Saturday, February 22, 2014

Saudis erlaubten Gottesdienst für Christen

DIE PRESSE: Riad ließ erstmals orthodoxe Christen feiern. Der koptisch-orthodoxe Papst-Patriach Tawadros II. bestätigte dem evangelischen Berliner Bischof Dröge, dass die christliche Feier auf saudischem Boden durchgeführt wurde.

Riad/Wien. Der Bau von Kirchen ist genauso verboten wie das Tragen von Kreuzen: In Saudiarabien kann jede öffentliche Glaubensbekundung von Nichtmuslimen bestraft werden. Es ist daher eine kleine Sensation, dass nun erstmals ein christlich-orthodoxer Gottesdienst in der ultrakonservativen Golfmonarchie stattfinden durfte. Der koptisch-orthodoxe Papst-Patriach Tawadros II. bestätigte dem evangelischen Berliner Bischof Markus Dröge während dessen Ägypten-Besuch, dass die christliche Feier auf saudischem Boden tatsächlich durchgeführt wurde. „Das ist ein erfreuliches Ereignis und ein erstes Zeichen wachsender religiöser Toleranz“, erklärte Dröge gegenüber der „Presse“. » | Doe Presse | Freitag, 21. Februar 2014

USA ändern Medienregeln für Jagd auf Whistleblower

DIE WELT: Bei der Jagd auf Whistleblower greifen Justizermittler heimlich auf Daten von Journalisten zu. Nach einem Aufschrei der Empörung verkündet ihr Chef Eric Holder nun neue Regeln im Umgang mit Medien.

Das US-Justizministerium will sich bei Ermittlungen gegen Whistleblower strengere Regeln im Umgang mit Medien auferlegen. In den meisten Fällen werde der Staat betroffene Presseunternehmen künftig vorab informieren, bevor Daten aus investigativen Recherchen angefordert würden, teilte die Behörde am Freitag mit. » | AP/cbo | Samstag, 22. Februar 2014

Focus on Religious Right Hides Dwindling Number of US Churchgoers

This image released by 20th Century Fox shows Diogo
Morgado in a scene from 'Son of God'
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: As research suggests just 25 per cent of Americans now attend church weekly, Republicans must cater for increasingly secular mainstream without alienating evangelical base

This week millions of the religious faithful in America are to be shepherded into the nation's cinemas in order to watch 'Son of God', a conventional Hollywood biopic of Jesus Christ that premieres on Thursday.

Coming after last year's HBO mini-series 'The Bible', which garnered 95 million viewers, it would seem a fair bet that this film is pretty much guaranteed to be another hit.

One Texas congregation alone has bought 9,000 tickets. But such displays of mega-church muscle only serve to conceal how far and how fast the ground has shifted under America's Religious Right over the last decade or so.

It's not that America has suddenly abandoned its faith, but more that a large chunk of previously nominal Christians - the Christmas and wedding-only types - have become much happier to declare themselves in the religious camp marked 'don't really care'. » | Peter Foster in Washington | Saturday, February 22, 2014

Related »

Auch ohne Volksabstimmung: Island will nicht mehr in die EU

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Die Regierung in Reykjavik will Islands Kandidatur wieder zurückziehen. Ein ursprünglich vorgesehenes Referendum dazu soll es nicht geben. Die EU-Ablehnung hängt nicht nur am Euro.

Islands Regierung will auf den ursprünglich geplanten EU-Beitritt des Inselstaats verzichten, ohne das Volk zuvor nach seiner Meinung zu fragen. Die regierende Fortschrittspartei und ihre ebenfalls euroskeptischen Koalitionspartner der Unabhängigkeitspartei einigten sich am Freitag auf ein Gesetzesvorhaben, mit dem die 2010 eingereichte Kandidatur auf einen Beitritt zur Europäischen Union wieder zurückgezogen werden soll. Außenminister Gunnar Bragi Sveinsson erklärte im öffentlichen Rundfunk, er werde die Umsetzung des Kurswechsels persönlich vorantreiben. » | Quelle: AFP | Freitag, 21. Februar 2014

Ukraine : Ioulia Timochenko libérée

Ioulia Timochenko

LE POINT: L'ex-opposante a été libérée samedi après-midi. Elle est en route pour le centre de Kiev, où elle devrait arriver dans la soirée.

Le symbole est de taille. Ioulia Timochenko a été libérée samedi après-midi, quelques heures à peine après un vote du Parlement ukrainien. Ce vote intervient alors que plusieurs proches de l'opposante occupent désormais des postes-clés.

Ioulia Timochenko est en route vers le Maïdan, haut lieu de la contestation dans le centre de Kiev. Dans une voiture, Mme Timochenko, coiffée de sa tresse emblématique, a fait un signe de la main aux journalistes et à ses partisans qui l'attendaient devant l'hôpital carcéral où elle était soignée pour hernies discales à Kharkiv (est). Elle va prendre un avion et se rendre à Kiev sur le Maïdan, a indiqué son allié Arseni Iatseniouk. » | Source AFP | samedi 22 février 2014

Plan to Split California into Six States Gains Ground

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: The proposal would create a state out of Silicon Valley, home to tech giants Google, Facebook and Apple

A plan to divide California into six separate US states is closer to making it on to a November ballot, with organisers gaining approval to collect signatures.

The seemingly far-fetched initiative, sponsored by Silicon Valley venture capitalist Tim Draper, claims "political representation of California's diverse population and economies has rendered the state nearly ungovernable."

And on Tuesday, the California Secretary of State's office gave the movement a boost, saying that proponents "may begin collecting petition signatures."

At least 807,615 voters will need to sign the petition by July 18 to make it onto the ballot. » | AFP | Friday, February 21, 2014

Mehdi Hasan – Non-Muslims Live Like Animals

"We know that keeping the moral high-ground is key. Once we lose the moral high-ground we are no different from the rest, of the non-Muslims; from the rest of those human beings who live their lives as animals, bending any rule to fulfil any desire."

"Ayatollah Khameinei has issued a fatwa saying the stockpiling, the production, the use of nuclear weapons us forbidden under Islam. Spot on. Islamic Republic of Iran. The fatwa of the Supreme Leader."

HT: Roger Murray Clark »

Head to Head: Do Arab Men Hate Women?

With one question, journalist Mona Eltahawy unleashed a harsh critique of women's rights in the Arab world.

Men Banned from Becoming Queen as 700 Years of Law Redrafted ahead of Gay Marriage

Men banned from becoming Queen as 700 years of law
redrafted ahead of gay marriage
THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Words such as “widow” removed from statutes while medieval treason laws and even rules on royal titles amended ahead of gay marriage

Men are to be banned from becoming Queen or Princess of Wales as part of an unprecedented effort to rewrite more than 700 years of law to prevent unintended consequences of gay marriage.

Even a 14th Century act declaring it high treason to have an affair with the monarch’s husband or wife is included in the sweeping redrafting exercise.

Civil servants have drawn up a list of scores of statutes and regulations dating back as far 1285 to be amended or specifically excluded when the Government’s Same-Sex Marriage Act comes into force next month.

Under proposals to be debated by MPs and Peers as early as next week, terms such as “widow” will be deleted or reworded in legislation covering topics as diverse as seamen’s pensions and London cab licences to take account of the new definition of marriage.

References to mothers, fathers, husbands and wives are also to be amended to avoid future confusion. » | John Bingham, Social Affairs Editor | Friday, February 21, 2014

Friday, February 21, 2014

Familientreffen: Nordkoreaner wollten Süd-Verwandte indoktrinieren

Für viele der 82 südkoreanischen Teilnehmer ist das Treffen
in Nordkorea die wohl letzte Möglichkeit, ihre Verwandten zu sehen
DIE WELT: Erstmals seit drei Jahren durften sich Südkoreaner privat mit nordkoreanischen Verwandten treffen. Einige von diesen sollen aber versucht haben, ihre Familienmitglieder ideologisch zu beeinflussen.

Beim ersten Familientreffen zwischen Nord- und Südkoreanern nach mehr als drei Jahren haben sich die Teilnehmer am Freitag privat sehen können; am Tag zuvor hatte es bereits ein solches Treffen unter Anwesenheit von Fernsehteams gegeben. Nach den Privattreffen im nordkoreanischen Feriengebiet Kumgang beklagten sich allerdings mehrere Südkoreaner. Grund: Ihre nordkoreanischen Angehörigen hätten versucht, sie zu "indoktrinieren".

So erzählte der 81-jährige Kim Dong-bin aus Südkorea, seine beiden im Norden lebenden Schwestern hätten viel Zeit darauf verwendet, die andauernde Präsenz von US-Truppen im Süden zu verurteilen. Sie hätten ausgeführt, dass es eine Wiedervereinigung der beiden koreanischen Staaten nur bei einem Abzug der amerikanischen Soldaten geben könne. » | AFP/dpa/jw | Freitag, 21. Februar 2014

Dalaï-lama aux USA: Obama exprime son soutien aux Tibétains

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: Barack Obama a reçu vendredi le dalaï lama, malgré la colère de la Chine. Il a à nouveau exprimé vendredi son «soutien» à la protection des droits de l'homme au Tibet.

Le président américain Barack Obama a reçu vendredi le dalaï lama et dit soutenir les droits de l'homme au Tibet, ignorant la colère de la Chine qui avait exigé l'annulation de cette rencontre à la Maison Blanche.

«Le président a réitéré son soutien appuyé à la préservation des traditions religieuses, culturelles et linguistiques du Tibet et à la protection des droits de l'homme pour les Tibétains au sein de la République populaire de Chine», a indiqué l'exécutif américain dans un compte-rendu de la réunion.

Pas considéré comme un dirigeant politique

Plus tôt, la Maison Blanche avait souligné que le dalaï lama avait été reçu «en tant que leader religieux et culturel respecté internationalement», sous-entendant qu'il n'était pas convié en qualité de dirigeant politique.

En outre, dans le but apparent d'atténuer la colère de Pékin, la présidence avait organisé la réception du dalaï lama dans la salle des cartes de la Maison Blanche et non le prestigieux Bureau ovale, réservé aux chefs d'Etat et de gouvernement étrangers. Continuez à lire et ajouter un commentaire » | afp/Newsnet | vendredi 21 février 2014

L'homophobie devrait être poursuivie comme le racisme

TRIBUNE DE GENÈVE: Par 14 voix contre 10, la commission des affaires juridiques du National souhaite étendre la norme pénale antiraciste à la discrimination basée sur l'orientation sexuelle

L'homophobie devrait être combattue en Suisse au même titre que le racisme. C'est en tout cas l'avis de la commission des affaires juridiques du National.

Selon Mathias Reynard (PS/VS), l'auteur de cette initiative parlementaire, un vide juridique existe dans la répression des incitations à la haine basées sur l'orientation sexuelle des individus. La législation ne permet pas de s'attaquer aux propos homophobes exprimés en termes généraux. » | ats/Newsnet | vendredi 21 février 2014

Chess in a Minefield: The Global Implications of the Ukraine Conflict

Smoke rising on Independence Square in Kiev on Thursday.
SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: The bloody conflict in Ukraine could trigger yet another confrontation between the West and Russia. Dominance in Europe is at stake on the geopolitical chess board. While Ukraine itself could descend into civil war.

The quote printed in SPIEGEL 33 years ago was a noteworthy one, and still sounds remarkably topical: "We have to ensure that this Soviet empire, when it breaks apart due to its internal contradictions, does so with a whimper rather than a bang." The sentence was spoken by US Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger during an interview conducted in September of 1981.

This week in Ukraine, one of the core regions of that former empire, it is looking very much like a "bang." Thursday in Kiev has seen bloody violence that has cost the lives of dozens amid gunfire and brutal clashes on Independence Square. Hundreds have been wounded, many seriously. The violence comes on the heels of similar battles on Tuesday -- and mark the beginning of what could become an extended and dramatic conflict over the country's future. » | Uwe Klussmann | Thursday, February 20, 2014

What’s Next for Venezuela’s Opposition?

CNN: Venezuela tells CNN journalists to ;get out’ » | CNN Staff | Friday, February 21, 2014

The Changing Face of Britain! My Story, My Journey, My Islam – Yusuf Liam (September 2013)

Faith Change: Islam Rapidly Grows as Christianity Declines in UK

Christianity's central place in British culture could be increasingly under threat, with church attendance numbers in severe decline. Meanwhile, the nation's second largest religion, Islam, is growing faster than ever; with some studies suggesting it could eventually become the dominant faith. RT's Polly Boiko has the story.

Muslims Demand "Right of Return" to Spain

GATESTONE INSTITUTE: Observers say that by granting citizenship to all descendants of expelled Muslims, Spain, virtually overnight, would end up with the largest Muslim population in the European Union.

"Is Spain aware of what might be assumed when it makes peace with some but not with others? Is Spain aware of what this decision [not to include Muslims in the return] could cost?... Does Spain have alternatives to the foreign investment from Muslims?" — Ahmed Bensalh, Morisco-Moroccan journalist.

"Persecution of Jews was just that, while what happened with the Arabs was part of a conflict. There is no basis for comparison." — Jose Ribeiro e Castro, Portuguese lawmaker who drafted Portuguese law of return.

Muslim groups are demanding Spanish citizenship for potentially millions of descendants of Muslims who were expelled from Spain during the Middle Ages.

The growing clamor for "historical justice" comes after the recent approval of a law that would grant Spanish citizenship to descendants of Sephardic Jews expelled from Spain in 1492.

Muslim supporters say they are entitled to the same rights and privileges as Jews because both groups were expelled from Spain under similar historical circumstances.

But historians point out that the Jewish presence in Spain predates the arrival of Christianity in the country and that their expulsion was a matter of bigotry. By contrast, the Muslims in Spain were colonial occupiers who called the territory Al-Andalus and imposed Arabic as the official language. Historians say their expulsion was a matter of decolonization.

In any event, the descendants of Muslims expelled from Spain are believed to number in the millions—possibly tens of millions—and most of them now live in North Africa. Observers say that by granting citizenship to all of them, Spain, virtually overnight, would end up with the largest Muslim population in the European Union.

Much of the Iberian Peninsula was occupied by Muslim conquerors known as the Moors from 711 until 1492, when the Moorish Kingdom of Granada surrendered to the Catholic Monarchs of Spain (Isabella I of Castile and Ferdinand II of Aragon), in what is known as the Christian Reconquest.

But the final Muslim expulsion from Granada did not take place until over a century later, beginning in 1609, when King Philip III decreed the expulsion of the Moriscos.

The Moriscos—Moors who decided to convert to Catholicism after the Reconquest rather than leave Spain—were suspected of being nominal Catholics who continued to practice Islam in secret. From 1609 through 1614, the Spanish monarchy forced an estimated 350,000 Moriscos to leave Spain for Muslim North Africa.

Today, up to five million descendants of the Moriscos are living in Morocco alone; there are millions more living in Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Mauritania, Tunisia and Turkey. Read on and comment » | Soeren Kern | Friday, February 21, 2014

Inside Story: Journalism On Trial in Egypt

Al Jazeera case strikes at the heart of press freedom.

UK Journalists Call for Free Press in Egypt

Demonstrators in London demand better treatment of press in the country where an Al Jazeera team is being detained.

Arizona Legislature Sends ‘Anti-gay’ Bill to Republican Governor Jan Brewer

It is unclear if Arizona governor Jan Brewer will sign into law
a bill allowing businesses and others to deny service to gays.
THE GUARDIAN: Bill would allow businesses, churches and individuals to cite religion as reason for denying service to gay people

The Arizona legislature gave final approval to legislation that allows business owners asserting their religious beliefs to refuse service to gays, drawing backlash from Democrats who called the proposal “state-sanctioned discrimination” and an embarrassment.

The 33-27 vote by the House Thursday evening sends the legislation to Republican Governor Jan Brewer and puts Arizona back at the forefront of a polarizing piece of legislation four years after the state enacted an immigration crackdown that caused a national furor.

Similar religious protection legislation has been introduced in Ohio, Mississippi, Idaho, South Dakota, Tennessee and Oklahoma, but Arizona’s plan is the only one that has passed. The efforts are stalled in Idaho, Ohio and Kansas.

Republicans stressed that the bill is about protecting religious freedom and not discrimination. They frequently cited the case of a New Mexico photographer who was sued after refusing to take wedding pictures of a gay couple and said Arizona needs a law to protect people in the state from heavy-handed actions by courts and law enforcement. » | Associated Press in Phoenix | Friday, February 21, 2014

THE GUARDIAN: Kansas Republican leaders get cold feet over 'anti-gay' bill: Bill approved by Kansas house would give religious individuals and groups the right to deny services to same-sex couples » | Ed Pilkington in New York | Friday, February 14, 2014