Friday, August 10, 2018

Trump’s Treasury Department Just Made Greedy Banks Even Richer

The Treasury Department has decided that banks don’t actually provide “financial services” as part of their business. While this is obviously laughable, that simple reclassification allows big banks to qualify for even more tax breaks under the Republican tax scam package that went into effect this year. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains how the new scam works.

Vom Kemalismus zum Erdoganismus: Die Türkei und ihre «starken Männer»

Wie sich die Türkei unter Erdogan vom modernen Staat zum autoritären Regime entwickelt hat.

Why the World Is Worried about Turkey

How Turkey's president gained so much power.

The Kennedys: The Curse of Power

Don Lemon Details Lies, Distortions in Trump Tweet

CNN's Don Lemon breaks down a numbered list of inaccuracies in President Donald Trump's tweet about the Russia investigation.

Thursday, August 09, 2018

Are US Sanctions Realigning Global Alliances? | Inside Story

Earlier this week the United States re-imposed a wide range of sanctions on Iran following the Trump administration's decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear agreement. Washington called on other powers to join it but also issued a threat, telling governments to choose: do business with US or Iran, not both.

The response has been a nearly universal "no". Some of Washington's closest allies have even promised legislation to protect their own companies against possible American reprisals.

We have been here before. In 1996 the Helms-Burton Act sought to force the rest of the world to adhere to Washington's long-standing boycott of Cuba. A 1977 law penalised US companies honouring the Arab boycott of Israel; and as recently as 2014, shortly before the nuclear deal was completed, France's largest bank, BNP Paribas, agreed to pay the US Justice Department an eight-point-nine billion dollar fine for violating US sanctions related to Iran.

Can extra-territorial sanctions really work? If they don't - as seems likely - what will that mean for America's broader role in the world?

Presenter: Hoda Abdel-Hamid | Guests: Steven Rogers - Member of the Donald J Trump for President Advisory Board; Scott Lucas - University of Birmingham (UK); Aniseh Bassiri-Tabrizi - Research fellow at the Royal United Services Institute for Defence Studies

The Man Who Witnessed Hundreds of Executions - BBC Newsnight

Capital punishment was re-introduced in Texas in 1976 and, as every death sentence is carried out, it is witnessed. Associated Press reporter Michael Graczyk has been present at more than 400 executions over the last 34 years. Speaking to Evan Davis, he reflects on his experiences.

#democracynow : Top US News & World Headlines — August 9, 2018

US Urges Canada and Saudi Arabia to Resolve Feud

The US State Department has urged Canada and Saudi Arabia to resolve their escalating feud. Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman has expelled the Canadian ambassador, suspended flights to the country and terminated student exchange programs. This comes after Canada's foreign minister called on the Saudis to release detained human rights activists. Washington Post foreign affairs writer Ishaan Tharoor joins CBSN to break down the diplomatic spat.

Die Auswanderer: Deutsche in der Schweiz - Dokumentation von NZZ Format | 2009

Autos mit deutschen Kennzeichen werden abgedrängt und weggeblinkt, und wenn die deutsche Fussballmannschaft verliert, jubeln die Schweizer. Die deutschen Zuwanderer sind fleissig und gut ausgebildet, sie sind die Stützen des Schweizer Gesundheitssystems und trotzdem mag man sie nicht besonders. Mit der Zeit verstehen die Deutschen schweizerdeutsch, wenn sie es aber zu sprechen versuchen, ist es auch wieder nicht recht. Sie treten in tausend Fettnäpfchen, weil die Schweiz wider Erwarten ganz anders ist als Deutschland. Viele bleiben trotzdem hier, wegen der guten Arbeitsbedingungen und der hohen Lebensqualität, und in der zweiten Generation sind sie von Schweizern kaum mehr zu unterscheiden.

Was macht eigentlich das Verhältnis zwischen Deutschen und Schweizern so schwierig? Deutsche Zuwanderer reden über ihre Integration in der Schweiz.

Should Boris Johnson Apologise over His Burka Comments? | Julia Hartley-Brewer

After Boris Johnson's ‘Telegraph’ article Theresa May and other Conservative party members have asked him to apologise for his comments. Julia takes an in depth look at whether he should apologise with the help of Nadine Dorries, Ajmal Masoor, Stanley Johnson and more.

"Boris Johnson Is a Disreputable Wretch" | George Galloway

Watch George Galloway's opening monologue from the 'Mother of All Talk Shows'

CEOs Who Condemned Trump Now Dine with Him

CNN's Don Lemon lays out the contradiction of some CEOs who condemned President Trump for his comments on the deadly white-nationalist rally in Charlottesville, but a year later dined with the President privately.

Canada Will Not Apologize for Saudi Critique

The diplomatic row between Canada and Saudi Arabia shows no signs of abating after the kingdom's foreign affairs minister publicly demanded that Canada withdraw its criticism of his country's human rights record — something Prime Minister Justin Trudeau refused to do Wednesday.

Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Neue Heimat Schweiz | Grüezi Schweiz – Die Einwanderer | Doku | SRF DOK

Jedes Jahr beginnen mehr als 100‘000 Menschen ein neues Leben in der Schweiz. Was bringt sie dazu, ihre Heimat zu verlassen? Und werden sie ihr Glück finden? Die fünfteilige Serie «Grüezi Schweiz – die Einwanderer» begleitet Menschen aus Indien, Frankreich, Syrien und Portugal bei ihrem Neuanfang.

Meet the Rising Socialists Challenging the Trump Presidency

In the United States, left-wing Democrats backed by former Presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders have suffered a setback overnight, after voters in the mid-term primary races favoured traditional candidates over their more liberal challengers.

The Democratic establishment says sticking to the centre is the best way to win over Trump supporters. But, as Kiran Moodley reports, others continue to call for a radical agenda, arguing that 'democratic socialism' is the best way to take down the President in 2020.

Boris Johnson Burka Row: The Rise of Political Populism?

Pressure is mounting from senior Tories for the former Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson to apologise - or even be kicked out of the party - after his remarks about women who wear burkas. One MP said if Mr Johnson ever became Tory leader - he'd quit the party himself in protest. Critics are accusing Mr Johnson of using the issue to further his own leadership ambitions - and trying to mine a Donald Trump style of political populism. Our political correspondent Michael Crick has been finding out if that resonates with the voters.

4-Star General Warns: President Trump Behavior ‘More Alarming And Illogical’ | The Last Word | MSNBC

Donald Trump’s incendiary rhetoric and increasing rate of falsehoods have former national security leaders alarmed. Retired general Barry McCaffrey and Jason Johnson join Lawrence to discuss the reported “intensifying fury” of the President.

Don Lemon Rips Trump Over Personal Attack

CNN's Don Lemon responds to President Donald Trump's personal attack on himself and NBA star LeBron James, saying "referring to African-Americans as dumb is one of the oldest canards of racism in this country."

Tuesday, August 07, 2018

Why One Company in France Won't Say Bye to Iran | Al Jazeera English

The US sanctions on Iran are forcing many European companies to rethink their investment plans. But some small businesses are choosing to deal with Iranians, rather than Americans. Al Jazeera's David Chater went to Chateauroux in France, where one company is doing big business with Iran.

Why Is Saudi Arabia Angry at Canada? | Inside Story

Saudi Arabia considers Canada's comments on human rights in the Kingdom as an interference in its affairs that require what it calls a "sharp response". So it has expelled the Canadian ambassador and recalled its envoy from Ottawa. Its state-owned airline has suspended direct flights to Toronto; and the government says it will end trade and investment ties.

It all began with a tweet from Canada's Foreign Affairs ministry, stating concerns over Saudi Arabia's arrest of rights activists and demanding their immediate release. One of those activists mentioned in that tweet is Samar Badawi, a relative of Canadian citizens.

Badawi and fellow activist Nassima al-Sadah were arrested last month. Badawi is the recipient of the 2012 International Women of Courage Award, who is known for challenging Saudi Arabia's male guardianship system.

But is international criticism enough to improve human rights in the Kingdom?

Presenter: Mohammed Jamjoom | Guests Rothna Begum - Senior researcher at Human Rights Watch; Sultan Barakat - Director of the Centre for Conflict and Humanitarian Studies at the Doha Institute; Imad Harb - Director of research and analysis at the Arab Centre Washington DC

Portland Protest Shows New Far-Right Trend: Multiethnic Groups with Fascist Heroes Like Pinochet

Trump Voter: The President Is a Monster

CNN brought a group of Trump voters together to discuss their views on family separations and the president's perceived views on race.

California Is Burning Down and Trump Blames It on Environmental Laws

The state of California is suffering from major wildfires at the moment that have caused multiple deaths, but rather than trying to fix the crisis, Trump is out there tweeting that the reason the fires are getting so out of control is because environmental laws aren’t letting them get enough water to spray on them. Not only is this false, but it shows that he has no concept of crisis management. Sadly, as Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins points out, that wasn’t the worst thing Trump said about the fires.

Boris Johnson's Burka Jibe: Discussion – BBC Newsnight

Former Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has been accused of Islamophobia after writing in his Telegraph column that Muslim women wearing burkas "look like letter boxes".

Evan Davis is joined by Mohammed Amin, Chairman of the Conservative Muslim Forum, and Jack Blanchard, Editor of Politico London Playbook to discuss Mr Johnson's controversial comments.

Should the Burka Be Banned? | Julia Hartley-Brewer

After Boris Johnson's comments on the burka ban in Denmark Julia asks whether it should be banned in the UK. Julia is joined by Kulveer Ranger and Omer El-Hamdoon.

Tension Rises between Saudi Arabia and Canada

Saudi Arabia intends to impose trade and diplomatic measures on Canada after Ottawa called for the release of imprisoned activists, namely siblings Raif and Samar Badawi.

Chrystia Freeland: Saudi Arabia's Sanctions Don't Change Canada's Position

Foreign Affairs Minister Chyristia Freeland says Saudi Arabia's new sanctions don't change Canada's position when it comes to human rights concerns in that country. Freeland made the comments a day after Saudi Arabia announced it would cease new trade deals with Canada and expel the Canadian ambassador — retaliation for Canada's comments.

Saudi Arabia Is Pulling Students from Canada in Escalating Dispute over Human Rights | TIME

The feud between Canada and Saudi Arabia reaches a new level.Government Officials in Saudi Arabia announced they will transfer students on scholarships in Canada to other countries.

Monday, August 06, 2018

By Tweeting, President Donald Trump Makes Son's Situation Worse | Morning Joe | MSNBC

’The Morning Joe’ panel continues its discussion on President Trump's Sunday tweet about the 2016 Trump Tower meeting and says it's a 'complete fabrication' he's concerned about the meeting.

Iran: From Theocracy to Regional Superpower?

Following years in isolation, Iran has reentered the international stage — which for some is cause for alarm.

Tehran is now engaging in dialogue and has agreed to curb its nuclear program. But it is also involved in wars in Syria and Yemen - running the risk of upsetting the sensibilities of old enemies such as Israel, Saudi Arabia and the US. Donald Trump has now ditched the Iran nuclear deal. The consequences for the Iranian economy, international trade relations and the balance of power in the Middle East remains as yet unclear.

Does Iran have expansionist ambitions - not just military, but also political and economic? Or is it merely seeking to secure its borders and autonomy, and ward off the crises that are destabilizing the Middle East?

New US Sanctions on Iran Come Into Effect from Tuesday | Al Jazeera English

The United States will begin imposing new sanctions on Iran from Tuesday. President Donald Trump reneged on the nuclear deal in May, even though there was no indication Tehran had violated it. The initial targets will be Iran's automotive sector and the trade in gold and other key metals. A second round of sanctions kick in on November 4. Al Jazeera's Alan Fisher reports from Washington.

US to Unveil "Snapback" Sanctions on Iran

Saudi Arabia Responds to Canada: "The Canadian Position Is an Affront to the Kingdom"

Saturday, August 04, 2018

Why Is It So Hot? | Inside Story

Temperatures in Europe are soaring close to their highest ever. 48 degrees Celsius is the current record, set in the Greek capital Athens back in 1977. This weekend's continental heatwave is expected to smash the all-time high.

Hot air from Africa's baking Spain and Portugal in the Iberian peninsula. Record-breaking temperatures have been recorded in eight Portuguese towns - and there's a widespread red alert for wildfires.

In Spain, heatstroke killed at least three men. Heatwave warnings have been issued in 41 of the 50 Spanish provinces where temperatures are expected to soar to 44 degrees.

The scorching temperatures show no sign of falling. So, apart from climate change, what's the cause?

Presenter: Richelle Carey | Guests Rob McElwee - Al Jazeera weather forecaster; Rowan Sutton - Director of Climate Research at the UK National Centre for Atmospheric Science, University of Reading; Bjorn Lomborg - President, Copenhagen Consensus

Don Lemon Breaks Down Trump's Recent Lies

CNN's Don Lemon breaks down President Donald Trump's lies past and present and says Trump's lies are coming in fast and furious.

Erin Burnett: Walls Are Closing In on Trump

CNN's Erin Burnett says that after revelations that "Manhattan Madam" Kristin Davis, a close associate of Roger Stone, was interviewed by special counsel Roger Mueller, Mueller's investigation is getting closer to the president.

Friday, August 03, 2018

Lessons from the Golden Era of Andalusia | Al Jazeera World

Is There Any Way to Stop Guns Printed in 3D? | Inside Story

A US court has barred a self-described "crypto-anarchist" from publishing the software blueprints for 3D-printed guns.

That information is already out there on the internet. But if publication had gone ahead it would have immediately become a lot easier to download the plans for the weapons. And with the quality of 3D-printers rapidly rising - and their cost falling equally as fast - that worries a lot of people. Not just gun control activists.

Despite this week's court order, it's a problem that isn't going away. Is public safety more important than freedom of information?

Presenter: Peter Dobbie | Guests: Paul Barrett - New York University Stern Centre for Business & Human Rights; Iain Overton - Executive Director, Action on Armed Violence; Richard Feldman -Former Regional Political Director, National Rifle Association

MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski Brilliantly Reacts To Trump's Stupid Actions Show His ‘Mental Decline’

Is Trump Betraying the American People? With TRNN's Paul Jay

Aaron Maté hosts TRNN Senior Editor Paul Jay in a discussion about the real reasons why Trump should be considered a traitor by the American people.

Is Time Up for Julian Assange? - BBC Newsnight

John Sweeney reports on the change of mood in Ecuador and its London embassy and what an eviction could mean for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

Thursday, August 02, 2018

Die Fürstenfamilie Liechtenstein | 15. August 2017 | ORF 2

Hans-Adam II. von und zu Liechtenstein gehört heute zu den reichsten Adeligen Europas. Zudem ist er der einzige Monarch, der einem Staat auch den Namen gibt. Die Dokumentation gibt einen Einblick in die beiden prächtigen Wiener Palais der Familie, in die Gemäldedepots und die Restaurierungswerkstätte.

Assange Enjoying Final Days of Freedom?

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange may be enjoying his final days of freedom. Ecuador’s president, Lenin Moreno, is reportedly preparing to hand Assange over to British authorities. RT correspondent Anya Parampil explores the legal scenarios Assange now faces.

Donald Trump Sparks Protests across the Middle East

Jerusalem is a hotspot of conflict and controversy. It doesn't take much inflame tensions in such a disputed city, and that's exactly what happened when President Donald Trump officially recognised Jerusalem as Israel's capital city. The move sparked waves of protest throughout the Middle East, but none was as violent as at the epicentre.

Is Trump Cause of CNN Hatred?

CNN Senior White House correspondent Jim Acosta expressed concern on Tuesday with the way President Trump’s supporters heckle members of the press warning that the president’s rhetoric could “result in somebody getting hurt.” This came after supports at a recent Trump rally heckled Acosta shouting “CNN sucks”. Ned Ryun CEO of American Majority and political commentator Steve Malzberg join us for more.

Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Thema Spezial: Königliche Liebe 70 Jahre Queen Elizabeth II. und Prinz Philip | 31. Juli 2017 | ORF 2

Queen Elizabeth II. heiratete 1947 den ersten Mann, in den sie sich verliebte: Philip von Griechenland. Diese Ehe feiert 2017 ihr 70-jähriges Bestehen.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Will the Iranians Talk to Donald Trump? | Inside Story

U.S. President Donald Trump has extended an olive branch to Iran, just a week after he threatened the country. Trump now says he's ready to meet Iranian President Hassan Rouhani 'anytime' and without 'preconditions'. But his Secretary of State quickly backtracked Trump's statement, adding a few caveats to any potential meeting.

Mike Pompeo wants to see what he calls a change in behaviour from Iran before any negotiations can go ahead. Iran was also quick to set its own conditions, saying the U.S. must rejoin the 2015 nuclear deal before any talks can happen. But what's behind this sudden offer? And how will Trump engage Iran when he's trying to build a regional alliance against it?

Presenter: Mohammed Jamjoom; Guests: Hillary Mann-Leverett - Former White House and State Department official with responsibility for Iran; Foad Izadi - Professor of World Studies at the University of Tehran; Jean-Marc Rickli - Head of Global Risk at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy

Doku: Wie deutsch ist die Queen - Die Wurzeln des Hauses Windsor

Edward und George - Zwei Brüder, eine Krone

Die Dokumentation wirft einen Blick auf die Lebensgeschichte des Vaters (George VI.) und Onkels (Edward VIII.) der englischen Königin, die als Kinder sehr verbunden, später nie mehr zueinander fanden:

11. Dezember 1936 - der britische König Edward VIII. (1894-1972) gibt nach nur 327 Tagen seine Abdankung bekannt und stürzt damit die britische Monarchie in eine ihrer größten Krisen. Am nächsten Tag erklärt er in einer Rundfunkansprache, dass er die Verantwortung nicht mehr tragen kann ohne die Unterstützung der Frau an seiner Seite, die er liebt: Wallis Simpson (1896-1986). Seine Beziehung zu der verheirateten und geschiedenen Amerikanerin stellte ihn vor die Wahl zwischen Krone und Liebe. Die königliche Familie verweigerte Wallis Simpson die Anerkennung. Für seinen jüngeren Bruder Prinz Albert beginnt ein unerwarteter Albtraum: Als George VI. (1895-1952) wird er der Nachfolger seines Bruders und damit König wider Willen. Dennoch wurde aus ihm ein beliebter König - auch wenn ihn sein Stottern und die Angst vor öffentlichen Auftritten bis zum Ende seines Lebens quälten.

Mysterium Merkel

The Spectacular Rise and Fall of Paul Manafort

Before he joined Donald Trump's campaign, Paul Manafort hadn’t been seen around Washington in a while. He had made a name for himself in the DC lobbying world, but he made a fortune overseas, advising strongmen and doing business with oligarchs. Then his past caught up with him.

Wallis Simpson: The Secret Letters | Royal Family Documentary | Timeline

Rewriting the history of one England’s most famous love affairs.

Wallis Simpson found herself at the centre of a national scandal when she was seen to ensnare Edward VIII and lure him from the throne of England. But in this explosive film, biographer Anne Sebba sifts through a newly discovered cache of documents - shown in this film for the first time - that contains 15 secret letters written by Wallis Simpson herself around the time ofthe abdication. These extraordinary personal missives have the power to rewrite both history and our perception of Wallis. They reveal she was deeply in love with another man, and chart her fear, desperation and loneliness as she found herself becoming trapped into marrying the man who should have been king.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Edward on Edward

This is a 1996 documentary on the Duke of Windsor that aired on October 25, 1996.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Right Wing Pastor Warns: Stop Talking about Trump’s Affairs or Face God’s Wrath!

Right wing pastor Franklin Graham, son of the late Billy Graham, has some harsh words for those in the media who are talking about Trump’s payoffs to porn stars and Playboy playmates. Graham says that if they keep talking about these things they will have to face God’s wrath. Graham is just the latest in a long line of false prophets who are earning themselves a one-way ticket to damnation, as Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains.

Edward VIII the Traitor King – Documentary

Was Edward VIII a Nazi sympathiser? Complete Channel 4 documentary from 1995.

The Lost Tomb Of Jesus | Biblical Documentary | Timeline

The Lost Tomb of Jesus is a documentary which makes a case that the 2,000-year-old "Tomb of the Ten Ossuaries" belonged to the family of Jesus of Nazareth.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Bill Maher Leads Attack on Larry Wilkerson over Trump Meeting with Putin

Trump's Helsinki meeting with Vladimir Putin was absolutely necessary, but unfortunately it was squandered because nuclear weapons were not discussed, which actually is the main issue between the two countries, says Col. Larry Wilkerson

Julian Assange Interviews Imran Khan On His Success In Politics

Friday, July 27, 2018

The Debate – Iran on US Warning

You may start a war but be assured we will be the ones ending it. That message from the Islamic Republic of Iran’s General Qassem Soleimani to the United States is one to not be taken lightly. This can be seen in context of Trump’s all-caps tweeted threat to President Rouhani, Bolton’s attendance of the MKO terror group gathering as well as the growing anti-Iran alliance between Israel & Persian Gulf sheikhdoms. As Gen. Soleimani has said, Iran is no pushover & if the US couldn’t even succeed in Iraq or Afghanistan, how can it ever take on Iran? Join me Waqar Rizvi, as we discuss growing threats to Iran.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

How Australia's First Gay Imam Is 'Saving Lives' – BBC News

Australia's first openly gay imam, Nur Warsame, counsels Muslims around the world not to feel shame about sexuality. Unable to travel due to security concerns, he set up Marhaba - an online prayer group - five years ago. He tells the BBC how his efforts have helped to "heal" families. Video by Rebecca Henschke and Haryo Bangun Wirawan.

Oil Price Shock On The Way? | Inside Story

The war in Yemen - and sanctions being re-imposed on Iran - is worrying the oil market. Saudi Arabia has ordered its oil tankers to stop sailing through the Bab Al Mandeb Strait off the coast of Yemen after two others were attacked by Houthi rebels who are linked to Iran. Iranian commanders have warned they will order the closure of the gateway to the Gulf through the Strait of Hormuz - if the U.S. blocks its oil exports.

Tensions are rising because of the re-imposition of U.S. sanctions after Donald Trump pulled out of the 2015 nuclear deal. Will regional tensions be further fueled? And what about the price of oil?

Presenter: Peter Dobbie | Guests: Dr Mamdouh Salameh - International Oil Economist; Bassima Alghussein, Chief Executive, Alghussein Global Strategies; Mostafa Khoshcheshm - Political Commentator

#democracynow : Top US News & World Headlines — July 26, 2018

More Michael Cohen Tapes Coming? Michael Cohen "Kicks Back" at Donald Trump | The Last Word | MSNBC

Vanity Fair's Emily Jane Fox says the thought process for Michael Cohen when Trump attacks him: "If you want to kick me, I will kick you back. And I will kick you 10 times harder." Jill Wine-Banks and Tim O'Brien also join Lawrence.

Anderson Cooper Calls Out Trump Campaign: Another Big Lie

CNN's Anderson Cooper breaks down Michael Cohen's secret recordings of a conversation with President Trump discussing a possible payment regarding a former Playboy model who has alleged an affair with Trump.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Ambassador Michael McFaul Says His Concerns about Russia Aren't Over | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Amb. Michael McFaul met on Tuesday with President Trump’s top Russia advisor a week after the WH stated Trump was considering Vladimir Putin’s call to interrogate U.S. officials. Amb. McFaul joins Morning Joe to discuss his visit.

President Donald Trump Using Same NK Playbook with Iran: Chris Coons | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del., discusses the president's threats and remarks regarding Iran, his thoughts on calls to abolish ICE, Trump's tweet that Russia may be pushing for Dems in upcoming elections and his blocked resolution on intel community on Russian meddling.

President Donald Trump Criticizes NBC News Report and Reporter Reacts | Morning Joe | MSNBC

While delivering a speech at the 199th national convention for the Veterans of Foreign Wars, President Trump criticized an NBC News report from Vaughn Hillyard on concerns from U.S. farmers. Hillyard joins Morning Joe the following day to discuss.

Steve Schmidt: Sarah Sanders Is the Most 'Prolific Liar' | The Beat with Ari Melber | MSNBC

President Trump tells his supporters that what they’re seeing is not real, in a moment critics say is reminiscent of George Orwell’s 1984. Former Republican Strategist Steve Schmidt discusses Trump “assaulting objective truth” and what this means for the Republican Party and for the United States. Schmidt slams Republicans for “surrendering their sovereignty, their intellectual autonomy to Donald Trump” and compares White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, to “Baghdad Bob”.

Trump Lashes Out; Spews Fury at Iran, Russia Probe and Helsinki Fallout

CNN's Jake Tapper joins Larry to examine Donald Trump's latest threats to Iran and his Twitter fury over the Russia probe and critics of the Helsinki summit. Plus, a look into Tapper's newest political novel, "The Hellfire Club."

Why Ivanka Trump Is Shutting Down Her Business

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Trump and Putin Debate: How They’ve Changed the World

Diplomacy on Twitter, two of the world's most powerful men making agreements behind closed doors, institutions like Nato and the European Union under attack from their closest ally.

Iraq Vet, Rep. Seth Moulton, Criticizes President Trump's Twitter Threats | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Former Marine Corps officer who served four tours in Iraq, Rep. Seth Moulton, D-Mass., joins Morning Joe to discuss the president's recent threats against Iran, the deportation of military veterans and reuniting families separated at the border.

Trump's Rage Tweet Goes Viral

#democracynow : Top US News & World Headlines — July 24, 2018

Iran's FM Javad Zarif Tweets Back at Trump: 'BE CAUTIOUS!' | Al Jazeera English

Iran's foreign minister has released a tweet mocking US President Donald Trump's late-night threats.

Javad Zarif tweeted: "COLOR US UNIMPRESSED: The world heard even harsher bluster a few months ago; and Iranians have heard them —albeit more civilized ones—for 40 years. We've been around for millennia & seen fall of empires, including our own, which lasted more than the life of some countries. BE CAUTIOUS!"

The US president warned the Islamic Republic of consequences never seen before. And he says he is not concerned that he may be heightening tension. Al Jazeera's Shihab Rattansi reports from Washington, DC

Lawrence O'Donnell: President Donald Trump's Iran Threat Shows ‘Panic’ | The Last Word | MSNBC

Donald Trump threatened war with Iran in a weekend Twitter tirade. Lawrence looks at what Trump is trying to distract from- new developments in the Michael Cohen and Russia investigations.

Anderson Cooper Laughs at Sanders Explanation: That’s Rich

President Donald Trump is considering stripping a half-dozen former national security officials of their security clearances, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said Monday, calling their public commentary about the ongoing Russia probe inappropriate.

Sean Spicer's First UK Interview – BBC Newsnight

Ahead of the release of his memoir, The Briefing, former White House press secretary, Sean Spicer speaks to Emily Maitlis in his first UK interview.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Clapper Fires Back at Trump: This Is Petty Retribution for Speaking Out

Former Director of National Security James Clapper says if President Donald Trump were to revoke Clapper's security clearance, it would be a petty way of retribution for speaking out against the president.

#democracynow : US Pushes Confrontation with Iran: Trump Warns of “Consequences,” Pompeo Likens Leaders to “Mafia”

President Donald Trump lashed out at Iran Sunday, warning he was prepared to unleash dire “consequences” on Iran if its president threatens the United States again. Trump’s threat came just hours after Rouhani’s speech earlier Sunday, in which the Iranian president warned the U.S. about pursuing a hostile policy against his government. Meanwhile, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo gave a speech Sunday in which he compared Iran’s leaders to a “mafia” and promised unspecified backing for Iranians who are unhappy with their government. Pompeo spoke at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library outside Los Angeles. “This is not an administration that is pursuing a policy of actually trying to find a way to the negotiating table or striking a new deal,” says Trita Parsi, founder and president of the National Iranian American Council. “Everything they’re doing right now is only compatible with a policy of confrontation.”

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Iran to US: 'You Cannot Provoke the Iranian People' | Al Jazeera English

Iran's President Hassan Rouhani has said his country is growing impatient with the US government. At a meeting of foreign ministry officials in Tehran, Rouhani said that US President Donald Trump will fail to turn the Iranian people against their own government and any pressure will only bring Iranians closer. "You cannot provoke the Iranian people against their own security and interests," he said. The gathering of Iranian diplomats in Tehran came ahead of more US sanctions set to take effect on August 6 after Trump pulled the US out of the 2015 nuclear deal. Al Jazeera's Zein Basravi has more from Tehran.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Russia Wants to Question US Investigator Bill Browder

Since the Trump-Putin summit in Helsinki earlier this week that many in the media are asking, who exactly is Bill Browder and why is Putin so interested in him? RT America’s Anya Parampil analyzed with Executive Director of the Ron Paul Institute, Daniel McAdams.

Jared Kushner and Family Hit With Massive Lawsuit from Former Tenants They Harassed

The business owned by White House adviser and Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner is now being sued by former tenants who claim they were forced out of their rent-controlled apartments so the Kushner family could build a series of high-rent luxury condos. The actions described by these tenants is very clear harassment by Kushner Companies, and this legal case should be a slam dunk for the plaintiffs, as Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains.

Columbanus: The Monk Who United Europe

Travel through Ireland, France, Austria, Switzerland and Italy to discover the story of a man who brought fresh and radical thinking to a divided Europe in crisis in the wake of the fall of the Roman Empire.

Columbanus, a monk and an outsider from Ireland, built the monasteries which became Europe's first universities, established a writing system to encourage the spread of liberal values, and risked his life when he demanded high standards of leadership from powerful leaders - bishops, kings and even popes. These foundations are said to have preserved Western civilisation through the Dark Ages.

In the often fractured Europe of today; the lessons of Columbanus are just as relevant. Be reminded of how openness and diversity can encourage positive progression.

Draining The Swamp? Trump Has 86 Lobbyists On His Staff

Donald Trump came into office promising to “drain the swamp.” That certainly is a catchy campaign slogan, but his actions since becoming President have done nothing to drain the swamp, and in fact, he’s actually filling it up faster than his predecessors. New analysis by Open Secrets reveals that Trump has 86 lobbyists currently on his staff, showing that not only is he not draining the swamp, but he’s also violating his own executive order. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

Former British Intelligence Chief Warns the West of Putin’s Aggression

Robert Hannigan, the former head of the British intelligence service GCHQ, tells Four Corners that Russia’s aggression has reached a new, destructive level.

George H.W. Bush's Heart Doctor Shot, Killed

Dr. Mark Hausknecht, a cardiologist who treated former President George H.W. Bush, was killed in a bicycle-to-bicycle drive-by shooting near Texas Medical Center in Houston, authorities said.

Women and the Saudi Revolution | The Economist

Saudi Arabia is one of the most conservative countries in the world. But a social revolution has begun. The Economist's editor, Zanny Minton Beddoes takes a road-trip around Riyadh to examine what a more moderate Saudi would mean for its women, and the rest of the world.

Tony Blair on Brexit's Second Referendum | The Economist

Tony Blair, Britain's former Prime Minister, spoke to Anne McElvoy, The Economist's head of radio, for The Economist asks podcast.

World This Week: Trump-Putin Summit, France Fêtes World Cup, Macron's First Scandal

’The World This Week’ looks at the Helsinki Summit between Putin and Trump. Specifically discussion centers around a follow-up meeting in Washington proposed by President Trump. A possible first US visit in over 10 years for the Russian President. We then go to France, still revelling in their World Cup success, however one Frenchman may not be so happy. Emmanuel Macron has, this week, been faced with his first Presidential scandal - a security handler sacked over beating protestors.

Joachim Bitterlich: NATO Summit Was a "Humiliation of the Europeans"

Friday, July 20, 2018

When Trump Met Putin – Cartooned | The Economist

President Trump spent two hours alone with President Putin at a controversial meeting in Helskini this week. Our cartoonist Kal imagines the encounter.

Putin's Games with the West | The Economist

Putin's Russia and the Ghost of the Romanovs | The Economist

Tsar Nicholas II of Russia and his family, the Romanovs, were murdered 100 years ago today by Marxist revolutionaries. What does this anniversary mean for Vladmir Putin?

Morning Joe | July 20, 2018 | MSNBC

#Tucker: Why Question US Obligations to Montenegro

Tony Blair on Brexit, Labour, and Populism – BBC Newsnight

Evan Davis interviews former Prime Minister Tony Blair.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Israel Approves Law to Become a Jewish Nation-State

The Israeli parliament has approved a highly controversial law to define the country as a Jewish nation state - and remove Arabic as an official language.