Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Trump Defends Sharing Classified Intel with Russians: Can He Keep a Secret? (Parts 1 & 2)

Violent Brawl Outside Turkish Embassy in Washington DC

May. 17, 2017 - 0:28 - Clashes erupt between protestors and supporters of Turkish president Erdogan

Joe To Republicans: ‘Donald Trump Is Not Worth It’ | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Joe Scarborough says Trump is sullying the reputations of career public servants and urges them to reconsider their unwavering support of the president.

America Simply Can’t Afford The Rising Costs Of Trump’s Nonstop Vacations

The cost of Donald Trump’s vacations and golf outings are growing out of control and he’s already on track to be the most expensive president in the history of the United States. So, simply by following the logic of conservatives, we have to get rid of Donald Trump because we simply can’t afford him anymore. Sorry, Donald. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

Hannity: 5 Major Forces Are Aligning to Take Down Trump

The destroy Trump propaganda media, the Washington deep state, Democrats, establishment Republicans and never Trumpers are now working together in an unprecedented attack against a sitting president

Watergate Prosecutor: Well On Our Way To Impeachment Of President Trump | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Jill Wine-Banks, Assistant Watergate Special Prosecutor, and former U.S. prosecutor Paul Butler discuss the revelations that have come to light from the Comey memo.

Trump Could Be Going Down Sooner Than You Think

Multiple new indicators are pointing to Trump’s downfall. Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, breaks it down.

Bill O'Reilly Got A New Job

That didn’t take long. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian, the hosts of The Young Turks, tell you where Bill O’Reilly landed.

United States: Donald Trump and the Russian Connection

Violence Erupts at Erdoğan Protest in Washington DC

The Armenian National Committee of America has captured scenes of violent protests on the streets of Washington, DC after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan met with US President Trump at the White House. According to witnesses, the brawl erupted when the Turkish president’s security detail attacked protesters carrying the flag of the Kurdish PYD party outside the residence.

Read the Guardian article here

Notes Made by Former FBI Director Comey Say Trump Pressured Him to End Flynn Probe

Read the Washington Post article here

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Even Ann Coulter Is Ready To Jump Off The Trump Train

The Daily Caller interviewed Ann Coulter to get her thoughts on Donald Trump, and she didn’t have very many kind words for the president. In fact, she said that she’s ready to turn on him and abandon the Trump train because he and his GOP allies in Congress have proven to be completely useless. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

Eric Shawn Exclusive: A Plea for a Free Iran

Exiled Prince Reza Pahlavi calls for non-violent civil disobedience

Fox News Scandal Threatens To Take Down Aspiring Republican Politicians

Sean Spicer, Steve Bannon, And Sarah Huckabee Sanders Erupt In Argument After Intel Leak

Following the news that the president leaked classified information to Russian officials during a meeting, reporters said that Sean Spicer, Steve Bannon, and Sarah Huckabee Sanders entered a room and began yelling at each other. Reporters said that the TVs in the area were turned up to full volume to drown out the shouting. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

Why I Am Suing Trump: Washington State Attorney General Fights Admin on Muslim Ban, Drilling, Drug War & More

On Monday, a federal appeals court in Seattle, Washington, heard arguments over Trump’s second travel ban, which sought to prohibit all refugees and citizens of six majority-Muslim nations from entering the United States. This is the second such court review this month. This marks Trump’s second attempt to roll out a nationwide Muslim ban. We speak to the man who successfully blocked Trump’s first attempt—and ignited a legal firestorm of resistance: Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson.

Breathtakingly Irresponsible: Former Bush Iraq Adviser on Trump Sharing Secret Intel with Russians

President Trump has appeared to confirm parts of a bombshell Washington Post story that he had disclosed highly classified intelligence last week to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak last week during a meeting at the White House. Earlier this morning Trump wrote on Twitter, "As President I wanted to share with Russia (at an openly scheduled W.H. meeting) which I have the absolute right to do, facts pertaining to terrorism and airline flight safety. Humanitarian reasons, plus I want Russia to greatly step up their fight against ISIS & terrorism." According to The Washington Post, Trump disclosed highly classified intelligence—what’s known as code-name information—about the possible threat of ISIS launching an attack on an airplane using a computer bomb. We speak to Stanford professor Larry Diamond of the Hoover Institute. He served as senior adviser to the Coalition Provisional Authority in Baghdad.

US - President Donald Trump Defends ‘Absolute Right’ to Share Intel with Russia

Changing EU Treaty ‘Not Taboo’ for France Anymore – Macron after Meeting Merkel

The European Union’s need for deep reforms is so dire that even the idea of changing the EU treaty is “not taboo,” new French President Emmanuel Macron said at a joint news conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin on Monday.

'Digital Strip-search' UK Muslim Activist Faces Charges for Not Giving Up Passwords at Airport

Imagine arriving in the UK, going through airport security and then being ordered to hand over your phone and laptop with all passwords - for examination. A British Muslim activist was arrested after he refused to do it.

The 51% -- Women Lead Prayers in Portugal after Priest Shortage

US - Did Trump Just Share Classified Information to Russia?

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Could Brexit Lead Way to a United Ireland – BBC News

The BBC’s Fergal Keane travels from Belfast to Cork to understand what effect Brexit is having on the future of the island.

Frontline: The Secret History of ISIS

Macron : The Youngest President Of France, Emmanuel Macron

From Awkward to Icy: Eight French Presidential Handovers

French President Emmanuel Macron Parades on Champs-Elysées Avenue

France: Emmanuel Macron Officially Inaugurated President of the French Republic

Emmanuel Macron's First Speech as President of the French Republic

Saturday, May 13, 2017

The White House Press Briefing Is Dying

James Comey's firing has undermined the credibility of the White House press briefing – and Trump knows it.

Trump's Shifting Story on Firing James Comey: A Closer Look

Read the Vanity Fair article here

Caitlyn Jenner: 'Being Transgender Is Very Difficult' - BBC News

Reality TV star Caitlyn Jenner says she is considering entering US politics in a bid to promote transgender issues. She told the BBC's Victoria Derbyshire programme she had been "really upset" by some of President Donald Trump's policies on the LGBT community. The ex-Olympic athlete, who changed her name and transitioned to living as a woman aged 65, said Mr Trump was being "influenced by people around him". Jenner said her life was "much simpler" now she was living openly as a woman. Over the past two years, Jenner has become the most famous transgender person in the world.

Cyber Attack: Ransomware Causing Chaos Globally - BBC News

Tens of thousands of organisations have been caught out by a computer virus called WannaCry. The malicious software locks data away and demands a payment of up to $300 (£230) a time before it will restore scrambled files. In the UK, many hospitals fell victim and some health organisations diverted ambulances and cancelled non-essential services as they sought to contain and clean up the infection. Infections in more than 99 nations are being reported by security firms. It appears that the hardest hit are Russia and Spain.

Jake Tapper Destroys Donald Trump On Firing Of James Comey

Al Franken's Brilliant Breakdown of Trump’s Firing of Comey

Bill Maher’s Hilarious Reaction to Trump Firing FBI Director Comey

Bill Maher blasted Donald Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey on Friday night, comparing it to a scene from Trump’s reality TV game show, “The Apprentice.”

Trump Threatens FBI: Stop Leaks Or I'll Expose Secret Comey Tapes!

Trump, Russia, and Comey Firing - What Does This Mean for US-Russian Relations?

What is the real state of US-Russian relations? Twitter has exploded with speculation about “collusion,” but what are the chances that President Trump or his staff colluded with Russia? Columbia University Professor Levgold explains that the firing of Director Comey may be “a cover up that is greater than the crime.”

Our Dishonest President

LOS ANGELES TIMES: It was no secret during the campaign that Donald Trump was a narcissist and a demagogue who used fear and dishonesty to appeal to the worst in American voters. The Times called him unprepared and unsuited for the job he was seeking, and said his election would be a “catastrophe.”

Still, nothing prepared us for the magnitude of this train wreck. Like millions of other Americans, we clung to a slim hope that the new president would turn out to be all noise and bluster, or that the people around him in the White House would act as a check on his worst instincts, or that he would be sobered and transformed by the awesome responsibilities of office.

Instead, seventy-some days in — and with about 1,400 to go before his term is completed — it is increasingly clear that those hopes were misplaced. » | The Times Editorial Board | Sunday, April 2, 2017

Friday, May 12, 2017

President Donald Trump On His Firing Of James Comey (Extended Exclusive) | NBC Nightly News

In an NBC News exclusive interview, President Trump revealed to Lester Holt that he was preparing to fire FBI Director James Comey regardless of recommendations from the attorney general and deputy attorney general.

Macron & Brigitte's Age Difference: What's behind Media's Obsession?

Kosovo, the Impossible Nation-State

Top US & World Headlines — May 12, 2017

A Stroll through Paris, from the Louvre to La Défense

Kurdish Offensive: Turkey Furious over US Arming of Syrian Kurds (Parts 1 & 2)

Why the World Is Worried about Turkey

How Turkey's president gained so much power.

Republican Leadership 'Shackled' to Trump: David Frum

James Comey's firing is a blow to the U.S. government's unwritten rules, says David Frum, senior editor at The Atlantic.

Why Venezuela Still Looks Like This? – BBC News

People in Venezuela are continuing to take to the streets in their thousands to protest against the government. The situation is becoming increasingly violent as riot police confront the demonstrators. Over the past month nearly 40 people have been killed. Vladimir Hernandez has spent a day out on the streets of the capital Caracas.

"Maduro Has Turned Venezuela into a Narco State" - Opposition Leader Maria Corina Machado

Maria Corina Machado speaks to France 24 about the escalation of Venezuela's political and economic crisis

L'interview de Trump qui jette encore plus le trouble sur le limogeage du chef du FBI (English)

Full Interview: Julian Assange on Trump, DNC Emails, Russia, the CIA, Vault 7 & More

Full interview with Julian Assange on Democracy Now!, including a debate with investigative journalist Allan Nairn.

Historian of Fascism: Why Trump Firing FBI Director Comey Amid Russia Probe Is So Worrisome

As more details come to light about President Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey, which reportedly came just days after he asked the Justice Department for more resources to expand the bureau’s investigation into Russia’s meddling in the presidential election, we speak with Ruth Ben-Ghiat, a professor of history and Italian studies at New York University. Her recent piece for CNN is headlined "Trump at his most dangerous," and she is currently working on a book entitled "Strongmen: From Mussolini to Trump."

Copenhagen Imam Accused of Calling for Killing of Jews

BBC: A video of an imam appearing to call for the murder of Jews in a sermon during Friday prayers at a Copenhagen mosque has caused outrage in Denmark.

Mundhir Abdallah was reported to police after being filmed citing in Arabic a hadith - a teaching of the Prophet Muhammad - considered anti-Semitic.

The hadith says the Day of Judgement "will not come unless the Muslims fight the Jews and the Muslims kill them". A Jewish community leader said his words were a "thinly-veiled" threat.

Videos of the sermon were posted on YouTube and Facebook by the Al-Faruq Mosque on Sunday, although Mr Abdallah reportedly gave it on 31 March. » | Thursday, May 11, 2017

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Sean Spicer Future as White House Press Secretary 'In Doubt over Handling of James Comey Firing'

THE INDEPENDENT: Mr Spicer has been temporarily dropped from running his daily press briefings

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer is said to be facing an uncertain future after his poor handling of Donald Trump’s decision to fire FBI director James Comey.

Mr Spicer, whose press appearances have been plagued by multiple gaffes, has been temporarily dropped from running his daily press briefings and will be replaced by Deputy Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders for the entirety of this week.

According to White House insiders, the general perception is Mr Spicer has been “benched” during a massively decisive week which has seen the White House subject to heavy scrutiny over the sacking of Mr Comey. » | Maya Oppenheim | Thursday, May 11, 2017

Trump Fires Comey: Russia Probe Looms Large in FBI Director's Dismissal

Syria: Turkish President Erdogan Urges US to Reverse Decision to Arm Kurds

White House Surprised by Dems' Reaction to Comey's Firing?

May. 10, 2017 - 4:18 - Insight from Josh Gerstein, senior reporter at Politico

Trump Muslim Ban Plan Erased from Website - BBC News

A reporter asks White House press secretary Sean Spicer why President Trump's website still mentions "preventing Muslim immigration", and the online page is erased shortly afterwards.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Betsy DeVos Booed As She Speaks At Bethune-Cookman University Commencement (Full Speech)

Trump Fires Comey: “Clearly Orchestrated Move to Get Rid of Pain to the President”

Kellyanne Conway Says It’s “Inappropriate” To Question Trump’s Decision To Fire James Comey

After news broke that Donald Trump had fired FBI director James Comey, Kellyanne Conway took to the airwaves to explain to CNN that it is completely inappropriate for their network – or any reporter – to question the timing of Comey’s firing, and that the president is essentially free to do whatever he wants.

Anne Will - Sendung vom 7. Mai 2017

What Does Ahok's Conviction for Blasphemy Mean for Indonesia? – Inside Story

Angela Merkel Congratulates Macron on Presidential Win

Angela Merkel congratulates Macron on presidential win. Macron's victory has been welcomed by European leaders who feared that a win by Le Pen could mean the end of the EU. German Chancellor Angela Merkel congratulated Macron on what she called a spectacular success. Merkel on Monday held her last meeting with current French President Francois Hollande. Al Jazeera's Dominic Kane reports from Berlin.

Middle East: Turkey Condemns US Support of the YPG

‪FBI Chief James Comey Fired by Trump - BBC News‬

The White House says he was sacked for botching the Clinton email probe, but critics see a cover-up.

‪Trump Fires FBI Director James Comey‬

The End of the Socialist Party

'Trump Fires Comey amid Russia Inquiry'

The 51% - Outrage as Saudi Arabia Given UN Women's Rights Rôle

The UN has elected Saudi Arabia to the UN women's rights commission, but does the move contradict the aims of the commitee itself? Annette Young speaks to Adam Coogle in this edition of The 51%

Tuesday, May 09, 2017

Glenn Beck: 'I Made More Mistakes Than Most' - BBC Newsnight

US conservative political commentator Glenn Beck spoke to Evan Davis about his views on Donald Trump and his regrets of the past.

Ségolène Royal: I Voted Emmanuel Macron in Both Rounds of French Election - BBC Newsnight

Ségolène Royal, who was the Socialist candidate for French president 10 years ago. She's currently a government minister and one of the biggest figures in French politics. Is she happy about Emmanuel Macron's victory in the French elections? She spoke to Evan Davis.

Macron's Next Steps: French President-elect Is Re-drawing the Political Landscape (Parts 1 & 2)

Top US & World Headlines — May 9, 2017

Jared Kushner Caught Selling Golden Tickets To America

Is there anything “The Kush” can’t (or won’t) do? Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, breaks it down.

Here's What's Next for France After Macron Win

The tumultuous French election has raised as many questions as it has answered. Are we witnessing "peak populism" in Europe, and can the continent now put divisive debates about its break up in the rear-view mirror? Bloomberg's Caroline Connan gives a breakdown of what’s next for France with Macron at the helm.

What Does France's New President-elect Have to Offer? – Inside Story

Islamophobia in the USA - Al Jazeera World

The Kushners and Their Golden Visas

THE NEW YORK TIME – EDITORIAL: The Kushner family has been caught in a shameless act of name-dropping. It has been highlighting its White House connections to entice wealthy Chinese investors and promising them green cards in return under a special government visa program. That’s pretty bad. But it’s also a scandal that Congress allows real estate developers to use the American immigration system to pad their profits.

Jared Kushner, President Trump’s son-in-law and special adviser, is officially no longer managing his family’s businesses, but he still benefits from many of them. His sister Nicole Meyer was in Beijing and Shanghai this past weekend seeking investors for a luxury apartment project her family is developing in Jersey City, a short train ride from downtown Manhattan. Her sales pitch cited her brother and laid out how a $500,000 investment could provide a coveted path to American citizenship. The Kushner Companies later offered a mealy-mouthed apology “if that mention of her brother was in any way interpreted as an attempt to lure investors.” » | The Editorial Board | Monday, May 8, 2017

Monday, May 08, 2017

Change You Can Believe In? Macron Win Signals New Era In French Politics (Parts 1 & 2)

Nach Macron-Erfolg: Kühle Töne aus Moskau

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE: Russland reagiert enttäuscht auf den Wahlausgang in Frankreich. Der Versuch, Marine Le Pen mit allen Mitteln zur Präsidentin zu machen ist gescheitert. Nun muss sich Wladimir Putin auf eine schwierige Beziehungen einstellen.

Es dauerte bis Montagvormittag, bis Russlands Präsident seinem künftigen französischen Widerpart gratulierte. „Die Bürger Frankreichs haben Ihnen anvertraut, das Land in einer Zeit zu leiten, die für Europa und die ganze Weltgemeinschaft schwierig ist“, schrieb Wladimir Putin an Emmanuel Macron. Gefahren wüchsen, Konflikte eskalierten, Regionen würden destabilisiert. Daher sei es „besonders wichtig, das gegenseitige Misstrauen zu überwinden und die Kräfte zu vereinen“. Man sei zu konstruktivem Dialog bereit. Das klang nicht nach Aufbruchsstimmung im Kreml. Kein Wunder: Aus dessen Sicht ist Macron als Befürworter der EU und der engen Partnerschaft mit Berlin ein Gegner. » | von Friedrich Schmidt, Moskau | Montag, 8. Mai 2017

Brigitte: de profesora a esposa de Emmanuel Macron

Renaud Girard : «Ce que devra dire Macron à Merkel»

LE FIGARO: CHRONIQUE - Pour sa première visite à l'étranger, le nouveau chef de l'État devra convaincre l'Allemagne que la France est enfin prête à assumer ses responsabilités.

Selon une coutume initiée par Nicolas Sarkozy, la première rencontre internationale du nouveau président de la République française sera pour la chancelière d'Allemagne. Emmanuel Macron trouvera une Angela Merkel de bonne humeur, en raison de la belle victoire, dimanche 7 mai, de la CDU dans l'élection régionale du Land de Schleswig-Holstein, qui augure bien du scrutin national du 24 septembre 2017, propre à donner un quatrième mandat à la chancelière. Suggérons que ce premier sommet franco-allemand du nouveau quinquennat se fasse à Strasbourg, afin de souligner la volonté des deux pays de redonner un second souffle à la construction européenne, après la catastrophe du Brexit. » | Par Vincent Tremolet de Villers | lundi 8 mai 2017

Kellyanne Conway Defends Obamacare Repeal By Attacking Poor People

Appearing on Fox & Friends this weekend, Kellyanne Conway said that the criticism of the AHCA that passed the House is ridiculous, and that “it’s easier to jeer from the cheap seats,” implying that poor people shouldn’t have a say in what happens in this country. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

Macron président : le nouveau chef de l'Etat doit composer sa future majorité présidentielle

Ivanka Trump’s New Book: Offensively Frivolous | AM Joy | MSNBC

Reading the first daughter’s new book has been described as like ‘eating scented cotton balls’ – but Joy Reid and her panel discuss the bigger problem: Ivanka Trump peddling ironic hypocrisies in ‘Women Who Work.’

Papers React to Macron's Victory: 'Well Played'

France Presidential Election: The World Reacts to President-elect Macron's Victory

France Presidential Election: Clashes Break Out between Protesters and Police

Trump Aide Gorka Pushes Back Against Accusations Of Antisemitism

THE JERUSALEM POST: Sebastian Gorka has been the subject of a series of reports which document his alleged associations with Vitézi Rend, a neo-Nazi group.

NEW YORK – A senior foreign policy adviser to US President Donald Trump pushed back Sunday against reports suggesting he has ties to proto- fascist groups in Hungary dating back to his young adulthood.

Sebastian Gorka, a deputy assistant to the president, told The Jerusalem Post Annual Conference in New York that claims he and his fellow White House colleagues Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller harbor antisemitic views are politically motivated, driven by those on the political Left aligned with movements hostile to Israel.

Gorka received a warm welcome at the conference, receiving applause at the beginning and a partial standing ovation at the end of his session with the newspaper’s editor-in-chief, Yaakov Katz.

He characterized himself and the Trump administration as staunchly “pro-Israel” and personally condemned antisemitism. (+ video) » | Michael Wilner | Sunday, May 7, 2017

Can US President Donald Trump Bring Peace to the Middle East? – Inside Story

The US President is keen to secure Middle East peace, but doesn't say how he plans to do it. Previous administrations in Washington have tried in the past, but failed. The last talks between Israel and Palestine collapsed three years ago. So, is there reason to be hopeful this time? | Presenter: Darren Jordan

Le général de Gaulle sur l'intégration européenne

Extrait de la conférence de presse donnée par le Général de Gaulle le 15 mai 1962.

Je voudrais parler plus spécialement de l'objection de l'intégration. On nous l'oppose en nous disant : "Fondons ensemble les 6 Etats dans une entité supranationale : ainsi ce sera très simple et très pratique". Mais cette entité-là est impossible à découvrir faute d'un fédérateur qui ait aujourd'hui en Europe la force, le crédit et l'adresse suffisants. Alors on se rabat sur une espèce d'hybride dans lequel les 6 Etats acceptent de s'engager à se soumettre à ce qui sera décidé par une certaine majorité. En même temps, bien qu'il y ait déjà 6 Parlements nationaux plus l'Assemblée parlementaire européenne, plus l'Assemblée parlementaire du Conseil de l'Europe qui est, il est vrai, antérieure à la conception des 6 et qui, me dit - on, se meurt au bord où elle fut laissée, il faudrait de surcroît élire un Parlement de plus, qualifié d'européen, qui ferait la loi aux 6 Etats. Ce sont des idées qui peuvent peut-être charmer quelques esprits, mais je ne vois pas du tout comment on pourrait les réaliser pratiquement, quand bien même on aurait 6 signatures au bas d'un papier. Y a-t-il une France, une Allemagne, une Italie, une Hollande, une Belgique, un Luxembourg, qui soient prêts à faire, sur une question importante pour eux au point de vue national et au point de vue international, ce qui leur paraîtrait mauvais parce que cela leur serait commandé par d'autres ? Est - ce que le peuple français, le peuple allemand, le peuple italien, le peuple hollandais, le peuple belge, le peuple luxembourgeois songeraient à se soumettre à des lois que voteraient des députés étrangers, dès lors que ces lois iraient à l'encontre de leur volonté profonde ? Ce n'est pas vrai : il n'y a pas moyen, à l'heure qu'il est, de faire en sorte qu'une majorité étrangère puisse contraindre des nations récalcitrantes. Il est vrai que, dans cette Europe "intégrée" comme on dit, il n'y aurait peut-être pas de politique du tout. Cela simplifierait beaucoup les choses. En effet, dès lors qu'il n'y aurait pas de France, pas d'Europe, qu'il n'y aurait pas une politique faute qu'on puisse en imposer une à chacun des 6 Etats, on s'abstiendrait d'en faire. Mais alors peut-être ce monde se mettrait - il à la suite de quelqu'un du dehors qui, lui, en aurait une. Il y aurait peut-être un fédérateur, mais il ne serait pas Européen. Et ce ne serait pas l'Europe intégrée, ce serait tout autre chose de beaucoup plus large et de beaucoup plus étendu avec, je le répète, un fédérateur. Peut-être est - ce cela qui, dans quelque mesure et quelquefois, inspire certains propos de tel ou tel partisan de l'intégration de l'Europe. Alors, il vaudrait mieux le dire.

President on Probation

HANDELSBLATT GLOBAL: Emmanuel Macron’s election offers a new chance for France and Europe. But Berlin will also shape whether or not he succeeds, writes Handelsblatt’s France correspondent.

Emmanuel Macron has gone from being an outsider to the most powerful man in France in an unprecedented tour de force. His success tells anyone who’s willing to take a risk that determination matters more than what the establishment says.

Mr. Macron was certainly lucky – as Napoleon put it, “you always owe something to chance.” Scandal ejected conservative candidate François Fillon from the race. And scandal has much to do with the disintegration of the party system and the elites’ narcissism. While socialists and conservatives believed that they had a firm grip on the country, young Mr. Macron saw they were dancing on a volcano sooner than everyone else. » | Thomas Hanke | Monday, May 8, 2017 ,

French Election: How Macron Defeated Le Pen to Become President - BBC News

The pro-European centrist, Emmanuel Macron, will be France's next president. Within a few hours of being declared the winner - Mr Macron promised to heal divisions and restore confidence in the European Union.

Who Is Emmanuel Macron? – BBC News

By any measure, the political rise of Emmanuel Macron has been remarkable. He's a former investment banker and served as an adviser then, later a minister in the Socialist government of the outgoing president, Francois Hollande. He resigned, just last year to form his own political movement. Our Paris correspondent Lucy Williamson profiles the man chosen to be the country's new head of state.

Macron Decisively Defeats Le Pen in French Presidential Race

THE NEW YORK TIMES: PARIS — Emmanuel Macron, a youthful former investment banker, handily won France’s presidential election on Sunday, defeating the staunch nationalist Marine Le Pen after voters firmly rejected her far-right message and backed his call for centrist change.

Mr. Macron, 39, who has never held elected office, will be the youngest president in the 59-year history of France’s Fifth Republic after leading an improbable campaign that swept aside France’s establishment political parties.

The election was watched around the world for magnifying many of the broader tensions rippling through Western democracies, including the United States: populist anger at the political mainstream, economic insecurity among middle-class voters and rising resentment toward immigrants. » | Alissa J. Rubin | Sunday, May 7, 2017

Sunday, May 07, 2017

Front National Calls for a 'New Political Movement' Says Jean Messiha - BBC News

Jean Messiha, a senior adviser to the leader of Fron National, Marine Le Pen, has said now there's a basis for a creating of a new political movement/alliance.

Emmanuel Macron: 'It's a Great Honour and a Great Responsibility' – BBC News

The president-elect Emmanuel Macron acknowledges the anger of many voters and vows to protect the weakest members of society.