Showing posts with label popularity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label popularity. Show all posts
Sunday, October 08, 2017
Macron Leans Further Right as His Popularity Tanks
Emmanuel Macron,
The Real News
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
France: What Is behind Macron's Drastic Fall in Popularity?
When Emmanuel Macron became the fresh, young face of the French presidency four months ago, he did so with a landslide of support from voters who were looking for a new type of leader.
But things have quickly turned sour, according to the polls, which show his popularity has evaporated faster than almost any other leader.
Al Jazeera's David Chater reports from Paris.
Monday, August 28, 2017
Saturday, January 28, 2017
Mexico Unites Behind Own President Peña Nieto, Against President Donald Trump | MSNBC
Monday, November 30, 2015
Almost Half of Germans 'Don't Want Angela Merkel to Serve Another Term'
THE TELEGRAPH: Some 48 per cent of those questioned in a survey for Bild newspaper say they do not want Mrs Merkel to continue in office after the next German election in 2017
Almost half of German voters do not want Angela Merkel to serve another term as chancellor, according to a new poll.
Some 48 per cent of those questioned in the survey for Bild newspaper said they did not want Mrs Merkel to continue in office after the next German election, which is due to be held in 2017.
Forty-four per cent were in favour of Mrs Merkel remaining in power.
The findings are an indication of how dramatically Mrs Merkel’s public support has fallen in recent weeks following opposition to her “open-door” refugee policy.
Just a few months ago she seemed unassailable as Germany’s leader, and her Christian Democrat party was even daring to contemplate the possibility of an overall majority in the 2017 election. » | Justin Huggler in Berlin | Monday, November 30, 2015
Verwandt »
Almost half of German voters do not want Angela Merkel to serve another term as chancellor, according to a new poll.
Some 48 per cent of those questioned in the survey for Bild newspaper said they did not want Mrs Merkel to continue in office after the next German election, which is due to be held in 2017.
Forty-four per cent were in favour of Mrs Merkel remaining in power.
The findings are an indication of how dramatically Mrs Merkel’s public support has fallen in recent weeks following opposition to her “open-door” refugee policy.
Just a few months ago she seemed unassailable as Germany’s leader, and her Christian Democrat party was even daring to contemplate the possibility of an overall majority in the 2017 election. » | Justin Huggler in Berlin | Monday, November 30, 2015
Verwandt »
Angela Merkel,
Monday, June 09, 2014
Spanish Royal Family's Popularity Boosted by King Juan Carlos's Abdication in Favour of Prince Felipe
Spains royal family has become more popular among Spainiards following the abdication of Juan Carlos for his son Crown King Felipe VI.
Overall, 55.7 per cent of those polled in the June 3-5 survey by Sigma Dos supported the institution of the monarchy in Spain, up from 49.9 per cent when the same question was posed six months ago.
57.5 per cent believed the prince could restore the royal family’s lost prestige.
An overwhelming majority of Spaniards believe the new king, Felipe VI, would make a good monarch and more than three-quarters believe King Juan Carlos was right to hand over the throne to his son.
The poll, published in Spain’s right-leaning daily El Mundo newspaper on Monday, is likely to encourage the departing King, who announced a week ago that he hoped the change would usher in a “new era of hope”. » | Fiona Govan | Monday, June 09, 2014
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Barack Obama's Approval Ratings Hit Record Low amid Chaotic Launch of Obamacare
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Barack Obama's approval ratings have slumped to a historic low, according to a new poll, as the president's second term is rocked by ongoing crises at home and abroad
An NBC/Wall Street Journal survey found that the stop-start approach to Syria, the scandal over US mass surveillance and the botched launch of Obamacare had shaken Americans' faith in their president.
While the poll also found record levels of hostility towards the Republican Party, the White House will be concerned that both Mr Obama's job approval and Americans' view of him personally are falling.
Around 51 per cent disapproved of the job he was doing in the Oval Office compared to 42 per cent who approved, a nine-point negative spread.
His ratings were also hit by the roll out of his signature healthcare law, which his own health secretary admitted this week had been a "debacle". The poll found 47 per cent thought the reforms were a bad idea, compared to 37 per cent who supported it.
Mr Obama's numbers are at their worst since September 2011, when he clocked a seven-point negative spread amid a stuttering economic recovery and the outbreak of Libya's civil war.
While Mr Obama will never again face re-election, the sagging numbers threaten his hopes for a productive second term and especially plans to reform America's broken immigration system. » | Raf Sanchez, Washington | Thursday, October 31, 2013
An NBC/Wall Street Journal survey found that the stop-start approach to Syria, the scandal over US mass surveillance and the botched launch of Obamacare had shaken Americans' faith in their president.
While the poll also found record levels of hostility towards the Republican Party, the White House will be concerned that both Mr Obama's job approval and Americans' view of him personally are falling.
Around 51 per cent disapproved of the job he was doing in the Oval Office compared to 42 per cent who approved, a nine-point negative spread.
His ratings were also hit by the roll out of his signature healthcare law, which his own health secretary admitted this week had been a "debacle". The poll found 47 per cent thought the reforms were a bad idea, compared to 37 per cent who supported it.
Mr Obama's numbers are at their worst since September 2011, when he clocked a seven-point negative spread amid a stuttering economic recovery and the outbreak of Libya's civil war.
While Mr Obama will never again face re-election, the sagging numbers threaten his hopes for a productive second term and especially plans to reform America's broken immigration system. » | Raf Sanchez, Washington | Thursday, October 31, 2013
Barack Obama,
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Pew Research Center’s Global Attitudes survey found the approval of Obama’s policies in Muslim-majority countries plummeted from an average 34 percent to 15 percent. In Pakistan, where Osama bin Laden was killed, approval is the lowest — coming in at 7 percent. Muslim attitudes toward America and confidence in Obama also decreased.
More than 26,000 people from 21 countries took part in the survey, taken between March 17 and April 20.
Obama’s worldwide approval has also declined significantly, especially with regards to foreign policy. And overall confidence in Obama and attitudes toward America have declined modestly. » | Meagan Clark | Thursday, June 14, 2012
Barack Obama,
Islamic world,
Sunday, June 10, 2012

An exclusive poll for the Sunday Express puts the Tories on just 29 per cent while Labour has soared to 43 per cent.
The fuel shortage fiasco, George Osborne’s disastrous Budget, a series of embarrassing U-turns on tax and a flatline economy have seen a resurgent Labour eclipse the Conservatives.
Ed Miliband’s party now stands 14 points clear of the Tories, putting it on course for an outright majority in a general election.
The gap between Labour and the Conservatives is now wider than at any time since December 2002 when former Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith faced the on-going popularity of a pre-Gulf war Tony Blair. » | Kirsty Buchanan | Sunday, June 10, 2012
Tuesday, June 07, 2011
MAIL ONLINE: Those who forecast Barack Obama had sealed his second term as president with the killing of Osama Bin Laden look to be wrong.
According to a new poll, the 'Bin laden bounce' has already evaporated[.]
Obama's approval rating surged to 56 per cent in the aftermath of the terrorist's death but now just 47 per cent think he is doing a good job.
But it is domestic policies - notably Obama's handling of the economy - that is driving the frustration of the American public, according to a joint poll conducted by The Washington Post and ABC news.
Fifty-nine per cent, a new high, gave Obama negative marks for his handling of the economy, up from 55 per cent a month earlier.
Obama's approval rating on the deficit issue has also hit a new low of 33 per cent, a drop of 6 per centage [sic] points since April.
The state of the economy poses a huge challenge for the president, whose re-election in 2012 may depend on his ability to convince voters that his economic policies have been successful. Bin Laden bounce definitely OVER for Obama as new poll shows he could lose the presidency over the economy » | Daily Mail Reporter | Tuesday, June 07, 2011
Barack Hussein Obama,
US economy
Monday, October 25, 2010
THE TELEGRAPH: Nicolas Sarkozy has become the most unpopular French president in more than 50 years, according to a new poll.
As his country teetered on the brink of economic chaos because of strikes, blockades and riots, new polls put his approval rating at less than 30 per cent.
The figures made Mr Sarkozy even less popular than President Charles de Gaulle was in 1968 - the year millions took to the streets to demand a complete overhaul of French society.
The then ageing wartime leader fled France and prepared to call in the army to deal with rioters.
But while De Gaulle resigned in 1969, Mr Sarkozy shows no sign of quitting despite his new pension bill raising the retirement age from 60 to 62 being met with nationwide protests.
It came as thousands of British half term holidaymakers faced fuel shortages, 9,000 tons of rubbish lay uncollected in Marseilles, and the government estimated the cost of strikes at more than £350 million a day. >>> Peter Allen in Paris | Monday, October 25, 2010
Nicolas Sarkozy,
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
THE TELEGRAPH – BLOGS – DANIEL HANNAN: Barack Obama is abandoned by the Left as his approval ratings collapse: When your own tribe turns on you, you’re in serious trouble. Barack Obama was never going to convert Republican irreconcilables. Many US conservatives had convinced themselves before the election that Obama would be an interfering socialist. Fair enough: he was never really after their support. >>> Daniel Hannan | Monday, August 16, 2010
Sunday, May 16, 2010
THE SUNDAY TIMES: After bailing out Greece and now the euro, Germany is fed up with being Europe’s paymaster
GISELA and Susi, thirtysomething civil service secretaries, were shivering over their sausages in what the tabloids labelled the “most miserable May of the millennium” and planning their summer holidays. “I know where I’m not going,” one of them said. “The hotels, service and food aren’t as good as Turkey but the prices are as high as Italy!”
As Berliners bravely sat on the banks of the River Spree in unseasonably cold weather for the Ascension Day holiday that traditionally marks the start of summer, they had no doubt that the cold wind was blowing from the sunny south: Greece in particular.
The multi-billion-euro payout for Greece, followed by an even more expensive rescue package for the threatened single currency, has created the greatest political climate change in a generation.
Suddenly Germans are asking questions about the European project that has been the bedrock of their politics for 60 years, leaving Angela Merkel, the chancellor, under fire from the electorate, the opposition and her own party.
It took a stand-up display of table-banging aggression from President Nicolas Sarkozy and an intervention on the telephone from President Barack Obama to get Merkel to agree to the euro package.
“We foot the bill for EU disaster,” screamed a headline in Bild, the tabloid newspaper. Christoph Schmidt, a government economist, responded by warning: “Germany cannot become Europe’s paymaster.”
The tension between Germany and France threatened to spill over at a Brussels summit last weekend when Merkel and Sarkozy had a furious row. According to observers, it ended with Sarkozy threatening to leave the euro.
“It was a stand-up argument,” an official told El Pais, the Spanish newspaper. Sarkozy, furious at Merkel’s reluctance to sign up to a safety net of €750 billion (£644 billion), was shouting and bawling at Merkel and smashed his fist on the table. “It was Sarkozy on steroids,” one witness said.
Dubbed “our Iron Lady” — or just “Mutti” (Mummy) within the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) that she dominates — Merkel returned to Germany accused of having given too much, too late.
Her timing was also poor. The euro talks, combined with the Greek bailout, led to a CDU defeat in North Rhine-Westphalia’s state election last weekend and with it the loss of her majority in the upper house. >>> Peter Millar in Berlin | Sunday, May 16, 2010
THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH: Germans Turn Against the EU as Eurozone Meltdown Heaps Misery on Angela Merkel >>> Andrew Gilligan in Bielefeld, Westphalia | Sunday, May 16, 2010
Angela Merkel,
Sunday, April 18, 2010
THE SUNDAY TIMES: NICK CLEGG, the Liberal Democrat leader who until a few days ago was little known to voters, is now the most popular party leader since Winston Churchill, a new Sunday Times poll reveals.
Following his decisive victory in last week’s television debate, Clegg has surged to a higher approval rating than Tony Blair at the peak of new Labour’s popularity.
Last night, as the YouGov survey showed that the three parties are almost neck and neck, Labour and the Tories desperately tried to respond to the Clegg phenomenon.
The general election has become a genuine three-way contest with the Lib Dems, on 29%, enjoying their strongest support in almost 30 years. >>> Jonathan Oliver and David Smith | Sunday, April 18, 2010
MAIL ON SUNDAY: Lib Dems in Front for First Time in 104 Years >>> | Sunday, April 18, 2010
Thursday, August 13, 2009
THE TELEGRAPH: Mohammed, or other variations of the name of Islam's founding prophet, has become the most popular name choice for baby boys in the four biggest cities of the Netherlands.
Information collected by the country's social security agency has found that traditional Dutch names have been displaced in the urban centres of Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague and Utrecht as the country's Muslim population grows.
In The Hague variations of the name Mohammed have taken first, second and fifth place in the Dutch capital's league table of most popular names for boys, replacing traditional favourites such as Jan, Luuk, Gijs or Daan.
At a national level the name Mohammed is now the 16th most popular name for boys.
The figures, obtained by the Dutch Elsevier magazine, from the Dutch Social Insurance Bank, or Sociale Verzekeringsbank (SVB), are different from the official statistics which have in the past counted various spellings of Mohammed, Muhamed, or Muhammad as different names.
Previous government name counts, separating the different versions, have avoided controversy by keeping the name of Islam's founder outside the Dutch top 20 of favourite names for baby boys.
Geert Wilders, leader of the far-Right, anti-Islam Freedom Party, which is currently leading the Dutch opinion polls, has demanded a government investigation following the Daily Telegraph's Aug 8 report that over a fifth of the European Union's population has been forecast to be Muslim by 2050. >>> Bruno Waterfield | Thursday, August 13, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
THE TELEGRAPH: Senior aides of US President Barack Obama privately admit that a series of presentational errors have contributed to falling popularity with voters and pundits alike.
His staff are being warned to get a firmer grip now he has passed the 50-day mark in the White House, and prevent a repeat of the mistakes that marred the last seven weeks.
A White House official last week passed details to The Sunday Telegraph of Mr Obama's desire to avoid a repeat of such errors as the inept handling of Gordon Brown's recent visit to Washington.
The concession came as allies of Mr Obama have begun breaking cover to question his performance and leadership on the economic meltdown and public diplomacy.
A new poll revealed that the president's personal approval ratings have slumped to levels below those of George W. Bush at the same stage of his first term, undermining the common assumption that Mr Obama is enjoying unusual levels of public popularity. The Rasmussen survey found that Mr Obama enjoys the confidence of just 56 per cent of voters, with 43 per cent who do not have confidence and a third strongly disapproving of his early performance. >>> By Tim Shipman in Washington | Saturday, March 14, 2009
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