Monday, November 02, 2015

US Analyzing New Tape from Al Qaeda Leader Zawahiri

Nov. 02, 2015 - 2:01 - References made to current events

Will Syria Be President Obama's Vietnam?

Nov. 02, 2015 - 6:13 - U.S. prepares to send 50 Special Ops 'advisers' to war to Syria

Is Hillary Clinton 'Too Big to Jail'?

Nov. 02, 2015 - 5:27 - Critics fear former secretary of state will not be held accountable for email scandal

Verfassungsschutz beobachtet besorgte Bürger: Asyl, Flüchtlinge, Pegida, AfD

Independent: Teach More Islam in UK Schools, Muhammad Had British Values

BREITBART.COM: The Independent newspaper has published an article claiming that more Islam should be taught in schools because the Islamic prophet, Muhammed, had “British values”. The article is written by a PhD student who claims she has “a lot” of “respect” for a leading UK Muslim Brotherhood activist.

The author, Sajda Khan, used to write for the Huffington Post, though many of her articles – all propaganda pieces about Islam – have now been “removed at the request of the author”. Ms. Khan – who once slammed UK think tank Civitas for attacking the idea of “jihad” – also has a different name to the one listed on her Huffington Post profile from 2012.

Her name was “Sahar” on the HuffPo, whereas she now goes by “Sajda”. She has denied changing her name, though admitted: “I began to write under a pseudonym but then resorted to my own name – because I didn’t see a need.”

Ms. Khan wrote for the Independent:
Simply put, the way to combat Islamic extremism is to invest in real Islamic teaching in British schools: teaching that proves the Prophet Mohammed would never have condoned their actions.

Many reading this will find it difficult to stomach, but the Prophet Mohammed had British values. Those values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect, and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs that schools are now required to promote are inherently Islamic.
But her article directly contradicts one she wrote for the Telegraph just 5 months ago, entitled: “British values won’t stop violent extremism”. She wrote: » | Breitbart London | Monday, November 2, 2015

London Nightclub Shuttered after Anti-Semitic Brawl

ARUTZ SHEVA: Trendy club Boujis loses license for 10 days after fight breaks out over anti-Semitic remarks aimed at group of Jewish patrons.

A swanky London nightclub had its license suspended Thursday after several fights culminated last Sunday in a brawl involving anti-Semitic slurs aimed at group of Jewish patrons.

Kensington and Chelsea Council's Licensing Committee voted to temporarily revoke Boujis' license in response to the violence, the International Business Times reported Friday.

Seven people, aged 18 to 21, were arrested in the brawl on October 25, which CCTV footage shows involved between 15 to 20 people.

During the fight, one man is heard shouting "f---ing Jews." According to the Evening Standard, anti-Semitic remarks aimed at a group of Jewish patrons who had booked a table in the club provoked the brawl. » | Cynthia Blank | Sunday, November 1, 2015

Deutschland - Feuer im Dach bei den Unionsparteien

Die Flüchtlingspolitik der deutschen Bundeskanzlerin sorgt für Unmut in den Unionsparteien. Die Existenz von CDU und CSU stehe auf dem Spiel, sagt der bayerische Ministerpräsident Horst Seehofer. CDU-Finanzminister Schäuble, der seit 43 Jahren im Bundestag ist, spricht von einer dramatisch schlechten Stimmung in der CDU.

Germany’s Muslim Population to Quadruple in the Next Five Years: 20 Million Muslims by 2020

JIHAD WATCH: That’s five years from now. This will involve societal upheaval on an unimaginable scale. But it’s full speed ahead for the Merkel government, despite internal evaluations that lay it out plainly: “We are importing Islamic extremism, Arab anti-Semitism, national and ethnic conflicts of other peoples, as well as a different understanding of society and law. German security agencies are unable to deal with these imported security problems, and the resulting reactions from the German population.” Read on and comment » | Robert Spencer | Sunday, November 1, 2015

Kontaktversuch: "Lügenpresse" trifft Pegida | Panorama | NDR

Panorama hat die Pegida-Demonstranten zu Wort kommen lassen. Nach Ausstrahlung teilte der bei Minute 03:02 interviewte Mann mit Mütze mit, er sei für RTL dort gewesen. Dies war uns nicht bekannt.

PEGIDA Dresden – Abendspaziergang (November 2, 2015)

Großer Abendspaziergang von PEGIDA Dresden. Live vom Neumarkt an der Frauenkirche.

Germany: Far-right Thuringia Demo Countered by Dozens of Pro-refugee Activists

Dozens of far-right protesters gathered in the town of Rudolstadt in Thuringia, Sunday, and marched through the city centre in opposition to the German government's policies towards the ongoing refugee crisis and refugee flows.

Germany: Merkel and Seehofer Reach Refugee Deal, Gabriel Walks Out - Reports

German Chancellor Angela Merkel met with Vice Chancellor and SPD Chairman Sigmar Gabriel, Bavarian Minister-President Horst Seehofer and Chief of Staff of the German Chancellery and Federal Minister for Special Affairs Peter Altmeier at the chancellory in Berlin, Sunday, for an emergency summit of the grand coalition to talk about the refugee crisis. The meeting started at 9am local time (8am GMT).

Germany: Father Accused of Strangling Daughter to Death over Forbidden Affair

The trial Lareeb Khan's parents, a 19-year-old girl was purportedly strangled by her father for having a love affair, continued on Monday at the regional court of Darmstadt. The father, Asadullah Khan, has confessed to the crime.

Germany: Ex-airport Tempelhof Berlin Becomes Temporary Refugee Shelter

The city of Berlin opened a second hangar in the former Berlin Tempelhof Airport to house an additional 840 refugees on Monday. The hangars at the former Berlin airport are earmarked to house refugees temporarily for one-two weeks, until a better and more permanent housing situation can be provided.

Bavaria Promises to Bus Refugees to Merkel's Office in Berlin

A Bavarian official has called Chancellor Angela Merkel to tell her that if Germany welcomes a million refugees, his town will only take in around 1800. Any extra will be sent to her in Berlin by bus.

PM Orbán: Immigration Is Left-wing Conspiracy against Europe

HUNGARY TODAY: It is “no coincidence” that thousands of people are “transported into Europe” on a daily basis, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán argued at a conference yesterday. Those behind the phenomenon are consciously intending to establish a left-wing “mental structure” with the aim of “putting nation states in Europe into brackets”, he insisted, adding that “we have to turn to the people in the face of this conspiracy, this betrayal”. » | via | Saturday, October 31, 2015

Videoanalyse zur Wahl in der Türkei: "Manche fürchten eine Diktatur"

02.11.2015 - Mit einem klaren Ergebnis hat die AKP bei den Parlamentswahlen in der Türkei die absolute Mehrheit geholt. SPIEGEL-ONLINE-Korrespondent Hasnain Kazim erklärt im Video, was Präsident Erdogan mit dem Wahlsieg anfangen kann und was die Wahl für die Flüchtlinge im Land bedeutet.

Islamic State Releases Gruesome New Revenge Video

THE CLARION PROJECT: After a raid by Kurdish-U.S. forces freed 70 Iraqi hostages facing execution, ISIS takes wild revenge on Kurdish prisoners and threatens Obama.

The Islamic State (ISIS or ISIL) has released a slick execution video in revenge for the raid by Kurdish Peshmerga fighters and U.S. special forces that freed 70 Iraqi hostages who were in imminent danger of being killed. Twenty Islamic State terrorists were killed in the raid.

The video (WATCH BELOW) features an Islamic State jihadi, his face swathed in a black balaclava, threatening U.S. President Barack Obama and speaking in fluent, American-accented English.

The American stands over a kneeling orange-clad Kurdish fighter. Three other Islamic State jihadis also pose over kneeling Kurds.

Waving his knife menacingly, he says, “Obama, you have learned a new lesson. Six of the soldiers of the caliphate faced 400 of your children. They killed and injured them, by Allah’s grace.”

The American narrator appears to be referring to a recent alleged failed rescue attempt to free the Kurdish soldiers in the Kirkuk (Karkuk, in Arabic) province near the city of Al-Hawija, Iraq. The video is shot at the site where the Islamic State says Kurdish and U.S. forces landed. Read on, comment, and watch the extremely graphic video » | Sunday, November 1, 2015

German Muslim: Islam Is Coming and Your Daughters Will Wear the Hijab

Exclusive: Pamela Geller warns Western nations of 'full-blown invasion'

WND: Europe: ‘Islam Is Coming to Take Over’ » | Pamela Geller | Sunday, November 1, 2015

Wer kommt nach Merkel?

In der Flüchtlingskrise geht es momentan eher darum, welche Partei bei den nächsten Wahlen, nach einem Sturz von Merkel, die besten Chancen hat. Merkel Nachfolger wird wohl zunächst aus den Reihen der Union kommen, aber die Chancen der union bei den nächsten Wahlen schwinden.