Monday, November 02, 2015

Malcolm Turnbull: Knights and Dames Are Not Appropriate in 2015

Australia’s prime minister Malcolm Turnbull speaks to reporters about the announcement his government has scrapped the titles of ‘knight’ and ‘dame’ from the Australian honours system. Commenting that the decision was made by the whole Cabinet and has been signed off by the Queen, Turnbull says the issue is far from being the “most important in Australia today” and calls the titles “out of date”

Read the Guardian article here | Shalailah Medhora | Sunday, November 1, 2015

Merkel's Muslim Madness

FAMILY SECURITY MATTERS: German Chancellor Angela Merkel insisted that refusing to take in Muslim migrants is a "danger for Europe." Merkel as usual had it backward. It's her program of taking in Muslim migrants that represents the gravest threat to the freedom and future of Europe since the fall of the Soviet Union.

Merkel may have already doomed Germany. The Bild newspaper published a leaked secret government document estimating that the number of migrants invading Europe this year might reach 1.5 million.

And that bad news gets much worse because the document estimates that each migrant will bring in as many as eight family members once they're settled in, bringing the year's true total to 7.36 million.

That's almost 10 percent of the population of Germany. In just one invasion.

And the migrants are mostly young men entering a rapidly aging country whose young male population is under 5 million. Germany's Muslim population already approaches 5 million. The median age of Germany's Muslim population is 34, while the median age for the overall population is 46.

Merkel has rapidly sped up the rate at which Germany's young male population becomes Muslim.

The document predicts up to 10,000 invaders entering every day. It foresees no end to the arrivals even when it gets cold. These words add up to the end of Germany and the end of Europe. » | Daniel Greenfield | Friday, October 23, 2015

Sunday, November 01, 2015

Turkish Police Fire Tear Gas at Protesters Dissatisfied with Election Results

Scores of people rallied in the mainly Kurdish city of Diyarbakir, in Turkey’s southeast, to protest the results of Sunday’s parliamentary snap poll. Clashes broke out after it was announced that President Erdogan's ruling party is set for victory in the parliamentary election.

Die neue Völkerwanderung: Rede von Thilo Sarrazin

Der Autor von „Deutschland schafft sich ab“, Thilo Sarrazin, redete am 6. Oktober 2015 bei der vom Freiheitlichen Bildungsinstitut und dem Liberalen Klub organisierten Veranstaltung „Die neue Völkerwanderung – Risiken und Gefahren“ Klartext. „Europa muss seine Grenzen unter Kontrolle bringen und letztlich schließen. Das gebietet die Vernunft, die ich aber in der derzeitigen Flüchtlingspolitik vermisse“, stellte Sarazin klar.

Turkish Election: AKP Returns to Power with Outright Majority

THE GUARDIAN: President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan tightens grip on power as party nears large enough majority to make constitutional changes

Turkey’s strongman president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, tightened his grip on power decisively on Sunday as his ruling Justice and Development party (AKP) swept back to single-party government with a convincing win in national elections.

The high-stakes vote, Turkey’s second in five months, took place in a climate of mounting tension and violence following an inconclusive June poll in which the conservative, Islamic-leaning AKP failed to secure an outright majority for the first time since coming to power in 2002.

With almost 90% of the votes counted, the party was on 50.3%, according to state broadcaster TRT. That would give it about 325 seats in the 550-seat parliament, comfortably ahead of its three main rival parties and easily enough to form a government on its own.

The prime minister and AKP leader, Ahmet Davutoğlu tweeted simply: “Elhamdulillah”, or “Thanks be to God”. » | Jon Henley, Kareem Shaheen in Ankara and Constanze Letsch in Diyarbakir | Sunday, November 1, 2015

KRONEN ZEITUNG: Türkei: Absolute für "Sultan" Erdogan: Recep Tayyip Erdogan hat bei den Parlamentswahlen in der Türkei mit seiner islamisch-konservativen Regierungspartei AKP die absolute Mandatsmehrheit erreicht. Die Konfliktstrategie des "Sultans" ist damit voll aufgegangen - er hatte sich als einziger Garant von Stabilität dargestellt. Nun will Erdogan eine Verfassungsänderung für ein Präsidialsystem, in der alle Macht in seiner Hand gebündelt ist. Oppositionskreise sprechen von Wahlschwindel. » | Kronen Zeitung/AG/kal | Sonntag, 1. November 2015

‪The Invasion of Europe‬

The EU is breaking the law to import rape and jihad.

Ein Begriff macht Karriere: Die Völkerwanderung

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE: Das Wort „Völkerwanderung“ klingt plötzlich wieder sehr aktuell. Wie war das damals vor 1500 Jahren? Im Römischen Reich herrschten Wohlstand und Offenheit. Es zerfiel, als die Einheimischen die Nerven verloren und dem Hass auf die Flüchtlinge nachgaben.

Ein Wort macht Karriere, das die Fachleute schon fast vergessen hatten. Es bezieht sich auf ein Ereignis vor rund 1500 Jahren, und doch klingt es höchst aktuell: Völkerwanderung. Wenn sich Hunderttausende von Flüchtlingen zu Fuß auf den Weg machen, dann scheint diese Parallele nahezuliegen. Das gilt umso mehr, als die Landkarten mit den Balkan- und anderen Routen an jene Grafiken mit den großen Pfeilen erinnern, die in den Schulbüchern einst die Züge der Germanen symbolisierten.

Das Wort macht auch Angst. Oft soll es genau diese Panik bewusst transportieren. Denn die historische Völkerwanderung des 4. und 5. nachchristlichen Jahrhunderts war nicht irgendeine Migrationsbewegung. Es geht um einen Zivilisationsbruch, vielleicht den am längsten nachwirkenden der Geschichte. Es geht um vermeintliche „Barbaren“, die nach dem verbreiteten Geschichtsbild das Römische Weltreich überrannten und der antiken Hochkultur den Garaus machten. Erst ein Jahrtausend später, in der Renaissance, erholte sich das Abendland wieder von dem Rückschlag. So haben es jedenfalls viele aus dem Geschichtsunterricht in Erinnerung. » | Ralph Bollmann | Sonntag, 1. November 2015

Trump: «Avec Saddam et Kadhafi, le monde serait meilleur»

LE MATIN: PRÉSIDENTIELLE AMÉRICAINE — Le monde se porterait mieux si les dictateurs irakien Saddam Hussein et libyen Mouammar Kadhafi étaient toujours au pouvoir, a estimé Donald Trump.

«Sans nul doute!», a répondu le milliardaire américain à la question posée par un journaliste de CNN.

Saddam Hussein et Mouammar Kadhafi ont été renversés en 2003 et 2011 respectivement, lors d'interventions militaires menées ou soutenues par les Etats-Unis.

«Regardez la Libye. Regardez l'Irak. Avant il n'y avait pas de terroristes en Irak. Il (Saddam Hussein) les tuait immédiatement. (L'Irak) est maintenant devenu l'université d'excellence du terrorisme», a justifié M. Trump.

«Franchement, désormais il n'y a plus d'Irak ni de Libye. Ils ont volé en éclats. Il n'y a plus aucun contrôle. Personne ne sait ce qui se passe», a-t-il poursuivi.

Le candidat républicain à la prochaine présidentielle a jugé que l'Amérique était confrontée à un retour à «l'époque médiévale», avec des violences au Moyen-Orient d'une brutalité inédite «depuis des milliers d'années». » | afp/nxp | dimanche 25 octobre 2015

De l'alcool frelaté a tué 23 personnes à Istanbul

LE MATIN: TURQUIE — Toutes ont bu du raki, une boisson anisée fortement alcoolisée de consommation courante en Turquie.

Le bilan des victimes ayant consommé récemment de l'alcool frelaté à Istanbul a encore grimpé dimanche, passant à 23 morts. Onze ont succombé durant le week-end.

Une quinzaine d'autres personnes se trouvent toujours dans les services de soins intensifs de plusieurs hôpitaux stambouliotes, ont indiqué les autorités sanitaires locales aux chaînes d'information NTV et CNN-Türk. Au total, 89 personnes ont été hospitalisées depuis le 18 octobre à Istanbul. » | ats/nxp | dimanche 1 novembre 2015

Saudi Ambassador: We Won't Take Lectures from UK

Prince Mohammed bin Nawaf bin Abdelaziz has complained
of 'lack of respect' for his country's law and traditions 
SOUTH WALES ARGUS: Saudi Arabia's ambassador has warned of "potentially serious repercussions" of a breakdown in relations with the UK and complained of a lack of "mutual respect".

Prince Mohammed bin Nawaf bin Abdulaziz singled out the cancellation of a deal to train prison staff in the Gulf state as he railed against an "alarming change in the way Saudi Arabia is discussed in Britain".

In an unusual public intervention, he wrote an article for the Daily Telegraph in which he warned the wealthy kingdom would not be "lectured to" and urged respect for its strict system of Sharia law.

He said: "One recent example of this mutual respect being breached was when Jeremy Corbyn, Leader of the Opposition, claimed that he had convinced Prime Minister David Cameron to cancel a prison consultancy contract with Saudi Arabia worth £5.9 million."

"This coincided with speculation linking the contract's cancellation to a number of domestic events in the Kingdom. "If the extensive trade links between the two countries are going to be subordinate to certain political ideologies, then this vital commercial exchange is going to be at risk.

"We want this relationship to continue but we will not be lectured to by anyone. Hasty decisions prompted by short-term gains often do more harm than good in the longer term." » | Press Association 2014 | Monday, October 26, 2015

Geert Wilders Visit Down Under: A Success and a Warning to Australia

BREITBART.COM: I was wholeheartedly honoured to attend and speak at the launch of the Australian Liberty Alliance (ALA) in Perth last week. What a fantastic week for a fantastic party. The launch included a keynote speech from Dutch MP Geert Wilders, which ensured the nationwide and international media coverage that the party deserves.

Australia desperately needs the ALA. These are decent people who want to pass on the Australia they know and love to their children.

I had thought prior to my arrival that the Aussies are not quite in the fix we Europeans find ourselves, and while this still remains true, Australia is heading, very rapidly, down the same road as the rest of us – political correctness, left-wing bullying and lies, leaders who refuse to listen to those with concerns about Islamic immigration, and a mainstream media entirely complicit and approving of all of the above.

Some of the coverage of the ALA launch is worth surveying. As is the case here in Europe, mainstream journalism in Australia has decided that the new party is the problem, and not what it wants to oppose. The usual labels of “far-right” are thrown around, and most of the Australian press seems to believe that their country is a shining example of multicultural harmony; despite the overwhelming evidence to suggest otherwise. » | Anne Marie Waters | Thursday, October 29, 2015

'Muslims Are Just Sick of Islam': More Refugees in Iraq Embracing Jesus Christ

CHRISTIAN TODAY: More and more Muslim refugees in UN camps in Iraq are embracing Jesus Christ and expressing repugnance of their former religion, Christian aid workers have disclosed.

"They're just sick of Islam," a Christian ministry leader in the Kurdish Region of Iraq recently told the Christian Aid Mission.

"People are very hungry to know about Christ, especially when they hear about miracles, healing, mercy and love," he said, as reported in the Gospel Herald.

The ministry director, who declined to be identified for security reason, said the Muslims in their camp have witnessed the brutality of Islamic State (ISIS) militants carrying out beheadings and other horrific acts in the name of Allah.

The director said his ministry has been swamped with Iraqi Muslims seeking to know more about Christ and the Bible.

"As terrifying and horrifying as ISIS is, they did us a great favour because they came and have shown them all the killing, saying that it's all in the Quran verses. So now we don't have to say much, we just say the truth," the director. » | Hazel Torres | Sunday, November 1, 2015

'Islam Is Not Up for Negotiation or Reform. Islam Is What It Is'

Passim Doureihi called for unity on issues that affect
the Muslim community.
THE SYDNEY MORNING HERALD: Less than 24 hours after Australians across the country kicked off their shoes to enter the nation's mosques for a National Day of Unity, Muslims in Sydney were calling for a different kind of solidarity – against a demonising state and its agents.

Under the tinkling glass of chandeliers swaying in path of the air conditioning at The Bellevue function centre in Bankstown, hundreds came to hear how their community was being unfairly targeted by police and spies.

"There needs to be unity on issues that affect us as a whole, particularly when the target is Islam itself," prominent Hizb ut-Tahrir member, Wassim Doureihi, said.

Children in prams, toddlers, and teens accompanied their parents and many sat, mesmerised, to speeches suggesting Australia's escalating counter-terrorism laws were an attack on Islam itself; that Muslims were being forced to surrender to Australian values. (+ video) » | Saffron Howden, Reporter | Sunday, November 1, 2015

Halloween Ravers Clash with London Riot Police after Illegal Party Shut Down

Riot police clashed with party-goers in London on Saturday night after officers shut down an illegal 'Scum Tech Rave' in an abandoned warehouse in Vauxhall. Police used batons and shields, and the crowd threw bottles in return.

Secular Publisher Hacked to Death in Latest Bangladesh Attacks

THE GUARDIAN: Faisal Abedin Deepan killed on same day as attacks on publisher Ahmed Rahim Tutul and two writers

A publisher of secular books has been hacked to death in the Bangladeshi capital, police have said. In a separate attack in Dhaka, police said two other writers and a publisher were stabbed and shot at a publishing house.

Fears of Islamist violence have been growing in Bangladesh after at least four atheist bloggers were murdered in the country this year. The attacks have been linked by police to domestic Islamist extremists, while Islamic State has claimed responsibility for three other attacks. » | Associated Press | Saturday, October 31, 2015

Saturday, October 31, 2015

New Dark Age Alert! Egyptian TV Host and Historian Concur: Burning Is the Only Solution for the Jews

HT: Robert Spencer @ Jihad Watch »

Germany Investigates Suspected Terrorists Posing as Migrants

THE TELEGRAPH: Migrants pose a domestic security threat as thousands continue to enter Germany, says the German police chief

Germany is examining 10 cases of refugees accused of being a member of a terror organisation or taking part in war crimes abroad in an admission by the country’s police chief that will raise fears of terrorists among migrants.

Holger Muench, head of the BKA federal police, said that the influx of refugees posed a domestic security threat as migrants continued to cross into the country.

More than 8,000 streamed over the Austrian border to Bavaria on Wednesday and officials believe up to 800,000 migrants could enter the country by the end of year. Some predict it could be as high as one million.

Many of the migrants coming to Europe via the western Balkans route through central and eastern Europe are from war zones in the Middle East. Those fleeing to Germany were encouraged by Angela Merkel’s welcoming comments earlier this year, saying that Syrians would be given refugee status. » | Raziye Akkoc, and Melanie Hall, Berlin | Thursday, October 29, 2015

PM Orbán: Europe’s Peoples Are Beginning to Awake[n]

HUNGARY TODAY: Speaking on public radio on Friday morning, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said that Europeans have come to realise that immigration is a cultural question in which the continent’s identity is at stake. However, the problem has to be solved by nation states on their own – as happened in the case of Hungary – because no solution can be expected from Brussels. ”Europe’s peoples are beginning to awake”, the Prime Minister argued on 180 perc, Kossuth Rádió’s morning programme. » | via | Friday, October 30, 2015

Germany: Hundreds Join Anti-refugee Protest in Dresden

At least 1,000 supporters of the eurosceptic Alternative fuer Deutschland (AfD) party gathered in central Dresden, Thursday, to protest against Chancellor Merkel's refugee policies.

Flüchtlinge strömen weiter ungebremst gen Europa

SCHWEIZER RADIO UND FERNSEHEN: Trotz der kälteren Temperaturen sind weiterhin Hunderttausende auf der Flucht. Insbesondere in Griechenland, Slowenien und Kroatien ist die Lage dramatisch. Unterdessen fordert der Bürgermeister von Lesbos das Sterben vor seiner Insel endlich zu unterbinden.

Das Flüchtlingsdrama in der Ägäis hat kein Ende: Ein Boot mit etwa 150 Flüchtlingen an Bord soll nach griechischen Medienberichten vor Lesbos gekentert sein. Starker Wind hatte in der Region für hohe Wellen gesorgt, berichtete das Staatsradio.

Rettungsmannschaften der Küstenwache und Fischer mit ihren Booten suchen im Meer nach den Verunglückten, hiess es. Schon am Morgen hatte die Küstenwache nach dem Kentern eines anderen Bootes vor Lesbos 35 Migranten aus den Fluten gerettet. » | SRF 4 News, 12:30 Uhr; sda/dpa/maiu; weis | Samstag, 31. Oktober 2015