Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Al Jazeera's James Bays Reports on Toulouse Shooter's Time in Kandahar

Al Jazeera's James Bays, reporting live from Kabul says that Major Ghulam Farooq confirmed that prison records show a Mohamed Merah, of unknown nationality, was detained in Kandahar.

Al Jazeera Not to Air French Killings Video

AL JAZEERA: Network says video showing shootings that left seven dead ins southern France did not meet its code of ethics.

Al Jazeera has said it will not air a video that it received in a mail, showing three shooting attacks in Toulose and Montauban in southern France this month.

The network on Tuesday said the video did not add any information that was not already in public domain. It also did not meet the television station's code of ethics for broadcast. » | Source: Al Jazeera | Tuesday, March 27, 2012

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Tunisia Says Constitution Will Not Cite Islamic Law

THE NEW YORK TIMES: CAIRO — Tunisia’s ruling Islamist party, Ennahda, said on Monday that the country’s post-revolution constitution would not mention Islamic law as a source of legislation, signaling a forceful break with ultraconservatives who have been demanding an Islamic state.

Instead, a drafting committee will preserve language in Tunisia’s current constitution that refers to Islam as the state’s religion and Arabic as its language, according to Said Ferjani, a member of the political bureau of Ennahda, the Islamist party that leads Tunisia’s government.

He and other Ennahda leaders framed the decision as a bid to unify the country’s disparate political factions during a delicate political transition. “There is a huge consensus within Ennahda. We have to show leadership,” Mr. Ferjani said. “We want everyone to get involved.” » | Kareem Fahim | Monday, March 26, 2012
Norway Jails Islamic Cleric For Making Death Threats

RTT NEWS: A court in Norway on Monday jailed Iraq-born Islamic cleric Mullah Krekar for five years for making death threats against Norwegian officials and others.

Krekar, who arrived in Norway as a refugee in 1991, was found guilty of making death threats against former Norwegian Minister Erna Solberg as well as three Kurds [sic] immigrants living in Norway.

The Kurdish Islamic cleric has consistently denied any wrongdoings in both cases, and indicated in court on Monday that he planned to appeal.

The 55-year-old cleric, whose real name is Najmuddin Faraj Ahmad, was accused of threatening the three Norwegian Kurds after they burned pages of the Holy Koran or insulted it in another way. » | RTT News Staff Writer | RTTNews | Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Ex-IAEA-Chef ElBaradei: "Wer Iran angreift, ist verrückt"

DIE PRESSE: Ein Angriff würde die gesamte Region zerfetzen. Sicherheit für Israel sei nur möglich, wenn das Land in der Region anerkannt werde. Der gesamte nahe Osten müsse eine atomwaffenfreie Zone werden.

Der langjährige Generaldirektor der in Wien ansässigen Internationalen Atomenergie-Agentur (IAEA), Mohammed ElBaradei, hat Israel eindringlich vor einem Krieg gegen den Iran gewarnt. "Jeder, der den Iran angreift, ist völlig verrückt", sagte der Friedensnobelpreisträger. "Das würde die gesamte Region zerfetzen." Israel hat mehrfach mit Luftangriffen gegen iranische Nuklearanlagen gedroht, um das Land vom möglichen Bau einer Atombombe abzuhalten. ElBaradei äußerte sich aber auch skeptisch zu den geplanten internationalen Gesprächen über das iranische Atomprogramm. Wichtig sei, bis zur US-Präsidentschaftswahl im November die aktuelle Krise unter Kontrolle zu behalten.

Der 69-jährige Ägypter warnte davor, dass Israel mit einem Angriff auf den Iran genau das Gegenteil seiner Absichten erreichen würde. "Der Iran wäre dann auf dem schnellsten Weg, eigene Atomwaffen zu entwickeln - und das mit der Unterstützung jedes einzelnen Iraners, fast des gesamten Nahen Ostens und einer Menge anderer Leute in der Welt." Israelmüsse verstehen, dass es Sicherheit nur dann bekommen könne, wenn es im Nahen Osten akzeptiert werde. » | APA | Dienstag, 27. März 2012
Papst ruft Kubaner zum Aufbau einer offeneren Gesellschaft auf

REUTERS DEUTSCHLAND: Santiago de Cuba (Reuters) - Papst Benedikt hat bei seinem Besuch auf Kuba die Bürger zum Aufbau einer offeneren Gesellschaft aufgerufen.

Der Pontifex forderte zugleich die kommunistische Führung des Landes auf, der katholischen Kirche mehr Freiheiten zu gewähren, damit diese dem vor einer unsicheren Zukunft stehenden Land helfen könne.

"Ich rufe Euch auf, Euren Glauben neu zu beleben, dass Ihr in und für Christus lebt, dass Ihr gerüstet seid mit Friedfertigkeit, Vergebung und Verständnis", sagte Benedikt XVI. in seiner ersten Messe kurz nach der Ankunft in Santiago de Cuba am Montag vor Zehntausenden Besuchern. "Damit Ihr dazu beitragen könnt, eine erneuerte und offene Gesellschaft aufzubauen, eine bessere Gesellschaft, eine mit mehr Menschlichkeit, die auch Gottes Güte besser widerspiegelt."

An der Messe nahm auch Kubas Staatschef Raul Castro teil. Er hatte zuvor bereits das Oberhaupt der katholischen Kirche auf dem Flughafen Santiagos begrüßt. Der dreitägige Besuch soll die Rolle der katholischen Kirche auf Kuba stärken. Bei der Visite sind auch ein Gespräch mit Castro und eine Messe in der Hauptstadt Havanna geplant. » | Von Philip Pullella und Simon Gardner | Reuters | Dienstag, 27. März 2012
Al Djazira appelée à ne pas diffuser les vidéos de Mohamed Merah

REUTERS FRANCE: PARIS - Le Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel et le ministre français des Affaires étrangères, Alain Juppé, ont appelé mardi la chaîne Al Djazira à ne pas diffuser les vidéos tournées par Mohamed Merah au cours de ses meurtres.

Une copie des images filmées lors de ses sept meurtres à Toulouse et Montauban par le tueur abattu jeudi par la police est parvenue au bureau parisien de la chaîne de télévision qatarie, qui n'a pas encore pris la décision de les diffuser ou non. » | Patrick Vignal et Gwenaëlle Barzic, édité par Yves Clarisse | Reuters | mardi 27 mars 2012
Nicolas Sarkozy annonce de nouvelles mesures de sécurité

REUTERS FRANCE: PARIS - Nicolas Sarkozy a annoncé mardi de nouvelles mesures de sécurité contre les dérives extrémistes et les risques de terrorisme en France, cinq jours après l'épilogue de l'affaire Mohamed Merah. » | Emmanuel Jarry, édité par Yves Clarisse | mardi 27 mars 2012

Monday, March 26, 2012

Hair Product for 'Real Men': Turkish TV Ad Features Hitler to Sell Shampoo

SPIEGEL ONLINE INTERNATIONAL: A Turkish TV commercial has sparked international criticism for featuring Adolf Hitler to praise the virtues of a "hundred percent men's shampoo." Critics have called it "repulsive," but it follows a controversial trend among firms to sell their wares with supposedly humorous references to Hitler and the Nazi era.

A Turkish cosmetics company is under fire for featuring Adolf Hitler in a television advert for men's shampoo, but it continues to run on the country's state television network despite widespread outrage.

The 12-second commercial shows black-and-white footage of Hitler delivering an impassioned speech, dubbed with a high-pitched voice screaming the following words in clipped Turkish:
"Why are you using woman's shampoo if you're not wearing a woman's dress? Now there's the hundred percent men's shampoo Biomen. A real man uses Biomen."
Media reports said that Turkish state television has so far declined to remove the commercial, despite criticism from Jewish groups in Turkey and abroad. The US-based Anti-Defamation League released a statement saying it was "repulsed" at the commercial. » | cro – with wire reports | Monday, March 26, 2012

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Le Cheik Qaradawi : un télévangéliste controversé

LE FIGARO: Youssef al-Qaradawi, célèbre télévangeliste sunnite, se voit interdire sa venue en France par Nicolas Sarkozy. Il était invité au congrès de l'Union des organisations islamiques de France.

À 80 ans passés, le cheikh d'origine égyptienne Youssef al-Qaradawi reste très soucieux de son image. Le célèbre prédicateur musulman n'oublie pas de convoquer les caméras d'al-Jazeera quand il reçoit dans sa villa de Doha en compagnie de sa jeune épouse Asma l'ancien otage en Irak venu le remercier d'avoir œuvré à sa libération. «Ahlan wa sahlan», «soyez le bienvenu», lance dans un grand sourire le cheikh cathodique que la France avait sollicité en 2004 pour apaiser la mouvance salafiste, mécontente de l'adoption de la loi interdisant le port du voile à l'école.

Mais le voici aujourd'hui interdit de congrès de l'Union des organisations islamiques de France par Nicolas Sarkozy, lui qui dispose pourtant d'un passeport diplomatique délivré par l'émirat du Qatar, qui l'abrite depuis 1961. «Cheikh al-Qaradawi ne peut que condamner une telle interdiction (…) car ses fatwas (édits religieux) ont toujours été modérées», réagit depuis Doha Cheikh Ali Kardaghi, le secrétaire général de l'Union mondiale des oulémas musulmans, que dirige al-Qaradawi. » | Par Georges Malbrunot | lundi 26 mars 2012
Barack Obama Caught Hinting at Concessions to Dmitry Medvedev

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Barack Obama was accused of putting his desire for re-election before America's national security on Monday, after being caught hinting to President Dmitry Medvedev that he would offer concessions to Russia on defence if he were re-elected.

The US president was captured by a live microphone telling Mr Medvedev that he would have "more flexibility" in negotiations over contentious plans for a missile shield in Europe if he beat his Republican challenger in November.

Delivering a message for president-elect Vladimir Putin, Mr Obama said: "On all these issues, but particularly missile defence, this can be solved, but it's important for him to give me space.

"This is my last election," he added, in a discussion following a meeting in Seoul, South Korea. "After my election, I have more flexibility." "Yeah, I understand," Mr Medvedev replied. "I understand your message about space". He added: "I understand. I transmit this information to Vladimir." » | Jon Swaine | Washington | Monday, March 26, 2012

Briten-Premier David Cameron: Dinner mit fadem Beigeschmack

SPIEGEL ONLINE: Einst gab David Cameron den Kämpfer gegen Mauscheleien, nun hat er selbst einen Skandal am Hals: Reiche Großspender konnten sich privaten Zugang zum Premier erkaufen. Viele Briten fragen sich, wie groß der Einfluss der Oberschicht auf die Entscheidungen des Premiers ist.

Wie viel kostet es, mit David Cameron im privaten Rahmen zu Abend zu essen? Wer mindestens 200.000 Pfund ausgibt, der bekommt "Premier-League-Zugang" zum britischen Premierminister. So hat es Peter Cruddas, Schatzmeister der britischen Konservativen, ausgedrückt. Dummerweise wurde er dabei von Undercover-Reportern gefilmt - und musste am Sonntag sogleich zurücktreten.

Die aufschlussreiche Video-Aufzeichnung, die die "Sunday Times" am Wochenende veröffentlichte, bringt den britischen Premierminister in Erklärungsnot. Der Tory, der einst als Saubermann der britischen Politik angetreten war, hat nun seinen eigenen Parteispendenskandal am Hals. Schon fragen die britischen Medien, wen Cameron getroffen hat - und was die Spender im Gegenzug erhalten haben.

Als großzügiger Geldgeber treffe man nicht den Premierminister, sondern die Person David Cameron und seine Frau Samantha in ihrer privaten Wohnung in der Downing Street, hatte Cruddas den Undercover-Reportern erklärt, die als potentielle Spender aufgetreten waren. Und er versprach für das Geld eine echte Gegenleistung: "Wenn Sie unglücklich sind, hören wir Ihnen zu und geben es an die Politik-Abteilung in der Downing Street weiter."

Alles gelogen, sagt nun das Büro des Premierministers. Cruddas habe dick aufgetragen und seinen Einfluss maßlos übertrieben. So laufe es in Wirklichkeit gar nicht. Cameron selbst erklärte am Montag in einer Rede, weder er noch sein Team hätten Spender auf Cruddas' Vermittlung hin getroffen. Keine einzige politische Entscheidung sei verändert worden. » | Carsten Volkery | London | Montag, 26. März 2012

Verwandt »
Barack Obama Warns Iran and North Korea over Nuclear Weapons

Speaking in Seoul, the capital of South Korea, ahead of an international summit on nuclear security, Barack Obama urges North Korea and Iran to abandon their nuclear weapons programmes. The US president also urges North Korea to cancel a rocket launch planned for next month, and discussed arms cuts with Russia's President Dmitry Medvedev

Read the article here | Associated Press in Seoul | Monday, March 26, 2012
Satirist Revolutionises Comedy in Egypt

Since the revolution Egyptian political satire has developed a sharper edge. Political satirist Bassem Youssef has become a household name with his take on post-revolution debates, debacles and disasters. He even has more than 50 million YouTube hits for his show 'El Bernameg,' or 'The Programme'. Al Jazeera's Rawya Rageh reports from Cairo and spoke to the man behind Egypt's so-called 'comedy revolution'.

Calls Grow to Probe UK Donation Scandal

Britain's opposition party is calling for a full inquiry into a donation scandal that has embarrassed Prime Minister David Cameron and the Conservative party. Cameron has promised a "proper inquiry" into donations after the resignation of Tory co-treasurer Peter Cruddas after reporters filmed him saying donations to the Conservative party could ensure access to the Prime Minister. Al Jazeera's Peter Sharp reports from London.

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Portugal's Effective Approach to Drugs

Portugal's approach is now being studied around the world. Just over 10 years ago it decriminalised the possession and use of drugs and expanded treatment for addicts.

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Cash for Access: David Cameron Publishes Full Details of Downing Street Dinners

David Cameron has bowed to pressure over the Conservatives’ donation scandal, agreeing to publish details of his private Downing Street dinners with party funders.

Read the article and comment here | James Kirkup | Monday, March 26, 2012

My comment:

I despair of this country's so-called 'democracy'. The word plutocracy comes to mind even as I write this. The strategy seems to be: Talk a good line in democracy so that the little people think they are living in a democracy, but all the while the levers of power are being pulled by the über-rich. – © Mark

This comment also appears here

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Toulouse Siege: Blaming Killings on Immigration Controls 'Makes No Sense', Nicolas Sarkozy Says

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: Nicolas Sarkozy has blasted as “senseless” French National Front candidate Marine Le Pen’s claims that the Toulouse murders were linked to immigration.

Losing steam in the polls for round one of presidential elections on April 22, Miss Le Pen on Sunday launched a virulent attack on immigration, linking it to what she called a “green fascist” wave of Islamic fundamentalism threatening to unfurl over France after the deaths of seven this month at the hands of the self-styled al Qaeda killer.

The 23-year old Frenchman of Algerian descent was killed by elite French police in a shoot-out in his apartment last Thursday after a 32-hour siege.

“How many Mohamed Merahs are there in the boats and planes that arrive in France full of immigrants ?,” Miss Le Pen asked at a rally in Nantes, western France.

“Mohamed Merah is perhaps only the tip of the iceberg... This is not about the madness of one man but the advance of green fascism in our country."

Reacting on Monday morning, Mr Sarkozy said it was senseless to link Mr Merah to immigration as he was French. "We can't equate Mohamed Merah, born in France, French, to the children of immigrants arriving by boat,” he told France Info. “He was simply a monster.” » | Henry Samuel | Paris | Monday, March 26, 2012
Man Pays Dearly for Touching Woman’s Hand

EMIRATES 24|7: An Indian tailor in Saudi Arabia finally summed up his courage and touched the hand of an Arab female customer who[m] he likes. The man now needs to sum up more courage as he faces seven months in jail and 160 lashes.

The woman was enquiring about her dress at the tailoring workshop in the western Red Sea port of Jeddah when the Indian man came to her.

She told police that he touched her hand and invited her to his house, adding that he also offered her money and said he wanted to marry her. » | Staff | Monday, March 26, 2012
Maid Not Paid by Employer for 15 Years

EMIRATES 24|7: A Sri Lankan housemaid in Saudi Arabia had thought she would return home with a fortune when she told her employer to pay her only when she decides to leave the Gulf Kingdom. When it was time for the return after 15 years, she realized her grave mistake as her employer simply vanished.

Just before Kosoma Tandani was about to leave, her Saudi employer took her to the government-run Housemaid Service Centre in Riyadh and dumped her there.

He then disappeared, triggering a police manhunt for him. » | Staff | Monday, March 26, 2012