.

Announcing their resignation from front line royal duties, the couple revealed the decision comes after "many months of reflection and internal discussions".

The couple will continue to "honour our duty to The Queen, the Commonwealth, and our patronages" after standing down.

Europe Should Tell US to Stop Listening to Clowns: Iran’s Zarif

Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has said Europe could play a useful role in defusing tensions with the United States “by informing the US of the serious error in their analysis, and that they should stop listening to clowns”.

Zarif said that Iran's next steps will depend on the US reaction, after Iran fired missiles at two Iraqi bases hosting US troops in retaliation for the US assassination of military commander Qassem Soleimani.

Al Jazeera's Dorsa Jabbari reports from Tehran; Al Jazeera's Gabriel Elizondo reports from Washington, DC.

Ursula von der Leyen: UK Deadline Makes Full Brexit Deal Impossible

THE GUARDIAN: EU commission chief questions Johnson’s timeframe as she arrives for Downing Street talks

The president of the European commission has said it will be “impossible” for the UK to negotiate a comprehensive deal covering all aspects of Brexit within the timeframe set by Boris Johnson.

Speaking before her first face-to-face bilateral meeting with the prime minister in Downing Street on Wednesday, Ursula von der Leyen said the price of the clean-break Brexit the prime minister is pursuing was a “distant” partnership with the EU.

Unless the UK accepted a level playing field in the UK and EU’s trade positions after Brexit, there would inevitably be barriers for British manufacturing, she said in a speech at the London School of Economics.

At the same event, the EU’s Brexit negotiator, Michel Barnier, warned in an impromptu exchange that leaving the EU was not a simple process and involved renegotiation of “600 international agreements” as well as the new free trade agreement.

“It is basically impossible to negotiate all,” said Von der Leyen. » | Lisa O'Carroll, Brexit correspondent | Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Tuesday, January 07, 2020

Bernie Sanders: Trump Administration Hasn't a Clue about What It's Doing

Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders says that the letter released by mistake regarding troops in Iraq sends a message that the "Trump administration hasn't a clue about what it is doing."

Monday, January 06, 2020

Former Top Bush Official: I Saw the March to War in 2003. I’m Seeing the Same Thing with Iran Now

We look at the Trump administration’s assassination of Iran’s top military commander Qassem Soleimani with Lawrence Wilkerson, a retired United States Army colonel who served as Secretary of State Colin Powell’s chief of staff from 2002 to 2005. On February 5, 2003, he watched as Powell made the case for war in a speech to the United Nations. He has since become an outspoken critic of U.S. intervention in the Middle East. In 2018, Wilkerson wrote an article for The New York Times titled “I Helped Sell the False Choice of War Once. It’s Happening Again.”

Soleimani’s Death Could Galvanize Shia Coalitions against One “Foreign Aggressor” — The US

Fallout continues to mount following the U.S. assassination of Iran’s top military commander Qassem Soleimani in Baghdad last week. Iranian media reports that over a million mourners took to the streets of Tehran today for the funeral of Soleimani, who headed Iran’s elite Quds Force. On Sunday, Iran announced it would suspend its commitments under the landmark 2015 nuclear deal, which the U.S. pulled out of in 2018. Trump has also threatened to target 52 locations in Iran, including cultural sites, if Iran retaliates against the U.S. The targeting of cultural sites is widely viewed as an international war crime. Meanwhile, Iraq’s caretaker Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi has revealed he had plans to meet with Soleimani on the day he was killed to discuss a Saudi proposal to defuse tension in the region. From Washington, D.C., we speak with Narges Bajoghli, professor of Middle East studies at Johns Hopkins University and the author of “Iran Reframed: Anxieties of Power in the Islamic Republic.”

Let’s Try and Brighten Up This Depressing, Trumpian Dystopia with This Wonderful Pop Classic by Stevie Wonder!

From ‘Songs in the Key of Life’

Trump Steps Up Rhetoric against Iran, Threatens Iraq Sanctions

US President Donald Trump ratcheted up his rhetoric with Iran and Iraq late on Sunday, warning of a "major retaliation" if Iran strikes back to avenge the US assassination of one of its top military commanders and threatening sanctions on Iraq after its parliament called on American troops to leave the country.

Asked on Air Force One about potential retaliation by Iran, Trump said: "If it happens, it happens. If they do anything, there will be major retaliation."

Al Jazeera's Gabriel Elizondo reports live from Washington, DC.

Saturday, January 04, 2020

U.S. and Iran Exchange More Threats as Democrats Question Timing of Strike

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Oil prices surged and the stock market fell after President Trump ordered the killing of Maj. Gen. Qassim Suleimani in Baghdad.

WASHINGTON — The United States and Iran exchanged escalating military threats on Friday as President Trump warned that he was “prepared to take whatever action is necessary” if Iran threatened Americans and Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, vowed to exact vengeance for the killing on Mr. Trump’s order of Iran’s most valued general.

Although the president insisted that he took the action to avoid a war with Iran, the continuing threats further rattled foreign capitals, global markets and Capitol Hill, where Democrats demanded more information about the strike and Mr. Trump’s grounds for taking such a provocative move without consulting Congress.

Democrats also pressed questions about the attack’s timing and whether it was meant to deflect attention from the president’s expected impeachment trial this month in the Senate. They said he risked suspicion that he was taking action overseas to distract from his political troubles at home, as in the political movie “Wag the Dog.” » | Michael Crowley, Peter Baker, Edward Wong and Maggie Haberman | Friday, January 3, 2020

Friday, January 03, 2020

James Ivory on ‘Call Me By Your Name’ | TIFF 2018

Legendary writer and director James Ivory (Howards End, The Remains of the Day) joins us for an extended introduction and audience Q&A to this year's art-house sensation ‘Call Me By Your Name’, a tender love story set in 1980s Italy for which he wrote the award-winning screenplay.

US Forces Kill Top Iranian General in Airstrike

US forces have killed a top Iranian general in a drone airstrike on Baghdad airport - an attack that marks a dramatic escalation of tensions with Tehran.

Iran immediately threatened a "crushing revenge" for the assassination in Iraq of Major General Qassem Soleimani, the head of Iran's elite Quds Force and spearhead of Iran's spreading military influence in the Middle East.

The Pentagon confirmed US forces had killed the general, a revered figure in the region, on Friday.

Thursday, January 02, 2020

Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Angela Merkel's New Year's Address: 'The 2020's Can Be Good Years' | DW News

In her annual New Year's address, German Chancellor Angela Merkel risked a glance into the new decade. She cited digitization and climate change as the central challenges of our times. According to Merkel, "Germany will only thrive in the long term if Europe thrives too."

Merkel’s New Year Speech Calls for Action on Climate and Tolerance »

Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Observer View on Britain’s Future in an Uncertain and Perilous World

THE OBSERVER: Johnson will struggle to get Brexit done, let alone lead the country in an increasingly volatile age

Boris Johnson is fond of metaphors such as an “oven-ready” Brexit. He recently compared the struggle between Leave and Remain to the feuding of Montagues and Capulets. So the prime minister will readily understand, though probably not applaud, our likening of Britain in 2020 to a leaky tramp steamer heading into uncharted waters with a captain of doubtful character at the helm. Is Johnson a new Lord Jim? Time will find him out.

To say the coming year is full of challenges is a comforting way of saying Britain will be tested, perhaps to breaking point, in ways not often experienced. A critical hurdle, following Britain’s 31 January departure from the EU, is Johnson’s rash pledge to finalise a new European trading relationship by year’s end. People with experience of trade negotiations, and that excludes him, say it cannot be done, unless, of course, Britain meekly accept Europe’s demands. Any deal that fails to meet the expectations of Brexit supporters, for example, Britain’s fishermen, or does not secure the promised zero tariffs and quotas, for example, for Britain’s car industry, will be seen as proof that Johnson’s Brexit is fatally holed below the waterline. Failure to reach any agreement at all, resulting in a disastrous “no-deal” exit, would be an even bigger betrayal, especially of the working-class voters who put their faith in the Tories. » | Observer editorial | Saturday, December 28, 2019

Friday, December 27, 2019

Love – More Than a Feeling | DW Documentary

What is love? Love is more than a feeling: it is a driving force that can influence both brain and body. Recent scientific studies show how much love can really change people's lives.

Love is not only a topic in art, but also in science. Few other emotions can trump human reason like love. Love is an instinct like eating and drinking - primitive but vital. It is not romance but above all biology that brings two people together: we can identify the right partner for us by their scent, just as animals do. Recent research shows that the sense of smell, especially in women, has a significant influence on the choice of partner. Love can make wounds heal faster, lower your pulse rate and blood pressure and reduce anxiety and stress. But it can also make you sick and even kill you: "Broken Heart Syndrome” can be as dangerous as a heart attack. Love isn’t just about sex, but sex nurtures love between two people. Every touch causes the brain to release oxytocin, a hormone that triggers feelings of care and affection. And the love hormone isn’t just behind the passion of the newly smitten, but also behind the bond between parents and children and the affection for a pet. In fact, it makes social coexistence possible in the first place - for humans as well as for rats or ants. Love is above all a matter of biochemistry and scientists may one day even create a love pill in the laboratory. This science documentary shows in an entertaining way what love is, what it does to people - and how it stays alive.

Phil Collins – Can't Stop Loving You | Official Music Video

“Can’t Stop Loving You” is the tenth song by Phil Collins on his seventh solo album ‘Testify’, released in 2002.

Author André Aciman: 'I Wrote about Gay Love, Not Realising I Was Taking On the Taboo'

André Aciman is an author and academic, renowned for his novel 'Call Me by Your Name', which was turned into a hugely successful film in 2017 and has been hailed as a modern gay classic.

The story centres on the blossoming romantic relationship between a 17-year-old American-Italian Jewish boy and a 24-year-old American Jewish scholar. The sequel to the novel, 'Find Me', has just been released.

André talks to Krishnan about obsessive love, his faith in the kindness of humanity and dismissing taboos.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

My Love Letter to Britain: Family Ties Can Never Really Be Severed

THE GUARDIAN: Since I went to a British school, you have always been part of me. Now you are leaving, and it breaks my heart

Irecently read a delightful book of love letters to Europe. And it made me contemplate my love for Britain. It has just occurred to me that when you joined the European Economic Community I was in one of your schools. Not on your soil, mind you, but in Italy. Saint George’s British International School in Rome, to be precise. I was 12 years old and still learning English. That year I also dressed up in a kimono, as one of the “gentlemen from Japan” in the Mikado, the school play. Mrs Alcock encouraged me not to sing too loudly, so that my false notes would be less audible. But she kept me on stage. I loved it. Like I loved being part of the chorus in My Fair Lady the next year and the Mock Turtle in Alice in Wonderland the year after. » | Frans Timmermans* | Thursday, December 26, 2019

* Frans Timmermans is executive vice-president of the European commission

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Fmr. Amb. Robert Jordan: Jamal Khashoggi Verdict Is ‘A Mockery of Justice’ | The Last Word | MSNBC

Top Saudi officials avoided punishment in the murder of Jamal Khashoggi. Robert Jordan, the former Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, tells Ayman Mohyeldin that it’s impossible the officials were not involved and the Crown Prince should be held accountable. Aired on 12/23/19.

Saudi Court Sentences Five to Death for Khashoggi Killing | DW News

A court in Saudi Arabia has sentenced five people to death for the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. The verdict also includes jail terms for three additional suspects in connection with the murder. The Saudi writer and dissident was never seen again after entering the kingdom's consulate in Istanbul last year. He was killed and reportedly dismembered inside the building, but his remains were never found. Khashoggi was a resident of the United States at the time and was known for writing critically about the Saudi royal family. It is widely believed that Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered the killing.

Where Is the Outrage over British Prime Minister Boris Johnson's Book, '72 Virgins'?

Marc Steiner and Moshe Machover discuss why the lack of outrage over Johnson's book is so concerning.

'Mockery of Justice’ after Saudis Convict Eight over Khashoggi Killing

THE GUARDIAN: Court exonerates crown prince’s inner circle of involvement in murder of dissident journalist

Saudi Arabia has been accused of engaging in a mockery of justice by shielding the alleged masterminds of the killing of the dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi, after a court effectively exonerated Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s inner circle of involvement in the murder.

The gruesome killing in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul in October 2018 stunned Saudi Arabia’s western allies, plunging the kingdom into its worst diplomatic crisis since the 9/11 attacks.

Five of the 11 officially unidentified men on trial were sentenced to death and three more were handed a combined 24 years in prison, the deputy public prosecutor, Shalaan bin Rajih Shalaan, told reporters in Riyadh on Monday.

The investigation also concluded that Saud al-Qahtani, one of the crown prince’s most trusted advisers, was investigated and found to have no proven involvement in Khashoggi’s death, Shalaan added.

The findings contradict the conclusion of the CIA and other western intelligence agencies that Prince Mohammed directly ordered Khashoggi’s assassination, an allegation the kingdom has strenuously denied. Qahtani, along with 16 other Saudis, was sanctioned by the US last year for his alleged role in the killing. » | Bethan McKernan, Turkey and Middle East correspondent | Monday, December 23, 2019

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Oman Readies Baroque Succession Process as Sultan's Health Worsens

THE GUARDIAN: With Qaboos bin Said’s illness seemingly terminal, an elaborate set of rules is enacted

Elaborate discussions are under way in the Omani court about a potential successor to Sultan Qaboos bin Said, who has ruled the Arab nation for nearly 50 years but whose longterm illness has been worsening.

The succession process involves the opening of sealed letters in the court in Muscat identifying the sultan’s choice of successor, if the court cannot agree among itself.

The sultan, one of the mainstays of Middle East politics for the past four decades, returned a week ago from Belgium where his treatment for a reoccurrence of cancer of the colon he has suffered from for four years was cut short. He had been expected to stay until the end of January.

A former British protectorate in the Arabian Peninsula, Oman has been ruled by Qaboos ever since a bloodless coup in 1970 enacted with the help of Britain. He has travelled abroad for medical reasons at least twice since 2014.

Qaboos has no children and has not publicly appointed a successor but he secretly recorded his choice in a sealed envelope addressed to the royal family council. The Al Said dynasty has ruled Oman since the mid-18th century. » | Patrick Wintour, Diplomatic editor | Sunday, December 22, 2019

Boris Johnson Told to 'Stop Campaigning and Start Governing'

THE GUARDIAN: Ken Clarke criticises PM for having no detailed plans for Brexit or social care

Ken Clarke has warned Boris Johnson he must “stop campaigning and get on with governing”, condemning the prime minister for seemingly having no detailed plans for a final Brexit deal, or for other vital issues such as social care.

The veteran former Conservative MP, who stepped down from parliament at the election having been stripped of the Tory whip shortly beforehand, said Johnson should replace advisers such as Dominic Cummings with people who were able to govern.

Clarke said that while Johnson’s 80-strong majority meant he was able to run the country more or less as he chose, Clarke told BBC Radio 5 he had seen few signs yet of any coherent policy programme.

“Governing the country is more than going around saying, ‘Oooh, 2020 is going to be a golden year, and we’re going to be global Britain,’” he said. “At the moment we’ve got a stagnant, fragile economy, an angry, discontented population. It’s a very dangerous world out there in many, many ways.”

Clarke said Johnson’s policy vagueness was particularly acute on Brexit: “I could never get out of Boris – and nobody so far could get out of Boris – what he has in mind for the eventual deal. To say they’re generalities is an understatement. » | Peter Walker, Political correspondent | Sunday, December 22, 2019

Berlin Outraged after Donald Trump Hits Gas Pipeline Project with Sanctions

THE TELEGRAPH: Berlin has accused Washington of interfering in German internal affairs, after Donald Trump signed off on US sanctions against companies building a Russian natural gas pipeline to Germany.

"The Federal Government rejects such extraterritorial sanctions," Ulrike Demmer, a spokeswoman, said in Berlin on Saturday.

“They affect German and European companies and constitute an interference in our domestic affairs."

The US is an outspoken opponent of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which will transport natural gas about 750 miles from Russia, through the Baltic Sea and into Germany.

The sanctions will hit any company working with Russia’s state-owned Gazprom to complete the project. » | James Crisp, Brussels correspondent | Saturday, December 21, 2019

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Seth Andrews: The Mystery Letter

Seth Andrews shares a very personal story about his days as a fundamentalist Christian, his escape from indoctrination, and the beauty he discovered beyond the narrow walls of religious bigotry. It's an inspiring story about friendship, freedom, humanism, and humanity.

Seth Andrews: From Religion to Reason

Seth Andrews chronicles his personal story for a live Minneapolis audience, the event sponsored by Minnesota Atheists.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Christianity Today Editor Responds to Trump’s Attack

A leading Christian magazine founded by late evangelist Billy Graham published an op-ed calling for President Donald Trump to be removed from office and urging evangelicals not to support him. The magazine's editor-in-chief Mark Galli joins CNN

Christianity Today Editor-In-Chief: Trump’s Character Is Troublesome | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC

Christianity Today's editor-in-chief Mark Galli discussed his article in support of removing President Trump from office and called the president's character "blatantly and obviously troublesome." Aired on 12/20/19.

Trump Admin Lists Fictional Country of Wakanda As a Free Trade Partner

The Trump administration was busted earlier this week for having the fictional Marvel Comics country of Wakanda listed on the Department of Agriculture’s website as a free trade partner with the United States. The country, home of Black Panther, even included itemized lists of prices for goods coming and going through Wakanda, showing that this was far more than just a quick accident. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

Trump's Best Words: 2019 Edition | The Daily Show

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — December 20, 2019

Major Evangelical Magazine Calls for Trump's Removal | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The editor-in-chief of prominent evangelical magazine Christianity Today says the president must be removed from office. Aired on 12/20/19.

CHRISTIANITY TODAY: Trump Should Be Removed from Office »

THE NEW YORK TIMES: Christianity Today Calls for Trump’s Removal »

Thursday, December 19, 2019

NAS Pensacola Tragedy Raises Questions Over Cozy US/Saudi Relationship

Via America’s Lawyer: Mike Papantonio and Trial Lawyer Magazine editor Farron Cousins talk about the recent mass shooting at a Pensacola Naval base, with the shooter identified as 21 year-old Mohammed Saeed Alshamrani of the Royal Saudi Air Force. While the FBI was quick to investigate the shooting as a possible act of terrorism, why does President Trump appear hesitant to link the Saudi national with any terror plot? With Saudi ties to 9/11, the war in Yemen, as well as the execution of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi, DOES the U.S. government turn a blind eye to its biggest customer of military weaponry?

Lawrence: ‘Your Votes Made History Tonight’ | The Last Word | MSNBC

Lawrence O’Donnell explains how the millions of voters who gave Democrats control of the House of Representatives in last year's election made the Trump impeachment possible. Aired on 12/18/19.

Across America Thousands March to Support Trump's Impeachment

People turned out in over 600 communities all over the United States calling for President Donald Trump's impeachment. David Siever of MoveOn talks about what this means and what happens next.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

More Than 700 Historians Call for Trump to Be Impeached as Key Vote Looms

THE GUARDIAN: ‘We … have concluded that Donald J Trump has violated his oath’ / Signatories include Ron Chernow and David Blight

More than 700 American historians have called for the impeachment and removal of Donald Trump.

“We are American historians devoted to studying our nation’s past,” began an open letter posted to Medium, “who have concluded that Donald J Trump has violated his oath to ‘faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States’ and to ‘preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States’.”

Two articles of impeachment will be voted on in the House of Representatives on Wednesday. They concern abuse of power, in Trump’s attempts to have Ukraine investigate his political rivals, and obstruction of Congress, in his refusal to allow key aides to testify in impeachment hearings.

Despite extensive evidence laid out in those House committee hearings, the president denies any wrongdoing. » | Martin Pengelly in New York | Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Democracy Now! Top US News & World Headlines — December 17, 2019