Sunday, December 27, 2020

Splendid Isolation … Or Just a Bit-part Player? Europe Reacts to British ‘Victory’

THE OBSERVER: As Brussels officials scrutinise the detail, political pundits from Berlin to Madrid see a poor outlook for the UK

Questions about how the full details of the Brexit deal would be received, and warnings of the negotiations that will continue after its implementation, tempered widespread relief in Europe that a last-ditch agreement had been reached.

Many commentators also wondered how Britain would negotiate the reality of life outside the European Union after years of unsettled argument even within the pro-Brexit camp about the country’s strategic direction.

Le Monde said the country was now facing a dilemma from over half a century ago. “The United Kingdom finds itself once again facing a question that was never resolved after 1945: its place in the world,” wrote Philippe Bernard. “Its [sic] like Back to the Future, from the 1950s.

“While Germany and France launched themselves into building Europe, the British refused to join this project, too limited for their ambitions and initiated by two countries they considered, unlike themselves, losers of the war.” » | Emma Graham-Harrison | Sunday, December 27, 2020

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