Saturday, September 09, 2017

Pamela Geller's Film: "Can’t We Talk About This?" | Islam & Free Speech

Ezra Levant of and Pamela Geller discuss her new movie on Islamism and free speech in the West.

Real Media: Biggest Arms Deal in History

As the world’s largest arms fair gets underway in London, author of The Shadow World: Inside the Global Arms Trade, Andrew Feinstein talks to Real Media about corruption and justification of arms deals

Friday, September 08, 2017

The World This Week - Storm of the Century, Pope Francis in Colombia, Rohingyas, Syria

Yves Saint Laurent's Pierre Bergé on Fashion, Art and Politics – BBC Newsnight

The former lover of the late Yves Saint Laurent has decided to sell the most priceless library in private hands - estimated to be worth up to £30 million. Newsnight's culture correspondent Stephen Smith reports.

The late Pierre Bergé »

Former Neo-Nazi Group Member Offers Insight Into 'Far-Right Extremism' | Good Morning Britain

Matthew Collins, former member of neo-nazi group Combat 18, gives an in-depth insight into the world of 'far-right extremism'.

Israel: PM Netanyahu's Wife at the Heart of a Legal Scandal for Misuse of State Funds

Charlie Rose on Steve Bannon's "60 Minutes" Interview

After departing the Trump administration, Steve Bannon gives his first formal TV interview to "60 Minutes" this Sunday. "CBS This Morning" co-anchor Charlie Rose spoke with CBSN about his exclusive interview.

North Korea: What Would a War Look Like? - BBC News

Two US experts talk to the BBC about how a conflict might unfold.

Pat Condell: Europe Is Killing Itself

Yahya Cholil Staquf's Message Delivered to the Council of the European Union

KH. Yahya Cholil Staquf, General Secretary, Nahdlatul Ulama Supreme Council and Director of Religious Affairs, Bayt ar-Rahmah, addresses the Council of the European Union TWP (Terrorism Working Party), Brussels, Belgium.

Thursday, September 07, 2017

The Debate - Storm of the Century? Hurricane Irma Leaves Massive Destruction across the Caribbean

Worlds Apart: Donald Manzullo, President of the Korea Economic Institute of America

The North Korean situation has long favoured the status quo as the lesser evil, the prospect of war seemed much worse than anything Pyongyang was capable of. But over the past year, two things changed - North Korea got new technology and the United States got a new president. With all the bluster about a nuclear blast, is the status quo still sustainable for everybody involved? To discuss this, Oksana is joined by Donald Manzullo, President of the Korea Economic Institute of America.

Barbuda ‘Barely Habitable’ after Hurricane Irma

Hurricane Irma, one of the most powerful storms ever recorded, has left a trail of devastation across the Caribbean as it headed west towards the Bahamas and Florida. At least nine people have died, and the small island of Barbuda is “barely habitable” after being hit by the storm.

"Talks Can Work": As Tensions Rise on Korean Peninsula, Advocates Call for Demilitarization

Duterte's Son Questioned over Illegal Drug Smuggling

Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte's son has told a Senate inquiry he has no links to drug smuggling. Paolo Duterte is being questioned over a seized shipment containing $125m worth of narcotics from China. The president has said he will resign if any members of his family were involved in the illegal trade.

Top US News & World Headlines — September 7, 2017

Merkel Booed, Pelted with Tomatoes on Campaign Trail in Eastern Germany

With September's federal election fast approaching, Germany's Chancellor, Angela Merkel, is travelling around the country to drum up support. In spite of her general popularity, she's received quite the hostile response in some areas.

Exclusive: An Unlikely Victim of the 'War on Terror'

Trump’s Presidency Fuels More Hatred On An Unprecedented Level

There is no doubt President Trump’s rhetoric has fueled a growing surge in Islamophobia. His nativist agenda and a new alliance with the alt-right, has been very profitable for the professional anti-Muslim industry. Journalist, Reed Richardson joins Ring of Fire’s Sam Seder to explain.

Why We Must Talk About Trump’s Mental Health | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann | GQ

A majority of Americans now think he’s “unstable.” Yet we’ve decided this topic is somehow taboo?

Aung San Suu Kyi's Fall from Grace? – BBC Newsnight

What is Aung San Suu Kyi's responsibility for the Rohingya crisis in Myanmar? Mark Urban reports.

Wednesday, September 06, 2017

Sanctions Against North Korea Is a Dangerous Dead-End

Veteran North Korea journalist Tim Shorrock explains that Russia's Putin is right that sanctions will not cause North Korea to back down on its nuclear weapons program. Negotiations that put U.S. military maneuvers on the table are necessary

Inside Story - What's the Fall-out from Scrapping DACA?

About 800,000 young people in the United States are now in legal limbo.

President Trump has scrapped the Obama era immigration programme known as DACA - or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals.

It protected young undocumented immigrants from deportation. Now Congress has six months to replace it.

Former President Barack Obama has called it "cruel and wrong," but Trump says he's upholding the constitution.

So, what does it mean for those who know no country other than the US? And is politics involved in this controversial decision?

Presenter: Hashem Ahelbarra | Guests: Rina Shah - Founder & Principal of Rilax Strategies; Noor Zafar - Attorney at the Centre for Constitutional Rights; Joe Watkins - Republican Political Strategist.

Anti-immigrant Backlash: Can an Open Society Co-exist with Closed Borders?

Top US News & World Headlines — September 6, 2017

Piers Morgan Challenges Doctor's Claims That Homosexuality is an 'Aberration' | Good Morning Britain

Piers Morgan expresses his outrage as Dr Michael Davidson claims that he 'cured' himself of his homosexuality.

Jacob Rees-Mogg Admits That He Opposes Abortion and Same-Sex Marriage | Good Morning Britain

The man who is tipped by many to become the next Conservative leader talks openly about his thoughts on same-sex marriage and abortion.

Into the Deluge

Hurricane Harvey: The Devastation and What Comes Next »

Tuesday, September 05, 2017

Former President Barack Obama Says Ending DACA Is Cruel And Wrong | MSNBC

Obama Slams Trump for Rescinding DACA, Calls Move 'Cruel'

CNN: Washington (CNN) – Former President Barack Obama on Tuesday bashed his successor's decision to rescind an immigration order shielding some children of undocumented immigrants from deportation, calling the move "cruel" and "self-defeating."

Trump ends DACA, but gives Congress window to save it "To target these young people is wrong -- because they have done nothing wrong," Obama wrote in a post on Facebook hours after the decision was announced by President Donald Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions. "It is self-defeating -- because they want to start new businesses, staff our labs, serve in our military, and otherwise contribute to the country we love. And it is cruel."

The lengthy statement is among Obama's most forceful since departing office. He sharply criticized Trump's motives and insisted rescinding the program -- called DACA -- was not legally required. » | Kevin Liptak, CNN Whit House Producer | September 5, 2017

Trump Administration Announces Plan To End DACA | The View

BBC: Sheikh Hamza Yusuf Talks to Mark Lawson (2012)

What Do We Know about North Korea’s Kim Jong-un? – BBC Newsnight

Some believe Kim Jong-un has pushed the world the closest it has come in years to nuclear conflict. But what do we know about the North Korean leader? Newsnight’s diplomatic editor Mark Urban reports.

US Options In North Korea Down To Binary Choice | Morning Joe | MSNBC

On Sunday, North Korea claimed it had successfully detonated a hydrogen bomb, which prompted South Korea to stage a simulated attack on North Korea. The panel discusses the latest developments.

What Dreamers Gained from DACA, and Stand to Lose

Read the New York Times article here

Jeff Sessions Announces End of DACA

The Obama-era program, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, shields young undocumented immigrants from deportation.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions speaks today on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals also known as DACA. Dreamers are people who were illegally brought to the United States as children who under the program were granted visas. President Trump and Jeff Sessions plan to end this program during this announcement.

Top US News & World Headlines — September 5, 2017

Inside Story - What to Do about North Korea?

North Korea latest and biggest nuclear bomb test caused an earthquake in China and Russia - and the political shockwave has reached all around the world.

Donald Trump described the north as a "rogue nation" which continues to be "very hostile and dangerous to the United States".

South Korea has started live-fire drills to 'strongly warn' its northern neighbour. And the UN Security Council held its second emergency meeting in a week.

But stiff sanctions have already been imposed - without stopping the missiles being launched or the test bombs being detonated.

So, what now? And does a military response risk the beginning of another world war?

Presenter: Jane Dutton | Guests: Isaac Stone Fish - Center on US-China relations; Victor Gao - China National Association of International Studies; Robert Kelly - International relations specialist

Monday, September 04, 2017

The Debate - Korea's New Reality: What Next After Apparent Hydrogen Bomb Test?

Undercover in North Korea: Even the Élites Have No Idea

The Woman in Pink: Who Is KCTV’s News Anchor?

Ri Chun-hee, the main news anchor for Pyongyang’s KCTV news channel has attracted interest after reappearing to announce North Korea’s latest nuclear test. Now a grandmother, Ri has been the face of the country’s news media since the 1970s. Although officially retired, she has made numerous returns to make military announcements

The Lady in Pink »

North Korea Crisis: Pyongyang May Be Preparing New Missile Launch, South Korea Says

Turkey: Two Further German Citizens Detained in Antalya | DW English

Germany's foreign ministry says Turkey has arrested two German nationals for "political reasons." They were taken into custody at Antalya airport. Ankara has detained a number of German citizens since an attempted coup in 2016.

Kim Jong-un's Ticking Time Bomb

Could North Korea Trigger a Nuclear War? - Video Explainer

North Korea’s latest nuclear test appears to be its most powerful yet. As South Korea responds by test-firing conventional missiles, President Trump answered a question on whether the US would go to war with the reply “we’ll see”. But how did we get here? And what is driving Kim Jong-un’s military aggression?

Sunday, September 03, 2017

The Collapse of British Culture

At the federal level in Britain, there can be no Christian prayer in government meetings.

At the local level in Manchester, England, a government meeting opens with Islamic prayer.

A young man wrote on his body, Stop Muslim Rape Gangs. This in reference to “Asian” rape gangs in the media. He was arrested for inciting racial hatred.

The West has always failed to call Muslims, “Muslims.” Instead they call them Arabs, Saracens, Turks, Moors, and now the Brits call them Asians.

The British spend their political capital to denigrate their own culture and elevate Islam. We are seeing the collapse of Britain due to a civilizational war with Islam.

How Should the US Respond to North Korea's Nuclear Testing?

Discrimination against Muslims May Have Fueled Spain Attacks

The Muslim community in Spain has come under scrutiny after two attacks carried out by immigrants last month killed 15 people.

Most of the attackers were Moroccan-born young men who had been radicalised in Catalonia. That has raised questions about whether migrant communities are integrating into society.

Low wages, poor education and racism are common obstacles to integrating Moroccan immigrant families in the European country.

Al Jazeera's Karl Penhaul reports from the city of Terrassa.

Houston and South Asia Flooding, Free Speech, Brexit, Game of Thrones

North Korea Nuclear Test: Hydrogen Bomb 'Missile-ready' - BBC News

North Korea says it has successfully tested a nuclear weapon that could be loaded onto a long-range missile.

The secretive communist state said its sixth nuclear test was a "perfect success", hours after seismologists had detected an earth tremor.

Pyongyang said it had tested a hydrogen bomb - a device many times more powerful than an atomic bomb.

Analysts say the claims should be treated with caution, but its nuclear capability is clearly advancing.

North Korea last carried out a nuclear test in September 2016. It has defied UN sanctions and international pressure to develop nuclear weapons and to test missiles which could potentially reach the mainland US.

South Korean officials said the latest test took place in Kilju County, where the North's Punggye-ri nuclear test site is situated.

Saturday, September 02, 2017

Princess Diana - Tragedy or Treason – Documentary

Explore Princess Diana’s life in an emotional special that will tell the story of the “People’s Princess” with exclusive footage, never-before-seen interviews, excerpts from her journal in her own words and new insight into the conspiracy theories surrounding her untimely death.

Proof! America Is Becoming a Nazi Country

Neo-Nazi Groups Are a Threat Worldwide

After the events in Charlotesville, RT's Alexey Yaroshevsky takes a look at neo-Nazis in the US – and places like Ukraine.

Christians Facing Persecution in Turkey | DW Documentary

The Turkish directorate of religious affairs is set to seize over 50 churches, monasteries and cemeteries belonging to the Christian Syriac community in southeastern Turkey.

Blasphemy, Islamophobia, Free Expression: Panel

The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell September 1, 2017

Ann Coulter Urges President Trump to Terminate DACA

Ann Coulter on The Larry O'Connor Show (September 1, 2017)

Trump’s Wall: A Symbol of His Presidency? - BBC Newsnight

Senior Republicans are resisting spending on the controversial wall when the money - they say - should be spent on disaster relief. The wall was meant to separate America from Mexico but the divide so far has been between the President himself and his party. Division that points to a gulf of differences on other issues - between those who are broadly internationalist and those who cry America First. Gabriel Gatehouse has been to the site of the wall in Arizona and sent this report.

North Korea’s Missiles May Turn Japan Away From Pacifism

North Korea’s ballistic missile test on Tuesday flew directly over Japanese territory. The Self Defense Force said it didn’t shoot it down because it was not in danger of hitting anywhere in the country. But the provocative act did reignite a discussion about Japan’s pacifist constitution. Al Jazeera’s Scott Heidler reports from Tokyo.

Hurricane Harvey: Flooding to Continue in Houston

The Trump Administration is asking Congress for nearly $8bn as an initial down payment for victims of Tropical Storm Harvey.

The White House says it will request additional funding later this month. Meanwhile, more Houston residents were allowed to return to their homes on Friday, to begin the emotional and difficult task of trying to assess Harvey's damage.

Al Jazeera’s Shihab Rattansi reports from Port Arthur.

Friday, September 01, 2017

Hamed Abdel-Samad – Europa und Islam - Wer wandelt wen? – Deutsch-Amerikanisches Institut (DAI), Heidelberg

Gehört der Islam zu Europa? Wie islamisch ist Europa? Wie europäisch der Islam? Wir gehen einen Schritt weiter und wagen die Fragestellung nach einer gegenseitigen Transformation: „Wer wandelt wen?“. Welche Rolle spielen die zentralen Texte, die Religion und die Kultur? Sind es die Mehrdeutigkeiten, auf die es ankommt, oder zentrale Werte? Welche Parallelen, welche Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede würden zur Sprache kommen, oder transformiert? Hamed Abdel-Samad eröffnet die Islamkonferenz mit seinen Thesen und leitenden Fragestellungen, wie es Europa mit dem Islam und der Islam mit Europa halten kann.

Der Politikwissenschaftler und Publizist Hamed Abdel-Samad ist Mitglied der Deutschen Islam Konferenz und zählt zu den profiliertesten islamischen Intellektuellen im deutschsprachigen Raum.

Wie viel Islam gehört zu Deutschland? - Hamed Abdel Samad bei Hart aber Fair

Wie kreative Musliminnen das Burka Verbot in der Schweiz umgehen

Neues Phänomen: Wie kreativ Musliminnen das Burka Verbot in der Schweiz umgehen. Eigentlich ist das Tragen von Burkas im Schweizer Kanton Tessin verboten. Seit vergangenem Sommer gilt dort ein Gesetz, das Ganzkörperschleier in der Öffentlichkeit untersagt. Wie die „Aargauer Zeitung“ berichtet, haben einige Musliminnen im Tessin nun aber einen kreativen Weg gefunden, um das Burka-Verbot zu umgehen.

Why Is Mecca Having an $80bn Makeover? | The Economist

Saudi Arabia is investing billions of dollars remodeling Mecca, home of Islam’s holiest site—the Kaaba. Its plans include building the world’s largest hotel. The aim is to double Mecca's capacity to host worshippers, to nearly seven million, by 2040. The redevelopment has destroyed scores of old shrines.

Putin Warns US, North Korea On Verge Of Conflict

Rep. Adam Kinzinger reacts to Russia leader's op-ed

Top US News & World Headlines — September 1, 2017

Canada's Trudeau Under Fire for Environmental Record

Hurricane Harvey: The Aftermath - BBC Newsnight

Gabriel Gatehouse reports from Houston on the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.

Majority Of Americans Say Trump Is "Tearing The Country Apart"

Sebastian Gorka: Former Donald Trump Adviser on Charlottesville

Sebastian Gorka was one of President Trump's most vocal defenders but now he's out of the White House. Krishnan Guru-Murthy quizzes him on whether President Trump has lost control of his administration.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

The Debate - Macron's Moment of Truth: Can France Reform Its Labour Market?

Debate: Atheist vs Muslim (Christopher Hitchens vs Tariq Ramadan) | 2013

Debate: Atheist vs Christian (Richard Dawkins vs Cardinal George Pell)

Richard Dawkins' Opinion on Islam

Worlds Apart: Arrogance of Ignorance? – Richard Dawkins, Evolutionary Biologist

Despite the unprecedented pace of scientific breakthroughs, humanity still seems to be as far away from the age of reason as ever. With religious extremism and political infantilism spreading across the globe, often aiding one another, has governance based on critical thinking already become a delusion? To discuss this, Oksana is joined by Richard Dawkins, evolutionary biologist. The interview was held at the St. Petersburg Geek Picnic 2017

Inside the Mind of White America - BBC News

The concept of there being "two Americas" is almost as old as the nation itself. From the outset there were the landowners, the ruling class - the "haves". And then there were the have-nots. That divide has been economic but also racial, with minorities claiming a disproportionately small share of the nation's substantial wealth.

And yet, a 2013 Pew Research Center study showed that half of white Americans surveyed do not feel that African Americans are treated less fairly by the police, employers, doctors and others. Only 13% of blacks felt the same way. Amid the current backdrop of the Black Lives Matter movement and increasing wealth disparity, Clive Myrie from the BBC's This Week's World delves into what white Americans understand - or don't - about race.

Switzerland: 'Demonisation of the Press Is Poisonous' - UN Human Rights Official on Trump

United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Prince Zeid Ra'ad Zeid Al-Hussein, commented on US President Donald Trump's recent comments about the press at a rally in Phoenix, Arizona at a press conference in Geneva on Wednesday.

"The president prides himself as a taboo breaker. Indeed, his supporters see him as such, but at the time I expressed my feeling that this was grossly irresponsible because it has consequences, it emboldens those who may think similarly to sharpen their assaults" he said.

WIKI: Prince Zeid bin Ra'ad »

Princess Diana's Legacy - 20 Years after Her Death | DW Documentary

The death of Diana, Princess of Wales on August 31, 1997, sent shock waves around the world. Few figures have received as much adulation as Princess Diana.

The Princess of Wales’ legacy lives on to this day. The friendly way in which she approached people, whatever their background, changed the face of the British monarchy forever.

Our documentary 'Princess Diana - The Quiet Revolution' tells her story. For centuries, ceremonial splendor and a tradition of keeping a stiff upper lip had been the main characteristics of the British monarchy. The royal family had grown apart from the people. Then along came Princess Diana and stirred it all up. She lived a life in the public spotlight: not only as a successful ambassador in the campaign against landmines, but also as a woman whose marriage was in trouble, and as the loving mother of two sons. It was a life of glamour and desperation at the same time. With her husband Prince Charles’s affair with his then long-term lover Camilla Parker Bowles, and her own amorous escapades, the paparazzi were never far away. Princess Diana fascinated people with her charm, her beauty and the warm manner with which she approached the sick and the disadvantaged. But the Queen’s relationship with her daughter-in-law was never simple. The two women’s views of the monarchy were just too different. Yet after Diana’s death, the royal family adopted her more modern, open style. Today, 20 years after Diana’s death, the Queen is more popular among her people than ever.

Remembering the Legacy of the 'People's Princess'

Royal watcher Neil Sean remembers Princess Diana

Morning Joe | MSNBC News Today | August 31, 2017

Diana's Death: Nigella Lawson Reports for Newsnight in 1997 - Newsnight Archives

Princess Diana died in a car crash 20 years ago. Here's a small taste of our coverage from the time. Before she became famous for her cookery, Nigella Lawson worked as a journalist. Here she reports for BBC Newsnight on how Diana changed attitudes to motherhood.

Worlds Apart on Trump, Putin – Oksana Is Joined by Herbert London

The outgoing US ambassador to Russia has given a series of farewell interviews on the state of US-Russia relations, which all comes down to two major points: “we have a problem” and “Russia needs to fix it.” Blaming the other is a common behavioral strategy in kindergarten, but does it stand a chance in today’s global politics? To discuss this, Oksana is joined by Herbert London, president of the London Center for Policy Research.

Dr. Herbert London »

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Inside Story - What Can Russia Do to Help End the Gulf Crisis?

The Russian foreign Minister has been in Qatar as part of efforts to find a common ground in the Gulf crisis. Sergey Lavrov has already visited the UAE and Kuwait this week and arrived in Doha on Wednesday.

Lavrov is the highest ranking Russian official to come to the Gulf since the crisis began. He says Russia fully supports the Emir of Kuwait's efforts to bring an end to the blockade that began on June 5th. But what can Russia do to help end the blockade?

Presenter: Hashem Ahelbarra | Guests: Fahad bin Mohammed Al-Attiya - Qatar's Ambassador to Russia; Vyacheslav Matuzov - a former Russian diplomat, now Chairman of the Russian Friendship Society with Arab Countries; Abdullah Baabood - Professor of International Relations and Political Economy of the Gulf at Qatar University

France: What Is behind Macron's Drastic Fall in Popularity?

France: What is behind Macron's drastic fall in popularity?

When Emmanuel Macron became the fresh, young face of the French presidency four months ago, he did so with a landslide of support from voters who were looking for a new type of leader.

But things have quickly turned sour, according to the polls, which show his popularity has evaporated faster than almost any other leader.

Al Jazeera's David Chater reports from Paris.

The Debate: After Harvey, Are Record-breaking Storms the New Normal?

Régime Change Needed in Saudi Arabia! Kevin Barrett Debates Jihad Mouracadeh

Islam and Saudi Arabia

Midnight cry is a unique television program that was established to evangelize to the global Muslim community .It seeks to encourage Muslims about Christianity.

PEGIDA Rally Banned by London, Ontario City Hall

Ezra Levant of and John Carpay discuss how London city hall's decision to halt a Pegida rally will affect freedom of speech in Canada.

Top US News & World Headlines — August 30, 2017

Return of The Mooch

On the trail of the Mooch: Once called Washington's political suicide bomber, Anthony Scaramucci appeared on the Stephen Colbert Show in mid-August, professing he didn't feel betrayed by the president for firing him.

Is Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson in Trouble? - BBC Newsnight

Following fresh criticism of Boris Johnson’s statesmanship, Newsnight’s Political Editor Nick Watt asks if the Foreign Secretary is in trouble.

US - Donald Trump: "It Happened in Texas, and Texas Can Handle Anything!"

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Black on Trump

A year ago, almost no one expected ever to say the words: President Donald Trump. But Conrad Black has known the new president for 25 years, and well before Trump even took the stage as the Republican nominee, Black wrote - back in March of 2016 - that Trump ,seems to have become the man whom the great office of president of the United States now seeks., What did he know that so few others did?

Conversation with Conrad – Extended – Princess Michael of Kent (2016)

Barack Obama Destroys & Makes Fun Of Trump And His Government

The Debate: ''All Options On The Table''? North Korea Fires Ballistic Missile Over Japan

Conversation with Conrad – Extended – Michael Coren Interview

Discussing his new book, The Future of Catholicism, Conrad and Michael pontificate on the Church's trajectory.

A Christian Case for LGBT Rights

From one of Canada's highest-profile social conservatives to supporter of same-sex marriage, Michael Coren discusses his change of heart in his book "Epiphany." The Agenda speaks with Coren about casting off condemnation and embracing compassion for the LGBT community.

Michael Coren on His Change of Heart on Same-Sex Marriage

Broadcaster and author Michael Coren became famous for his conservative take -- including his opposition to same-sex marriage. Now, Coren says he's changed his mind. He tells Wendy Mesley why.

Michael Coren Regrets Writing His Anti-Islamic Book : Hatred - Islam's War on Christianity

Michael Coren is a British-Canadian columnist, author, public speaker, radio host and television talk show host. He hosted the television talk show The Michael Coren Show on the Crossroads Television System from 1999 to 2011 when he moved to the Sun News Network to host an evening talk show, The Arena with Michael Coren,from 2011 until the channel's demise in early 2015. He has also been a long-time radio personality, particularly on Toronto talk radio station.