Showing posts with label Sergei Lavrov. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sergei Lavrov. Show all posts

Saturday, March 15, 2014

International Talks On Crimea Crisis

Mar. 14, 2014 - 5:45 - Geraldo on tensions between the US and Russia over Ukraine

Friday, March 14, 2014

Frostige Stimmung zwischen Kerry und Lawrow

DIE WELT: Das Treffen der Außenminister in London macht deutlich, wie weit die Ansichten der USA und Russlands in der Krim-Krise auseinander liegen. Nicht einmal vor die Presse wollten sie gemeinsam treten.

Im Konflikt um die Zukunft der Halbinsel Krim bleibt Russland auf Konfrontationskurs. "Wir müssen das Ergebnis der Volksabstimmung respektieren", sagte der russische Außenminister Sergej Lawrow am Freitag nach einem mehrstündigen Gespräch mit seinem US-Kollegen John Kerry in London. Mit den USA habe man keine gemeinsame Sichtweise. Kerry bekräftigte die Meinung seiner eigenen Regierung sowie der EU: Das für Sonntag geplante Referendum sei nicht legitim, zumal sich die zu Ukraine gehörige Krim unter russischer Besatzung befinde. Sollte sich Präsident Wladimir Putin für die Annektierung der Krim entscheiden, werde dies "enorme Konsequenzen" haben. (+ Video) » | Von Sebastian Borger, London | Freitag, 14. März 2014

Russia and West on Collision Course over Ukraine as Talks Fail in London

The Russian foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, and the US
secretary of state, John Kerry, in London.
THE GUARDIAN: John Kerry and Sergei Lavrov fail to reach agreement as Crimea prepares for referendum on joining Russia

The Ukraine crisis has entered a new and more dangerous phase after 11th-hour talks in London between the US secretary of state, John Kerry, and his Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov, broke up without resolution.

The diplomatic failure sets Russia on a collision course with the west, with Moscow ordering further military deployments on Friday and a contentious referendum in Russian-dominated Crimea set to go ahead as planned on Sunday.

The referendum, which will almost certainly result in a vote in favour of breaking away from Ukraine and union with Russia, will trigger the imposition of sanctions by the west on Monday.

During five hours of talks, Kerry pushed Lavrov to postpone the referendum. He challenged him over sudden Russian troop movements along the Ukrainian border over the last few days. But Lavrov offered nothing in the way of a concession that would have helped reduce tensions.

At a press conference afterwards, the Russian foreign minister described the talks as productive, in that both sides were able to set out their positions, but the two sides did not share "a common vision". Looking for a way to emphasise his point, Lavrov sought an international parallel: Crimea meant more to Russia than the Falklands did to Britain. » | Ewen MacAskill and Alec Luhn in Moscow | Friday, March 14, 2014

Kerry and Lavrov in Last-ditch Ukraine Talks

US Secretary of State John Kerry has been meeting Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in London. It is their last opportunity to talk, before a referendum is held in Ukraine's Crimea region - on whether it should become part of Russia. The US wants assurances that Russia would not annex Crimea. But Russia said it has the right to protect its compatriots in the whole of Ukraine.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Ukraine Crisis: Russia Warns US against 'Hasty' Sanctions

BBC: Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has warned the US not to take "hasty and reckless steps" in response to the crisis in Ukraine's Crimea region.

In a phone call with his US counterpart John Kerry, Mr Lavrov said imposing sanctions on Moscow would harm the US.

Pro-Russian troops have been in control of Crimea for the last week.

Earlier, a stand-off involving pro-Russian soldiers at a Ukrainian military base outside Sevastopol reportedly ended without incident.

Crimea's parliament announced on Thursday it would hold a referendum on 16 March on whether to join Russia or remain part of Ukraine.

Russia's parliament has promised to support Crimea if it chooses to become part of Russia.

The vote has been denounced as "illegitimate" by the interim government in Kiev, which took power after President Viktor Yanukovych fled to Russia last month in the wake of mass protests against his government and deadly clashes with security forces.

In their telephone conversation on Friday, Mr Lavrov warned Mr Kerry against taking "hasty and unthought-through steps capable of causing harm to Russian-US relations", Russia's foreign ministry reports. (+ BBC video) » | Saturday, March 08, 2014

Saturday, February 01, 2014

Kerry: We Stand with the People of Ukraine

US Secretary of State says West backs protesters to have a say on the future of their country, to anger of Russia.

Related »

Russian Foreign Minister Criticises West for Supporting Ukraine Protests

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Sergei Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister, has criticised Western leaders for supporting the opposition in Ukraine

The Russian foreign minister has strongly criticised the West for backing Ukraine's protesters, accusing European and American leaders of inciting "increasingly violent" protests.

Sergei Lavrov said that Western support was causing an escalation in the demonstrations, which first started two months ago when President Victor Yanukovych failed to sign an agreement to deepen ties with the European Union – preferring to forge stronger links with Russia.

"Why is no one condemning those who seize administration buildings, attack policemen and chant racist and anti-Semitic slogans?" said Mr Lavrov.

"Why are prominent European politicians actually encouraging the moves in question, although in their own countries they immediately clamp down on those any encroachments on the letter of the law?"

Speaking at the three-day Munich Security Conference, which began on Friday, Mr Lavrov likened the West's support for protesters in the Ukrainian capital of Kiev to Russia supporting demonstrations in a European capital. » | Harriet Alexander | Saturday, February 01, 2014

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Syrian Rebels Trained to Use Chemical Weapons in Afghanistan – Lavrov

There are reports that some third countries are training Syrian rebels to use chemical weapons in Afghanistan, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said. The intention is to put the skill to use in new false flag actions in Syria, he explained

Friday, October 11, 2013

Sergey Lavrov: An Essential New Voice Has Emerged in World Affairs

TELEGRAPH BLOGS – PETER OBORNE: Sergey Lavrov has emerged as the probably the most formidable foreign minister in the world. A product of the old Soviet system, he has clarity of mind, and an understanding of the great currents of world affairs.

Neither William Hague nor John Kerry could have dealt with a press conference with the candour, gravity and thoughtfulness that Mr Lavrov did in Bali on Monday. He provided a kaleidoscopic survey of global problems.

His observations on the importance of observing international law, the danger of another war in Afghanistan, and the framework for negotiations with Iran, are extraordinary.

Most interesting of all is his strong hint of an emerging alliance between the United States, the Assad regime and elements of the Free Syrian army against the (Saudi backed) Army of Islam jihadists. » | Peter Oborne | Friday, October 11, 2013

Watch Sergei Lavrov in an impressive interview here | Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Saturday, September 14, 2013

US and Russia Agree Syria Arms Deal in Geneva

BBC: Syria's chemical weapons must be destroyed or removed by mid-2014, under an agreement between the US and Russia.

US Secretary of State John Kerry outlined a six-point framework under which Syria must hand over a full list of its stockpile within a week.

If Syria fails to comply, the deal could be enforced by a UN resolution backed by the threat of sanctions or military force.

The US says the Syrian regime killed hundreds in a gas attack last month.

The government of Bashar al-Assad denies the allegations and has accused the rebels of carrying out the attack. (+ video) » | Saturday, September 14, 2013

Uno-Resolution zu Syrien: Obama beugt sich russischem Druck

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Russland setzt sich durch: Im Ringen um eine Syrien-Resolution im Uno-Sicherheitsrat wollen die USA offenbar nicht auf einem möglichen Militärschlag beharren. Ein Lapsus unterlief Uno-Chef Ban, der sich aus Versehen öffentlich über Verbrechen von Syriens Machthaber Assad äußerte.

Genf/New York - Im Tauziehen um eine friedliche Beilegung des Syrien-Konflikts kommt US-Präsident Barack Obama offenbar den russischen Verhandlungspartnern entgegen. Obama werde nicht auf einer Uno-Resolution beharren, die Syrien mit einem Militärschlag droht, berichtet die "New York Times" ("NYT").

Eine solche Resolution wäre ohnehin nicht durchsetzbar, da Russland sie im Sicherheitsrat blockieren könnte. Obamas Verzicht auf die Forderung ist aber nach dem jüngsten Disput über eine öffentliche Kritik von Russland Präsident Putin in der "NYT" ein Zeichen der Entspannung. Obama wird dem Bericht zufolge stattdessen verlangen, dass ein möglicher Sicherheitsratsbeschluss andere Instrumente zur Durchsetzung der Forderungen vorsieht - etwa Sanktionen.

Konstruktiv verlaufen die Verhandlungen zwischen US-Chefdiplomat John Kerry und seinem russischen Kollegen Sergej Lawrow in Genf. Die Gespräche seien "offensichtlich an einem Wendepunkt angelangt" und hätten "Fortschritte im Hinblick auf eine gemeinsame Vereinbarung" erbracht, hieß es in der Nacht zum Samstag aus US-Delegationskreisen. Nach einem mehrstündigen Verhandlungsmarathon unterbrachen die Unterhändler aus Washington und Moskau am Samstagmorgen gegen zwei Uhr ihre Beratungen, um sie später wieder fortzusetzen. (+ Video) » | dab/dpa/AFP/Reuters | Samstag, 14. September 2013

Monday, September 02, 2013

Lavrov: Rebels in Syria Inspired by American Actions

The White House is chasing ghosts by building a case for war in Syria based on inconclusive evidence. That's according to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, who reiterated the Kremlin's stance against intervention in Syria without UN backing. Let's get more from RT's Sean Thomas

US Intelligence on Syria Gas Attack 'Unconvincing', Says Russia

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Western intelligence reports about Syrian use of chemical weapons that have been seen by the Russian government are “completely unconvincing,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has said.

Mr Lavrov said that evidence recently provided by the United States, Britain, and France showing regime culpability for chemical weapons attacks was too vague to stand up to scrutiny.

“What we were shown before and what our American, British and French colleagues sent us more recently absolutely does not convince us,” he said.

His remarks came a day after John Kerry, the US Secretary of State, insisted America had evidence that Bashar al-Assad used sarin gas in the devastating chemical weapons attack that killed more than 1,400 people last month. Mr Kerry used an appearance on Fox News on Sunday morning to pile pressure on the US Congress ahead of a vote on military strikes announced by Barack Obama over the weekend.

Mr Kerry said that he could not contemplate the idea that Congress would grant "impunity to a ruthless dictator to continue to gas his people". He said the US had detected sarin in soil and blood samples obtained from first responders.

Meanwhile it was reported that Russia has dispatched an intelligence ship to the Eastern Mediterranean, as it further beefs up its naval presence in the region ahead of anticipated US strikes against its Syrian ally. » | Roland Oliphant, Moscow | Monday, September 02, 2013

Monday, August 26, 2013

Russia Warns West Over 'Illegal' Syria Intervention

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Russian foreign minister warns West that military intervention in Syrian conflict without UN Security Council approval would violate international law, as UN inspectors finally arrive at site of last week's suspected chemical weapons attack.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told reporters that the use of military force by the West against Assad's regime without the approval of the UN Security Council "is a very grave violation of international law".

Speaking at a hastily convened news conference, he added that the West was currently moving towards "a very dangerous path, a very slippery path".

His comments came after William Hague today refused to rule out bombing Assad regime targets within days, warning that the Syrian regime could not be allowed to use chemical weapons against its own people “with impunity”, following an alleged attack last week in which at least 355 people were killed and 3,600 injured.

Royal Navy vessels are being readied to take part in a possible series of cruise missile strikes, alongside the United States, as military commanders finalise a list of potential targets.

The British Foreign Secretary said "there is no possible explanation other than that [the alleged chemical attack] has been carried out by the Assad regime". » | Andrew Marszal | Monday, August 26, 2013

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Edward Snowden No Show for Another Cuba Flight, Russia Fires Back at U.S.

Read the article here | Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Rebel Support ‘Pushes Syria Deeper into the Abyss of Bloody Sectarianism’ – Lavrov

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Military Intervention in Syria Will Lead to Catastrophe – Lavrov

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Syrie: La Russie accuse les Usa d’armer les rebelles

20 MINUTES ONLINE: Selon le ministre russe des Affaires étrangères, Washington fournit des armes à l'opposition qui combat le gouvernement syrien.

Le ministre russe des Affaires étrangères Sergueï Lavrov a accusé les Etats-Unis de livrer des armes aux rebelles syriens, lors d'une conférence de presse mercredi à Téhéran.

«Les Etats-Unis fournissent à l'opposition des armes qui sont utilisées dans les combats contre le gouvernement syrien», a-t-il affirmé, en justifiant par opposition les ventes d'armement russe à la Syrie qui «ne violent aucune loi internationale» et portent sur «des équipement défensifs». » | afp | mercredi 13 juin 2012

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Assad promet l'apaisement mais la violence continue en Syrie

REUTERS FRANCE: AMMAN (Reuters) - La Russie a dit mardi avoir obtenu la promesse de Bachar al Assad de mettre fin au bain de sang en Syrie, mais Occidentaux et pays arabes multiplient les initiatives pour isoler le gouvernement syrien qui poursuit ses opérations de répression.

Après le veto opposé samedi à l'Onu par Moscou et Pékin à une résolution du Conseil de sécurité prônant la mise à l'écart du président syrien, conformément à un plan de la Ligue arabe, le Kremlin a entamé une mission de médiation avec la visite de son ministre des Affaires étrangères à Damas.

Sergueï Lavrov s'est entretenu avec Assad et a annoncé avoir obtenu l'assurance qu'il était "totalement déterminé" à mettre fin aux violences, qui ont fait plus de 5.000 morts depuis 11 mois selon l'Onu, et à ouvrir la voie à une réforme constitutionnelle.

"Depuis le début, la Syrie a accueilli favorablement tout effort qui soutient une solution syrienne à la crise", écrit l'agence de presse Sana citant Assad lors de sa rencontre avec Lavrov. "Le président de la Syrie nous a assuré être totalement déterminé à mettre fin aux violences d'où qu'elles viennent", a déclaré Sergueï Lavrov cité par l'agence de presse Interfax. » | Par Khaled Yacoub Oweis | mardi 07 février 2012
Russian Foreign Minister in Damascus for Assad Talks

Russia's foreign minister has arrived in Syria for talks with President Bashar al-Assad as the Syrian army's deadly bombardment of the city of Homs enters its fifth day.

Large crowds greeted Sergei Lavrov in Damascus.

His visit to Damascus comes three days after Russia and China vetoed any UN-backed measures against the Assad government over its crackdown on protesters.

Al Jazeera's Omar al-Saleh reports.