Sunday, January 10, 2021
Trump Got Crushed Worse Than Any President in 100 Years
Donald Trump,
Farron Cousins
Trump Fear of Prison Could Push Him Toward Resignation and a Pence Pardon | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
Donald Trump,
Rachel Maddow
Capehart to Trump: If You Want to Make America Great Again, Leave | MSNBC
Donald Trump
Schwarzenegger Rebukes Trump and Compares Capitol Riot to Kristallnacht
THE GUARDIAN: Ex-Republican governor of California compares breach to night in 1938 when Nazi thugs attacked Jewish Germans and their property
Arnold Schwarzenegger issued a stinging rebuke of Donald Trump on Sunday, comparing the riot at the US Capitol which the president incited to Kristallnacht, the night in November 1938 when Nazi thugs attacked Jewish Germans and their property, a harbinger of horrors to come.
He also compared American democracy to a weapon he wielded onscreen as Conan the Barbarian nearly 40 years ago, saying: “Our democracy is like the steel of this sword. The more it is tempered, the stronger it becomes.”
In a video posted to social media and scored to rousing classical music, the 73-year-old former Republican governor of California said he “would like to say a few words to my fellow Americans and to our friends around the world about the events of recent days”.
“I grew up in Austria and was very aware of Kristallnacht, or the Night of Broken Glass,” he said. “It was a night of rampage against the Jews carried out [by] the Nazi equivalent of the Proud Boys [a quasi-fascist group of Trump supporters].” » | Martin Pengelly | Sunday, January 10, 2021
Arnold Schwarzenegger issued a stinging rebuke of Donald Trump on Sunday, comparing the riot at the US Capitol which the president incited to Kristallnacht, the night in November 1938 when Nazi thugs attacked Jewish Germans and their property, a harbinger of horrors to come.
He also compared American democracy to a weapon he wielded onscreen as Conan the Barbarian nearly 40 years ago, saying: “Our democracy is like the steel of this sword. The more it is tempered, the stronger it becomes.”
In a video posted to social media and scored to rousing classical music, the 73-year-old former Republican governor of California said he “would like to say a few words to my fellow Americans and to our friends around the world about the events of recent days”.
“I grew up in Austria and was very aware of Kristallnacht, or the Night of Broken Glass,” he said. “It was a night of rampage against the Jews carried out [by] the Nazi equivalent of the Proud Boys [a quasi-fascist group of Trump supporters].” » | Martin Pengelly | Sunday, January 10, 2021
Donald Trump
Saturday, January 09, 2021
Le couvre-feu avancé à 18 heures dans les Bouches-du-Rhône
LE POINT: Le Premier ministre Jean Castex a annoncé que huit nouveaux départements étaient concernés par le couvre-feu avancé à 18 heures à partir de dimanche.
Alors que le Covid-19 circule très activement dans certains territoires, notamment dans le Grand Est, en Bourgogne-Franche-Comté et dans la région Sud, Jean Castex a annoncé que huit nouveaux départements basculeront dimanche 10 janvier sur un couvre-feu avancé à 18 heures. À cette heure, la mesure a été confirmée pour les Bouches-du-Rhône ainsi que pour le Bas-Rhin et pour le département voisin du Haut-Rhin, où le taux d'incidence atteint 229 pour 100 000 habitants et 251 pour les personnes de plus de 65 ans, précise la préfecture. » | (avec AFP) | Publié : vendredi 8 janvier 2021 ; modifié : samedi 9 janvier 2021
Bouches-du-Rhône »
Alors que le Covid-19 circule très activement dans certains territoires, notamment dans le Grand Est, en Bourgogne-Franche-Comté et dans la région Sud, Jean Castex a annoncé que huit nouveaux départements basculeront dimanche 10 janvier sur un couvre-feu avancé à 18 heures. À cette heure, la mesure a été confirmée pour les Bouches-du-Rhône ainsi que pour le Bas-Rhin et pour le département voisin du Haut-Rhin, où le taux d'incidence atteint 229 pour 100 000 habitants et 251 pour les personnes de plus de 65 ans, précise la préfecture. » | (avec AFP) | Publié : vendredi 8 janvier 2021 ; modifié : samedi 9 janvier 2021
Bouches-du-Rhône »
What Began the Rise of Fascism in Europe? | Titans of the 20th Century | Timeline
Kampfansage aus Nordkorea: Kim Jong-un: «USA bleiben unser grösster Feind»
TAGES ANZEIGER: Nordkoreas Machthaber Kim Jong Un hält staatlichen Medien zufolge an seiner feindlichen Politik gegenüber den USA fest.
Vor dem Regierungswechsel in den USA fordert Nordkoreas Machthaber Kim Jong. Un mit neuen Kampfansagen den künftigen amerikanischen Präsidenten Joe Biden heraus.
Beim achten Kongress der herrschenden Arbeiterpartei in Pjöngjang bezeichnete Kim die Supermacht USA als «grössten Feind» und kündigte den Ausbau des Atomwaffenarsenals seines Landes an. «Die aussenpolitischen Aktivitäten müssen sich darauf konzentrieren, die USA zu unterwerfen», zitierten ihn die Staatsmedien am Samstag. Den USA warf er erneut eine feindselige Politik vor. » | sda/oli | Samstag, 9. Januar 2021
Vor dem Regierungswechsel in den USA fordert Nordkoreas Machthaber Kim Jong. Un mit neuen Kampfansagen den künftigen amerikanischen Präsidenten Joe Biden heraus.
Beim achten Kongress der herrschenden Arbeiterpartei in Pjöngjang bezeichnete Kim die Supermacht USA als «grössten Feind» und kündigte den Ausbau des Atomwaffenarsenals seines Landes an. «Die aussenpolitischen Aktivitäten müssen sich darauf konzentrieren, die USA zu unterwerfen», zitierten ihn die Staatsmedien am Samstag. Den USA warf er erneut eine feindselige Politik vor. » | sda/oli | Samstag, 9. Januar 2021
Kim Jong-un,
Nach dem Sturm auf das Capitol: Auf Trump wartet ein zweites Impeachment
TAGES ANZEIGER: Die Demokraten scheinen fest entschlossen zu sein, Donald Trump aus dem Amt zu entfernen. Künftige Kandidaturen könnten ihm so verwehrt bleiben. Dafür müssten aber auch die Republikaner mitmachen.
Nancy Pelosi, die mächtige demokratische Sprecherin des Abgeordnetenhauses, Nummer drei in der politischen Rangfolge nach dem Präsidenten und dessen Vize, scheint fest entschlossen zu sein, Donald Trump für den Sturm auf das Capitol am Mittwoch zur Rechenschaft zu ziehen. Am Freitag sprach Pelosi eine Drohung aus, die kaum zurückzunehmen sein wird: Wenn Trump nicht «unverzüglich» zurücktrete oder sein Vize Mike Pence nicht ebenso unverzüglich ein Amtsenthebungsverfahren nach Zusatzartikel 25 der Verfassung einleite, dann werde der Kongress ein zweites Amtsenthebungsverfahren gegen Trump beginnen. » | Thorsten Denkler, New York | Samstag, 9. Januar 2021
Nancy Pelosi, die mächtige demokratische Sprecherin des Abgeordnetenhauses, Nummer drei in der politischen Rangfolge nach dem Präsidenten und dessen Vize, scheint fest entschlossen zu sein, Donald Trump für den Sturm auf das Capitol am Mittwoch zur Rechenschaft zu ziehen. Am Freitag sprach Pelosi eine Drohung aus, die kaum zurückzunehmen sein wird: Wenn Trump nicht «unverzüglich» zurücktrete oder sein Vize Mike Pence nicht ebenso unverzüglich ein Amtsenthebungsverfahren nach Zusatzartikel 25 der Verfassung einleite, dann werde der Kongress ein zweites Amtsenthebungsverfahren gegen Trump beginnen. » | Thorsten Denkler, New York | Samstag, 9. Januar 2021
Donald Trump,
Extended Conversation with Vicky Ward on “Kushner, Inc.” (2019)
Ivanka Trump,
Jared Kushner
Rep. Adam Schiff: 'We Can Move Swiftly ... to Impeach This Man' | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
Donald Trump,
Pelosi Calls Trump “Deranged, Unhinged, Dangerous” and Says He Should Be Prosecuted
Donald Trump,
Nancy Pelosi
Lawrence: “We Learned Nothing New about Donald Trump This Week” | The Last Word | MSNBC
Donald Trump
Fmr. Top Pence Aide: 'It Is a Party of Extremism Right Now' | Zerlina. | The Choice
Donald Trump,
Mike Pence
These Are the Legal Probes Facing Trump When He Leaves Office
Donald Trump
Friday, January 08, 2021
Keilar: After Everything, Ted Cruz Has the Gall to Say This
Donald Trump
House Democrats Plan to Impeach Trump, Again
Donald Trump,
Kasparov: Impeachment Now Is the Best Protection against a Future Trump | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Donald Trump,
The Failure of the First Queen Speech | Elizabeth: Our Queen | Channel 5
Queen Elizabeth II
Pelosi Says House Will Move to Impeach Trump If He Doesn’t Resign Immediately
THE NEW YORK TIMES: Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California said on Friday that the House would move to impeach President Trump over his role in inciting a violent mob attack on the Capitol if he did not resign “immediately,” appealing to Republicans to join the push to force him from office.
In a letter to members of the House, the speaker invoked the resignation of Richard M. Nixon amid the Watergate scandal, when Republicans prevailed upon the president to resign and avoid the ignominy of an impeachment, calling Mr. Trump’s actions a “horrific assault on our democracy.” » | Nicholas Fandos and Luke Broadwater | Friday, January 8, 2021
In a letter to members of the House, the speaker invoked the resignation of Richard M. Nixon amid the Watergate scandal, when Republicans prevailed upon the president to resign and avoid the ignominy of an impeachment, calling Mr. Trump’s actions a “horrific assault on our democracy.” » | Nicholas Fandos and Luke Broadwater | Friday, January 8, 2021
Donald Trump
Trump Announces He Will Not Attend Biden's Inauguration | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC
Donald Trump
The White House Slips Deeper into Crisis in the Final Days of the Trump Presidency
THE NEW YORK TIMES: What was already shaping up as a volatile final stretch to the Trump presidency took on an air of national emergency as the White House emptied out and some Republicans joined Speaker Nancy Pelosi and a cascade of Democrats calling for Mr. Trump to be removed from office without waiting the 13 days until the inauguration of President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.
The prospect of actually short-circuiting Mr. Trump’s tenure in its last days appeared remote. Vice President Mike Pence privately ruled out invoking the disability clause of the 25th Amendment to sideline the president, as many had urged that he and the cabinet do, according to officials. » | Peter Baker and Maggie Haberman | Friday, January 8, 2021
The prospect of actually short-circuiting Mr. Trump’s tenure in its last days appeared remote. Vice President Mike Pence privately ruled out invoking the disability clause of the 25th Amendment to sideline the president, as many had urged that he and the cabinet do, according to officials. » | Peter Baker and Maggie Haberman | Friday, January 8, 2021
Donald Trump,
White House
Trump Enablers Resign after Capitol Violence | The Mehdi Hasan Show
Donald Trump
Capitol Attack Leads Democrats to Demand That Trump Leave Office
THE HEW YORK TIMES: The White House was propelled deeper into crisis as officials resigned in protest and prominent Republicans broke with the president after he incited a mob that assaulted Congress.
WASHINGTON — President Trump’s administration plunged deeper into crisis on Thursday as more officials resigned in protest, prominent Republicans broke with him and Democratic congressional leaders threatened to impeach him for encouraging a mob that stormed the Capitol a day earlier.
What was already shaping up as a volatile final stretch to the Trump presidency took on an air of national emergency as the White House emptied out and some Republicans joined Speaker Nancy Pelosi and a cascade of Democrats calling for Mr. Trump to be removed from office without waiting the 13 days until the inauguration of President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. » | Peter Baker and Maggie Haberman | Published: Thursday, January 7, 2021; Updated: Friday, January 8, 2021
WASHINGTON — President Trump’s administration plunged deeper into crisis on Thursday as more officials resigned in protest, prominent Republicans broke with him and Democratic congressional leaders threatened to impeach him for encouraging a mob that stormed the Capitol a day earlier.
What was already shaping up as a volatile final stretch to the Trump presidency took on an air of national emergency as the White House emptied out and some Republicans joined Speaker Nancy Pelosi and a cascade of Democrats calling for Mr. Trump to be removed from office without waiting the 13 days until the inauguration of President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. » | Peter Baker and Maggie Haberman | Published: Thursday, January 7, 2021; Updated: Friday, January 8, 2021
Donald Trump
Thursday, January 07, 2021
These Trump Supporters Say They're Proud of Chaos at Capitol
US politics
USA : Mob Rule! Definitely NOT America’s Finest Hour!
Invoke the 25th Amendment NOW! – Mark Alexander
Donald Trump,
US politics
Washington Attorney General: Time to Invoke 25th Amendment | Morning Joe | MSNBC
25th Amendment,
Donald Trump,
US politics
“Americans Are Now Getting a Mild Taste of Their Own Medicine” of Disrupting Democracy Elsewhere
US politics
America’s Friends and Foes Express Horror as Capitol Attack ‘Shakes the World’
THE NEW YORK TIMES: Global leaders watched live as a mob stormed the U.S. Capitol, and many saw it as a warning to global democracies, placing the blame squarely on President Trump.
BERLIN — As an angry mob stormed the heart of the world’s most powerful democracy, the rest of the world watched the once-unimaginable scenes unfolding in Washington with dismay and disbelief — and deep concern about what the turmoil could mean as authoritarian forces gain strength around the globe.
Many of those following live broadcasts of armed rioters forcing their way into the Capitol saw it as a stark and disturbing warning for all the world’s democracies: If this can happen in the United States, it can happen anywhere.
“We currently witness an attack on the very fundaments of democratic structures and institutions,” said Peter Beyer, the German government’s coordinator for trans-Atlantic affairs. “This is not merely a U.S. national issue, but it shakes the world, at least all democracies.”
One by one, officials around the globe responded with the sort of statements previously issued by the United States State Department when political violence consumed other countries. » | Katrin Bennhold and Steven Lee Myers | Published: Wednesday, January 6, 2021; Updated: Thursday, January 7, 2021
BERLIN — As an angry mob stormed the heart of the world’s most powerful democracy, the rest of the world watched the once-unimaginable scenes unfolding in Washington with dismay and disbelief — and deep concern about what the turmoil could mean as authoritarian forces gain strength around the globe.
Many of those following live broadcasts of armed rioters forcing their way into the Capitol saw it as a stark and disturbing warning for all the world’s democracies: If this can happen in the United States, it can happen anywhere.
“We currently witness an attack on the very fundaments of democratic structures and institutions,” said Peter Beyer, the German government’s coordinator for trans-Atlantic affairs. “This is not merely a U.S. national issue, but it shakes the world, at least all democracies.”
One by one, officials around the globe responded with the sort of statements previously issued by the United States State Department when political violence consumed other countries. » | Katrin Bennhold and Steven Lee Myers | Published: Wednesday, January 6, 2021; Updated: Thursday, January 7, 2021
Donald Trump,
US politics
Gen. Colin Powell: This Was a 'National Disgrace,' But We'll Get Through It | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Colin Powell,
Donald Trump,
US politics
Merkel gibt Trump Mitschuld an den Unruhen in Washington
Angela Merkel,
Donald Trump
Facebook Bans Trump Indefinitely
THE NEW YORK TIMES: Facebook will block President Trump on its platforms, including Instagram, at least until the end of his term, chief executive Mark Zuckerberg said in a post on Thursday.
“The shocking events of the last 24 hours clearly demonstrate that President Donald Trump intends to use his remaining time in office to undermine the peaceful and lawful transition of power to his elected successor, Joe Biden,” Mr. Zuckerberg wrote. »
“The shocking events of the last 24 hours clearly demonstrate that President Donald Trump intends to use his remaining time in office to undermine the peaceful and lawful transition of power to his elected successor, Joe Biden,” Mr. Zuckerberg wrote. »
Donald Trump,
Violences au Capitole : jour de honte aux Etats-Unis
LE MONDE: L’envahissement du Congrès, mercredi 6 janvier, par une foule de partisans extrémistes chauffés à blanc par Donald Trump est l’aboutissement d’une présidence tumultueuse qui a fini par fracturer le pays.
Editorial du « Monde ». Elu il y a quatre ans sur la promesse de « rendre sa grandeur à l’Amérique », le président Donald Trump achève son mandat en la couvrant de honte. L’histoire retiendra que la démocratie américaine a été défiée, et un moment suspendue, mercredi 6 janvier, par une foule de partisans extrémistes que le président lui-même avait incitée à marcher sur le Capitole pour empêcher son adversaire démocrate, Joe Biden, d’être officiellement déclaré vainqueur de l’élection du 3 novembre 2020.
Ce jour noir pour les Etats-Unis est l’aboutissement d’une présidence tumultueuse qui a fini par diviser le pays en deux parties, celle qui respecte l’ordre constitutionnel et les décisions de justice, et celle qui vit dans un univers parallèle. Cet univers, nourri de théories complotistes, est celui d’une réalité alternative dans laquelle Donald Trump n’a pas perdu l’élection par une différence de 7 millions de suffrages populaires et le vote de 302 voix au collège électoral contre 232, mais veut croire qu’elle lui a été volée par une fraude massive et orchestrée. » | ÉDITORIAL | jeudi 7 janvier 2021
Editorial du « Monde ». Elu il y a quatre ans sur la promesse de « rendre sa grandeur à l’Amérique », le président Donald Trump achève son mandat en la couvrant de honte. L’histoire retiendra que la démocratie américaine a été défiée, et un moment suspendue, mercredi 6 janvier, par une foule de partisans extrémistes que le président lui-même avait incitée à marcher sur le Capitole pour empêcher son adversaire démocrate, Joe Biden, d’être officiellement déclaré vainqueur de l’élection du 3 novembre 2020.
Ce jour noir pour les Etats-Unis est l’aboutissement d’une présidence tumultueuse qui a fini par diviser le pays en deux parties, celle qui respecte l’ordre constitutionnel et les décisions de justice, et celle qui vit dans un univers parallèle. Cet univers, nourri de théories complotistes, est celui d’une réalité alternative dans laquelle Donald Trump n’a pas perdu l’élection par une différence de 7 millions de suffrages populaires et le vote de 302 voix au collège électoral contre 232, mais veut croire qu’elle lui a été volée par une fraude massive et orchestrée. » | ÉDITORIAL | jeudi 7 janvier 2021
Donald Trump
Opinion: Impeach and Convict. Right Now.
THE NEW YORK TIMES: Trump is too dangerous to leave in office for even another minute.
It wasn’t hard to see, when it began, that it would end exactly the way it has. Donald Trump is America’s willful arsonist, the man who lit the match under the fabric of our constitutional republic.
The duty of the House of Representatives and the Senate, once they certify Joe Biden’s election, is to reconvene, Wednesday night if possible, to impeach the president and then remove him from office and bar him from ever holding office again.
To allow Trump to serve out his term, however brief it may be, puts the nation’s safety at risk, leaves our reputation as a democracy in tatters and evades the inescapable truth that the assault on Congress was an act of violent sedition aided and abetted by a lawless, immoral and terrifying president.
From the moment Trump became the G.O.P. front-runner in 2015, it was obvious who he was and where, if given the chance, he would take America. He was a malignant narcissist in his person. A fraudster in his businesses. A bully in his relationships. And a demagogue in his politics. » | Bret Stephens, Opinion Columnist | Wednesday, January 6, 2021
It wasn’t hard to see, when it began, that it would end exactly the way it has. Donald Trump is America’s willful arsonist, the man who lit the match under the fabric of our constitutional republic.
The duty of the House of Representatives and the Senate, once they certify Joe Biden’s election, is to reconvene, Wednesday night if possible, to impeach the president and then remove him from office and bar him from ever holding office again.
To allow Trump to serve out his term, however brief it may be, puts the nation’s safety at risk, leaves our reputation as a democracy in tatters and evades the inescapable truth that the assault on Congress was an act of violent sedition aided and abetted by a lawless, immoral and terrifying president.
From the moment Trump became the G.O.P. front-runner in 2015, it was obvious who he was and where, if given the chance, he would take America. He was a malignant narcissist in his person. A fraudster in his businesses. A bully in his relationships. And a demagogue in his politics. » | Bret Stephens, Opinion Columnist | Wednesday, January 6, 2021
Donald Trump
How Has the World Reacted to Trump Supporters Storming US Capitol? | DW News
Leaders around the world watched in disbelief as the chaos unfolded in Washington, where supporters of President Donald Trump stormed the US Capitol.
Many have condemned the violence and called for democracy to be respected. German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron gave their reactions, and DW spoke to people on the street in Germany.
Around the world, there was disbelief at the scenes that unfolded in the Capitol:
- Germany's Bild newspaper talked of a "coup attempt" - and a "moment of great shame"
- In Britain, The Daily Telegraph minced no words: "Democracy under siege"
- The picture of Trump supporters storming the Capitol dominated the United Arab Emirates' Gulf News daily.
- The Nigerian Tribune offered this blistering verdict: "Trump supporters defile democracy."
- China compared the storming of the Capitol with pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong.
Many have condemned the violence and called for democracy to be respected. German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron gave their reactions, and DW spoke to people on the street in Germany.
Around the world, there was disbelief at the scenes that unfolded in the Capitol:
- Germany's Bild newspaper talked of a "coup attempt" - and a "moment of great shame"
- In Britain, The Daily Telegraph minced no words: "Democracy under siege"
- The picture of Trump supporters storming the Capitol dominated the United Arab Emirates' Gulf News daily.
- The Nigerian Tribune offered this blistering verdict: "Trump supporters defile democracy."
- China compared the storming of the Capitol with pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong.
Donald Trump,
US politics
Chaos at the Capitol | Live | The Choice on Peacock
US politics
'Trump Blows Up US Democracy': The World Watches on in Horror
THE GUARDIAN: Leaders from nations around the world condemn ‘shocking scenes’ unfolding at US Capitol
World leaders from Dublin to Ottawa reacted with shock and disquiet to the turmoil in Washington DC on Wednesday, with the head of Nato deploring what he called “shocking scenes”.
“The outcome of this democratic election must be respected,” Jens Stoltenberg, the Nato secretary general and former Norwegian prime minister, tweeted on Wednesday evening after US president-elect Joe Biden condemned “this godawful display” and warned: “The world is watching.”
The Irish taoiseach Micheál Martin tweeted: “The Irish people have a deep connection with the United States of America, built up over many generations. I know that many, like me, will be watching the scenes unfolding in Washington DC with great concern and dismay.” » | Tom Phillips | Wednesday, January 6, 2021
World leaders from Dublin to Ottawa reacted with shock and disquiet to the turmoil in Washington DC on Wednesday, with the head of Nato deploring what he called “shocking scenes”.
“The outcome of this democratic election must be respected,” Jens Stoltenberg, the Nato secretary general and former Norwegian prime minister, tweeted on Wednesday evening after US president-elect Joe Biden condemned “this godawful display” and warned: “The world is watching.”
The Irish taoiseach Micheál Martin tweeted: “The Irish people have a deep connection with the United States of America, built up over many generations. I know that many, like me, will be watching the scenes unfolding in Washington DC with great concern and dismay.” » | Tom Phillips | Wednesday, January 6, 2021
US politics
Wednesday, January 06, 2021
Nach Polterrede des amtierenden Präsidenten: Trump-Anhänger stürmen das US-Kapitol in Washington
TAGES ANZEIGER: Vor der Bestätigung der Ergebnisse der Präsidentenwahl im Kongress und nach einer Rede von Trump ist es vor dem Kapitol in Washington zu Ausschreitungen gekommen. Die Sitzung ist unterbrochen.
» | Vincenzo Capodici | Mittwoch, 6. Januar 2021
» | Vincenzo Capodici | Mittwoch, 6. Januar 2021
Donald Trump
Lockdown Catch-22: Weight Gain Can Increase Covid Severity | COVID-19 Special
Tuesday, January 05, 2021
Strict Covid Restrictions Could Last Months, Boris Johnson Signals
THE GUARDIAN: PM says lifting lockdown is subject to ‘lots of caveats’ as figures show 1m people in England have Covid
Britain could face harsh restrictions for many months to come, Boris Johnson and his chief scientists warned as figures suggested more than 1 million people in England are infected with coronavirus, or one in every 50.
The prime minister said the plan to emerge from a newly-imposed national lockdown in mid-February was subject to “lots of caveats, lot of ifs”. He refused to guarantee that children would be fully back at school before the summer, calling this a “fundamental hope”. » | Jessica Elgot and Peter Walker | Tuesday, January 5, 2021
Britain could face harsh restrictions for many months to come, Boris Johnson and his chief scientists warned as figures suggested more than 1 million people in England are infected with coronavirus, or one in every 50.
The prime minister said the plan to emerge from a newly-imposed national lockdown in mid-February was subject to “lots of caveats, lot of ifs”. He refused to guarantee that children would be fully back at school before the summer, calling this a “fundamental hope”. » | Jessica Elgot and Peter Walker | Tuesday, January 5, 2021
Cooper on Trump Call: It's Like Speaking to a Child
Anderson Cooper,
Donald Trump
Monday, January 04, 2021
WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Extradition Blocked by British Judge | DW News
Julian Assange,
The Guardian View on Trump's Strategy: Overturn Result, Cheat Democracy
THE GUARDIAN: The US president is seeking to bring down a system that defeated him
This week, Donald Trump will undermine democracy in the US by supporting the claim that Democrat Joe Biden did not fairly win last November’s presidential election. A peaceful handover of power in a democracy requires losing candidates and their followers to admit defeat. But Mr Trump has manufactured a controversy purely to maintain power and to overturn a legitimate election.
US courts have repeatedly thrown out Mr Trump’s evidence-free cases. This has not stopped the president’s accomplices in Congress. They, backed by Mr Trump’s vice-president, on Wednesday plan to challenge Mr Biden’s win to force a debate and votes in Congress. Some scholars point to a historical precedent as offering a slim, perhaps vanishing, chance that the nightmare will continue. Mr Trump will not let an opportunity pass to relitigate an election he lost. » | Editorial | Sunday, January 3, 2021
This week, Donald Trump will undermine democracy in the US by supporting the claim that Democrat Joe Biden did not fairly win last November’s presidential election. A peaceful handover of power in a democracy requires losing candidates and their followers to admit defeat. But Mr Trump has manufactured a controversy purely to maintain power and to overturn a legitimate election.
US courts have repeatedly thrown out Mr Trump’s evidence-free cases. This has not stopped the president’s accomplices in Congress. They, backed by Mr Trump’s vice-president, on Wednesday plan to challenge Mr Biden’s win to force a debate and votes in Congress. Some scholars point to a historical precedent as offering a slim, perhaps vanishing, chance that the nightmare will continue. Mr Trump will not let an opportunity pass to relitigate an election he lost. » | Editorial | Sunday, January 3, 2021
Donald Trump
Trump Phone Call: Georgia Officials Shut Down Election Fraud Claims
Astonishing new evidence of a desperate President Donald Trump caught on tape trying to steal the election exposes the depth of his corruption and makes his Republican Capitol Hill allies complicit in his bid to thwart the will of voters.
In a fresh abuse of power, Trump tried to bully a top Georgia GOP official into finding votes to overturn President-elect Joe Biden's win in the state. The staggering telephone call, audio of which was obtained by CNN and first reported by The Washington Post, amounted to the most serious threat yet posed by his authoritarian instincts to American democracy.
Even before the latest outrage, this week already marked a watershed moment for Biden's coming presidency, a ruptured Republican Party and the integrity of the US political system.
In a fresh abuse of power, Trump tried to bully a top Georgia GOP official into finding votes to overturn President-elect Joe Biden's win in the state. The staggering telephone call, audio of which was obtained by CNN and first reported by The Washington Post, amounted to the most serious threat yet posed by his authoritarian instincts to American democracy.
Even before the latest outrage, this week already marked a watershed moment for Biden's coming presidency, a ruptured Republican Party and the integrity of the US political system.
Donald Trump
Sunday, January 03, 2021
The Observer View on How the West Should Deal with Rising China
THE GUARDIAN: Xi Jinping’s expansionist policies abroad and dictatorship at home make pressing the need for new geopolitical strategy
How to deal with China is the biggest geopolitical challenge facing Britain and the western democracies in 2021 – and one to which they have, as yet, supplied no coherent answer. China’s influence is growing rapidly around the world. It is predicted to overtake the US as the biggest economy by 2028. Its politicians, diplomats and military chiefs exhibit the bullish assertiveness of a new imperial superpower. This, they believe, is China’s moment.
At the same time, China is increasingly distrusted and disliked. A recent Pew global attitudes survey found negative views to be at an all-time high in Germany, South Korea and other advanced economies. Nearly three-quarters of Americans and Britons view China unfavourably, up from 35% and 16% respectively in 2002. Trust in China’s president, Xi Jinping, “to do the right thing in world affairs” has plummeted.
China’s overweening ambition and this concomitant rise in hostility are both relatively new. In Britain’s case, it is only five years since David Cameron hailed the dawn of a “golden era”. Back then, it seemed China’s strength, measured in hi-tech, investment and trade, could be safely harnessed to the UK’s advantage. Such collaboration, it was fondly believed, would ultimately hasten China’s transition from one-party state to democracy. » | Observer editorial | Sunday, January 3, 2021
How to deal with China is the biggest geopolitical challenge facing Britain and the western democracies in 2021 – and one to which they have, as yet, supplied no coherent answer. China’s influence is growing rapidly around the world. It is predicted to overtake the US as the biggest economy by 2028. Its politicians, diplomats and military chiefs exhibit the bullish assertiveness of a new imperial superpower. This, they believe, is China’s moment.
At the same time, China is increasingly distrusted and disliked. A recent Pew global attitudes survey found negative views to be at an all-time high in Germany, South Korea and other advanced economies. Nearly three-quarters of Americans and Britons view China unfavourably, up from 35% and 16% respectively in 2002. Trust in China’s president, Xi Jinping, “to do the right thing in world affairs” has plummeted.
China’s overweening ambition and this concomitant rise in hostility are both relatively new. In Britain’s case, it is only five years since David Cameron hailed the dawn of a “golden era”. Back then, it seemed China’s strength, measured in hi-tech, investment and trade, could be safely harnessed to the UK’s advantage. Such collaboration, it was fondly believed, would ultimately hasten China’s transition from one-party state to democracy. » | Observer editorial | Sunday, January 3, 2021
Britain Opens Door to Mix-and-Match Vaccinations, Worrying Experts
THE NEW YORK TIMES: If a second dose of one vaccine isn’t available, another may be substituted, according to the guidelines.
Amid a sputtering vaccine rollout and fears of a new and potentially more transmissible variant of the coronavirus, Britain has quietly updated its vaccination playbook to allow for a mix-and-match vaccine regimen. If a second dose of the vaccine a patient originally received isn’t available, or if the manufacturer of the first shot isn’t known, another vaccine may be substituted, health officials said.
The new guidance contradicts guidelines in the United States, where the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has noted that the authorized Covid-19 vaccines “are not interchangeable,” and that “the safety and efficacy of a mixed-product series have not been evaluated. Both doses of the series should be completed with the same product.”
Some scientists say Britain is gambling with its new guidance. “There are no data on this idea whatsoever,” said John Moore, a vaccine expert at Cornell University. Officials in Britain “seem to have abandoned science completely now and are just trying to guess their way out of a mess.” » | Katherine J. Wu | Friday, January 1, 2021
Amid a sputtering vaccine rollout and fears of a new and potentially more transmissible variant of the coronavirus, Britain has quietly updated its vaccination playbook to allow for a mix-and-match vaccine regimen. If a second dose of the vaccine a patient originally received isn’t available, or if the manufacturer of the first shot isn’t known, another vaccine may be substituted, health officials said.
The new guidance contradicts guidelines in the United States, where the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has noted that the authorized Covid-19 vaccines “are not interchangeable,” and that “the safety and efficacy of a mixed-product series have not been evaluated. Both doses of the series should be completed with the same product.”
Some scientists say Britain is gambling with its new guidance. “There are no data on this idea whatsoever,” said John Moore, a vaccine expert at Cornell University. Officials in Britain “seem to have abandoned science completely now and are just trying to guess their way out of a mess.” » | Katherine J. Wu | Friday, January 1, 2021
‘Global Britain’ Is Willing to Trade Away Everything. Including Scruples
THE GUARDIAN: The UK’s new deal with Turkey ignores appalling human rights abuses and should have been scrutinised by parliament
The UK’s new trade agreement with Turkey, signed last week, ignores the Turkish government’s continuing human rights abuses, boosts its dangerous president, and undermines ministerial pledges that “global Britain” will uphold international laws and values. The deal took effect on 1 January without even rudimentary parliamentary scrutiny. Here, stripped of lies and bombast, is the dawning reality of Boris Johnson’s scruple-free post-Brexit world.
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Turkey’s “strongman” leader, is pleased as punch. He’s the new, biggest fan of Britain’s international trade secretary, Liz Truss, whose shabby work this is. Erdoğan hailed the deal as the start of a “new era” and a landmark for Turkey. After years of disastrous economic mismanagement and fierce rows with the US and EU over Turkish policy towards Russia, Syria, Libya, Greece and Cyprus, Erdoğan badly needed a win. Hapless Truss delivered.
The fact that Johnson used the spectre of Turkish migrants to frighten Leave voters in 2016 appears forgotten now. His government has created a favourable bilateral trade framework, and promised bespoke “upgrades”, to a leader who frequently mocks the EU and faces possible European trade sanctions. How does that square with Johnson’s vow to be “the best friend and ally the EU could have”? The level playing field is already tipping. » | Simon Tisdall | Sunday, January 3, 2021
The UK’s new trade agreement with Turkey, signed last week, ignores the Turkish government’s continuing human rights abuses, boosts its dangerous president, and undermines ministerial pledges that “global Britain” will uphold international laws and values. The deal took effect on 1 January without even rudimentary parliamentary scrutiny. Here, stripped of lies and bombast, is the dawning reality of Boris Johnson’s scruple-free post-Brexit world.
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Turkey’s “strongman” leader, is pleased as punch. He’s the new, biggest fan of Britain’s international trade secretary, Liz Truss, whose shabby work this is. Erdoğan hailed the deal as the start of a “new era” and a landmark for Turkey. After years of disastrous economic mismanagement and fierce rows with the US and EU over Turkish policy towards Russia, Syria, Libya, Greece and Cyprus, Erdoğan badly needed a win. Hapless Truss delivered.
The fact that Johnson used the spectre of Turkish migrants to frighten Leave voters in 2016 appears forgotten now. His government has created a favourable bilateral trade framework, and promised bespoke “upgrades”, to a leader who frequently mocks the EU and faces possible European trade sanctions. How does that square with Johnson’s vow to be “the best friend and ally the EU could have”? The level playing field is already tipping. » | Simon Tisdall | Sunday, January 3, 2021
UK foreign policy
Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell's Homes Vandalised
BBC: Vandals in the US have attacked the homes of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell.
Fake blood and a severed pig's head were reportedly left outside Democrat Ms Pelosi's California house, which was also daubed with graffiti.
The words "where's my money" and some expletives were scrawled on on Republican Mr McConnell's house in Kentucky.
It comes amid a political battle over a coronavirus stimulus package. » | Saturday, January 2, 2021
Mitch McConnell and Nancy Pelosi homes vandalised in Covid protests »
Fake blood and a severed pig's head were reportedly left outside Democrat Ms Pelosi's California house, which was also daubed with graffiti.
The words "where's my money" and some expletives were scrawled on on Republican Mr McConnell's house in Kentucky.
It comes amid a political battle over a coronavirus stimulus package. » | Saturday, January 2, 2021
Mitch McConnell and Nancy Pelosi homes vandalised in Covid protests »
Mitch McConnell,
Nancy Pelosi
Saturday, January 02, 2021
Opinion: The Wreckage Betsy DeVos Leaves Behind
THE NEW YORK TIMES: The Education Department lies in ruins right when it’s needed most.
The departing education secretary, Betsy DeVos, will be remembered as perhaps the most disastrous leader in the Education Department’s history. Her lack of vision has been apparent in a variety of contexts, but never more so than this fall when she told districts that were seeking guidance on how to operate during the coronavirus pandemic that it was not her responsibility to track school district infection rates or keep track of school reopening plans. This telling remark implies a vision of the Education Department as a mere bystander in a crisis that disrupted the lives of more than 50 million schoolchildren. » | The Editorial Board | Saturday, January 2, 2021
The departing education secretary, Betsy DeVos, will be remembered as perhaps the most disastrous leader in the Education Department’s history. Her lack of vision has been apparent in a variety of contexts, but never more so than this fall when she told districts that were seeking guidance on how to operate during the coronavirus pandemic that it was not her responsibility to track school district infection rates or keep track of school reopening plans. This telling remark implies a vision of the Education Department as a mere bystander in a crisis that disrupted the lives of more than 50 million schoolchildren. » | The Editorial Board | Saturday, January 2, 2021
Betsy DeVos,
US education
An Embattled Public Servant in a Fractured France
THE NEW YORK TIMES: Nicolas Cadène sees the failings of France’s secular model even as he upholds it.
PARIS — France is in theory a nondiscriminatory society where the state upholds strict religious neutrality and people are free to believe, or not, in any God they wish. It is a nation, in its self image, that through education dissolves differences of faith and ethnicity in a shared commitment to the rights and responsibilities of French citizenship.
This model, known as laïcité, often inadequately translated as secularism, is embraced by a majority of French people. They or their forebears became French in this way. No politician here would utter the words “In God we trust.” The Roman Catholic Church was removed more than a century ago from French public life. The country’s lay model supplants any deity.
But, in a country with an uneasy relationship to Islam, laïcité is also contested as the shield behind which France discriminates against its large Muslim population and avoids confronting its prejudices. As a result, the job of Nicolas Cadène, a mildly disheveled official with a mop of brown hair and multiple law degrees, has become a focus of controversy. » | Roger Cohen | Friday, January 1, 2021
Lire en français »
PARIS — France is in theory a nondiscriminatory society where the state upholds strict religious neutrality and people are free to believe, or not, in any God they wish. It is a nation, in its self image, that through education dissolves differences of faith and ethnicity in a shared commitment to the rights and responsibilities of French citizenship.
This model, known as laïcité, often inadequately translated as secularism, is embraced by a majority of French people. They or their forebears became French in this way. No politician here would utter the words “In God we trust.” The Roman Catholic Church was removed more than a century ago from French public life. The country’s lay model supplants any deity.
But, in a country with an uneasy relationship to Islam, laïcité is also contested as the shield behind which France discriminates against its large Muslim population and avoids confronting its prejudices. As a result, the job of Nicolas Cadène, a mildly disheveled official with a mop of brown hair and multiple law degrees, has become a focus of controversy. » | Roger Cohen | Friday, January 1, 2021
Lire en français »
Opinion: Britain Has Lost Itself
THE NEW YORK TIMES: My grandparents, who fled Nazi Germany for Britain, would be heartbroken to see the country today.
At long last, it happened.
Shortly before midnight on Thursday, Britain completed its exit from the European Union, replacing a close 47-year long relationship with the continent with something far more distant. Now it will have to live through difficult years of separation that will sap its political vibrancy and diminish its role on the world stage. Though a trade deal was belatedly agreed, the economic fallout may be dire, too.
Yet for many, it’s also a deeply personal moment. My grandparents, who escaped Nazi Germany on the eve of World War II, found a home in Britain — to them, it was a beacon of light and hope. But they would be heartbroken to see it today. Inward, polarized and absurdly self-aggrandizing, Britain has lost itself. In sorrow, I mourn the passing of the country that was my family’s salvation. » | Peter Gumbel* | Friday, January 1, 2021
* Mr. Gumbel is the author of “Citizens of Everywhere.”
At long last, it happened.
Shortly before midnight on Thursday, Britain completed its exit from the European Union, replacing a close 47-year long relationship with the continent with something far more distant. Now it will have to live through difficult years of separation that will sap its political vibrancy and diminish its role on the world stage. Though a trade deal was belatedly agreed, the economic fallout may be dire, too.
Yet for many, it’s also a deeply personal moment. My grandparents, who escaped Nazi Germany on the eve of World War II, found a home in Britain — to them, it was a beacon of light and hope. But they would be heartbroken to see it today. Inward, polarized and absurdly self-aggrandizing, Britain has lost itself. In sorrow, I mourn the passing of the country that was my family’s salvation. » | Peter Gumbel* | Friday, January 1, 2021
* Mr. Gumbel is the author of “Citizens of Everywhere.”
Friday, January 01, 2021
Brexit In Effect: UK's Access to Single Market Ends
Brexit : les Britanniques orphelins d’Erasmus
LE MONDE: Editorial. La décision de Boris Johnson de quitter le programme européen d’échanges universitaires est regrettable, autant pour les jeunes du Royaume-Uni que pour ceux de l’Union européenne.
Editorial du « Monde ». C’est l’une des nombreuses fausses promesses de Boris Johnson. Interpellé il y a un an par un député écossais dans la fièvre d’un débat sur le Brexit à la Chambre des communes, le premier ministre britannique garantissait que, non,« Erasmus n’était pas menacé ». La réalité s’impose aujourd’hui aux étudiants du Royaume-Uni avec « l’accord de commerce et de coopération » agréé le 24 décembre par Londres et Bruxelles : Erasmus, pour eux, c’est fini. Ils n’en bénéficieront plus pour aller étudier à l’étranger, pas plus que les universités britanniques n’en bénéficieront pour accueillir les étudiants de l’Union européenne. » | Éditorial | samedi 30 décembre 2020
Editorial du « Monde ». C’est l’une des nombreuses fausses promesses de Boris Johnson. Interpellé il y a un an par un député écossais dans la fièvre d’un débat sur le Brexit à la Chambre des communes, le premier ministre britannique garantissait que, non,« Erasmus n’était pas menacé ». La réalité s’impose aujourd’hui aux étudiants du Royaume-Uni avec « l’accord de commerce et de coopération » agréé le 24 décembre par Londres et Bruxelles : Erasmus, pour eux, c’est fini. Ils n’en bénéficieront plus pour aller étudier à l’étranger, pas plus que les universités britanniques n’en bénéficieront pour accueillir les étudiants de l’Union européenne. » | Éditorial | samedi 30 décembre 2020
Thursday, December 31, 2020
Brexit: Seven Things Changing on 1 January
BBC: From 1 January, the free movement of people and goods and services between the UK and the EU will end. This means significant differences to how people live, work and travel.
Here are some of the most important things that are changing. » | Paul Kerley | Thursday, December 31, 2020
Here are some of the most important things that are changing. » | Paul Kerley | Thursday, December 31, 2020
Stanley Johnson Confirms Application for French Passport on Eve of Brexit
THE GUARDIAN: Prime minister’s father campaigned to remain in the EU in 2016 while his son led the leave movement
Boris Johnson’s father Stanley has confirmed that he is applying for a French passport on the eve of Britain’s Brexit transition period coming to an end.
In an interview with the French radio station RTL, he said: “It’s not a question of becoming French. If I understand correctly I am French! My mother was born in France, her mother was completely French as was her grandfather. “For me it’s a question of obtaining what I already have and I am very happy about that.”
Johnson, 80, served as an MEP 40 years ago, and was one of the first UK civil servants to work in Brussels after Britain joined the European Union, then the European Economic Community, in 1973. He went on to work for the European commission. » | Harry Taylor | Thursday, December 31, 2020
The UK is good enough for the plebs, but only the European Union is good enough for the privileged few! This is sick and disgusting! We'll be told next that BoJo, his son, has secretly applied for French citizenship so as not to lose his EU rights! – ©Mark
Boris Johnson’s father Stanley has confirmed that he is applying for a French passport on the eve of Britain’s Brexit transition period coming to an end.
In an interview with the French radio station RTL, he said: “It’s not a question of becoming French. If I understand correctly I am French! My mother was born in France, her mother was completely French as was her grandfather. “For me it’s a question of obtaining what I already have and I am very happy about that.”
Johnson, 80, served as an MEP 40 years ago, and was one of the first UK civil servants to work in Brussels after Britain joined the European Union, then the European Economic Community, in 1973. He went on to work for the European commission. » | Harry Taylor | Thursday, December 31, 2020
The UK is good enough for the plebs, but only the European Union is good enough for the privileged few! This is sick and disgusting! We'll be told next that BoJo, his son, has secretly applied for French citizenship so as not to lose his EU rights! – ©Mark
View from the EU: Britain 'Taken over by Gamblers, Liars, Clowns and Their Cheerleaders'
THE GUARDIAN: European commentators weigh in on what Britain’s departure from the EU means
Britain faces an uncertain future as it finally pulls clear of the EU’s orbit, continental commentators have predicted, its reputation for pragmatism and probity shredded by a Brexit process most see as profoundly populist and dangerously dishonest.
“For us, the UK has always been seen as like-minded: economically progressive, politically stable, respect for the rule of law – a beacon of western liberal democracy,” said Rem Korteweg, of the Clingendael Institute thinktank in the Netherlands.
“I’m afraid that’s been seriously hit by the past four years. The Dutch have seen a country in a deep identity crisis; it’s been like watching a close friend go through a really, really difficult time. Brexit is an exercise in emotion, not rationality; in choosing your own facts. And it’s not clear how it will end.” » | Jon Henley, Europe correspondent | Thursday, December 31, 2020
Britain faces an uncertain future as it finally pulls clear of the EU’s orbit, continental commentators have predicted, its reputation for pragmatism and probity shredded by a Brexit process most see as profoundly populist and dangerously dishonest.
“For us, the UK has always been seen as like-minded: economically progressive, politically stable, respect for the rule of law – a beacon of western liberal democracy,” said Rem Korteweg, of the Clingendael Institute thinktank in the Netherlands.
“I’m afraid that’s been seriously hit by the past four years. The Dutch have seen a country in a deep identity crisis; it’s been like watching a close friend go through a really, really difficult time. Brexit is an exercise in emotion, not rationality; in choosing your own facts. And it’s not clear how it will end.” » | Jon Henley, Europe correspondent | Thursday, December 31, 2020
European Union
BoJo – Coco’s Brother
The Clown Test: If it looks like a clown, behaves like a clown, and talks like a clown, then it probably is a clown. – ©Mark
Boris Johnson,
The Guardian View on the Brexit Debate: No Scrutiny, No Choice
THE GUARDIAN: A truncated parliamentary session, less than 48 hours before the end of the transition period, was too little, too late
In a damning assessment of Wednesday’s token debate on Boris Johnson’s Brexit trade deal, the Hansard Society’s senior researcher dismissed it as “a farce.” As one of the most depressing and shambolic periods in British political history reaches a denouement, perhaps that should have come as no surprise.
MPs were allotted five hours to discuss the 1,246-page treaty, agreed last week, which completes Britain’s departure from the European Union. Such a derisory level of scrutiny, said Hansard’s Brigid Fowler, was “an abdication of parliament’s constitutional responsibilities.” Exuding insouciance, the leader of the House of Commons, Jacob Rees-Mogg, quickly revealed the government’s contempt for such notions. The risibly short session, he told MPs, was merely the “icing on the Christmas cake that the prime minister delivered for the nation”. So much, then, for the restoration of parliamentary sovereignty, the lodestar that supposedly guided the Brexit project. In the absence of any alternative, bar a disastrous no-deal exit on New Year’s Day, the European Union (future relationship) bill was rushed through by a majority of 448. Cognisant of its myriad flaws, Mr Johnson had good grounds for wanting it to be waved through on the fly. » | Editorial | Wednesday, December 30, 2020
In a damning assessment of Wednesday’s token debate on Boris Johnson’s Brexit trade deal, the Hansard Society’s senior researcher dismissed it as “a farce.” As one of the most depressing and shambolic periods in British political history reaches a denouement, perhaps that should have come as no surprise.
MPs were allotted five hours to discuss the 1,246-page treaty, agreed last week, which completes Britain’s departure from the European Union. Such a derisory level of scrutiny, said Hansard’s Brigid Fowler, was “an abdication of parliament’s constitutional responsibilities.” Exuding insouciance, the leader of the House of Commons, Jacob Rees-Mogg, quickly revealed the government’s contempt for such notions. The risibly short session, he told MPs, was merely the “icing on the Christmas cake that the prime minister delivered for the nation”. So much, then, for the restoration of parliamentary sovereignty, the lodestar that supposedly guided the Brexit project. In the absence of any alternative, bar a disastrous no-deal exit on New Year’s Day, the European Union (future relationship) bill was rushed through by a majority of 448. Cognisant of its myriad flaws, Mr Johnson had good grounds for wanting it to be waved through on the fly. » | Editorial | Wednesday, December 30, 2020
Wednesday, December 30, 2020
Two Kingdoms in the Third Reich - Professor Alec Ryrie
Nazism was not a Christian movement in any meaningful sense
German Protestants of the 1920s and 1930s shared many Nazi assumptions and voted disproportionately for the Nazi party, partly in the hope that they might use it for their own ends. One result was the German Christian movement, which tried to create a dejudaised Christianity which the Nazi state would accept with a place in the coming Aryan utopia. Many moderate, sensible Christians in Germany, even in the supposedly anti-Nazi 'Confessing Church', collaborated with the regime in other ways. This lecture will explore how so many Christians came to support Nazism, and how some managed to oppose it.
German Protestants of the 1920s and 1930s shared many Nazi assumptions and voted disproportionately for the Nazi party, partly in the hope that they might use it for their own ends. One result was the German Christian movement, which tried to create a dejudaised Christianity which the Nazi state would accept with a place in the coming Aryan utopia. Many moderate, sensible Christians in Germany, even in the supposedly anti-Nazi 'Confessing Church', collaborated with the regime in other ways. This lecture will explore how so many Christians came to support Nazism, and how some managed to oppose it.
Third Reich
'Delusional': Watch Rev. Sharpton React to Trump’s Nobel Prize Fraud | The Beat with Ari Melber
Donald Trump
Is Cancer Caused by Sugar?
If you or someone you know has had cancer, this episode is going to matter to you. And since the odds are now that 1 in 3 adults in the US will get cancer, this really is a topic that matters to all of us.
The school of thought around cancer used to be focused only on the genetic component. But we now know that our environment—the air we breathe, the food we eat, even our relationships—have an enormous cellular impact on our ability to prevent and treat cancer.
I’m excited to sit down with Dr. Jason Fung on this episode of The Doctor’s Farmacy to talk about his amazing work in the field of cancer research and why this environmental component should give us all hope.
Dr. Fung is a physician, author, and researcher. His groundbreaking science-based books about diabetes and obesity, The Diabetes Code, The Obesity Code, and The Complete Guide to Fasting have sold over one million copies and challenged the conventional wisdom that diabetics should be treated with insulin. Dr. Fung is also the co-founder of The Fasting Method, a program to help people lose weight and reverse type 2 diabetes naturally with fasting. His latest book, The Cancer Code: A Revolutionary New Understanding of a Medical Mystery, was just released.
This episode is brought to you by Bioptimizers, Thrive Market, Apeel.
The school of thought around cancer used to be focused only on the genetic component. But we now know that our environment—the air we breathe, the food we eat, even our relationships—have an enormous cellular impact on our ability to prevent and treat cancer.
I’m excited to sit down with Dr. Jason Fung on this episode of The Doctor’s Farmacy to talk about his amazing work in the field of cancer research and why this environmental component should give us all hope.
Dr. Fung is a physician, author, and researcher. His groundbreaking science-based books about diabetes and obesity, The Diabetes Code, The Obesity Code, and The Complete Guide to Fasting have sold over one million copies and challenged the conventional wisdom that diabetics should be treated with insulin. Dr. Fung is also the co-founder of The Fasting Method, a program to help people lose weight and reverse type 2 diabetes naturally with fasting. His latest book, The Cancer Code: A Revolutionary New Understanding of a Medical Mystery, was just released.
This episode is brought to you by Bioptimizers, Thrive Market, Apeel.
health matters
Tuesday, December 29, 2020
Earthquake Hits Croatia with 6.4 Magnitude | DW News
Monday, December 28, 2020
The Guardian View on Britain’s Global Role: Shrinking around Brexit
THE GUARDIAN: In a world of superpower rivalry, the UK must urgently rebuild the strategic alliances that were sabotaged by its departure from the EU
Boris Johnson has a range of political skills, but international diplomacy is not among them. His greatest asset is a campaigning charisma with limited cultural range. The dishevelled look and irreverent bombast are an act aimed at a domestic audience. It translates poorly abroad. In the global arena, reluctance to look serious forfeits respect sooner than it wins affection.
That is one reason why Mr Johnson did not acquit himself well as foreign secretary in Theresa May’s government. Another was that he hates serving anyone but himself. As prime minister, he has not sharpened up his act, but he is at least free to pursue his own agenda. What does that mean in foreign policy terms? There is Brexit, of course. But that has been a parochial matter in UK politics – perversely so, given that the country’s orientation in the world is at stake. The domestic debate has consistently lacked global perspective. The remain side failed to communicate the cost of surrendering a seat at European summits. The view that EU membership amplified British power was drowned out by the rhetoric of regaining mythic sovereignty. » | Editorial | Monday, December 28, 2020
My opinion: As a one-time dyed-in-the-wool Conservative voter, I say this: Never again will I vote Tory! I wavered after the shabby way they treated Margaret Thatcher; but now, after this Brexit fiasco, NEVER AGAIN! It is to be hoped that the Tories go the way of the Whigs: into oblivion! Leaving the European Union has been a suicidal act. No self-respecting, economics-understanding, UK-loving voter could ever have voted for Brexit. Brexit has taken our rights as one-time European citizens away from us. And for what? Some spurious, nebulous concept of sovereignty – a concept most people probably don’t understand anyway. Make no mistake: the one-per-centers wanted Brexit because they will enrich themselves still further at our expense; the rest voted for Brexit out of ignorance because of the lies they were fed. But they have been fooled. The result: We, the people, have to put up with our European rights being taken away! Further, as a nation, we will be impoverished. – ©Mark Alexander
Boris Johnson has a range of political skills, but international diplomacy is not among them. His greatest asset is a campaigning charisma with limited cultural range. The dishevelled look and irreverent bombast are an act aimed at a domestic audience. It translates poorly abroad. In the global arena, reluctance to look serious forfeits respect sooner than it wins affection.
That is one reason why Mr Johnson did not acquit himself well as foreign secretary in Theresa May’s government. Another was that he hates serving anyone but himself. As prime minister, he has not sharpened up his act, but he is at least free to pursue his own agenda. What does that mean in foreign policy terms? There is Brexit, of course. But that has been a parochial matter in UK politics – perversely so, given that the country’s orientation in the world is at stake. The domestic debate has consistently lacked global perspective. The remain side failed to communicate the cost of surrendering a seat at European summits. The view that EU membership amplified British power was drowned out by the rhetoric of regaining mythic sovereignty. » | Editorial | Monday, December 28, 2020
My opinion: As a one-time dyed-in-the-wool Conservative voter, I say this: Never again will I vote Tory! I wavered after the shabby way they treated Margaret Thatcher; but now, after this Brexit fiasco, NEVER AGAIN! It is to be hoped that the Tories go the way of the Whigs: into oblivion! Leaving the European Union has been a suicidal act. No self-respecting, economics-understanding, UK-loving voter could ever have voted for Brexit. Brexit has taken our rights as one-time European citizens away from us. And for what? Some spurious, nebulous concept of sovereignty – a concept most people probably don’t understand anyway. Make no mistake: the one-per-centers wanted Brexit because they will enrich themselves still further at our expense; the rest voted for Brexit out of ignorance because of the lies they were fed. But they have been fooled. The result: We, the people, have to put up with our European rights being taken away! Further, as a nation, we will be impoverished. – ©Mark Alexander
Boris Johnson,
Game of Thrones Video Game Tycoon Dies in Suspected Poisoning
THE GUARDIAN: Police in China detain colleague of Yoozoo Games founder Lin Qi on suspicion of involvement in death
Shanghai police have detained a man in relation to the suspected poisoning death of the wealthy founder of a video games company
. Lin Qi, 39, died on Christmas Day, eight days after he was taken to hospital with “acute symptoms of illness”, according to his company, Yoozoo Games Co, known for the Game of Thrones: Winter is Coming strategy game and as the producer of a forthcoming Netflix adaptation of the science fiction hit The Three-Body Problem. » | Helen Davidson in Taipei | Monday, December 28, 2020
Shanghai police have detained a man in relation to the suspected poisoning death of the wealthy founder of a video games company
. Lin Qi, 39, died on Christmas Day, eight days after he was taken to hospital with “acute symptoms of illness”, according to his company, Yoozoo Games Co, known for the Game of Thrones: Winter is Coming strategy game and as the producer of a forthcoming Netflix adaptation of the science fiction hit The Three-Body Problem. » | Helen Davidson in Taipei | Monday, December 28, 2020
Saudi Rights Activist Loujain al-Hathloul Sentenced to Almost Six Years in Jail
THE GUARDIAN: Court suspends some of sentence and backdates start of term, meaning she only has three months left to serve
Loujain al-Hathloul, the Saudi women’s right activist detained three years ago by the Saudi government, has been sentenced to five years and eight months in jail after being found guilty of spying with foreign parties and conspiring against the kingdom.
But the court suspended 2 years and 10 months of her sentence and backdated the start of her jail term to May 2018, meaning she only has three months left to serve.
Although human rights campaigners will say she should never have been detained for so long without charge, the prospect of serving only a further three months in jail will help defuse a potentially damaging early confrontation with the Biden administration that would have occurred if she had been locked up for a further 20 years, as seemed possible at one point. » | Patrick Wintour, Diplomatic editor | Monday, December 28, 2020
Loujain al-Hathloul, the Saudi women’s right activist detained three years ago by the Saudi government, has been sentenced to five years and eight months in jail after being found guilty of spying with foreign parties and conspiring against the kingdom.
But the court suspended 2 years and 10 months of her sentence and backdated the start of her jail term to May 2018, meaning she only has three months left to serve.
Although human rights campaigners will say she should never have been detained for so long without charge, the prospect of serving only a further three months in jail will help defuse a potentially damaging early confrontation with the Biden administration that would have occurred if she had been locked up for a further 20 years, as seemed possible at one point. » | Patrick Wintour, Diplomatic editor | Monday, December 28, 2020
Sunday, December 27, 2020
'You Have a President Who Is Increasingly Out of Touch While Americans Are Dying' | MSNBC
Donald Trump
SNP Confirms It Will Vote against 'Extreme Tory Brexit' Deal
THE GUARDIAN: Party says PM’s plan, to be voted on next week, reinforces the case for Scottish independence
The Scottish National party has confirmed its MPs will vote against what it called “Boris Johnson’s extreme Tory Brexit” next week, saying the newly agreed deal reinforced the case for Scottish independence.
The expected decision, made following a meeting of the SNP’s Westminster parliamentary group, guarantees at least some formal opposition when the deal is put to the Commons on Wednesday.
The SNP’s Westminster leader, Ian Blackford, said: “Boris Johnson’s extreme Tory Brexit is an unforgivable act of economic vandalism and gross stupidity, which will cause lasting damage to the economy and leave the UK much worse off at the worst possible time – during a pandemic and economic recession. » | Peter Walker, Political correspondent | Sunday, December 27, 2020
The Scottish National party has confirmed its MPs will vote against what it called “Boris Johnson’s extreme Tory Brexit” next week, saying the newly agreed deal reinforced the case for Scottish independence.
The expected decision, made following a meeting of the SNP’s Westminster parliamentary group, guarantees at least some formal opposition when the deal is put to the Commons on Wednesday.
The SNP’s Westminster leader, Ian Blackford, said: “Boris Johnson’s extreme Tory Brexit is an unforgivable act of economic vandalism and gross stupidity, which will cause lasting damage to the economy and leave the UK much worse off at the worst possible time – during a pandemic and economic recession. » | Peter Walker, Political correspondent | Sunday, December 27, 2020
The Observer View on the Brexit Trade Deal
THE OBSERVER: A deal that makes us poorer, reduces global influence and imperils the nation’s integrity
Any deal is better than no deal. But the agreement that Boris Johnson struck with the European Union on Christmas Eve is no political triumph, no diplomatic feat. It will one day surely be regarded as one of the greatest-ever deceits inflicted on the British electorate. We were told that a free trade agreement with the EU would be “one of the easiest in human history” to get, that we were “going to get a great deal”. We were told that a free trade agreement would give us “the exact same benefits” of EU membership without any of the obligations or financial costs.
Yet the deal Johnson has reached will inflict all the costs he denied it ever would. It will take some weeks to fully digest the many pages of legal text. But it is already clear that this deal will have enduring consequences for Britain in the coming decades: for the wellbeing and resilience of communities across a highly unequal nation; for the potential for the UK to be an influence for good in an increasingly unstable world; and perhaps even for the very integrity of our nation. Johnson’s act of national harm could not come at a worse time. It will set in train significant economic damage during a global pandemic that has left the NHS and economy reeling. » | Observer Editorial | Sunday, December 27, 2020
Brexit: Big changes to our lives, and livelihoods, and on their way from 1 January when the transition period ends »
Any deal is better than no deal. But the agreement that Boris Johnson struck with the European Union on Christmas Eve is no political triumph, no diplomatic feat. It will one day surely be regarded as one of the greatest-ever deceits inflicted on the British electorate. We were told that a free trade agreement with the EU would be “one of the easiest in human history” to get, that we were “going to get a great deal”. We were told that a free trade agreement would give us “the exact same benefits” of EU membership without any of the obligations or financial costs.
Yet the deal Johnson has reached will inflict all the costs he denied it ever would. It will take some weeks to fully digest the many pages of legal text. But it is already clear that this deal will have enduring consequences for Britain in the coming decades: for the wellbeing and resilience of communities across a highly unequal nation; for the potential for the UK to be an influence for good in an increasingly unstable world; and perhaps even for the very integrity of our nation. Johnson’s act of national harm could not come at a worse time. It will set in train significant economic damage during a global pandemic that has left the NHS and economy reeling. » | Observer Editorial | Sunday, December 27, 2020
Brexit: Big changes to our lives, and livelihoods, and on their way from 1 January when the transition period ends »
Splendid Isolation … Or Just a Bit-part Player? Europe Reacts to British ‘Victory’
THE OBSERVER: As Brussels officials scrutinise the detail, political pundits from Berlin to Madrid see a poor outlook for the UK
Questions about how the full details of the Brexit deal would be received, and warnings of the negotiations that will continue after its implementation, tempered widespread relief in Europe that a last-ditch agreement had been reached.
Many commentators also wondered how Britain would negotiate the reality of life outside the European Union after years of unsettled argument even within the pro-Brexit camp about the country’s strategic direction.
Le Monde said the country was now facing a dilemma from over half a century ago. “The United Kingdom finds itself once again facing a question that was never resolved after 1945: its place in the world,” wrote Philippe Bernard. “Its [sic] like Back to the Future, from the 1950s.
“While Germany and France launched themselves into building Europe, the British refused to join this project, too limited for their ambitions and initiated by two countries they considered, unlike themselves, losers of the war.” » | Emma Graham-Harrison | Sunday, December 27, 2020
Margaret Thatcher said plan for the euro was 'a rush of blood', archives reveal »
This Brexit disaster has been brewing in the Conservative party for 30 years »
Questions about how the full details of the Brexit deal would be received, and warnings of the negotiations that will continue after its implementation, tempered widespread relief in Europe that a last-ditch agreement had been reached.
Many commentators also wondered how Britain would negotiate the reality of life outside the European Union after years of unsettled argument even within the pro-Brexit camp about the country’s strategic direction.
Le Monde said the country was now facing a dilemma from over half a century ago. “The United Kingdom finds itself once again facing a question that was never resolved after 1945: its place in the world,” wrote Philippe Bernard. “Its [sic] like Back to the Future, from the 1950s.
“While Germany and France launched themselves into building Europe, the British refused to join this project, too limited for their ambitions and initiated by two countries they considered, unlike themselves, losers of the war.” » | Emma Graham-Harrison | Sunday, December 27, 2020
Margaret Thatcher said plan for the euro was 'a rush of blood', archives reveal »
This Brexit disaster has been brewing in the Conservative party for 30 years »
Saturday, December 26, 2020
Who Was the Real Jesus Christ (Biblical Documentary) | Timeline
Jesus Christ,
Friday, December 25, 2020
Brexit Going Forward: Who Are the Winners and Losers? | DW News
No one really thought the UK would vote to leave the EU. But they did and it up-ended politics in Britain and the EU.
When it takes effect it will change many aspects of life for people on both sides of the English Channel. Leaving the European Union. Leaving all the restrictions, duties, and the benefits of being part of a greater whole. Leaving behind freedom of movement, simple trade, and hundreds of common rules covering everything from human rights to light-bulb specifications.
DW Correspondents Birgit Maass in London and Georg Matthes in Brussels have had front-row seats at the Brexit process from the very beginning. They have not only reported from the endless summits and negotiations, but also traveled through the UK and Europe, and even beyond. They met people whose lives will be affected – in some ways that could have been predicted – and in some ways that couldn’t.
As Birgit and Georg look towards the future, they pick out those people whose fates show us what’s going to happen in a Brexit world. The fishing communities who set sail from different coasts looking to make a living from the same waters, and how bitter the fight has become for them. The British farmers who will see their income slashed, and what that’ll mean, depending on how big their farms are. The people who made their lives in Britain but are no longer welcome. And of course those on both sides of the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.
When it takes effect it will change many aspects of life for people on both sides of the English Channel. Leaving the European Union. Leaving all the restrictions, duties, and the benefits of being part of a greater whole. Leaving behind freedom of movement, simple trade, and hundreds of common rules covering everything from human rights to light-bulb specifications.
DW Correspondents Birgit Maass in London and Georg Matthes in Brussels have had front-row seats at the Brexit process from the very beginning. They have not only reported from the endless summits and negotiations, but also traveled through the UK and Europe, and even beyond. They met people whose lives will be affected – in some ways that could have been predicted – and in some ways that couldn’t.
As Birgit and Georg look towards the future, they pick out those people whose fates show us what’s going to happen in a Brexit world. The fishing communities who set sail from different coasts looking to make a living from the same waters, and how bitter the fight has become for them. The British farmers who will see their income slashed, and what that’ll mean, depending on how big their farms are. The people who made their lives in Britain but are no longer welcome. And of course those on both sides of the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.
The Queen's Christmas Broadcast 2020
“In the United Kingdom and around the world, people have risen magnificently to the challenges of the year, and I am so proud and moved by this quiet, indomitable spirit.”
In her 2020 broadcast, The Queen reflects on acts of kindness and heroism during this extraordinary year.
In her 2020 broadcast, The Queen reflects on acts of kindness and heroism during this extraordinary year.
How the Richest Get Richer in the Pandemic While Americans Struggle | The Mehdi Hasan Show
The Wrecking of America by Donald J. Trump (w/ Ralph Nader)
Donald Trump
U.S. Will Require Negative Covid-19 Test for All Travelers From U.K.
THE NEW YORK TIMES: The new rule, which takes effect on Monday, will apply to Americans as well as foreign nationals.
The United States will require all airline passengers arriving from Britain to test negative for the coronavirus within 72 hours of their departure, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Thursday.
The move comes as a new highly transmissible variant of the virus, which first appeared in Britain, has led more than 50 countries to seal their borders to travelers from there or to impose restrictions on their arrival.
The new rule, which takes effect on Monday, will apply to Americans as well as foreign citizens, and will require passengers to show proof of a negative result on a genetic test, known as a P.C.R., or an antigen test. » | Russell Goldman and Isabella Kwai | Thursday, December 24, 2020
The United States will require all airline passengers arriving from Britain to test negative for the coronavirus within 72 hours of their departure, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Thursday.
The move comes as a new highly transmissible variant of the virus, which first appeared in Britain, has led more than 50 countries to seal their borders to travelers from there or to impose restrictions on their arrival.
The new rule, which takes effect on Monday, will apply to Americans as well as foreign citizens, and will require passengers to show proof of a negative result on a genetic test, known as a P.C.R., or an antigen test. » | Russell Goldman and Isabella Kwai | Thursday, December 24, 2020
Thursday, December 24, 2020
Now the Brexit Blame Game Will Play Out at the Door of No 10
THE GUARDIAN: A deal is better than no deal, but the prime minister will be personally held to account for every negative impact on the UK
They left it late but a deal has been done. It will take some time to digest the details but it is clear that the agreement reached is thin. We should not kid ourselves that this is the full and comprehensive trade deal that the country needed in order to minimise the damage caused by our departure from the European Union. January will still involve yet further disruption to our trade (it is very regrettable that there is no implementation period). More importantly, in the longer term, the UK’s diminished access to EU markets will make us a less attractive place to locate jobs and investment.
The deal gives us tariff-free and quota-free access to the EU but this is far from the frictionless access that business wanted. Importing and exporting to the EU will become more bureaucratic, complex supply chains will struggle – putting us at a competitive disadvantage. Services, of course, see little direct benefit. » | David Gauke | Thursday, December 24, 2020
They left it late but a deal has been done. It will take some time to digest the details but it is clear that the agreement reached is thin. We should not kid ourselves that this is the full and comprehensive trade deal that the country needed in order to minimise the damage caused by our departure from the European Union. January will still involve yet further disruption to our trade (it is very regrettable that there is no implementation period). More importantly, in the longer term, the UK’s diminished access to EU markets will make us a less attractive place to locate jobs and investment.
The deal gives us tariff-free and quota-free access to the EU but this is far from the frictionless access that business wanted. Importing and exporting to the EU will become more bureaucratic, complex supply chains will struggle – putting us at a competitive disadvantage. Services, of course, see little direct benefit. » | David Gauke | Thursday, December 24, 2020
'The Worst President Ever. Period': Cuomo Unloads on Trump
Donald Trump
Wednesday, December 23, 2020
„ZWEI WAHNSINNIGE“: Irans Präsident vergleicht Trump mit Saddam Hussein
FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Irans Präsident Rohani greift den amerikanischen Präsidenten Donald Trump mit scharfen Worten an – und zieht einen Vergleich zum früheren irakischen Diktator.
Irans Präsident Hassan Rohani hat seinen amerikanischen Amtskollegen mit dem früheren irakischen Diktator Saddam Hussein verglichen. „In der jüngeren iranischen Geschichte mussten wir uns zweimal mit zwei Wahnsinnigen auseinandersetzen ... (Donald) Trump und Saddam“, sagte Rohani am Mittwoch. Der eine habe Iran in einen militärischen Krieg (1980-88), der andere in einen Wirtschaftskrieg verwickelt, so der Präsident im Staatsfernsehen.
Iran hat aus Sicht Rohanis letztendlich in beiden Kriegen als Sieger dastehen können. Weder habe Saddam den süd- und südwestlichen Teil des Irans besetzen noch Trump den geplanten Regimewechsel erzwingen können. „Saddam wurde wegen seiner Verbrechen hingerichtet (...) Trumps Schicksal wird auch nicht viel besser aussehen“, sagte Rohani. » | Quelle: dpa | Mittwoch, 23. Dezember 2020
Irans Präsident Hassan Rohani hat seinen amerikanischen Amtskollegen mit dem früheren irakischen Diktator Saddam Hussein verglichen. „In der jüngeren iranischen Geschichte mussten wir uns zweimal mit zwei Wahnsinnigen auseinandersetzen ... (Donald) Trump und Saddam“, sagte Rohani am Mittwoch. Der eine habe Iran in einen militärischen Krieg (1980-88), der andere in einen Wirtschaftskrieg verwickelt, so der Präsident im Staatsfernsehen.
Iran hat aus Sicht Rohanis letztendlich in beiden Kriegen als Sieger dastehen können. Weder habe Saddam den süd- und südwestlichen Teil des Irans besetzen noch Trump den geplanten Regimewechsel erzwingen können. „Saddam wurde wegen seiner Verbrechen hingerichtet (...) Trumps Schicksal wird auch nicht viel besser aussehen“, sagte Rohani. » | Quelle: dpa | Mittwoch, 23. Dezember 2020
Donald Trump,
Lufthansa Flies 80 Tonnes of Fresh Food to UK amid Shortage Fears
THE GUARDIAN: German carrier delivers fruit and vegetables as border issues persist despite end of French blockade
Lufthansa is flying in 80 tonnes of fruit and vegetables to help restock UK supermarket shelves amid fears that the lifting of a French blockade will not prevent some shortages in stores.
The German airline said it was carrying a cargo of lettuce, cauliflower, broccoli, strawberries and citrus fruits, and considering whether to put on additional special cargo flights to meet demand.
It said a B777 freighter aircraft would arrive at Doncaster Sheffield airport at lunchtime on Wednesday.
The flight comes as supermarkets and their suppliers scramble to find alternative ways to stock shelves as thousands of lorries and vans remain stuck outside Dover. » | Sarah Butler | Wednesday, December 23, 2020
Lufthansa is flying in 80 tonnes of fruit and vegetables to help restock UK supermarket shelves amid fears that the lifting of a French blockade will not prevent some shortages in stores.
The German airline said it was carrying a cargo of lettuce, cauliflower, broccoli, strawberries and citrus fruits, and considering whether to put on additional special cargo flights to meet demand.
It said a B777 freighter aircraft would arrive at Doncaster Sheffield airport at lunchtime on Wednesday.
The flight comes as supermarkets and their suppliers scramble to find alternative ways to stock shelves as thousands of lorries and vans remain stuck outside Dover. » | Sarah Butler | Wednesday, December 23, 2020
Pardons Sink Trump Further into Swamp of His Own Shamelessness
THE GUARDIAN: Analysis: President sanctions first federal execution of a woman in 67 years – but war criminals, fraudsters and Russia-linked cronies go free
Lisa Montgomery is set to become the first woman put to death by the US federal government in 67 years. On Tuesday senators including Cory Booker, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren wrote to the justice department demanding an investigation into an “unprecedented spree” of federal executions on Donald Trump’s watch
. A few hours later the president announced a slew of 15 pardons. Strikingly they included four military contractors imprisoned for the killing of unarmed men, women and children in Iraq. In short, war criminals.
Trump’s motivation had less to do with the quality of mercy than a boundless quantity of shamelessness. In his binary worldview people on death row must face implacable justice but those who pass his loyalty test have a ticket to freedom. » | David Smith in Washington | Wednesday, December 23, 2020
Would it be even possible for America to elect a more disgusting, shameless president than Trump? – ©Mark
'Our blood is cheaper than water': Iraqis' anger over Trump pardons »
Lisa Montgomery is set to become the first woman put to death by the US federal government in 67 years. On Tuesday senators including Cory Booker, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren wrote to the justice department demanding an investigation into an “unprecedented spree” of federal executions on Donald Trump’s watch
. A few hours later the president announced a slew of 15 pardons. Strikingly they included four military contractors imprisoned for the killing of unarmed men, women and children in Iraq. In short, war criminals.
Trump’s motivation had less to do with the quality of mercy than a boundless quantity of shamelessness. In his binary worldview people on death row must face implacable justice but those who pass his loyalty test have a ticket to freedom. » | David Smith in Washington | Wednesday, December 23, 2020
Would it be even possible for America to elect a more disgusting, shameless president than Trump? – ©Mark
'Our blood is cheaper than water': Iraqis' anger over Trump pardons »
Donald Trump
Turkey Sentences Journalist Can Dündar to 27 Years in Jail
THE GUARDIAN: Ex-Cumhuriyet newspaper editor given verdict in absentia on charges described as politically motivated
A prominent Turkish journalist has been sentenced in absentia to more than 27 years in jail on terrorism-related charges that his legal team have described as politically motivated.
Can Dündar, who edited Turkey’s Cumhuriyet newspaper before fleeing to Germany in 2016, was previously found guilty by an Istanbul court of espionage and aiding an armed terrorist organisation.
His lawyers refused to attend the final hearing on Wednesday, saying in a written statement beforehand that “we do not want to be part of a practice to legitimise a previously decided, political verdict”. They will appeal the verdict.
“It is sad and strange that we knew what the verdict in my case would be before the case even ended. There are no means to defend yourself in Turkey anymore because the judges and judiciary cannot be trusted,” Dündar told the Guardian. » | Bethan McKernan, Turkey and Middle East correspondent | Wednesday, December 23, 2020
A prominent Turkish journalist has been sentenced in absentia to more than 27 years in jail on terrorism-related charges that his legal team have described as politically motivated.
Can Dündar, who edited Turkey’s Cumhuriyet newspaper before fleeing to Germany in 2016, was previously found guilty by an Istanbul court of espionage and aiding an armed terrorist organisation.
His lawyers refused to attend the final hearing on Wednesday, saying in a written statement beforehand that “we do not want to be part of a practice to legitimise a previously decided, political verdict”. They will appeal the verdict.
“It is sad and strange that we knew what the verdict in my case would be before the case even ended. There are no means to defend yourself in Turkey anymore because the judges and judiciary cannot be trusted,” Dündar told the Guardian. » | Bethan McKernan, Turkey and Middle East correspondent | Wednesday, December 23, 2020
America Braced for Final Month of Madness as Trump Show Nears Its End
THE GUARDIAN: The president’s recent conduct has raised alarms of an increasingly desperate power bid in his last 30 days. So what can we expect?
As the Trump show nears its final episode, America is bracing for potentially the most dramatic, disturbing and outlandish twists yet.
Donald Trump’s recent conduct has led critics to suggest that he has lost touch with reality and raise alarms over an increasingly desperate, deranged power grab in the climactic month of his presidency.
Trump has entertained extreme ideas such as military intervention and appointing a conspiracy theorist as a special counsel to investigate voter fraud. He has turned on allies and retweeted threats to put Republicans who failed to back him in jail. He has also undermined his own secretary of state’s assessment that Russia launched a massive cyber-attack on the US government.
And that was just in the past week. “I guess we cannot quantify the level of crazy that could come out of the Trump White House in his final days here,” said Tara Setmayer, a former Republican communications director on Capitol Hill. “This behavior is 100% a by-product of Donald Trump’s psychosis.” » | David Smith in Washington | Wednesday, December 23, 2020
As the Trump show nears its final episode, America is bracing for potentially the most dramatic, disturbing and outlandish twists yet.
Donald Trump’s recent conduct has led critics to suggest that he has lost touch with reality and raise alarms over an increasingly desperate, deranged power grab in the climactic month of his presidency.
Trump has entertained extreme ideas such as military intervention and appointing a conspiracy theorist as a special counsel to investigate voter fraud. He has turned on allies and retweeted threats to put Republicans who failed to back him in jail. He has also undermined his own secretary of state’s assessment that Russia launched a massive cyber-attack on the US government.
And that was just in the past week. “I guess we cannot quantify the level of crazy that could come out of the Trump White House in his final days here,” said Tara Setmayer, a former Republican communications director on Capitol Hill. “This behavior is 100% a by-product of Donald Trump’s psychosis.” » | David Smith in Washington | Wednesday, December 23, 2020
Donald Trump
Tuesday, December 22, 2020
World's Media Ask How It Went So Wrong for 'Plague Island' Britain
THE GUARDIAN: Boris Johnson comes under fire as countries suspend travel from UK over new Covid variant
In the eyes of the world’s media, Britain – a “Plague Island” led by a man who thinks “optimism is a substitute for hard truths and proper management” – is currently getting a good lesson in “what ‘reclaiming sovereignty’ means”.
If never quite explicit, the schadenfreude is palpable as dozens of countries, days before the end of the Brexit transition period and with no trade deal yet agreed, suspend travel from the UK in response to the new, more contagious coronavirus variant.
Much of the blame was on Boris Johnson, whose U-turn on Christmas had “once more shown the yawning gulf between the prime minister’s airy promises and the real world,” said Germany’s Die Welt.
That vacuum, however, is now “fast being filled with the anger and fear of a nation hit ever since by horror story upon horror story”. The continental blockade could well be “preparing the British for what Brexit might actually mean”, the paper said, “since there is still no agreement on a trade deal, 10 days before the deadline.” » | Jon Henley | Tuesday, December 22, 2020
In the eyes of the world’s media, Britain – a “Plague Island” led by a man who thinks “optimism is a substitute for hard truths and proper management” – is currently getting a good lesson in “what ‘reclaiming sovereignty’ means”.
If never quite explicit, the schadenfreude is palpable as dozens of countries, days before the end of the Brexit transition period and with no trade deal yet agreed, suspend travel from the UK in response to the new, more contagious coronavirus variant.
Much of the blame was on Boris Johnson, whose U-turn on Christmas had “once more shown the yawning gulf between the prime minister’s airy promises and the real world,” said Germany’s Die Welt.
That vacuum, however, is now “fast being filled with the anger and fear of a nation hit ever since by horror story upon horror story”. The continental blockade could well be “preparing the British for what Brexit might actually mean”, the paper said, “since there is still no agreement on a trade deal, 10 days before the deadline.” » | Jon Henley | Tuesday, December 22, 2020
Boris Johnson,
United Kingdom
Monday, December 21, 2020
'Massive Red Line': GOP Lawmaker Reacts to Flynn's Martial Law Pitch
Donald Trump,
martial law
COVID-19: Prime Minister to Hold COBRA Meeting as Europe Closes Borders
Boris Johnson is to call an emergency COBRA meeting after many countries in Europe closed their borders to the UK.
A Number 10 spokesperson said: "The Prime Minister will chair a COBRA meeting on Monday to discuss the situation regarding international travel, in particular the steady flow of freight into and out of the UK."
It comes after France suspended "all flows of people from the United Kingdom for 48 hours, and for all means of transport".
A Number 10 spokesperson said: "The Prime Minister will chair a COBRA meeting on Monday to discuss the situation regarding international travel, in particular the steady flow of freight into and out of the UK."
It comes after France suspended "all flows of people from the United Kingdom for 48 hours, and for all means of transport".
Bernie Sanders: COVID Relief Package Is "Totally Inadequate" for "Unprecedented" Economic Crisis
Bernie Sanders,
Sunday, December 20, 2020
Brüssel statt London: Schottlands Regierungschefin will zurück „nach Hause“ in die EU
FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG: Nicola Sturgeon ist überzeugt, dass die Schotten bei einem weiteren Referendum für die Unabhängigkeit von Großbritannien stimmen werden. Von Boris Johnson will sie sich bei ihren Plänen nicht ausbremsen lassen – und wenn nötig auch vor Gericht ziehen.
Die schottische Regierungschefin Nicola Sturgeon hält weiter an ihren Plänen zum Beitritt Schottlands zur EU fest. Nach dem von ihr angestrebten Unabhängigkeitsreferendum werde sie ihre Nation zügig in die Europäische Union führen, sagte Sturgeon im Interview mit der Tageszeitung „Die Welt“ und anderen europäischen Medien. „Mehr als die Hälfte der Schotten will laut jüngsten Umfragen die Unabhängigkeit. Ich bin zuversichtlich, dass die Schotten beim nächsten Referendum Ja sagen werden.“ » | Quelle: dpa | Freitag, 18. Dezember 2020
Die schottische Regierungschefin Nicola Sturgeon hält weiter an ihren Plänen zum Beitritt Schottlands zur EU fest. Nach dem von ihr angestrebten Unabhängigkeitsreferendum werde sie ihre Nation zügig in die Europäische Union führen, sagte Sturgeon im Interview mit der Tageszeitung „Die Welt“ und anderen europäischen Medien. „Mehr als die Hälfte der Schotten will laut jüngsten Umfragen die Unabhängigkeit. Ich bin zuversichtlich, dass die Schotten beim nächsten Referendum Ja sagen werden.“ » | Quelle: dpa | Freitag, 18. Dezember 2020
Trump’s Niece Calls President’s Pandemic Handling ‘At Best, Criminally Negligent Homicide'
As the COVID-19 death toll passed 300,000 in the U.S. on Monday, President Trump’s niece, Mary Trump, reflected on her uncle’s handling of the pandemic.
“This is, at best, criminally negligent homicide and at worse, mass murder,” she said. “And I’m leaning toward mass murder, because he’s continuing to do nothing even though we have at our disposal means to stop this.”
Monday also marked the official certification of Joe Biden’s election victory, raising further concerns about what the president might do next, according to his niece.
“The problem for us now: This is really the end of the road,” she told Jim Braude on Greater Boston, where she appeared along with former Trump Organization top executive Barbara Res. “There really aren’t any other avenues to pursue, which means he’s going to become increasingly desperate. He’s going to continue to sow division because, if he feels like he’s going down, he’s literally going to try to take all of us down with him. Let’s face it, he’s committing sedition every single day. I can only imagine what’s going on behind the scenes in terms of what he’s going to smash on his way out the door.”
“This is, at best, criminally negligent homicide and at worse, mass murder,” she said. “And I’m leaning toward mass murder, because he’s continuing to do nothing even though we have at our disposal means to stop this.”
Monday also marked the official certification of Joe Biden’s election victory, raising further concerns about what the president might do next, according to his niece.
“The problem for us now: This is really the end of the road,” she told Jim Braude on Greater Boston, where she appeared along with former Trump Organization top executive Barbara Res. “There really aren’t any other avenues to pursue, which means he’s going to become increasingly desperate. He’s going to continue to sow division because, if he feels like he’s going down, he’s literally going to try to take all of us down with him. Let’s face it, he’s committing sedition every single day. I can only imagine what’s going on behind the scenes in terms of what he’s going to smash on his way out the door.”
Donald Trump,
Mary Trump
Saturday, December 19, 2020
Breaking News: London to Enter Tier Four Covid Restrictions
The planned relaxation of Covid rules for Christmas has been scrapped for London. From midnight Sunday 20 December, a new tier four will be introduced. Those in tier four cannot mix indoors with anyone not from their household. Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced the changes at a Downing Street briefing after scientists said a new coronavirus variant is spreading more rapidly.
Boris Johnson,
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